Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, June 25, 1912, EXTRA, Image 12
THE ATT.ANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. READ FOR PROFIT-GEORGIAN WANT ADS—USE FOR RESULTS Poultry, Pet and Live Stock. ft * I ATLANTA QUOTATIONS. June 24. 1912. V +■ (Corrected by McCullough Bros < -J- 4 Kgfto- -Fresh selected, no guineas *c 4. or dirties. 16ft17c; miscellaneous 4. guineas and dirties. 10u , 4 JBl * C ~ “ 4. Poultry—Live per pound- Turkeys -.• 4- 18\4ftl5c; ducks. 10ftl2M_.c: geese. 8 v 4- @9c: hens. I3ftl4c; roosters. 8@>10c; • • 4- broilers. 205125 c each, owing to size; •j- fries. 300 35c each $ 4. Pressed, tier pound: Turkeys. In + ©l7c; ducks. 15®16c; geese. Bft 11c: v 4> hens. 17ft 18c; fries. 25 u :10c; roosters. •• + IOS He. T FOWLS NEVER SWEAT. Eowls n e V e r sweat—they have A. ir .y tr( , bo sweat glands (4 C/1 C A fowl's natural temperature i s • away above the fever heat of all other living crea tures. and that iljf makes a draft if air their death warrant A fowl'.- r» , body is a regui.i / OlJilt'V little engine, ihr heart beats liki a ~ trip hammer and / JnrlCiT pumps blood like a fire engine. Th<‘ fowl has nine extra air sacks to help force oxygen to the lungs, and it needs many times more oxjgcn, for Its size, than your horse, Which pulls heavy loads and travels fast. A!. this means : that sow ls need more air than ordinary I stock for two reasons -they consume I more oxygen and they give off all mms-| lure by the b . ith. Moisture by the breath is very warm and very moist and condenses more quickly titan mois ture from perspiration and you must ventilate to the limit to carry It off in stead of letting it form a hoary frost on the inside walls of your poultry house. If you don't carry it off look out sot trouble in your flock Houses with open front covered with burlap or oiled muslin. Instead of glass, are all right, because it means ventilation, houses W’ith cracks ami knot holes are all wrong, because they mean jrafts which are fatal. R I. Reds QUALITY REDS J. I llotiford, East Point, Ga. 4-35-31 Ducks. INDIAN RUNNERS Fawn and White and White Ducklings, 25c to $1; eggs 51.50 to $5; satisfaction guaranteed. Geor gia Duck Farm. South Kirkwood, .Atlanta ON ACCOUNT <>f going awa\ will sell fourteen light fawn and white Indian Runner ducks cheap. Phone 187 Decatur. Mrs. Mason. Kirkwood. Ga 42 18-6 INDIAN Runners: best white egg layers; prices reduced. 300 youngsters soon lay ing. |3 50 a pair. Fish River Poultry Yards. Magnolia Springs. Ala. 37-17-6 Incubators. FOR SALE incubator and brooder, 100- egg size; also burglar alarm with four number annunciator, under ground, pipe, wire, shotgun, etc., part or nil; big bar gain for quick sale M A Norris. 041 Highland avenue, Atlanta. 6-19-10 Eggs. THOROUGHBRED Huff ‘trplngton eggs, $1 per 15; J 5 per 100 126 Windsor st Main 3588 4-27-25 Miscellaneous Poultry. FOR SALE Four Duroc Jersey boar pigs at $5 each, and two Duroc-Jersej’ how pfjs at >7.50 each, also fifteen Brown Leg horn yearling hens and two Brown Leg horn cocks at fl oat'h. about twenty R C. R. 1 Red yearling hens and two cocks at $1.50 each; quality guaranteed. McCleskey Bros.. Cu Ive rto n,_ Ga. p-22- 4 SHloro-n a ptholeum dip. AND LIVE STOCK DISINFECTANT. BE FAIR to your chickens They can’t avoid Hee and disease You must help them. Glean their houses with Chloro- Naptholeum Dip and use it on sick birds It will drive the trouble away. One gal lon makes 100 gallons of dip Write us for poultry book West Disinfecting Company. S 8. Selig, Jr , general agent. 