Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, June 25, 1912, HOME, Page 14, Image 14

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. 14 Poultry. Pet and Live Stock. - . DRY FEED The principle of dry feed lea rood A one and is being /AuZICC adopted by poul- trymen every- y— where. It con- [" f'ODl forms to nature. is all fowls in the wild state live mostly upon grain, lilt seeds, nuts -and grasses. while. /) bugs and insects £OHtlK\' form their animal food If partridge. _ quail and other / tnrfnr wild birds thrive on such fare, why shouldn't the domestic hen? By /Carefully conducted experiments It has been found that chickens raised and fed on the old system of « at mash do not make so rapid or so plump a growth as those reared on the new or dry feed system The wet mash if fed In too great quantities is loft sour, and chickens earing this are hound to be Injured by it. Evil results follow and the flock is hampered In Its grow th. On the other hand, dry mash nr grains do not sour and can, not possibly Injure the flock Chickens, like young children, need food often in order to make the best i growth If a supply of dry mash and grains Is lef twhene chickens can get at ft. they will satisfy their hunger and make steady growth. I know of several eases where chickens are sod hut once a week A quantity of dry mash and grain is provided in a sufficient amount to last a week Fresh water Is supplied Mice or twice dally. I can say from personal observation that T never saw a healthier or better growing flock than where this method was followed. A hopper is considered the best for feeding the waste. Some poultry keep ers. however, use large, shallow boxes for dry mash feeding, while others pre fer a deep box so that the chicks can not scratch it out an<i waste it. A wet mash is apt to cause the chicks to eat too much at zine time and thus gorge themselves. This causes them to become lazy and they will He idle for hours in the shade rather than forage and get the much needed exercise which le s<> essential to their growth. A dry' mash. on the other hand, will never t>mpt the chicks to eat too much. They will eat a Uttle at a time, forage for bugs and worms, and return half a dozen times a day to the dry feed hop per. The dry feed system saves time and labor. It Is based on nature. It has been proven successful. Adopt it if you would have the best results with your flock. R. I. Reds QUALITY REDS. .1. I. Hoiiford, Fest Point. Ga 4-25-31 Ducks. INDIAN RENNERS Fawn and White and White Ducklings. 25c tn $1 ; eggs JI 50 to ss’ satisfaction guaranteed. Geor gia Duck Farm, South Kirkwood, Atlanta ON ACCOUNT of going away will sell fourteen light fawn and white Indian Runner ducks cheap. Phone 187 Decatur. Mrs Mason. Kirkwood, Ga. 42-18-6 INDI AX' Runners; host white egg layers; prices reduced; 30n youngsters soon lay ing. $3.50 a pair Fish River Poultry Yards. Magnolia Springs, Ala. 37-17-6 Eirgs. THOROUGHBRED Buff Orpington eggs. $1 per 16. $5 per 100. 126 Windsor st. Main 3588 4-27-25 Cows. FIFTEEN FINE dairy rows for sale at. once, all dehorned, all with firm und second calves. If you want a bargain, write or see me ar once. Dr. W. F Gold en, Draketown. Ga 6-22 37 — “ - , Docs. F<"»R sale Fine pointer years cheap. 14 4 4 De Ka lb aye njfi e 46-2 5 6 FOR SALE —Two female toy poodles; gen tie pets; price, $5. 138 Grant st.. TVT PEDIGREED French poodles; beau tlful: make gentle pets for the children Call McMillan’s Seed Store, 27 South Broad street. k'o-22 6 Horses and Carriages WILL SELL or swap a good young mule; weighs about 1.100 pounds, and delivery truck and'harness for a good horse anil wagon. Binder Frame Mfg Co., 516 Whitehall st 6-25-2 SIX-YEAR-OLD, fine gaited. combination saddle and harness horse, in perfect condition. Will sacrifice for immediate sale. F. Nutting. 