Newspaper Page Text
curir C'-dmitiide
<' , .1. '. .■ » UKnlllrKE
Stock Reducing
■ ..., ~. , •
\\ o are to reduce <»ur slock till y oer cent
before July 1. when we will begin taking inven
tory. We are willing to sacrifice all profits to ac
complish this stupendous task. The price slaugh
ter begins tomorrow. Don't miss this, absolutely
the best furniture buying opportunity of the sea
$7.50 45-pound, roll-edge Cotton Mattress now $3.95
5.00 30 pound Cotton Mattress now 2.95
3.00 All Steel Springs now 1.75
6.00 National Springs now 4.00
50.00 Brass Beds, guaranteed, now 30.00
10.00 Brass Beds, guaranteed, now 25.00
30.00 Brass Bads, guaranteed, now 20.00
25.00 Brass Beds, guaranteed, now 15.00
25.00 9x12 Axminster Art Square . . . . 16.95
15.00 9x12 Brussels Art Square now 9.95
5.00 9x12 Matting Art Square now 2.95
25.00 Chase Leather Davenport " 17.50
25.00 3 piece Mahogany Parlor Suit 17.50
75.00 4 piece Quartered Bed Room Suit now 50.G0
33 1 3 PER CENT
off on all Dressers, Sideboards. Extension Tables.
Ranges, Stoves. .Kitchen Sales. Kitchen Cabinets,
('enter Tables, Hall Racks. ('hil'l'orobes, (;<>-( 'arts,
lr<»n Beds. Bed Room Suits, etc.
54 W. Mitchell Streat. Near Tenninal Station
WHY HIHES IS SO H V OU can ’ t beat 1
GOOD FOR YOU M ■** Nature. Finer |l
Splendid Materials and U She puts into SUp B
(are l-reparidion O s fOFCSt tfCCS, that |
' rive its Delicious M ’ MM
I’ropertio B she stores in roots B
B an d herbs and U
H is ss hili, h the etireful G'lT'k'S Ond fll'lWeT'S
preparation of Hiie,, a , „ is the K Dal KS ailU HUWCIb ■
delightful combination ~| natural ■»! iiiot arpn't nr»c '
flavors, that make, this the lead- Kg! J Ubl arcll 1 P ub ~ ■
ing American drink—that makes BK cible All rtf f h i“«f» B
it so much superior to and .lifter- K SIUIC. AU U1 UIU&U M
ent from the ordinary roetbe.r. K are j n HIFCS —the
Its excellence begins with the I and Clf B
•election ot route, herbh and flowers. jl LUol cillU Uvol CH
Roots that are gathered in sum- E fnnntmn drinks K
mer have little strength and flavor, B lOUlliaill
as the sap is above ground. ft- R
K A natural tonic—but not a * !
Tlie roots are carefully selected k trace of drugs. Try it right
at the time when they contain ■ u r . • .
' .. , i i > H now at the fountain —sc. At
strength—that is, when cold ■ J
weather has set in. Similarly, jv your home, carbonated, in
we gather the flowers and herbs K bottles.
at the exact time of fullest flavor. E'.j
Only actual vegetable ingredi- M
ents are used highest grade M
Honduras Sarsaparilla, Jamaica ■ 'W fl
(ringer, Hops, Mexican Vanilla, Isl /kz fJr\
Juniper Berries, Spikenard, Birch W It's t&i' *■'“ Iwffl
Bark - ’ etc ' M Pure*
Cane granulated sugar only is kM
used in the syrup, and through- ■
out the most scrupulous care is ■ .* ' 1 j/
exercised to ensure purity. E 'A
it /?- Vv A w
■■That is why you should h ■ ■ { <** A/. -/“S
that the fountain man give x .. u £/EL
11.. Smil.l' a-l-ms ■■■< jfl W
1.. t 11 e '• ''ir gel til . j —z, , ZjW
Hiro Hires is a .li-i met !»•''<■ £1 v
an, ",-h r"if'- Hl f-,
lust s;,y •Hires!' and the )•>< • ’ bl WRyatlK- .Wl
me's nii .vours." 741 ’‘aX?' *
The inventors of the world famous “DIXIE” finger tip EYE
GLASSES and the “HINES" adjustable Eye Glass Guards, will
open a modern and up-to-date Optical store at 91 Peachtree St.
