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' ■■"-■ ~ ,aa^rrr Mjr»nrwK»r<x<irjirrw>'*" r wfrAf rif t7K ■?nfTX?tiMF , 9li>WWKy< <^-k^^ 07crrr
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■<l Make Res- Surf Bath- |K|
H creations . ,i ing, Boating Igl
| 1 7 , ■' - 13:1
Nou) and -
C Get the Best - ' ■ •• - - Best Fishing
Special 0Z? C
w Rotes /iu- - 5 jouth Jk
sy jW'*- >■ • ■*' f
C gust / r ) Io Atlantic
October /. MBEaWy Coast.
** . J r : fr wawMiiii iwMwft • ote
♦ I * *-, '—-
w I\!CY\A/ K TIIVIF J esse N-Couch manager of the Oceanic, is at the Majestic Hotel in oj|
$Li INV ¥V 1O mVIIL Atlanta where he will remain until Thursday night, when he leaves wtih
ir: a ] ar g e p ar fy f O r the Oceanic at Wrightsville. Call or phone Ivy I 348 for
reservation and information; or call Seaboard ticket office, ww*
88 Peachtree, Phone M. 100. Private Pier, Sound Side,, 60-foot Im l\] ( (J| || rl iVI QF
Launch and Boats m charge of Capt. Oscar Salter. All cooks white, f I’* V?k/UV<Xl| I’l q* •
and all help from Atlanta. Special ten day Summer rates nn S. A. L. ■ ~= =
. , . < ~, - , - '- . --- ,-,,. >;< ■>>. a ■ .7". --- - - —r. -. ■; ■■-■- a -?-
u'^ubb--.. 1 t ."w-ia—jj ■»"."" l '’.'i^" l - 1 -—ttt— i | - i ".,je-.'i'l. ~ '.i .i 4 . r i—« jli'in'w ~——■—■rr-.— “-,-»■ "J' •• -'■■-■-’■?■ ■!■..■■■'».!»"- . ■.»,."! 1 .. t.'.'iw."“j. - ■ j.■ .i''. ritiiijeiMtj,-.."Jr- 1 J- .!Mlui-.!. , -Ji..i i.^.ixi-ii-I!!— ia.^M®peuu— Hgew,Bl - L - L -**■■■ .r^teag®gsagg.u—^ji_ -■!■■,«. —■.fmjw.«isl_i. , BBgww—aarwr^'LMjmjara»nßWMß!Bßßßaaw—e»aß
Women's and Misses' Apparel at
Our recent fire necessitated the purchase of a now Readv-to Wear stork,
which, being late in the season. we bought at about half price from manufac
turers anxious Io dispose of the balance of their summer merchandise. This
stock., which lias just arrived, is all new. fresh and the pirk of the season's
best styles. It is marked at about half the usual;selling prices. Note these
wonderful Wednesday specials.
$5.95 to $7.50 Norfolk Suits. $3.95. Stylish Linen > /’IW P®
Norfolk models in blue, whit“ and natural with /
la< c trimmed collar and cuffs, also a lovely Norfolk *'& ’h a '
model of tine white pique. Suits worth from $5.95 \ • z W z
to $7.50, Wednesday at $3.95. /
$5 t n $7.50 Lingerie and Linen Dresses at $5.95. \
Level'- lingerie models, effectively trimmed in I
la< e-. embroideries. etc. Prettv models of voile I /ffc
trimmed with wide bands of beautiful linen lace. ® S B i...
\n<>fher charming model of all over embroiderv, y
and fine linen m white and natural, in hue \ *<| z $Jf
trimmed or mmlified Norfolk st.'le. Special Wed- I ’
nesda' at $3.95.
$1 on t.ingrrir Waists fisc.\ $3 to $4 Silk Petticoats \
' grrat -.<■ qB Prtfjlo;)tß of an (Lg nr
new t\b? m daintx lace .. > . ~
and all mer embroidery § K rp,lp, l T>*’’.V of silk messa- ? I
waur . Wednesday, choice \*IF f J line, coming in black and all \ I
fise. . / colors. Wednesday $1.95. /
Ladies' and Misses’ $5.95 Raincoals, Wednesday, $5.95
49 Whitehall Street
You Cam Always Find
to Read Georgian Want Ads
It takes but a few minute? to - arefullv read Georgian Want Ads. You see.
our Want Ads are convenient]', arranged For instance, if you wish to bin - or cent j
a house, merely clip out the < olumn headed “For Sale Houses'' or “For Rent—•
Houses.’* You will have time to read it m the street car. during noon hour, or in
the evening.
Read Georgian Want Ads for anv desire you may have.
Don't neglect to read them ,-verv dav.
