Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, June 17, 1912, HOME, Page 6, Image 6

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6 GENTML fl. fl. TO ISSUE BONOS OF 575,000,000 Company Plans to Spend $35,- 000.000 in Improvement of Its Lines. Plans which include the expenditure of $35,000,000 on sweeping improve ments will be submitted to shareholders | of the Central of Georgia at a meeting to be he'd on July 18 At that time the stockholders will be asked to au thorize an issue of $75.000.000 5 per rent refunding bonds and not $50,000,000 as has been reported heretofore Os the huge bond issue, ?4 n .OOO,non will be reserved for refunding purposes and the remainder will be put into the proposed Improver tents. About $5,000,- 00b will be spent, in the immediate fu ture. The Central of Georgia is controlled by the Illinois Central, which recently acquired all the $15,000,000 income bonds of the Georgia road. The Cen tral of Georgia on June 6 authorized the issue of $15,000,000 of preferred stock which is to be given tn the Illi nois Centra! in exchange for the Income bonds. The Georgia road's stock will be in creased to $20,000,nn0 by this trans action—all owned by the Illinois Cen tra] —but the bonded Indebtedness will be reduced $15,000,000. To pay for in come bonds acquired, the Illinois Cen tral has Just sold $15,000,000 worth of notes. GEORGIA CRUSHERS START CONVENTION AT ATLANTIC BEACH ATLANTIC BEA<’H. FLA . Jun' 17. With the largest attendance In the his tory of its organization, the eighth an nual convention of the Cotton Seed Crushers Association of Georgia is in session today at the Hotel Continental here. More than 250 members of the asso ciation with their families are in at tendance The program will be con cluded tomorrow afternoon Rev. J Lindsay Patton, of Jackson ville, delivered the invocation, which was followed by the address of wel come by George L. Drew president of the Jacksonville Board of Trade. II was followed by C L. ('. Thomas, of Madison, Ga who delivered the r< sponse. Following the routine bu ness of the opening was tin annua, add'ess of the president. F P. Mcßlll net . of Atlant, U W Ashcraft, presi dent of the Interstate Colton Seed Crushers asso. lotion, delivered an ad dress on "The Association," which was greatly enjoyed. At th' afternoon session report of Secretary-Treasurer P D Mct'arlej of Atlanta, was made, which showed the association to be in splendid condi tion and growing rapidly. The address by Martin V. Calvin, director. Georgia state experiment station. Experiment, Ga.. whose subject, "A Talk on General Topics," was to have been delivered, was omitted on account of enforced absence of Mr Calvan, who wrote a letter of regret at his detention GEORGIA AND FLORIDA RY. SURVEYING INTO AUGUSTA AT GT STA. GA , June 17. -It is an naum rd by General Manager Denham of the Georgia and Florida railway that civil engineers are now surveying a proposed line from Align fa to St. Claire, Ga.. and It is possible that the Georgia and Florida will build into Augusta within the next year. The road now operates into the city over the Augusta Southern from Keysville. 30 miles away. The Georgia and Flor ida, operates from Keysville to Madison, Fla . over its own lines EAGLES OF FIVE STATES TO CONVENE AT AUGUSTA AUGUSTA. GA .Tune 17. The an nual district convention of the Frater nal Order of Eagles will meet here to morrow afternoon and a small army of delegates is expected. Savannah will send 300. Macon 100. Atlanta 100. and large delegations will come from other cities. Lodges in Georgia. Florida M abama and North and South Carolina will be repret■ nted. $50,000 COTTON COMPANY. DUBLIN. GA, June 17. The South Georgia. Cotton Company ha. been or ganized here with $ a,Oft" lapital to en gage In the but Ing and Gling of cot ton. Tlte officets are. 1. B. Holt, San dersville president. J E Smith, Jr vice president. C. R Williams, secre tary and treasurer; W B R,,g. t , man ager, and J. F. Jordan, as.- -slant man ager NEW MILL FOR DUBLIN. DUBLIN. GA. June 17. A new cat ton mill w ill be in opera! inn lwr< w ith in 60. days by the Oconee cotton Mills Company, with slßs,bob The officers are; TV. M. Leitch, president. M. H. Edwards, rice jtresidem; r J], Pf.i-n.-k, .