June 27.
It is now possible for any one to wear Eye Glasses, as the
"DIXIE" can not slip, tilt or fall off, and is the only Mounting
>r Guard that jgill keep the lenses absolutely in alignment. Eyes
examined and glasses fitted to the most stubborn and compli
cated eases.
What Wastes Power
In Motor Cars and
How to Stop It
HAVE you ever stopped to
consider how this happens
in an automobile? Let us
tell you. It will quite likely be
a surprise.
An automobile is made up of five im
portant units—the motor, clutch, trans
mission, driving shaft and the bevel
gear (or rear axle) assembly.
Your power is in the motor. Suppose
you have one rated at “40 horse power.”
It starts delivering this supposed rating
to the rear wheels this way:
« The motor transmits the power by the
crank xhaft to the clutch (and wastes
a little of it in the delivery); the clutch
passes it to the transmission (and wastes
a little of it); the transmission passes
it to the driving shaft (and wastes a
little) ; the driving shaft passes it to the
rear wheels by the way of a set of bevel
gears (and wastes a little of it).
By the time the motor haa delivered its power to the
r» ar wheels, nearly a third of it has been dissipated
in passing it down where it is used.
Do you know that there is a method of construe
tion which has eliminated this excessive waste of
power? It has not only materially decreased pow
er losses, but has reduced friction to a minimum,
therefore, wear, which, in turn, insures longer life
to a car.
The unit power plant has accomplished this.
What is a unit power plant as applied to motor ear construc
tion ?
A unit pawer plant is the motor, clutch and transmission in
one housing—one unit—where the motor power is transmit
ted by one main shaft through the dutch and transmission to
the driving shaft. The power is not reduced this way because
it is not being passed from one housing to another by means
of several short pieces of shafting with universal joints nec
essary for proper alignment. Power is also lost through the
additional moving parts.
Unit power construction also insures perfect alignment. Per
fect alignment reduces friction to the minimum. With the
reduction of friction your car will wear longer. Unit power
construction not only gives you the maximum power, but re
duces friction to the minimum and gives greater all around
It is for these reasons that the unit power plant is used in
Oakland construction And this is only one of the scientific
principles incorporated
The Oakland car. as a whole, is true —tried and true. Time
has proved it. Severe Oakland tests have proved it. Thous
ands of owners testify to the car's worth.
8.000 cars are being built this year. There must be a good
reason'for this phenomenal growth. It means that we have
built an honest, thoroughly reliable machine—one that may
be depended upon at all times.
Oakland cars are made in different horse power ratings,
chassis lengths and body designs, it.200 to $2,350.
Demonstration anytime, anywhere.
Oakland Motor Co.
Atlanta Branch 141 Peachtree St.
Birmlnghim Garage Co, J. J. McDonough. Jr,
Birmingham. Ala. Savannah, Ga.
J. C. Green Auto Co, W. E. Fenner Auto Co,
Chattanooga. Tenn. Rooky Mount, N. C.
Gregory Condor Motor Co, W. A. ■ Worley,
Columbia 8. C JBekeowv'llo, Fl*.
Maury Motor Co, * 8. Parmele* Co,
Columbia. Tenn. Maeen. ••
WITH ALL EYES focused on Bal
timore, the “Convention City/’
take time to “look in” on these good
clothes we sell, made by /vk
Hart Schaffner & Marx
and Rogers, Peet & Co.
