Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, June 21, 1912, FINAL, Page 17, Image 17
THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEY S. READ FOR PROFIT -GEORGI AN WZkISI I FOR RESULTS Hliim ,Jt XE 21. 1912. Purchase Money Notes. FOR SALE —First mortgage purchase money notes. $12,400 first mortgage real estate, due tn one and two years, 7 per cent. This is A-l gilt edge, and 1 will consider clear Atlanta property, or take small discount for cash. John R. Scott. 814 Grant building. Phone Main 1869. 6-21-35 Business Opportunities. 11-ROOM hoarding hquse, furnish ed throughout; full of boarders; best location: Washington St. M. 2312-J. 6-21-26 LONG LEASE—On Whitehall street; cen ter of city; for large soda fount and luncheonette. For interview, address Owner, Box 835, care Georgian. 36-21-6 FOR SALE—Soda fount and cigar busi ness in a town of about 5,000 popula tion. Sales average about S3O per day. House rent only $22.50 per month. A paying business. Will sell cheap. Soda Fount, care Georgian. 6 21-17 IF YOU are looking for something good in the business line, I have it; three good stands; will sell one or all. Call At lanta phone 1104. 6-20-36 A BARGAIN in the best daily and weekly paper in a town of 6,000 in the state of Oklahoma; SIO,OOO plant; will sell at a sacrifice If sold in next few days; fully equipped: has No. 5 Mergenthaler and all machinery equipped with independent motors. Little money down. Address Quick, care Georgian. 41-20-6 FOR SALE—Dental outfit, complete, in healthy town of 1,200 people. College of 1,000 students. Summer schools. For in formation, write Box 1782, Demorest. Ga. ' 6-19-23 WANTED —Party to buy half interest in mining proposition of merit and act as secretary and treasurer. Part cash, bal ance terms. Prefer engineer. R. W. Dur den, Brunswick, Ga. 37-19-6 FOR SALE—Stock of goods consisting of a general line of merchandise amount ing to $2,500 or $3,000, also storehouses and dwelling to sell or rent in a small in corporated town in Telfair county, Geor gia. on Southern railway, all to go at a bargain. Buy now to get the fall trade. Stock wouldn’t sell at 100 cents on dollar If it were not for a special reason which I will furnish to any one interested. For further information address T. N. Clem ents, Towns, Ga. 6-12-34 Real Estate For Sale " SEMf-CENTRAL~~ LESS than block from Capital City Club; piece of land on West Harris street less than S2OO per front foot. Cheapest thing <>n the street. Big possibilities in this block. No agents. Address Harris, Box 45, care Georgian. 49-21-6 FOR SALE—New eight-room bungalow, on car line, north side; lot 50 by 150; screens, shades, furnace heat; east front, bargain. Call Ivy 1051. Address 1036 Piedmont avenue. 6-21-36 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—Lots in Pensacola. Fla. Some exceptionally well located, at bargain prices. John R. Scott, 814 Grant building. Phone Main 1869. 6-21-34 Close-in New Bungalow. JUST being finished, with all modern conveniences, storm sheathing, solid brick foundation, gas and electric lights, handsome china closet. Will tint to suit purchaser. Within the three-fourths-mile circle. Easy walk of all business and rail roads. For quick sale will take $3,800. on terms. C. R. Haskins, 507 Gould building. 6-21-32 FOR SALE, BY OWNER—2OO feet front; corner lot; lies high, in finest part of Peachtree Hills, overlooking Peachtree road. Will exchange for small chicken farm, near city. Address 400, care Geor gian. 39-21-6 WEST’END- New six-room cottage, hall and bath room; mahogany mantels; oak floors; birch doors; bevel glass front lights. All city improvements. Lot 52% by 230 feet to 20-foot alley. Shade trees in front and back yard. 250 feet off Gor don street. Come out and see It. Own er. 27 Langham street, West End. 37-21-6 TO PROPERTY OWNERS OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS WORTH of property protected. 