-■ cretary and ti- imiiit i-ni S. E. Smiles, manager. FERTILIZER PLANT PROJECTED. DUBLIN. GA., June 17 The town of Cadwell, just west of Dublin, in Lau rens county, will soon have a sso,oo<> fertilizer plant Application for a charter for a company to erect it has been made TUA RT’S BUCHU BHD JUNIPER COMPOUND CUREBKIDNE> »Ni> BUAODE R TROUBLE I BIG GRIST AWAITS START OF THE LEGISLATIVE MILL The present general assembly of Georgia will meet In Atlanta for its second and last session Wednesday, June 26. This will be the first and only regular legislative session held during the ad ministration of the present governor, Joseph M Brown, and there will come before it for consideration a great mass of business left over from the last ses sion under Governor Smith, besides such legislative matters as may arli-e through the suggestion of Governor Brown or through the activity of in dividual legislators. The first bill on the house calendar Is the famous Tippins bill. The first on the senate calendar is the Morris bill for the bettor regulation of locomotive, headlights. On the house calendar for early con sideration are the following bills, which have been read a second time; Drinking Cup Bill Up. To more clearly prohibit manu facture. sale or barter of alcoholic liquors (Tippins hill). To prohibit shooting of cannon crackers In this state. To prohibit use of public drink ing cups. To make it unlawful to buy whis ky. etc., from persons not author ized by law to sell same. To regulate pistol-toting. To prohibit expectorating on floors of churches, etc. To create Kent county. To prohibit fire insurance com panies allowing any special favors. To create agricultural experi ment station in south Georgia. To permit county officers to hold office for four years. To require cotton warehouses to insure cotton. To remove capital of Georgia from Atlanta tn Macon. Tn increase near-beer tax from S3OO to SSOO per annum. To prohibit sale of fertilizers containing prat, humus or muck. To create Bleckley county. To establish inheritance tax. To enable women to be notaries public. Would Abolish Justice Courts. To change election of members of general assembly, state house officers and governor from October to November on the same day when national elections are hold. To create a state highway com mission. To prohibit the publication tn an- nr - spiner of certain crimes. '‘-•tn department of conservation. To abolish office of solicitor gen eral. Ti> abolish Justice courts in At- I lanta. To prohibit playing of baseball si hool . To provide for biennial instead of annual sessions of the general assembly. To interpret "good character" clause In electoral qualifications. To create office of lieutenant gov ernor and provide for gubernatorial succession (five bills). To create state board'-of conser vation. To permit railroads to grant free passes to sheriffs and deputies. To prohibit payment of move than ten per cent commission on sale of stock In insurance compa nies. To make it unlawful to draw checks without funds hi bank to cover same. Ends Hunt. For Rich Girl. Often the hunt for a rli h wife ends when the man meets a unman that uses Electric Bitters. Her strong nerves tel! in a bright brain and even temper. Her peach bloom complexion i and ruby lips result from her pure ’blood; her bright eyes from restful sleep her elastic step from firm, free muscles, all tolling of the health and strength Electric Ritters give a wom an, and the freedom from Indigestion, backache, headache, fainting and dizzy spells they promote. Everywhere they are woman's favorite remedy. If weak or ailing, try them. 50c at all drug gists. ••• Automatic Refrigerators are superior to all others. Fay for themselves in ice savings. C. H. Mason, 6 and 8 W. Mitchell street. The delicious flavors of the best fruit and more economical SAUER'S EX TRACTS A 1.1. FLAVORS. Thirteen Richest awards and medals WINDOW BOXES FILLED. ATLANTA FLORAL CO., Call Main 1130. THROUGH SLEEPERS DAILY TO WRIGHTS VILLE BEACH $lO, ten-dai tickets, on sale Thuss ■!av« Sw,sson tickets sold daily. SEA- B'IARD Citi Ticket Office. 88 Peach- U MORPHINE Liquor and Tobacco Addictions Cured Within Ten Days by Our New Painless Method. Only Sanitarium in the World Giving Unconditional Guar antee. lUir c larantee means something Not .m<- Jo’ ir need he paid until a satisfac t-w. ■ ure ha - been effected '> ‘ nt[,'l . enpleteli the usual with drawal im) ’ "v- 5” extreme nervous ness limb;. ,>r loss of sleep l'i tiet:'- .