26 South Foray th street. At lan t a 6-11-36 H G. HASTINGS & CO., Seeds men for the South, 10 W. Mitchell St. Four city deliv eries daily. North and south side 9 a. m., Inman Park and West End 2 p. m. Bell phone Main -568. Atlanta 2568. SAGO PALM BULBS We have fust re- ceived another shipment: have them m all sizes and the> are ull sure to grow Price 10c per pound: : pounds 25c; by mail add 10 cents a pound G^ORMAN MILLET 1 tut stock is ull Ten. nessee grown. It Is wry Important to nlant Southern grown seed for .success fill crop. Price $2 pct bushel. RED RIPPER, t'lai and Mixed Field Peas. Amber and orange Sorghum Cane Seed Let us make you quotations PLANT ANOTHER PROP of bush and pole snap beans, bush and pole Lima beans. A good time to sow winter rtb huge and collard seed "BUG DEATH IS SI l;i< DEATH to ail insects that eat the leaves of vegetables It is non-poisonous and put up in con venient size packages Price, one pound package, 15c; postpaid. 25c three pound package, 35c: five-pound package. .‘.Uc, twelve and one-half pounds. Si 00 LiQUI“D LICE KILLERS. ■ iPsi ni. ■■ .am s. medicated nest eggs, lice powders, etc Hand Sprayers sot spraying liquid live killers and disinfectants 50<’ and up LAYING TONIC, condition powders, roup remedies, cholera remedies, white dlar rhoea and sore head remedies Cows FIFTEEN FINE dairy cows for sale at once; all dehorned: all with first end second calves. ’f you want a baruam, W’rite or see me at once Dr W I <■ .i en. Draketown. Ga 22 37 Does. JVT PEDIGREED French poodles ». .< : tlful: make gentle pets for the ch l i'.i Call McMillan’s Seed Store, 27 s.oitii Broad street. o' ■ FOR SALE-Full blooded fox terrieis. beautifully spotted: males. 57 r males $5 C. E. Kruger. 509 South Pr.i r street. ___ ' 4 Horses and Carriages SIX-YEAR-OLD. fine gaited. combination saddle and harness horse, in perfect condition. Will sacrifice for immediate sale -I. F. Nutting, 63 Candler building. Ivy 2296. 6-22-21 Architects and Builders. CONTRACTOR cabinet shop; carpenters furnished. JuUu Alien. lU6-A WP’"™ 4V4UU4. 1-31-4* ’ / I Real Estate For Sale OWNER leaving city will sacrifice level lot <»n Ashby street, near West Hun ter. facing another street, for SSOO. All improvements down. Apply at once. Max Eisinsteln. 50 in \\ i:sT i:\i’. facing three StireeU we have five acres that will make twenty good sized lots that we can offer for a few days at a bargain Let us show you this Everett & Everett. .*>o2 Empire Life building. Phone Main 3392. OWNER will sell home: corner lot; eight rooms, bargain: terms, 169 Cleburne avenue Ivy 3984-L IL 2 ?’ 14 BEST located factory site around Atlanta. Six acres: level; on Southern I’. R. in dustrial bne, opposite Atlan ta Steel Co.; 1.160 feet K. R. frontage, two side tracks, brick warehouse 100x100 feet. 22.000-gallon steel tank, uii.v water supply and two cottages on premises. Address J. (< lat'k. Room :!i:;i ('andler Bldg.. Atlanta, <(,i. 6-10-11 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Lots In Pensacola, Fla. Some exceptionally well located, at bargain prices. John R. Scott, 814 Grant building. Phone Main 1869 6-21-34 W I ,'S l END New six-room cottage. liall and bath room, mahogany mantels; oak fioms; birch doors; bevel glass front lights All cit\ improvements Lol 52’2 by 230 fe<‘t to 20-foot alley. Shade trees in front and back yard. 250 feet off Gor don street. Uome out ami see it. Own < ■. i.angi'oiii street, We-t End the beat buyers in i*eachtree street property, where values are advancing daily. Sec this before II is sold. Ever ett Ar Everett, 502 Empire Life building. ■ 6 ’ TO PROPERTY OWNERS OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS WOR'rn of proper! \ protected. 