Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, June 26, 1912, HOME, Page 11, Image 11
Society News of Atlanta AM GNU the pretty parties of today ■was the bridge given- by- Mrs. Richard Courts at her apartment on Peachtree street. The decorations were of pink roses and ferns and the prizes included embroidered silk gloves for top score and silk hose for consola tion A salad course and ices were served at the close of the game, the tea table having./or a centerpiece a cut glass vase of pink roses. The bonbons.' cakes and ices were pink and white. Mrs. Courts was gowned in white lingerie for the afternoon. Her guests were Mrs. William Lang, of New York: Mrs. B. F. Coleman, of Louisville, Ky.; Mrs. Keats Speed, of New York; Mrs. R. W. Hunt Mrs. Lee Ashcraft, Mrs. A. G. Smart,’ Mrs. Arthur Smart, Mrs. ,1. L. Baldwin. Mrs. William A bish, Mrs. .Porter Langston, Mrs. E. D. Kennedy, Mrs Henri Bernard Scott, Mrs L. E. Withers. Mrs. W. C. Hum phries. Mrs. Joseph Rogenstein. Mrs. J. W. White. Mrs. William D. Christie. Mrs. Burgess and Misses Ruth Stall ings. Elizabeth Morgan. Nellie Kiser Stewart. Annie Sykes Rice, Pearl Wil kinson of San Antonio and Ferol Hum phries and her guest. Margaret Bos well. of Chase City, Va. Informal Tea at C'ub. Mrs. George Crandall, assisted by her voung daughte-. Miss Katherine Crandall, entertained about ten girls at an afternoon tea at the Piedmont l)ri' Ing club today Miss Dorothy Harmon and Miss Gladys Glover, who have recently returned from school, were the complimented guests of the informal affair, th» other girls of the party being Misses Lydia Griffith of Athens. Katherine Dußose, Isabel Rob inson. Virginia Lipscomb. Isolene Campbell, Bessie Moore. Margaret Mi - K?e. Ellen Woolff and Elizabeth Rlam Brookhaven Club Dinner-Dance. At the Summer Cotillion club dinner dance tomorrow evenjig at the Rrook haxen club, those who will give dinner parties are'Mr'. Eugene Haynes. Mr. Eugene Kelly. Mr. Marsh Adair. Mr. .1 W Armls'tead. Mr. Clarence Blosser and Mr. Cabafiifs. For Miss DeGraffenreid. Mis. William Lawson reel enter tained informally at luncheon today for her guest. Miss <'lalre DeGraffenreid. of Washington. I'. I '. Bridge For Miss Powers Mrs. Julius DeGive entertained very informally at bridge today for hi guest. Miss Emma Powers, of Ma' on. The - decorations were of -JxiUarney rose*.- Mts.-De.Gii fj iias charming jit, pin.h yoi l_e._.and_ Miss Powers wore n blßf'/i Ci“_ek -w-ith Tax- collar ami cuffs. Mrs. Brooks Entertains. Mrs. Shirley Victor Brooks was host ess at a pretty parti this afternoon for her guesL-Miss Edith Piper, of St, Louis'. Th'-'apartments open to giiesls were decorated witlt summer Howers pink roses and swansonia in the-Mining} room, feverfew and ..sweet peas' in the! living room anti, nasturtiums on the at J tractive pordh. with the. many growing plants there.’7 ' - • . ■ The prizes were boudoir, caps for the; guest of honor and top score, and silk hose for eohsfolation. The score cards bm e pink rose designs and the Sore Bunions, Quick Cure And All Kinds Sore Feet. ■ Dtssolvp iwn fablpspoonfuls of Calo ride compound -in a basin of warm wa ter: soak ih'e feet in this for full fifteen minutes, gently rubbing the sore parts. Repeat daily umn cin e'is permanent.” All inflammation is drawn out instantly and the bunion soon is reduced to normal size. Corns and callouses can be peeled right off and will stay off Sore. tender feet and smelly, sweaty feet neenl but a few treatments A twenty-five rent package of Caloride is usually suf fieient to put the worst fret in fine condition. Caloride is no longer con fined only to doctors’ use. Any druggist has it in stock or will quickly get it fron* his wholesale house. This