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James S Holmes, Vice President. I I >~ ; -1 I
• Tin’ <'h'vckiml Manning Piano < mnpanv ofcu- 1 I «-" ' *\~^| -tAc* _
rm-.s the finest ami handsomest home for the dis I I > * ??T*t #♦’' ?,$ _— ~ “*•*“* "" - 'f3 1 _ l »^/ l ”\/ "\C J) . ~ . , «
plav and sale Os highest grade pianos of anv sitni- I W ? ~A V^S--^ = ’-' ' PKJ IT »• A. Manning, President of the Company,
lar house in the South. i I j*' < ' <^'""4 - , fC/K P
The building itself is especially designed and I I --. ~ tical knowledge combined with a philosophic vieifr
constructed for this firm and with every regard II i ' ~ us i ness ™ general and of the bettering of hi
for convenience and efficient service. Ihe gen L»l Showing a salesroom, second floor. w^' l *)7|lV in particular. A man modest in the es-
eral atmosphere of this beautiful piano store is ’ J
one of quiet dignity that must always be assoeia .... #\* ,< •^ f - ■ - »
ted with the highest types of musical instruments. piano owners with complete facilities to suit their - ■■■, — 1 1 ..—,»■ ■—
I 'h. ground floor Th< S»orr Beautiful is most prop- I ■ SHRHHI
< ’ , 'B ferimd by all visitors. pro\ ides a magnificent space fur the l*"‘ -''tu'ia, offices ari'’located on the airy, pic- Is l ®KM;* ; i-' . : ’
rlisplay oi tlm eleoa nee of tlm tine grades of pia nos ea r/ii'd by th is turesque balcony that ext ends along the rear yl Ihe '*’ >> ’’t!Sßgte^l ,,, **■
compain Tim modified Spanish Mission stvle of architecture, lytgc salesroom. Here, with the advantage of close f * Bwß al
with pd'lers ami latticed ceiling of dark wood.'blends harmonious supervision of the room below, is the capable office 112 HI I 1 X- h fl
ly with the soft brown paneled wainscoting and the rich orange lore-- that so com im-ingly demonstrates in till its ■w .; B gift ||li ''« .li
above. It is a tone poem in appearanee and tin- beautiful pianos dealings tin principle ol efficiency as an aid to good ‘ flat Ml Jli'T »'<•■’
serv ice. ■■ itff S - ! <
, — —l n The shop of the < lev (daiid-.Maiining Company is |gMmM T x " ~'
_.. J ~* t | tlw largest ol' its kind in tin- city of Atlanta. It is |R|||||w EJ-W»|ilW SwSjM-flB
| | well iii.-.nio-d to. ,ii who Know their work and take jMmRWK WajMjllwM
■ .. ' ~ _ I | ii ■■ utmost pi mb in pern.lining i' to the best of tln'ir V
VJL_»—-•”"*" | | capability. The finishing, the tuning, and. in fact, all
11 1 I ’*'' operations which make piano an instrument X x «
1 I 1 | of licaiit it til value, are carefully accomplished by c- ~ '7' 'iWMMBI
I | 1 I skilled. coi;se:,.|,t KOI-, w orkers This Im . adxli- " JW “
i ' 1 I lional feature in living the only complete repair Aid 'lWsßsi >w ■ ■fA' ■ c'' fl
I I * ' aflflflfl I I mt) kc over shop in the South. I||fl|HflKsE!!» ( s< v ''fl|flfl| t A WE^Mg^aMEs < .BbJ - flflwfl|
I ' I I THL COMPANY. ’ ‘ \ *±|FllMlMl‘ I iMWfllHfrfl
i I Iflb l I ( )'' x ' ! ind Manning Company represents re- T f O"^’ A fl
■ t ’w "WgrfK® l l liability plus energy and action. With the sterling ’■ >■ ■ vC- ■ ;: ' ■ l<" _" :
l 1 IL ■*«&. | 1 pel lie I pie o! "I I lie I ’rice'' a . the I) He lells of their firm
I ■ Y I I toi.ndat loii. tin w ho,, organization proves
l MdIRflR aflpßc I I b"' value ../ sound fundamental theories backed by lH'
I 1
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I i I 1 num. president, and Mr -I I’> Cleveland, treasurer.