63 Candler building. Ivy 2296. - 6-22-21 Miscellaneous Poultry. FOR SALE Four Durpc-Jersey boar pigs at $6 each, and two Duroe-Jersey sow pigs at $7.50 each also fifteen Brown Iz>g nnrn yearling hens and two Brown Leg horn cocks at $1 each; about twentv S C. R I Red yearling hens and two cocks $1.50 each, quality guaranteed McCloskey Bros.. Culvertnn. <»a 6-22-4 I CHLORO-NAPTHOLEUM DIP | LIVE STOCK DISINFECTANT BE FAIR to your chickens They can t avoid Hee and disease You must help them Clean their houses with Chloro Naptholeum Dip and use It on sick birds 1 It will drive the trouble awaj One gal , lon makes IM gallons of dip Write us for rultry book West Disinfecting Companv, : P Seltg. Jr . general agent. 26 South i Forsyth street. Atlanta 6-11-36! H. G. HASTINGS & CO., Seeds ; men for the South. 16 W Mitchell St. Four city deliv eries daily. North and south side 9 a. m., Inman Park and West End 2 p. m. Bell phone Alain 2568, Atlanta 2568. SAGO PALM BULBS—We nave just re ceived another shipment; haae them ini all sizes and thay are all sure to grow FPm 10c per pound. 3 pounds 25c. by marl add 10 cents a_pound. GEJrSiAN MILLET -Our stock Is ail Ten nessee grown It is very Important to plant Southern grown seed for a success ful crop. Price 82 per bushel* RED RIPPER, flay and Mixed Field Peas. Amber and Orange Sorghum Cane Seed Let_uj make you quotations PLANT ANOTHER CROP of bush and pole snap beans, bush and pole Lima beans A good time to sow winter cab bage and collard seed ’■BUG DEATH" IS SURE DEATH to all inse'-ts that eat the leaves of vegetables It Is non-polsonous and Is put up In con venient size packages Price. <>be pound package 15c; postpaid. 35c; three pound package; 35c; five-pound package. 50c; twelve and one- half pounds, 31 HO LIQUID LICE KILLERS. disinfectants, medicated nest eggs. Hee powders, etc Hand Sprayers for spraying liquid lice killers and disinfectants, 50c and up. LAYING TONIC, condition powders, roup remedies, cholera remedies, white diar rhoea and sore head remedies. I M Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE 3400 equity in 5-room cot tage. large lot. gas. city water, sewer age down, for S2OO. SSO cash and $lO per month Balance $1,600. sls per month. Bargain, care Georgian. 44-25-6 THIS HOUSE - was"“built for a home: has all '"onvenlences; hAs ten rooms: back porch upstair* and down; built of solid brick and stone; hap been occupied less than three .rears Lot 90 by 200 feet Can be bought on terms. Call or address the owner. G A. Finding. 56 Hurt street. In man Park 6-25-35 fN WE&f"END? facing three streets, we have five acres that will make twenty good sized lots that we can offer for a few days at a bargain. us show you this Everett & Everett. 502 Empire Life building Phone Muj 3892. 6-24-23 OWNER will sell home; corner lot; eight rooms, bargain; terms. 169 ('lebume avenue Ivy 3984- L. 6-24-11 t FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE--Lots in Pensacola. Fla Some exceptionally well located, at bargain prices. John R. Scott, 814 Grant building Phone Main 1869. 