Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, June 24, 1912, EXTRA, Image 10
A SUCCESSFUL SPECIALIST’S OFFICE HOW UP-TO-DATE LABORATORY METHODS ARE REVOLUTIONIZING THE PRACTICE OF MEDICINE - - .. _ ,--i ■ —.iMiiMimirTrjK.jTrnnmiiif'~r ww ww*' rjg ’r- rvr. jr.~.T,«~wrtr~L ~rna unrrwuriiJiTMTMinoJWlTJmiMM unwu ißLaiJUMM—mw—BMHi—■—■w.—ii—bu— ■■■■■■MMWtWrWMmwm WJMGU.JJWWMMWWKTWWMMBaWWMiBBIII.WiBaBMMII.iI —WW—■ imi^^— l hi in 111 .■IWIII HIM ibi n iimuiii i ■■■ g ‘ ‘ - HM MHRBH /s' xx II Sb *l^KwlwW r n w y . 'JF ■ v/- "W xxSs B Sj) BWW w W ■'> / / F“T!t*t w\\ II P Im B i Uh . ..Bm-Jwli I F : wOßgl£T ’■ .... :.. ■ - >,:. j .fr g\\ - ■ : g& ff :> ; .y M t - §****. :•?•• :.. 4 laMWi JI |l <v- '■-« \W ■ : '*Wy F =\\ A .? *. \\ mEKHPE- / RWIMM , - U . . . |;,. .1 ■™ ' ■ - :.-—X , ? . rw X'* a ’- = XJm IfeAi .A»r. — ’ IHiBTv -« Ji vv __—t- ; ’- WlßAij i -.--JlflfciXs / wik' ' - ■-_. —v" 1 : . jr r K ; V .< '*'* —..-- = i ■ If ' / ■ ■v i I—■ -ll 4 v\ ‘alija- .£■ \ MQI w« I ■ I J/ ji-L I Ms yl wPWffiWrn *imML of i # ?. tonst i y • - # i m&i _„>O xjfl . EK ♦'* / iwt ; ML W yr g ’ * : y t "- g s ' , • -.. 2 - »l£W laMMUy-- r . gH| B y > JI UEQ Wgawgf j S SSIMJ.vx Ji EPW 'BW: ..:, rll emMMMMB afefcc. wKt 1 <1 :Mrk. IfeJmiiiy J • 4®s>. ■■ ■ --W _.._X ,* • —4®ir j . w ., jmsmßl t* ■ r -—_— ,- ~J.a ' .» — —l 11 1 'I he pictures at the top and the bottom show two views in Dr. Baird s Laboratory. while the picture in between the two shows one <>i the operalim.' rooms THERE are sonio dodurs who eon 1 iime 1*» look at the longue, foe! the pulse and scribble off a pie seription for luv, who come tn. have Ihr o dis < urei But. as a rule tho\ arc m»i cessful doctors Certainly they .ire um specialists and if the' ire m*". -r not successful For the spe« lalist the:» s u ist keep abreast of every s<"nf,ru ,|« . cover.' which tends t<» prove*” ,<m up disease ]t was for this reason that T‘u Wil liain M. Baird. on 4 of ti c H i n.»w - and most successful spp-• <’• country, went to great exp. r , • , ping his large suite m th. IF w » i: ■ dolph building. Atlanta, in aii . • manner In fact, it is two ba bl > . m i». a equipped in the entire Soiri doubtful if there is a inon • equipped specialist's offt'• in ti - try. The pictures on this page giv< idea of the elaborate mannci in w* Pr. Baird has sought to keep a br ibe times and to have every >< u nt m equipment for the benefit of his pa Dents. There was a time when some sh<»u\ apparatus stuck up in a doctor s <>fT» . to make a psychologic effort upon mi subjecting patients would get b.' But those who dei>en<i on such methods are not successful People are not fooled so easily now a■■ they once were Tliej demand of the specialist who Heals them lie • latest in scienlilm kiißtt l» tigf anil « iuii 'urnl and it is • •rly with ’<l. •■.now ledge an.l < 'quip meet that H-. be i r« suit:- are ob tained Why i: mu In a: hod. did 1»r Ba rd go ’■» ’he expense to install iti < uhat-irs f>» prodine germs.' And why siiotibl h" pm in a sleek of rabbits arid guinea pigs and sheep al his emnilry place (•« help "111 He he! alm y ? The. <• are imn 1\ im ulental- in the eqilipnu ! t of lt i|c’’lui( .-specialist’s «»ffiet wiih a tii"tluiii la h.ira t <h\ . Blodd tests, microscopical examinations and lahuriliin w"i k in Hie making of sc rums f‘T the m e «»f disease den ami sinh Hungs For more than a. third of a oeniury Dr Baird has b en doing iho best wmk n was possible to do In order to tit. H. . I ’m 1 <>f work, it has always b- , 11■ t - .t r \ lo ha v» •\< !•. m"i 1 'll r u ' « u <hi \nd I>! I’, tn d i-.i,-. Hw avs 1 Nm long ago he demded that a sm >e. Ijllsl sb-"lid 1 ■Ve a <■ l; : } '*l.\ equipped laboratory in order '•> -- ><• pat’onis Hie hem-dll <»f the latest • iviitilb- research \\ hen be moved his ’ offices to im Blown Randolph biplding. 56 Marietta - reet. he secured enough f'’'“in to make the installation of a labor.Ho?\ sible This <>msists now of one very large loom • fmainmg more i than xi»t» fem es floor spare Tee fl- i lustrations of the laboratory shuw tie < henti< al apparatus, truer "scopes, mmi i l»at»»tT-, a.itf" la\e. oven,., water siill, i ~ I ™.Ji»r~_«_._*. THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN' AND NEWS. - > ; ' l itti Whimu ulJjMu! mEFsBBb I - •■ SRW SRIVi P I !• ’HHI MW' iobjh 1 I fl W' ; "'F'- J |1 '■•■ ,„ <.. H|pU; ■ WfeA 1 .- WwMWWBHWMR . t'T - A ' ■ ' "^, .., / ; ' ?