If you’re going to Baltimore you can’t I
wear better clothes than these, because /
they don’t make them better. They are |
the standard of clothing perfection to which
others aspire. We’ll be so glad to show you
these smartly-tailored models—you’ll not be im- JMMMS
portuned—-you’ll buy them, if on your own esti
mate of their worthiness and style. I
$lB S2O 525 S3O I
Here’s a “namesake” Nettleton—-a loyal I I 1 I «
shoe-—and one that will give you royal / 'I ii \
I wear-—and look well as I // \'l
L Wjb. long as you wear it, too: x / Il II
Ik fashionably d* a a I II ll
lasted on the SLT (J \\
| particular ■ I I I
lines young • sB/ ' I II
men like. 11 1 I
| In patent, gun metal Hr —m ii
and tan. v I t Wk"
DANIEL BROS. CO g opyright Hart Schaflhcr &: Marx
We Have It All But $3,000
The Beautiful HARRIET HAWKES HOME which is pro
posed is at this moment at the crisis. Mr. A. K.
Hawkes proposed the donation of the grounds, 50
acres near Hapeville, provided the required amount
was raised to complete the home according to speci
fications by July 6th,1012. Only a few 7 more days to
complete the subscription and $3,000 is all that is
necessary. Now is the psychological moment—don’t
wait, but come on and be one who will help to es
tablish one of the most needed institutions in Georgia
—one who has a sufficiency of civic pride to help At
z lanta do one of the big things that no other Southern
city has ever done. Don’t need any time for consid
eration, for this is a thing that is very needful and
absolutely necessary, if we as Christian people care to
lend just a little aid to an institution that
will begin from the outset to elevate the morals and
otherwise lend assistance to many of our neglected and ill treated
young girls of this era of civilization and Christianity.
On July 7th we desire to publish a full page in The Atlanta
Journal giving a full and complete list of the people who have
been good enough io help complete this great movement. 300
Subscriptions, SIO.OO each, means $3,000.00. Will you be ONE?
CAN’T YOUR NAME APPEAR IN THIS LIST? Certainly it can—our phone
number is Main 4706 and our office is 318 Peters Building.
R. A. HEMPHILL, Pres. E. H. PEACOCK, Sec. JOS. A. McCORD, Treas.
Diseases of Me n |
— —— YW. 5.! , ,V cl ‘ e V c '!' 9 lirmui/TXN
Ml' experience of 35 years Ins shown whh e"« r'S'VZ
me that more human wrecks are Ttt u e „„ „ lh „ B,ir V
cdusftd by & chioiT.e local di&ease than I / ~ Qy AskfbrCid.ciiEß-TFR’ii
b > an > other. lx rs •‘•avoms i;k,m> pii.!, » TIT
disease needs more A” ye»rsk:iown»sße.t,Safest.AlwavsßellaH* I IX I*
t c ifl r o efl attention ,e u SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE
iS 1 ’ effect n cure. 1— . atd'S'SBJCM
also know there Is
no quick cure foi F W"FiYS'T»l W ll W’lT’lKSTl U’UODU’I AM
« ?rcc,flc £' oo<l poi ’ gWj a UsiLUzlrYljil API
j| Bon ’ Temporary Ik**
■ ra removal of symp- IBM j| opiuit Whlnkey and Drug Habit treat-
, S n °* a cure I al Y td 81 Hoffle or atnitartwn Book oo
JR Experience, care- JMJwT n aubject irw du. b m WOOLLEY. 1117 A XT’T'O
f Eme&u jM fu) attention to de- W f\ |\l I
z mK tails and a thor- 24-N Victor Sanitarium. Atlanta. Ga. • > ™JL kZ
? 3SB ough knowledge of
4 • TOK bov-’ and when to - >.
U9e remedies
known to be bene- For your conventom p. Want Ads will TJ J7 QI J J TTQ
rnent of this dis- be taken over the telephone and bill will
ease, produce re-
DR. WM. M. BAIRD suite Honest bus- be sent at expiration <»f ad. No matter
Brown - Randolph Bldg.j neSB methods and
Atlanta, Qa. conscientious treat- what you want or have to sell, a Georgian
mpnt are features of my office. Exam-
I nations free Office hours Bto 7; Sun- Wai«t Ad will do the work, thus saving
da vs and holidays. 10 to 1. My mono- ——
graphs free in plain, scaled wrapper J’ou time and money.