Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, June 17, 1912, HOME, Page 14, Image 14
THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. READ FOR PROFIT-GEORGIAN WANI ADS—USE FOR RESULTS .MONDAY. JUNE 17. 1912. 14 Poultry, Pets and Live Stock 4- * 4- ATLANTA QUOTATIONS + v June 14, 1912. j 4* (Corrected by McCullough Bron.) *r Efi?s -Fre?h selected, no guinea* •? 4- nr dirties. I6(fil7c: miscellaneous, v 4* 15@16c; guineas and dirties. 10th 4- ~ 7; 4- Poultry—Live per pound: Turkeys. 7 -J- 4- (h 9c: hens. 13*914-; roosters. Rth lOc; y 4- broilers. 20“h25c each, owing to size; 4- fries, 30@35c each. “r* Dressed. n?r pound Turkeys. is 4* 4? 17c; ducks. 15V/16c. geese. SthHc: y I •J. •J- lOg'llc. It If extremely disappointing to know that the hens are laying and yet never to get an egg. This is the case when you have egg oating hens. If yell SUSP'' t t hit t your hens are eat ing eggs .von <an easily determine tn tour satisfae i ion. Take a china , eg (or evn a hen egg if you are willing to sacrifice Advice From the Poultry Doctor one) and rnl! it on the flooi nf the pen before the hens that you suspect If they arc egg eaters. they will, every one <»f them, make a rush for the egg and pick it vigor ouslv, breaking it if it is a hen egg If they are not egg-eaters they will regard the egg < uriousl> and will make nn effort to cat tt unless it is broken, anri ihen any chicken, no mailer bow innocent previously, will f*t, f’KKJ-, As for the prevention of this habit, peveral remedies are offered. Some claim that bv throwing several imitation non breakable eggs on the floor the fowls, after several days of fruitless pocking at them, will become discouraged and win hot break a real egg. even when laid on the floor This method does not work eevry time, for some hens are very on durate and insist on trying to break ever' egg they see Darkened nests /ire excellent to break up this habit Since the lien <an not see the egg it Is impossible for her to break it. Nests with false bottoms, which permit the rgg when laid, to roll down out of the hen s reach, are sure preventives of egg mating. But those eggs that are laid out cn the floor exposed to the attack of the whole flock there is no method of saving except b\ sacrificing the hen that does ►lhe eating Orpingtons. EGGS at reduced prices frpm finest White Orplngtohs. Black Langshans. one pen. four hens, one cock White Orpingtons, 125. seven liens, one cock White Rocks. 515 bargains; young stock « ’.resent ha Poult ■ J Ya ' dS, ' ■'llh g< I t' . Ga ♦ »-!.»- '• FTVE YEARS a breeder of Crystal White Orpingtons, two pens for sale that are up io date; will let go cheap, these birds ere good low type, worth twice what 1 ask for them, also young stork for sale. TV r McTjeroy. Newnan. Ga. 6-7-29 Plymouth Rwcks. "BARGAIN in Rocks Having rented my farm 1 offer 200 Barred Plymouth Rock 'hens and cocks ala low price. Write your want' H. A Kuhn* Route 2. Mlanla. C.B 4415 6 R. I. Reds QUALITY" REDS. J. 1 Hosford, East Point. Ga. 4-25-JI Ducks. ' INDIAN Runners, best white egg layers, prices reduced; 300 youngsters soon lay- . ing. $3.50 a pair Fish River Poultry Yards. Magnolia Springs. \la. 37-17-6 < INDIAN RENNERS Fawn and" White ' and White Ducklings. 25c To $1 . eggs, . $1 50 to $5; satisfaction guaranteed. Geor gia Duck Fann, South Kirkwood. Atlanta 75-1 5- 6 Eggs. ———-w— —~ —— ] THOROTTGTTBREP RnfT Orpington orrs. $1 per 15; 55 per 100. 