Newspaper Page Text
Wumjii tssg-IQMKiG gfcr.
By Ed W. Smith.
EAST LAS VEGAS, N. M.. June 26.-
> Jim Flynn came into the city last
evening for a look about and to shake
hands with some friends who arrived
during the day to remain for the con
test next week with Jack Johnson.
During one of the lapses in the con
versational fire that besieged the Pu
eblo man I asked him why he felt so
confident of whipping the champion.
Without any hesitancy. Flynn reeled
off four reasons that he figured to be
very good ones He is betting heavily
on each of them. Here they are. tabu
lated in the order he doled them out:
1. I’m bigger and stronger and faster
than ever before.
2. I know how to hit straight now;
didn’t before.
3. I will make Johnson come to me,
fighting cautiously and thus neutraliz
es the Johnson method of milling.
4. I'm fit now to go ino -ounds at any
clip he may fancy.
Thus you will notice perhaps that
Flynn didn't include to me the much
mooted question of his opponent’s con
dition. Generally it is inserted in con-
here relative to the result of
the battle thus: "If Johnson is in the
shape'he was at Reno.” etc. The same
“if” boding ill for Flynn.
“As a matter of fact. I’m not figuring
on what condition he is tn at all,” said
Flynn. "For the sake of making my
victory all the more pronounced and
clean cut. I'm hoping that he won’t
have any excuses on the matter of
condition. But good or not, I feel that
I can trim him this time.”
SAN FRANCISCO, June 26.—Harry
Ables, former Southern and American
league twirler. now with the coast league,
seems to have sustained more serious in
juries than was reported after his fight
with a fan here two weeks ago. One of
his eyes Is injured and his sight is en
dangered. He will not be able to work
again for some time. His idleness means
a big handicap for the Oaks.
, (, INDIANAPOLIS, June 25.—Jack Dil
lon. claimant of the middleweight
championship, has been matched to
meet Joe Thomas,,the California light
•»heavyweight, in a ten-round contest to
"’be held at the ball park at Terra Haute
July 4. Tommy Dillon. Jack's brother,
will take on Eddie Hart, of Terra
Haute, and Jimmy Watts will meet
Frankie Mason in the other ten-round
bout on the boxing program.
EfT - ~~ ~ ---Ml HFiriTl ULIIIIIBWHIHI .1 1111 T 111 I !■■■■■!l ■ lITI 11 Iff
At the Top
Because of Quality and Purity
Bottled with crowns or f
corks only at the Home
Plant in St. Louis
The Anheuser-Busch Brewery
Covers an area of 140 acres of ground, equal to 70 city
blocks, upon which are located 110 individual buildings.
Brewing Caoaclty • • • 2,500,000 barrels per year Refrigerator freight cars . . .1,500
Malting Capacity . . . 2,000,000 bushels per year n or3e3 at home plant .... 143
Bottling Work. .. . 1,000,000 bottles doll, Wagons at. home plant .... 78
Grain Storage Elevators 1, bushels " 7A
Stockhouses (for lager Ing) 600,000 barrels Auto Trucks at home plant • • 74
Steam Power Plant . . 12,000 horse power Horses at Branches4B3
E'ectric Power Plant . 4,000 horse power Wagons at Branches43o
Refrigerator Plant . . 4,000 tons per day Auto Trucks at Branches ... 47
li-p Plants 1,200 tons per day
Coal Used 325 tons per day EM PLOYES
FREIGHT St. Louis . 6,000 people
Inbound and Outbound . . 50,000 cars per year At 36 Branches . . 1,500 people
Total Sales, 1911—1,527,832 Barrels
t Budweiser Bottled Beer Sales, 1911 —173,184,600 Bottfa
Jas. F. Lynch, Distributor. Atlanta, Ga.
Games Toaav.
Chattanooga in Atlanta at Ponce De-
Leon. Game called at I o’clock
Only one game scheduled.
Standing of tne Ctut>*.
