Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, June 17, 1912, HOME, Page 13, Image 13

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. READ FOR PROFIT— GEORGIAN WANT ADS— USE FOR RESULTS MONDAY, JUNE 17. 1912. THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN Published by The Georgian Company. 20 East Alabama Street ~ Atlanta. Ga, Entered at Atlanta PostnfTiue as second class matter Subscriptions Payable In Advance. One year. mail, postage nrepaid, $R 00 2,1 x months. mail, postage prepaid. 250 ’fhree months, mail, postage prepaid, 1.25 p p e month. mail, postage prepaid. 45 Subscriptions P' /able in Advance Delivered by carrier, one years6.2o Delivered by carrier, six months 2 60 Delivered by carrier, three months... 1 30 Delivered by carrier, one month 4’ Delivered by carrier In Atlanta and other cities, one week 10c. Help Wanted—Female WAITED —Colored chambermaid for summer resort. 1018 Atlanta National Bank building 6-1742 WANTED—Experienced waitress at once: experienced pantry lady, who t an make salads Acme Business Agency, oir At lanta National Bank building 6-17*41 WANTED —A good, reliable housemaid; references required. 240 Courtland WANTED —Reliable maid Apply at once. 237 Washington st. 6-17-8 WANTED—An experienced cook. Can furnish room on lot. ,Appl\ 301 Peach tree. 6-17-22 ANTED—A cook: two meals. Call lw 3766, 5- 1 7-3 WILL PAY good salary to first-class cook; must give references. Answer Mrs. 8., care Georgian WANTED—Good cook and laundress for r wo in family. References require'!. Apply 39 East Sixth street, between the reachtrees, from 3 to 4 o’clock p. m. WANTED— Experienced cook, small fam ily; M a week; room on place Apply •'& Fast Merritts avenue 6-15-39 WOMEN—SeII guaranteed hose: 70 pel cent profit; make $lO daily; full or part time beginners investigate. Strong Knit. Box 4029, West Philadelphia. Pa. 6-15-24 Wp want a number of ladles to learn hairdressing. Herrmann wave, manicur ing. facial massage, electrolysis or chirop ody. twenty years of successful teaching has created a demand for our graduates Call or write Molor College. 53 b>«t M'tchell street. 37-15-6 WANTED—Good rook. Apply the Colo nial Apartments. 86 E. North avenue. Apartment 7. 6-14-8 WANTED \n experienc ed cook Xpply at once. 55 Sells ave. _6-1-(-9 WANTED— Young woman for nurse. Must stay in the house Good salary. 65 Wabash avenue 6-11-30 Typewriters. s4—Rents OLIVER 3 Months - $4. Oliver Typyr. Agency. 54 Auburn Avenue Phone Ivy 4757 6-12-45 Help Wanted—Male. XX’ANTED —Experienced laundry foreman a‘ once. Acme Business Agency. 1018 Atlanta National Rank building. 6-17-13 XX’ANTED —Good colored hotel cook, with references: two hotel porters, day and night 1018 Atlanta National Rank build in g. 6-17 -_4 4 XX'AN TED--Colored boy about sixteen 'cars old to work in store. Must be of neat appearance and bring references. Gross Custom Shop, 73-75 North Forsyth street 38 17-6 v ANTED Marble cutter and letterer. Withers. 154 Whitehall st.. Atlanta. 6-17-16 A GOOD presser wanted at once. 210 Lee st. 1. - *-? * MEN--Learn the barber trade. A few short weeks at our college settles for all time the question of independence. Earn while you learn. (’all or write for particulars Moler Barber College. 53 West Mitchell street, 36 -15-6 XX’ \NTED- Take a thirty -day course in our sample rooms, and enter the cot ton business. High-salaried positions Write for Indorsements Carolina Cot ton Schools. Dept 2, 31 East Fourth street. Charlotte. N »’ WANTED -A few live men of good address to present an at tractive newspaper premium offer among Atlanta homes. See Ilan lon at The Georgian office. (S-1O *? 1 - b f •!’ at Hilburn hotel, heart of city, ini. Walton st . if .ou want a clean. u j :et”room: transient 50c; open all night. 3 21 19 T - G o Branning will teach nu the barber trade (it’s easy) We ♦ each in one-half time of other college - , Co r-p. tools and position in our shops on I’ S3O. Why pay mose? Thousands o' < ur graduates running shops or making good wage®. Atlanta Barber College. 10 F: as ’ Mitch**!! street 5-11 -17 [R EE MASSAGE, hair cuts, shaves, shampoos All barber work free (’lean linen Atlanta Bather College. 10 East Mitchell 5-27-16 Help Wanted—Male and Female. Settled couple, without chil dren. to cook. milk, clean house and look aftei premises. Nice house on lot Gas and bath Apply 606 West Peach tree st ret L 11-17-6 (>NE sek, on< pastry cook, one head waiter and several trained waiters All must be colored help. Write Hampton Springs Hotel and Mineral Water Co.. Hampton Springs, Fla 6-17-17 " E FURNISH all kinds of good reliable colored help for places in and out city Jones Employment Agency. 