Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, June 19, 1912, EXTRA, Image 11

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F' u. , fi .., „. r , . „„„„,, ~ . .., . r .^ rsl . ( ..^ T^^. A .<_^^ ;r - ~ ~.,_r ;_ __,v ' . r _„ v . ..... ... THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. READ FOR PROFIT— GEORGIAN WANT ADS— USE FOR RESULTS '' THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. Published by The Georgian Company. 20 East Alabama Street Atlanta. Ga Entered at Atlanta Postofffce as second class matter Subscriptions Payable in Advance. One year, mall, postage prepaid. 55 00 Six months, mall, postage prepaid. 2.50 Three months, mail, postage prepaid, 1.25 Gne month, mail, postage prepaid. 45 Subscriptions Pr /able tn Advance. Delivered by carrier, one yearss 20 Delivered by carrier, six months 2 60 Delivered by carrier, three months... 1.30 Delivered by carrier, one month 4.' Delivered by carrier In Atlanta and other cities, one week 10c. Help Wanted—Female. COLORED maid for summer resort; col ored pastry cook at once, 1018 Century 81dg.6-18-50 WANTED—At once, cooks and maids: come at once. 253-254 Candler Annex Bldg., 104 North Pryor st. 6-18-53 WANTED—A white cook to go out of city; come at once. Feders Employment Agency, 253-254 Candler Annex Bldg., 104 North Pryor st, . 6-18-54 WANTED —Middle-aged woman to nurse two-year-old child. Phone Ivy 2807-L. _ uyt 4o WANTED—GirI for general house work at hoarding house. 132 S. Pryor. WANTED—Good cook; good wages. Ap ply at 25 Currier 5t.47-18-6 WANTED—A servant for general house work. Apply 507 W. Peachtree. 3-18-15 COLORED woman to do general house work. Rear door, 139 West Peachtree st. -18-17 WANTED—A first-class maid. 19 West Cain.. 6-18-30 WANTED—Capable working housekeep er for widower and three children. Ap ply Alonzo Field, 400 Temple Court. Bell phone Main 4708. 6-18-3 GOOD COOK and general house worker w-anted, to live on lot; good wages paid. 685 Ponce DeLeon.3o-18-6 WANTED —An experienced cook. Can furnish room on lot. Apply 301 Peach tree. 6-17-22 WANTED—A cook; two meals. Call Ivy 3766. 5-17-3 ’WILL PAY good salary to first-class cOok; must give references. Answer Mrs- 8.. care Georgian. 6-15-61 WANTED—Good cook and laundress for two In familv. References required. Apply 39 East Sixth street, between the Peachtrees, from 3 to 4 o’clock p. m. WE want a number of ladies to learn hairdressing. Herrmann wave, manicur ing. facial massage, electrolysis or chirop ody; twenty years of successful teaching ■ has created a demand for<>ur graduates. Call or write Moler College, 53 West Mitchell street. 37-15-6 WANTED—Good cook. Apply ihe Colo nial Apartments, 86 E. North avenue. Apartment 7. 6-14-8 WANTED--Young woman for nurse. Must stay in the house. ■ Good salary. 65 Wabash avenue. 6-11-30 Typewriters. ~~S4—Rents OLIVER 3 Months- 54. Oliver Tvpvr. Agency. 54 Auburn Avenue. Phone Ivy 4757. 6-12-45 Help Wanted—Male. WANTED —A man cook; any nationality; to go out of city; come at once. Feders Employment Agency. 253-254 Candler An lex Bldg . 104 North Pryor st. 6-18-52 TOLORED chef cook with wife as pastry cook; colored yard man for summer re sort: go od colored fry cook for summer resort/;' 1018 Century Bldg. 6-18-51 EXPERIENCED white hotel cook; capa ble laundryman. Acme Business Agency. 1018 Century Bldg.• 6-18-49 U'ANTED Young man. eighteen or twen ty years old. artistically inclined, to help artist. Must have $35. When com petent will pay salary. Steady position to right party. Apply to 158 Simpson street. Atlanta. 6-18-48 WANTED Assistant shipping dark.' Must be experienced. One familiar with the lumber business preferred. Apply Caro lina Portland Cement Co. 6-18-47 WANTED—Meat cutter. Applv in person 212 Wylie st. 46-18-6 R’ANTED —At once, young, strong boy to work in the yard. Apply 46 East Four teenth street Phone Ivy 6165-. I 6-18-26 R’ANTED—Good platen pressman and feeder; open shop. Apply at once. The Blosser Company. 38-40 Walton st. -18-13 WANTED--Good compositors: open shop. Apply at once. The Blosser Company, 58-40 Walton st., city. 6_-18-12 WANTED —A drayman; middle-aged man preferred. Apply Spratt Chair Co. 6-18-8 WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY --Ablebodied unmarried men between ages of 18 and 15; citizens of United States, of good char icter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English lan guage For information apply to Recruit ing Officer. 2314 Whitehall street, Atlanta, or 411 Cherry street. Macon. Ga. 4-2-1 WANTED—MarbIe cutter and letterer. Withers, 154 Whitehall st., Atlanta. 6-17-16 A GOOD presser wanted at once. 210 Lee st. 6-15-25 MEN —Learn the barber trade. A few short weeks at our college settles for »11 time the question of independence. Earn while you learn. Call or write for particulars. Moler Barber College. 53 West Mitchell streel36-15-6 WANTED —Take a thirty-day course In our sample rooms, and enter the cot- 1 ton business. High-salaried positions. Write for indorsements. Carolina Cot ton Schools. Dept. 2, 31 East Fourth street. Charlotte, N. C. 33-13-6 WANTED —A few live men -of good address to present an at tractive newspaper premium offer among Atlanta homes. See Han lon at The Georgian office. 