120 Windsor st ! Main 3588 4-27-25 t Miscellaneous Poultry. cbEoroajaptholeum' imp. * \Kn LIVE STOCK 1 )IS|\KE(’TA XT. BE FAIR to your thickens They can’t avoid lire and disease You must help them Glean tlheir houses with t'hloro Naptholeuni I'M' and use it on sick birds It will drive the trouble away One gal lon make- WO gallons of dip. Write us for Eoultry book West Disinfecting Company, S Selig, it general agent. 26 South Forsyth street, Atlanta 6-11-36 H. G. Hastings & Co., seedsmen for the South. 16 \V Mitchell street, Eour e ; t.\ deliveries (tails North and South Side 9 a. in.. Inman Park and West End 2 p. m. Bell Phone M 256*. Atlanta 2565. BEG DE\TH is what is needed for rid ding all vegetables of insects It is non-noisonnus 'mi is easy to apply Put un in •on ven lent size packages Price. 1-pound package. 15c. postpaid 35c; 3 pounds. 3'»<- 5 pounds. 50c. V2’« pounds, .ALFALFA MEAL will take the place of green food. 7 pounds, 25c. 50 pounds, $1.15; ton rounds. $2 25 WHOLE CnllN. white clipped oats, chick eu wheat, wheat bran, poultry bone, crushed o\s’er shell, poultry grit, etc IF Vol' FIND that any «>f your fowls have the limberneek. get (’onkey's Lim berneck Remedy, as you cant begin treating them too soon Price, 50c CONKEY S HEAD LIFE OINTMENT will rid the little chicks of head lice I.oc and 26c sizes RISTS HAVEN ROVP PILLS for roup and pigeon diseases, 25c and 50c a box LEES 5O C GERMOZONE THEY ARE ALLGOOD Conkey’s Lay ir.g Tonic. Levs Egg Maker and Rust's Egg Producer Either of th* -e will give sat isfa> lion. Pru < . 25« and s<»c Cows. HAVE SEVEN nice Jersey milch cows giving from 3 to I gallons of milk pt r day. with young calves Will sell or swap for dry cattle T .1 Noland. P o fh<x 1655. Atlanta .1-15 6 ““ _ Dogs. HOI NDS Wolf, bear deer, cat, fox and bloodhounds; 50-page illustrated cata logue 5 rents stamps Rookwood Kennels Lexington. Ky L 4'< 1-6 FOR SALE -Dogs full-blond* d French! poodle pups, two months old; females $5 each 40 Alice street ♦. ’4-7 : Horses and Carriages FOR~SALE OR TRY DE A fine Kentucky combi nation saddle and buggy horse. Will trade for dray horse. <>r sell at sacrifice. I < ’leveland-Manning Piano Company, 80 North Pryor str ,iz * 6-15-48 Real Estate For Sale FOR CASH and quick sale. $550 gets a beautiful lot in heart of South Kirkwood, I north front, city water, on corner, one I block from ear line. Call East Point 10. <; -17-32 PEI'ATIH I have the most beautiful corner lot in this fine suburb and will build you a six or seven-room bungalow for $5,000 that will make any $6,000 place , in Atlanta look tame, or will sell lot for ‘52,000; 60 by 250 feet Only *6OO eash payment W. H. S Hamilton. Decatur. I'bone Itocatiir 4136-1-24 FOR SALE lln Inman t'ntk a six-room house; all improvement;- a good bouse on a good street, fan arrange terms, f F J.. rare Georgiam LYLY-" Oakland Crematory Lot, THIS lot Is one of the most desirable, lies next to Judge Kuntz’s lot; the titles are perfect B It. Wofford. 156 West Baker street. 29 -15 -6 COLLEGE PARK six-room bungalow nearing completion; all conveniences and a lovely home; price $3,250; only $250 ('asi;, balance easj. W. 11. S Hamilton, Decatur. Ga. Phone Decatur 413. 