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Tennis and Golf
Catch Interest
in Wane of
ALTHOUGH July is almost here,
with the real summertime heat
In train, the athletic members of
the fashionable world are finding in
terest and diversion on the tennis
courts and golf links. Every morning
and afternoon at East Lake Country
club, white robed girls and men in
white suits flit strenuously about the
tennis courts, and solemn faced golf
enthusiasts wander over the links.
The tennis tournament at the Pied
mont Driving club next week will
serve as a welcome diversion in the
summer's dearth of happenings. Al
though the entries are not especially
large, the game will be watched by
large crowds of the more indolently in
clined who will witness the tournament
from the. porch of the club house.
Among the popular young women ex
, pectcd to take part in the tournament
are: Misses Esther Smith, Mary Tray
lor, Elizabeth Rawson and Harriet Cal
houn and Mrs. Winship Nunnally.
Some of the men who play are: Messrs.
Winship Nunnally, Jesse Draper. Bowie
Martin. Clarence Knowles, W. C. Hall,
, Joseph Colquitt. Hugh Dorsey. Dugas
McClesky, Hugh Scott, Lee Douglas,
Hudson Moore, Brutus Cljty, Linton
Hopkins and others.
The presence of Mr. and Mrs. A. R.
Newell, of Nashville, with a party of
golfing friends will occasion some de
lightful week-end entertaining. The
1‘ party, including Mr. and Mrs. Newell,
I Mrs. E. W. Daley, Mrs. Rogers-Smith
1 * and Miss Jeannfettts Atkins, arrived yes
terday. Mr. and Mrs. Nash Broyles
entertained them at luncheon today at
the driving club, and this evening they
w ill be guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Jones at dinner at East Lake, preced
ing the dance tonight. Mr. and Mrs. T.
B. Paine entertain 4he visitors at din
ner tomorrow. They are taking part
in some interesting tourneys with 10-
1 ' cal players of golf on the East Lake
links during their visit.
Plans for summer develop with every
day, and many Atlantans are even now
"on the wing." As usual, Wrightsville
Beach claims a large number of the
early summer tourists, from this city-.
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Philip Hinman
and Master Thomas Philip Hinman, Jr.,
Dr. and Mrs. William C. Jarnagin, Miss
Erskine Jarnagin, Mr. and Mrs. George
Forrester and Mr. George Forrester, Jr.,
left this week for Wrightsville. Mrs.
Edward Van Winkle and young son,
Mrs. Hudson Moore and Mrs. Harvey
Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stearns
and children, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Meador and Miss Charlotte Meador
leave next week for a stay at the beach.
A group of young women there at
present includes Misses Louise Broyles.
Helen Benedict, Josephine Mobley.
Helen McCarty, Louise Parker, Myra
Clarke Scott, Mary Murphy , Emily Cas
sia and Ellen Wolff.
The mountains of North Carolina,
which are dotted with summer resorts
i continue to hold their popularity with
Atlantans. Toxaway, which for a num
ber of years base been a favorite resort
promises all unusually delightful sum
mer season. August being very gay
both at Toxaway and in the Sapphire
country. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Dar
gan expect to spend August at Tox
away and will chaperone a group of
young women. among them their young
daughter. Miss Helen Dargan, and
. .Hisses Annie Lee McKenzie and Laura
Ansley, with Rose Briscoe, of Knox
ville. who is delightfully known here.
Miss Ansley will spend the early part
of the summer with her parents. Mr.
I J and Mrs. Edwin P. Ansley, and Miss
I Mamie Ansley, at Moorhead City, an-
I other popular resort in North Caro-
I lina.
L Atlantains at Tate Springs, Tenn.,
a include Mr. ,md, Mrs. John Newton
1 Goddard, Mrs. Charles Sisson and Miss
■ Margaret Hawkins.
J Mrs. Henry- Bankhead and children
| will leave in July to spend the remaind-
er of the. summer with Mrs. George
Pullman at her magnificent summer
home in Elberon, N. J. Mrs. Pullman
has many friends, made during a re
cent visit to Mrs. Bankhead, when she
was tendered a series of brilliant en
tertainments. She has recently re
turned to her home in Chicago, after a
winter in California, spending the time
' In San Francisco and Santa Barbara,
with a three weeks stay in Honolulu.
Miss Lucy Harrison leaves the lat
ter part of September for New York,
w here «he will join Miss Helen Wes
ley. a former collegemate of Miss Har
rison’s at Wellesley, and together they
v 111 sail for France, going from there
to Switzerland. October will be spent
In Italy.
Mrs. William D. Grant (.will leave
x early in August for Hot Springs, Va.
She will be accompanied by her grand-
B .on, John Grant, Jr. Mrs. Grant, who
9 p 9 Mrs. James T. Williams, a Charming « «
% % Young Matron, and Her Son 6 6 6
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is as young in spirit as her grandson,
will participate in the many pleasures
of life at "The Hot." having been one
of the famous belles of the SoutL dur
ing her girlhood who has retained the
enthusiasm of youth and who is still
a belle in any social gathering
Miss Helen Muse, the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. George Muse, returned
this week after an extended stay
abroad. With Miss Converse, of At-
lanta. Miss Muse went abroad sixteen
months ago, and spent several months
traveling on the continent. The past
year, after the return of Miss Converse,
Miss Muse has spent in Paris, where
she has studied French and has made
many excursions in the charming coun
try surrounding Paris.
