Newspaper Page Text
Published by The Georgian Compeny.
20 East Alabama Street
Atlanta. Ga,■
Entered xt Atlanta rnstoffice as second
class matter.
Subscriptions Payable In Advance
One year. mall, postage prepaid. $5 00
Six months. mail, postage prepaid. 250
Three months, mall, postage prepaid. 1-5
One month. mail, postage prepaid, 45
Subscriptions P' /able In Advance
Delivered by carrier, one yearss 20
Delivered by carrier, six months 2.60
Delivered by carrier, three months... 1.30
Delivered by carrier, one month 4'
Delivered by carrier In Atlanta and
other cities, one week 10c.
Help Wanted—Female
WANTED Nurse who is willing to help
with house work. Apply 29 Gordon ave..
Kirkwood. Ga.; got <»fT main Decatur car
at Norwood. 47-26-6
WANTED- hirst-class washerwoman for
Iwo days, on lot. Mrs. Bolles, South
Kirkwood. Phone Decatur 389. 6-26-44
wanted ExperleiceS pantFj ia<i\-. whd
can make salads: experienced waitress.
Acme Business Agency. 1018 Atlanta Na- 1
tional Bank bui 1 ding. 6-26-40
WANTED An experienced housekeeper
for boarding house: about 25 boarders.
State salary expected. Address Box 172.
Talladega. Ala. # 42-26-6
WANTED Lady stenographer with ex
perience in abstract work. Reply, giv
ing references and experience to Northern
Contracting Company. 144 Edgewood ave
nue. j
WANTED- First-class rook for boarding i
house. 62 West Baker. 6-26-6
WANTED Three first-class waitresses.
Apply Nathans Case. 122 and 124 Pencil
tree. 6-26-15
WANTED -• ExperiAiced white nurse, with
references, for infant. Call 18 West
Fourteenth st. Phone Ivy 6414-L, 6-25-1
\VANTEt) —Settied woman to cook and
do light housework. Good wages. Room
on lot. Phone Ivy 5974._
NURSE, settled and willing to stay on
place. Good wages. Phone Ivy 3098.
WANTED—First-class, reliable cook, also
housemaid Apply 84 Columbia avenue,
between Eleventh and Twelfth streets.
WANTED—Ladies to call and investigate
our system of teaching hairdressing
with the Herrmann permanent wave,
manicuring, facial massage, electrolysis or
chiropody Free clinic- expert instruc
tions —demonstrations and examinations.
Few weeks completes. Call or write for
illustrated catalog. Moler College. 53 W.
Mitchell SL. Main Office. 36-22-6
WAITED a competent codk. Phone M.
941. 430 S. Pryor. 6-20-27
3 Months ?4 Bents OLIVER 3 Months.
Oliver Typr. Agency, 54 Auburn Avenue.
Phone Ivy 4757.
Help Wanted—Male.
WANTED —Good size boy. Apply at 73 Pi
S. Broad st. 6-26-52
WANTED—(jood competent male book
keeper for assistant in general supply
business. Must have good habits and fur
nish good reference. Prefer married man.
Address P. ’’ Box 227. Ashburn. Ga.
WANTED First-<• 1 ass grease salesman.
Must have knowledge of machinery and
engines and must be acquaint % I with
manufacturing plants throughout Georgia.
Only those qualified for this position ap
ply. Room 22 Empire hotel. 19-26-6
WANTED--Reliable colored hotel baker
at once: fifteen reliable colored labor
ers at once. 1018 Atlanta National Bank
building. 4 -26- 39
WANTED—First class cook at once. 131
Capitol square 6-26-43
COLORED MAN for a few days werk in
garden and yard, Charles W. Davis. 32
South Pryor.
WANTED —A white boy with "bicycle for
office work. Come today. Feders Em
ployment Agency. 253-4 Candler Annex
Bldg.. 104 North Prypr street. 6-26-23
\v7<NTEfv^Marhle’cut'ter and letterer. V>
per day and work regular. Withers. 154
Whitehall street. Atlanta. Ga. 6-26-24
WAN TII~~ Fir s t >elas s chef Nathans
Case. 122 and 124 Peachtree street.
6-26 16
("’(»L |7eG E GR ADI ATE wanted for per
manent position with public service cor
poration. Apply room 301. 78 South Pryor
street. Friday at 9 a. in.. 6-25 14
WANTED An experienced man to run
artesian well machinery; one that has
had some experience drilling large well,
that can furnish satisfactory reference to
that effect. Address ’l’. A. Futch. Cecil.
Ga. 6-2.4-13
WHITE ’ce cream maker wanted; state
age. salar> expected and experience.
Xddres e P <>. Box 225. Savannah. Ga.
W ANTED Two boiler firemen for day
and night shift. Good wages for the
rignt men. References required. M. D.
Marlin, Cartersville, Ga. 6-2- 38
WILL EMPLOY energetic young man ex
pert stenographer that can take rapid
dictation ami stand promotion. Answer
in own handwriting. Address P. o. Box
1578. Atlanta. 6-22-13
W“a’NTED— -Men to learn the barber
trade. Few weeks completes. Another
rush for barbers this season Best trade
in existence today Good money; light,
clean, inside work (’all and Investigate
our method or write for catalog. Moler
Barber College. 53 W. Mitchell St.