will prove a welcome item tn persons who have been vainly trying to rure their foot troubles with ineffectual tablets and foot powders. I’LL"; .. SIJII ill I„ | B ■ I L>; • You can prevent odors from garbage, toilets, sinks and drains by using the Powerful WRHI Disinfectant A little CN ifi a gallon of water sprinkled on decaying matter and poured into waste pipes will do the work. Remember too. that CN kills germs. It keeps the home healthful. “ 7'Ae I'zZlew Fatkax' with tks " 10c. 25c. 50c. SI.OO At Drug and Dept. Stores. WEST DISINFECTING CO., ATLANTA POPULAR YOUNG BRIDE-TO-BE “ OgRjfaMET / Univ MOwElg; " a w / feaSlca X w\ ;ff J| B i 'SK Sil JImI Hill ggg| </ < Mill S * ■ * zee .msg bmBSbS *-" ■ fir \ ll® Ms/ will > O \ r JF' nN TJt-k • WWi [ fifes I ' -'XL. »■ £o' f < '• jSS ’.k ' IL/ ■/ r x i ' wMMW 'J® -I ;■ ■ v I ™ Ph.. I '. 1•• .Mis-. .Mild.' d v. lb-.' in itlt'iicp ttf the bti'le s father. Mr. woman with many friends. The effectivp decorations and pretty find <<>nfeet ions were green. Mrs. Brooks was gowned in white lingerie, and Miss Piper wore white marquisette, elaborate with lave. Th* guests included Misses Roberta Burke. of New Iberia. La.; Mary Jim Dunlap, Penelope and Frances Clark. Elvira Westmoreland, Marguerite Beck. Princess Watts, Mary Jeter. Kate Car roll and Helen Thorn, and Mesdames Charles Dowman. of Birmingham; John DuPree, R. C. Henderson. Albert Col Her, John M. Daniel. Clarence Blosser, Evelyn Harris. Ben Lee Crew. W. M. Rogers. Harold Beers. Leßoy Wynne, .1. B. McCrary, Percy Adams and Fran cis Jones. E. RIVERS WILL SELL CENTRAL REALTY AT AUCTION TOMORROW Tomorrow afternoon an auction sale of ; central property will be held by I*,. Riv | ers Realty Cotnpanj There has been a ' great deal of activity in a large area, stir ! rounding this property. The situation . presents an attractive investment, with j the Indications of good returns In the, way of profits. Three lots located on the southwest cor ner of Houston and Piedmont avenue, one containing a brick store, will be sold These will be offered al. 4:30 p. m At 5 p. nt. the crowd will go to 27 and 29 Pied mont avenue. Just north of Decatur street, where two lots, each 25 by 2<>n. will be sol(l <’n|oncl Pteve R. Johnston will art as a ijci i<»nee%* FRENCHMAN WINS GRAND PRIX; WAGNER IN FIAT 2D DIEPPE. FRANCE. June 25 George Boillott. Frenchman, driving h Peugeot car. won the Grand Prix race todah when 'disaster befell DaVid Bruce-Brown. the' American speed king and he had to fall, behind Louis Wagner, in a Fiat, was second. Bolllott's time for 479 miles was 14 hours, eleven minutes. TO EQUALIZE WATER RATES. MACON. GA.. June 26. For the put pose of settling the question of equal-, izatfoti <>f'writer rates, a'spectal meet ing of the water hoard will be held to morrow night; The present rates are the ones granted by the company from which ihe city, purchased the plan, eight months ago, ISABELLA Monster Mil itary Band Organ at St. Nicholas Rink. Beginners free. Three sessions daily. THEatt-aNTA GEOKGIAN-AAttt NEWS. WEDNESItA V. JUNE 26. 1912. n.ti'i’iage to Mr. T. Bertram Xorris takes pla/'e lonight-a't the res ■. U. M. Fort, in Peachtree place. Miss Fori is a charming young • marriage will be quietly observed, but will be characterized by • details. -- - - ■ j \ f FIRE AT ELLAVILLE. KLLAVILLE. GA., June 26.