Newspaper Page Text
Yuen's Death Forces Society
to Start Anew Records
Burned at Grave.
rhpp Kwong tong, the organization
which rules the Chinese of Atlanta, Is
being reorganized today with new of
ficials. new records, a fresh start. For
old Loohing Yuen, secretary for many
years of Chee Kwong tong, lies in his
grave in Greenwood, his coffin be
decked with jewels, his body half buried
in coins and mementoes dropped by sad
The funeral of Loohing Yuen was the
most ornate, the moat spectacular. At
lanta has ever known, and it has seen
the obsequies of more than a snore of
Chinese. Christians and Confucians
joined in paying the last honors to the
aged Oriental, for Loohing Yuen had
long since abandoned the faith of his
fathers for that of his adopted country.
Rev. A. c. Ward, pastor of Oakland
city Baptist church and first friend to
Atlanta Chinese, led the services at the
chapel of Harty G. Poole, in East Hunt
er street, and Ix-e Long, chaplain of
the tong, chanted the rites of the Chi
nese faith.
Band Leads Cortege.
The chapel was filled to overflowing
with Chinese friends and American
men and women drawn by curiosity.
There were no Chinese women pres
ent. though there are several in, At
lanta. More than a hundred turijpus
men and boys, unable to gain admit
tance to the chapel, filled the sidewalk
A military band led the cortege to
the cemetery. Here an iron rail barred
the crowd from the open grave, and
only members of Chee Kwong tong, the
friends officiating and the police were
admitted. The body was interred in
the Chlnose plot, which already Iteld
the bodies of fourteen others of filial
When the service had been read the
dead secretary's lodge papers were
burned at Ute head of his grave. The
ceremonies occupied more than four
hours, and the tong kept up its
mourning for its dead official.
"at the theaters
<lus lidwards himself and 30 of Ids pro
teges will headline the bill at the For
syth this week, and that It is one of the
strongest combinations of vaudeville that
Atlanta or any other city Its size has ever
seen. The Forsyth management is spend
ing more money to secure this act and
present it here than some of the complete
bills have cost It is conceded to be one
of the biggest headliners in all vaudeville,
and it is nothing short of remarkable that
h has been brought to Atlanta at this
particular time Edwards Is the com
poser of a great list of popular song hits
that will bear repetition, but in addition
he proposes to introduce his newest song
that have created great applause
in other cities. The Idea of the Song
Revue is away from anything of its sort
that has been seen here. It will be pro
duced In six complete different scenes, and
w ill be a treat par excellence of the For
syth sason.
I.lda McMillan and Company, in a com
edy sketch; The Four Solis Brothers, nov
eltv musical quartet; Carlin and Penn.
German comedians. Belmore and Oneida,
aerial gymnasts, and .larrow. magician,
complete rhe hill
The week which will begin this after
noon at (lie Bijou promises to he even
more remarkable in its offerings than
those that have gone liefore. For this
week four of the best acts in vaudeville
have been secured. The headline feature
will be the Australian Wheelers, a com
edy bicycle act. that has made good all
over the circuit There will also be Jes
sie Hall and Companj. in a comedy act.
entitled. ‘,‘The Quitter," Norman and
Toone.', who are also comedians, and Lin
den and Dorman in a comedy act There
will also be the specially selected motion
pictures to open and close each perform
ance. and matinees are announced daily
at 3 o'clock except Saturday, when man
nees are given at 230 and 4 Night
shows, 7:30 and !'
i'Hli'AGt'. June .4. Legislation to
protect the president of ihe United
State. from vituperation was urged by
the Rev. Johnson M\ers. in a sermon at
Immanuel Baptist church on "Lessons
from the Great Convention.”
"There should be some legislation
which Will protect the dignit' and
honor of the presidential oft'u . |t
humiliating to the American people to
have the name and positron of theF
president slandered. The country need'
a highet standard of statesmanship.'
Man Coughs and Breaks Ribs.
After a frightful < oughtng spell a
man in Neenah. Wis.. fait terrible pains
in his side and his doctor found two
ribs had been broken. What agony
Dr King's New Discox er\ would hue
saved him A few tcaspoonfuls ends a
late cough, while persistent u?e routs
obstinate coughs, expels stubborn ( olds
or heals weak, sore lungs. I feel sure
it's a God-send to humanity," writes
Mrs Effie Morton. Columbia. Mo., -f or
1 believe I would have consumption to
day if I had not used this great reme
dy." It's guaranteed to satisfy, and
y m can get ,a free trial bottle or 50-
eent or JI.OOO sibe at all druggists. •••
It Is now well known that not more
than one case of rheumatism in ten re
quires any internal treatment whatever.
