Newspaper Page Text
Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale.
50x150— 2 blocks of Kimball House.
Two blocks of frontage selling at
$3,000 per foot. A main thoroughfare
from North to South side.
Should sell NOW for SSOO per foot.
Will bring that or better in 12 months.
If we EVER offered a gold dollar
for 90 cents, we are offering it in
this lot at
$325 per foot.
409 Equitable Building. •
CAPITOL AVENUE, HOME—In one of the best blocks on this street we
offer a nine-room, two-story dwelling, in perfect condition, on a beauti
fully shaded, east front, level lot —reasonable terms—for $6,250.
BETWEEN THE PEACHTREES, elevated lot, covered with oak grove, only
$2,500. Located on Twelfth street, 200 feet east of West Peachtree.
FOUR-ROOM house, east side of Martin street. 100 feet north of Haygood,
THE HOUSE you will build, buy or rent will not be a
modern home unless it is wired for Electricity.
On elevated, level, shady lot, 45x200 to alley.
House two-story, eight rooms, with modern conveniences.
Reception hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen, four bed rooms with closets,
china closet, pantry, bath, linen closet. Sliding doors between parlor and din
ing room. Large, roomy veranda.
Comfortable servants' house in rear.
Let me show you this.
Bo,h .a ,nes W. S. DAVIS 107 K ab ' e
Legal Notices.
Will be sold before the court house
door, in the city of Atlanta, tlie first
Tuesday In July, 1912. within the. legal
hours of sale, the following property, to
wit, same being seized by myself as tax
collector of Fulton county, as property of
parties named below for their state and
county taxes for Hie years specified:
Also at the sonic time and place the
following described property, to-wit: A
certain city lot In the city of Atlanta.
Ward 3. land lot 44. in the Fourteenth
district of Fulton county. Georgia, front
ing 70 feet on the side of Mil
ledge avenue, between Hill and Grant
streets, and running buck 125 feet, more
<j'- less, in a southerTy direction, the house
mi said lot known as No. 91. on said
street, according to street, numbers, the
same being improved property in tlie city
of Atlanta adjoining Arnold. Levied on
as the property of A. F Bellfngrath, to
satisfy a ti. fa. in favor of the state and
county, against said lot and against said
A. F. Bellingrath, for state and county
taxes for the year 1f'1.0..
Also at the same time and place, the
follow’ing described property, to-wit: A
certain cltv lot in the city of Atlanta.
Ward 6. land Jot 78, in the Fourteenth
district of Fulton county. Georgia, front
i! g 34 feet on tlie east, side of Orrne
street between Hartls and Baker streets,
and running hack 100 feet, more or less,
in an easterly direction, the house on
said tot known as No. 57 on said street,
according to street numbers, the, same
being property In the elty of Atlanta
adjoining George. Levied on as the prop
ertv of George W. Berry to satisfy a fl. fa.
in favor of the state and county against
..-id tot Hint against said George W. Ber
ry sot state and county taxes for the
vear 1910
—rise aT *he same time and place, the
folh wing described property, to-wit. A
certain citt 10l 'n ' ht- rl,v l( Atlanta.
Legal Notices.
Ward 1, land lot 109, in the Fourteenth
district of Fulton county. Georgia, front
ing 44 feet on the west side of Wes!
Fair street, between Milton and Proctor
streets, and running back 100 feet, more
or less, in a westerly direction, the bouse
on said lot known as No. 395 on said
street, according to street numbers, the
same Jielng Improved property in the
city of Atlanta adjoining Eubanks. Lev
ied on as the property of T. L. Bowen to
satisfx a fl. fa. In favor of the state and
county, against said 10l and against said
T. L. Bowen, for state and county taxes
for tlm* year 1910.
Also at Hie same time and place, the
following described property, to-wit: A
certain city lot In the city of Atlanta.
Ward 5, land lot 111, in the Fourtee.ntli
district of Fulton county, Georgia, front
Ing 28 feet on the west side of Griffin
street, between D’Alvigny and North
streets, and running back 102 feet, more
or less, in a westerly direction, the bouse
oil sal-1 lot known as Nd Lv4 01 ■'
Lt reel, according to street numbers. H
same being improved property in the city
of Atlanta adjoining Rouse. Levied on as
the property of A. D. Dameron to satisfy
a fl. fa. In favor of the state and county
against said lot and against said A. D.
Cameron for state and county taxes for
rhe year 1910.
Also at the same time and place, the
following described property, to-wit: A
certain city lot In the city of Atlanta.
Ward 4. land lot 20. in tlie Fourteenth
district of Fulton county. Georgia, front
ing 44 feet on the past side of Krogg
street, between Edgewood avenue and
T’ceatur streets, and running back 112
feet, more or less. In an easterly direc
tion. the house on said lot known as
No. 5 on said street, according to Htreet
numbers, tlie same being Improved prop
erty in Hie city of Atlanta adjoining
Trout, levied on as the property of .1
H Chafin to satisfy a fl In in favor of
Real Estate For Sale
SEVERAL sales have been made in
this section lately. That shows what
the wise buyer thinks of this property.
We have a corner over here that Is
BARTH’L’LAR LY GOOD. and we can
make reasonable terms. The price on
this is lower now than it will be on the
first of July. Better see it.
A DANDY cottage of six rooms, com
bination fixtures, stone front, stained
floors, large, lot and in a splendid sec
tion. We can make easy terms on this
and the price is RIGHT.
WE have two new bungalows on this
beautiful street, and they have every
convenience except, gas. the lots are
targe and shady and the houses are
exceptionally well built. In a section
that Is developing very rapidly, and the.
owner wants to sell those at a price
that will make it very interesting. See
Mr. Green.