6-10-28 Stop at Hilburn hotel; heart of city; 1014 'Welton st., if you want a clean, ■uiet room: transient 50c; open all night. -21-19 Fes, r-roressor G. O. Brannlng will tea-h you the barber trade (it’s easy'i. We teach in one-half time of other colleges. Course, tools and position In our shops only S3O. Why pay more? Thousands of our graduates running shops or making good wages. Atlanta Barber College. 10 East Mitchell street. _5-11-17- FREE MASSAGE, hair cuts, shaves, shampoos All barber work free. Clean linen Atlanta Barber College, 10 East Mitchell 6-27-16 Help Wanted—Male and Female. ONE male and female hot bath house at tendants Man and wife preferred. Pre fer foreigners or colored. Address with references and salary wanted. Hampton Springs Hotel Co., Hampton Springs, Fla. WANTED —Settled couple, without chil dren, to cook, milk, clean house and look after premises. Nice house on lot. Gas and bath. Apply 606 West Peach tree street. 41,-17-6 ONE second cook, one pastry cook, one head waiter and several trained waiters. All mus’ be colored help. Write Hampton Springs Hotel and Mineral Water Co.. Hampton Springs. Fla ® 17 17 TRY RANEY'S Blood Medicine for rheu matism. pellagra, old sores. SSO for a case of specific blood poison we fall to cure J- S. Dobbs, agent. 513 Austell building Phonf 614. Office hours. 7 a m to 6 p m Sunday. 9to 12 6-3-33 Teachers Wanted. TEACHERS WANTED Mainly for prin cipals and assistants Fall positions] being taken rapidly. Demand exceeds supply. Free Registration Write for | blanks and terms Reg.ster Teachers , Agency. Register, Ga. 5-30-25 i Agents Wanted. WANTED—Agents to sell new patent household article; used for putting up ' fruit of every description: sells on sight to every housekeeper. $5 per day to any one who hustles. Address H. C. Williams. I Acworth. Ga. 6-18-25 I AGENTS WANTED in every town In i I Georgia to sell automobile tire remov i , er; does the work in one minute what ■ ] it will take two hours to do without thia | tool. For sale by A. G. Inman. Midville. I ■ Ga.' 2-29-32 ' BE INDEPENDENT —Start a mail order business in your own home. We tell you how. and furnish everything needed wholesale. An honorable and profitable business for a man or woman. Particulars free. Many make $3,000 a : year Murphy Mfg Co.. South Norwalk, Conn. 5-11-5 Salesmen Wanted. : profitable opening for a ’ salesman of ability. Big . money for a good man. Call . Monday. 603 Third National i Bank building. 6-15-30 ;■r - . Situations Wanted—Female. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, reasonable. A trial is suffie'ent. 82 West Harris. ’ Ivy 6879-J6_s-18_-6 ANA’ ONE wanting some one to do nice mending or sewing, address Needlework Exchange. 345'4 Peachtree. 58-18-6 POSITION wanted by colored girl as maid. Address M. S., care Georgian. 1 _ 37-18-6 . NEAT, reliable colored girl wants situa tion as half-day maid with private fam ily. Rear 412 Gordon st. 27-18-6 POSITION wanted by young lady as office assistant or cashier. O. K., Box 17, care Georgian. 34-17-6 I WANTED—Position by a refined, Chrls tlan lady as sick nurse; can give the best of references. Ivy 4274-.). Address ; 124 Ivy st., Mrs. M C. 89-15-6 ] POSITION WANTED as stenographer; ■ temporary or permanent; one vear’s ex- ; perience. Miss M. J., 19 West Baker • street. 86 15-6 WANTED Position as stenographer and assistant bookkeeper by high school graduate; hate had experience Address RC.. Box 750, care Georgian. 38-14-6 WANTED Position I>y first-class, experi enced stenographer; legal work desired Stenographer, Box 30, care Georgian. 28-15-6 WANTED--Maternity cases by experi enced nurse: hospital‘trained; best ref erences; reasonable charges; no objections to out-of-town cases. Bell phone 1054 ■ est - 4t Sells aye. 29-12-6 Situations Wanted—Male. BOY sixteen wants work. Must have something to do to help support mother and little sisters. Prefer printing office. Call Ivy 6579-. J. 66-14-6 WANTED-* By an experienced automobile driver a position in some private fam ily the year round; will work reasonable. Answer W. J., care Georgian. 54-18-6 WANTED- By a thoroughly experienced bookkeeper, any kind of accounting work for any length of time or any amount of extra work. Address Box 74, care__ Georgian.6o-18-6 WANTED- By a thoroughly experienced bookkeeper, cashier and credit man, a position in or out of city; thoroughly un derstands wholesale and corporation book keeping, closing and opening new books, making reports, etc. Address R. \V.. Box 74, care EXPERIENCED office manager and bookkeeper; now employed; good reason for changing. P. F., care Georgian. 28-18-6 COLORED man wants position as fire man or brakeman on any road. M. C.. care Georgian. 31-18-6 LAWN MOWERS sharpened and repaired at your home; satisfaction guaranteed <’all Atlanta phone 306. Man sent imme diately. 6-17-29 PARTIES desiring to have letters type written can have same done by calling on Clyde Thomason at the Walton build ing. or phone West 41.9-L. Price reason able.4o-17-6 WANTED Position as chauffeur; had three years experience: can furnish good city references. Address Allen McLeod. 151 Spring street. 