1U« S. Broad st.. 20 years in the business " 52-14 6 TRY RANEY’S Blood Medicine for rheu matism. pellagra, old sores. SSO for a case of specific blood poison ue fail to cure J. S Dobbs, agent. 513 Austell building Rhone 614 < iff ice hours. 7a. m. to 6 p. m. Sunday. 9 to 12 6-3-33 Teachers Wanted. TEACHERS WANTED Mainly for prin cipals and assistants., Fall positions being taken rapidly Demand exceeds supply Free Registration. Write foi blanks and terms Register Teachers Agency. Register, Ga. 5-30 25 Salesmen Wanted. SALESM A N XV A NEED—A profitable opening for a salesman of ability. Big money for a good man. ('all Monday. 603 'Third National Rank building. G-IA-MO Agents Wanted. AGENTS WANTED In every town In Georgia to sell automobile tire remov er: does the work in one minute wbat it will take two hours Io do without thia tool For sale bv A. G. Inman. Midville. Ga 2-30-32 BE INDEPENI 'EXT Start a mail order business in your own home We tell von how. anil furnish everything needed wholesale An honorable ami profitable business for a man or woman Particulars free Mam make S".,Ofn , year Murphy Mfg »"<• . South Norwalk, Conti a-11 s Situations Wanted —Female. POSITION wanted by voting la<h a- office assistant or cashier. K . B<sx J7. care Georgian ■' l '■; '■ BY "first-class laundress, waists, dresses, childrens clothes, reasonable Innes. 119 Haynes street.I ■ 17-6 7 II;ST-<T.ASS music teacher wishes Jo exchange piano instruction for board in Atlanta >r north Georgia Addres: Miss Alice Licht'. Bowling Green, Fla 36-1 7-*' W \NTED—Position by a refined. <’hii«- tian lady as sick »an gne ’he best of references Iv' 4274 I Xddres -124 Ivy J»t . Mr. M <’ S9-I.> -6 POSITION XvTnTED as st eno era nhe r temporary or permanent. ’ ear - ex perience Miss M J 19 We?’ Baker street 86 15-6 Situations Wanted—Female. WANTED Position as stenographer and assistant bookkeeper by high school graduate: have bad experience. Address R. <?.. Box 750. care Georgian. 38-14-6 W ANTED Position by first-ciass. experi em • d stenograph) i . egal work d< (red stenographer. Box 30, uare Georgian. CAPA BEPS lady’ stenographer desires good position: A-l references. Experience, Box 153 care Georgian. 48-14-6 WANTED—Posit <>n as saleslady’ in cigar stand or cashier in or out of city; ex perience in both line-. Phone Main 1059- 'L’_ A flanta 3575. 6-12-26 W \.\’iEl» Maternity cases by experi enced nurse: hospital trained; best ref erences; reasonable charges, no objections to out-of-town cases. Bell phone 1054 We,-i. }t Sells ave. 29-12-6 Situations Wanted—Male. LAW N MOXX’ERS sharpened and repaired at your home; sa 1 ixtacti<»n guaranteed, ('all Atlanta phone 306. Mau sent imme dja rely. 6-17-29 PARTIES desiring to have letters type written can Jiave same done by calling on Clyde Thomason at the Walton build ing. op •phone West 419-L. Price reason able. 40-17-6 WANTED- Position as chauffeur: bad three years experience; can furnish good ch\ references. Vldress Allen McLeod. 151 Spring street. 32-17-6 W ANTED A set of books to keep at night by a competent bookkeeper; A-l references furnished. Rox 534. care Geor -25-17-6 AM a bright boy of fifteen summers, and desire* position in attorney’s office. X. Y., care Ge orggi n 26-17-6 WANTED Position by experienced col ored chauffeur; can do repair work; want work at once Address H. McLain. 1 • Maple si. 27-17-6 YiU NG man wants position either with wholesale hardware or wholesale gro <‘ery company as assistant bookkeeper; can furnish best references. Address * ;r* en, care (Jeorgian 28-17-6 W'ANTED Position by young man, 18. with firm where there is a<ivancement. j Have good education. Best references. Address Rox 506. care Georgian. 52-15-6 YOUNG MAN STENOGR A PHI ’,lof - two ' pars experience, who is now employed, desires tn make change to better future Address "Stenn..” P. <». Rox 722. Citv. SINGLE man. of 24. uants position any time before October as bookkeeper or assistant manager for cotton oil mill, now employed; with four years' experience in this business; furnishing best of refer ences. Address <’ Box 4. care Geor g I am 58-15-6 (’L(»SEr> out my business; open for posi tion as bookkeeper, salesman or can handle credit depnetmont: considerable experience in these lines Address Box 39. can Georg in 59-15-6 PRINTER Now foreman of morning pa per, wishes change. Good, all-round man: marrie/l; no bad habits. Prefer <uty shop References Address Y. K.. P. O ; Box 56. Marshallville. Ga. 61-15-6 W’ANTED Position by German who Is first-class florist and yardman. Address Thjeodore Decatur street 2^-1 •'- '> W ANTED A position as soda dispenser. have had two years' experience in the soda and drug business: can give go«'d references. Ivy 6074. 