Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, June 26, 1912, HOME, Image 8
0. S. IN FIR OF RATE INCREASES With the first decision of the inter state commerce commission in favor, at least partially, of the Southern car ier>, railroad commissioners and represen tatives of trade bodies of the South eastern territory are prepnrinK to make a desperate fight to obtain the suspen sion of Southern Classification Xn. 38. the new freight rate schedule ordered into effect by the railroads on August 1. The interstate commerce commission, while prevailing upon the carriers to suspend the ne« schedule from June 17 to August 1. are not disposed to inter fere with the new freight rates The commission recently informed a com mittee of Southern rail oad commis sioners sent to Washington to obtajn a suspension that the new schedule had been urged on the railroads by the Fed eral authorities It was urged to obtain uniformity of freight rates. As the result of a lengthy conference held in the office of the state railroad commission. J P. Webster, rate expert of the Georgia commission; J. T. Slatter, of Birmingham; E. S. Good man, of Richmond, and J. H. Pench. of the Florida commission, will meet In Birmingham next week to make an ex haustive study of the new schedule to determine exactly how Southern rates will be affected by its operation. It is understood the interstate com merce commision is willing to suspend certain phases of the new schedule — such phases as indicate unusual in creases in rates —but the Federal com mission has determined not to recede from its effort to secure uniformity of rates, and for this reason will refuse to suspend the classification in toto. Each age of our lives has its Joys. Old people should be happy, and they wilt be if chamberlain's Tablets/ are taken to strengthen the digestion and keep the bowels regular These tablets are mild and gentle In their action and especially suitable for people of middle «ge and older. For sale by all dealers. • •• GET IT TODAY The great distribution is now in progress, and all readers who have been clipping the headings should get ' their books today. The Georgian wants everybody in Atlanta and vicinity to have this MODERN $1.50 Atlas, and must urge you to call early, for such an offering can not last long. ITIS Yours Now ‘.vi # If you present six headings of consecutive dates from the rst pa-ge °f The Georgian (clipped like the following) iMMMw rrr; —~ — •7 ***sjra*******' (CI P ° Ut " lbove - t 0 «how merely part of heading with date) •i sifflSi and the expense fee to defray the necessary items ziv $ i u of the cost of handling,’ packing, shipping, check- R»MMM ffl n accoun^n^’etc ’’ as s^own ° w * I Imß % The One ’•• ’*• ®Sp • BBMT ** * k/A >*n *• »7 r’ktjC. - * * * 1 *• » • Who Succeeds is the Qi 11 One Who Can Say IX 3 I jkT N ’ Reduced Illustration —Actual Sire S4*x7 Inches. But you can’t know “off-hand" the population of every principal city in the world; you can’t remember the date of every great his torical event; you forget the characteristics of some of the great cities of the world. You don’t need to carry all of these statistics “in your head;” the Standard Atlas carries this information for vou; and using it as a reference book you can always confidently sav “I KNOW.” C ONTAINING ————— MACHINERY of our GOVERNMENT Special MAPS and Charts AT WASHINGTON, d c. some other With Duties, Pewer* and Salaries of Federal Employee Mallrallualu U«ui Faal.laa COVERING THE ENTIRE GLOBE UIS 11RC11 ¥6l/ NOW Printed in Colors From New Plates. nr Life . „ GET THIS ARE CHAPTERS ON R ’ II Z?,-L M * P * Os Ever y- Bt *‘* »" d Ter. I Terri Ts inio ATI A C The United Poreet Service R.H&Tm.p. Os Province. of Canada UdEt* U L 1» 1 Z Al LAb In all of the above M the named , , ~. , J . thereto P*rtatnln K of the Raiiroadu a-e given (like illustration ; bound in suK-nnished cloth, beau- T he united 5t.... «.~i.. Map. of the Arctic and Antarctic Re- . . , . . - *™?k 2 State. Reclamation Service tiful and durable printed on superfine paper; con- svetems Tunnell pT.mnVA te.* Showing rou’ee of explorers, Including , , - ~. , ■ ? t Pumping Plants, the most recent. taming a wealth of useful mtormation never before u, /? 