WANT ET) W bite furniture packer to
take charge of furniture packing and
furniture in warehouse Morrow Transfer
50 E. Alabama st.
WANTED —A few live men of
good address Io present an at
tractive newspaper premium offer
among Atlanta homes. See Hau
lon at The Georgian office, 6 10-2 S
sToP at Hilburn hotel: heart of city;
10V. Walton st . if you want a clean,
quiet* room. transient 50e: open all night
YES. r-roressor G. O Fra lining will tea"h
vou the barber trade tit’s easy). We
leach In one-half time o,f other colleges
Course, tools and position in our shop?
only ISO. Why pay more? Thousands of
our graduates running shops or making
good wages Atlanta Farber College. ’0
East Mitchell street 6-11-17
FREE MASSAGE, hair i-nts, shaves.
Shampoos All barber work free Clean
linen Atlanta Barber College. 10 East
Help Wanted—Male and Female.
(for a case Specific Blood Pol
son wr fail to cure. Raney
Medicine Co.. 513 Austell
Jh SO z v Bl<ig. Phone 61 1 office
. Hours; 7 to 6. Sundays 9 tn
[l2. 6-3-33
V \N’i I’D Brig} t young man or lady fa
miliar with typewriter for office assist
ant during summer months: state experi
ence and salary expected. P (». Box 994.
city. 34-26-6
Salesmen Wanted.
EXCELLENT proposition to salesmen to
introduce to wholesale and retail stores
our Magic Weeders ami Hoes. the. king of
%ara?o tools. F. P. Reichard Co.. Bangor.
Pa. 33-24-6
Agents Wanted.
('A M I’AIGN b> i<lie:
WANTED Agents in every count) of the
I’niteri States to sell our campaign
book. 350 pages. 100 pictures and por
traits of all the candidates and leaders.
The lives of ail the presidents and his
tory of their administrations. The plat
forms and principles of all parties An
impartial and superior book. Price only
51. This will be the most exciting cam
paign since 1861 outfit free on receipt of
in cents to pa' postage. Titanic outfit
also sent free on receipt of inc. for post
age Best terms order outfits by return
mad. Phillip Boj d Publishing < ’omn»n'.
Atlanta. G;> 6-26-12
Agents Wanted.
I 350 pages. 100 pictures and portraits of
i all the candidates and leaders. The lives
of all the presidents and history of their
administration. The platforms and prin
ciples of all parties An impartial and
superior hook. Price only $1; 50c com
mission. This will be the most exciting
[Campaign since 1861. Outfit free on re
ceipt of 10c to pay postage. Titanic out
i fit also sent free for 10c postage. F. E.
Huse & Co, 520 Temple Court, Atlanta.
Ga. <6-26-22
i COLLECT NAMES for our club with our
new and Interesting proposition, and
; earn $l5O to S3OO per month. Southern
i Economical Club. Box 415, care Geor
gian. 41-24-6
AGENTS WANTED in every town Tn
Georgia to sell automobile tire remov
er; does the work In one minute what
it will take two hours to do without this
tool. For sale by A. G. Inman. Midville.
Ga 2-29-32
Teachers Wanted.
TeVcFeRiUwA for' prin
cipals anff assistants. Fall positions
being taken rapidly. Demand exceeds
supply. Free Registration. Write for
blanks and terms Register Teachers
; Agencv. Register. Ga. 5-30-25
Situations Wanted—Female.
WANTED Position as housekeeper for
refined, wealthy old <x>uple. Address
A. 8., Box 5, care Georgian.4B-26-6
\V ANT El >—Position by experienced st e
t nographer: references. Address V. E.
I R.. 21 McDaniel.43-26-6
WANTED- Position by young woman in
a refined family; am experienceci sick
nurse or companion for invalid lady or
child. Anxious, care Georgian. 31-26-6
A refined . woman, having been a
teacher, wishes a position as compan
ion; competent to do plain sewing and fine
mending. Address Box 333. care Georgian.
IF' IT IS experienced maternal service
you need, see Miss Mattie Graham, 50
Oak street. Kirkwood. Ga. $lO per
week. 32-25-6
WANTED Permanent or temporary sten
ographic position. Miss Cannon. West
24LD 89-22-6
BEAI TIEI I. linen and lawn dresses
made: price reasonable: satisfaction
guaranteed! Call Ivy 2213-.1. 6-25-7
TAKE your dress to S. M. Wilson, - 331
Court land. Price reasonable. Ivv 1767
. ■ -'~r :
Situations Wanted—Male.
WANTED- Position by hoy of seventeen:
work of any kind; office Work preferred.
Can use typewriter, file and collect. Ref
erences furnished. Address M. B. A.. Box
1. care Georgian,sl-26-6
YOI'NG MAN. 24 years old, wishes posi
tion as bookkeeper, shipping clerk or
salesman; experienced: best of references
furnished. Box 617. care Georgian. 46-26-6
COLLEGE graduate wants work for sum
mer collecting or position as assistant
bookkeeper or shipping clerk preferred;
will do anything. Address Hast, care
Georgian' 27-26-6
WHITE chauffeur wants position; can
give good references; capable of doing
all repair work; will work reasonable.
Address Carter. Broadway Hotel. Room 2.
A COLORED Rt’TLER. experienced, aged
16. wants a job. Address Joseph Bur
dett. Decatur. Ga. 47-25-6
VERY high-class man wants position as
• •ook and ohanffeur or as butler and
< hanffeur. For references, call present
employer. Ivy 6690. 29-25-6
MI ST have work at once; anything hon
est considered; have fair education and
experience and references as collector
Andress Workei. care Georgian. 36-24-6
Vt’.WTED- Position by young man ste
nographer-bookkeeper; prefer place
where there is some bookkeeping; em
ployed at present, but wish to make a
change. H. Id. W.. care Georgian.