ON the Marietta ear line we have a
home that has just been finished and
If you.want to see something that will
appeal to anybody who wants a nice
home with all the city conveniences
and the advantage of being In the
country, just let us show you this prop
osition. A gre'at big lot and a bouse
that Is a dream, eight .rooms, two
sleeping porches, servants’ house and
right on the car line. This is one nice
place, and the price is dirt cheap,
7-ROOM house. Little street; all
improvements. Price $2,600.00.
house; all conveniences; Snap
at $5,400.00.
ANSLEY PARK—9-room house,
furnace heat, stone front, tile
porch, hardwood floors and birch
doors, and very attractive price,
$7,500.00. Also on Westminster
Drive, beautiful 6-room bungalow.
Must be sold. $4,500.00 buys it.
Also, several vacant lots ranging
from $1,800.00 to $3,000.0.
KIRKWOOD, GA.—7-room house,
all improvements, lot 60x400;
good spring in rear of lot. This
is a fine proposition for chicken
and duck ranch. Price $4,000.00.
$1,000.00 cash, balance $35.00 per
WE HAVE some beautiful homes
in Smyrna at attractive prices.
WE HAVE a beautiful home on
W. Fourteenth street. Ten
room house, large 101. Owner is
going to sell. Make us an offer.
Price $9,000.00.
CLOSE-IN. 10-room house, ail im
provements, $3,000.00.
ONE 8-room, one 6-room and one
3-room house. renting for
$31.50. This is a choice invest
ment for $2,600.00.
WEST END—We have a beauti
ful 7-room bungalow, piped for
furnace, brick mantels and every
other convenience. Setting in one
of the prettiest groves in Atlanta.
If you are interested in West End
this 'proposition will please you.
Brand-new. Has a stone front,
cement steps, and very attractive
in every particular.
Legal Notices.
the state and county against said lot and
against said J. H. Chafin for state and
county taxes for the year 1910.
Also at same Time aiid pTa^e - the
ing described property. to-wit: A certain
city lot in the city of Atlanta, Ward 3.
Land Lot 20. in the 14th district of Fulton
county. Georgia, fronting 100 feet on the
west side of Powell street between Gas
kill and Tennille streets, and running back
J4O feet more or less in a westerly direc
tion, the house on said lot known as No.
... on said street according to street
numbers, the same being vacant propertv
in the city of Atlanta adjoining Willie.
Levied on as the property of Mary Craig
to satisfy a fl. fa. in favor of the state
and county against said lot and against
Mary Craig for state and countv taxes
for the year 1910.
Also at same time and place the fol
lowing described property, to-wit: A cer
tain city lot In the city of Atlanta. Ward
1, land lot £4 in the. Fourteenth district
of Fulton county. Georgia, fronting 36 feet
on the south side of Hunter street be
tween Maple and Davis streets, and run
ning hack 117 feet, more or less, in a
southerly direction, the house on said lot
known a« No. 224 on said street according
to street numbers, the same being im
proved properly in the city of Atlanta ad
joining Blalock. levied on as the prop
erty of Annie Delaney to satisfy a fl. fa.
in favor of the state and county against
said lot and against said Annie Delaney
for state and county taxes for the vear
Also at same time and place the fol
lowing described property, to-wit: A cer
tain city lot in the city of Atlanta. Ward
3. land lot 21. in the Fourteenth district
of Fulton county, Georgia, fronting 50 fed
on the west side of Cameron street, be
tween Glennwood ami Plvkcrt streets, and
running back 242 feet, more or less, in a
westerly direction, the house on said lot
known as No. 292 on said street according
to street numbers, the same being im
proved property in the city of Atlanta, ad
joining Phillips. Levied on hm the proper
ty of H A Dennard to satisfy a ti. fa. In
favor of the state and county against said
lot and against said IL A Dennard for
utate and county taxes for the year 1910.
\lso at same time and place the fol
lowing described property, to-wit: A cer
tafn city lot in ti e city of Atlanta. Ward
3. land lot 43. in the Fourteenth district
of Fußon county. Georgia, fronting 54 feci
on the north side of Georgia avenue, be
tween Grant street and t’herokcr avenue,
and running Lack 110 feet, more or less, in
a northerly direction. the house on said
lot known as No. 448 on said street un
cording Io street numbers, the same being
improved i-r< ueriy in the city of Atlanta
adjoining Heston. Levied on ns the prop
erty of Hattie .1 Drake to satisfy a fl. (a,
In favor of the state and county against
said lot ami against said Hattie .1, Drake
for stat* and county taxes for the year
Also al same time and place the fol
lowing described property, to-wit; \ cer
tain ritj lot in the citj of;.’ War 1
1.-iaj Jot 82, in the Fourteenth ctstrh't
Legal Notices. i
of Fulton county, Georgia. fron-'ng '00;
feet on the west side of Davis street, be
tween John and Kennedy streets and run
ning back 100 feet, more or less, in a
westerly direction, the h juso ,ki said lot]
known as No. 400 on said stree* accord- I
ing to street numbers, the same being im
proved property in ih-e city of Atlanta ad
joining Adams. Levied oji as the property
of H, H. Ellis to satisfy a I-. fa. in favo'i
of the state and county agrtwt said lot
and agalnr. said H. H. Elils for state and
county taxes for the year I ‘lo ]
Also at same time and place, tire fol - 1
lowing described property, to-wit. A
certain cltj- lot in the city of Ailanta,
Ward 4. land lot 18. in the Fourteenth
district, of Fulton county. Georgia, front
ing 114 feet on the east side of Arnold
and Todd streets, between Todd and Rary
streets, and running back 200 feet, more
or less, in an easterly direction, the house
on said lot known as No. 114 on said
street, according to street numbers, the
same being vacant property in the city
of Atlanta adjoining Herrington, levied
on as the property of Marte Ford to sat
isfy a fl. fa. in favor of the state and
county against said lot and against said
Marie Ford for state and county taxes for
the year 1610,
Also at same time and place, the fol
lowing described property, to-wit: A
certain city lot in the city of Atlanta,
Ward 1, land lot 110. in the Fourteenth
district of Fulton county. Georgia, front
ing 40 feet on the northeast corner of
Hunter and Leach streets, and running
back 80 feet, more or less, In a north
easterly direction, the bouse on said lot
known as No. 441 on said street, accord
ing to street numbers, the same being
Improved property In the city of Atlanta
adjoining Eastman, levied oh as the prop
erty of Susie Fountain to satisfy a ti. fa.
