Newspaper Page Text
Chief Beavers Declares They
Are the Greatest Need of the
Three police sub-stations for Atlanta
are expected to materialize following
the visit of Chief Beavers to the con
vention of the International Associa
tion of Police Chiefs in Toronto in July.
Chief Beavers declares that sub-sta
tions are the present greatest need of
the police department, and one of the
main objects of his trip is to make a
careful study of the system of sub-sta
tions in operation in the big cities of
the North and East. On his return
the chief will be fully equipped with all
essentia! information and will present
the matter to the police commission
for definite action. The commissioners
are known to favor sub-stations, as a
means of increasing the efficiency of
the police service, and there is no doub*
they will ask the city' council to au
thorize three stations.
Chief Beavers has had the plan of
sub-stations under advisement for some
time and says their need is imperative
to Insure better and more up-to-date
police service. He will make a thor
ough inspection of the sub-stations in
New York, Toronto and other cities
with the view of combining the best
features of the various systems.
Under the plan of Chief Beavers, one
of the sub-stations will be situated in
lower Marietta street, one in Peters
street and one on the north side. The
central station in Decatur street will
remain as headquarters for both po
licemen and detectives, prisoners being
transferred there fiom the sub-stations
In time for their trial in police court.
In cases of emergency calls, officers
could reach the scene of trouble much
quicker from a nearby sub-station than
fiom the central station.
Officers now frequently have to make
dashes to Fort McPherson, the farther
most cornets of the Ninth ward, and
other long distances.
AUGUSTA, GA.. June 17.—VV. W.
Hunter, a civil engineer connected with
the public works department, has been
named as director of streets and high
ways. the new position which was cre
ated because of the abolishing of the
positions of superintendent of streets
and drains and superintendent of the
scavenger department.
WAYCROSS. GA.. June 17.- When
scaffolding under a water tank at Home
stead fell today. .1. L. Turner, for twenty
years m charge of the pumping station
for the Atlantic Coast bine, received in
furies from which he may not recover.
A leg was broken and severe gashes cot
! n his head
NEWNAN, GA.. June 17.- A. H Young,
one of the best known farmers in Coweta
county, dropped dead In a field near his
home, four mile: from this city, today.
He had been ill for some weeks past,
but was feeling better He had started
his hands to work just jielore he died.
He was 57 years old.
Man Coughs and Breaks Ribs.
After a frightful coughing spell a
man in Neenah, Wis.. f It terrible pains
in his side and his doctor found two
ribs had been broken. Wiiat agony
Dr. King's New Discovery would have
saved him. A few teaspoonfuls ends a
late cough, while persistent use routs
obstinate coughs, expels stubborn colds
or heals weak, sole lungs. I feel sure
it’s a God-send to humanity,"- writes
Mrs. Effie Morton, Columbia Mo., "for
J believe I would have consumption to
day if I had not used this great reme
dy.” It's guaranteed to -satisfy, and
you can get a free trial hottie or 50-
cent or SI,OOO sibe at all druggists. •••
It Is now well known that not more
than one case of rheumatism in ten re
quires any internal treatment whatever.
All that is needed is a free application
of Chamberlain's Liniment and mas
saging the. parts at each application.
Try it and see how quickly it will re
lieve the pain and soreness. Sold by
all! dealers.
On sale Thursdays. City Ticket Of
fice. 88 Peachtree.
Effective Sunday, June
16, Georgia railroad train
No. 1 will arrive Atlanta
1:50 p. m., and train No. 25
will arrive Atlanta 2:10 p. m.
G. F. and P. A.
Make State and County
tax returns now. Time will
soon be up.
Tax Receiver. ■
It J I Opium. Whlskw ir.d Dru» Habit treat.
I >4l B «l it Bra, or at Sanitarium Book no
tuWeot Fnt. OIL B. M WOOL!.KT.
34-N Victor Sanitarium. Atlanta. <.a.
J. T. Shuptrine. Savannah. Ga.
Dear Sir I inclose 50 cents in stamps
for a box of Tetterine. I have poison oak
on me again, and Tetterine is all that ever
has cured It. Please hurry It on to yours
respectfully. M R. HAMLETT.
Montalba. Tex.. May 21, 1908
Tetterine shc. at your druggist, or by
ma' 1 " from manufa'-'iuer ; The ShtiptriiA-
Conipany, tiavannah, Ga. •••
MACON, GA., June 17.—The prohibition
law has been invoked in the courts by a
Macon man to prevent the collection of
an account. A Louisville liquor house
recently sued Dan O’Connell, a saloon
keeper. ■ for an unpaid whisky bill,
amounting to S2OO. ■ He has filed a de
murrer. admitting that he bought the
liquor, but contending that as the sale of
intoxicants is prohibited tn this state the
contract is illegal and can not be enforced
against him. O’Connell claims that the
liquor was sold to him in Macon by a
local agent.
The Forsyth management is keeping its
promise to supply the best the vaudeville
market affords and with the bills of the
last two or three weeks when two and
three headliners have been put on each
program, comes the bill for this week
with two of the greatest headliners ever
Joe Welch, the distinguished character
comedian, the foremost of the Hebrew
character entertainers, will be a popular
favorite before the end of the week.