54-14-6 A COLORED young man wants a but ler’s job Address Willie Walker. De- <j* tur. Ga. 50-14-6 W AN'I ED Position by a registered ’hug gist of eight years’ experience: can give the best of reference; now employed Address Aspirin. Rox 69. Bowdon. Ga. 43-14-6 COMPETENT all-round newspaper print er desires position in office where the services of a real decent fellow would be appreciated. \ M . 2255 Central. MemphiTenn 44-14-6 POSITION wanted at once b> experi enced young man stenographer and all round office man. moderate salary. goo<l references. Address Quick. Box 373. Val dosta. Ga. 17 !4-*> dti *; CLERK with long experience, not registered, desires position at once: am sober, honest, reliable: small town pre ferred. A-l references. Box 723. care Georgia! 43-13-6 ■ [CENSED DRUGGIST desires position. , <’an furnish references, o L. P.. 115 West ('ain street 31-13-6 Situations Wanted- Male and Femalj. j .... _ ;T<» GET good, competent, reliable serv- ants. such as cooks, maids. butlers, i uur-es. office girls nr chauffeurs, please ■ apply ’o Bethel Labor Exchange Phone ivy ;lU-L M. L. Howard,’ Mgr 6-14-17 *'. - - Summer Resorts. w ILLA RD HOI SI Tallulah- Falls. Ga Most elevated and coolest house at Tal lulah. dairy in connection, with plenty of • fresh milk and butter: cold mountain i spring water: large yard with beautiful i shade trees: a homo-like place. S M. i Hicks. Proprietor. 35-17 6 PEACI IT reFYnnT - NI(’E. (nol rooms; thro? best meals in city : $7 tn sl2 per week: references ex- » ha nged. 6-13-15 Boarders Wanted. NICE cool moms, good board; young men. 115 Washingt <-n street. 6-17-30 TW<» young gentlemen can got first - class board at 127 Capitol avenue, one large room viih sleeping porch in connection IMain 3731-1. 6-1.7-11 LARGE front room: foip-’wlnaows; good hoard, quiet borne. 26 I-; Cain st. HOTEL CARNECHE? NICE. < 00l moms and best meals in city, reasonable. 20 <’arnegie. D. E Evans, lTop_ 6-15-62 LARGE, delightful room, four windows, close to bath, good table, lovob location for summer. H West Peachtree. lw 1 ■ >' L C7-15-’6 20 WEST HARRIS. ROOMS AND BOAR!'. Iv» 5348-L. -15-55 WEST ItAKER TERRA' T, best !»(•( iMS and board >n city : reason able 25 'A fst Bakei 6-15-56 PEACHTREE - i ur; - r. . ( tful rooms for summer, fine location, near in Special rate foi several gentlemen. I_v 6-15-59 TWO upstairs ro< ms sot congenial couple or young men; summer rates: excellent table, day boarders wanted Ivy 5625-.1. 21 w Peachtree place. 6 15-22 BOARD THE BEST with roon guest »'ome try our home, vou Will : never again roam Main 3824 L 121 i Pry or st rect. 6-15- A 1 ! \NY <’NE wishing siirnmei hoard city. call .Main 1816- I Nice large rooms, 'i • '•c|."S and lawns and plentv to eat. ‘The Hillyer Place, < i.rner 'l'ritiit' avenue 1 treei 6-15-14 , 191 E FAIR st Nice room with board; all conveniences. Phone Main 3722-1 6-14-22 GOOD rooms and board 358 Peachtree street. Ivy 4345. 6-14-13 TRY 398 S. PRYoR ' STREET" FOR Ho.MELIKE BOARD. MAIN 2456-L 6-14-4 Board and Rooms. SELECT BOARD, cool rooms 113-115 I South Pryor. Atlanta phone 4949 6-7-1 ROOM with excellent meals, ail conven iences. select neighborhood; $4.50 per week 42 Windsor st Atlanta phone 'DIS - F 6-12-81 Good TABLE BOARD tn north side home Phopc l\y 2423 6-12-55 m7'T; FRON T room for couple Phone I ■ l ■ XRTTes desiring nice room and board In ’efined private family, apply 400 Spring, half b!u*?k from North avenue 6-12-6 Boarders Wanted. FiriXtSHHl' TUTTms. tthTT nr without beard, at 72 Spring street. Ivy 4860-J. -U - 38 SXVHHR H'M’SE. 55 Luckie street. Rooms and meals for regular and tran sient boarders. <'lose in Rates rcason alile Atlanta 5386. 6-tl-37 BEAI'TIFI'T. rooms and best meals in the city: cool house for the summer. 17 East North avenue, between the Peach trees. COZY room adjoining hath; Peachtree home: early breakfast; no children. Ap ply Bel] phone Ivy 6103., 6-11-i BEAI’TIFI'T.LV furnished rooms, with board, at 76 West Peachtree, ivy 3767-.1 -8-53 OPPOSITE CAPITOL. ROOMS and boarders 131 Capitol square M 4839-L. 6-8-15 DE!,it IHTFI I, home for summer: all con veniences Phone Ivy 6634. Mrs. C. S. Mcßae. 5-14-42 Furnished Rooms For Rent. NICELY furnished room for light house keeping; all conveniences, also nice sin gle rooms. 66 Houston. Atlanta phone 3505.6-17-38 I-OR RENT Nicely furnished rooms In private home. 19 East Harris street -17-35 ONE furnished room and kitchenette; modern conveniences. Main 4551-1.. -17-34 TWO neatly furnished rooms for light housekeeping in small cottage, lone lady or couple preferred. Main 1059-.1, 15 Woodward avenue. 6-17-31 LARGE front room, newly furnished, ev ery convenience. Main 1548 65 Wood- ward avenue. 