■ ‘He i visit Sanitarium ■an be, 1 treat pr - :i:eli at home Refcrentcs I | The M . . <>f < nir Citv. the President of I ini Rmi. any Citizen of Lebanon ! ’’'rite for r ree booklet No 2 Vidrezs 1 CUMBERLAND SANITARIUM F. J. SANDERS, Mgr., Lebanon, Tenn, j ariL. A LLAM A GEORGIAN AND NEWS. MONDAY. J LAE 17. 19ix. SIH Protects Game Birds. On the senate calendar are the fol lowing ; To regulate locomotive head lights. To prohibit shooting of game birds for three years. To provide for ten days session of general assembly in odd years for inauguration of governor, etc. To prescribe qualifications of voters for special elections. To regulate taxes on automo biles. To regulate granting of marriage licenses. To require all deaf children to attend State School for Deaf. To create Hardeman county. To provide for biennial instead of annual sessions of general as sembly. To divide superior court circuits into three divisions. To prohibit fighting in incorpo rated towns. To regulate diameter of women's hats. To prohibit use of tobacco by persons under eighteen years of age. To reapportion state into 44 sen atorial districts. To tax bachelors over 40 years of age. To regulate compressing of cot ton. To provide how state officials may be registered as vo.ters. To create Barrow county. To prohibit eloping and marriage of females under eighteen years of age. To provide free school books for all public school pupils. To provide form of commission government, charters for cities, towns and villages. Some Far From Action. Resides these bills to come up for early consideration, there are a great many bills which have been read only one time in the senate or the house, as the case may be, some of which even tually will come to a vote and others that never will get out of the hands of the various committees now having them in charge. Among those bills still far from leg islative consideration are the follow ing; To establish a state board of med ical examiners; to extend Western and Atlantic railroad to th, Atlantic ocean; to incorporate the initiative, the refer endum and the recall in the state con stitution; to divide school fund relative tu white.a nd colored property owners; to authorize the construction of a plaza over state's railroad property in Atlan ta; to require superior court judges to rotate, to provide what constitutes a tramp, to bar negroes from the right of franchise; to require all political nominations to b<- made under county | unit plan; to prohibit betting on base leal! games; to provide for Georgia ex i’libit at the San Francisco-Panama ex position; tn increase number of mem bers In the legislature; to prevent rail roads charging reduced fares on Sun day ; to repeal dog tax, and to amend divorce laws of Georgia. I®l I n ' ,r 1-eonhardi's won- i I ESR (ISm* ■ derfulli successful in- 1 KJjSjL—trrnal remedy. HEM ROID, is sold at Ja cobs' Pharmacy Co under guarantee $1 for 72 sugar-coated tablets, lasting 24 davs Quit using salves and go after the inside cause. Hem Roid book mailed free by Dr. Leonhardt Co. Sta. B. Buf falo. N Y. HOTELS AND RESORTS. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. ONE OF ATLANTIC CITY'S LARGEST AND LEADING ALL-THE-YEAR HOTELS. HOTEL RUDOLF On ocean front; close to all attractions, capacity 1.000 The location, large rn O rn« and open surroundings have established this as the most comfortable hotel for the summer. All baths supplied with sea ana fresh water; running water In guest rooms, spacious promenade verandas overlook the famous boardwalk. Orches tra, high class restaurant, American and European plans. A S. RUKEYSER, Manager. JOEL HILLMAN. President. GREAT ATLANTIC HOTEL. Virginia, live., near Beach and Steel Pier. Open surroundings. Capacity 500 Hot and cold sea water baths. Large rooms, south ern exposure Elevator to street level, spa cious porches, etc Special week rates: p 2.50 up daily. Booklet. Coaches meet trains. COOPER ft LEEDS. MODERN BOY GIVEN MORE THAN ABC'S Books Are Selected as Necessary Com panions of Boys or Business Men. Give a boy the alphabet and who can-say what height'; of greatness ht may attain. Today, however, the time- ! worn adage is being improved upon and the attaining of the greatness is be ing made more certain by the enlarg ing of (he knowledge