100 buildings in Atlanta made waterproof. If your roof leaks and needs painting send for T. C. McDonald’s “A.-G.” Roof Cement and Coating, which stops all leaks. We repair and coat all kinds of roof, gravel, tin, iron and composition roofs. All work guaranteed. ‘'A.-G.” is used by the A. C. Line Rail wav Company, which has ordered to date more than SIX HUNDRED barrels. Some of the city school buildings are being painted with “A.-G.” Forrest & George Adair, Oscar and Charles Davis. Thomas M. Clarke and others patronize it. Send for prices and estimates. All work guaranteed. T. C. M’DONALD ROOF AND PAINT’CO., 234 Central Avenue. Bell phone Main 3560. 6-21-15 s2,lso—Small cash payment and sls month gets nice five-room house, 26 Brooks avenue. Edgewood: water, gas and side walks down; two car lines. Owner, at house. 31-21-6 IF interested in railroad frontage on Whitehall street call at once 821 Candler Bldg. We have two great bargains that must be sold at once. Great opportunity for investment. Never be any cheaper; must be sold. Call or write 821 Candler Bldg_. Atlanta, Ga. £-19;2 FOR CASH and quick sale, $550 gets a beautiful lot in heart of South Kirkwood, north front, city water, on corner, one block from car line. Call East Point 70. 6-17-32 D< > YOU WISH to own a home? 42 lots in Kirkwood. S3OO to $700; 10 per cent first payment. George S. May & Co,, Bell ph one Decatur 382. 6-13-10 THE HOUSE you build, buy or rent will not be a modern home unless it is wired for electrieity. 4-18-19 FOR a well locVLeu. well ■null:, modern seven-room house, good terms, see owner, 816 Peachtree street. Phone 80 Ivy 5-18-30 TCbig bargain. $2,500.00. 10 acres worth $1,750.00 Five-room cottage worth 1,000.00 Lot 125x500 feet worth 650.00 $3,400.00 ON Marietta car line. 200 yards from Cravenwood; one-half mile beyond river. JOE WALKER. 1020 FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BLDG. 6-14-37 ‘ Rea! Estate Wanted. "IV \NT to buv direct from owner for a .’ustomer, eight or ten-room house with all modern conveniences, located near the Peachtrees. Address P. O. Box 770, city. 6-21-43 IV' \ NTEI-Investment of $3,000 to SB,OOO. i have S3J)OO in cash to pay on it; would consider a residence proposition. A. B. Investor, care Georgian. 6 -21 -23 Farms For Saie. 4IHACRE truck and dairy farm, only three miles from Smyrna: good land, orchard and pasture: about half cultivated; two houses and barn. price, $1,600 cash. Don't write unless jou mean business. This Is a bargain. R. N. Holland A- Son I’eal Estate and Loans, Court House. Ju rlatta. 6-20-20 s “Everything For Everybody" ea You Can Firad Here at a Glance Many Things of Interest and Profit to Yow Watch This Page as These Ads Will Be Changed and Appear Each Friday, Jewelers. VOLLMER 605-6-7 Gould Building. JEWELERS, DIAMOND SETTERS. ENGRAVERS. WATCHMAKERS EXCLUSIVE PLATINUM DESIGNS. Bell Phone Main 4126. 4-26-16 Shirts. SHIRTS SHIRTS Everybody’s wearing them. Wearing what? Shirts, of course. Shirts made to or der, very reasonable. 100 1-2 Central Place. 4-26-12 Printing. TiTrshHUTFlove ' &'co.7 COMMERCIAL PRINTERS East Point, Ga. Atlanta Phone 31. P. O. Box 26. WE SAVE-YOU MONEY. GET our prices before placing your or ders. High-class color work our spec ialty. 4-26-20 Shoes. PEW()CKADBI<XXAV 222 Marietta Street. NEW SPRING OXFORDS. LADIES’ Colonial Pumps, with silver buckles $3.50 Men’s Lace and Button Slippers..s2 to $5 Complete line of children shoes. 4-26-35 Carpets. 