6-17-33 THREE connecting furnished rooms for light housekeeping Ivy 3833-.1. 50 West Peachtree street.s-17-5 SMALL, nicely furnished room; close in; reasonable. J>s E. Cain. 37-17-6 Ft IINISIIET' rooms for rent: phone serv iee. 87 W. Cain st. 6-17-1 Fi'U RENT Furnished room with ac commodations for boarding or house keeping: pleasant porch, spacious lawn. 639 Peachtree street. Phone Ivy 687. -15-41 FDR RENT—Desirable two-room house keeping apartment with private bath; north side: near business. Phone Ivy 2725-.1. 6-15 - 20 FOR RENT Three large separate cool rooms; young men. 26 Capitol place. 6-15-49 FOR RENT -Neatly furnished front room: two beds. 25 West Georgia ave nue. 6-15-50 FOR RENT- Nicely furnished rooms at 141 Ivy street. Atlanta phone 4328. 6-15-16 FOR" Y'OI'NG MEN—Nicely furnished room adjoining bath; West Peachtree, near Linden Phone Ivy 1 495. 6-14-20 THE GEM HOTEL. CLEAN, nrat. first-class accommodation. 25c to $1 per night: rooms. $1.50 to $3 per week. Hath and phone. 175 Mari etta _st. FoR RENT Two rooms, at 50 Carneg’e way . partly furnished. Phone owner, fyj 2155 G-14-11 NICELY furnished rooms in private home, walking distance. 152 West Deachtree_sU 33-14-6 FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping 293 Courtland street. Ivy 2455-L.6-14 -1 THREE connecting rooms, kitchen and bath. 34 Pulliam street ; 6- J 4 6 LARGE front room: furnished: hot and cold bath on same floor. Main 4324-J. til South Pnyor street. .37-14-6 DELIGHTFUL rooms with all ‘’onven fences: pleasant home; close in; hot and cold baths. $6 and $lO per month. 265 Court land st. 6-13-16 YOUNG MAN wishes roommate, best north side location; close in. Ivy 6645 THE ROY. NICE COOL ROOMS with board Phone 22 East Ellis.LlL 73 TWO light housekeeping rooms, all con veniences. 5853-F. 332 Capitol ave. 6-12-79 NICE, cool rooms, in excellent neighbor hood; close in: block of Candler Bldg. Atlanta phone 1534. 6-12-66 LARGE front room: also single rooms: conveniences; in pleasant home. 26 E. (Tain.6-12-63 LARGE front room on first floor at 145 Spring st. COOL ROGMS; north side; 31 West Peachtree Place Ivy 4606. Reasonable. NICELY furnished rooms, close in. 173 Luck tejsL 6-11-19 FOR RENT Rooms, furnished nr unfur nished: good neighborhood, live min utes’ walk from Terminal Station, cars every five minutes Write nr apply Mrs. Sue F. Johnson. 76 Walker stsl2" 3 NEW LY FURNISH ED rooms, reasonable prices; centrally located: baths fre*> Broadwav Hotel. 7’-- North Broad street < 3-21-73 Unfurnished Rooms For Rent. FoR RENT Onr r»ed room with dressing room. Ivy 5730-J. 6-17-12 I FIAVE two large unfurnished flrsf-floor rooms. Phone, Main 2025-J. 6-17-21 TWO rooms, furnished nr unfurnished, cheap rent 18 Evans street, West End -17-2 THREE or four unfurnished rooms near North Jackson street. Atlanta plume 4636. 59 Irwin street. 30-17-6 FOR RUNT Three nice, large unfur nished connecting rooms; all conven iences. 46f) Luckie street Atlanta 4447 6-15-51 FR()M three tn fixe rooms, all connect ing: water and gas. 280 Central ave nue. 6-15-5 THREE connecting Tooms, private family , close in. 109-A Richardson street. 6-15-8 TWo Targe front rooms for rent at 339 Whitehall st. ONE unfurnished room and kitchenette for rent to business woman preferred. Phone Ivy 4929.6-_J 4-16 TW(» connecting rooms for light house keeping: two blocks of park. 31 W Pavilion Ma in 4129-.L6 -! 4J 4 THREE first-floor connecting rooms; conveniences; no children. 49 Pulliam street. 6 4-6 FOR REb i’ Two large front" connecting rooms: sink in kitchen, bath, use of phone Main 5342-J 52 Kelly 6-13-32 FOR RENT - Three connecting rooms; two large, one small 316 Crew street -13-22 KIRK W(‘O~D. GA.. three connecting rooms for rent to refine*! party .12 Trotti st 6-12- h> r\VO dandy housekeeping rooms: con veniences: adjoining bath. 142 Glenn wood avenue 6-11 9 TlTiu-J- rooms for light housekeeping: convenient tn bath 254 S. Pryor st 6-10-8 Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms For Rent FOR REN"!' Two or three rooms, fur nished or unfurnished; all conveniences. Main 3‘»41 227 (’apitol ave. 6-12-32 Furnished Apartments For Rent DELIGHTFUL, cool furnished apart ments; nominal summer rent. West Pea< i;.. care <-rgian FOR RENT A four-room fiat; completp lv furnished, in good neighborhood. Cail Main 4020. !L! 4 ‘ : ’ 1 AT I'RA*’’l’l YE SBO apartment for rent : furnished during July and August; sleeping porch and two bath rooms spe cial feature, will rent for SSO to right party .Apply Mrs Lloyd B. Parks. 