100 buildings in Atlanta made waterproof. If your roof leaks and needs painting ■end for 'l' ADDonald's “A.-G.” Roof Cement and Coating which stops all leaks. We repair and coat all kinds of roof, gravel, tin, iron and composition roofs XII work guaranteed "A -G ’ is used by the A. <’. Line Rail wax Company, which has ordered to date more than SIX HUNDRED barrels. Some of the city school buildings are being painted with “A.-G ’’ I'orrest & George Adair, •’sear and Charles Davis, Thomas M. Clarke and others patronize it. Send for prices and estimates. All work guaranteed T. C. M’DON ALD ROOF AND PAINT CO., 234 Central Avenue. Bell phone M.hh 3560 6 fi 15 IF interested in railroad frontage on AV’bitebali street call at once 821 (‘andler Bldg. We have two great bargains that must hr sold at once Great opportunity for Investment. Never be any cheaper: must be sold, (’all or write 821 Candler Ga 6-19-2 FOR CASH and quick sale. $550 gets a beautiful lot in heart of South Kirkwood, north front, city water, on corner, one block from car line ('all East Point 70. 6-17-32 ON Sof'I'HERN RAILROAD and facing good street, wp have a lot 130 feet deep that we can offer for a few days at a low price This must be sold. Railroad frontage Is scarce right now. Phone us. iLverett Everett, 502 Empire Life build ing. 2 1Hin 6 : 24-23 * OU WISH to own a home? 42 10l B in Kirkwood. S3OO to $700; 10 per cent first payment. George S. May & Co., Bell phone Decatur 382. 6-13-10 THE HOUSE you build, buy or rent will not be a modern home unless it is wired for electricity. 4-18-19 FOtt a well lor*lea. well xjuilt, modern seven-room house, good terms, see owner. 816 Peachtree street. Phone 80 l_v>’ 5 18-30 Real Estate For Sale. WESTMINSTER DRIVE. $6,750. NEAR PEACHTREE CIRCLE, we have a nice, new. pretty, up-to-date six-room bungalow with all conveniences; on a large 10l 'Phis Is one of the prettiest sections in the park, surrounded by the best people Terms, $1,500, balance easy COTT A (;!•: GROVE. $6,500. AT THE JUNCTION nf the East Lake and Decatur ear lines we would like to show you a nice nine-room house, on a lot 119x816. 'Diis Is within five minutes walk of East Lake Driving club. W ill make you a delightful supimer home. Plent.\ of shade; all conveniences Only JI.OOO cash. Tyet us show you this. KENTS FOR $336 PER YEAR. PRICE ONLY $2,350. IF YOU WANT a good, new piece of rent ing property, that rents well all the time, buy this Two new double three room houses, renting for $7 per side. This is in a good section, near Ashby street and Greensferry avenue Terms, SI,OOO cash, balance to suit TP RM AN. 81. ACK & CALHOUN. HOI’SE BITLDING. WILL BUY you a lot and build house to suit you on terms and guarantee to save you from >SOO to 81,000 on your purehaso. OK Wil J. BUILD your house and will save tnonei for you. Bring me your ; plans at once and let's do business, i Estimat < niad< without charge. S. W. SCI.IJVAN. ' 108 I'E'I'EKS BLDG Bhone 2854 Real Estate Wanted. \V\NTEI> Suburban north side lot on residence thoroughfare for SOOO cash; i give location, etc. A . care Georgian W \NT to bii.i direct from owner for s ■ isionier. right or ten-room house with a! n darn <s.n\<nlrir es. located near the I'lai'htrees Address U <>. Box 770 city -21-43 Contractors and Builders 1 Will Finance You IF Y>'U wish to build: all kinds of build ers material for sale B F Mitchell 514 Allslell Building < 14 A >i<’l 1 1'1 la'T. contractor and builder cabinet shop, carpenters 'urntstied R II Jones. 