1 Insular Possessions Maps Biographies of Our Presidents Showing cables and steamship routes appearing in a similar work; full and complete in Giving important facts relating to Maps of Foreign Countries . r their administrations, and portraits w'ith all provinces, districts and de- everv detail; useful for home, school, and office of eich partments of each “ Descriptive Gazetteer of the World Which shows fstest revised plane of Present at this office six head- e'ee' de?eript*cnti nv of' construction, with profile and cross , a if* r cities In the world M. n *. e nV O . n n. V! CJAia i u £ s consecutive dates and fee Latest Census of the United States •MX’, Fupply, Commercial 1 T^dto^^hh i.^ r '■ fitatc Organization*. q( and 1890 and all eltiez and Htjulvalent Projection, Etc B y MAIL, 15 CENTS EXTRA FOR POSTAGE towns of LMIO or more inhahiunts’"* 5 NEGRO WOMEN FIGHT WITH KNIVES; 1 DIES; SLAYER IS ARRESTED Addie Williams, a negro woman, liv- I i Ing in the rear of 48S Woodward ave ' nue, is at the police station today 1 charged with murder, as the result of a knife duel last night with another I negro woman, Corinne Morris. 15 Cen- I tral avenue. The two women fought to . | the death in a room at 15 Butler street. After receiving a mortal wound, tne Morris woman ran to the corner of Butler and Gilmer streets, a. block away, and fell dead. The Liver is the i Road to Health If the liver h right the whole system is right CARTER’S LITTLE , I LIVER PILLS will JPK gently awaken your I aiugg-h. dogged- dßp ’ up livet and cure CARTERS constipation, VITTLE upset store-IIV ER [PILLS, active XX—, ■■■■■ bowel), > lon of appetite, rick headache and dizziness. Purely vegetable. You need them Small Pill. Small Doss. Small Price. The GENUINE bum bear signature $lO : ATLANTA TO PENSACOLA AND RETURN via The WEST POINT ROUTE . Ticketa on sale every Thursday up to and Including August 22, 1912. Return limit ten days. Sleeping cars, dining cars, coaches. Cail at Ticket Offices: Fourth Natlona 1 Bank Bldg, and Terminal Station. THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1912. Colorado Is Nature's Big Repair Shop Your overhauling is due. Your nerves are frazzled. Your sleep brings no rest. Your appetite is an insult to the cook and your digestion is a loafer. You’re run down. And why not? How long do you think blood and flesh will submit to the pounding you’ve given yourself for the last year? Go out to Colorado and let the hills take you in hand. Take a daily bath in the mountain air, forget your worries and hurries and play for a month. Come back with man power like horse power and make the next eleven months count for twenty-four. It’s cheap to get a man who can work like two at the cost of a month’s rest. And the round-trip fares are low enough for any pocketbook. Any way of going to Colorado is a good way, because it gets you to Colorado. But the best service is that afforded by the Rock Island Lines The people you meet en route—the scenes through which you pass—the many delightful surprises, make a trip on Rock Island trains a part of your vacation. Through Sleeping Cara From the Southeast —electric lighted and strictly modern—are operated in con nection with the Frisco Lines. The Colorado Flyer— every morning from St. Louis—and other fast daily trains from St. Louis, Kansas City, Memphis, Chicago, Omaha and St. Joseph for Colorado, Yellowstone Park and the Pacific Coast. Write for our booklets “Under the Tur quttie Shy" and “ Little Journeys in Colorado'' and details of fares and service. ißahmMi H ' HUNT, District Pass, Agent. UMpnußk 18. No. Pryor St., Atlanta, Ga. MWySMiI Phone Main 661. GEORGIAN WANT A DS BRING RESULTS. RELIABLE DENTISTRY CO CC*T AC Xb Mi PIH« Red and Gold TnetaUic\V> dfa f I wr wLL EbL Ek —b«<e*. sealed with Blue Ribbon. >5 TEETH .... n L |C Jr »lAM«XD BRAND PILLS, for 85 515 5At A** y«*''fc" l '*n*sßest.Safe<tA!wavsße!laMa nf Toath . $lO SOLD BY OgtGGISTS EVERYWHERE All Other Dentistry at CTORSYITH TilfnlHlr Lowest Prices ■ AtfateißwiesineMer f Taright »;8* Painless Extraction. gus Edwards —Himself and f)D ET ■ ' C'BilFdN’Q gate city EDWARDS' SONG REVUE! “>■ ■ ll> w ocntal rooms LIDO M'MILLAN & CO., JARROR, 24 i/ ! Whitehall St.. Over Brown & Allen's Drug Store. a CARLIN & PENN, 4 SOLIS BROS., Hours. Bto 7; Sunday, 9to 1. Lady Attendant. J DELMORE & ONEIDA. When ' I Does NIN& PJANOtoM I the I Contest |BWiliiil '-Hi Close? To illustrate