58 West Eleventh st. 6-14-12 * Furnished Houses Wanted REFINeTT COUPLE want 'upHbTa'te small bungalow, convenient to car line if suburban; -tate lowest price and pa’-- ticu , a’-s Address Year's Lease. Box 500 care Georgian S-15-46 Unfurnished Apartments For Rent FOR RENT—Seven-room apartment in the Nicholas, 234 Forrest avenue Call Ivy 2583.6-14-21 FOR RENT By owner, a coz' four-room apartmeni close In. Apply 79 U' Harris street. 6-14-10 FOR RENT—The new apartment house at 83 Hurt street, known as the Bosco bel. consisting of three and four rooms each, with every known modern conven ience. and renting for $32 50 to $35. Is now ready for occupancy 'pply on prem ises or Fitzhugh Knox, 1613 Candler building 5-9-57 _ - Furnished Houses For Rent. REFINED ADri.TS can have beautifully furnished bungalow, between tlie Peach trees. for care and rent of same. Phone Ivy 5249-L. SIX-ROOM bungalow on North Boule vard. near Ponce DeLeon, until Sep tember I: completely furnished, gas and electric lights. Phone Ivy 1880-J 41-14-6 FURNISHED house of ten rooms; 200 feet f.ron> Peachtree: $75 per month. 78 E. North ave. Ivy 51456-14-34 Unfurnished Houses For Rent FOR RENT —Modem cottage: six rooms and bath: north side: Immediate pos session: $lB per month. 14 Irene st., near East Merritts ave. Bell phone Ivy 6432. _ _ _6-I7 l 9 FOR RENT—-New cottage: three rooms, bath and hall. $lO per month 392 Man gum st. Bell phone Ivy 6432.6-17-10 FOR RENT -Almost n?u five-room bun galow, with bath: large lot; on Hill street, near Georgia avenue; $22.50 month Applv Jas. Duffy. 34 W Mitchell st. 6-17-18 THE HOUSE you build, buy or rent will not be a modern home unless it is wired for electricity. 4-18-1 J For RENT—No. 27 West Twelfth street. seven rooms, hardw-ood floors, furnace heat. See owner. 25 West Twelfth street Plvme 2155 Ivy. 5-18-29 FOR RENT. HOUSES Call, write or phone for our rent bulletin. Ralph O Cochran, 19 South Broad street 4-1-21 Unfurnished Houses Wanted. FURNISHED or unfurnished five-room house: improvements; good neighbor hood: moderate rent. Box 62. care Geor gian. 76-15-6 Furnished or Unfurnished Houses For Rent. FOR RENT -For the summer, a cool and attractive bungalow; also furnished or unfurnished Call Ivy 3727-1.. 6-17-6 Hotels For Reni. FOR RENT. ARLINGTON HOTEL. Waynes boro, Ga.. furnished, contains twenty bed ’rooms, large office, sample moms, running water, baths, electric lights. Well es tablished patronage- both com mercial and local. E. S. BURNEY. Attorney. Wavneshoro. Ga. 6-15-3 Desk Space For Rent. DESK SPACE for rent at 302 Catuller building Rent reasonable. 6-8-52 Office Space Foi Rent. NICE office space for rent. Call M. 265-1. 6-17-40 Lost and Found. LOST Small black-and-tan terrier. An swers to name of Buster Reward for return to Paul Smith, 1 and 3 North Broad street or 34 Hurt street 6-17-39 LOST Saturday evening, on Decatur street, between Courtland and Moore streets. Georgian carrier’s route book No. 102. $ 1 will be paid for Its return to The Georgian office. 6-17-20 LOST ladies' gold-headed umbrella Sun day afternoon about 6 o’clock near the entrance to Federal prison. Return to 97 Lee street. West End. and receive reward 6-J7H L( »ST Heavy gold ring, engraved with double-headed eagle, enameled with red cross ami black triangle inclosing three Hebrew letters Reward for return to ‘Thirty-second Degree Mason." care Georgian. 6-15-25 LOST Friday afternoon sterling silver change hag. Monogram, "N. J Y. ' Finder please return to 38? North Boule vard. Ivy 2416. 6-15-11 LOST During grand operfi gold handle umbrella engraved 'A \\ If and Meaness " Finder notifv B'»x lA|. care <Je o r g lan. 6-j. 5_- 4 LOST From 116 V. Mitchell street, one English bulldog, white and brindle col or. considerable undershot and with cork screw tail, return to above address and get reward 25-14-6 Personal. 4?‘)\ Axminster Squares. 9 b.v 12, $17.00 T—RoBISON S, 27 E Hunter street -14 -26 WANTING sewing done of any descrip tlon, call Atlanta phone 5890-M 6-15-15 SERIOUS RESULTS come from trusses Improperly' fitted. John B Daniel, at 34 Wall street, has an expert fitter and it will < oat you no more to have him tit you. and it means insurance. 6-24 19 HAIR ( I T PUT 3 \IADI ("I PLACE, between Peachtree and 4FTER ’well! ■ years of intense agony from itching piles I discovered a rem edy which any one can use for the sim ple asking Send me postal card fo»’ in structions Box 39. Buena Vista. Ga 31-11-6 Th,' Many Spirella Styles. INCLUDE a style for every woman, the genuine skill of our corseHeres is man ifeßted in selecting the model that he comes vou best Company Headquarters 84 I’as2_ IXn £G | ave. hy 6176 5-28-36 FOUND The successful treatment for kin. blood, chronic diseases and (’AN GER (’all and sec Dr Reyn<»lds Com pany. 21 Inman building. Atlanta. Ga If you <an not call, write. 