32-17-6 WANTEft- -A set of books to keep at night by a competent bookkeeper; A-1 references furnished. Box 534. care Geor gian.2s-17-6 AM a bright boy of fifteen summers and desire position in attorney's office. X Y. care Georgian. 26-17-6 WANTED Position by experienced col ored chauffeur: can do repair work; want work at once. Address H. McLain. 11 Maple st. 27-17-6 YOUNG man wants position either with wholesale hardware or wholesale gro cery company as assistant bookkeeper; can furnish best references. Address Green, care Georgian. 28-17-6 SINGLE man, of 24, wants position any time before October as bookkeeper or assistant manager for cotton oil mill; now employed; with four years’ experience in this business; furnishing best of refer ences. Address C. Box 4, care Geor gian • 58-15-6 CLOSED out my business: open for posi tion as bookkeeper, salesman nr can handle credit department; considerable experience in these lines. Address Box rare Georgian. 59-15-6 PRINTER Now foreman of morning pa per, wishes change Good, all-round man; married; no bad habits. Prefer citv shop. References. Address Y C K., P. O. WANTED—Position by German who*”is , first-class florist and yardfnafi. Address Theodore, 636 Decatur street 26-15-6 POSITION wanted at once by experi enced young man stenographer and all round office- man; moderate salary; good references. Address Quick, Box 373, Vai- i dosta. Ga. 47-14-6 DRUG CLERK 'to’ltM long experience, not registered, desires position at once; am sober, honest, reliable; small town pre ferred. A-1 references. Box 723. care Georgian./ 43-13-6 LICENSED DRUGGIST desires position. Can furnish references. O L. I’, 115 West Cain street. 31-13-6 Situations Wanted—Male and Female. Feders’ employment agency. 258- 254 Candler annex. 104 North Pryor street, phone Ivy 1789, Atlanta 915, sup plies free of charge hotels, restaurants, boarding apartments and private houses with alt kinds nf first-class help. 6-18-55 Boarders Wanted. BEAUTIFUL ROOMS; private baths; best meals in the city. Cool house for sum mer. 17 East North avenue, the Peachtrees. 15-18-6 A COL PLE can get nice room and board at 127 Capitol ave.; large, cool front fJ os £ in - M -3734-L. IN BEAUTIFUL north side home, Iftrge room with strictly private bath; contin uous 1 lot water. Call J v y_s 99 - J 6-18-16 LOOKING for a boarding place? Call 24 _ Weßt f1 • lv - v 1 i? 8 - ___ "'■ •* 34 WANTED Roommate for young lady, business woman preferred, in refined private family. Xpply 400 Spring street. half block from North avenue. 6-12-6 A FEW MORE boarders cart he accom modated at 109 East Linden street, just off Peachtree, Just far enough out tn escape the disturbing noises, but not too far from the business center. Good food, well cooked Cleanliness and neatness guaranteed. Bath room, phone. Rate. | *22.50 to S3O per month. 109 East Linden > street. till?* NICE, cool rooms, good hoard; young men. I 115 Washington street,’ 6-17-30 , TWO young gentlemen can get first-cla-ss board at 127 Capitol avenue, one large room with sleening porch in connection l*h onQ Main 3754-L 6-17-14 “ HOTEL rcTTip i NICE, cool rooms sl.,t oest meals in citv; i reasonable. 20 Carnegie. D. E. Evans. I I Prop. 6-15-62 1 Boarders Wanted. LARGE front room; four windows; good board; quiet home. 26 E. Cain st. -17-15 LARGE, delightful room, four windows, close to bath, good table, lovely location for summer. 241 West Peachtree. Ivy 1959-L.67-15-6 20 WEST HARRIS. ROOMS AND BOARD. Ivy 5348-L. -15-55 WEST BAKER TERRACE. BEST ROOMS and board in city; reason able. 25 West Baker 6-15-56 362 PEACHTREE STREET; delightful rooms for summer; fine location; near in. Special rate for several gentlemen Ivy 6668-J. 6-15-59 TWO upstairs rooms for congenial couple or young men; summer rates: excellent table; day boarders wanted. Ivy 5625-J. 21 W, Peachtree place. 6-15-22 BOARD THE BEST, with roorfis for the guest. Come try our home, you will never again roam. Main 3824 1.. 121 South Pryor street. 6-15-44 ANY ONE wishing summer hoard in the city, call Main 1816-J. Nice large rooms, porches and lawns and plenty to eat. The Hillyer Place, corner Trinity avenue and Crew street. 6-15-14 TRY 308 S. PRYOR STREET ’FOR HOMELIKE BOARD. MAIN 2456-L. 6-14-4 ROOM with excellent meals; all conven iences: select neighborhood: $4.50 per week. 42 Windsor st. Atlanta phone 3015-F. 6-12-81 GOOD TABLE BOARD In north side home. Phone Ivy 2423 6 12-55 NICE FRONT room for couple. Phone Ivy 5079-L. 6-12-57 FURNISHED ROOMS, with or without board, at 72 Spring street. Ivy 4860-. J 6-11-38 SNYDER HOUSE. 55 Luckle street. Rooms and meals for regular and tran sient boarders. Close in. Rates reason able. Atlanta 5386 6-11-37 BEAUTIFUL rooms and best meals in the city; cool house for the summer. 17 East North avenue, between the Peach trees. 6-11-21 COZY room adjoining bath: Peachtree home; early breakfast: no children Ap p£y_Bell phone Ivy 6-11-2 BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms. w>th board, at 76 West Peachtree. Ivy 3767-J. 6-8-53 OPPOSITE CAPITOL. ROOMS and boarders. 