in favor of the state, a.n<l county against
said lot and against said Susie Fountain
for state and county taxes for the year
IMO. .
Also at same time and place, the fol
lowing described property, to-wit: A
certain city lot in the city of Atlanta,
Ward 3, land lot 22, in the Fourteenth
district of Fulton county. Georgia, front
ing 50 feet on the north side of Herne
street, between Boulevard and Summit
street, and running back 180 feet, more
or less, in a northerly direction, the house
on said lot known as No. 50 on said street,
according to street numbers, the same
being improved property in the ,oity of
Atlanta adjoining Cramer, levied on as
the property of Kitty and Ida Garmany
to satisfy a. fl. fa. in favor of lhe state
and county against said lot and against
said Kitty and Ida Garmany for state
and county taxes for the year 1910.
Also at same time and place, the fol
lowing described property, to-wit: A
certain city lot tn the city of Atlanta,
Ward 8. land lot 109. In the Fourteenth
district of Fulton county, Georgia, front
ing 147 feet on the east side of Peachtree
and Railway streets, between Southern
railway and limits, and running back
1.260 feet, more ,or less, in an easterly
direction, the same being property In
the city of Atlanta, adjoining Rosser,
levied on as the property of H. W. Grady
to satisfy a fl. fa. in favor of the state
and county against said lot and against
said H. W. Grady for state and county
taxes_forjthe year 1.910.
Also at same time and place, the fol
lowing described property, to-wit: A
certain city lot in the city of Atlanta,
Ward 3. land lot 21. in the Fourteenth
district of Fulton county, Georgia, front
ing 50 feet on the north: side of McDonald
street, betw'een Berne and Cameron
streets, and running back 100 feet, more
or less, in a northerly direction, the house
on said lot known as No. 40 on said street,
according to street numbers, the same
being Improved property in the city of
Atlanta axijoining Barsfield. levied on as
the property of Julia Griswell to satisfy
a fl. fa. in favor of the state and county
against said lot and against said Julia
Griswell for state and county taxes for
the year 1910,
Also at same time and place, the fol
lowing described property, to-wit:. A
certain city lot tn the city of Atlanta,
Ward 2. land lot 76, in the Fourteenth
district of Fulton county, Georgia, front
ing 50- feet on the northeast corner of
Crew and Richardson streets, aitd run
ning back 136 feet, more or less,, in a
northeasterly direction, the house on said
lot known as No. 176 on said street, ac
cording to street numbers, the same being
Improved property in. the city of Atlanta
adjoining Voss, levied on'as the property
of Mrs L. G.. Haden to satisfy a fl. fa.
In favor of the state and county against
said lot and against said Mrs. L. G.
Haden for state and county taxes for the
Also at same Mine aucl place, the fol
low irrfT" rdesprjbtfti to-wit: A
certifm city sot in the /city of Atlanta.
W ant 6, land" tnt > |9, ip the Fourteenth
district of Fulton county, Georgia, front
ing 23 feet on the west aide of Spring
street, between Pine and Linden streets,
and running back 130 feet, more or less,
in a westerly direction, the house on said
lot known its No jpn said street, ae
cording to street numbers, the same being
Improved- property*-in. lhe city of Atlanta
adjoining Hitt, levied on as the property
of Mrs. L. C. Hendi'lek estate, to satisfy
a fl. fa. In favor of the'state and county
against said lot and against said Mrs.
L. C. Hepdrick estate for state and county
taxes for the year
Also at the same time and place, the
following described property, to-wit: A
certain city lot in the city of Atlanta,
Ward 4. land lotM; in the Fourteenth dis
trict of Fulton coUpty, Georgia, fronting
50 feet on the -south sfde of Forrest ave
and county, taxes for the year 1910,
and running back 159 feet, more or less.
In a southerly direction, the house on
said lot known as No. 143 on said street,
according to street numbers, the same
being Improved property in the. city of
Atlanta adjoining McMillan. Levied on
as the properly of Miss Evelyn Jackson
to satisfy a ti. fa. in favor of the state
and county against said lot and against
said Miss'Evelyn Jackson for state and
county taxes for the year 1910.
Also at the same time and place, the
following described property, to-wit: A
certain city lot in the city of Atlanta,
AVard 4, land lot. 45. in the Fourteenth
district of Fulton county, Georgia, front
ing 50 feet on the west side of Bradley
street, between Edgewood avenue and De
catur street, and running back 100 feet,
more or less, in a westerly direction, the
house on said lot known as No. 20 on
said street, according to street numbers,
the same being improved property in the
city "f Atlanta adjoining (’ampbeil.