6-7-.'p; FLY SCREENS. FLY SCREENS. FLY SCREENS Wood fly screens, metal fly screens, fiardwond floors, Venetian blinds, metal weather strips, furnisned anywhere in the South. Write <»r phone W R. Cal laway, manager. 1103 Fourth National Bank building. Atlanta. Ga Main 5310 4-30-19 ACME LETTER CO. NOTHING hut first-class work and prompt service. When you are readv for tliif kind of work, phone Ivy 1436 ACME LETTER <’<>. 417 Weslej Memo rial Bi ic STILL another mg shipment of new wall papers Prices right. All work guar anteed. Better be safe than sorry. Bar nett <?■ Gordon. 22 E Mitchell st.; ’3O sec onds from Whitehall 4-13-45 ’’l Cl MHF.It and peroxide cream, espe cially used fur sunburn: guaranteed one of the liest skin foods on the market, nothing like it for whitening th- skin For sile bj t'layton «• Zahn. 36'., White ball st M, i7s" 5 20<’2 CARPETS and RUGS clean a when new TROY LAUNDRY C r process Insures satisfaction 2 cents per square foot. 5-23-38 Drapsy. DROPSY CURED—Relieves shortness of breath in 36 to 48 hours. Reduces swell ing in 15 to 20 days. Write for particu lars. Collom Dropsy Remedy Company. 512 Austell* Building, Atlanta 5-25-11 Dentists. f ri/L' r rji UGcntACTED L J-jTj U Xi WiTHOUT PAIN DR. H. JENSEN. 2884 Whitehall St 3-21-24 Educational. SPECIAL COACHING for children pre paring tn enter the sixth and seventh grades. 245 West Peachtree. Phone Ivv 2OBn 6-13-21 Bookr Wanted. WANTED. CASH PAID for all kinds salable SCHOOL BOOKS. MAIL LIST Phone 1822 Main. or. better still, bring books to store. SOUTHERN ROOK CONCERN. 71 Whitehall St. (Gavan's, i 6-17-28 i W anted—Miscellaneous. V\ ANTED—To buy a 40 by (SO foot or 60 by 9(1 foot round-top tent; must be in good condition and com plete. Box Stillmore. Ga. 6-17-2: > \\ ANT the use of furniture for one year for the care of it. by a responsible party. Address D. J., care Georgian -14-H WANTED—WAR RELICS. " To buy war relics from the Civil war; will pay spot cash. L. Emgcl, Lookout Mountain. Tenn. 45-14-6 I BUY men’s old clothes and uhoes Drop a card. I, Bock, 32 Bell st 8-1-14 DROP' A CARD—WiII bring cash for old clothes and shoes The Vestaire. 166 Decatur street. 3-7-1 BEST CASH PRICES for “ furniture" household goods and office furniture Pembroke Sales Co . 143 S. Pryor street Bell phone Main 187 4-5-25 WANTED—The address of every .school that wants scenery for their auditorium without cost to the school. Box 125, Stillmore. Ga. WANTED We. pay highest cash prices on household goods, pianos and office furniture Cash advanced on consign ments. Springer’s Auction House, ‘25 South Pryor street Bell phone Main 1526. WE PAY HIGHEST CASH prices for household goods, pianos ami office fur niture (’ash advanced on consignments Central Auction Company. 12 East Mitch ell street Bell phone Main 2424 8-26-26 For Sale—Miscellaneous. 11 EDQU A RTERS!'! Cotton Seed Hulls. F R. I.'><;aN_A-ATLANTA. 6-17-37 $25 BRASS BEDS. $17.50. ROBISON'S. 27 East Hunter street. -1 I- U. d? 1 O Foit Mattresses, $7.50 ROBISON’S r * 27 E. Hunter street. 6-14-2 d ANTIQUE rosewood chair for sale, in good condition Apply 239 Peachtree cinde. 60 Ivy. 6-17-7 F<»R SALE <’nr Remington typewriter. No. 7. Address H E . care Georgian. 33-17-6 DI NTT.EY PN EUM ATIC CLEA NI]RS remove dirt and germs from rugs, car nets. floors, etc.: vacuum cleaners from $32.50 up; vacuum sweepers $9.75. <’ I Daniel A* Co., 416 Fourth Nat Bk Bldg. PRE-INVENTORY CLEARANCE SALE of GUARANTEED FURNITURE, RUGS AND CURTAINS. Gold sm 11 h-A <■ ton -W T it h erspoon ('ompany, 62 Peai'htrer’. 61 N. Broad. Eifpfime Enriiitiiro. F(»R SALE Two long, ring- tail white face Panamanian monkey five years old. gentle as kittens. Write or call. 581 Leestreel F3XTRACTOR Fortj two-inch copper perforated basket washing machine with 10-horsepower -team engine; in fine < on dition. pric* l . H 4 > f o b Newark., N I M Tnmback X* <’o.. 63 Waverly ave . N<■ V s I 6-15-28 (’(JPYING MAILING \ I »l >R ESSI NG. MI ’LTIGR \ PH I NG High-class work. Acme Letter Co . I!7 Weslcv Memorial Bldg Phnne lv\ 1436 6-14 30 ___ e r f- ‘ before buy- Al I.KM mg Latest model I ASI I will modern im- v :\ * i J 1 i rovements. REGISTERS " 31 E Alabama St. 6-13-17 SAKES. NEW AND SECOND HAND; ALL SIZES STEEL EILING CASES AND EIRE PROOF CABINETS. (jOOKI.N BANK AND OFFICE EQI IP MENT COMPANY. 