6-3-2 FOR SALL Two new four-room bunga lows in good white neighborhood; south side; citv water; good lots; bargains at $1,350 each; SSO < ash. balance $lO per month; might exchange for vacant lots. Address owner, Box 100. care Georgian. I ■ [4-3 $1,750 WIT7t7~BIW two bouses and lots with all improvements, renting for) $21.20. Address Quick Sale, care Geor- i gian. 26-14-6 I FINE4.OT I.N DRUID HILLS setion, worth $1,500 Will build to suit purchaser. This is. an exceptionally fine lot and at a bargain. Will exchange for good equity at right figure. JOHN R. SCOTT. Phone Main 1869. 814 Grant Building 6-13 27 DO YOU WISH to own a. home? 42 lots in Kirkwood. S3OO to $700; 10 per cent first payment George S May & <’•». Belli phone I H-catur 382. 6-13-10 j THE HOUSE you build, buy or rent will not be a modern home unless it is wired for electricity. 4-18-19 FOR a well locnteo. well vmih. modern seven-room house, good terms, see owner, 816 Peachtree street. Phono 80 Ivy • 5-18-30 \ Bit; u,.\i?(;.\i\. ‘ $2,500.00. 10 acres worth $1,750.00 Flvp-room cot taco worth 1,000JH) Lot 125x500 feet worth . ... 650.00 $3,400.00 ON Marietta rar line. 200 yards from Cravrnwood. orfß-half mile beyond river. JOE WALKER. 1020 FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BLDG. 6-14-37 Real Estate Wanted. DIRECT from owner in Inman Park six room bungalow or cottage with all con veniences Give location, price and terms. Must be reit.'-onable. Bungalow, care Georgian 6-11-3 Farms For Sale. TEN KCRES ol in l ' m luntain land in rickens county; $l5O. terms Althisar. Box 10. care < Georgian. 6-17-13 " • Railroad Schedule. SOUTHERN RAHAVAY. PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOUTH" ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF PASSENGER TRAINS. ATLANTA The following schedule figures are pub- lished only as information, and ate not guara nte ed: No Arrive From— No. Depart To— -35 New Y. 5:00 am 36 N< w Y,12:15 am 13 Jaxville. 5:20 am 30 Col'bus 5.20 am 43 Was’ton 5:25 am 13 Cinci. . 5:30 am 12 Sh’port. 6;30 am 32 Fort V. 5:30 am 23 Jaxville 6 50 am 35 B’ham . 5:45 am •17 Toci’oa. 8 10 am 7 Chat’ga 6:40 am 26 Heflin.. 8:20 am 12 R’mond 6:55 am 29 New Y. 10:30 am 23 Kaik, C. 7:00 am X U’hat'ga 10:35 am 16 Brun’k. 7:45 am 7 Macon 10.40 am 29 B’ham 10 45 am 27 Fort V 10.45 am 38 New Y.11:01 am 21 Col’bus 10:50 am 40 UharTe 12:00 n’n 6 (’inci 11:10 am 6 Macon 12:40 pm .30 B’ham 230 pin 30 New Y. 2:45 pm 40 B’ham 12:40 pm 15 Chat’ga 3.00 pm 39 Chatlo’e 3:55 pm 39 B’ham. 4:10 pm 5 Mncon. 4 55 pm *lB Toccoa. 4 30 pm 37 V. 5:00 pm 22 Col*bus 5:10 pm 15 Brnns’k 7:50 pm 5 Cinci . 5:10 pm 11 R’mond 8:30 pm 28 Fort V. 5:20 pm 24 Kan C 9:20 pm 25 Heflin . 5:45 pm 16 Chat’ga 9:35 pm 10 Ma< on . 5:30 pm 29 Col’bus 10 20 pm 41 Wash'n 8 45 pm 31 Fort V 10 25 pm 24 Jaxville 9:30 pm 36 B ham 12:00 ngt 11 Sh’port 11.10 pm 14 Cim-i 11 00 pm 1 4 Jaxville 11:10 pm Trains marked thus (•) run daily, ex cept Sunday. Other trains run daily. Central time City Ticket office, No. 1 Peachtree St. Trunks, Bags and Suitcases. RETAILED AND REPAIRED. ]?OHNTREE’S 77 'Tt‘St ael PHONES Bell Main 1676. Atlanta 1654 Hatters. OLD hats cleaned, dyed and reshaped; best work; prompt service; satisfaction guaranteed out of town orders solicited. Both phones. Acme Hatters, 100's Whita- 3- Milk Depots. Till’ Houston st creamery for milk and cream Call ivv 1293 Bell 3 | —X- ' ~ Building Materials. STEEL BEAMS” FOR BUILDINGS. AUSTIN BROS.. Atlanta, Ga. 4- 19-7 Monuments and Stone Work. ATLANTA GRANITIC COMPANT, All kinds stone work. 17-19 Fiaser-st Phone Main 3540 1-5-4? Architects and Builders. CON rIiAl’I’OR, cabinet shop; carpenter* furnished. John Allen. 