121 Capitol square. M. 4839-L. 6-8-15 Summer Resorts. SULLIVAN’S ISLAND--Seaside cottage has been reopened for boarders; direct ly on front beach; electric lights fine surf bathing. Address Mrs. W. T Reynolds. Atlanticville, S. C. 25-18-6 NICE, cool rooms: three best meals Jn city; $7 tn sl2 per week; references ci changed. 6-13-15 Furnished Rooms Wanted. WANTED - Furnished rod'm by one young man in north side private home; Elev enth street section preferred. Answer, stating price and location, A. Z., care Georgian 6-8 31 Furnished Rooms For Rent. ONE or two rooms in near-in apartment to gentlemen. Ivy 825-.1. 60-18-6 NICE, cool rooms, suitable for couple or two gentlemen, with or without board. 436 Woodward avenue. 53-18-6 SECOND-STORY, five rooms and bath padtly furnished, hot and cold water. electric lights and bath; north side. Ivv 1744-L.6-18-42 FOP. RENT—One or two rooms; delight fully cool; very best condition Apart ment 5 Marlborough, 436 Peachtree 6-18-45 FURNISHED room;- plenty breeze and light. 276 Whitehall. • Main 1886-.1. NICELY furnished room with private _bath L Ivy 5926 .I.' _ FojT RENT- -,Three furnished upstairs rooms; one large front room with pri vate porch. 193 Washington st. Phone Main 3237. 6-18-37 ONE large, nicely furnished upstairs front room: private porch: all modern con veniences: close in; north side; gentlemen cmly<Call Ivy 3486-1, 48 18 6 FOR RENT—Bachelor apartment for four or six young men, private bath, sleep ing porch: housekeeping if desired; con venient location. Phone Ivy 2725-.1 -18-36 TWO. three or five-room apartment fur nished complete for housekeeping; no children. 73 Wißiatns st. ti 18-18 376 CAPiTOL AV E N UE - ' _ De 11 ghTf u 1 rooms, newly furnished Rates reason able. Meals if desired. Bell phone Main 2890-./ 6-8-35 FOR RENT -Two rooms and small kitch en. furnished for light housekeeping. 357 Capitol avenue. 6-18-32 FOR summer, four rooms In lovely home: with nice garden. 67 Cleburne avenue. 38 -18_-_6 FOR RENT Large furnished front room in exclusive north side residence sec tion. one block of Peachtree; every con vcnlence. Phone Iv>' 5513. 6-18-7 NICELY furnished room for light house keeping; ail conveniences, also nice sin gle rooms. 66 Houston. Atlanta phone 3505. Gill/ 8 FoR RENT Nicel'. furnished rooms In private home. 19 East Harris street -17-35 ONE furnished room and kitchenette; , modern conveniences. Main 4551-L. i -17-34 TWO neatly furnished rooms for light housekeeping In small cottage, lone I lady or couple preferred. Main 1059-. J, 15 Woodward avenue. 6-17-31 LARGE front room, newly furnished, ev ery convenience. Main 1548. 65 Wood ward_ayenue6-17-33 | THREE connecting furnished rooms for I light housekeeping. Ivy 3833-J. 50 West Peachtree street. 5-17-5 SMALL, nicely furnished room: close tn; reasonable. 65 E. Caln. 37-17-6 Fl’ltSliSH ET> rooms for rent : phone «erv ice. 87 W. Cain st. 6-17-1 FOR RENT Furnished room with ac commodations for boarding or house keeping; pleasant porch, spacious lawn, 639 Peachtree street. Phone Ivy 687 -15-41 FOR RENT- Desirable two room house keeping apartment with private bath; north side; near business. Phone Ivy 2725-.1. 6-J_s-_2O FOR RENT Three large separate cool rooms, young men. 26 Capitol place 6-15-49 FOR RENT—Neatly furnished front room; two beds. 25 West Georgia ave nues 6 15;_50 FOR RENT -Nicely furnished rooms at 141 Ivy street. Atlanta phone 4328 -15-16 THE GEM HOTEL. gLEAN, neat, first-class accommodation, 25c to $1 per night, rooms, $1.50 to $8 per week. Bath and phone. 175 Mari ' eUajM. fi-14-29 F< »R RENT Two rooms at 80 Carnegie wav; partly furnished. Phone Owner, Ivy 2155 ♦ '■ H-11| Nl<'Li,v fun - 1 ■' rooms in prlvftti home; walking distance. 152 W’pst ( Peachtree st 11 6 THREE connecting rooms, kitch n and bath. 34 I’uhiani street. 8-14.-6 1 ;■ < d ;<; [itl r i, ooms with all ■ ■ - lences; pleasant home; close in. hot and cold baths. $8 and $lO per month 285 I (’<• urllnnd st. 8-13-16 yTii 'NG MAN wishes roommate; best north side location; close In. Ivy 6645 A 12 70 The roy. NICE COOL ROOMS with board Phone] 22 East Ellis B M/o3 I TWO light housekeeping rooms; all cn venlences. 5853-F. 232 Capitol avt 1 _6GlG7!t NICE, cool rooms, in excellent neighbor hood; close in; block of Candler Bldg ] -tlSf •- r.hone 1534 6-12-66 I I I.ARGE went room, also single rooms:' conveniences, in pleasant home. 26 E | l Cain. 6-12-63 Furnished Rooms For Rent. LARGE front room on first floor at 145 Spring st. 6-12-58 COOL ROOMS: horth side; 31 West , Peachtree Place. Ivv 4606. Reasonable. ; ] 6-12-3 ; ' NICELY furnished rooms; close In. 173 ’ I Luckle st. 6-11-19 j FOR RENT - Rooms, furnished or unfur nished; good neighborhood: five mln- I utes' walk from Terminal Station; cars every five minutes. Write or apply Mrs. ■ Sue F. Johnson. 76 Walker sts-22-3 ‘ NEWLY FURNISHED rooms; reasonable I prices; centrally located: baths free. Broadway Hotel, 7H North Broad street. 3-21-73 Unfurnished Rooms For Rent. FOR RENT Three large unfurnished rooms, water, gas, bath $12.50 At lanta phone 5164. J. N. Smith, 131 Wai ker street. 