7* W. M. COX. CARPET cleaning and Laying ALL kinds of rugs cleaned. AND fringed to look like new. TAKING up and re-laying matting. REPAIRING and re-upholstering furni ture. 145 AUBURN AVENUE. IVY 3135-.1. 4-26-10 Umbrellas—Parasols. madfTtYorder RE-COVERED, REPAIRED HARRY BRIGGS. Successor to Paul Burkert. 5 VIADUCT PLACE. MAIN 5100. Samples and prices mailed on request. 4-26-61 Dressmaking. ~ AFTERNOON AND EVENING GOWNS A SPECIALTY. REASONABLE PRICES. THIRD FLOOR. HIRSCH BLDG MAIN 648. 40% WHITEHALL ST. 4-26-6. Millinery. we Xre'sho ytncTthe VERY LATEST CREA TIONS IN SUMMER MIL LINERY. M. RYAN & CO., 14 E. HUNTER ST. MAIN 690. 4-26-31 Employment Agency. OUR EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT DOES MORE THAN FURNISH YOU A STENOGRAPER. IT SUPPLIES A CAPABLE ASSISTANT. Remington Typewriter Co., 56 N. BROAD STREET. 4-26-23 I fc ■■ ■l»ll»III. Contractors and Builders. I Will Finance You IF YOU wish to build; all kinds of build ers' material for sale. "B. F. Mitchell. 514 Austell Building 4-25-14 ARCHITECT, contractor and builder. cabinet shop; carpenters furnished R. H. Jones. 190 Houston st 3-21-12 HOME BUILDERS. HOMES built for cash or terms; archi tectural designs furnished free. Centurv Construction Co. 202-3 CANDLER BLDG. 4-10-35 Building Materials. STEEL BEAMS FOR BUILDINGS. AUSTIN BROS., Atlanta, G*. 4-19-7 For Exchange—Real Estate. FOR EXCHANGE—New. improved south side property to exchange for one or two good vacant lots in Grant park section; convenient to ear line. Give price and lo cation. Owner, Box 500, care Georgian. -19-49 WANTED —To exchange equity in new, modern, well constructed’, furnace heated, eight-room, two story home in Inman Park for equity in desirable six*- room cottage, or bungalow, in West End, or other desir able section. Address P. 0. Box 279, Atlanta. Ga. 6-21-19 • Architects and Builders. CONTRACTOR, cabinet shop, carpenters furnished. John Allen, 106-A Edgewood . avenue 3-22 41 Monuments and Stone Work j “' ATLANTA GRANITE COMPANY. I All kinds stone work. t 17-19 Fraser-st. Phone Main 3540. 1-5-4? Millinery. Millinery. OUR WINDOWS. - $25.00 Plumes SIO.OO $12.50 Plumes $5.00 Ninety-eight cents sale of Dress Shapes now on. S. S. FRYE MILLINERY COMPANY, 116 MARIETTA ST.. COR. SPRING. 4-26-15 < . Manicuring. Manicuring. CLAYTON AND ZAHN CO. HAIRDRESSING PARLORS. Manicuring. Chiropodist, Facial Massage. Manufacturers of Bair Goode and Toilet Requisites. Switches for Sale. Bell Phone 1769. 36% Whitehall St. 4-26-27 —1 J L .■!! UL , Palmistry. Palmistry. .. “PALMIST AN I) I .IFE READERS Your fortune read from yo ur palm, by the wonderful Palm ist and Life Readers. Consult t hem on all matters. 17 E. MITCH ELL STREET. 4-26-21 Tents. Tents. Atlanta Tent and Awning Co. MANUFACTURERS OF HIGH-GRADE TENTS AND AWNINGS. 39% Luckie St. Ivy 5667. 4-26-14 Tailoring. Tailoring. SUITSTO ORDER 59.00 “THE EASY WAY” ATLANTA TAILORING CO. 130 DECATUR STREET. 4-26-2 Window Cleaning. Window Cleaning. NATIONALWINDOWCLEANERS Will Clean Your Windows. Dwellings or Store Fronts; Carpets Vacuum Cleaned; Floors Oiled or Waxed. All Work Guaranteed. 47 E. Hunter St. Main 2915. Lunches. Lunches. WOMAN’S EXCHANGE HERE’S WHERE YOU FIND THE BEST (HOME-COOKED) LUNCHES, CAKES. SALADS, SANDWICHES AND BREAD SPECIALIZED. ALL ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY. OUR FANCY WORK DEPARTMENT COMPLETE 56% PEACHTREE ST. IVY 0546. 4-26-17 Furniture. Furniture. Everybody Needs Furniture “Garner Needs Cash." EVERYBODY One good range, with hot water connections, used a few months; cost S6O; will sell for S2O. Four Wagner go-carts, at special prices, for cash Everything in the furniture line for less than others ask. 13 PETERS STREET. JUP-TOWN) NEAR FORSYTH. 