W L P C W. L. P.C
B'ham .42 25 .627 Mobile .36 36 500
N. Or. . .33 29 .532 Mont. . 31 36 .463
Chatt. . .32 31 .508 Atlanta. 26 34 .433
M’mphls 32 31 .508 N’ville. .27 37 .422
Yesterday s Results.
Birmingham-Montgomery, off day.
Memphis 1, Atlanta 0 (first game.)
Memphis 5, Atlanta 0 (second game.)
Nashville 4, Chattanooga 3 (nrst game.)
Chattanooga 5, Nashville 3 (second
Mobile 2, New Orleans 0.
Games Today.
Albany in Jacksonville.
Savannah in Columbia.
Macon in Columbus.
Standing or the Clubs.
W L p C W. L. P C
J’ville. .35 17 .673 Macon . .25 28 .472
Albany . 31 34 .564 Cbus. . 25 29 .463
Sav nah. 31 27 .534 Cola . . .16 38 .296
Yesterday's Results
Columbia 5, Savannah 3 (first game.)
Savannah 6. Columbia 3 (second game.)
Macon 7, Columbus 1.
Jacksonville-Albany, lain.
Games Today.
St. Louis in Chicago.
Detroit in Cleveland.
Boston in Washington.
New York in Philadelphia.
Standing of the Clubs.
U I. P C W. L. P.C
Boston . 41 19 683 C’land . 28 30 .483
Wash. . 36 26 .581 Detroit. .29 34 .460
Chicago .36 26 .581 N York 17 37 .315
Phila ' . 33 24 .579 S. Louis 17 41 .293
Yesterday's Results.
Washington-Boston, ram.
New York-Philadelphia, rain.
St. Louis 7. Chicago 2.
Cleveland 7, Detroit 5.
national league
Games Today.
Brooklyn in Boston
Philadelphia- in New York.
Chicago in Cincinnati.
Pittsburg in St. Louis.
Standing of the Clubs.
W. L. P C W. L. P C
N. York 45 11 804 Phila . 21 30 412
P'burg . 33 24 .579 Br’klyn 26 37 .412
Chicago. 31 24 .564 S. Louis 21 34 .382
C’nati. . 34 27 .557 Boston . 18 42 .300
Yesterday's Results.
Brooklyn 7, Boston 0
Chicago 11, Cincinnati 0 (first game.
Cincinnati 3. Chicago 1 (second game.)
New York 2, Philadelphia 1.
Pittsburg 10. St. Louis 4 'first game.)
Pittsburg 19. St. Louis 3 (second game.)
Games Today.
Indianapolis In Toledo.
Louisville in Columbus.
Milwaukee in Minneapolis.
Kansas City in St. Paul.
Standing of the Clubs.
W. L. P F W. L PC
Cbus. . 49 26 .653 M'w'kee. 30 43 .411
Toledo . 46 26 .639 I’anolis .28 43 .394
M’apolis 43 27 .614 S Paul. 29 44 .397
K. City. 36 35 .507 L'ville. .25 42 .373
Yesterday’s Results.
Toledo 7, Louisville 1.
St. Paul 5, Milwaukee 2.
Columbus, 8, Indianapolis 5.
(Only three scheduled.)
Games Today. v
Toronto ’ij Providence. ,
Montreal in Jersey City.
Buffalo in Baltimore.
Rochester in Newark.
Standing of the Clubs
A 1.. »’ •’ W. L. P<~
Roch. . .36 24 .600 Buffalo. .27 29 .482
B’more. .35 25 .583 Newark. 29 32 .475
J. City .34 31 .5.3 P’denre 26 35 426
Toronto .29 30 .492 M'treal. 25 35 .417
Yesterday's Results.
Montreal 4. Jersey Citv 2.
Rochester 4. Newark 2.
Toronto 15, Providence 2.
Buffalo-Baltimore, rain.
Games Today.
Knoxville in Asheville.