2 7-i:i :
i DRI’G (’LERK with long experience, not
registered, desires position at once; am
sober, honest, reliable; small town pre
ferred; A-J references. Box 723. care
Georgian. 48-20-6
PDS ITK >N WANT ED a s build ing
man: eight years experience frame and
brick; am thorough mechanic: employed
now. Will consider offer with good firm.
\ddress J. Barker. Box 471. Fort \ alley.
Ga. 4Q 19-6
Situations Wanted—Male and
254 Candler annex. JO4 North Pryor
street, nhorje Ivy 1.789, Atlanta 915. sup
plies free of charge hotels, restaurants,
boarding apartments and private houses
with all kinds of first-class help. 6-26-26
t =—.
. Carpenter Work.
LE T I S Gl\’E you prices on cabinet, car
penter and brick work, plastering.
painting ami tinting. Forsyth Street
Cabinet Shop. 62G South Forsyth street.
Phones Main 1187. Atlanta 6087-M.
Boarders Wanted.
I NICE, cool rooms; excellent table 412
_JPeachj ree tv ? 4563 6. 6
i BOARDERS wanted; large room; honit
I tahle board. Ivy 778-L. 428 Peachtree
• street. 56 -26 -‘i
I WEST END home can accommodate two
| couples with nice room and good hoard
! for the summer: also single rooms for
: gentlemen. West 568-.1, 6-26-59
NICE, cool rooms and best meals in city;
reasonable. 20 Carnegie D. E Evans,
Prop. 6-26 -1
o.XE pleasant room with board, also ta
hie board, at 513 Peach tree. 43-25-6
IF you pre looking for large, cool rooms,
ilelight fnl porch, best meals, everything
first-class, apply to 17 East North uvenue.
References 42-25-6
NICELY furnished room and board 173
Luckie st.; close in. 6-24-1
NICE <’< >OL R< »< >MS with board. Phone
22 East Ellis 6 i”
ROOM with excellent itieals; ait conven
iences; select neighborhood; $4.50 per
week. 12 Windsor st'. Atlanta phone
.3015-F. 6-21-29
SNYDER HOI’SE, 55 Luckie street.
Rooms and meals for regular and tran
sient boarders; close In; rates reasonable.
Atlanta 5386. 6-20-2
FI’RNISHED R‘h»MF, with or without
I board, at 72 Spring street. Ivy 4860-J.
I '■ :■' g
FOR RENT One double and single room
with board 62 West Raker. ivy
50252-1 6-19-46
ROOMS and boarders. 121 Capitol (square.
M. 1839- L »; s 15
Board Wanted.
I SINGLE room and board with refined
j family; could use extra space for stor
age. Answer quick. Board, care <;eor
WANTED Accommodations for the
Georgia legislators. They are corning
in now' and will he in session at the state
capitol for the next FIFTY days. All of
them are on the outlook for nice, com
fortable and home-like places to eat their
i meals, or to board or to rent. Many of
I the places these legislators had last year
I did not suit them and they ' de-
; sire to find something better. All
' the legislators will read The Georgian
that s certain. Their attention will be
; called day after day to the ‘Legislators’
\ccommodations" column on the Want Ad
I pages of The Georgian. ’l’his will be a
. big advantage to you So if you have eat
ing or boarding places or have rooms,
j apartments or houses nr tent. y<»ur ad
i should be under the '‘Legislators Accom
modations" beading \p Investment of a
•few i-piits will keep your house full for the
next throe months. Phone or send in
ytMir ad a’ un<e 6-26-33
i Legislators 9 ,
Accom modMSons
GOOD BOARD: nice cool rooms. Every
. thing the best. 46 East Mitchell street.
NICELY FURNISHED rooms and board.
All conveniences. 37 Poplar street. I
NICE, cool rooms, with board. 32 Hous
ton street. 6-26-36
INICE. cool, furnished rooms; meals if
desired. 72 Spring street. Ivv 4860-1..
| 6-26-35
TW O nicely furnished bed rooms: meals
across the street; close in; reasonable.
74 laickie. Ivy 6682. 6-28-37
CAN ACCOMMODATE’ a few boartiers
with best homelike cooking at 85 buckle.
I '2 3150 15 ’ 26 .‘J! B
FURNISHED ROOM, with or without
_boar<l._ 68 Wa I ton. Main_39»D 1.. 6- 26 -41
' LARGE clean rooms, good table and plen
ty large lawn. Fine for summer. Ref-
I frenres exchanged. Main 3758-.1. 6-26-45
i NICE COOL ROOMS with board. Phone
■ | 22 East Ellis. B-26 -48
BOARDERS wanted for nice, large up
stairs front room: private hath: excel
lent meals. 98 Washington. Main 3654-.1.
i 6-25-47
TWO nicely furnished bed rooms; all con-
, veniences; close in. Main 3722-L. 215
East Fair. 6-26-49
I BEAUTIFUL front room with board. 222 I
■ West Peachtree. Tvy 5784-J. 6-26-50
NICE front room, with or without kitchen
cheap. 243 Whitehall M 3623-J.
t 6-26-54
i NICELY furnished front room; very close
| * n - 1548-J. 65 Woodward. 6-26-56
|TWD nicely furnished rooms in excellent
I north side neighborhood. Ivy 3915-J.
| 6-26-56
TWO connecting rooms near Grant park.
lone furnished. M. 1620-J.6-2G-51
TWO nicely furnished rooms: gentlemen
preferred. ivy 2403-. J. 58 E. Ellis st.