40-18-6 TWO LARGE, bright, connecting unfur nished rooms; also two furnished rooms for housekeeping; all front second floor rooms, private porch to each suite. Main 2810-j, 98 <''"U’fi. 6-18 FOR RENT -One ned room with dressing room. Ivy 57.30-J. 6-17-12 I H aVe two large unfurnished first-floor roon|s. Phone Main 202 5- J 6-17-21 TWO rooms, furnished or unfurnished, cheap rent. 48 Evans street. West End 6-17-2 THREE or four unfurnished rooms near North Jackson street. Atlanta phone 4636. 59 Irwin street.-17-6 FOR RENT Three nice, large unfur nished connecting rooms; all conven iences. 460 Luckie street. Atlanta 4447. 6-15-51 FROM three to five rooms, all connect ing; water and gas. 280 Central ave nue. 6-15-5 THREE connecting rooms, private family, close in. 109-A Richardson street 6-15-8 FOR RENT- Two Targe front connecting rpoms: sink in kitchen; hath; use of phOTlje. Main 5312 .1 52 Rci|\ 6-1.3-32 FOR RENT—-Three connecting rootnft; two large, one small. <316 Crew street. 6-1.3-22 KIRKWOOD, GA.. three connecting rooms for rent to refined party. 32 Trotti st. 6-12-Td TWO dandy housekeeping rooms; con veniences: adjoining bath. 142 Glenn wood avenue. 6-11 -9 THREE rooms for light housekeeping; convenient to bath. 254 S. Pryor st 6-10-8 Unfurnished Rooms Wanted. WANTED—By two adults by July 1. two or three unfurnished rooms; first floor; north or west exposure, with phone; north side; lowest price; best references. Re liable, Box 25, care Georgian. 3.3-18-6 ONE unfurnished room wanted by single lady; state price and location. Miss E. D. G., care Georgian. 26-18-6 Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms For Rent. LARGE front room or suite of rooms in business part of- Peachtree, suitable for ladies tailor or dressmaking. 345% Peach tree. 6-IR-43 FOl’R large, nice upstairs rooms, fur nished or unfurnished. 467 Whitehall. Atlanta phone 2059.6-18-10 FOR RENT Two or three rooms, fur nis'ned or unfurnished; all conveniences. Main 3941. 227 Capitol ave. 6-12-.32 Furnished Apartments For Rent. FOR RENT Part of my apartment, fur nished for housekeeping, every conven ience. or privilege of meals next door. Applv 5 Marlborough, 436 Peachtree. ' 6-_1_ 8 FLRNISHED five-ronm apartment in Marlborough. Phone Ivy 1922-L 49-18-6 NEW YORK CITY Seven-room apart ment to sublet until October 1 at rea sonable figure to responsible tenant with- ■ out children; completely and beautifully ' furnished with every necessity; will take i less than the rent; coolest location in New York. Address G. Werthan, Brunswick , Building. New York. 6-18-24 DELIGHTFUL, cool furnished apart ments: nominal summer rent West Peachtree, care Georgian. 29-17-6 Unfurnished Apartments For Rent FIVE ROOMS, 47 East Cain street, be tween Ivy and Courtland streets; $25. Apply owner, 509 Atlanta National Bank building. 6/18-3.3 I’.xi i RNISHED six-room apartment; finest in city; light and airy; big closets: two porches; four blocks from Candler Bldg . leaving city; must rent at once. Phono Ivy .3505,6 -18-27 FOR RENT Seven-room apartment in the Nicholas, 234 Forrest avenue, f’all ivy 2583,6-14-21 FOR RENT By owner, a coxy four-room apartment; close in. Apply 79 W. 1 {arris street. 6-14-10 FOR RENT—The new apartment house at 83 Hurt street, known as the Bosco bel, consisting of three and four rooms each, with every known modern conven ience, and renting for $32.50 to $.35. is now ready for occupancy. Apply on prem ises or Fitzhugh Knox, 1613 Candler building 5-9-57 Furnished Houses For Rent. I NICELY furnished north side home of eight rooms for SSO; located in one of i the best sections on North avenue. Call Webster. Main 2106. 6-18-6 REFINED ADULTS can have beautifully furnished bungalow, between the Peach trees. for care and rent of same. Phone Ivy 5219-L 27-13-8 Furnished Houses Wanted REFINED COUPLE) want up-10-date small bungalow, convenient to car line If suburban; state lowest price and par ticulars Address Year’s Lease, Box 500, care Georgian. 6-15-46 Unfurnished Houses For Rent. AT East Lake junction, seven-room house, largo lot. for summer or longer- at only >ll i>ur Livnili. Main_399s 618 H E< >R i: ENT Modern < ottage. six r< oms and bath, north side; immediate pos session: $lB per month. 14 Irene st., near East Merritts ave. Bell phone Ivy 64.32 FOR RENT New cottage; three rooms, bath and hall; $lO per month. 392 Man gum Bt Bell phone Ivy 8432 6 17 -16 i HE HOUSE you build, buy or rent will not be a modern home unless it is wired for electricity. 418-'IJ : FOR RENT Nb 27 West Twelfth street, seven rooms, hardwood floors, furnace heat. See owner, 25 West Twelfth street i Pb(jnn 2156 Jv >' 5-18-29 ■ FOR RENT, HOUSES -Call, write or phone for our rent bulletin Ralph O. ' Cochran, 19 South Broad street 4-1-21 Unfurnished Houses Wanted. i FURNISHED or unfurnished flve-room house: improvements; good ncighbor ihond; moderate rent Box 62. care Goor | gian. 76-15-6 Furnished or Unfurnished Houses ] For Rent. FOR RENT For the summer, a cool and attractive bungalow, also furnished nr unfurnished. Call Ivy 3727-L. 6-17-6 Ask any business man and ne will tell I you The Georgian Want Ad columns j .each more people a.. . bring better results . that could not be obtained in any other medium in this section. Hotels For Rent. FOR REXT. ARLINGTON HOTEL, Waynes boro, Ga., furnished, contains twenty bed rooms, large office, sample rooms, running water, baths, electric lights. Well es tablished patronage—both com : mercial and local. F. S. BURNEY, Attorney. Waynesboro, Ga. 6-15-3 Lost and Found. LOST on Plasters Bridge road automobile lamp and No. 506-Ga. Finder phone Main 1623 or bring to 45 reachtree street fur reward. 