which that al phabet should be the index to. Tile Georgian suggests that the fond parent should not be satisfied with giv ing the boi merely the alphabet but that other books as simple as the A B I"-, but as useful to the gray.haired business mm as to the boy at school be provided, and the lad giiep. a big shove toward success by having a compact course of at-the-elbow educa tion provid'd him Give man or boy the alphabet today and he also needs the Standard Atlas and Chmnologb til Hlstori of the! World to assist him in selecting and applying the facts and figures of posi- Hv-. verified knowledgi to the needs of bls business nr studies The alphabet gives you the key to this most compact and complete his tory. and the Atlas gives you the key t 1 the quick attainment of as vast a fund of knowledge fm- practical ap plication as you need along life’s Jour ney This book contains descriptions of cities, population and geographical in ; formation, historical geographical and ?-tatis'ieal charts, al! of which will be I I found invaluable at home business oi l school. Clip six headings from this paper and present them with the small expense I fee required. JILTED, HE SLAYS GIRLAND HIMSELF Rejected by Salisbury Girl, Chunn Shoots Her Down and Commits Suicide. SALISBURY. N. C.. June 17.—The citizens of Salisbury are aroused to a high state of indignation today by the double tragedy wrought by love-crazed Frank Chunn last night, when he shot and killed 7Jiss Burnadette Roueche and then killed himself because the girl had rejected his proposal of mar riage. Indignation reached such a pitch that the body of Chunn was allowed by the citizens to lay where he fell until an early hour today, although the remains of Miss Roueche were quickly taken to her mother's home. Chunn killed the girl on the front porch of the home of her uncle, J. K. Roueche. editor of The Salisbury Post. He had been walking with Miss Burna dette Roueche, her sister,. Miss Hor tense Roueche. and Charles Cable. As Chunn and Miss Burnadette Roueche mounted the deserted porch of the bouse, the other couple went around to the r»ar of the house to get a drink of water In their absence Chunn made his second proposal of marriage within the hour and Miss Roueche rejected him finally. Without a word he drew the pistol and shot the girl through the head. As she fell dead the other couple hurried into sight around the side of the house. "Stand back," cried Chunn. pointing his gun at Cable. And as the couple stood horrified, he turned the point of the pistol against him own head and fill dying across the body of the girl. SIX CARS OF CORN CONDEMNED. COLUMBUS. GA.. June 17.—Dr. J. T. Monerieff, city health officer of Colum bus, has condemned six carloads of corn, containing about 6.000 bushels. The wholesale dealer agreed to ship It to Memphis, if the health officer would allow him to do so, stating that it was wanted in that city for hog feed. When your child has whooping cough he careful to keep the cough loose and expectoration easy by giving Chamber lain's Cough Remedy as may be re quired. This remedy will also liquefy the tough mucus and make it easier to expectorate. It has been used success fully in many epidemics and is safe and sure. For sale by all dealers. A Remarkable Purchase of ' LINGERIE DRESSES Values to $17.50. Pre= EE i nvenlor y P r ’ ce = <pv*vd See oiii- great window dis pLiy. view the styles, exam ’l,e ie materials —you’ll $ wWR sa . v . vou have never seen as j fi ne an offering. 257 Linge illiO&k /'Waiok/1 Marquisette, Voile, klaxon and Allover Em- I iwbwwSHr ' 'U!i hFoiderx' Dresses, 15 styles h i’i.’ fm - selection; Empire. Coat- &J* Jl* allf l Feplum models, exquisitely trimmed with , T i' '’hmy. torchon, shadow and n fe *-a .