Summer Resorts.
I \ IRGINIA BEACH. VA. Special rates to
families. Very select. Can only accom
modate a very tew .6-22-18
TI’RNERVILLE. GA., near Tallulah Falls,
now open; cool, quiet, comfortable cli
matej excellent fare. 6 9 45
\ i NICE, cool rooms: three best m>’als in
D city; $7 to sl2 per week: references ex-
I changed. 6-13-15
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
i ——
■, COUPLE, leaving town for summer, de
. | sire to rent two rooms and kitchenette:
completely furnished for light housekeep
ling: $12.60. Phone Main 2852-.1. 191 Pul-
I bam street. 52-26-6
j IVY 4606. 6-26-32
■ TWO connecting rooms, furnished com-
; plete for housekeeping, in private fam
ily. to couple without children; every con
ventence. 79 W. Baker. 6-26-19
FURNISHED apartment in Marlborough
; 6-26-14
NICE, cool mums and best homelike cook
; ing in city. 139 Spring street. C. .1.
■ Wcintneister, Ivy 571.9-L.
i i NICE, cool rooms in pleasant neighbor-
i hood; private family; al) conveniences:
> ! meals if desired.lvy 2080-L. 6-26-9
I TWO or three rooms for light housekeep-
i I ing complete. 205 South Forsyth street.
■ Atlanta phone 5714-F.6-26-11
large furnished front room in pri
;l rate, home on Gordon street. West End;
I rent moderate; most pleasant and con-
I veniem location. Phone West 747. 35-26-6
; FOR RENT—Two newly furnished rooms,
I with or without board. 295 Washington.
: | Phone 2JSB Main. 37-28-8
: j LARGE, airy rooms; single, double or
j light housekeeping; north side. Atlanta
j P' lone 5890-M. 25-26-6
ONE furnished room for rent. Apply at
435 E. Fair st. 6-25-2
NICE, cool room In north side apart-
; ment; reasonable: close in. Ivy 5638.
| fL2jL4I
I TWO rooms and small kitchen furnished
; for housekeeping. 357 Capitol avenue
; . 6-25-42
. FOR RENT—Two nicely furnished con
necting front rooms, complete for house
keeping. to parties without children: hot
.bath: Bell phone: best location: with
i owner. 290 Washington. 6-25-33
i NICE large bed rooms or rooms for light
housekeeping: second floar. Ivy 5552-.1.
i 6-25-8
[JULY I. nicely furnished front room;
screened, prix ate porch and entrance;
phone, electric lights; bath convenient.
I Ivy 5580-1.6-25-3
: NICE, cool rooms and best home-like
, • cooking: close in. 252 Courtland.
’ FOR RENT-Nicely furnished rooms "in
’: private home. 19 East Harris street.
'I FURNISHED RO<DMS. up-to-date? all
i J conveniences; two blocks from Candler
D Bldg.: moderate price. 23 East Harris.
• 5-6-24-34
i FOR RENT Three ’ furnished rooms:
large front room, suitable for two or
' three young men. Apply 193 Washington
' 1 street ur phone \fain 3237. 6-24-16
I ’ FOR RENT- Two nicely furnished rooms,
private home; all conveniences. (’all
i Main 2958-L. or apply 223 Capitol ave.
‘ For RI7NT Nicely furnishe 1 ;oor.i at 61
' Cain; apartment 5. 1
; FOR RENT Nice from room, near <’an
. filer building. 102 Ivy street. 6-22-19
FoR RENT Furnished rooms at 77 West
Caln streejL 6 22 1 4
THREE second floor rooms; neat and cool.
■ 305 S. Pryor.42-22-6
FoR RENT Nicely furnished rooms;
cool, quiet place All conveniences. 253
• -2139
! TWO light housekeeping rooms; an con
! veniences Atlanta phone 5853-F. 232
< ’aplt«)l ave. 6-21 -28
FURNISHED front room; cool and com
fortable. board next door. 65 Wood-
■ w.ird ave. Main 1548-.16-21-25
M(’E. uewl> furnished rooms; al»<> light
■ housekeeping apartments; close in; pri-
1 vah fiiMl'x 151 spring st < 30 23
1 THREE light housekeeping roomi; use of
parlor; ever.' convenience; close in;
’ cheap 88 Pulliam st. _6-20-3
Rooms, connecting hath: reasonable to
gentlemen. 64 Form wait. Atlanta
; 4753. f{ s 2() ."_?
. TWO nicely furnished rooms for house
keeping; all conveniences; cheap. 138
Pulliam 801 l phone Main 1827-.1.
I Nh’E? attract JVC cool rooms for rent ro;’
sonable. 173 South Forsyth street.
I NEWLY FURNISHED rooms; reasonable
i prices; centrally located: baths free.
k I Broadway Hotel, 7U North Broad street
’ Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
For Rent.
■ TWO rooms for office or sleeping; Broad
and Whitehall st entrance; electric
I lights 77'.-.. Whitehall.4l -26-6
1 TWi> nice rooms for light housekeeping.
! furnished or unfurnished Apply 194
South Bryor street. 6-26-10
HALF OF HOUSE for rent or furnished
or unfurnished room? 353 Central ave
nue_ 6-21 - 20
I For your convenience. Want Ada will
he taken over the telephone and bill will
be sent at expiration of ad No matter
■ I what you want or have to sell, a Georgian
i j Want Ad will do the work, thus saving
i I you time and money.
Furnished Rooms Wanted.