All that is needed is a free application
of f’hamberlalns Liniment and mas
saging the parts at ea< h application.
Try It and see how quickly it will re
lieve the pain and soreness. Sold hv
alll deal- » ...
W. 0. W. excursion
Warm Springs June 26.
00 round trip. Dancing.
He Goes to Open
Nashville Branch
(- - -'WBi
i ** H
w; ®
M. D. Stone, who was formerly tn
charge of the retail sales department
of the Oakland Motor Company Atlanta
branch, and who has Just been appoint
ed manager of the Nashville branch of
Hie company. “Monte," as he is known
to the motor colony, has made many
friends during bis stay In Atlanta who
regret to know of his departure, but
wish him ail success in his new posi
Mr. Stone is a Detroiter by birth and
an experienced automobile man In all
the branches of the motor industry.
The SBOO Studebaker-Flanders “20”
The Studebaker-Flanders “20” designed and built; giving the best
has a tremendous price advantage. of service. '■
No other car, offering'as much Every Studebaker “20” body
value, approaches its price. gets 17 coats d;f paint and varnish,
Tk . , - , which are properly rubbed and
Think for a moment what you aged. If you take care of your
get when you buy a Studebaker car> your Studebaker body will
’ equal any automobile body on the
It is a real car, modern through- market.
out in design and construction, These are some obvious points
large enough, and so powerful that which show the car’s value,
you will never find road conditions D . rl , •
in which your Studebaker “20" , . But the deeper you go into the
design and manufacture or the
cannot spin its wheels. Studebaker “20” the better you
The motor is a marvel, very will like it. We watch every detail,
speedy, quick to pick up, flexible, E Studebaker “20” is built
the kind of a motor the driver n ot only for the first mile but for
grows to like and have full confi- the 2 0,000th mile. In those quali-
ence in. t j eg make f or endurance and
The Studebaker “20” trans- lasting satisfaction, the Studebaker
mission system is of the standard “20” is incomparably first. Why?
three speed type, any car speed Because it is Studebaker-built, and
you wish up to 55 miles an hour. Studebaker always builds that
The rear axle is remarkably well way.
Studebaker-Flanders “20” Touring Car. SBOO. f. o. b. Detroit.
Equipped, as above, with Top. Windshield. Preat O-Llte Tank and Speedometer, SBBS.
Ask our dealer for the new Studebaker
art catalogue or send to us for it.
The Studebaker Corporation
Detroit, Michigan
Atlanta Branch: 114 Auburn Ave. G. W. Hanson, Mgr.
S. B. Turman, Charles H. Black
and Andrew Calhoun Are
Partners in Organization.
Turman. Black A Calhoun is the
name of the new real estate firm organ
ized by S. B. Turman, Charles H.
Black and Andrew Calhoun. The new
company has moved into the eight
offices on the second floor of the Em
pire building formerly occupied by B.
M. Grant & Co.
Much interest is felt by the public in
general, ow ing to the prominence of the
personnel of the new organization. An
drew Calhoun has given up his inter
est in the Fulton Auto Supply Com
pany and the Robinson Neckwear Com
pany and will now devote his entire
time to the, work of this firm.
S. B. Turman and Charles H. Black
have long been in the real estate field,
and their combination will make a
strong one. Mr. Turman has been in
the land business in Atlanta since 1889
and has negotiated some of the largest
real estate deals ever brought about in
this city. Charles H, Black;- went into
the real estate business with His fa
ther, the late E. P. Black, in 1898, and
he, too, has handled many big deals In
Atlanta real estate. His father was one
of the pioneers In th? business.
The offices of the new firm have been
renovated and fitted out with mahoga
ny and are among the best equipped in
the South. With the former connec
tions of the three members of tills new
flrm it is now- well equipped to do one
of the largest land businesses in this
GADSDEN. ALA., .lune 23.—Mark
Smith, who shot and killed his brother-in
law Turner Lewis, and who was sentenced
to serve forty years in the penitentiary,
has been taken to Spiegner by State Agent
C. C. Lindsey, to begin his term of serv
ice. The killing resulted from family
ant Supervisor Griffin. Section Mastfer
Pittman and a squad of eight section
men. employed by the Southern Railway,
were arrested by Sheriff Grow today at
New Holland. The cause of the arrests
was the tearing up of newly laid track
of the Gainesville and Northwestern road,
which, ran across a spur track of the
Southern. A restraining order had been
issued by the superior court to prevent
the Southern removing the track. All the
men made bond
Never Mind
When the
Mails Close
The Western Union Day Letter?* <^^*'**'‘,^ <
Fifty words at one and one-half times the
price of the regular ten-word telegram.