Levied on as the property of H. B. Jack
son to satisfy a fl. fa. in favor of the state
and county against said lot and against
said H. B Jackson Tor state and county’
taxes for the year 1910.•
Also at the same time and pla<'p, the
following described property, to-wit: A
certain city lot In the city of Atlanta,
Ward 5. land lot 81, in the Fourteenth
district of Fulton county, Georgia, front
ing 300 feel on the w**fti side of Western
and Atlantic and Southern railway, be
tween Bellwooii and D'Alvigny streets,
and running back 200 feet, more or less,
in a westerly direction, the same being
vacant property in the city of Atlanta
adjoining the railroads. Levied on as the
property of T. J. James to satisfy a fl. fa
in favor of the state ami county against
said lot ami against said T J. lames for
state'and <•<>-jnty tuxes for the year 1910.
Xiao nt tpp s;i’-;d time &nq pim »■. he
following «leserfbed property, to-wit: A
certain city lot In th« city of Atlanta,
Ward 3. land lot 44. in the Fourteenth
district of Fultnn county, Georgia, front
ing 50 feet <»n the n<.rth side of Sidney
street, between Cherokee and Loomis
streets, and running Lack 187 fr»et, more
or less, in a northerly direction, the
house on said L-t known as No. 138 on
said street, according to street numbers,
the same being Improve'! property In the
city of Atlanta• adjoining DavD. Levied
on as the propert' of R. B. Kelly to
satisfy a fl fa. in favor of the abate and
county against said lot and against said
R. fl. Kelly for state and county faxea
for Hip year 1910
\is.> • t ,-t;ini< I ■ ■'■ follow-
ing desciihefl property, to-wit: A cer
tain city lot io the city of Atlanta, Ward
9, land lot 177, In the Fourteenth district
of Fulton county. Georgia, fronting 60
feet on the west side of Leggett street he
twren Metropolitan and Moreland Streets,
and running I'U' k -00 feet more or. 1«M«.
in a westerly direction, the house nn su’d
lot. known ns No. 42‘> on said street ac
cording to street numbers, the same being
Improved property in the <’lty of Atlanta
adJQltilng Fleminter. Levied on us the
itrouerty <•; J L Leftwich to satisfy a fl.
fa. in favor of' the statu and. uouiUy
. gainst said lot am] against said I D.
Leftwich for state and county taxes ‘or
XDo at same time and place the follow
ing dojo Hbf d property , to-w it: A < er
tain city lot in the Hty of Atlanta, Ward
5, land Jot 111. in the Fourteenth distid.
of Fulton county, Georgia fronting 8 8
fnef /in thr west <ide of Sunset a-vcmie.
Legal Notices.
between North avenue and Meldrim
streets, and running back 100 feet, more
or less, in a westerly direction, the house
on said lot known as No. 518 on Slid
street according to street numbers, the
same being improved property in the city
of Atlanta adjoining Leathers. Levied on
as tile property of F. Loyd to satisfy a
fl. fa. in favor of the state and county
against said lot and against said F. C.
Loyd for state and county taxes for lhe
year 1910.
Also at same time and t'ace the fotlov -
mg described property, to-wit: A cer
tain city lot In the cltj of Atlanta, Ward
6. land lot 50. in the Fourteenth district
of Fulton county, Georgia, fronting 40
feet on the north side of Alexander street,
between Pcaolitree and West Peachtree
streets, and running back 100 feet, more or
less, in a northerly direction, the house
on said lot known as No. 34 on said street
according to street numbers, the same be
ing Improved property in the city of At
lanta adjoining Stevens. Levied on as the
property of D. W. McDade to satisfy a fl.
fa. in favor of the state and county
against said D. W. McDade for state and
county taxes for the year 1!H0.
.\ls" at san L and place tlie follow
ing described property, to-wit: A cer
tain city lot lit the city of Atlanta. Ward
9, land lot 19, in the Fourteenth district
of Fulton County. Georgia, fronting 50
feet on the south side of Lake avenue, be
tween McLendon and DeKalb streets, and
running back 100 feet, more or less, in a
southerly direction, the house on said lot
known as No. 85 on said street according
to street numbers, the same being im
proved property in the city of Atlanta
adjoining Candler. Jones and Hen
derson. Levied on as the property of H.
Marshall to satisfy a fl. fa. in favor of
the state and county against said lot and
against said 11. E. Marshall for state and
cotinty taxes for the year 1910.
Also at same time and place the follow
ing described property, to-wit: A cer
tain city lot in the city of Atlanta. Ward
3. land lot 45. in the Fourteenth district of
Fujtpn county, Georgia, fronting 50 feet
on the southwest corner of Hunter and
Fort streets, and running back 90 feet,
more or less, in a southwesterly direction,
the house on said lot known as No. 341
on said street according to street num
bers, tlie same being improved property
In the city of Atlanta adjoining Stevens.
Levied on as the property' of Mrs. A. D.
Moseley to satisfy’ a, ft. .fa. in favor of the
state and county against said lot and
against said Mrs. \. D. Moseley for state
and coyiniy taxes for the year 19I|>.
Also at the same time and place the fol
lowing described property, to-wit: A cer
tain city lot in the city of Atlanta, Ward
10, land lot 108, in the Fourteenth district
of Fulton county, Georgia, fronting 40 feet
on the west side of Stewart avenue, be
tween Whitehall and Wells streets, and
running back 120 feet, more or less, in a
westerly direction, the house on said lot
known as No 41 bn said street accord
ing to street numbers, the same being im
proved property In the city of Atlanta ad
joining Carlisle Levied on as the, prop
erty of J, H. and L. A. Neely to satisfy a
fl. fa. in favor of the state and county
against said lot and against said J. H.
and L. A. Neely for state and county
taxes for the year 1910.
aTso at same time and place, the fol
lowing described property, to-wit: A
certain city 10l In the city of Atlanta,
Ward 9, land lot 14. In the Fourteenth
district of Fulton county, Georgia, front
ing 76 feet on the south side of Seaboard
street, between McDonald and Hardee
streets, and running back 141 feet, more
or less, in a southerly direction, the house
on said lot known as No. 917 on said
street, according to street numbers, the
same being improved property in the
city’ of Atlanta adjoining Jones, levied on
as the property of Charlton G. Ogburn, to
satisfy a fl. fa. in favor of the state and
county' against said lot and against said
Charlton G. Ogburn for state and county
taxes for the year 1910.