106 A Edgewood ♦ 1 Sewing Machines. Vt R] ■ \l l. .<» ' sewing .o i ne Work called for ami . ellverd anywhere M M< Nair, 2 *.*-R Auburn avenue 3-14-9 w ■. ■ ■ wit! - pietii set of attachments for $2 per month, also machines repaired; prompt delivery . B- th phones IS '': Sirg<r Sewing Machine I Company. 7: Whitehall. 9-14-44 Painting and Tinting. FOR THE BUS'I PRICES CALL R B lAIBRY, M 1455. 318 4JU X Uli. BANK BLDG 6-11-3) Real Estate For Sale. For Rent—Houses. W. A. Foster & Raymond Robson Real Estate, Renting and Loans. Bell Phones 1031-1032. il Edgewood ave. Atlanta Phone 1881. FOR SALE. ON EDGEWOOD AVKNVK. between Bell and Fort streets, we offer for a quick ♦•ash sale. 1 lot at SSO less than the mar ket price. Price, S2OO per foot. See Mr. I few s. (»N A\ ERY I >RIVE In ? Park, a lot 55x210 feet; this is about one and a half blocks from end of Piedmont ave nue <ar line, and we have a price of $2,000. but the owner has instructed us to sell it, so make us an offer See Mr. Rad ford. in KfRKWOOD, on South Decatur car line, a pretty five-room bungalow, with lights, water, tile walks, etc.. $250 cash, $17.50 per month. See Mr. Dews FIVE-ROOM HOUSE on lot 85x250. in Went fcnd; convenient to Lucile ave nue cars, sewer, gas and water; cherted streets;‘s3,4oo; very easy terms. See Mr. White. ON THE corner of Hill and McCoy streets, about one block from the De catur car line, where the East Lake Drive crosses same, a lot 112x200 feet. This lot will cut up into four lots, 50x1 42 feet. Owner wants SI,BOO. hut would consider an offer. See Mr. Radford. IE YOU HAVE MONEY TO LOAN. WE CAN PLACE IT. FOR RENT. 24 WEST FIFTH STREET <»n the south side of West Fifth, between West Peachtree and Spring, wp have a two-story seven-room frame. Has gas, hot and cold waler, porcelain bath, washstand, closet and sink; in good condition. W est Peachtree car one-half block. Will be vacant June 15. Lot 50 by 95. S4O on a lease. — . *_ WE PUBLISH A WEEKLY RENT BULLETIN, giving a good description of ev erything we have for rent. Get a copy. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT, 12 AUBURN AVENUE. PHONE MAIN 618. FOR RENT BY E. RIVERS REALTY CO. 16-room house, 605 Washington street,s7o.oo per month 12-room house. 510 s Pryor street 50.00 per month 12-room house. ♦94 , / s Decatur street 32.50 per month 10-room house. 79 E Merritts avenue 65.00 per month 10 room house. 218 S. Forsyth street.3s,oo per month 10-room house. >O3 Washington street, furnished 70.00 per month 9-room house. '• Baltimore Block 30.00 per month 8-room house, 271 Gordon street. 40.c0 per month 8-room hous< . 26 E. Harr is street 55.00 per month X-room house. 354 Capitol avenue 35.00 per month 7-room house. 113 Pulliam street 23.10 per month 7-room house, 206 Pulliam street 25.00 per month 7 room house. 137 Windsor street 27.50 per month •‘•-room house. 281 E. Fifth street 30 00 per month 6 room house, 53 Orme street . . . . 25.00 per month 6-room house. 