It is a telegram of letter length sent during
the day anywhere in the United States.
The Western Union Night Letter.
Fifty words sent by telegraph at the
price of the regular ten-word telegram.
You can make them longer if you wish.
Night Letters may be telephoned or
handed in any time up to midnight for
delivery the following morning anywhere
in the United States.
, Fw// Information by Telephone
MACON, GA,, June 24.—Charles W.
Bennett, a linotype operator employed
on a local afternoon paper, committed
suicide today by shooting himself
through the head. He was despondent
over the illness of his wife and grand
son, both of whom are in a hospital.
MARIETTA, GA.. June 24.—A party of
Marietta men have gone on a fishing trip
to Fort Myers, Fla., and they will be
away about ten days. They are Judge
N. A. Morris. J. M Austin, clerk of su
perior court: C. W. DuPre, George F.
Montgomery and L. W. Hibbie.
SAVANNAH. GA.. June 24.—The ex
tension of the Brinson railroad from
its present terminus to Washington and
Athens will be the subject of a special
meeting of the transportation commit
tee of -the chamber of commerce this
Joseph F. Gray, executive offici i- of
the chamber, says the extension of the
railway will bring connection with
other important systems, opening up
The inventors of the world famous "DIXIE” finger lip EYE
GLASSES and the ‘'HINES" adjustable Eye Glass Guards, will
open a modern and up-to-date Optical store at 91 Eeachtree St.
•lune 27.
It is now possible for any one to wear Eye Glasses, as the
"DIXIE” can not slip, till or fall off. and is the only Mounting
>r Guard that will keep the lenses absoluti'lv in ■ jiu tonl Eyes
examined and glasses fitted to the most stubborn < id cot 'pli
cated cases.
Toledo a.nd|
1 Detroit
Excellent Trains Daily From Cincinnati . . .
Le»v. 8:10 1:00 9:45
Morning Noon Night
Brest «f Prior. Dinnig. Sleeping «mi J
Coach E,m»nwnt
Illustrated Summer Tour Books
Furnished on Application
r. j. parmalet
I *
wot, 4
\ Guarantee /
1 That the Royal Standard Typewriter g
1 is made of the highest grade ma- ■
I ft terials obtainable and by the >
ft most skillful workmen money g
I M i 030 hire: i
I 1 % 77ia/ it will do work of the / Every Royal hat
ft best quality for a greater g this guarantee back
1 longth of time at —— ex- / of it- .id back of I
IViOUei I U f Pkeep ‘ han / the guarantee i. one
ft any other typewriter, I . ■
fM ft regardless of price. / “°‘ t ""P« rtaat
—J tions in tbo world.
Model 5, $75, same as Model 1 with Tabulator. No extras.
I "'HE ROY AL is in every way a thor
x oughly standardized, high-grade
typewriter, yet possessing many essential
features which make it fundamentally
superior to old-line machines.
Note particularly the graceful, low-hanging build nf the I
Royal; how all superfluous structure has been eliminated. J
Touch the keys, and you are charmed by the responsiveness
of the action, astonished atjts smoothness and speed.
There are fewer Royal repair men, per thousand
machines in use, than for any other typewriter.
The Royal ha« established a new standard in standint-up quality. I
This is proved by the daily service of thousands of Royals in the strenu- I
ous grind” of railroad, insurance and big corporation offices as well I
as important departments of the United States Government. ’ 1
We want to interest you in the Royal only on its proved merit and
serviceability. Write or telephone us, right now, as thousands of the |
best concerns are doing, and let us demonstrate in vow office free from
obligation, the New Model 5 with Two Cole ."!Moti Device. Tabulator
Barb Spacer, Tilting Paper Table, Hinged Paper lingers —in fact, al’l
desirable improvements to be found on any machine at any price —and
then some others exclusively Royal
Get THE ROYAL BOOK 'at Once. You ought to
read it before buying ANY typewriter
46 North Pryor Street—Telephone Main 2492.
new and productive territory. Fiesi
dent George M. Brinson will probably
attend the meeting.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of