Also at same time and place, the fol
lowing described property, to-wit: A
certain city lot in the city of Atlanta.
Ward 3. land lot 54, in the Fourteenth
district of Fidton county, Georgia, front
ing 31 1-3 feet on the south side of Geor
gia avenue, between Ami and Connally
streets, and running back 110 feet, more
or less, in a southerly direction, the house
on said lot' known aS ‘No. 285 on said
street, according to street numbers, the
same being improved property in the city
of Atlanta adjoining I'ngar, levied on as
the property of Win. F. Ogburn, to satisfy
a fl. fa. in favor of the state and county
against said lot and against'said Win. F.
Ogburn for state and county taxes for the
year 1910, • J* *
Also .at same lime, anxl, plaop., the fol
lowing described property, tb-wltt A
certain city lot jn the efiy- .of AHknta,
Ward 4, land lot 47. in the Fourteenth
district of Fulton county, Georgia, front
ing 45 feet on the north side of Morgan
to Linden streets, between Arnold and
Randolph streets, and running back 200
feet, more or less, in a northerly direc
tion. the name being improved property
in the city of Atlanta adjoining Gibson,
levied on as the property of Frank O’Neal
to satisfy a fl. fa. in favor of the state
and county against said lot and against
said Frank O'Neal for state and county
taxes for the year 1910.
Also at same time and place, the fol
lowing described property, to-wit: A
certain city lot In the city of Atlanta.
Ward 1, land lot 109. in the Fourteenth
district of Fulton county. Georgia, front
ing 38 feet on the east side or Webster
street, between Parson and Fair streets,
and running back 100 feet, more or less,
in an easterly direction, the hotise on said
lot known as No. 13 on said street, ac
cording lo street numbers, the same being
improved property' in the city of Atlanta,
adjoining t'haptnan, levied on as the prop
erty of Annie Scott to satisfy a fl. fa. In
favor of the state and county against
said lot and against, said Annie Scott, for
state and county taxes for the year 1910.
Also at same time and place tVie. follow
ing described property, to-wit: A cer
tain city lot in the city of Atlanta, Ward
2. land lot 56, in the Fourteenth district
of Fulton county. Georgia, fronting 50.8
feet on the northeast corner of Thayer
and Crogman streets, and running back in
a northeasterly direction, the house on
said lot known as No, 109 on said street
according to street numbers, the same be
ing improved property in the city of At
lanta adjoining Arnold, Levied on as the
property’ of Lula Slaughter to satisfy a fl.
fa. in favor of the state and county
against said lot and against said Lula
Slaughter for state and county taxes for
the ycy_lMo.
Also at same time and place the follow
ing described property, to-wit: A cer
tain city lot In the city of Atlanta, Ward
10. land lot 131, in the Fourteenth district
of Fulton county. Georgia, fronting 150
feet on the northeast Corner of Hart and
Evans drive, and running back 180 feet,
more or less. In a northeasterly direction,
the same being property In the city
of Atlanta adjoining Met tool. Levied on
as the property of J. S. Stevens to satisfy
a ti. fa. in favor of tlie state and county
against said lot and against said J. S.
Stevens for state and county taxes for the
year 1910.
Also at same time and place, the fol
lowing described property, to-wit: A
certain city lot in the city of Atlanta,
Ward 9, land lot 15, In the Fourteenth
district of Fulton county-. Georgia, front
ing 200 feet on the southwest corner of
Copenhtll and Madison avenues, and run
ning back 155 feet, more or less, tn a
southwesterly direction, the house on said
lot known as No. 128 on said street, ac
cording t<> street numbers, lhe same being
improved property in the city of Mlanta.
adjoining Cnpenldll Land ('otnptMiy, levied
on as the property of H T. Trowbridge:
guardian, to satisfy a fl. fa in favor of
the state and county against said lot and
against said 11. 'l' Trowbridge, guardian,
for state and county taxes for the year
IBIQ., _ __
Also at same lime an<T tilace. the fol
lowing described property, to-wit: A
certain cllv lot tn tlie city of Atlanta.
Ward 8, land lot 105., in the Fourteenth
district of Fulton county, Georgia, front
ing 60 fret on the east yldc of West
Peachtree street, and rtfnning lack 200
feet, more or less, in an easterly dl»e< tloti.
the same being property In the city of
Atlanta, adjollilng Harper, levied on a
the property of Joshua Tye, to satisfy n
ti. fa. tn favor of the state and county
against said lot and against said Joshua
'lto for state and county taxes for the
your 1910. . ,
Also at same time and place, the fol
lowing described property, to-wit: A
certain <dty 10l in liic city of Atlanta.
Ward 2. latid lot 86, in the Fourteenth
district of Fulton county, Georgia, front
ing 50 f»i t on tlie east side of Ira street,
between Arthur and Amy streets, and
running nark tan feet, more or less, in mi
ea tori' direction, the house on said lot
known as N. 412 on said street, accord
ing' lo street numbers, the same being
improved property tn the elty of Atlanta.