10 Royston street 30.00 per month Business Opportunities. Business Opportunities. BUSIN ESS 0 PPORTUNITY. I HAVE \N excellent business and need a thorough office man to take charge of honks and general supervision of office work. Business is in Real Es tate Loan and Brokerage line. Established good man with between $5,000 and SIO,OOO to invest can secure good business nn very reasonable and favorable terms Best of references will be given and required. Full particulars in first letter AH correspondence will be treated as strictly confidential. Address P. O. Box 771 16-13-28 THOMSON & LYNES SEV ENTEENTH STREET BUNGALOW. $5,500. NEAR I’EAUHTRICE STREET we have for sale a bungalow’ of five large rooms and hallway; living room extends across front; hardwood floors and well ar ranged and attractive, large lot; easy terms WEST END BUNGALOW, $3,750. <>FF THE GORDON STREET ear line, and on a very pretty residence street, we have for sale a brand-new six-room bungalow; every convenience; east front; corner lot. Can you beat that? Easy terms, too THOMSON & LYNES. IS and 2<> Walton. Both phones 4-58 DUNSON & GAY REAL ESTATE AND LOANS, 409 Equitable Building. CAPITOL AVENUE —ln one of the best blocks on this street we offer a nine-room, two-story dwelling, in perfect condition, on a beauti fully shaded, east front, level lot—reasonable terms —for $6,250. RETW’EEN THE PEACHTREES, elevated lot, covered with oak grove, only $2,500. Located on Twelfth street, 200 feet cast of West Peachtree. I ’< »U R - R'»( »M house, east side of Martin street. 100 north of Havgond, sl,2(m, LITTLE & GREEN H> AUBURN AVENUE REAL ESTATE MAIN 943. ATLANTA 593 LARGE, beautiful 10l fronting Athletic club grounds at East Lake, greatest bar gain in that section \ (’ll \RMING cottage home nice lot. on \\ hitefoord avenue at SSOO less th3.11 its value. Tile walks, street paving passed up. This is fast growing section. (»N BELL STHKET In rear of Woodside’s storage house: 100 feet from Edge wood avenue, on lot 50x100 Property denting for enough to carry, leaving room for another house. Price $4,750 'Perms easy. NO. 29 CURRIER STREET. CORNER COI RTLAND. LARiIF llt (USE. Tented well and in good condition , lot 70x70 Where can you find a better location for apartment house site” Go look at the close proximity to Peachtree. Terms and price given at our office G. R. MOORE & CO. REAL EST.VI’E. BUILDING AND LOANS. 11"9 CANDLER BUILDING. PHONE IVY 4978 $8,250 lot West Peachtree home, eight rooms, tile bath, sleeping porch, furnace, hardwood floors, cabinet mantel*, awnings and shades go with this house on a lot 50x150. 011 the reasonable terms of $1,250 cash, assume loan on $4,000, balance om . two and three \ears. This is a home. Call Mr Moore. RAILROAD FR( iN'PAGE of 1.16(1 fret. 'Phis is close in and the best six acres in Atlanta for $25,000. $5,000 cash balance one, tw t». three and four \ ears. Call Mr. Hamble} >11.500 Houston street, within a few hundred feet of Candler building. This will move Call Mr. Reid $6,000 11.5 arri son Cheshire Bridge road, near Piasters Bridge road Eight a< r< < in (-ulitvation. new '-room house, barn, nice well of water. 205 feet front. on road. Four miles from center of Atlanta. $2,000 cash, balance to suit (’all Mr Flowers WEST END BUNGALOWS ALL NI'AA and up-to-dato in one of the best sections. Battle Hill. Prices from $ 1.60(1 to $3,750. ll* AOl want a beauty fora home see me. ’Perms to suit. J. N. LANDERS Owner. 