4-26-1 Pressing. Pressing. “TAMPA PRESSING CLUB PRICES: Suits Cleaned and Pressed 60c Pants Cleaned and Pressed 30c Coats Cleaned and Pressed 30c Ladies’ Skirts Cleaned and Pressed 50c Suits Pressed 30c 348 AND 350 EDGEWOOD AVENUE. Atlanta Phone 6144-F. 4-26-9 Milk. Milk. HAND-SKIMMED CREAM AND SPECIAL BUTTERMILK SPECIAL DELI VERY. 130 PEACHTREE ST. IDEAL DAIRY BOTH PHONICS, Motorcycles. Motorcycles. Gasoline and Oil. JOHN D. MILLER 42 WALTON STREET. Opposite Postoffice. Both Phones. Always Open Supplies and Repairing. 4-26-23 Real Estate For Sale. I ) : NOTICE OF REMOVAL. I is. B. I URMAN & CO. beg to announce to the public that OX AND AFTER JUNE 18 they will be on the ' SECOND FLOOR OF EM ' PI RE BUILDING, porner •I of Broad and Marietta 1 streets —Rooms Nos. 203 to ; 208. ! I Painting and Tinting, FOR lil'.. BEST PR ?E6 CALL It B EMBRY. M 1455. 318 4'l'H NAT L I BANK BLDCO ’ U-24 Railroad Schedule "PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOUTH" ARRIVAL AND .DEPARTURE OF PASSENGER TRAINS. ATLANTA The following schedule figures are pnb , lished only as information, and are not guaranteed: ' No. Arrive From I No. Depart To— ’ 35 New Y. 5:00 am : 36 Now Y.12:15 am 03 Jaxvllle. 5:20 ani| 30 Col’bus 5.20 nrn . 43 Was’ton 5:25 am 13 Cinci. . 5:30 am 12 Sh’port. 6:30 am! 32 Fort V. 5:30 am 23 Jaxville 6:50 am 35 B’ham . 5:45 am •17 Toccoa. 8:10 arn 7 Chat’ga 6.40 am 26 Heflin 8:20 am 12 R’mond 6:55 am 29 New Y. 10:30 am 23 Kan. C. 7:00 am • 8 Chat’ga 10:35 am 16 Brun’k. 7:45 am 7 Macon 10:40 am 29 B’ham 10:45 am 27 Fort V 10:45 am 38 New Y.11:01 am l 21 Col’bus 10;50 am 40 Charl’e 12:00 n’n 6 Cinci ..11:10 am 6 Macon .12:40 pm 30 B'bam.. 2:30 pm 30 New Y. 2:45 pm i 40 B’ham 12:40, pm J 5 Chat’ga 3:00 pm 39 Charlo’e 3:55 pm 39 B’ham 4:10 pm 5 Macon. 4:55 pin *lB Toccoa. 4:30 pm 37 Nejv Y. 5:00 pm 22 Col’bus 5:10 pm 15 Bruns’k 7:50 pm 5 Cinci . 5:10 pm 11 R’mond 8:30 pm 28 Fort V. 5:20 pm 24 Kan C. 9.20 pm 25 Heflin . 5:45 pm 16 Chat’ga 9:35 pin 10 Macon 5:30 pm : 29 Col’bus 10 20 pm 44 Wash’n 8:45 pm 31 Fort V.10:25 pm 24 Jaxville 9:30 pin 36 B’ham 12:00 ngt 11 Sh’port. 11:10 pm * 1* Trains marked thus (•) run dally, ex . re lit Sunday other train.’’ run dally. Central time i City Ticket Office, No. 1 Peachtree St. Poultry, Pet and Live Stock. A LAYING STRAIN. It is not too early to pick out ,1 the birds which /i az'ice will make up the breeding pen next season. The best H I'olll layers must only ' be selected, and a great aid / curing such birds lilt is to use the trap. nest, as this de- / > vice soon weeds L Gllll TV out the workers ’ from the drones. __ Good layers can /jnrlnr also be selected by outward signs. and it is wise to lools for them by this method also. The regular layer will always be on the move, early and late, searching for insect life and other tit bits. les comb, face, and lobes will be very red, and its eyes will have that clear sparkle which denotes that birds are in the pink of condition. The feath ers will also be very bright and glossy and not luffled, and if the bird be handled the flesh will be hard and firm, possessing not an ounce of superfluous fat. When we come to the drones, what do we find? These specimens are al ways last out in the morning and in first at inght, yet ready at any time to consume as much soft food as would extend their crop to an abnormal de gree. They never go about over the stubble in search of insect life, and al ways seem lifeless. They lack that sparkle in the eye, their combs and lobes are anything hut red and their feathers are dull and ruffled. When handled they are found to have flabby flesh and layer after layer of fat. Such specimens as these should never con stitute the breeding pen, but rather placed in the pot. The male bird should be a typical sized bird of correct shape, and should