- —. ..1.. •_«— . . ■■ IIW ■;-■»I ——MM—I
It Pays to Please
It s the Secret
Os Our Success
i 'iji' j im- -'.■. ~ i a— ii > " i-„" ,!■.-in '!■'■ »".i ■
That why Our Suits are made of the
Best and Newest Fabrics---why the shades
and combinations you get from us are the
very latest---why you always find the new
styles in our stock —
That s why the most skillful Designers
and Tailors are employed in the construction
of our Suits--~that we may ‘Please the
and Young Men of our Community—
Votz 1) be F with the Mew Summer
Styles we re showing today for Men at
S2O. $25 and S3O. For Young Men at sls,
$lB and S2O.
Come in and ask to see them-
Eiseman Bros, Inc.
11-13-15-17 Whitehall St.
.. ■■'l II IIIIHMH i | i- l ** , L , !.!!! l _ . ■■.!■!...□ L_J—,imjUl i
Bargain Priced
Steamer Trunks
TF<= ««ving we offer you will help pay the expense
of you ■ summer trip. Here are the prices that will
move this lot of Steamer Trunks.
$17.50 values $12.50 SIO.OO values $7.50 :
$14.50 values SIO.OO $ 7.50 values . $6.00
$12.50 values $ 9.50 $ 5.00 values . $3.95
The Heme of Guaranteed Baggage
92 Whitehall St.
C/5 |JM|
5 .Wednesday will be one of >
“ the greatest bargain days of the
great MilbEndSale. Hundreds of >
ea specials besides those quoted in
$ this advertisement will be of- g
g sered. Store will open at 8
o’clock. Come early. w
CQ (Z>
co Fivp cases Figured Organdies and Dress J <33
Lawns at Mill-End price of, vard *f?v 3*
< h (Z>
® Fancy White Flaxons, sold elsewhere at 4A a-
- Mill-End Sale price,l UC 53
<Z> >
<! Colored Flaxons in many patterns; Qr*
CO worth 25c a yard ; Mill-End price .. .'.vG
Mill-Ends of White and Colored Piques, 4
worth 25c to 35c, at, yard IwC c/j
M . .
yj Mill-Ends of All-Linen Dress Swisses, 4Oa
</) worth 50c. at, choice, per yardl UC CS
CQ 500 dozen 100-yard Spools of Best Sewing
Silk, in Mack and colors; per spool OG
Applique Scarfs and Squares, worth 50c; 1 Oj*
@a Mill-End Sale price .only IqC
- . . (/)
</) Mill-Ends of Fancy A Hover Lace Nets for Em
yokes, door panels, etc., eachvG CS
< >
45-inch Table Covers of double-faced Satin
Damask; SI.OO values '...... vwG
</) . S 3
Fifty bolts of Allover Lace Curtain Nets
£S to sell at, per yard• vv
1 Bargains in Millinery t
J and Ready-to-Wear I
Ladies’and Misses Hats, worth up to
2 $3.00; in this sale at
“ New Wash Dresses of fancy- lawns, batistes, <f* 4 OO
r>s etc.: up to $6.00 values: choice Zp I wvrO
New-Silk Dresses, taffetas, pongees, etc.; tf’Jl Q£
up to $12.50 values, at *'.._
c/) New White Wash Skirts, reps, linens, etc.; CO#* 5
up to $1.50 values VvC (/>
69 . (Z)
New Wash Skirts of fin<= hnene; real QQa "
values up to $3.00; onlywOC 05
Skirts of all wool Panama, voile and fancy
mixtures; $8.50 values
New line of Lingerie and Linen Waists; L
•«£ up to $2.00 values; at
Ladies -Corset (‘overs and Drawers, worth up 4
to 50c; in this sale . . I vKe
I Specials in Our Cash |
I Furniture Department i
f/5 l-H
Full doubl c bed size, 30 pound All 4
C® Cotton Mattresses, only . . | „>Jo r/)
35-pound All-Cotton Mattresses, full double tf*sl Q 0
bed size; special at
“T 40 pound AH Cotton Mattresses, with roll QO
to edge sateen ticking, only .." !>
M Our 45-pnund R°d Star Cotton Felt <FA CJE tr i
- Mattress is a real sls vahm. at » '
(Z) The Sellsmore Cotton Felt Mattress, very iff* Os 'C
best quality; our price
Large Pillows filled with best geese feathers QA >»
and covered with best ticking *zOC
Good size 3-pound Feather Pillows, in OO’
c/) this salp at special price of OilC g
Best White Geese Feathers plucked Jl Q f/t
tyj from live gppse, per pound
(Z1 19 W. Mitchell St,- 7"
c We Give Gr«en Trading Stamps r&