812 Austell Buildiim. Phone M 3|‘ b) ’ " 111 • 11 I.L J L • • Buy a Bargain Anywhere \\ ES I’ IT’.Ai II I’REE STREET, enst front lot. 62x200. S7O per front foot. MORELAND \\ I-,, near North Ave., east front, beautv lot. $2,250. We .Sell Them Everywhere. WALDO. REDDING & OTIS JOHN S. SCOTT, Salesman. I Grant Building. Phones: Main 72 and 321. FOR RENT 147 McDonough ST. (Decatur. Ga.) On the right going out McDonough street, situated on a very large elevated lot, we have a good two-storx’ eight rooht residence, with electric lights, bath and sink in the kitchen; has cabinet man tels and comparatively a new house, in a good neighborhood, convenient to schools, ( hurches and •ar lines. This would make any one an ideal home. ITice, $32.50. McPherson ave. Out on MdU’herson ave., between Haas and Monument ave. and near the Soldiers’ Home car line, we have a b»and-new five-room cottage too far out for city con veniences, but nas a good well of water, situated on a lot 50x150 feet, for sls per month. 19 CANDLER ST. (Decatur. Ga.), At the above number on Candler street, in Decatur. Ga., we have a good eight room residence with electric lights, gas. bath and sink in the kitchen: in a good neighborhood. convenient to schools, churches and car line Price. S3O. Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. Beautiful North Side Home JUST a little east of Peachtree, between Ponce De- Leon avenue and Tenth street, in that quiet, con servative, desirable, residential section, we have a beautiful 10-room home, on a lot fronting 120 feet, with nice depth to an alley. The price is very rea sonable. and it is just such a place as should attract a fastidious person who wants to be comparatively close in. We forgot to mention the fact that it is on a cor ner. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE a client who wants a. piece of central property, improved and paying a fair rent. Price around SIOO,OOO. WE ALSO HAVE a client with $3,000 cash looking fqr an investment from $3,000 to SIO,OOO, paying $3,000 cash. Call or write us and we will make a regular listing of your property, advertise and push it, or, if you desire, we will submit it to our client in a quiet way. WE can also handle a five-room house on easy terms, with all improve ments. WILSON BROS. REAL ESTATE, RENTING AND LOANS. Ttl rmjlr* Building. Main 4411-J. z Night No. Try 4«7»-J SPRING STREET LOT WITHIN 150 FEET of Walton street we have a business lot that should sell at an advance of $4,000 to $5,000 next spring. It’s mighty seldom you get an opportunity of buying high class business property so close to center around the price of this. $11,500. Easy terms. B. M. GRANT & CO. Second Floor, Grant Building. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PROPERTY 'HIIS PROPERTY fronts 90 feet on Marietta street between Forsyth and Spring, and has a depth of 200 feet to a street or driveway opposite the S. A. L. freight depot. It is only 1,200 feet from Five Points, the center of the city, and on the best side of the widest business street in Atlanta. It is within 400 feet of the city hall, and only 600 feet from Marietta street property which recently sold at $4,000 a foot. We offer this, subject to the approval of the con gregation. at $2,000 a foot, or SIBO,OOO. S. W. CARSON. JOHN J. WOODSIDE. - T. B. GAY. Committee. THE HOUSE you will build, buy or rent will not be a modern home unless it is wired for Electricity. 