WANTED—Accommodations for the
Georgia legislators. They are coming
in now and will be in esssion at the state |
capitol for the next FIFTY days. All of
them are on the outlook for nice, com
fortable and home-like places to eat their
meals, or to board or to rem. Many of
the places these legislators had last year
did not suit them and they de
sire to find something better. All
the legislators will read The Georgian
that’s certain. Their attention will bp
called dsy after day to the “Legislators’
Accommodations" column on the Want Ad
pages of The Georgian This will be a
big advantage to you. So if you have eat
ing or. boarding places or have rooms,
apartments or houses or rent, your ad
should be under the “Legislators' Accom
modations’’ heading. An investment of a
few' cents will keep your house full for the
next three months. Rhone <»r send in
your ad at once. 6-26-33
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
FOR RENT Four unfurnished rooms t<>
parties without children. 361 <’apitol
ave. Phone M. 3165. 54-26-6
TWO nice unfurnished second floor rooms
for light housekeeping 95 W est Harris.
Ivy 3962-L. 53-26-6
THREE connecting unfurnished rooms,
all conveniences for housekeeping to
couple; north -side: near in. Ivv 1468-L.
FOR RENT Three or four rooms, sec
ond floor, all Conveniences: good neigh
borhood; close in; suitable for light house
keeping No children. 234 Central ave
nue. corner Woodward. Bell phone Main
THREE unfurnished rooms, two closets,
for light housekeeping to refined couple
15 Little st. 30-26-6
THREE connecting rooms, sink, pantry
and kitchen: convenient lo three car
lines. 424' E. Georgia ave . few doors
Grant park.M-548DL. 6-24-9
TWO rooms for housekeeping elevated
location. Main 183. \tlanta 2997.
FOR RENT—Entire second floor, four
rooms, private bath. hall, porch. Main
461.5-I ± ' 25-37
TWO unfurnished rooms and bath; SB.
364 E Fair st
THREE large eonfiectlng unfurnished
rooms with couple to parties without
children. 247 Oakland ave. 6-20-10
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted.
WANTED—Accommodations for the
Georgia legislators. They are coming
in now and will be in esssion at the state
capitol for the next FIFTY days. All of
them are on the outlook for nice, com
fortable and home-like places to eat their
meals, or to hoard or, to rent. Many <>f
the places these legislators had last year
did not suit them and they de
sire to find something better. All
the legislators will read The Georgian
that’s certain. Their attention will be
called day after day to the “Legislators’
Accommodations" column on the Want Ad
pages of The Georgian. This will be a
big advantage to you. So if you have eat
ing or boarding places or have rooms.
r apartments or houses or rem. your ad
should be under the "Legislators’ Accom
modations" heading. An Investment of a
few cents will keep your house full for the
next three months. Phone or sen<l in
your ad at once. 6-26-33
WANTED—One large unfurnished room
by couple; no children. Prefer private
family. Near in and rates reasonable.
Atlanta phone JL513.6-25-24
WANTED- By couple. July 1. three un
furnished rooms for light housekeeping
with all conveniences; close in and rea
sonable; preferably north side. G. S..
care Georgian. 6-24-7
Furnished Apartments For Rent
NICELY furnished connecting rooms for
light housekeeping; all conveniences;
close in 345 U Peachtree. 6-26-1
FOR THE SUMMER months, one nicely
furnished four-room apartment; all con
veniences; very close in. Phone. Ivv 4327.
TWO, three or five-room apart ment fur
nished complete for housekeeping, rm
( L’ldren 73 Wllllamfl - ' 6-25 9
i »i ;li< ’.htfi 1.. eool FurnSrtied apart
ments; nominal summer rent. West
I’pHchtrre. rare <;e->rgian. 8-25 5
'l’W<» large beautiful rooms, kitchenette
and hath; modern conveniences; nicelv
furnished; north side. Phone Ivy 24 78.
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
HALF of flat, unfurnished, separate en
trance. veranda, porcelain sink, elec
tricky. Ivy 99. 45-26-6
FIVE ROOMS. 47 East Cain street, be
tween Ivy and Courtland streets: $25.
\pply owner, 509 Atlanta National Bank
building. r.- ; s -x:;
FOR RENT- The u»‘w apartment house
at 83 Hurt street, known as the Bosco
bel. consisting of three and four rooms
each, with every ' nown modern conven
ience. and renting for $32.50 to $35. is
now ready for occupancy. Apply on prem
ises or Fitzhugh Knox, 1613 Candler
building. 5-9-57
Furnished or Unfurnished Apart
ments For Rent.
FOR RENT- -Rooms or apartments, fur
nished or unfurnished, in one of the best
residence sections. .Suites of one. two,
three, four or five rooms, with private
bath. New r and all modern conveniences.
Also garage ._ Plmne Ivy 2432. 6-26-21
FOR RENH' Beautiful 5-room first floor
apartmen’. furnished or unfurnished.
105 Highland avenue. Phone Ivv 5448-L
Furnished Houses For Rent.
HOME for rent or sale; ready for occu
pancy at once, owner leaving city. Ivy
3984- L. 169 Cleburne avenue. 6-26- 27
FURNISHED cottage, four blocks north
of Candler Bldg, for rent until October.
F’hone Ivy 6562. 6-25-10
Unfurnished Houses For Rent
THE HOUSE you build, buy or
rent will not be a modern home
unless it is wired for Dectricitv.
FOR RENI’ n<> 27 West Tweifu street
seven rooms, hardwood floors, furnace
heat. See owner. 25 West Twelfth siree*
Phone 2155 Ivy. 5-?3 29
FoR RENT. HOUSES Call, write <-r
phone for our rent bulletin. Ralph o
Cochran, 19 South Broad street 4 1-21
For Rent-Stores.