Mr. and Mis. Walter P. Andrews
leave the first of July for an extended
stay in the West, and will visit Port-
land, Seattle and other cities. They
will probably go to Alaska and will
spend some time at Banff, the famous
resort in the Canadian Rockies, before
returning. Former Atlantans who are
now living in Alaska are Captain and
Mrs. Charles Coane Allen and little
son, Charles Yates Allen, who, after
two years here, are now stationed at
an army post in Alaska.
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Dlsbro, Miss
Mary Dlsbro and William Dlsbro art
in California now and will visit Yel
lowstone park before returning. Mrs.
Nellie Peters Black and Mrs. Emily
McDougald left this’week for a trip
to California. Mrs. Charles Godfrey
will spend the summer with relatives
In Toronto, Canada.
Among the Atlantans sailing this
week for Europe were Mr. and Mrs.
John Grant, accompanied by Misses
Margaret and Anne Grant.. Mr. Arthur
Clarke and Mr. Joseph Gatins. Jr. Mr.
and Mrs. E. P. Mcßurney, Mr. and Mrs
Dan Harris and Miss Margaret Wright,
Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Gude and Miss
Mary Gude, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lewman,
accompanied by Mrs. Lewman's moth
er, Mrs. Samuel Peeples Sparks, and
little Idolene Lewman. Miss Alma Stan
ley, Miss Lilian Flvnn and Miss Nancy
The House Party
Takes Its Place
in Chronicle
of Society
A FAVORED form of entertaining
among the members of the
younger element in society, who
come to the fore ih any chronicle of so
cial affairs during the summer, is the
house party.
When the house party meets at the
city residence there are motor parties,
bridge parties, dances at the country
clubs and so forth. And the house par
ty entertained in the country is given
■the opportunity of pienics. horseback
riding, motoring and fishing.
A number of house parties are In
process of formation among the college
girls, and some of older years. The
chief of this week's social affairs in
Atlanta have been occasioned by the
house parties entertained by Miss Eula
Jackson and Miss Ferol Humphries.
Miss Isolene Campbell will entertain a
group of college friends at her home in
July, her guests to be Misses Susie
Hatcher, of Columbus: Georgia Bena
Dodson, of Americus; Gertrude Shep
herd, of Anniston: Marguerite Sibley,
of Birmingham, and Edith McKenzie,
of Montezuma. Each of these girls will
entertain the others, in turn, at house
i parties, the first of the series begin
! ning on the 22d. to be given by Miss
, Susie Hatcher.
Miss Emma Jordan, the young
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvie Jor
dan, of West End, will entertain a
house party at the summer home of
her parents in Monticello, Ga.. next
week. The guests will be Missea Cora
McCord Brown and Fay Dobbs, of At
lanta.; Rachel Nunnally, of Monroe
Ethel Scarborough and Mabel Pearce,
of Columbus, and Louise Vincent, of
Miss Julia Meador will be the*At
lanta representative at a large house
party at “Ocean Pond,” a club house
near Valdosta, next week, which will
be entertained by twenty young men.
Among the other girls of the party who
are known here will be Miss Eulalle
Converse, of Valdosta; Miss Roselle
Cooley, of Jacksonville; Miss Marjorie
Browne and Miss Kathleen Golden, of
Columbus, and Miss Leewood Oglesby,
of Quitman.
Miss Muriel Linthicum is a member
of a Macon house party which is being
'extensively entertained. Miss Louise
Curry, the younger granddaughter of
Senator A. O. Bacon, is hostess of the
house party.
A series of house parties will be
given by Miss Marian Woodward at
the handsome summer home of her
parents in the Litchfield Hills. Mas
sachusetts, before her departure for
Europe in August. The guests will In
clude relays of friends from various
.cities, among the Atlanta guests to b«
Miss Mazie Thurston and Miss Muriel
An unusually interesting house par
ty of the past week, made up of At
lanta guests, was entertained by Mr.
Sam Hutcheson at his home on Mis
sion Ridge, Chattanooga. The guests,
who are expected home today from
Chattanooga, were Misses Harriet Cal
houn, Sarah Rawson arid Elizabeth
Rawson, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Sim
mons, Mr. Clarence Haverty and Mr.
Marlon Smith.
Among the parties for next week will
be several for Miss Mildred Fort, a
lovely bride-elect, whose marriage wIT
also be a happy event of the week, tak
ing place Wednesday evening. Miss
Fort marries Mr. T. Bertram Norris
The marriage of Miss Katherine
Rutherford to Mr. George Pardee Cady,
of Chicago, takes place Monday morn
ing of ?ext week at the residence J
Mr. and Mrs. Vassar Woolley.
The series of June weddings has been
notable for the many pretty brides, and
while the month of brides is drawing
to a close, there are many interesting
rumors of brides-to-be, whose engage
ments are looked for at any time.
A social event of unusual interest,
scheduled for next Monday afternoon
from 5 to 7 o’clock at the Piedmont
Driving club, will be tendered Mrs
Spencer R. Atkinson t>y the Joseph
Habersham chapter, Daughters of the
American Revolution. Mrs. Atkirsor
is the retiring regent of the chapter
and a very popular member. The re- *
ception will also serve as a formal wel
come to the new regent. Mrs. John A
Perdue; Mrs. William Lawson Peel,
honorary regent of the chapter and
vice president general, will stand at
the head of the receiving line, and the
details of the affair will be elaborate.