be about two years old if young pullets are to be mated with him. Again, those specimens that lay an egg of normal size regularly should also be taken notice of; but, of course, the eggs must, not be of abnormal size, as such birds are not always best to use in the breeding pen. If birds are se lected year after year possessing good qualities such as we have named, then a laying strain can soon be got togeth er, provided close in-breeding is care fully guarded against. If only poultry keepers could see the value of making up a laying strain of their own. by se lecting the best individuals each year, then we are sure we should hear less complaints about the scarcity of eggs. If. however, haphazard in-breeding is carried on year after year and fresh stock is never introduced, then one can only expect a bad result, and in the end absolute failure. If the best layers are picked out of the birds at the present time and placed in pens of their own while the wasters are cleared out of the way, then when the time comes round for mating we shall be able to mate them up with some amount of satisfac tion, and knowing at the same time that a good percentage of chicks will be hatched and reared of tip-top quality, and not those measly looking, half feathered mongrels which one too often sees walking about the farm yard. Orpingtons. KELLERSTRASS Crystal White Orping tons. My poultry plants, houses, brood ers, incubators and 60 hens and pullets; about 200 young stock and 15 or 20 cocks and cockerels. Will sell as a whole or in lots. Must dose out al once. Dr. P. C Ward, 220 Gordon street. 6-19-37 R I. Reds. QUALITY REDsi UlWHostfor'd,' "East Point. Ga. 4-25-31 Ducks. ON Ai’CnFNT of going away will sell fourteen light fawn and white Indian Runner ducks cheap. Phone 187 Decatur. Mrs. Mason. Kirkwood, Ga. 42-18-6 INDIAN Runners: best white egg layers; prices reduced: 300 youngsters soon lay ing. $3.50- a pair. Fish River Poultry Yards. Magnolia Springs, Ala. 37-17-6 INDIAN RUNNERS Fawn and White and White. Ducklings. 25c to $1; eggs. $1.50 to $5; satisfaction guaranteed. Geor gia Duck Farm, South Kirkwood, Atlanta Eggs. THOROUGH BRED Buff Orpington eggs. $1 per 15: *5 per 100. 126 Windsor st. Main 3588. 4-27-25 Miscellaneous Poultry. chloronjapS AND LIVE STOCK DISINFECTANT.! BE I’LMR to your chickens. They can’t avoid lice and disease. You must help thorn. Clean their houses with Chloro- Naptholeum Dip and use it on sick birds. It will drive the trouble away. One gal lon makes 100 gallons of dip. Write us for poultry Look. West Disinfecting Company, S. S. Selig. Ji-., general agent, 26 South Forsyth street, Atlanta. 6-11-36 FOR SALE One fine Jersey milch cow. game chickens and two-horse wagon. 145 South Moreland avenue. Phone Ivy 3470-J. 6-20-15 11. G. Hastings & Co., seedsmen for the South, Ifi W. Mitchell street. Four city deliveries daily. North and South Side !> a. in., Inman Park and West End 2 p. in. Bell Phone M 2568. Atlanta 2568. “RED CGMH” MEAT - MASH is a wpll balanced food. Can be fed wet or dry You can’t get a better food for young and old ducks. Should be kept before the lit tle chicks dry all the time. If your hens are not laying, a trial order will con vince you that it is an Meal egg produc ing food. 10 pounds. 25c; 50 pounds, $1.15: 100 pounds. $2.25, CRUSH ED IYSTEIi Si 1 ELL is what is needed for hens that lay soft shell eggs. 12 pounds, 25c: 50 pounds 50c. 100 pounds, sl. THE PETTY POULTRY* I’U.