SPACE FOR RENT suitable fm
market Main 4617-J. Atlanta 1350.
(0 ”, g
Public Baggage and Transfer
M. C. FURNITI RE transfer, we pack
and snip. M. 5490-L. A. 1313 30 West
Hunter 3-12-f
Fire-Proof Storage
pianos. Office And warehouse 239-241
Edge wood-ave Ivy 2037 John J Wood
side Storage Company
Lost and Found.
LOST -Book of railroad tickets belonging
to W. S. Dennard. Used on Central
road between Atlanta and Forest Park.
Return want ad department Georgian
LOST Some letters and application cards.
Finder please < all Mr Bentley, either
phone 6196-26-18
L<’ST Bracelet between Whitehall and
Capitol avenue Monogram J M R
Return to Brittan's Case. 45-47 West
MychelL 6-25-31
LoST T'ollie dog. female, yellow with
white around neck and breast, head and
n<w long Return to JOO F Pin* st . m
phone !v> 3393 Liberal reward 27-25-6
WANTED Accommodations for the
Georgia legislators. They are coming:
I in now and will he in esssion at the state
capitol for the next FIFTY days. All of
them are on the outlook for nice, com
fortable and home-like places to eat their
meals, or to board or to rent Many of
the places these legislators had last year
did not suit them and they 4|e-
sire to find something better. All
the legislators will read The Georgian
that's certain. Their attention will be
called day after <lay to the “Legislators'
Accommodations’’ column on the Want Ad
pages of The Georgian. This will be a
big advantage to you. So if you have cat
ing nr boarding places or have rooms,
apartments or houses or rent, your ad
should he under the "Legislators' Accom
modations" heading. An investment of a
few cents will keep your house full for the
next three months Phone or send in
your ad at on<■ e, 6-26-33
J. S. K.: Father died June 15 Give me
an address where a letter will reach
you. Know of somethlug 10 your interest.
Annie not so well MUST HAVE your ad
dress Edwin Pascal3B-26-6
WANTED Sewing lodo of any descrip
tion. Call Atlanta phono 5890-M.
_ 26-26-6
WANTED The name and address n? par
ty who is keeping a calf left there by
Ed Gray. Notify .1. G. Farmer. Morrow.
Ga. 38-25-6
AFTER twenty years of intense agony
from itching piles I discovered a rem
edy whhh any one can use for the sim
ple asking. Send me postal card for in
structions. Box 39, Buena Vista. Ga.
SERDH’S ffEBl l/l'S c.'ine from trusses
improperly fitted. John B. Daniel, at 34
Wall street, has an expert fitter and it
will cost you no more to have him fit you.
and it means insurance. 6-24 19
3 VIADUCT PLACE, between Peachtree
and Blond. 8 21-36
The Many Spirelta Styles.
INCLUDE a style for every woman, the t
genuine skill of our corsetieres is man
ifested in selecting the model that be
comes you best. Company Headquarters,
8-« East North ave. Ivy 6176 5-28-36
FOI'ND The successful treatment for
skin, blood, chronic diseases apd CAN-
CER. (’all and see Dr. Reynolds Com
pany. 21 Ininan building. Atlanta, Ga. If
• on < aii not call, wf tie 6-7-36
SCREENS Wood fly screens, metal flv
semens, hardwood floors. Venetian blinds,
metal weather «trips, furnisned anywhere
In the South. Write nr phone W. R Cal
laway. manager. 1403 Fourth National
Bank buildlrg. Atlanta. Ga. Main 5310
NOTHING but first-class work and
prompt service. When you are readv
for this kind of work, phone Ivy 1436
ACME LETTER CO., 117 Wesley Memo
rial Bldg 5-6-33
STILL another nig shipment of new wall
papers. Prines right. All work guar
anteed. Better be safe than sorry. Bar
nett & Gordon. 22 E Mitchell st.; 30 sec
onds from Whitehall. 4-13-45
Cl (’I MHER and peroxide cream, espe
cially used for sunburn: guaranteed one
of the best skin foods on the market:
nothing like it for whitening the skin
For sale by Clayton Zahn. 36Whlte-
b -I'-' 5-20-22
CARPETS and RUGS «dean as when new.
<, r process insures satisfaction.
2 cents per square foot 5-23-38
A COMPETENT violin, piano and man
dolin tea- her will accept a limited num
ber of pupils at summer rates, Vddreas
P. O. Box 10?. 25-24 -6
DROPSY Cl RED Relieves shortness of
breath in 36 to 48 hours Red’vces swell
ing m 15 to 20 days. Write for particu
lars. Collom Dropsy Remedy Company,
512 Austell Building. Atlanta 5-25-11
; Medical
DR. EDM<’NDSoN‘B Tansy. Pennyroyal
a.nd Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re
’ liable treatment for painful and sup
« pressed menstruation, irregularities find
similar obstructions. Trial box by mail.
50c. Frank Edmondson & Bro., manufde
-1 turing chemists. 14 South Broad street.
: Atlanta. Ga. 2-17-14
LADIES SI,OOO rewaru. 4 positively
; guarantee my great successful "Month
ly’ remedy; safely relieves some of the
longest, most obstinate, abnormal cases
in three to five days; no harm, pain or
; interference with work: mail $1.50 Dou
ble strength, $2. Dr. F. G. Southington
Remedy Company, Kansas City, Mo.
r Tli'l7 r l' l T I extracted
( J Tjljl U WITHOL" 1 ' pain
23% Whitehall St S ’l-2’
„_____ _
IS NOW LOCATED in tent, corner Fnr
[ | syth and Luckie; can be consulted on
all affairs of life Charges moderate
’ Satisfaction, guaranteed.