<$ j*p.J* w*..* x • * . Mffi ■ WWfl «<$ u2w‘ asssss W _ y WaffWWt&isW _ The ton view shows nnot he r >e<-'i<>n ol' Dr Dairil's Laboratory In the eenter Dr. Baird is shown at his desk in his private consultation room, while the picture under this shows the principal en tram hall to the suite with an ante room in the rear, and the lower picture shows the correspon dence and cashier's rooms. > .ige • for guinea pigs and rabbits and the other Hengs peeessafy for a iiiiMlr.rii Hist it m mu ot Nvi. utilic medical research In all Dr Daitii ha- twelve rooms, with two large reception halls ami even m»w be finds himself crumped lor n at times. He has several waiting rooms, some of mem private, and private watting rooms for la flies ami rest parlors. 'l'hcrr was a lime when Dr. Baird a tended io all his practice personally. Hut his practice has increased so rapid ly the past tew > cars that this has be ■ "me Impossible .\s he has 1 < <'ii comps Ued to have assistants to Help him <ari\ bn the work of -the of fice •t The picture at the top shows the General Reception Room, larye and coniLirlatde: the picture in the center shows another one of the opera!iii'_ rooms, while the lower picture shows the La dies' Private Parlor. • These assistants are the most expert it is possible to secure, lakf- Dr. Baird, they are thorough diagimM imans, for this one point Dr Baird insists upon In fact, as he has pointed mH Hine and again in his interesting health talks, he is a crank on diagnosis. His assistants, 100, arc experts in chemical and labora tory work and with the microscope ’l'here arc many who think a doctor can tell'whai is wrong by feeling the pulse, looking a’ the tongue and look ing wise A floe tor may do this, make a guess al the trouble ami guess right. But. al the same time, be i i;tT,SS IN<; To KNOW the Humble so as tn be able to eliminate the I’Ai'SH, thor ough examinations are necessary. Ami to make Hmrough examinations, ii is necessary In ha ve‘complete equip ment such as l.»r l.aird has installed in his new suite of ofti< < s \ specialist in the*'-.' <iays must he an expert fiiag nosiician and lo be ibis he must be a mis rs seopist and a bacteriologist. All this is m « essar\ to do good work, and good wuk Dr. Baird has always insisted upon. Il was lie who declared several times -4 hat what the profession needs today is not new sure-cures and specifics, bin a more careful ami intel ligent use of , the remedies already known *to be of use in certain diseases ami more care and attention-to the <le tails of each case. Ry following this poliCx . Dr Baird has been success ful. In fact, ho has made a grealt i suc cess as a specialist than any other in the* South The value of such a well ifiuipped suite of tiffieps has been shown many times recently in Dr Ibiirds cxicn sive practice Dozens or patients have consulted him who have thought them selves suffering from Gout, Rheuma tism. Kidney Trouble and the like, when thorough examinations have shown the trouble to he something else. When they were scientifically treated for the RIuAIj t’At’SE, and this has been removed, their pains have van ished. H was simply in knowing how to lind iho CAl'Si' and then knowing hovr 1<» remove Hip cause. other physicians whn had treated them had treated them for the wrong trouble or had been confused by symp toms. The removal of symptoms alone instead of removing the CAI’SE of flip symptoms will not bring permanent re lief And permanent relief is what a’l sufferers want. As every one who has boon reading Di. Baird's interesting and instructive health talks knows, he has been prac ticing ami studying along original lines for more than a third of a century. I hat is why he knows (’hronie Dis •;< <os. Diseases of Men, Nervous Dis orders and Diseases of Women. A life time of study and experience has made him compolcnt and his remarkable snc- ' s indicates that he has produced re su Us. Recently ho has had considerable to say about Neo-Salvarsan. the groat Blood Poison treatment which super seded ••HOf;,-' and will be glad to talk dbout this to sufferers. His mono graphs on Diseases of Mon and his H alih Essays are interesting ami in structive ami free by mail in plain, b illed wrapper Dr Baird s office hours arc from S io 7; Sundays and holidays, Hl ,o 1 Rml Ins address is Rrowm !• o ‘!<-ipi> 'uiilding 56 Marietta street, A 1 lanta, > ia