6-13-17 NA'ID’NAL <’ash Registers. $35, <•) ». $75. SIOO. $125, $l5O and up to suit y out needs Terms easy Liberal exchange for cash registers in use Bell phone Ivy 41.55. Atlanta 594. The National ('ash Register Co . *”> _Xof’jtH Broad st 6-1 ;I 4 Cotton Seed Hulls. < 'ar Lots, Delivered Any - where. F R. LOUA.X A Co.. Atlanta 6-17-38 For Sale—Miscellaneous. FOR SALE—one grand square t'bickering piano and all kinds of household goods at 2.3 S Courtland 56-12-6 Buy Your Coal ('heap DIRECT from mines; a saving of over $1 per ton: join me and order now I’ E. Kelley. Phone Ivy 3433-1, 6-11 -22 FOR SALE —Gun and bicycle shop SIOO. Rox 122. Newnan. Ga 29-11-Ji WE RENT good pianos. $3 month up We sell good pianos, $5 month up Bargain In second-hand. SIOO up. R P Becht Company. 110 Temple Court building. Bell phone 66,7 Main. 4-23-20 FLY SCREENS. BE SURE and see our screens and get our prices before buying Kan* Blind and Screen Co., J. J. Crawford, 202 Kiser Bldg M 1929. 3 20-11 Atlanta Tout and Awning Co.. MANUFACTURERS high-grade tents and awnings. 39|(j Luckie st Ivy 5667. POPE S SPECIAL--Pest dollar watch in Die world sent prepaid, only 86c Fully guaranteed to keep correct lime two years or money refunded New watch given free if it breaks. A more servicea ble watch can not be had at any price Money refunded immediately if you are not highly pleased. Order today without fail Pope Watch and Diamond Company . 1514 Main street. Dallas. Tex. 6-1-14 THE ATLANTA UPHOLSTER- IN': CO. BEG to announce the opening nf their new shop at 171 Whitehall street, where they make a specialty of REPAIRING and REFLNTSHING of all kinds of furniture; all work done hy expert mechanics Esti mates cheerfully furnished. Phone Main 2475. or call in person. ATLANTA UPHOLSTERING COMPANY. 171 WHITEHALL ST 5-20-3 NEW RT'BBER TIRES put on your baby carriages, repairinc. Phone Ivy 3076. Robert Mitchell. 229 Edgewood avenue. -5-9 SODA FOUNTS Bargain In new and sec ond-hand eoda fountains: easy terms, write for prices P. <>. Box 1032, Atlanta. Ga. 3-16-76 Automobiles FOR SALE- 1910 Hupmobile, in good re pair; trunk rack, tire ami electric horn, tires in good shape: owner has purchased 1912 model reason for selling bargain for some one ITh do lyj 1284 6f? 11 362 PE.\< '(’TREE St., Garage and Stable; electric fights and wa ter. 6-15-57 E.Xt.'HANt IE A I "I’l' F77R 1,1 tfsi FoR SALE Seven-passenger Thomas car. 60-horsepower: in first-class con dition; will take vacant lot or good horse and buggy fnr par’ pay. will sell for half the value of car. 31 Inman Bldg Main 2053 6-15-17 “AIJTOFrRKPTLmML MAGNETS AND S'l 'MiAGE BATTER IES RECftARGED. MAGNETO AND C'AREIURETOR work a specialty. We give careful attention tn Electric Auto and Battery work. Hartrampf & Yar bray f'o. Phone Main 3810. 56 Edge wood Ave., just below Equitable Bldg. 4-22-5 Motorcycles. ALL MAKES. SSO AND IT- Largest mo torcycle dealers In the South; exclusive. Southern distributors for Indian Elves Vustell Company, 35 North Prvor street 1-21-9 Money to Loan. • t z JEWELERS AND BROKERS /tT'- 301 PETERS BLDG PHONE MAIN 221 STRICTLY PRIVATE MONEY by the thousands: money by tile tens of thousands, money by the mil- Ifnn. first-class first mortgage real estate anti farms; first mortgage purchase mon ey notes I’fiinv direct to us. Randolph Loan ('o.. 821 (’andler Bldg Ivy 5069 1-27-8 GEO S. MAY. Kirkwood, Ga. Established 1867 Loans on Real Estate in Atlanta Bell Phone Decatur 382 6-13- 12 M’lNIsY on hand for Immediate loans on property in or near Atlanta J E Van nburjl 50] Equitable Bldg ' ’ WE HAVE plenty of money to lend at lowest rates on Atlanta and nearby property, either for straight or monthly payment plan. Also for purchasing pur chase money notes Foster Robson, 11 Edgewood-a ve. WEYMAN & CONNORSi ESTABLISHED 1890 Mortgages or. Beal Estate 4-1-1 SPECIAL Home ponds t ■ I D any amount; 6 per rent Write or call R W. Carson. 24 S< nth Sroad st 4-1-17 Loans on I )iarnonds PROVIDENT loan society. "Collatera’ Bank." 256 Candler Annex 8 Per Cent Pci Annum 5-11-52 Without Inciorsenvnt Wi t h ont Collateral Security Without Heal Estate Securities Monev loaned at LAWFUL RATES NATIONAL DIS COUNT CO.. 301-2 Fourth Nation al Rank Ruildins. 2 8 M« »RTG A<; F LOANS on At’anta real e ta»e Established since 18R9 S R Turman A <’o. corner Broad and Ala bama streets. 4 1-29 FARM L‘>\NS place<| m any amount '»n improved farm lands In Georgia The Southern Mortgage (’ompany, Gould build ing. _ 7_13 I ’D)M EY SI PPLIEI > .XL \ i.i LI • PEO PLE. women keeping hmise and others without security; cheapest rat<" easy payments offices all principal cities D II Tolman. Room 524 Au tell building Stocks and Bonds. 1 OWN I’lll6 FOLLOXA’I NG. let me know what is thr best price I < <n get fur i httin: Fi\e shares Sixth Ward bank stock, pi ice $l2O per share. :;oo shares Atlanta Steel • ompany com mon stock I will trade this stock fur acreage in Fulton <uunty m Improved property In the < ity of Atlanta: giving or receiving the iHfferenue in cash See me quick!' Address Rugby. Rox 14 < are Georgian. 