1 6-21-34 ’ WEST END New six-room cottage, hall ' and bath room; mahogany jnafttels; oak * floors; birch doors; bevel glass front lights All city improvements. Lot 52H by 230 feet io 20-foot alley Shade trees ; in front and back yard. 250 feet off Gor don street Come out and see it- Own er. 27 Langhorn street, West End 37-21-6 the best buyers In Peachtree* street - property, where values advancing daily Ser this before It is sold. Ever- , rtt & Everett, 502 Empire Life building Ph one Main_ 6-2 4 - 2_3 IF interested in railroad frontage on Whitehall street call at once 821 Candler Bldg we have two great bargains that nituM he sold at once. Great opportunity for investment. Never be any cheaper, must he sold. Call or write 821 Candler Bldg . Atlanta, <la 6-19-2 "X SOUTHERN ItAILROAD and facing . good street, we have a lot 130 feet deep that we can offer for .a few days at a low price This must he sold-. Railroad frontage Is scarce right now. Phone us. Everett Everett, 502 Empire Life build ing \Maln 3392 _ DO TGU WISH to own a home? <42 tots tn Kirkwood, S3OO to $700; 10 per cent first payment. George S. Maj’ & Co., Bell phone Decatur 382. 6-13-10 THE HOUSE .you build, buy or rent will not be a modern home unless it is wired for electricity. _ 4 1 1819 FOR a well locaten, well tjuflt, modern seven-room house, good terms, see « owner, 816 Peachtree street. Phone 80 i v y 6L-1 8-30 Real Estate For Sale. WESTMINSTER DRIVE. $6. i 50. NEAR PEACHTREE CIRCLE, we have a nice, new,* pretty. up-t<»-<fhte six-room bungalow wltb all conveniences; on a large lot This is one of the pretties’ sections in the park, surrounded by the best penpie. Terms. $1,500, balance easy cottage grove'. $6,500. AT THE JI’NCTICN- of the East and I»e<atur ear lir.< x w»» would like to show you a nice nin< room house on a lot 119x316 This is within five minutes walk of East Lake Driving club Will make you a delightful summer home Plenty of shade; all conveniences Only SI,OOO cash Let us show you this. REXTS FOR $336 PER YEAR. PRICE OXLY $2,350. IF YOU WANT a good, now piece of rent ing property, that rents well all the time, buy this Two new double three room houses, renting for $7 per side. This is in a good section, near Ashby street and Greensferrv avenue. Terms, SI,OOO cash, balance to suit. TURMAN. BLACK & CALHOUN. Real Estate Wanted. WANTED Suburban north side lot on residence thoroughfare for S6OO cash; give location, etc. A., care Georgian. 47-22-6 Contractors and Builders. I Will Finance You IF YOU wish to build, all kinds of build ers’ material for sale B. F. Mitchell. 514 Austell Building. 4-25-14 ARCHITECT, contractor and builder, cabinet shop: carpenters furnished R II .l<>nes 190 HmnOnn st. 8-21-12 HOME BUILDERS. HOMES built for rash or terms; archi tectural designs furnished free. Century Construction Co. 803-3 CANDLER BLDG. 4-10-35 Building Materials. STEEL BEAMS FOR BUILDINGS. AUSTIN BROS., Atlanta. Ga. 4-19-7 Monumenis and Stone Work. ATLANTA GRANITE COMPANT. All kinds stone work 17-19 Fraser-at Phone Main 3540 1-5-4 T Railroad Schedule. SOCTHERN railway? I "PREMIER CARRIER OF TIfE SOUTH" i ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF PASSENGER TRAINS. ATLANTA I Th» following Boheoula figures are pub. ! lished onlx as information, an# ara not RnaranteM; | , No Arrive Prom No Depart To— r 35 New Y 500 am 36 New Y 1215 am 13 Jaxvllle 5:30 am 30 Col’bus 5 20 am i- 43 Waa ton 525 am 13 Clnd. . 5:30 am < 12 Sh'p* r' 630 am 32 F rt V. 5 30 am I p 23 laxx-ille I r A am 25 P ham 545 arn , •17 To < ~ alO am 7 ChaCg'i 6ao am ■ 26 Hefiln *2O am 12 R'mond 655 ami 29 New Y 19 30 am 23 Kan <" 7 00 am 3 Cha'"ga 10 3£ am 16 Brun’k 745 anil 7 Ma.-. • )0 .• f S'. B> am in 45 am : 27 Fort V 10 45 am '» New I" 11 r>l am ‘ i 21 C•■l'bu* 10 50 a-, 46 '"harl'a 13 00 n n 6 Clr.'. l 11 10 am 6 Max- n 12 4C nm I 30 B'ham 239 pm ‘-ew Y 245 pm 40 B ; . < 18 Cl at'ga 300 pm 39 ChaH< e355 rm 39 B ham 410 pm 1 Ma" ' < r .r"•l* "I -■■ .a 430 pm 37 Nojx 1. 