11 fc. 1 < 11 Both of these are im li of 1 lie highest ability as man /^..<' Sp
1 I BL K 11 '''-el's and ar’ Ihoioiighly conversant with all . lo- I Ijfl
11 cußwtwi 11 brai vims of their Intsiness. nfl
I I A l I ,\|>- if A. M .lining, president, is a man of prac- %ww A" BflflM
ii WSarf ß **** '' k II > . , .?..',2aam : Mßl
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E Wiidet Sales Manager / ]
' : " iiohi tn. e; i: ng aret he I I ■ r ~ , w,l v*'f; _d.ts which add liicir value to the arils II;. jL 1 I J~L " "~*~' ' ' ~~B~' " , ~
tie arrangetm-nt and earrvr out the .architectural b ; ‘ I JUF V(> -ex, . - «
of -epos... w hile p-rforming a nttluarian task. vZ«Jz Showing magnificent salesroom, main floor.
''oirdort is well considered The restful green
runners on th- tloor make th. tread of the visitor ‘ ' *'' •■•flflf*^^‘X' "fft’TC treme, his quiet force and dignity make one realize
noiseless as he walks about to admire the large dis- Jo"^MO*^«BßW*v^nS*~^^*^Wjr sx i*i--Ms*mri|CTU»«M»««w»Lgti*wMi jpagHyjuJy that he is a man who quietly performs without the
o’ pi iuos that reflect the light back ami forth I '^MMmWMctHMI * - JSKt ■' blare of trumpets or the floating of flags. He is, in other ,
m then shining surfaces I lie large seat upliol- I I . jgt-ray
s'.Ted HI velvet and the cozy green wicker \\ | . flfl ** flfly ■ -- / I ’" the general public and so gratifying to those who seldom
chairs mak. restful observation a matter, of course. \ \ £ |; ‘ |g*y: flfl \ ' BK3I ; '' / a come in contact with quiet efficiency. He is a man who leads, I
Ip the put m., pie open stairway, past the busy \ \ ’ W mtf jm&S / yet does not proclaim it.
offives. is ihe large recital hall This hall, finished \ Si f Ir - J -Cleveland, treasurer, is a man thoroughly at horned
ir. tjl , spacious sal. sroom below, will easily aeeom . \ ? ».«..... ?.* *. F/ / with the piano business. Progressive in all his methods, be I
modal.' L’tto pm-oiis A convenient, portable stage \ \ / makes a valuable head. His experience is so broad as to pre
can I-’ placed, thus giving an organization, school, \ Qr?y<y ItlWjMijr sfljjS l|r^ ; JfV / chide any possibility of even comparative failure. Successful i
.'. 'Till".mms. m eesMble Indi t.T \ yflflßM^^fl^flfl'' jgrfl MMMbfl gRa v / many branch.-s of 11m comprehensive work, he makes his
musical perform,im- s This is a complimentary \ .LSl_ ' f3r/ / business a matter of careful supervision and activity.
teaturr am! ad music iovers have an opportunity for W Z. i K/ / JamPS s - Holmes, vice-president, is a man wlio has been
liowntovvn ace \ gfl if ’ "g?fl f If / / identified with the music industry for many vears. His inti-
Ofl of the larg recital hall are smaller rooms d. \X ,« d .A Jfl I SOOWfikT X / ,na,p association with the Henry &S. G. Lindeman Company as
~ 1 ' 11 aitis ~ s|. .v o. ion pianos ii ’ T 3 WBflflOyFZ^ vice-president of this world-famous piano manufacturing firm,
- \\ "1 H' fl Fl H K’Ves him unusual facilities and extensive knowledge of The art-
known tnann aetnn - the lest advantage Ihe 4 K QBBBCTK ISS (,f P iail<l manufacture. Aside from his inestimable value as a
Henry As <. Lmdeman room Mmws the famous |r7WW' 1 P ,ano ma »- h( ' >« one of the most affable, genial men in the’
pianos nt that name tn spectal designs and art eases f«d p - He give to the Cleveland-Manning Company the able !
T ic play pi piano i oom d-. m atod m primiosi tone, 1 .- support of a man who is eminently fitted for his place.
i 1 ' 'Oo'-iv 'i n' o - Q , ii ' k’ ild e, b sales manager, has had extensive
tAt c l ,',\j‘ ~’i r ,' 'tL " ■ k .'i "i <lf ' '» U Ll ns a sa^esiuun an, l sales manager. With years of familiaritx r yith’A
T T pou anas O I. 11. O mu>!< t nis is no largest his line he brings to the Cleveland-Manninir Cnmnunv tin’ rn =
music library in tin South and prov ides player Showing spacious recital hall, second floor suits of this time so carefully devoted to this branch. * ' ?4