Johnson City in Morristown.
Bristol in Cleveland
Standing of the Clubs,
w L. p .< ■ w l. p r
Bristol 23 13 .639 K'xville 20 18 .526
J. City 20 15 .571 A’eville 15 20 .429
C’v'l'nd 19 17 .528 M'town 14 20 .412
Yesterday's Results.
Cleveland-Bristol; rain.
Johnson City Morristown; rain.
Asheville 3, Knoxville 1.
Standing or the Clubs
W L P.C W L. P C
Gadsden 4 1 .800 A'nfst'n 2 3 .400
H’sville 4 1 .800 B’s’mer 1 4 .200
Rome 3 2 .600 Selma 1 4 .200
Yesterday's Results.
Gadsden 2. Bessemer 0.
Anniston 1, Rome 0.
Huntsville 7, Selma 2.
Games Today.
Charlotte in Spartanburg.
Winston-Salem in Anderson.
Greenville in Greensboro.
Standing of the Clubs.
W I, I C \V L. p.C
A’ders’n 33 17 630 W.-S’m 24 29 .453
C'rlotte 28 21 .571 G’sboro 22 28 .440
Sp’b’rg 26 25 .510 G’nville 20 33 .377
Yesterday s Results.
Greensboro 4. Greenville 3.
Anderson 0. Winston-Salem 7.
Charlotte 5. Spartanburg- 1.
Games Today.
Newport News in Portsmouth.
Petersburg in Roanoke.
Richmond in Norfolk.
Standing of the Clubs.
V.. L PC W. L. PC.
P'sb’rg 36 19 .655 N. N'ws 27 28 .491
P’sm'th 29 20 .592 R'anoke 21 24 .467
Norfolk 29 26 .527 R’hm'nd 19 35 .352
Yesterday’s Results.
Richmond 3. Norfolk 2.
Newport News 5, Portsmouth 4.
Petersburg . Roanoke 2.
Cotton States League.
Vicksburg 4, Yazoo City 0.
Columbus 10, Meridian 0.
Jackson 9. Greenwood 0.
Texas League.
Waco 11. Galveston 0.
Dallas 13, Houston 1.
Fort Worth 6, Beaumont 0.
Austin 2, San Antonio 10.
PITTSBURG. PA., June 26.—1 n the
third day’s play of the tennis tourna
ment for the ■clay court championship
of the United States, being held on the
Pittsburg Athletic association courts,
several surprises were offered from the
New York players. Ideal weather pre
vailed and the court was in perfect
condition. None of the Atlanta men
started yesterday.
G. A. Touchard, of New York, beat
J E. McLean, of Pittsburg; W. Merrill
Hall, also of New York, defeated W. H.
Gardner; R. D. Little, of New York,
defeated Wendell Kuhn, of this city;
George Meyers Church, of New York,
defeated S. J. Adams.
Cedric Major, of New York, lost his
ma’ch to H. G. Whitehead, of Nor
folk, in two sets, the scores being 6-4
and 7-5.
In the doubles C. L. Childs and W.
Kuhn lost to R. H. Palmer, of New-
York, and J. J. Armstrong, of St. Paul.
Cedric Major won his game in the
doubles, having for a partner C. I. Ben
ton. of Cleveland. R. D Little and G.
F Touchard beat C. H. Karr and J. G.
Crackers* Batting
Yesterday’s Games
These averages include yesterday’s
double bill with Memphis.
Players— ! G. ! AB. I R, T H. AV.