5 p"n 22 Col bus 5.10 pm 15 Brtrns k 7:50 j•• 5 Circ) sjo pm 11 R'mond »30 t* r 1- Vsjo pm 24 Kan C 920 pm 25 H-fi n 5«5 pm ' 16 Chat'ga 9:35 prn 10 '.!» • 5:30 pm 29 Cof'bus 10 20 pro 44 ■ n » 45 pm 31 Fort V.10:35 pm 24 Jmv le 9 m pm 36 B'ham 12:00 ngt;ll Sh t " 1110 pm I 14 Cmcl .11.00 f-m 14 lax-. 11 10 pm I Trains marked thus t’l run dally, ex- | cept Sunday. Other trains run dally Cen'ral time. City Ticket Office No. 1 Peachtree St. READ FOR PROFIT GEORGIAN WANT ADS USE FOR RESULTS READ FOR PROFIT— GEORGIAN WANT ADS--USE FOR RESULTS Real Esi&te .’’’or Sale. Houses For Rent. W. A. Foster & Raymond Robson Real Estate, Renting and Loans. Bell Phones 1031-1032. 11 Edgewood ave. Atlanta Phone 1881. FOR SA LB. FOR RENT. ON EDGEWOOD AVENUE, between Bell g. r . h Houston street 9.60 and Port streets, we offer for a quick . . -„ s „ _ _ . tzn cash sale, a lot at SSO lege than the mar- ° r „. Ea Fair street ket price. Price, S2OO per foot. See Mr. 3-r. h., 751 Whitehall street 900 Dews. 3-r. h., 356 Edgewood avenue 10.60 —7 77 « C ~ 3-r. h., 721 East Fair street 6.60 ON AVERY DRIVE— In Anslgy Park, a _ ««n lot 55x210 feet: this is about one and a 3_r h 33 Gaskill street 8. half blocks from end of Piedmont ave- 3-r. h., 728-B East Fair street 430 nue car line, and we have a price of 3-r. h., 22 Postell street 5.50 $2,000, but the owner has Instructed us 3 _ r h 55 Kennedy street 7.30 Rad’ford ’ S ° ' U ’ Hn 4-r- * • Fowler street 10 00 -r. h.. Adamsville, Ga., and 76 IN KIRKWOOd. on South Decatur car ..“ISVL™" Dr t „. 12 50 dine, a pretty five-room bungalow, with Fvans Urive lights, water, tile walks, etc.. $250 cash, J't- h-. Lrew ?o 50 3L.50 per month. See Mr, Dews. J'F h . O !XL2! * " " Lo *'UL-RQOM HOI SE on lot 85x250, In 4 _ r j,.. 11 West Alexander street... 15.60 West End; convenient to Lucile ave- 4 . r h 15 g Weßt Harris street 10.00 nue cars; sewer, gas and water; charted 4 . r flat. 150 West Baker street ... 23 10 streets; $3,400; very easy terms. See Mr 4 . r stat , lg q. B woodward ave I 8 60 " hltr 5-r. flat, 290-A East Linden street... 30 00 ON THE corner of Hill and McCoy" 5-r. flat, 272 East Fair street 21.60 streets, about one block from the De- 5-r. h., 22 Harwell street 12 60 f-atur car line, the East Lake Drive 5-r h , 102 Crumley street 18 00 crosses same, a lot 142x200 feet. This lot 5-r. h . 355 Formwait street 16 .50 trill cut up into four Tbts, 50x142 feet. 5-r. h., 49 Atlanta avenue 17.50 Owner wants SI,BOO, but would consider And a long list of larger houses, an offer. See Mr Radford COMB TO SEE US. IF YOU HAVE MONEY TO LOAN. WE CAN PLACE IT. FOR RENT 15-r h. 48 Hemphill ave $60.00 9-r. h.. 368 LtlCkie st 40.0 f 10-r h. 223 N. Jackson 55.00 9-r. h., 224 E. Fair st 30.04 9-r h. 36 W Fourteenth st 75 00 8-r h.. 211 Grant st., July 1 35.0« 9-r h., 118 E. Merritts ave.,, July 1 40 00 8-r. h., 236 Central ave., July 1... 30.00 WE PUBLISH A WEEKLY RENT BULLETIN, giving a good description of ev erything we have for rent, Get a cepy. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT, 12 AUBURN AVENUE. PHONE MAIN 618. - I FOR RENT BY E. RIVERS REALTY CO. NO 33 DELTA ST.; we have this two-story eight-room house; hot and cold water, hath and tinted walls; fine location and splendid neighborhood; $37 50 per month. No 354 CAPITOL AVE . between East Georgia avenue and Bass street, on an elevated lot. 50x200. we have this eight-room two-story house; has gas, hot and cold water, porcelain bath, cabinet mantels; everything in first-class condi tion; $35 per month NO to ROYSTON ST., between Euclid avenue and McClendon street, 'tf-e have this six-room bungalow with all modern conveniences. This house is in splen did condition, and Just one-half block from Inman Park car line; S3O per month. Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. HOME BARGAINS $50.000- This is the prettiest home on Peachtree; large corner lot. This is a good Investment If you will let us tell you about it, you will be convinced. A good home, and It increasing dally Is hard to find. So buy this now. $8,500 Piedmont avenue; here is an eight-room brick veneer; all conveniences and east front lot. We can arrange easy terms. This place ought to sell for $10,090 easy. JH.500- West Peachtree home, nine rooms and a beauty; hardwood floors, with furnace This has east front lot, and can arrange terms tn suit you . - . —L* > 1, ———,— . - ■ Al . ...... —— w - ■ $6,250 Washington street home: nine rooms; corner lot; every convenience; SSOO ■ ash, balance like rent. Here Is a chance to buy a pretty east front home cheap. • Martin-Ozburn Realty Co. Third National Bank Building. Phone Ivy 1276; Atlanta 208. VACANT LOTS' WE HAVE a very attractive proposition to make ot about a dozen lot buyers of sterling character who wish to make and save money. If this includes you, come to see us. HOLMES & LUCKIE REALTY CO. Phones ;,Atl. 226, Beil Ivy 4157. 34 N. Forsyth St. North Side Bungalow—s4,ooo NEAR WEST FIFTH STREET, we have a hrand-new. 5-room bungalow, hav ing all modern conveniences, being well built and well arranged. This is a little beauty, and we can make terms of $250 cash and the easy. See this place. West Third St. Home or Investment NEAR HEMPHILL AVENUE and the Tech School, we have a 2-etory 7-room house in good condition, right at car line. Rents for $25 per month. Can sell the place for $2,750 on terms. THOMSON & LYNES 18 and 20 WALTON STREET. Both Phones 458. WHITEHALL STREET AND RAILROAD FRONTAGE RIGHT at the street ear underpass we have 75 feet on White hall street with 82 feet on Central of Georgia railway, at just about one-half its value, or $175.00 foot, ou good terms. Adjoining frontage held at $35 0.00 foot. B. M. GRANT & CO. Second Floor, Grant Building. JUST THE PLACE FOR A COUNTRY GREENE HOME REA I TY WITHIN four miles of the car shed, on a good paved roa«. with nice homes and z—a /—v » t ■» a MAT neighbors surrounding, we have twelve i t 1 IV,-'I f—LX y o res of land, xvith about 300 to 400 feet v-raw» a x—a a w of frontage, at the bargain price of $3,000 Come In to see us about this, before Real Estate. Renting. Loans somebody else gets It • 511 Empire Bldg Both Phones 1599. L?fAU> CAI 17 Must Be Sold at Once. 1 VZ I\ OxJILzLL (195-7 Fraser Street.) T tT"X T T •' 6-rooni 2-story house and a 3-room |f| I—l |x I cottage Rented for s2l per month. I V J I 111 I . Price cut from $2,500 to $2,250. WOO DSI DE ™ s ; —' - • WILLIAMS-HARTSOCK CO. REAL ESTATE AND BUILDERS. FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. Phone 3106 Main. N<> 352 MYRTLE STREET Eight rooms, two stories, corner lot. beautiful man ■telsanrl fixtures. SBOO cash, balance 345 month. This is a bargain You can’t duplicate this on the street In price and value BARGAIN Here is a vacant lot. close tn Highland and Ponce DeLeon avenues, 50x150 feet; Iles fine, can be had for a few days only for $1,700. You'll have to hurry NEJi T W EEK we will begin two more new homee. one on Sixteenth street, the ojher on Moreland-avenue; will arrange either to suit your own ideas; both loca tions are fine Come to see us and get one of them. 70 1 1 GOOD NEGRO LOTS —Can build five houses here, city water, -close to car