55-18-6 LOST—Saturday, .lune 15, on Forsyth street, silver vanity box: engraved "L. W. V." Suitable reward Call 2731 Atlanta phone. 35-18-6 LOST At Forsyth theater Saturday night, one pair of nose glasses. Re turn to or phone Brnwlier-Manget Co. and FM. 6-18-29 LOST Thursday night, gold collar pin. engraved “Ettalou:” lost between Ter , initial and Capitol avenue or on car. Re ’ ward If returned to 84 S. Pryor. 6-18-1! , FOUND One pair eyeglasses; silver chain attached. Call 214 Temple Court Bldg.. 8 to 9 a. m. 34-18-6 LOST Smail black and-tan terrier. An swers to name of Buster. Reward for return to Paul Smith, 1 and 3 North ■ Brnnd street, or 34 Hu; t street. 6-17-39 LOST Heavy gold ring, engraved with double-headed eagle, enameled with red . cross ami black triangle Inclosing three Hebrew letters. Reward for return to "Thirty-second Degree Mason," care C’ eor Ki a h 6-15-25 : LOST Friday afternoon sterling silver change bag Monogram, "N. J. Y.” Finder please return to 389 North Boule vard. Ivy 2416, 6-15-11 LOST During grand opera gold handle umbrella engraved “A. W H.” and ; "Meatless.” Finder notify Box 101. care ; Georgian. 6-15-4 1 ~ ' ' - ■■ ! r L_‘ Personal. I ■FlOlron Beds. $5 98. ROBISON'S, 27 E T 1 v Hunter street. 6-18-21 LADIES Ask your druggist for Chfches ters rills, the Diamond brand; for 25 years known as best, safest, always relia ble; buy of your druggist Take no other Chichesters Diamond Brand Pilis are sold ' by druggists everywhere. 5-2-1 WANTING sewing done of anv descrlp tion, call Atlanta phone 5890-M, 6-15-15 SERIOUS RESULTS come from trusses | improperly fitted. John H Daniel, at 34 Wall street, has an expert fitter and It will cost you no more to have him fit you. ; and It means insurance. 6-24-10 HA IR CUT 3 VIADUCT PLACE, between Peachtree and Broad 3-21-36 AFTER twenty years of intense agony from itching piles I discovered a rem ; edy which any one can use for the sim ple asking. Send me postal card for in structions. Box 39, Buena Vista, Ga. 1 31 -11-6 The Many Spirella Styles. i INCLUDE a style 'or every woman; the genuine skill of our corsetieres is man ifested In selecting the model that be , comes you best. Company Headquarters, ' 84 East North ave. Ivy 6176. 5-28-36 FOUND -The successful treatment for skin, blond, chronic diseases and CAN CER. Call and see Dr. Reynolds Com pany. 21 Inman building, Atlanta, Ga If ymi_can not call, write. 6-7-36 FLY SCREENS; FLY SCREENS, FLY SCREENS Wood fly screens, metal fly screens, hardwood floors, Venetian blinds, metal weather strips, furnished anywhere In the South. Write or phone W. R Cal laway, manager. 1403 Fourth National Bank building, Atlanta. Ga. Main 5310. 4-30-19 “ ACME LEITER CO. NOTHING but Ifrsl-olafis work and prompt service. When you are ready for this kind of phone Ivv 14.36. ; ACME LETTER CO.. 417 Wesley Memo ] rial Bldg. 5-6-33 STTI.L another big shipment of new wall papers. Prices right. All work gimr -1 anteed Better bo safe than sorry Bar ; nett &• Gordon. 22 E Mitchell st.; 30 sec onds from Whitehall, 4-13-45 Cl't’l'MßEß and peroxide cream. espe~ dally used for sunburn; guaranteed one of the best skin foods on the market; nothing like It for whitening the skin For sale by Clayton A Zahn, 36bj White hall sL M 1769. 5-20-22 CARPETS and REGS clean as when new TROY LAUNDRY. t ■ r process insures satisfaction. 2 cents per square foot. 5-23-38 Educational. ON WEST TENTH STREET. Children coached for low grades or high. Back ward children scientifically advanced. .Address Specialist, care Georgian. 41-18-6 WANTEI' Three active ’• a< he rs for spe cial educational work during summer .months in Georgia, Tennessee and North Carolina; expenses advanced: work pleas ant and profitable. Call or address 1120 Candler Bldg. • 6-18-5 Palmistry. PALMIST AND LIRE READER. KKA’EALS past, present and future Can he consulted on all affairs of Hfp. read ings. 25c, 50c. 17 East Mitchell street (in tont), 5-29-5 “gypsy campT CLAIRVOYANT AND PALMIST; RE VEALS PAST. PRESENT AND FU TURE CONSULT ON ALL AFFAIRS 2T- LIFE- 138.I 38 . WHIT EH ALLJBT. 4-29 J MISS BECK, WORLD FaMED INDIAN PALMIST. A GIFTED WOMAN. LO CATED 76 E. HUNTER STREET. 5-16-1$ Medical. DR EDMONDSON'S Tansy, Pennyroyal and Cotton Boot Pills, a safe and re liable treatment for painful and sup pressed menstruation, irregularities and similar obstructions. Trial box by mail, 50c Erank Edmondson & Bro., manufac turing chemists, 14 South Broad street, .Atlanta, la. 2-17-14 LADIES SI,OOO reward. 1 positively guarantee, my great successful “Month ly’’ remedy; safely relieves some of the longest, most iobstinate, abnormal eases in three to five days; no harm, pain or interference with work; mail $1 50 Dou ble strength, $2. Dr. F. G. Southington Remedy Company, Kansas City, Mo. 4-2-34 Dropsy. DR( H’SY CURED Relieves shortness of breath ,in .36 to 48 hours Reduces swell ing in 15 to 20 days. Write for particu lars Collorn Dropsy Remedy Company, 512 Austell Building. Atlanta 5-25-11 Dentists. TIT b’ r r I I EXTRACTED J IjJ. 1 II WITHOUT PAIN DR. 11. JENSEN, 2314 Whitehall St. 3-21-29 Educational. SPECIAL COACHING for children pre paring to enter the sixth and seventh grades. 