190 Houston st 3-21-13 HOME BUILDERS. HOMES built for cash or terms, archi tectural designs furnished free Century Construction Co. 20.'s CANDLLK BLDG. 4-10-** Real Estate For Sale. Houses For Rent. i W. A. Foster & Raymond Robson Real Estate. Renting and Loans. Bell Phonos 1031-1032. 11 Edgewood ave Atlanta Phone 1881 FOR SALE FOR RENT. , ON EDGEWOOD AVENUE, between Bell 3- r h., 486 Houston street. 9«0 ' and Fort streets, we offer for a quick x h - 2s . r Fa ,. t,- air 5.50 cash sale, a lot at-SSO less than the mar- "' r - " • I?, "L. u . „ , , non • ket price. Price, S2OO per foot. See Mr. r - Whiteha.l street - t Dews 3-r. h., 356 Edgewood avenue 10.60 ».r i. i r.-stat Eair street 6.60 ON AVERY DRIVE In Ansley Park, a c tr p et R6O lot 55x210 feet; thia Is about one and a "~ r - h -’ 2’ * a3 ,, ‘ 4 half blocks from end of Piedmont ave- 3-r. h., «28-B East hair street 4.4 nue <-ar line, and we have a price of 3-r. h., 22 Postell street K.oO $2,000, but the owner has instructed us j. r h 55 Kennedy street T. 30 Radffi'rd'’ S ° make U " an Offer See Mr 4-r- h.'.’ 19 Fowler street „ 10.00 -r. h.. Adamsville, Ga.. and 76 IN KIRKWOOD, on South Decatur car acres '“P'L: 12 51V line, a pretty five-room bungalow, with kAA-cw -street 20J> ft lights, water, tile walks, etc.. 8250 cash, }'’• - !. 4 n .Aew s r t . $17.50 per month. See Mr. Dews. Street ’■' ■ ■■ • s’«o ll\ ELRtSOM HOI’SE on lot. 85x250, In 4_ r ' p ' ]f West Alexander street... 15.60 West End: convenient to Lucile ave- 4.,.' j," 156 West Harris street 1,0.00 nue ears; sewer, gas and waler; chrrted 4.,' Rat up West Baker street.... 23.10 streets; $3,400; very easy terms. See Mr. 4.,.. f a t, 180-B Woodward ave 18.60 wblte. 5-,/ fl at ' ann-A East Linden street.. 30.00 <>N Till-: corner of Hill and McCoy 5-r. flat. 272 East Fair street !l.w streets, about one block from the De- o-r. h., 32 Harwell street le t™ catur ear line, where the East Lake Drive 5-r. h., 102 Crumley street 1* 00 crosses same, a lot 142x200 feet. This lot 5-r. h.. 355 Formwait street 16 a'' will cut up into four lots. 50x142 feet. 5-r. h.. 49 Atlanta avenue . 17.50 Owner wants SI,BOO, but would consider And a long list of larger houses, an offer. See Mr. Radford. COME TO SEE US. IF YOU HAVE MONEY TO LOAN WE CAN PLACE IT FOR RENT. 77 ORME STREET—On the east side of Ortne. between Baker and Simpson, on the second floor, we have a six-room flat Has gas. hot and cold water, porce lain bath, washstand, closet and sink; In good condition. Street ears in front. Rent. s2l on lease. WE PUBLISH A WEEKLY RENT BULLETIN, giving a good description of »v erything we have for rent. Get a copy JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT, 12 AUBURN AVENUE. PHONE MAIN 618. TOR RENT BY E. RIVERS REALTY CO. 16-room house, 605 Washington streets*o.oo per month 12-room house, 510 S. Pryor street 50.00 per month 12-room house, 494 Va Decatur street 32.50 per month 10-room house, 79 E. Merritts avenue 65.00 per month 10-room house. 218 S. Forsyth street 35.00 per month 1.0-room hoifse,* 503 Washington street, furnished 70.00 per month 9-room house, 9 Baltimore Block 30.00 per month 8-room house, 274 Gordon street 40.00 per month 8-room house, 26 E. Harris street 55.00 per month 8-room house, 354 Capitol avenue 35.00 per month 7-room house, 143 Pulliam street ... 23.10 per month 7-room house, 206 Pulliam street 25.00 per month 7-room house. 