Trixie Friganza is another of the stars.
This charming comedienne is so well
known locally that she needs no introduc
tion. She is one of the cleverest enter
tainers in the land and after her engage
ment at the Forsyth will return to New’
York to become the star feature of the
W inter Garden.
The Aishi troupe of Japanese, the three
Belmonts. Tom Einton and the Jungle
Girls. Hibbert and Harren and Les
Months make up the rest of the bill
The Forsyth management is behind the
declaration that this is the most expen
sive bill of vaudeville that has ever heen
brought to Atlanta
Four of the most promising acts that
have been booked of late at the Bijou
are announced for this week. The spe
cial feature will be the Melody Four, har
mony singers and musical artists. As a
comedy novelty. Al Harrington and his
dog is another act that will be remem
bered as one of the best of the season.
J. B. Hymer ami company will present
their funny farce, entitled “At Ji tn town
Junction." and Bernard and Roberts will
close the bill with singing and talking.
Motion pictures will open and close each
performance. Matinees are given every
afternoon at 3 o'clock, except Saturday,
when matinees will be given as usual at
2:30 and 4. Night performances at/7:30
and 9,
M’GI’STA, GA.. June 17.—The an
nual convention of the Baptist Young
People’s union of Georgia is to he held
here this week. The first session opens
with the (’urtis Baptist church torw>r
row night.
•'. Best Grade Lump $4.75
High Grade Lump $4.50
GaN Grade Nut - $4.25
Until July 15th, and for Cash Only
'53 E. HUNTIR ST. Phones: Bell 2336 M. Atlanta 803.
411 DECATUR ST. Atlanta Phone 933.
Roofing Pitch, Coal Tar,
IMMEDIATE Creosote, Road Binder,
Metal Preservative Paints,
DELIVERY Roofing Paint and
Shingle Stain.
Atlanta Gas Light Co. Phone494s
Read the £ fy.
Royal >
Guarantee ®
asjwwHSfecyJ g < sm! I
~ : —-', gsF VI r 2 r*®® 8 ®
®|E»**'** S ***
Model ’Xi®3P>*** , vT
Wjfh Two-Color Ribbon Tabulator Back-Spacer
Hinged Paper Fingers Tilting Paper Table
All the final touches of typewriter improvement are found s
at their best in the new Model 5 Royal, including several
features found on no other machine.
Not the least of the many Royal features are its SIM PLICITY
and DURABILITY. We have yet to learn of a Royal that
has worn out in reasonable service. >
The Royal is the machine of ECONOMY—not in the first
cost alone, but also in the money it saves through years of
perfect operation and practically repair less service. Read the
Royal Guarantee; that's the basis upon vyhich we want you
A f° consider the Royal.
Get "The Royal Book’’ —
51 r * ) R l ß ° Free Demonstration
F* ’ ' <z a-jR| \\ c want t 0 show Koval features and Royal superi j
\ if" ' < « / orfty in your own '’thee 9nd its unique fitness for any
1 \JUm U'l I'VV f typewriter requirements however exacting.
V*n<jf thei’oyal Standard Typewriter f .. ~ . ,
\ is medo cf the highest grade ma- f s*7 Gj same as for Model 1 With
1 t-rials obtainable and by the f f <_> Tabulator. n»o extras
1 most skillful workmen money f
\ “«>•'*">. / royal typewriter company
I 77. jf it ■dE do work of the ■
y fcjjl quality for a txtHST f
I Telephone Main 2492.
Lads Who Fled Orphan Home
Are Frightened by Strange
“Noises in Woods.”
Tfie five l»d« who ran away from the
Southern Baptist home, at Hapeville, last
evening, changed their minds about the
joy of a roving life as soon as it grew
very dark, and hurried back to the shel
ter of the institution before midnight
Cornell Lockhart, the nine-year-old lad
who led the fugitive expedition, told the
superintendent that "he'd never run away
anywhere again.'-' and never wanted to
read any more books of adventure, for
he said that the noises he and his com
panions heard in the woods less than a
mile away from the home were too fright
ful for any boy to stand.
t’lee Hitt, eleven: Julian Ayers, eleven.
Cicero Pratt, eight, and Robert Farrow,
twelve, the four other juvenile adven
turers who followed young Lockhart on
the tramp, agreed with him fervently
about the "terrible things" in the woods
at night, and the superintendent says he
has no fear of another flight by the same
daring band.
The superintendent this morning called
off the police who were hunting high and
low for the little fugitives. He explained
also that the lads had not taken the horse
anti wagon, as was at first supposed.
BUTLER. GA.. June 17. -Hugh Neis
ler, former representative of Taylor coun
ty. died at his home in this county last
night. Mr. Neisler was 70 years of age
Interment took place this afternoon in
Butler, with Masonic honors.