245 West Peachtree. Phone Ivy SOBS , 6-13-21 Shoe Repairing. STRICTLYHAND WORK T. J. SMITH, 36 E. Hunter. 4-25-6 I W anted—Miscellaneous. WANTED -To rent or buy a few tents if cheap. State sizes and best prices. Ad dress Tents, 45 Peachtree street. 56-18-6 1 BUY men's old clothes and shoes - Drop a card. 1. Bock, 32 Bell st. 8-1-14 DROP a CARD—Win bring cash for old clothes and shoes. The Vestaire. 166 Decatur street. 3-7-1 BEST CASH PRICES for furniture, household goods and office furniture. Pembroke Sales Co., 143 S. Pryor street Bell phone Main 187. 4-5-25 WANTED—We pay highest cash prices on household goods, pianos and office furniture. Gash advanced on consign ments. Springer's Auction House, 25 South Pryor street. Hell phone Main 1526. -10-10 WE PAY HIGHEST CASH prices for household goods, pianos and office fur niture. Cash advanced on consignments. Central Auction Company. 12 East Mltch ' ell street. Bell phone Main 2424. 8-26-26 For Sale—Miscellaneous. FINE, new upright piano, in first-class condition, for sale cheap. Apply 41 East Harris street.s7-18-6 FOR SALE- At half publisher's price, three-fourths Morocco set self-interpret ing Bible. Ivy 308. A E W., 1133 Peachtree street.l4 18-6 J>.)M Dining Table, 6 feet, $15.50. ROIU ip—'MSON’S. 27 E. Hunter street. 6-18-20 FOR SALE —Flemish oak sideboard, bed springs and gas range; second-hand and cheap. Call Ivy 1656.6-18-23 FOR SALE—Ceclllan attachment for piano with 85 rolls of music, represent ing cost of $335. bargain at S9O. Address D. C. C-, care Georgian. 6-18-28 f a oh ALE—Furnished apartment com plete for keeping house; close In; owner leaving city; cheap for rash. Bell phone Ivy 2687-J.6-18-4 FOR SALE—A good Courtois cornet. Ad dress Cornet, care Georgian. 29-18-6 SECOND-HAND SAFES—SmaII, medium and large home safes sls: Hall's bank and fire-proof safes, vault doors, etc. C. J. Daniel. 416 Fourth National Bank Bldg 9-7-33 One Price No Comm ission TUNING, REPAIRING PIANOS AND PLAYERS. LET us make you an estimate on your work. Old pianos made new again at moderate prices. The only complete piano shop in the city. Cleveland-Manning Piano Company. Bell phone Ivy 2240. 80 N. Pryor. $25 BRASS BEDS, $17.50. ROBISON’S, 27 East Hunter street. -18-20 HEADQUARTERS!!! Cotton Seed Hulls. F, R, LOGAN & CO., ATLANTA. 6-17-37 ANTIQUE rosewood chair for sale, in good condition. Apply 2.39 Peachtree circle. 60 Ivy,6-17-7 FOR SALE—-One Remington typewriter, No. 7. Address H E., care Georgian. FOR SALE Two long, ring tail white face Panamanian monkeys, five years ' old; gentle as kittens. Write or call, 581 Lee street. 72-15-6 (,'OPYTRg. MAILING ADDRESSING. MULTIGRAPHING. High-class work. Acme Letter Co., 417 Wesley Memorial Bldg Phone Ivy 1436. -14-30 See the AMERI- A MERIC AN CAN before huv- -rVAIAOIi H .1.1 j n g Latest model CASH with modern fm- ' 71 1 provements. RFfITRTFRS Atlanta cash ijVi io i lh>a register co. 34 E. Alabama St. -13-47 SAFES, NEW AND SECOND HAND; ALL SIZES. STEEL FILING CASES AND FIRE PROOF CABINETS. GOOKIN BANK AND OFFICE EQUIP MENT COMPANY. 6-13-17 NATIONAL Cash Registers, $35, SSO, S6O, $75. SIOO, $125, $l5O and up to suit your needs. Terms easy. Liberal exchange for cash registers In use. Bell phone Ivy 4155, Atlanta 594. The National Cash Register <’o.. 60 North Broad st. 6-13-14 FOR SALE One grand square Chlckaring piano and all kinds of household goods at 255 Courtlandss-12-6 Buy Your Coal (’heap DIRECT from mines; a saving of over $1 tier ton: join me and order now P E Kelley. Phone Ivy 3433-L. 6-11-22 WE RENT goon pianos, $3 month up. We sell good pianos, $5 month up. Bargain in second-hand. SIOO up R P. Becht Company, 110 Temple Court building Pell phone 667 Main. 4-23-20 FLY SCREENS. BE SURE and see our screens and get our prices before buying Kane Blind and Screen Co., J. J. Crawford, 202 Kiser Bldg M 1929. 3-20-11 Atlanta Tent and Awning Co.. MANUFACTURERS high-grade tents and awnings. Luckle st. Ivy 5667. 4-16-54 POPE’S SPECIAL— Best dollar watch in* the world sent prepaid, only 86c. Fully guaranteed to keep correct time two years or money refunded. New watch given free if it breaks. A more servicea ble watch can not be had at any price. Money refunded Immediately If you are not highly pleased. Order today without fall. Pone Watch and Diamond Company, 1511 Mam street, Dallas, Tex. 6-1-14 THE ATLANTA UPHOLSTER- ING CO. BEG to announce the opening of their new shop at 171 Whitehall street, where they make a specialty of REPAIRING and REFINTSHING of nil kinds nf furniture; all work done by expert mechanics Esti mates cheerfully furnished. Phone Main 2475. or call In person ATLANTA UPHOLSTERING COMPANY. ID WHITEHALL ST. Jl-20-3 NEM RUBBER T1 IlLs put on your baby carriages; repairing. Phone Ivy 3076. Robert Mitchell, 229 Edgewood avenue. 3-5-9 SODA Founts Bargain in new and sec ond-hand soda fountains; easy terms; write for prices. P. O. Box 1022, Atlanta, Ga. 3-16-76 Axininster Squares. 