—Fire in' the store of Childers & Livingstone to-' day did considerable damage to the : store and stock. The origin of the fire is unknown. The loss fe partially cov ered by insurance. Diamond possession means accumulated wealth. Buy them under EUGENE V. H A V X ES COMPA NY’S partial payment plan. The amount expended will nm be missed and means you acquire a property highest in the scale of genuine val ues. GOLDSMITH-ACTON-WITHERSPOON CO. ri ft Rustic Hickory Willi ’ Furniture 'J.t _ Rustic Hickory Rocker, Chair, 11 'a 9 "The Porch Furniture Beautiful” / For quick clearance we offer every Swing, Settee, Table and Tabour e,te vmH 20 PER CENT DISGOUNT \\N We offer a Rustic Hickory Per- gola, Bxl2 feet, at $22.50; regular price $60.00. GOLDSMITH-ACTON-WITHERSPOON CO. Lifetime Furniture. 62 Peachtree. 61 North Broad., TO DEDICATE CLAXTON CHURCH. CLAXTON, GA.. Juno 26.-The ded ication' rtf rhe new Catholic church here tAkes- piace ' next Sunday! the' Right Re.v. Benjamin J. KeTllCy, D.D., bishop of Savannah, officiating. Father Mitch ell is in charge of the t'laxton mis sion. | WEDDINGS I Morgan-Vaughan. The marriage of Miss Agnes Reid I Morgan and Mr. Vernon <’rosbj Vaughan was solemnized at the home of the bride’s grandmother In West End, Tuesday evening. The ceremony was quietly performed in the presence of the immediate families. Rev. Mack Hakes officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Vaughan left after the cerehibny for a trip North and will be at hoihe, 303 East Pine street, aftei July 15. PIANOSI of QUALITY I Steinway ssso.oo I Knabe ssoo.oo Hardman s42s.oo Fischer s4oo.oo Sterling s3so.oo Phillips & Crew C 05325.00 I A NEW PIANO, SIBB.OO NET I Other Pianos from $225.00 and upward. Easy terms may be arranged, a liberal discount for cash. ■ PIANO PLAYERS—PIANOLAS I We give a Piano with good value, the best that material and workmanship can warrant, and with a reliable guarantee. We pay freight. w Phillips & Crew Co. I 82-84-86 North Pryor Street I We are Represents- “The firm. Phillips & Crew, was established In 1865. has a eap- 7-7. tlves for the ital of SIOO,OOO. and Is one of the best equipped music housss In Victor-Vlctrola. the South." —Atlanta Journal (July, 1896.) SS; (Take Your Choice [ W , ... :■ .. " .. „ ■ j OVER 500 PAIRS 468 PAIRS | 3 White Canvas and Buck- Patent, Suede, Gun jL skin Pumps, Colonials, Metal and Tan Pumps 5 Button Oxfords, White and Oxfords, $4.00 and 5\ £ Canvas Button Boots $5.00 values, 5y | U\ SO?S I 1 r i *p he I s : Nq Ml Pair -*• ~S $4.00 and $5.00 values. A choice selection of 27 differ- <5 Ak° White Egyptian Cloth ent styles jp -H Pumps, the unsurpassed fabric Not all sizes in each style, but Jor white shoes. any size in the lot. 5? You can obtain your size in . . . . R Lg 1 any style, but you should shop * hls special price is put on < early tomorrow to be absolutely these shoes to increase sales and ! sure. reduce stock on hand. !. »• ■ . ..... !I_. -:.7T-= J. -5 FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY |E NO MAIL OR PHONE ORDERS FILLED 3; I M. Rich & Bros. Co. | 5 (i A Department of Famous Shoes’ ’ 5 $5,000 SECRETARY FOR BIRMINGHAM TRADE BODY BIRMINGHAM, ALA.. Jun? 26 W. ('. Radcliffe, of Detroit, is studying the local work as secretary of the Birmingham <'hamber of Commerce, preliminary to succeeding Joseph B. Babb, who has held the office for sev eral years, and who retires next Mon day. Mr. Babb will take up general organization work, his first efforts to be in increasing the membership of the Montgomery chamber of Commerce. Mr. Radcliffe comes to Birmingham at a salary of $5,000 per annum. ANNOUNCEMENTS - Tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at the L'niversalist church the monthly meeting of the ladies’ church societies of the various denominations through out the city will be held. The Ladies Mission society of the church will be the host. JACKSON COURT MEETS JULY. 8. JACKSON, GA., June 26.—The regu lar quarterly term of the city court of Jackson will convene on July B.' If the farmers are busy at that time Judge Fletcher will not hold court more than one day. 11