: REVEALS past, present and future Can
. be consulted <>n all affairs of life, read
ings. 25c. 50c 17 East Mitchell street <ln
tent). 5-29-5
: OF LIFE. 138 WHITEHALL ST. 4-29-1
I . ■■■ -.
Colored Undertakers.
Fountain & Robinson.
223 Auburn. Atl 5921-F; Night ivy 760$
<jLD hats cleaned uyed and restiaped;
best work, prompt service; satisfaetlon
guaranteed, tun of town orders solicited
Both phones Acme Hatters. 100’4? White
hall street J-11-I
Sewing Machines.
wi . repair any sewing machine Work
called,for and delivered anywhere M
M • ’ 129 B ' !> in av enuß 3-14 9
\\ i i.i, i nen nachines wth comptstw
set of attachments for $2 per month,
also machines repaired; prompt delivery
Both phones 1893. Singer Sewing Machine
Cuinpany. 79 Wi itehah 9-14-44
Pecan Trees.
WA.N’I’ED To bud your pecan trees
Prices reasonable. Work guaranteed
References on request. Apply io W L
Glotisier. Baconton. Ga. 6-26-31
CASH TeGISTEI I for soda fount. muet
be in first-class condition. P (» Box
202; Tallapoosa. (1a.6-26-29
WANTED A second-hand set of drug
fixtures cheap for cash Address Fix-
’ur<-s. Box 866. -.or Georgian
i pi ■ y men's old clothes and shoe ■
1 [rop a card. I Bo< k. 3 Bell t h i 14
BEST CASH PRI-for Furniture?
household goods and office furniture
Pembroke Sales Co, 143 S Pryor street.
Bell phone Main 187 4 5-25
WANTED We pay highest cash prices
on household goods pianos and office
furniture Cash advanced on consign
menis Springers Auction House. 25
South Pryor street. Bell phone Main 1526.
-1- 10
WE PAY' HIGHExSq CASH prices for
household goods, pianos and office fur
niture Cash advanced on consignments
Central Au< tlnn Company. 12 Eas* Ml-'b
ell <treet Bell phone Main 2424. 8-26-26 i
WANTI7D -To give away 400 yards of
dirt on lot adjoining Walton building.
G. W. Met'arts. 206 Walton building
6-25 29
For Sale—Miscellaneous.
NO. 7 REMINGTON typewriter for sale
cheap 482 • Courtland st. 52 -26 1
FOR SALE Cheap, two tickets to Co
lumbia. S. (’. Good until midnight. 29th.
Apply Sullivan, 22 East Ellis 50-26-6
FOR SALE Iron cot. also go-cart almost
hew 62 West Bakei 6-26-7
FOR SALE -Bill Continental congress;
dated May 9. 1776. Johnson, 511 Han
dler building. Atlanta 3s-26-6
remove dirt and germs from rugs, car
pets. floors, etc.; vacuum cleaners from
$32.50 up; vacuum sweepers $9.75. C. J.
Daniel & Co., 416 Fourth Nat. Bk. Bldg.
- H
< roklsinith-Avton-Wit herspoon
62 Peachtree. 61 N. Broad.
Lifetime Furniture.
For <\Li: Biand-new visible typewri
ter. with all improvements. $65. Ad
dress T.vpewriter. care Georgian. 3P-25-6
FOR SALE Upright gas range, in good
condition and (heap, (’all Ivy 6402-J.
For SALE l-lalf Interest in second-hand
furniture business. Apply to 137 Mari
ptla streeL<’ M.J.Jibson. 36-25-6,
FoR SALE Second-hand lumber cheap.
__Rrar 116 E. Fair sc 6-25-J2
One Price No Commission
LET us make you an estimate on
your work. Old pianos made
new again at moderate prices.
The only complete piano shop in
the city.
(eland-Manning Piano
Bell phone Ivy 2240. 80 N. Pryor.
WANTED You tn know that we sell both
new and second-hand furniture fnr the
convenience of the economical housekeep
er. We save von at least 20 ner cent
on every purchase. Cameron Furniture
Company, 39 West Mitchell street. Phone
Main 3229, 6-24-20
FOR SALE Everett parlor grand piano,
in fine condition A<ldress P. o. Box
LARGE, handsomely carved oak buffet,
about* 8 feel long. 8 feet high. French
plate mirrors, marble top, suitable for
large dining room or restaurant. Apply
814 Atlanta National Bank Bldg 82-22-6
REPAIRS and refurnishes all kinds of
furniture. We make ladies' shirtwaist
boxes to order at $3 each Any special
pieces of upholstered furniture we make
io order by expert mechanics. Estimates
carefully furnished Phone Main 2475.
171 Whitehall Street
LI MBLR. sash and dOQFS Ml kinds "f
building material C. Id. Henderson,
Marietta. Ga_ 6-22 50
ONE complete set of mahogany drug fix
tures, one Puffer soda fount, all prac
tically new and in good condition, will
sell at a great sacrifice. Consolidated
Drug ’ ’<l. Pelham, Ga. 6-22-5
National <'ash Register.
$35. SSO. S6O. $75. SIOO, $l5O and up to suit
your needs. Terms easy. Liberal ex
change for cash registers in use. Bell
phone Ivv 4’55. Atlanta 594.