I adjoining Wright, levied on as tits prop
] oriy of Andrew .1 War-1 to satisfy a fl fa
Legal Notices,
in favor of the state and county against
said lot and against said Andrew .1. Ward
for state and county taxes for the year
Also at sarnc time and place, the fol
lowing described property, to-wit: A
certain city lot in tlie city of Atlanta,
Ward 7, land lot 108, in the Fourteenth
district of Fulton county, Georgia, front
ing 36 feet on the east side of Wellborn
street, between West End avenue arul
Greensferry avenue, and running back J6O
foot, more or less, in an easterly direc
tion. th** house on said lot known as No.
44 on naid street, according to street
numbers, the same being improved prop
erty In the city of Atlanta, adjoining
Walker, levied on as tlie property of B.
H. Harkins, to satisfy a ti. fa. in favor
of the state and county against said lot
and against said B. H. Harkins, for slate
and county taxes tor lhe year 1910.
Also at the same time and place, the
following described propeit\, to-wit: A
certain lot In the city of East Point, land
lot 164, in the Fourteenth district of Ful
ton county, Georgia, beginning at a point
on west side of Crook street, 104 feet
from Thompson street, running north on
west side of Crook street 200 feet, more
or less, to Lyle street; west on south side
of Lyle street 711 feet; more or less; nortli
304 feet, more or less, to Thompson
street; oast on north side of Thompson
street 311 feet, more or Jess, to one-acre
tract, thence north 104 feet, thence east
400 feet, more or less, to Crook street,
levied on as the property of <T. P. G.
Cameron to satisfy a fl. fa. in favor of
the state and county against said lot and
against said T. P. G. Cameron for state
and <22 u J?t>’ taxes for the year 1910.
Also at the same time and place, the
following described property, to-wlf: A
certain lot In the county of Fulton, begin
ning on the northwest corner of Greens
ferry' road anti Wellington street. 118.6 x
156, real - line 99.3. levied on as the prop
erty of M M. Berringer to satisfy a fl. ta.
tn favor of the state and county against
said lot and against said M. M. Berringer
for state and county taxes for the yea:
Also at the same time and place, the
following described property to-wit: A
certain Tot In the county of Fulton, land
lot 250, in the Seventeenth district of Ful
ton county, Georgia, fronting on west side
70 feet on an unnarhed street. 40 feet
west of land lot 247 to West, avenue; west
140 feet, in village of Tampa; conveyed by
C. D. Autrey and levied on as the prop
erty of C. V. Gonzales to satisfy a fl. fa.
In favor of the state and county against
said lot and against said C. V. Gonzales
for state and county’ taxes for tno year
Also at the same time and place, the
following: described property, to-wit: A
certain lot In the county of Fulton, Jami
lot 87, in the Fourteenth district of Ful
ton county, Georgia, beginning on the
east side of Stewart avenue, 116 feet
north of Mary, thence north on Stewart
avenue 56 feet to lot 4; thence east 155
feet to a ten-foot alley; being lot 5, At
lanta real estate property; levied on as
the property of W. M. Campbell to satis
fy a fl. fa. In favor of the state and coun
ty against said Jot and against said W. M.
Campbell for state and county taxes for
the year 1910.
Also at tlie same time ahd place? the
following described property, to-wit; A
certain lot in Fulfctm county, land lot 81,
In the Fourteenth district of Fulton coun
ty, Georgia, running south on the east
side of .State street 50 feet, east 136 feet
to Hemphill avenue,' northwest on north
side of Hemphill 57 feet, west 107.5- feet
to beginning; levied on as the property of
G. C. Covington, to satisfy a fl. fa. In
favor of the state and county against said
lot and against said G. C. Covington for
state and county taxes for the y ear 1910.
Also at the same time, and place, the
following described property, to-wit: A
certain lot in the county of Fulton, land
lot 57, In tlie Fourteenth district of Ful
ton county. Georgia, on the northeast cor
ner of Park avenue and street,
50x110, being lot 245 (Brownville subdi
vision), levied on as the property of
Priscilla Fambro to satisfy a fl. fa. In fa
vor of the state and county against said
lot and against said Priscilla Fambro for
state and county taxes for the ye a r 1910.
Also at the same time and place, the
following described property, to-wit: A
certain lot in Fulton county, land lot 58,
in the Fourteenth district of Fulton coun
ty, Georgia, beginning at an iron stake
on south side of old Waterworks road,
running south 1,532 feet, more or less,
east 698 feet, more or- less, north 240 feet,
more or less, west 538 feet, more or less,
north .1,277 feet, more or less, to an iron
stake, on south side of Old Waterworks
road, westerly on south side said road
158 feet, more or less, to beginning point,
adjoining Allen..Aevied oi) as the property
of R. C. Jes.ter. to satisfy a fl. fa. in fa
vor of the state and county against said
lot and against said R. C. Jester for state
and county taxes for the year 1910.