\(’l l’is what you need for marking your fowls. Ir does not tear the web • f the foot, is small and light, can he carried very con veniently ci a key ring 1 oce 25c, post paid. UH’RE PRESSED SALT BRH’K for the horse, cow and pigeons, 15c each, or two for 25c. ff i: \.'A o i uh • I ami mite with Conkey’s Nox-i-Uid* You can not heat it as a poutlry dip. It will rid the poultry houses of mites it should always be kept around the house, as it is an ideal disinfectant for garb- I age cans, etc. One pint in xed with wa ter will mal« more than ’.OO pints of dis infectant ITice I pint. 35< ; one quart, I’Oc, one-half gallon. 90» , gallon, f 1.50. fT7|7:S <’ \ N’T ‘STA y‘~~A RoFN I» Where Donkey s Fly Knocker Is sprayed regular .n the stable ami on the Mock A trial will convince you. one quart. .15' : one half gallon. 60c; gallon, sl. Pigeons. CARNEAU pigeons; mated, $2.50 perpair for ten da.\s; unmaied. $lO per dozen ’l’. Brown, De<atur. Ga. 68-18 6 Dogs. I’’( >R SALE Full Lb o<ied fox terriers, beautifully spotted; males $7.50: fe males $5 C. E. Kruger. 509 South I‘rvor street. 6-21-14 Horses ana Carriages I FuR SAI E Two < heap horses and one mule. Ad'iiiss 135 Pelvis st. 46-21->’ Real Estate For Sale. Houses For Rent. W. A. Foster & Raymond Robson Real Estate, Rent'ng and Loans. Bell Phones 1031-1032. 11 Edgewood ave. Atlanta Phone 1831. for sale. OX EDGEWOOD AVENUE, between Bell ; and Fort streets, we offer for a quick , cash sale, a lot at SSO less than the mar- * ket price. Price, *2OO per foot. See Mr. : Dews. ON A\ ERY DRIVE— In Ansley Park, "a I lot 55x210 feet; this is about one and a • half blocks from end of Piedmont ave- • nue car line, and we have a price of ; $2,000, but the owner has instructed us ; to sell it, so make us an offer. See Mr. Radford. IN KIRKWOOD, on South Decatur car line, a pretty live-room bungalow, with lights, water, tile walks, etc., $250 cash, 117 50 per monjh. See Mr. I lews !■ I\ E !:• H-M •i< >! si: on lot in West End; convenient to Lucile ave nue cars: sower, gas and water; cherted streets;, $3,400; very easy terms. See Mr. White. ON THE corner of Mill and McCoy streets, about one block from the De catur car line, where the East Lake Drive crosses same, a lot 142x200 feet. 'This lot will ent up into four lots, 50x142 feet. Owner wants SI,BOO, but would consider an offer. See Mr. Radford. IF YOU HAVE MONEY TO LOAN. .WE CAN PLACE IT. FOR RENT. 223 N. JACKSON STREET. ON THE SIDE of North Jackson, between Highland and East avenues, we have a two-story ten-room frame; has electric lights, gas. hot and cold water, bath, washstand, closet and sink; in tip-top condition, built for a home; barn and servants' room reserved; lot 50x150. $55. WE PUBLISH A WEEKLY RENT BUL LETIN, giving a good description of »v. erything we hate for rent. Get a co py. JOHN J. W OODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT, 12 AUBU RN AVENUE. PHONE MAIN 618. FOR RENT BY E. RIVERS REALTY CO. 16-room house, 605 Washington street $70.00 per month 12-room house, 510 S. Pryor street 50.00 per month 12-room house, 494 Decatur street 32.50 per month 10-room house, 79 E. Merritts avenue 65.00 per month 10-room house. 218 S. Forsyth street 35.00 per month 10-room house, 502 Washington street, furnished 70.00 per month 9-room house, 9 Baltimore Block 30.00 per month 8-room house, 274 Gordon street 40.00 per month 8-room house. 26 E. Harris street 55.00 per month 8-room house, 354 Capitol avenue 35.00 per month 7-room house, 143 Pulliam street 23.10 per month 7-room house, 206 Pulliam street 25.00 per month 7-room house, 137 Windsor street 27.50 per month 6-room house, 281 E. Fifth street 30.00 per mont’i 6-room house, 53 Orme street 25.00 per month 6-roorn house, 40 Royston street 30.00 per month SUBURBAN HOME SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW, all conveniences, large grove lot, east front, located in best section of Decatur, Ga.; right on North Decatur car line; price lias been reduced for quick sale; terms SSOO cash and balance like rent. * W. L. & JOHN O. DuPREE Real Estate. Empire Building. Bell Phone Main 3457. Atlanta Phone 930. "WHITEHALL STREET AND RAILROAD FRONTAGE RIGHT at the street car underpass we have 75 feet on White hall street with 82 feet on Central of Georgia railway, at just about one-half its value, or $175.00 fool, on good terms Adjoining frontage held at $350.00 foot. B. M. GRANT & CO. Second Floor, Grant Building. THE HOUSE you will build, buy or rent will not be a modern home unless it is wired for Electricity. 