4-11-3* JUST THE PLAGE FOR A COUNTIIt GREENE HOME REA I W M ITHIN four miles of the car shed, on a Ax I v. A-#- 4 ■ good paved roao. with nice homes and ' z —X A/TT -* A AtN? neighbors surrounding, we have twelve 111 |\/l I—' /\ acres of land, with about 300 to 400 feet v*- V-e- v t *. v t "H- 1 of frontage, at the bargain price of $3,000 Come in to see us about this, before Real Estate, Renting. Loans somebody else gets it. 511 Empire Bldg Both Phones 1599. DID YOU SEE IT? SEE WHAT? Why. the picture in yesterday’s papers of Albert Howell’s beautiful hotel, corner Peachtree and Ponce De- Leon avenue. In will exeell anythihg in the South? In 140 feet of it. on a prominent street, we offer a lot under S3OO front foot, renting for enough to carry it. This is the best real estate proposition in Atlanta. A. J. & H. F. WEST 218-219 Atlanta National Bank Building. RF) R QA I E? Eleven Acres Between Har- YV j ee an j a j n Streets. TCY T_T INT T I Fronts Georgia Railway.) I I , Elegant location for manufactory; •J fronts about 600 feet on railroad; de- V X 7CACY 1 A C 5 T 1 \T Y si ’i»ble terms if wanted. V V Vjl )LJOI LJ E THUS. R. FINNEY. Sales Mgr., 12 Auburn Avenue. 300 ACRES, three miles Stone Mountain, about 17 miles from Atlanta, 200 acres in high state of cultivation; balance in timber and pasture; 4 acres in apples; two acres in Elberta peaches; ginnery, saw mill, grist mill, engine and boiler; blacksmith’s shop, storehouse. 8-room residence, six good tenant houses, one large stone barn, two large frame barns a well improved place. $75 per acre GEORGIA HOME AND FARM CO. Phone Ivy 5767. 114 Candler Bldg. WILLIAMS-HARTSOCK CO. Phop« 2106 Main. REAL ESTATE AND BUILDERS. FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BUILDING FOR RENT WE HAVE HANDY. WELL LOCATED STEAM HEATED APARTMENTS. oN NORTH SIDE: SIX ROOMS; EVERY ROOM AN OUT SIDE ONE; THE CONSEQUENCE IS THAT WE HAVE PLENTY OF LIGHT ALL THE TIME YOU WILL NOT FIND IT NECESSARY’ TO BURN YOUR LIGHTS DURING THE DAY: DUMB WAITERS. ELEVATOR. TILE FLOORS IN BATH AND ON PORCH; LAUNDRY" ROOM: STORAGE ROOMS; STRICT LY UP TO DATE IN EVERY" RESPECT LOCATION. 300 WEST PEACH TREE STREET LOOK AT THOSE NEW BUNGALOWS THAT WE HAVE JUST FINISHED— No. 280 Moreland avenue. No. 63 Cleburne avenue. They are beauties; steam heat, furnace heat, hardwood floors, tile floors, exposed beams They are dan dles. Terms easy. LET US DO YOfft BUILDING Will make terms to suit. WE HAVE four-room houses, five-room houses and any size that you want. Use Georgian Want Ads Real Estate For Sale DECATUR. GEORGIA DO YOU want a suburban home with all the modern improve ments. such as electricity, sewer, water, and a car service that is unequaled? If yon do you ought to see the cottage we have for sale on a lot that is nearly 600 feet deep and 100 feet front.- and is an ideal place for the man who wants to live in the country and have the advantages of the city. We can make this interesting for you if von want a proposition of this kind. PEACHTREE ROAD SECTION. WE HAVE recently had listed with us several acres between Peachtree road and the Roswell road, and have a price on it that will make it a good speculation, or if you want an ideal site for a country home it’s the very place. Better see us about this. PRICE $1,850. RENTS FOR $21.20. THESE are two good houses on nice lots in a section that stays rented mightly well. Figure this out and see what you get on your investment. Place has a small loan that purchaser can assume. Can make some terms on the bal ance. $2,625 ONE OF THE BEST cottages on the south side; good .six-room house on a corner lot; big bargain; rents for $25.00 per month; lot 41x141 to alley. This is in walking distance, and will make you a very desirable home. Cat! and let us show you this place. S2OO Cash. $25 Per M,onth $2,250.00 —Nice five-room cottage on a lot 50x200 to alley: rents for $18.60; assume loan of SI,OOO running four years. See this. S3OO Cash. $25 Per Month S2,BOO.OO—STEWART AVENUE. Just beyond car line, we are offering you this nice six-room bungalow on an east front lot. at above low price. S. B. TURMAN & CO. Broad and Alabama Sts. HOME BUILDING. DO YOU intend buying or building a home? If wo, see me before doing anything. I will buy a lot and build a home for you on the most reasonable terms, saving you on a cottage from SSOO to S6OO, and on a two-story house from S6OO to SI,OOO. AT PRESENT I have several beautiful building lots. One is located in West End. on which I will build a beautiful six-room bungalow for $3,500. on terms ro suit you. Save been in the busirn ss for 25 years and guarantee absolute satisfaction. S. W. SULLIVAN. Building and Real Estate. 308 Peters Building. Unfurnished Houses For Rent. FOR RENT. NICE six and seven-room apartments: all conveniences; best street and neigh bnrhood in i'ollege Park; large shadv lots; wired for chickens; S2O and $22.50 per month, BE A I'TIFU L six-room bungalow; large shady" lot in College Park; good street and neighborhornj; completely* furnished; for rent to desirable party for only 827 50 per month. FURNISHED six-room cottage In Corne? Ila, Ga.. during hot summer months for per month. NICELY finished eight-room two-story house. College street. Decatur; large lot. barn, chicken house and good garden S3O month. Georgia Home and Farm Co. Phone Ivy 5767. 114 Candler Bldg 6-12-44 Legal Notices. ('OURT COMMISSJ(»NER S ~ SALE. ri RSI'A.NT to ordet and decree of Fulton superior court, in the case of Lola. Badger vs. Katherine Monninger. petition for partition, I will sell before the court house door told Chamber of Commerce) same being the place of public sale in I'ulton county. Georgia, on the first Tues day in July, 1912. between 10 a. tn. and 4 p. m., the following described propertv. to wit: Being in land lot No. 51. in the Fourteenth district of orlgtnallv Henrv now Fu ton county. Georgia, more partic ularly described as follows, to wit* Be ginning on the north side of East Harris street at a point 217.1 feel east of the northeast corner of Harris and Ivv streets, and running from said point east along the north side of East Harris street, 40 feet to the east line of the property which wait conveyed to R T> Badger hy* George F. Glazier. September 27, 1878, by deed recorded in deed book DD. page 112 thence running back north of uniform width 132 5 feet. m,,re or less to flte Cox property. Said sale to be for cash, subject to such further order of the court as may then be legal and prop er. Further particulars may be had bv reference to the order and decree of the court of date May 9. 1912. HARR\ KROUSE, Commissioner -6-49 STATE OF GEORGIA Fulton Count". Mrs Mamie Branson vs, W. F Branson Superior Court. July term, 1912 To W. B Branson. Greeting: By order of court, you are herehv no titled that on the I!>th day of April' 1912. Mrs Mamie Branson filed suit against you for total divorce, returnable to the July term, 1912, of said court. Y on are hereby required to be and ap pear at the July term. 1912, of said court Io be held on the first Monday tn Jul". 1912. tnen and there to answer the plain tiff s complaint. Witness the Hon. George L. Bell, judge of said court, this . .. . c\^' ~Lr ’ BROYLES. Clerk W . H. LEWIS, Attorney. 6-1-8