line, can make the two for $l,lOO, terms at that This is a good buy. 4 Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. Beautiful North Side Home JUST a little east of Peachtree, between Ponce De- Leon avenue and Tenth street, in that quiet, con servative, desirable, residential section, we have a beautiful 10-room home, on a lot fronting 120 feet, with nice depth to an alley. The price is very rea sonable, and it is just such a place as should attract a fastidious person who wants to be comparatively close in. We forgot to mention the fact that it is on a cor ner. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR MONEY GROWS You can make it grow double by investing at our Auction Sale • Thursday, Sept. 27 S. W. Cor. Houston and Piedmont, 3 lots. One contains brick store. At 4:30 p. m.- Then, at 5 p. m., we sell Nos. 27 and 29 Piedmont avenue, right near Decatur street. 2 lots, each 25x200. Terms: 1-3 cash, balance 1,2, 3 years; interest 6 per cent, payable semi-annu ally. It’s your opportunity to make your money grow and grow steadily. It must go right on up with the great and wonderful growth of Atlanta. You make no mistake in buying this prop erty. It’s a safe and sure investment. Business enveloping it rapidly. E. Rivers Realty Co. STEV ER. JOHNSTON, Auctioneer Courtland Street Investment LARGE eleven-room house. Could be arranged into apartments that would bring in a good income. Lot Is 50 by 127 to an alley. Right near the Ara gon hotel. This is in "the active zone.' Buy this, make a few Improvements, get a good rent from it and in a few years double your money, in addition to a good rent Price $9,500, on terms. No loan. EDGEWOOD AVENUE LOT. with small house on It. This side of the Boule vard. You find the cheapest lot this side of the Boulevard and offer us SSO per foot less than the . neapest one and you are sure to buy right. WILSON BROS. REAL ESTATE, RENTING AND LOANS. 7»1 Emet/e Building. Mato 44U-J. Night No Ivy 4070-J SUBURBAN HOME i SIX ROOM BUNGALOW, all convenielices. large grove lot, east front, located in best section of Decatur, Ga.; right on North Decatur car line; price has been reduced for quick sale; terms SSOO cash and balance like rent. W. L. & JOHN O. DuPREE Real Estate. Empire Building. Bell Phone Main 3457. Atlanta Phone 930. ■■l I 1“J4.1_ 1 .... 11 I” J- J ..JI '■ 1 —", Hnm 111 li !H 111 FOR SALE BY OWNER NO. 395 CAPITOL AVENUE, modern two-story dwelling, in per fect condition. Large reception hall, parlor, dining room, butler’s pantry, kitchen, store room and lavatory on first floor. Four bed rooms, hath and toilet and servant’s or trunk room. East front, level, shaded lot, 50x200 to 13-foot alley. Reasonable terms. $6,250. THE HOUSE you will build, buy or rent will not be a modern home unless it is wired for Electricity. q 4-18-20 f TUES BAY. JUNE 25, 191 >7 Real Estate For Sale. gHARP & gOYLSTON terminal DTSTTCT. SEVERAL sales have been made In this section lately. That shows what the wise buyer thinks of this property. We have a corner over here that is PARTICULARLY GOOD, and we can make reasonable terms. The price on this is lower noxv than it will be on the first of July. Better see it. INMAN PARK. A DANDY cottage of six rooms, com bination fixtures,-stone front, stained floors, large lot and in a splendid sec tion. We can make easy terms on this and the price Is RIGHT. JEFFERSON PLACE, DECATUR, GEORGIA AVE have two new bungalows on this beautiful street, and they have every convenience except gas, the lots are large and shady and the houses are exceptionally well built. In a section that is developing very rapidly, and