Newspaper Page Text
Barefoot and in his night cloth'*,
pho stlike in ihe stiline*-* of the oa: ly
morning hour* as be sped like a phan
tom through the deserted streets. .1 L
Jackson, of 20 Readier st a sta
tionery engineer, today chased a bur
glar a distance of nearlr a mile
Jackson was armed with a hie army
rifle, and five times the erack of th*
•rusty weapon resounded and reverbet
ated through the ‘•treets Rut on mt
on fled the frightened burglar, despii
the fustllade of shots If either of th*
bullets took effect, the fugitive refused
to let it be known
Finally, wearied by the long sprin l
and the weight of the big gun. the thin
ly clad pursuer gave up the chase. Pc
llcemen Hannah and Lowe were at
tracted by the shots and marie a search
of the entire section where the bur
glar was lost, but failed t" And any
trace of him
The burglar was forcing himself
through a window in the Jackson home
when discovered. Without taking tim
to don his clothing or shoes. Jackson
seized his rlfl- . leaped through the win
dow after the marauder, anti then be
gan the wild race
The Fourth of July next Is tn be a
memorable day for Crawfordville. and
large crowds from neighboring coun
ties as well as from a greater distance
ar*- expected. The principal feature
of the dat will tie the celebration of
the 100th anniversary of the birth of
Alexander H. Stephens, only vice presi
dent of the Confederacy and governor
of Georgia at the time of his death.
Judge Joseph Henry Lumpkin, of the
supreme court of Georgia, will be the
principal speaket of th* occasion. T.
K. Oglesby. <<f Augusta, will also make
an address.
Judge Horace M Holden, formerly of
th* supreme court, will be master of
ceremonies and will be assisted in re
ceiving the distinguished visitors by
the members of the local bat
While February II was .Mr. Stephens’
birthday, it was thought best to defer
the exercises till a later date and July
4 was decided upon as approprlat*
Makes the Nation Gasp.
The awful list of injuries on a Fourth
of July staggers humanity. Set over
against it. however, ip the wonderful
healing by Bucklen's Arnica Salve, of
thousands who suffered from burns,
cuts, bruises, bullet wounds or explo
sions. It's the quick healer of boils, ul
cars, eczema, sore Ups or piles. 25 els
at all druggists •••
Each age of our Ilves has its joys.
Old people should be happy, and they
will be if Chamberlain's Tablets are
taken to strengthen the digestion and
keep the bowels regular These tablets
are mild and gentle in their action and
especially suitable for people of middle
age and older. For sale by all dealers.
• • •
And return, sold every Thursday Sea
son tickets sold daily Through sleep
ers. Full information at Seaboard Citv
Ticket Office, 88 Peachtree.
Automatic Refrigerators
are superior to all others.
Pay for themselves in ice
savings. C. H. Mason, 6
and 8 W. Mitchell street.
Jk Remember, Auction, To
morrow, June 18, 3:30", Lots
rTora and Houses, Bedford Place
4SJ and Eighth street. n fljj
21-2 Walton St- PLATS AT OFFICE- Atlanta. <ia.
' -I. .IIJ _ .■ L II I I.B>W IL 1 ”! 11 ... J
AV e -ell only the guaranteed kind, the kind that has built
the largest retail Rubber Hose trade in the United States,
continued wet weather
course been very unfa
vorable to sales in this depart
'rent \\ e didn't cancel anv
XyjtVrA ° nr h° s c contracts -we let
the shipments continue to ar
rive daily. \\ e have bales and
bales of it. It s yours for a
limited time at the following attractive prices
Regular 12 l-2c half inch 5-pl\ hose, at 10c per foot
Regular 14c 3-4-inch 5 ply hose. at 12 l-2c per foot
Everv inch in e'en piece is guaranteed.
Just attach your
hose and then -it
back on ' our veran
da and watch it . VW
work Make- a '
misty. hne spray, ( f! O u Jj. |Jjj .TjIW.L'.L \. .Ari
millions of little
cools the atmosphere
and sprinkles the
lawn at the same time. CAN’T CLOG ALWAYS READY.
Regular 75c value; fits any hose 49 f
| Hightower Hardware Co.
I 90 H'hitehall Street.
That Mrs. Marie l-ovette Schane. seek
ing a divorce and alimony from David I
I S<‘har.e, in .superior court, regulates her
I life by the tips of fortune tellers was
ti gist ..f the testirnon.x submitted Jo
; Superior fudge Pendleton tnda?
; ‘ Sh< told me shortly after I had heard
• h*r talk over the phone with other men
.that she no longer loved Dave.' declared
‘AI Schane, brother of the defendant “She
I said she was going to a fortune teller
|to prove it. And she did."
Mrs Schane. who took the stand short
|\ afterwards, admitted that she war
strong for the information of fortune tell -
e-s but denied that she sought one to as
sure her that «he had lost het affection
for her husband.