137 Windsor street 27.50 per month 6-room house, 281 E. Fifth street 30.00 per mont’i 6-room house. 53 Orme street 25.00 per month 6-room house. 40 Royston street 30.00 per month Real Estate For Sals. Real Estate For*Sale. North Side Bungalow—s4,ooo NEAR WEST FIFTH STREET, we have a brand-ney. 5-room bungalow, hav ing all modern conveniences, being well built and Well arranged. This is a little beauty, and we can make terms of $250 cash and the balance easy. See this place. West Third St. Home or Investment NEAR HEMPHILL AVENUE and the Tech School, we have a 2-story 7-room house In good condition, right at car line. Rents for $25 per month. Can sell the place for $2,750 on terms. • THOMSON & LYNES 18 and 20 WALTON STREET. Both Phones 458. G. R. MOO R E & CO. REAL ESTATE, BUILDING AND LOANS. 1409 CANDI.ER BUILDING. PHONE IVY. 4978 $3,000 89 Little street. White neighborhood. It's a hummer of a six-room cot tage, with all improvements, on lot 50 by 200. Will exchange for nice large lot on north side of Peachtree road. See Mr. Moore. $2,750 96 Whltefoord avenue. It'a a dandy little home and you can buy this on easy terms, and you can pay for it like rent. Call Mr. Reid. $7,750 A real home on Eleventh street, near Peachtree, and has eight rooms; hardwood floors, and can be had on easy terms. Call Mr. Hamilton. $4,000 FOR 29 1 2 acres In College Just right for subdivision. SSOO cash. This is a beauty. Fall Mr. Hambly. JUST THE PLACE FOR A COUNTRY GRKENE HOME. RFAI PV WITHIN four miles of the car shed, on a * * A good paved roaci, with nice homes and / A /T I—>1 —> A TA.Y AT neighbors surrounding, we have twelve L< > j\/l j—' V acres of land, with about 300 to 400 feet V-' 3->-a * > of frontage, at the bargain price of $3,000 Come In to see us about this, before Real Estate. Renting. Loans, somebody else gets It. 511 Empire Bldg Both Phones 1599 CLOSE-IN CORNER LOT. FOR SALE at less than S3OO front foot. Not far from property recently sold for SI,OOO front foot Easy terms. No phone calls answered. (’all at office. GEORGIA HOME AND FARM COMPANY, 114 CANDLER BUILDING. WILLIAMS-HARTSOCK CO. REAL ESTATE AND BUILDERS. FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. Phone 3106 Main. NO 352 MYRTLE STREET Eight rooms, two stories, corner lot. beautiful man tels and fixtures. SBOO cash, balance $45 month. This is a bargain. You can't duplicate this on the street in price and value. BARGAIN —Here is a vacant lot. close to Highland and Ponce DeLeon avenues, 50x150 feet; lies fine: can be had for a few days only for $1,700. You'll have to hurry. NEXT WEEK we will begin two more new homes, one on Sixteenth street, the other on Moreland avenue; will arrange either to suit your own ideas; both loca tions are fine Come to see us and get one of them. TWO GOOD NEGRO LOTS—Can build five bouses here: city water, close to car line, can make the two for $1,100; terms at that. This is a good buy. NEW FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW IN BATTLE HILL ON GREENSFERRY AVENUE. THIS HOME is brand-new and up-to-date. Street improvements, hot and cold water, combination fix tures. and is a beauty. It is well elevated. See owner. 812 Austell building. You can buy a bargain here. Terms to suit. J. N. LANDERS Owner. ; 812 Austell Building. Phone M. 3422. s I ■ 455 Courtland XIXE ROOMS Lot 47 1 2x140; alley on side. Rented eontin uouslt for s4o a month. Modern, up-to-date house, (’an he sold on terms of one-fourth cash, balance 1, 2. 