the high standard maintained in our distribution, we point out that all of ten S4OO pianos to be given away are of the Cleve land-Mannino manufacture. That’s the question that is most fre quently asked in our mail during the past, few days. We have answered it a number of times, but we repeat here for the bene fit of those who have not read the replies that the contest consists of a series of 75 pictures, of which we print one each day. The 69th picture appears today, as part of this announcement. The 75th picture will be printed on Tuesday, July 2 one week from today. Following this there will be a period of ten days allowed for the assembling, reviewing and sending in of the solutions. This period will end on Friday, July 12th. Requests that we extend the time for sending in solutions to two weeks have been received, but we can see no good reason for this. The reason most frequently given is the pos sibility of delay in the mails, but we will accept solutions bearing a postmark indi cating that the package was mailed prior to the close of the contest, even though it does not reach us before that time. Please, therefore, keep these facts in mind: Seventy-fifth picture will be printed July 2d. All solutions must be mailed or sent to this office before noon. Friday, July 12th. If you expect to make use of the Answer Bonk, published for your convenience, or of the Proverb Guide, or back numbers of the pictures that have appeared in The Georgian every day, you had better not delay sending in your order. Through the employment of extra clerks and by exti;a effort on the part of the older em ployees. we have been able, so far, to keep abreast of the avalanche of orders for these requisites, and today's business is started without a single unfilled order on hand. But we ean not promise a contin uance of this sort of service during the closing days of the contest, and we urge you. therefore, to make your wants known in advance of the rush of the closing days, which previous experience has taught us to expect. We are still receiving orders for the full set of pictures, in spite of repeated an nouncements that we can not send pic tures until they have been published. And the prices of the contest requisites are printed again today to prevent the send ing in of extra sums of money, which re quires added labor in returning these ex tra sums to the sender: Answer Books—Sent anywhere for sl. Proverb Guides —25c at this office: 30c by mail Back numbers of the Proverb Pictures— -2c each. This Is Picture No. 69 that'* OAK NOT now/, fe tr&e? 6EEN S that way SiwtE * k ’ W/ API -i N(i jp li / J Wnat Froverb Does This Pictnre Represent? Proverb Contest Editor, Atlanta Georgian No. 20 East Alabama St. My solution to Proverb Puzzle No. 69 i> A My Name is Street or R. F. i). No Town State Hold al! answers until you have the entire set. No answers will be considered If sent In before th© publica tion of the last picture. Here’s the List of 1,500 Prizes Ist prize, $.2,000 in Gold. 2d prize, SI,BOO Auto. 3d prize, SI,OOO in Gold. 4th prize, Miteheil three-passenger roadster. sth prize. SSOO in Gold. r Sth prize, S4OO Piano. - - 7th prize, S4OO Piano. \ 3th prize, S4OO Piano. ) Sth prize, S4OO Piano. / 10th prize, S4OO Piano. , CWand-Manning Piano 13th prize, S4OO Piano. \ 14th prize, S4OO Piano. I 15th prize, S4OO Piano, j 16th prize, SIOO in Gold. 17th prize. SIOO in Gold. 18th prize, SIOO in Gold. 19th prize, SIOO in Gold. 20th prize, SIOO in Gold. 21st to 28th prize, $75.00 Typewriter. 29th to 78th prize. Elgin Watch. 79th to 830 prize, Beautiful Brass Lamp. 84th to 115th prize, ten-year Knickerbocker Watch, 116th to 140th prize, ten volumes Poe’s Works. 1 41st to 340th prize. Imported Cake Set. hand-painted 341st to 540th prize. Imported Berry Set, hand■ painted 541« t to 740th prize, White.and Gold Cake Set, Imported 741st to 940th prize, White and Gold Berry Set, Imported 941st to 1,040th prize. Sterling Silver Mounted Fountain Psns. 1.0415 tto 1,066th prize, Silver Watch—l 6 size. 1.066th to 1,090th prize, Seventeen - Piece Imported Choc o ate Set. II 1,0915 t to 1,290th prize, Imported Griffon Razor. 1.2915 t to 1.305th prize, Eight-Piece Imported Steak Set 1.306th to 1,405th prize, Eight-Piece Kitchen Set. 1,406th to 1,500th prize, Decorated Plaques. Total Value $16,000.00