“I don’t believe one-half the testimony
given in this case, and I am nor sure
which half I do believe, said Judge
Pendleton, when rhe evidence was In “it
is a (•««( f» r a Jury and I assign it to
one '
The Juris: awarded Mrs Schane 125 a
month temporary alimony and assessed
1100 for attorney’s fees against Schane
If suffering from any skin trouble,
free yourself from further annoyance
immediately by the use of Poslam. the
perfect, modern skin remedy. Poelam
stops itching Hf once and quickly cures
eczema, acne, pimples, salt rheum, itch
and all like diseases, eradicates pimples
and common blemishes with a few ap
plications. clears red noses and In
flamed complexions over night. Pos
lam assures hot weather skin comfort
by disposing of rashes and itching
spots, taking th* soreness out of burns,
mosquito bites, stings, etc., and protect
ing from ami curing sunburn.
POSLAM SOAP Is the soap of soaps
for daily use. toilet and hath, as a
means of improving color and texture
of the skin and assuring Its continued
health Absolutely pure, it derives its
rare beneficial effects from medication
with Poslam. Soothes tender skin.
Best for infants.
All druggists sell Poslam (price -*>o
cents* and Poslam Soap (price 25
cental. For flee samples, write to the
Emergency Laboratories. 32 West 25th
Street. New York City,
Guaranteed Fresh Country
Greensboro Creamer/ Co
Creamery Butter L I
New York Dairy Co
Dairy Buller, Pound
Good, Sweet, Fresh nr-
Tennessee Butter, Pound. .
Georgia Country Butler. . 22c
40c Coffea 2Bc lb
30c Coffee 22c lb
25c Coffee 19c ib I
Tetley's Tea. 1-4 lb. Tins 1c I
Tetley's Tea, 1 2 lb Tins -21 c
80c Tins 39c ib
Cash Grocery Co.
118 and 120 Whitehall
Chamberlin=Johnson=Dußose Company
The Let=Go of Suits Starts
Tomorrow at 8:30 o’Clock
And Every Suit-Woolen, Silk and Linen, With the Exception of a
Few Mourning Suits-Is Included
Brought right down to its final analysis, this sale amounts to
just this—with one exception mentioned above, all the woolen and
silk suits in this store are now either $15.00 or $22.50. All the linen
suits are exactly half.price!
It is perhaps the broadest; most generous sale that any June
has ever brought.
Here is Atlanta’s biggest, most carefully selected stock of
women’s suits, Chamberlin-Johnson-Dußose Co.’s regular stock,
now grouped at prices that in no instance are greater than half.
Were an average drawn it would show that present prices are
closer to one-third than one-half former prices.
Such is the sale that you are invited to tomorrow. It amounts
to an economic force in the community.
There will be more money saved by those who buy than
will be spent.
Os course, every woman who needs a suit will take advan
tage of this sale. We do not see how she could think of going
elsewhere. ' - >
Every advantage is hers here—price—variety—style.
Formerly S 3O M s 3s* V and $ 45 00 Formerly S SO M $ 55 00 $ 59 ?5 and W"
* SK C O These are the nov-
HBUt OO s pl en d*d suits Nr W W•J v elty suits of the de
•V7V/ fo r every day ser- f 1 J partment, the show
it vice. You can gain JHHf JMW suits. The y are
M • some idea o f the from New York’s
variety that will be acknowledged leader in suit making---one
spread before you when you remember who goes to Paris directly for his fashions,
this includes every suit that was $30.00 to Many of these are exact reproductions of
s4s.oo—even the staple blue serges. Plenty Paris-made models, others are adaptations,
of tan and grey whipcords, black serges Shot taffetas, aeolians in novel little cut
and worsteds with white pin stripes, man- away coats with sailor collars and three
nish mixtures, broken checks—a world of quarter length sleeves, and soft toned wor
weaves —all tailored and fashioned and steds, greys, tans and black striped with
trimmed as the smartest tailors know how. white and grey.
Linen Suits Half Price
Linen Suits at half price and the weather just now warming up.
What an opportunity this brings! Suits of crash, plain ramie and
ratine, in natural white, ivory, Copenhagen, navy, light blue, rose
and black and white.
Strictly tailored suits, suits with embroidered lingerie collars,
suits showing the eyelet embroidery work on coats and skirts. In
short, linen suits de luxe now half price.
All $22.50 Linen Suits now . . $12.50 All $40.00 Linen Suits now . . $20.00
All $30.00 Linen Suits now . . $15.00 All $42.50 Linen Suits now . . $21.25
All $35.00 Linen Suits now . . $17.50 All $45.00 Linen Suits now . . $22.50
Cliarnberlin=Jolinson=Dußose Co.