Harbison, ss. ..1 If) 138 I 4I 13 342
Dessau, p. . . .1 13 139 I 8 I 13 .333
Hemphill, If. . 59 *234 127 i 75 I 3’l
Bailey. 1f63 1229 ■ 42 . 68 1 .297
O’Dell, lb. ... . 59 '205 i 32 51 I 265
Alperman, 2b. . 63 243 134 69 | .247
O'Brien, ss. ... 52 172 119 42 j 244
Graham, c. ... 22 I 65 I 7 15 I .231
Donahue c. . . 20 61 I 7 4 .230
Callahan, cf. .. . 21 94 110 21 '223
McElveen, 3b. . . 69 ! 251 ' 33 59 .235
Atkins, p. ... 12 32 I 3 7 | .219
Sitton, p. .... 12 i 29 I 61 .207
Bi -tdy p, . . , :6 I 19 I 0 , 2 I .105
The score:
Atlanta— ab. r. h. po. a. e.
Bailey, rs 4 0 0 1 0 0
Hemphill, cf. . . . 4 0 1 2 0 0
Callahan, If .... 4 0 0 2 0 0
Alperman. 2b. ... 4 0 0 1 9 0
McElveen. 3b. ... 3 0 11 2 0
O’Dell, 1b 2 0 0 13 0 0
Harbison, ss. . . . 3 0 0 1 3 1
Graham, c 3 0 0 3 0 0
Dessau, p. 3 0 1 0 4 0
Totals / . . . . .30 0 3 24 12 1
Membhls — ab. r. h. po. a. e
I Netzel. 3b 2 0 0 2 1 0
Baerwald, rs 4 0 0 1 0 0
Schweitzer. If. ... 4 1 2 3 0 0
Abstein, lb 4 0 0 12 0 0
Crandall, ss4 0 3 0 11
Moulton, 2b3 0 11 4 0
Kerr. es. . 3 0 0 1 0 0
Sea bough, c. .... 3 0 0 7 0 0
Kissinger, p. , . . 3 0 0 0 6 0
Totals .30 1 6 27 12 1
Score bv innings: R
I Atlantaooo 000 000-0
| Memphisooo 000 01*—1
Summary: Sacrifice hits—Moulton.
O’Dell. Stolen basgs—Netzel. Schweitzer.
Crandall. Bases on balls—Off Dessau 3.
Struck out—By Kissinger 7. by Dessau 3.
Hit by pitched ball—By Dessau, Kerr.
Time —1:30. Umpires—O'Toole and Breit
The score:
Atlanta. ab. r. h. po. a. e
Bailey, rs 1 0 0 0 0 0
O'Brien, rs 3 0 0 0 0 0
Hemphill, cf 4 0 0 4 0 0
Callahan. If 4 0 0 5 0 0
Alperman. 2b. ... 3 0 1 3 1 0
McElveen. 3b. ... 3 0 3 0 2 0
O'Dell, lb 4 0 2 8 0 0
Harbison, ss. . . . 3 0 0 1 3 0
Donahue, c 4 0 0 3 2 0
Sitton, p 3 0 0 0 1 0
Totals 32 0 5 24 9 0
Memnhis. ab. r. h. po. a e.
Netzel. 3b .... 3 1 0 3 1 0
Paerwald, rs 4 0 3 1 0 0
Schweitzer. If. ... 4 1 I 000
Abstein. lb 2 1 0 10 1 0
Crandall, ss3 11 0 1 0
Moulton, 2b 3 1 2 2 3 0
Kerr, cf 4 0 1 0 0 0
Tonneman. c 4 0 1 11 1 0
Newton, p 4 0 1 0 2 0
Totals3l 5 9 37 9 0
Score by innings: R
Atlantaooo 000 000- 0
Memphis3ll noo 00*—5
Summary: Two-base hits —Moulton 2.
Crandall Three-base hit—Baerwald.
! Stolen base—Netzel. Bases on balls
Off Newton 3. off Sitton 1. Struck out
IBy Newton 11. by Sitton 4. Time—l:ss.
Umpires—O'Toole and Breitenstein.
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Catarrh of the Bladder
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UJ S Li? 4 ’® a ‘T* h
By W. S. Farnsworth.
THE promoters of a fight club
must know their business. If
they don’t, the fans are go
ing to suffer. The promoters of
the Gate City club do not know
how to run their club. They don’t
know fighters when they see one.