9 by 12. ST7?6o; 'T —’’ ROBISON'S, 27 E. Hunter street -18-20 Business Opportunities. BUSINESS C I HAVE AN excellent business and n. of books and general supervision of tate Loan and Brokerage line. Estahl SIO,OOO to Invest can secure good busin. terms. Beat of references will be give; letter All correspondence will be treat I Box 771. Automobiles. ' WILL TRADE suburban lot valued at $550 for automobile worth $350 to S7OO and 1 pay or accept cash difference. Give full description and price of car. Box 404, care Georgian. 43-18-6 MAXWELL RUNABOUT, fully equipped, in good running order; almost at your own price. Call Main 9177. 39-18-6 E-M-F 30 in good condition; cheap for cash, or will take vacant lot. W. H. S. Hamilton. Decatur. Phone Decatur 413. 6-6-4 EXCHANGE AUTO FOR LOTS. FOR SALE—Seven-passenger Thomae car; 60-horsepower; in first-class con dition; will take vacant lot or good horse and buggy for part pay; will sell for half the value of car. 31 Inman Bldg. 2053. t- AUTOS REPAIRED. MAGNETS AND STORAGE BATTER IES RECHARGED. MAGNETO AND CARBURETOR work a specialty. We give careful attention to Electric Auto and Battery work. Hartrampf & Yar i bray Co. Phone Main 3810, 56 Edge ; wood Ave., just below Equitable Bldg. ' 4-22-5 ' Motorcycles. ALL MAKES, SSO AND UP—Largest mo- ' ’ torcycle dealers in the South; exclusive i Southern distributors for Indian. Elyea* I Austell Company, 35 North Pryor street. ; 1-21-9 r ~ ‘ 4 Money to Loan. ■ REALTY ; FORSYTH BUILDING. . Capital $600,000 Surplus $350,000. Can negotiate any good Real Estate ; Loan on Atlanta or suburban property. ’ Bring us your applications. ! 'Phones: Bell, Main 1304—Atl. 688. t 2-18-1 > iewelers and brokers 301 ’’BTeitjj / rs--... bldo.l i loan fHONt MAIN Ui STRICTLY, PRIVATE GEO. S. MAY, Kirkwood, Ga. • Established 1867. Loans on Real Estate in Atlanta. Bell Phone Decatur 382 6-18-12 1 MONEY on hand for Immediate loan* on property In or near Atlanta J. E. Van > Valkenburg, 501 Equitable Bldg. 6-6-88 WE HAVE plenty of lend at lowest rates on Atlanta i and nearby property, either for straight or monthly payment plan. Also for purchasing pur chase money notes. Foster & i Robson, 11 Edgewood-ave. WEYMAN * CONNORS, ESTABLISHED 1890. Mortgages or. Real Estate. 4-1-8 SPECIAL HOME FUNDS TO LEND, any amount; 6 per cent. Write or call. g. l arßon - J 4 South Broad-st 4-1-17 Loans on Diamonds PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, "Collateral Bank,” 256 Candler Annex. 8 Per Cent Per Annum. 6-11-52 Without Indorsement W i t h out Collateral Security ? Without. Real Estatt Securities > Money loaned at LAWFUL RATES. NATIONAL DIS- r COUNT CO., i 301-2 Fourth Nation al Bank Building. i >-»-»> MORTGAGE LOANS on Atlanta rA.I es tate. Established since 1889. S. B. 1 Turman A- Co., corner Broad and Ala bama. streets 4-1-20 • FARM LOANS placed tn any amount on Improved farm lands in Georgia. The Southern Mortgage Company, Gould build ing 7-13-1 MONEY SUPPLIED SALARIED PEO PLE. women keeping house and others without security: cheapest rates; easy payments Offices all principal cities. D. 11. Tolman. Room 524 Austell building. Business Opportunities. FusTI^ESS^TTppORTtW^ES^” - " 200 SHARES of the common stock of the Atlanta Steel Company that I will sell or exchange for dirt, either In this coun ty or DeKalb, or a good farm. Five shares Sixth Ward bank stock. Ten shares Realty Trust Company. Address Trust, Box 10, care Georgian. 61-18-8 WANTED- Partner with $250 to take an interest In lunch room. Address Box 876. care Georgian. 64-18-6 iin Felt Mattresses. $7.50. r6BISON’S. T*''27 E. Hunter street. 6-18-21 For quick sale cheap— stock of millinery, good location, no opposition; best reason for selling; splendid chance for investing small capital Address Mll liner. Box 800, care Georgian. 6-11-4 FOR SALE- Established wood, coal and builders’ supply business in growing suburb of Atlanta Good reason for sell ing and splendid opportunity for right party. Address A. 8., care Georgian 73-15-6 WANT A MANAGER FOR HOTEL on Gulf coast Tourist and commercial. A fine opening for the right party. Must be able to invest few thousand dollars and take half interest In the business, which will Include owner ship of the hotel building JOHN R. SCOTT. Phone Main 1869. 814 Grant Building. 6-13-26 FDR SALK—Stock of goods consisting of a general line of merchandise amount ing to $2,500 or *3,000, also storehouses and dwelling to sell or rent In a small in corporated town in Telfair county, Geor gia. on Southern railway, all to go at a bargain. Buy now to get the fall trade. Stock wouldn’t sell at 100 cents on dollar if it were not for a special reason which I will furnish to any one interested. For further information address T. N. Clem ents. Towns. Ga. 6-12-34 Public Baggage and Transfer. M C. FURNITURE transfer: we pack and ship. M 0490-L, A 1319. 30 Weat Hunter. S-12-f Business Opportunities. IPPORTUNITY. e.ed a thorough office man to take charge f office work Business is In Real Es- Jished good man w’th between $5,000 and rs,.-. n ven reasonable and favorable ■ and required Full particulars tn first ted as strictly confidential. Address P. O. 16-11-28