♦■ it qi laces and embroideries. Jr sl’». $12.50, $14.75 and H'" ”■'’o A a hies. $6.55 GLOVESALE White Corduroy Skirts Kayser's Chamoisette id-button Gloves in to $2.50 white and natural or At $1.29. The Skirts chamois color. Full line are made of wide welt of sizes. AiOp corduroy, in high waist Pairmodel, plain tailored— and are our regular SI.OO Silk Gloves V; 5 »i f S: rfs ;- 1 . At $1.89. \ ery hand -16-button pure silk some, wide welt cordu- Gloves, double finger roy Skirts, finished with tipped, handsome heavy large pearl buttons, quality. $1 GQr High waist model. Reg value. Pair ...v7L ular $2.50 values. Thompson’s Glove Fitting Corsets in a SPECIAL CUT-PRICE SALE I $1.50 new hipless models in Thompson’s Glove fit ting Gorsets. G strong hose supporters, extra long skirt, low bust. Sizes to fit all figures. These cor sets are too well known to need description, and are rarely offered below $1.50. ZA ZA Our pre-inventory sale A | | | ] trice Deep cut prices in our Children's Hat Depart ment. Every hat in lingerie or straw greatly re duced in this Pre-Inventory Sale. Up and Down Peachtree Impudent Auto Horns Insult Bill Blevins. "It ain't the way these here auto mobeels keep a man jumpin' like St. Vituses' dance, or the way they squirt mud and gasoline on his clo’se, that makes me plumb sore," remarked Mr. William Blevins today as he stood in the Peachtree entrance of the Kimball, sprinkled the sidewalk with the es :< • ce of navy plug and eyed the pass-' ing procession with interest born of novelty. "It's the durned insultin' hawns them chiffoniers blows jes’ be fore they hits you. “I dont mind havin’ to cross Peach tree street in three jumps and a hop. I don’t mind gittin' caught between two or three of them snortin’ hell carts and a street car and havin’ the buttons ripped off'n my coat tails. I ain’t got no objections to them hawns that blows a soft and soothin’ note like a steamboat gittin’ ready for a land in'. But wnen one of them Smart Ike niggers reaches down and toots a trum pet that sounds like a saw hittin' a hickery knot and does it so sudden I ewallers my eatin’ terbaccer, then I gits hot under the collar. "They’ve got hawns in this town that's positively insultin'. They don't say, 'Please give me room,’ like them soft ones I jes' mentioned. They yells, 'Scat, you poor white trash,’ and then they're gone by like a bad-smellin’ comet. I’m goln’ to see if Randolph Anderson and Hooper Alexander and me can't frame up a law this cornin’ session that'll make them things a cor. poral offense." A GREAT PHYSICIAN DECIDED IT It was decided that the late Dr. M. Gardner, at that time surgeon general of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, should be asked to select a theoretically in curable case of chronic Bright's disease He picked out an employee In Arizona whose case had been passed on by throe S P. R. R. physicians Case involved albumen casts, dropsy, and patient was so weak he was In night sweats. Dr Gardner did not believe he could live 60 days He was put on Fulton's Rena! Com pound and we waited In 30 dais im provement was reported and less than six months later patient was recommended for light employment, tests by the local physlc’ans whom we never saw reporting disappearance of the albumen and casts. Dr. Gardner's favorable report lour thir ty-fourth test case) caused the closure of the negotiations and the determination to announce the results Fulton's Renal Com pound is getting in kidney disease. It can be had at Frank Edmondson ft Bro., 14 South Broad and 108 North Pryor streets. Ask for pamphlet or write to John J. Fulton Company, San Francisco. FflTHlfl HUIITS RUNAWAY G Isl L Mrs. 0. Paine, Eighteen Years Old, of Americus, Disappears From Valdosta. CORDELE, GA., June 17.—Search is being made throughout this section by E. L. Turner, editor of The Valdosta Times, for his daughter. Mrs. C. Paine, of Americus, who disappeared from Valdosta last Friday night. After tracing her to this city. Mr Turner went on to Macon to continue the search. Mrs. Paine, now only 18 years old, was married four years ago. when a mere slip of a girl. The last Mr. Turner saw of his daugh ter was on Friday night, when she left his home, stating she had a long distance telephone message from her husband at Americus, asking her to return home im mediately. She left, presumably for Americus, at 11 o'clock Friday night. On Saturday Mr. Turner learned that she had not reached Americus and then his search for her began. According to information received by Mr. Turner, Mrs. Paine was seen in Cor dele with a strange man on Saturday aft ernoon. He is described as between 25 and 30 years of age, dark hair, fair com plexion. and weighing about 140 pounds, with the general appearance of a travel ing man. On Friday night a strange couple reg istered at the Suwanee hotel as J. A Agnew and wife, of Caddo, Okla., but a search of directories failed to show such a town. Mr. Turner is searching for this couple. It is not known what direction they took when they left Cordele. McKfcy wf-t- Erf I’l 1 "' vtthMuoi .