Also at the same time and place, the
following described property, to-wit: A
certain lot in the county of Fulton, land
lots 40 and 57. In the Fourteenth district
of Fulton county, Georgia, on the south
east side of Lethea street, 222 feet north
east from Lakewood avenue, thence
northeast on south side of street
50 feet, thence southeast 199.6 feet, being
lot No. 2, block C, of Knapp subdivision,
levied on as the property of Mrs. Mary
M. McGukin to satisfy a fl. fa. in favor
of the state and county against said lot
and against said Mrs. Alary M. McGukin
fob state and county taxes for the year
1910. ,
Also at the same time and place, the
following described property, to-wit: A
certain Tot in the county of Fulton, land
lot 153, in the Seventeenth district of
Fulton county, Georgia, on the east side
of Howell Mill road, 310 feet north of
south line of land lot 153, east 200 feet to
15-foot alley, north 100 feet on alley, west
200 feet to Howell Mill road, south on
Howell Mill road 100 feet, being lots 11
and 15, North Side park, as platted by
John S. Owens, levied on as the property
of W. E. Jackson to satisfy a 11. fa. in
favor of the state and county against
said lot and against said W. E. Jackson
for state and county taxes for the year
Also at same time and place the follow
ing described property, to-wit: A certain
lot in Fulton county, beginning on the
northeast corner of Saxon street and Bell
wood avem/e, running eastwardly on Bell
wood avenue 58 feet, north 182 feet to a
10-Coot alley, west on alley to Saxon
street, south on. Saxon 217 feet to Bell
wood avenue, being lot 112 of Ware and
Owens sub-division. levied on as the
property of .1. AT. Hamilton to satisfy a
fl. fa. in favor of state and county
against said lot and against said J. M,
Ha.njilton for state and county taxes for
the year 1910,
Also’at same time and place the follow
ing described property, to-wit: A certain
lot in the city of East Point, land lot 164,
In the Fourteenth district of Fulton coun
ty. Georgia, lots 2 and 3. block F of Wash
ington Park sub-division, beginning on
west side of (*rook street. 452 feet, north
of northwest corner ('rook and Washing
ton streets, north along west side of Crook
street 100 feet and running back west
200 feet to a 15-foot alley, known as
Lewis lane. Levied on as the property »>f
J. H. Haniton to satisfy a fl. fa. in favor;
of state ond county against said lot and
against said •!. A. Hanson for state and
county taxes for the year 1910
Alsu as same time and place the follow
ing described property, to-wit: A certain
lot in the county of Fulton, land lot 188.
in the Seventeenth district of Fulton
county. Georgia, 50 feet on the south side
nf Booth street; back east 71 feet <7O feet
west from southeast corner land lot line
188 > Levied on as the property of Julia
Henderson to satisfy a ti. fa. in favor of
stale and county against said lot and
against said Julia Henderson for state
d < nil 11 taxes for the y<er 1910
,\isc at satae time ilrid piacb the follow
ing described property, to-wit: A certain
lot in Fulton county, land lot 190, in the
Seventeenth district of- Fulton county,
Georgia, beginning at a point on the
north corner of Marietta road and Rice
street, west on south side of Marietta
road 321 feel, south 1.192 feet, east 320
fpet to Rice street, north on west side of
Rice street 1.167 feet to Marietta road,
being lot No. 3 Rice aub-divlslon. Levied
nu ns the property of W. W. Haden t<»
satisfy a ti fa in favor of state and
county against said lot. and against sa’d
. W. Hade.n for state county taxes
for tho year 19 1 0.
Also at. same time and place the fol’ow
ing described property, to-wit: A certain
lot in Fulton county, land lot 153, In the
Seventeenth district »»f Fulton county,
Gv'.’rgls. 50 feet on west side of Emory
««freei. .340 feet south of Kilgore, we.d 200
f*»et. being lot 100 North Side park. Lev
ied on hr. property of Mrs. E. P. Leonard
to satisfy a fl. fa. in favor, of state and
1 county against said lot and against said
Mrs. F I*. Leonard for state and county
taxes for the year 1910
Ab*o at same tune and place the follow
Legal Notices.
ing described property, to-wit: A certain
lot in Fulton county, land lot 122. in the
f ourteen Hi district of Fulton county.
Georgia. 44 feet on north side of
Lakewood avenue, north 189.6 feel;
io' No. 13, H. Wells & Company sub
division Levied on as the property of
Annie Lyon to satisfy a ft. fa. in favor of
state anil county against said lot and
against said Annie Lyon for state and
county_taxes for the year 19W.
M o at same time and place the follow
ing described property, to-wit: A. certain
lot in the ( tty of East Point, land lot 158,
in the Fourteenth district of Eulton coun
ty Georgia, running 75 feet on Main
street; west IK® feet, adjoining Wil
liams. I.evled on as the property of E.
i’, Mixon to satisfy a fl. fa. in favor of
state and county against said lot and
against said E. P Mixon for state and
county taxes for the year 1910
Also at snmoTTme and place the follow
ing described property, to-wit: A certain
lot in tiie city of East Point, land lot t 55,
in the Fourteenth district of Fulton coun
ty. Georgia, west on south line of land lot
1,95 feet, north 450 reef, adjoining
Caldwell. Levied on as the property of
E. G. Nabell to satisfy a fl. fa. in favor
of state and county against said lot and
against said E. G Nabell for state and
county laxes for the year 1910.
Also at same time and place the follow
ing described property, to-wit: A certain
lot in Fulton county, land lot 57, in the
Seventeenth district of Fulton county.
Georgia, 82 feet from North Boulevard
and Plasters avenue; south 82 feet on
North Boulevard, west 75 feet, adjoining
Smith. Levied on as the property of
Mechanics Supply Company, to satisfy a
fl. fa. in favor of state and. county against
said lot and against said Mechanics Sup
ty. Georgia, west on south line of land lot
for the y ear 1910,
Also at the same time and place, the
following described property, to-wtt: A
certain lot In tlie city of College Park,
land lot 161, in the Fourteenth district
of Fulton county, Georgia, 200 feet east
of northwest corner John Wesley and At
lanta avenues, east 100 feet north side
of John Wesley avenue, north 190 feet.
Levied on as the property of W. M. K.
Martin to satisfy a ti. fa. in favor of
tlie state and county against said lot and
against said W M. K. Martin, for state
and county taxes for the
Also at the same time and .place, the
following described property, to-wit: A
certain lot in Eagan Park, land lot 130.
in the Fourteenth district of Fulton coun
ty. Georgia, tot 2, block E, on the east,
side •Harrison avenue, 65 feet from Bain
streev, north 55. east 20214 feet. Levied
on as the property of Mrs. M. L- Mims
and •Uh. "F. Bridwell to satisfy a fl.
fa. in favor of state and county against
saidioTafid against said Mrs. M. L. Mims
and Mrs F. <’ Bridwell for state and
couiiOf'-fatcQS for the y’ear 1910.