the owner wants to sell these at a price that will make it very interesting. See Mr. Green. SUBURBAN HOME. ON the Marietta car line we have a home that has just been finished and if you want to see something that will appeal to anybody who wants a nice home with all the city conveniences and the advantage of being In the country, jujt let us show you this prop osition. A great big lot and a house that is a dream, eight rooms, two sleeping porches, servants’ house and right on the car line. This is one nice place, and the price is dirt cheap. LOOK HERE! I have a fine building lot In WEST END that I will build you a nice six room bungalow, with all conveniences, and sell to you for $3,000. Terms, SSOO cash, balance S3O per month. See me at once if your want to save money and want a home. S. W. SULLIVAN, 308 Peters Bldg. CONVICTS ORGANIZE LEAGUE TO IMPROVE THEIR OWN MORALS PHOENIX, ARIZ., June 25.—Two hundred convicts in the Arizona state penitentiary at Florence have organ ized themselves into a "law and order league,” the constitution of which sets forth the belief of the members in "God, prison reform and Governor Hunt," and names as the purpose of the league the promotion of better morals and the abolishment of crime. The membership includes 96 percent of the prisoners, who have agreed to the following rules: To try each day to do some good deed. To set aside from each day a certain time for the study of pure and noble thoughts. To assist the officers in the discharge of their daily duties.' To avoid and prevent disorderly con duct. To refrain from profane language. ' To respect each other, assist the wqpk and do all In our power to uplift the principles of prison reform and the pol icies of our new state. SCIENTISTS WATCH IMMENSE SUN SPOT 10,000 MILES ACROSS PASADENA, CAL., June 25—The largest sun «pot which has been de tected within a year, a patch on the sun's surface 10.000 miles in diameter, though its mark on the 17-inch image at the Mount Wilson observatory measures but a fifth of an inch across, is now under observation at the Car negie observatory and has been pho tographed severaUtimes since its ap pearance last Tuesday. The area of the sun spot Is approxi mately 78,540.000 square miles, a sur face nearly.ten times the size of North America, and in which 25 countries of the size of the United States might be placed with plenty of margin around the edge. Prof. Ferdinand Ellerman has headed the work of photographically capturing this spot, which is now moving west ward. AMALGAMATION OF 175,000 SHOE WORKERS OF NATION PLANNED BOSTON. June 25:- —Amalgamation of the 175,000 shoe workers of the country Into one big union is the principal busi ness before the national executive com mittee of the boot and shoe workers union, which is meeting at the national headquarters. It is planned to unite the boot and shoe workers, the United Shoe Workers union, the Knights of Labor Shoe Workers and a score of small independent unions into one big body. International President John F Tobin, of Quincy, presided, and Ro chester. N. Y„ Cincinnati. St. Louis St. Paul. Montreal, Chicago and Brock ton, Mass., were represented. DENIES THAT MEN ARE BORN FREE AND EQUAL CHICAGO, June 25.—"A1l men are not born free and equal.” asserted Jo sephine C. Locke, traveler and former supervisor of drawing in the public schools, in an address on "Democracy" before the Chicago Teachers federa tion. "No two men are alike," she said. No two men are equal. No two men can be born equal unless they are born exactly alike." It was the last meeting cf the school year for the federation. —