- J . •_ Al J, BIMMHr MWr rrVlj I: THE greatest improvement M in poultry fence construction ever known was made when EM electric welding was introduced. It sounded the death ill Mi knell of the light, flimsy netting and of light poultry fences M ■ j of all kinds. This radical change over old methods was H Mg made by the Pittsburgh Steel Company and was incor ill porated A into its now celebrated “Pittsburgh;.Perfect” |B ||i fencing, for hogs, sheep, cattle,. farm purposes' and for ■ lawns and poultry. This fencing is manufactured ,ex- IH H clusively by them. Electric welding alsOiplaced wraps, |B ||| clamps and ties in the waste wire class. ffQS ELECTRICALLY WELDED liKt this', nwi B Poultry Fence HfFH ‘’‘Pittsburgh Perfect” poultry ||| well as all farm and lawn fences under this HI brand, are now being made. from , a special Jr ■I quality of open hearth wire," manufactured in felH tii" immense addition Io our mills recently otßWt M built. It is now heavily; galvanized by an IJv improved process. All stay wires are the same size as line wires, and is the superior of any poultry fence made. The quality of the open hearth wire, conceded superior to Bessemer steel; the galvanizing, applied by our special process; and the large, wires, are all of vital ■ .1 7 .Eg importance in giving service and durability. S|u| u “Pittsburgh Perfect” Electrically Welded ij Fenccs are made in every height and weight ’ for every use. Insist upon getting only “Pittsburgh Perfect” fence. Ljk. a No> 5819—55.50 Roll. W 58 inches high, 165 feet, No. 4617—54,50 Roll. AEGiSTERtD 46 inches high, 165 feet, . Poultry Netting 1 Foot High, 2-inch Meshs .75 Roll $.Ol ft. cut 1 Foot High, 1 1-4 inch Mesh 1.50 Roll .02 ft. cut 1 Foot High, 1-inch Mesh 2.25 Roll .03 ft. cut 1 Foot High, 3-4 inch Mesh 300 Roll .04 ft. cut 2 Feet High, 2-inch Mesh 1.50 Roll .02 ft. cut 3 Feet High, 2-inch Mesh2.2s Roll .03 ft. cut I 4 Feet High, 2-inch Mesh 3.00 Roll .04 ft. cut 5 Feet High, 2-inch Mesh3,7s Roll .05 ft. cut 6 Feet High, 2 inch Mesh 4.50 Roll .06 ft. cut KING HARDWARE CO. 53 Peachtree St. 87 Whitehall St. IF - SWEET POTATO PLANTS of dur famous Xaney Hall variety at $1.75 per thousand., or s_’.OO express prepaid. Prompt shipment, good count ind safe arrival guaranteed. BEAR'S HEAD EARM, Pine Castle, Fla. The Indian Players in HIAWATHA at Inman Park Daily at 4:00 and 8:30 o. m. (Sunday excepted) BENEFIT UNCLE REMUS MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION. ADMISSION 50 CENTS CHILDREN 25 CENTS RESERVED SEATS 25 CENTS EXTRA F2BSXH3; S Sn) H| CHESTER SPILLS - I T , I 'F,»I'MOX , >BRA>d Ta JOE WELCH [Next Week. TRIXIE FRIGANZA Gus Ed- J. I ,"""LuS - MJ *i? ,d P/PAV/ 1 Asihi Japs—3 Belmonts wards W Tate no ntb.U Bir’ef rMrI X/ Tom Linton and Junglel Himself and 14. m G.’s. H.bbert & WaH His Big U ren—MonticrtsSong Revue SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWNERB W. B. Robinson. Jr. The funeral of W. B Robinson, Jr., who died Saturday night at 42 South Pryor street was held at the residence this aft ernoon at 2 o'clock. Interment was in Antioch. No young woman, In the joy of ' coming motherhood, should neglect ; to prepare her system for the physi cal ordeal she is to undergo. The health of both herself and the coming child depends largely upon the cnie she bestows upon herself during the waiting months. Mother’s Friend prepares the expectant mother’s sys tem for the coming event, and Its use makes her comfortable during all the term. It works with and for nature, and by gradually expanding all tis sues, muscles and tendons, involved, and keeping the breasts in good con dition, brings the woman to the crlsio in splendid physical condition. The baby, too, is more apt to be perfect and strong whei*e the mother has thus prepared herself for nature’s supreme function. No better advice could ba given a young expectant mother than that she use Mother’s Friend; It is a medicine that has proven its value in thousands of cases. Mother's MfITUFD’C i Friend is sold at v,;: cSFrieNd I book for expect- ant mothers which contains much valuable information, and many sug gestions of a helpful nature. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ga. I .