Many Atlanta people have chronic
appendicitis (which is not very painful)
and think it is just bowel or stomach
trouble. SoMte have doctored for yea's
for gas on the stomach, sour stomach
or constipation and Jacobs' Pharmacy
Company states If they will try simple
buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as com
pounded in Adler-i-ka, the German ap
pendicitis remedy, they will be sur
prised at the QUICK benefit. A SIN
GLE D<>SE stops these troubles IN
MACON, GA., June 17.—The Macon
lodge of Elks has awarded a contract for
a six-story fireproof building, which will
be erected on Cotton avenue on a site
row occupied by two stores. This will be
the new home of the Elks, who already
have almost enough money In the treas
ury to pay for it
Drives Sallowness
from the Skin
L*die«, imperfect cotnplexioß i» caused by
■ sluggish livkt. A few days treatment with
will do more to clean up -yg-,
the,kin than all the b-auty
creams in creation.
Cures constipation, ABTIKSer
unclogs the liver, LKj
ends indigestion,
biliousness and
tzztn e• •. q&Jr \\ aL—gy
Purely vege- Ayr* —— a ,
table —never fail.
Smell PIU. Small Dose. Smell Price.
The GENUINE must beat ’ignat tire
Nervous Wrecks
A FRIEND r,f mine said he believes nirta
men out’of ten had more or less Ir
ritation of the prostatic urethra I don't
know but what lib s
right This is one
of the most sensi
tive parts of the
human anatomy—
more sensitive than
the eye I have had
hundreds of pa
tients during tha
35 years 1 have
been specializing In
diseases of men.
chronic diseases
and nervous disor
ders. who were al
most nervous
wrecks from a
reflex Ir rs t a tlon
caused by the nros
tatic urethra being
affected. Had pains
in back, neck back
wl. j
|Ofc ;f|
DR WM, M. BAIRD of head and
Brown-Randolph Bldg.couldn’t sleep.
Atlanta, Ga. Good physicians
had treated them without result because
they didn't find the cause of the trouble.
My office hours are 8 to 7; Sundays and
holidays 10 to 1. My monographs free by
mail in plain, sealed wrapper.
mgn n W # Here they go! The Georgian's Atlas Campaign is a
Ha IHi Hsl TO Hi tik. # rousing success. Everybody wants one and the supply
is getting low, but another shipment is now on the way.
I H| w We don’t want anybody to be disappointed, and must
I iHk Hi w® B ur g fi our rea^ers to I° SO n 0 me - T° ur Atlas as
soon as possible before they are all gone. Act quickly.
" Tft CFT IT Just Prosit Six Ftrst-Page
THIS ILLUSTRATION is exact, size; bound in | kJL I II !
silk-finished cloth; beautiful and durable; f’'*” ’ ~ -
with maps of every country, state HEADINGS ’ ATLANTA GrEOm
and province in the world LIKE THIS; .
and educational
Charts. and th* axpanae fee *f M aenta te defray
——2 - "L-Ny, th* neoaaaary item* *f the ooat wf handling,
- T—-— ~ ——neokino, ehlpoinf, cheeking, aooaunting, ate.
this si,so
thpIMMl J’i ls
®a tlf. HaMfacftrm,
®® ■ ® I®® ? mw | ««*«•
v Policemen,
:::£w Firemen,
Mw ® Bt® sBM ® f ?" ~rme “’
ffiir »i hp " eers ’
St® & ® F»™nen.
•??/; &: $ Workmen,
J ; A : ATft I-:-?' WHICH
B M’lliers,
.y-;??? i f.??. SktP’S.
Wt B B Brotters '
<:gj Aonts '
« Lncles '
ii ■fi i Co " si " s -
“SCOTCH” the Heat!
Jn a Stylish Straw!!
tWi\\\ Our Straw Hat stock is the most extensive and repre-
v'\ xJj \ I sentative in Atlanta, and embraces the ultra-modish
\ \ wllr I shapes and stvles in all braids. Fine Split Braids and
IB ' “ h " SI sLs ° to 53,50
X J J We’ve a perfectly swell , tfC AA
. \ Panama for V«J»vv
Be Sure and See our Straws!!!
Soothingly Cool, Comfortable Underwear!
Soft Now come the days of real heat, when the least and
coolest in Underwear is necessary to human endurance.
Shirts Oiii’ lines are extensive in variety, taking in all the
- standard makes of light,
We control the balance filmy, gauzy textures that
of power in the Shirt , .• „ k„,.u»r. «« K \
. j ... , ... lav as light a burden on \4pjr \
business of Atlanta. W e • ■ ,
conduct the only legiti- your anatomy as textile pos- Zrt f\
mate Shirt Store in the sibilities will permit. You
citv. The abundance , • j i i AJfIV XA
•i • , „ must come m and look AXW «
and varietv of our / y/\ JvC \
stock confirms • our through the lines. Priced \ Vft » Vj / /
claim. Soft Shirts with per gar- rA . rA \\l *■ z V( / /
.soft '"liars an.l ruffs 50 C so $3.50
$1.50 to $3.50
Slu.-i;”-. $5.«0 DANIEL BROS. CO. |
Georgian Want Ads Bring Results