Also at tlie same time and place, the
following described property, to-wit: A
certain lot in tlie city of Atlanta. Fourth
ward, 50 feet on the cast side of Ran
dolph street, between Auburn and Edge
wood, avenues. east 150 feet, being No. 227
Randolph Levied on as the property'
of J. E. Sistrunk to satisfy a. ft. fa. in
favor 1 of the state and county against said
lot and against said J. E. Sistrunk for
state and county taxes for tlie year 1910.
Also at the same.time and place, the
following described property, to-wit: A
certain lot in the county of.Eultpn, land
lot 16. in the Fourteenth district and
land 10l 1, in the Seventeenth, district,
on the south side of Bingham avenue,
224 feet east of Highland avenue. 50 by
160 feet, being lot 45 of the Bingham and
Tyus property. Levied on as the prop
erty of ft. E. Sloan to satisfy a n. fa
in favor of state and county against said
lot and against said R. E. Sloan for state
and county taxes for the year 1910
Also at the same time and place, the
following described property, to-wit: A
certain lot in the County of Fulton, in
land lot 46, in the Seventeenth district
of Fulton county, Georgia, 66 acres, ad
joining A. E. Robertson. Levied on as
the property of J. W. Smith to satisfy
a fl. fa. in favor of state and county
against said lot and against said J. W.
Smith for state and county taxes for the
year 1910.
Also at the same time and place, the
following described property, to-wit: A.
certain lot tn tlie county of Fulton, land
tot 208, in the Fourteenth district, front
ing on the north sidei of Maysfin and Tur
ners ferry road. 10 aches, 'more or less,
adjoining Lincoln Park uncl. Holbrook.
Levied on as the property of Mrs. F. J.
Whiting to satisfy a fl. fa. In favor of
state and county against said lot and
against said Mrs. F. .1. Whiting for state
and county taxes for the year 1910
Also at the same time, and place, the
following described property', to-wit: A'
certain Tot in the county of Fulton, land
lot 115, in tlie Seventeenth district of
Fulton county, Georgia, fronting on the
south side of Howell Mill road 11H acres,
more or less, and adjoining Sharp and
Hill. Levied on as the property of T. C.
Williams to satisfy a ft. fa. in favor of
the state and county against said lot and
against said T. C. 'Williams for state
and county taxes for the year 1910.
Also at same time and place, the fol
lowlng described property, to-wtt; A cer
tain city lot in the city of Atlanta, Ward
1. land lot 110. in the Fourteenth district
of Fulton county, Georgia, fronting 40
feet on the west side of Leach ; street, be
tween Hunter and Carter streets, and
running back 100 feet, more or less, in a
westerly direction, on said lot
known as No. 30 on said street, accord
ing to street numbers, th* sairre being
improved property in the city of Atlanta,
adjoining Bell, levied on as the property
of Josie Moreland to satisfy a ft. fa. in
favor of the state and county against said
lot and against said Josie Moreland for
state and county taxes for the year 1910.
Tax Collector and Ex-Officio Sheriff Ful
ton County, Georgia.
NOTTcE TO DEBTORS and" CRffira??
Ail creditors of the estate of Mrs. C. J.
Strickland, late of Fulton county, de
ceased. are hereby notified to render in
their demands to the undersigned, ac
cording to taw. and all persons indebted
to said estate are required to make im
mediate payment.
June 8, 1912.
J. O. COCHRAN. Administrator/
THE DISTRICT road comrrrtssloners <R
Buckhead district having made a favor
able report under oath, as by law re
quired. upon tlie petition for a new road
beginning on the west sldo of Plasters
Bridge road, about 600 feet north of In
tersection of Plasters Bridge road and
the Boutherti railway, and extelifßng
thence northwesterly a distance of about
2,700 feet, thence nearly west a. d&tance
of about 2,500 feet, to Peachtree road- and
Intersecting Peachtree road opposite resi
dence of John M. Slaton, said new roaxi
to be known as Peachtree avenue and to
lie 50 feet wide, this Is to notify' all pet <
«ons that petition will be finally granted
at a session of the board of commissioners
of roads and revenues Fulton county.
Georgia, to be held on Wednesday, July 3.
1912, at 10 o'clock a. in., provided no good
and sufficient cause to the contrary is
Commissioners Hoads and Revenues Ful
ton County. Georgia
_JH. Wp'Jp- ''!"■>• 6MLIB
gEoKGLA Fulton County. George T.
I’tillltps vs. Mrs. Emma Lee Edwards
Mrs. Emma Lee Edward.- t'hillips: Ry
order of court you are notified that on
May 24, 1912, George T. Phillips tiled suit
against you for divorce, returnable to tlie
September term of said court. You are
required to be at tb< September term of
said court, to be held on th" first Monday
in September to answer the plaintiff's
com plaint.
Witness the lion. .!. T. Pendleton, judge
of said court, this M.i.' 21. 1912.
Tye, Peeples & Jordan. Attorneys.
Legal Notices.
GEORGIA Fidton County.
To tlie Suphtior Court of Said County:
The petition of S. S. Dudley mid M. g.
Dudley, of said county, rcapetet fully
allows: ' : ’V-
t Thai thej desire for themselves,
foe : as. ■ ci;, tea uh! sm’ceasofd. to be fh
vorp.irnted umlei the name and sty)* of
nsumers' lee Company." for a period
of twent.’ cjoi yearn, with all the rights
~f renewal at t|i.. expiration of sakl term,
rti.t' tl-e principat office of said eor
poration shall bo in Fulton county, In said
Continued on Next Page,