3 years, at 6 per cent. Price sii,.'»oo.oo. LITTLE & GREEN 111 AUBURN AVENUE. i Main 943. Atlanta 593. THE HOI’SE you will build, buy or rent will not be a uiudcru home unless it is wired for Electricity. 6-11-26 Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. Beautiful North Side Home JUST a little east of Peachtree, between Ponce De- Leon avenue and Tenth street, in that quiet, con servative, desirable, residential section, we have a beautiful 10-room home, on a lot fronting 120 feet, with nice depth to an alley. The price is very rea sonable. and it is just such a place as should attract a fastidious person who wants to be comparatively close in. • We forgot to mention the fact that it is on a cor ner. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR Central Property At Auction Thursday, June 27.1912 AT 4:30 P. M„ three lots, southwest cor ner Houston and Piedmont avenue —one lot contains brick store. AT 5 P. M.. two lots, Nos. 27 and 29 Pied mont avenue, just north of Decatur street. Each lot 25x200. TERMS—-One-third cash, balance 1, 2 and 3 years,’ interest at 6 per cent, payable semi-annually. THESE PROPERTIES are just in the right locations for investment that will bring profits without any doubt. You are safe in making your purchases here. Business is taking in all this property rapidly. YOU KNOW what the great future of Atlanta means to you if you buy this / property. It means money in your pocket. E. RIVERS REALTY CO. STEVE R. JOHNSTON, Auctioneer. Courtland Street Investment LARGE eleven-room house. Could be arranged Into apartments that would bring in a good income. Ixit is 50 by 127 to an alley. Right near the Ara ’ gon hotel. This is in "the active zone." Buy this, make a few improvements, get a good rent from It and in a tew years double your money, in addition to a good rent. Price $9,500, on terms. No loan. EDGEWOOD AVENUE LOT, with small house on It This side of the Boule vard. You find the cheapest lot this side of the Boulevard and offer us SSO per foot less than the cheapest one and you are sure to buy right. WILSON BROS. REAL ESTATE, RENTING AND LOANS. 761 Empire Building. Male 6411-J. Night No. Ivy 4076-J Good Real Estate in the Right Place THE FOLLOWING two pieces of real estate, right at the Georgian Terrace, are the best buys on the market: PEACHTREE STREET, within 80 feet of Georgian Terrace, 56x140 feet to an alley. JUST OFF PEACHTREE, within 100 feet of Albert Howell's magnificent apart ment house and within 180 feet of Georgian Terrace, 65x108, on corner, with good residence that will help carry it. THE PRICES AND TERMS bn above are right and there is certain profit in either or both. Don’t delay. A. J. & H. F. WEST 218-219 Atlanta National Bank Building. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PROPERTY THIS PROPERTY fronts 90 feet on Marietta street between Forsyth and Spring, and has a depth of 200 feet to a street or driveway opposite the S. A. L. freight depot. It is only 1,200 feet from Five Points, the center of the city, and on the best side of the widest business street in Atlanta. It is within 400 feet of the city hall, and only 600 feet from Marietta street property which recently sold at $4,000 a foot. We offer this, subject to the approval of the con gregation, at $2,000 a foot, or SIBO,OOO. S. W. CARSON, JOHN J. WOODSIDE, T. B. GAY, Committee. SUBURBAN HOME SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW, nil conveniences, large grove lot. east front, located in best section of Decatur, Ga.; right on North Decatur car line; price has been reduced