4-il-2O JUST THE PLACE FOR A COUNTRY f j JT HOME. RFAI 'EY WITHIN four miles of the car shed, on a * z x. good paved roan, with nice homes and AA A /T TY A TAT X7 neighbors surrounding, we have twelve 111 |\/| I— * ZX Ia! Y acres of land, with about 30u to 100 feet x ■» * of frontage, at the bargain price of $3,000 Come in to see us about this, before Real Estate. Renting, l.oans. somebody else gets it. 511 Empire Bldg. Both Phones 1599. WILLIAMS-HARTSOCK CO. REAL ESTATE AND BUILDERS. FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. Phone 2106 Main. No 352 MYRTLE STREET Eight rooms, two stories, corner lot. beautiful man tels and fixtures, SBOO eash, balance $45 month. This is a bargain. You can't duplicate this on the street in price and value. BARGAIN Here is a vacant lot, close to Highland and Ponce DeLeon avenues, 50x150 feet, lies fine; can he had for a few days only for $1,700. You'll have te hurry. NEXT WEEK we will begin two more new homes, one on Sixteenth street, the other on Moreland avenue; will arrange either to suit your own ideas; both loca tions are line. Come to see us and get one of them. TWO GOOD NEGRO LOTS Can build five houses here: city water, close tp car line, can make the two for $1,100; terms at that. This is a good buy. FOR SALE BY OWNER NO. 395 CAPITOL AVENUE, modern two-story dwelling, in per fect condition. Large reception hall, parlor, dining room, butler's pantry, kitchen, store room and lavatory on first floor. I'oiir bed rooms, bath and toilet, and servant’s or trunk room. East front, level, shaded lot, 50x200 to 13-foot alley. Reasonable terms. $6,250. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PROPERTY * THIS PROPERTY fronts 9(1 feet on Marietta street between Forsyth and Spring, and has a depth of 200 feet lo a street or driveway opposite the S. A. L. freight depot. It is only 1,200 feet from Five Points, . the center of the city, and on the best side of the widest business street in Atlanta. It is within 400 feet of the city hall, and only GOO feet from Marietta street property which recently sold at $4,000 a foot. We offer this, subject to the approval of the con gregation, at $2,000. a foot, or SIBO,OOO. S. W. CARSON. ; JOHN J. WOODSIDE, , T. B. GAY, 1 9°<unittee. > FOR RENT. 3 rooms. 460 Luckie street $13,10 3-r. h . 728-E East Fair street 5.50 3-r. h., 751 Whitehall street 9.00 3-r. h.. 356 Edgewood avenue 10.60 3-r. h., 721 East Fair street 6.60 3-r. h., 33 Gaskill street 8.60 3-r. h., 728-B East Fair street 4.30 3-r. h.. 22 Postell street 5.50 3- h., 55 Kennedy street 7.30 4- h., 19 Fowler street 10.00 4-r. h.. Adamsville, Ga.. and 76 acres of land 5.0 J 4-r. h.. 27 Evans Drive 12.50 4-r. h. r 144 Crew street 20.60 4-r. h., 410 Randolph street 12.50 4-r. h., 32 Virgil street 9.00 4-r. h., 11 West Alexander street... 15.60 4-r. h.. 156 West Harris street 10.00 4-r. tlat, 150 West Baker street.... 23.10 4- flat. 180-B Woodward ave 18.60 5- flat. 290-A East Linden street.. 30.00 5-r. flat. 272 East Fair street 21.60 5-r. h., 22 Harwell street 12.60 5-r. h.. 102 Crumley street 18.uO 5-r h., 355 Formwait street 16,50 5-r. h., 49 Atlanta avenue 17.50 And a long list of larger houses. COME TO SEE US. 17