60 North Broad Street.
_ _ _ 6-J3-14
SAFES, new and second-hand: all sizes.
Steel filing cases and fire-proof cabinet?
Gookln Bank and t’ffice Equipment <’oni
pam 6-13-17
Cotton Seed Hulls.
F. It LOGAN & CO.. A TL ANTA. ti-IT-37
High-class work. Arm** Letter Co. 417
We<lex Memorial Bldg Phone Ivy 1436
WE 1? ENT goon pianos. $3 month up
We sell good pianos. $5 month up
Bargain in second-hand. SIOO up
R P Hecht Companj. 110 Temple Court
building Pell nhone 6v7 MMn 4 23-20
BE SURE and see our screens and get
our prices before buying Kane Blind
and S< rerti Un.. J J Crawford. 202 Kiser
Bld v M 19293-20-11
Atlanta Tent and Awning
MANUFACTURERS high-grade tents and
awnings. 39>i Luckie st. Ivy 5667.
A nipi‘ic‘l h registers even thing ”
.mih i h tin Latest improvements.
(’.><ll ( >l<i registers exchanged.
' All sixes, easy terms.
Atlanta (.’ash Register Co.
IVt UJM ( lb 34 East Alabama street
p< UT. s sui’j 'i \l. Best dollar watek In
, the world sent prepaid, only 86c
Fully guaranteed to keep correct time
two years or money refunded. New watch
given free If It breaks. A more servicea
ble watch can not be had at any price
Money refunded immediately* if you are
n<»t highly pleased. Order today without
fail Pop** Watch and Diamond Company.
1514 Main street. Da lias. Te x. 6-1-14
SODA FOUNTS’* Bargain in new and sec-
ond-hand soda fountains; easy terms,
write for prices. P. o. Eox 1032. Atlanta
Ga. 3 16-76
Auction Sales.
AT' AHp'(’ T l'() N'— (
consignments, including a
tine lot of household goods
IToni 255 Courtland St., con
sisting of tine bed room fur
niture. brass beds, refriger
ators. library furniture, art
squares, rockers, dining
ehairs, tine springs and
mattresses, pillows,, center
and library table, rush fiber
porch furniture, erex nigs,
and many other fine fur
nishings too numerous to
imention, to the highest bid
bier. eommeneing at 10 a. m..
Friday, .lune 28. Central
! Am-tion Co., 12 E. Mitehell
T() MO RRO W. Thursday,
June 27. the entire furnish
hugs and household goods of
a 10-room house, and other
consignments. All of this
furniture is practically new,
consisting of fine and medi
um grade furniture, includ
ing everything to furnish
the home from parlor to
kitchen, embracing oak chif
forohe. very fine early Eng
lish china closet that cost
$65. exceptionally fine earl.v
English buffet that cost SBS,
pedestal dining table, very
fine art pictures, an unus
ually large lot of bed and
table linen, spreads, quilts
and blankets. Axminster
and body Brussels art
sipiares and rugs. Crex
squares, carpets, lace cur
tains. portieres, etc., tomor
row. Thursday, June 27, at
113 South Pryor street.
(’(‘MMENUING promptly at 1A a. m. to
morrow • Thursday) we will offer to
the highest bidder the complete fur
nishings of a 10-room house. Including
quartered oak hall rack. Vernla-Mar
tin beds, fell mattresses. National
springs, quartered oak dressers and
washstands, porch furniture, porch
swing, dining chairs, rockers, refrig
erators, sanitary iron cot, feather pil
lows. ladles’ desk, oak wardrobe with
double mirror doors, parlor lamps,
parlor tables, davenport, china, bric
a-brac. kitchen utensils, very fine par
lor heater, oil stoves, gas stoves, also
1 store floor scales. Lade of snare for
bids us mentioning many otrier arti
cles which will be offered tn the high
est bidder, but your presence at this
sale will positively prove very profit
able to you. Sale commences prompt
ly at 10 a. m. tomorrow (Thursday),
June 27.
143 South Prvor St.
I • ■
k 1 ,
ING. JUNE 27. 10 A. M.,
''om VI l'lN<'l NG at 10 a m . we will offer
to the highest bidder, a very flne lot of
furniture and household goods, consisting
of dressers, washstands. Iron beds. Na
tional springs, new and second-hand mat
tresses, mahogany parlor suit, oak bed
room suit, mahogany bookcase, also one
in oak. vary line oak buffet, china closet,
. round pedestal dining table and six chairs,
a complete mission dining room suit, chif
fonier. chairs, rockers, mahogany and
mission davenport, hric-a-brac stands,
mahogany settee, lady's writing desk.
Mrrris chair, bowls, pitchers, art squares,
tugs, mailings, refrigerator, gas stove. It
Is impossible to name each article to he
sold, ami ask you to call and inspect
same, as we must sell everything at this
sale, rain or shine.
25 Smith Pryor Street.
Trunks, Bags and Suitcases
ROUNTREE’S ” w s , V^t all
PHONES: Bell Main 1575. Atlanta 1«54
Office Fixtures.
Stove and Range Repairing.
i sell second-hand gas stoves. We sweep
chimneys. We take down heaters. We
sell wick and wfckless nil stoves. We
. sell gasoline stoves and ranges. Atlanta
phone 2235. 121 Whitehall st. Bell phone
M 2699. 4-4-T
I rr-.r’a;
Mattresses Renovated.
WE MAKE OVER old mattresses: a*Bn
furnish new ticking; best work; givens
n trial terne Mattress Company, Jack
sun and Irwin streets. Both phones
» 4 t