for quick sale; terms SSOO cash and balance like rent. W. L. & JOHN O. DuPREE Real Estate. Empire Building. Bell Phone Main 345 Atlanta Phone 03 p Real Estate For Sale. OHARP & TERMINAL DISTICT. SEVER,AL sales hav° been made m this section lately. That shows What the wise buyer thinks of this property. We have a corner over here that is PARTICULARLY GOOD, and we can make reasonable terms. The price on this is lower now than it will he on the first of July. Better see it. INMAN PARK. A DANDY cottage of six rooms, com bination fixtures, stone front, stained floors, large lot and in a splendid sec tion. We can make easy terms on this and the price is RIGHT. — / JEFFERSON PLACE, DECATUR, GEORGIA WE have two new bungalows on this beautiful street, and they have every convenience except gas, the lots are large and shady and the houses are exceptionally well built, in a section that is developing very rapidly, and the owner wants to sell these at a price that will make it very interesting. See Mr. Green. SUBURBAN HOME. ON the Marietta car line we have a home that has just been finished and .if yon want to see something that will appeal to anybody who wants a nice home with all the city conveniences and the advantage of being in the country, just let us show you this prop osition. A great big lot and a house that is a dream, eight rooms, two sleeping porches, servants’ house and right on the car line. This is one nice place, and the price is dirt cheap. Railroad Schedule. SOUTHERN RAILWAY? "PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOUTH’’ ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF PASSENGER TRAINS, ATLANTA The following schedule figures are pub lished only as information, and are not guaranteed: No. Arrive From — No. Depart To— -35 New Y. 5:00 am 36 New Y.12:15 am 13 Jaxv.'le. 5:20 am 30 Col’bus 5:20 am 43 Was'ton 5:25 am 13 Cinci. . 5:.' 12 Sh’port. 6:30 am 32 Fort V. 6:30 am 23 Jaxville 6:50 am 35 B’ham . 5:15 am •17 Toccoa. 8.10 am 7 Chat'ga 6:40 am 26JIeflin.. 8:20 am 12 R’mond 6:55 am 29 New Y.10:30 am 23 Kan. C. 7:00 am 6 Chat’ga 10:35 am 16 Brun’k. 7:45 am 7 Macon 10:40 am 29 B’ham. 10:45 am 27 Fort V 10:45 am 38 New Y.11:01 am 21 Col’bus 10:50 am 40 Charl’e 12:00 n’n 6 Cinci ..11:10 am 6 Macon .12:40 pm 30 B’ham.. 2:30 pm 30 New Y. 2:45 pm 40 B’ham 12:40 pm 15 Chat’ga 3:00 pm 39 Charlo’e 3:55 pm 39 B'ham. 4:10 pm 5 Macon. 4:55 pm *lB Toccoa. 4:30 pm 87 New Y. 5:00 pm 22 Col’bus 5:10 pm 15 Bruns'k 7:50 pm 5 Cinci. . 5:10 pm 11 R’mond 8:30 pm 28 Fort V. 5:20 pm 24 Kan. C. 9:20 pm 25 Heflin . 5:45 pm 16 Chat'ga 9:35 pm 10 Macon . s:3ft-pm 29 Col’bus 10 20 pm 44 Wash'n B:4d pm 31 Fort V.10:25 pm 24 Jaxville 9:80 pm 36 B'ham 12:00 ngt 11 Sh’port. 11:10 pm 14 Cinci. .11:00 pm 14 Jaxville 11:10 pm Trains marked thus (•) run daily, ex cept Sunday. Other trains run dally. Central time. ) City Ticket Office. No. 1 Peachtree St. Legal Notices. STATE OF GEORGIA—FuIton County, To Superior Court of Said County: The petition of J. T. Rose, Arnold Broyles, Mrs. Emma Neal Douglas, Mrs. Oscar Elsas. Mrs. Benjamin Z. Phillips, T. K. Glenn, W. C. Mansfield, Joseph Ja cobs, Eugene oberdorfer, Clarence Hav erty, James L. Dickey, Jr., W. R. C. Smith, A. -W. Farllnger, w. S. Byck, L. E. Kogers, George F. Rogers. J. M. Gloer, H. Clay Moore, J. M. Van Harlingen, E. A. Hartsock, C. T. Turner, U. A. Robert son, Milton Klein, A. Glenn Mickel, A. R. Blanchard. Emil Schnegass, W. B. Wil kerson and Willis M. Everett respectfully shows: First—Your petitioners desire for them selves and their