42-17-6 Mattrer?ps Kanovated WE MAKE OVER old mattresses', also furnish new ticking best work, give us a trial Acme Matfre.-s Company. Jack son and Irwin streets. Luth phones 6-4-8 Auction Sales. AT AUCTION. THE ENTIRE FURNISH INGS OF A SEVEN ROOM WEST END HOME, INCLUDING MAHOG ANY AND CIRCASSIAN WALNUT DRESSERS, GENUINE LEATHER MAHOGANY PARLOR SUITS. BRASS AND VER NIS MARTIN BEDS. FINE DAVENPORT. ART SQUARES. RUGS, LACE CURTAINS. ETC.. TUES DAY. JUNE 18. AT 12 E. MITCHELL STREET. COMMENCING AT 10 A. M. TUESDAY, wp will offer to the highest bidder an almost new lot of household goods from a West End home, including ma hogany an<l Circassian walnut dress ers and washstands, three genuine brass beds, several Vernis Martin t'eds. National spring:-, felt mattresses feather pillows, bed spreads, book case. genuine leather parlor suit, oak dressers, quartered oak pedestal din ing table, box seat dining chairs, oak sideboard. electric player piano, Fumed oak. Earjy English and ma hogany parlor and reception rockers some of them in genuine leather: porch rockers, a |6o enameled lined refrigerator, bird’s-eye maple prio ress dresser, a set of mahogany dic ing room chairs, tine lot of pictures center tables. library table, ar' squares, rugs, lace curtains, portieres, . couch covers and many other things too numerous to mention These goods are all up-to-date, and com paratively new To the highest bid der at 10 a. m. Tuesday, June 18 CENTRAL AUCTION CO., 12 E. MITCHELL ST. Palmistry. p \1 /mi dTlfe " READER. REVEALS past, present and future. Can be consulted <>n all affairs of life; read ings. 25c. 50c. 17 East Mitchell street (in tent i. 5-29-5 GYPSY CAMP. CLAIRVOYANT' AND PALMIST. RE VEALS PAST. PRESENT AND FU TCRE CONSULT ON ALL AFFAIRS OF LIFE.t3B_ WHITF.i 1 ALL ST 4-39-1 MISS BECK, WORLD FaMFD INDIAN PALMIST A GIFTED WOMAN LO CATED 76 E. HUNTER STREET. 5-16-18 Medical. DR. EDMONDSON'S Tansy, Pennyroyal and t'otton Root Pills, a safe and re liable treatment for painful and sup pressed menstruation. Irregularities and similar obstructions Trial box by mall. 50c. Frank Edmmwlson & Bro., manufac turing chemists, it South Broad street. Atjania. _ Ga 2-17-14 LADIES SI,OOO rewarn. t positively guarantee my great successful "Month ly' remedy; safely relieves some of the longest, most obstinate, abnormal case in three to five days: no harm, pain or interference with work: mail $1.50. Dou bl< strength. $2. Dr F. G Southington Reined' (’ompanv. Kansas Citv Mo 4-2-34 Business Opportunities 4-1(1 iron Beds. $5.98. ROBISON'S. 27 E T 1 ’- 7 Hunter street. 6-14-24 FoR SALT, I ;sta bi isHpfl uortfl, <-oal and builder? supply business in growing suburtw of Atlanta Good reason for sell ing and splendid opportunity for right parly \ddr»’ss \ R . <«are Georgian 73-15-6 WANT A MANAGER FOR HOTEL on Gulf coast. Tourist and '•ominerrial X .fine opening for the right party Must b* able to invest few thousand dollars and take half interest in the business, which will include owner ship of th* hotel building JOHN R. SCOTT. rh'«ne Main 1869. Sl4 Grant Building. -13-36 Dining Tabled 6 feet. sls 50 ROBI t— ’' SON'S 27 E Hunter street. 6-14-25 FOB SALE Stork of goods consisting of a general line of merchandise amount ing to $2,500 or $3,000. also storehouses and dwelling to sell or rent in a small in corporated town in Telfair county. Geor gia, on Southern railway, all tn go at a bargain Buy now to get the fall trade Stork, wouldn't sell at 100 rents on dollar if it were not for a special reason which 1 will furnish to any one interested. For further information address T. N. Clem ents. Towns, Ga. 6-12-34 Contractors and Builders. I Will Finance You IP YOU wish to build, all kinds o' build ers’ material for sale B. F. Mitchell, 514 Austell Building 4-25-14 ARCHITECT, contractor and builder, cabinet shop; carpenters furnished R II Jones 190 Houston st 3-21-13 HOME BUILDERS. HOMES built for rash or terms: archi tectural designs furnished free. Uenturv Construction Co. 262-3 CANDLER BLDG 4-10-85 Colored Undertakers Fountain <t Robinson. 223 Auburn Ail 5921-F; Night ivy 3609. 4-11-27 Office Fixtures ( ’A RPENTER SHOP. CROCKETT * CARTER, ,n 4' PETERS ST BOTH PHONES 3 Stove and Range Repairing DAN THE FIXER. sell second-hand gas stoves We sweep cliimn. s We take down heaters We fell wick and wickless oil stoves. We sell gasoline stove ' and ranges. Atlanta phone 2235. 121 Whitehall st. Bell phone M 2699 4-4-7 Fire-Proof Storage. WE STORE iioi SEHOLD goods end pianos Office and warehouse 239-241 Edgewood-ave Ivy 2037 John J. Wood side Storage Company Public Baggage and Transfer. M C FURNITURE transfer: we pack and snip. M 5490-L. A. 1319. 30 West Hunter. 1-12-7 13