successors to be Incor porated under the corporate name and style of "Dixie Boys’ Club.” Second —Said corporation Is not for profit or pecuniary gain and there shall be no capital stock. Third —The objects of this corporation shall be to furnish wholesome and health ful recreation; to establish and maintain camps; to conduct outing and "fresh air” trips; to develop and upbuild the health and character, especially of the boys of Atlanta, and as the opportunity offers to afford similar benefits to the young men and women, as well as the mothers and children. They desire the right to con duct any enterprise tliat will advance the ' cause of good health, good morals and good citizenship. Their work shall al ways be governed by the highest moral and religious standards, but in manage ment and teaching shall be absolutely non-sectarian. As gifts hereafter to be received will be contiitioned on the fore going objects, they shall never hereafter be in any way changed or rtiodified. Fourth —Your petitioners shall consti tute tlie board of directors, and they shall hold office for life, unless they re move from Atlanta, voluntarily resign, or are requested to resign in writing by at least three-fourths of the remaining members of the board; such vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the re maining members of the board: within 60 days after such vacancies occur. Persons of any denomination, creed, faitli or be lief, who are of good moral character, shall he eligible to membership on the board of directors. They shall elect an nually their own chairman, treasurer and secretary; shall hold and manage all of the property of the club; attend to all permanent improvements; outline from time to time the scope of the work to be undertaken and at all times have power to direct or restrain the work of the offi cers. Fisth —Your petitioners desire for them selves and tlieir successors the right to sue and be sued; to have and use a com mon seel and to change the same at < pleasure: to have the right to receive and hold any and all donations of personalty or realty by gift, deed or devise; to pur chase, lease, hold, mortgage, sell or otherwise dispose of real estate or other > property; to make contracts, to borrow money, Issue bonds and secure same as they see fit; to receive and Invest money, or other property as endowment funds for maintaining and carrying out the ob jects herein set forth: to make anti alter by-laws and to have all the rights, pow ers and privileges incidental to such cor porations or necessary for carrying out the purposes and objects. Wherefore your petitioners pray that after filing and publishing this application in accordance with tlie law. an order be granted by this honorable court allowing this application and that they and their successors be incorporated for and during a term of twenty years with the privilege of renewal at the expiration of said twen ty years for the purposes hereinbefore set forth. WILLIS M. EVERETT. Attorney for Petitioners. Filed in office this June 3. 1912. ARNOLD BROYLES, Clerk. STATE OF GEORGIA -County of Fulton. I. Arnold Broyles, clerk of the superior court of said county, do hereby certify that foregoing Is a true and correct ropy of the application for charter In the matter of Dixie Boys’ chib, as the same appears of file In this office. Witness my official signature and the seal of said court this June 3. 1912 ARNOLD BROYLES. Clerk Superior Court Fulton County, Georgia 6-3-28 GEORGIAN WANT ADS FILL ALL WANTS. ; BOTH PHONES 8000.