Any colored fighter could come
here, pose as Jack Johnson and un
doubtedly get away with It.
Buck Crouse, a near-champion,
who has fought, all the top-notch
ers, to Atlanta a few months
ago, and. under the name of Kid
Morrill, fought at the Gate City
elub. He only fought for the fun
of it, but it only goes to show how
easy it was for him to pull the wooi
over the eyes of the Gate City pro
The promoters didn’t know a
near-champion, so what chance
would they have if Leach Cross.
Knockout Brown, Pankey McFar
land, Willie Ritchie, Johnny Kii
bane or any of the other top
notchers were represented here by
fakers? None at all!
And in being bunked themselves
they in turn are bunking their pa
The following story from a Buf
falo paper well explains how Buck
Crouse made boobs out of the Gate
City promoters:
Paid $2 for a Seat at a Boxing Show and
Then Went on and Knocked Out the
Brooklyn Twin In One Minute.
Received $7.50 and All Kinds
of Praise.
Boston, June 21—Buck Crouse enter
tained a bunch of fans yesterday with a
corking good story of a trip through the
South a few months ago. Buck went
South to take a rest after his first bout
with George Chlpp. Here Is the tale:
”1 was stale from overwork.” said the
Pittsburg boy, "and I knew that I had to
do something or some of those aspiring
middleweights would wreck me if I con
tinued boxing
“On the suggestion of my manager.
Jimmy Mason. I decided that a trip to the
land of Dixie would be just the proper
caper. Neither Mason nor myself said
anything to any one about going away, so
I scampered out of town quietly. In the
South I traveled under the name of Mor
rill and no one knew me. I saw several
bouts down there, but the club managers
and boxers had no Idea 1 was there I
alwavs bought my ticket and never asked
if they recognized a member of the 'pro
“I had been taking things easy for
about two weeks and felt pretty good I
heard that a show was advertised for At
lanta, so I decided to quit the town where
I had been stopping and go to the battle.
Boarding a train I went to Atlanta, ar
riving there an hour after, feeling jubi
lant and anxious to take a hand in the
"Going to one of the prominent hotels in
Atlanta I mixed with some fight fans who
had no idea that Buck Crouse was any
where south of Pittsburg. During the con
versation I learned that one of the pre
liminary boys was in no condition to go
on. I made up my mind then to offer my
services Battling Larry Ryan, of Brook
lyn. was the name of the fellow who was
on the slate to fight me if I got the job.
I paid for my ticket as usual and went In.
“I eagerly sought the manager After
some little search and then a rebuff, I at
last got permission to enter his sanctum.
I told him my mission.
" ’Mr. Manager.’ ” said I. “ informa
tion has reached me that you need a sub
stitute this evening and I thought that I
would offer my services; I can box a lit
tle and I shall he glad to get a chanee to
show myself ’ ”
” ‘Who did you ever box?’ ” was the
first query fired at me. “ ’and how many
times have you won?' ”
’Well. str. I haven’t fought many bat
tles, but I have taken part in several ex
hibitions and I think I can box pretty
well. Over where I live they think I am
pretty good If they hear that I got a
chance here tonight a few hundred of
them will come over the next time I box.'
said I In reply.
“This evidently appealed to the mana
ger from a business standpoint, for he
came back quickly and told me to get my
togs and meet Battling Larry Ryan. I
didn't have any togs and I had no Idea
where I could get them at short notice,
but one of the attendants, eager to get
the show under way, provided a pair of
well-worn tights and a pair of sneakers
for me Nothing had been said about
what I was to get for ray trouble I
didn't dare ask. lest the clubman get wise
I also had a few pangs of pain pass
through my mind for fear of discovery
and that Larry Ryan, my opponent, or
some other individual In the crowd would
know me
“I was Kid Morrill and was so intro
duced I got a good hand, but Larry
got a better one He had fought there
and won several battles One spectator
said, It's a pity to put a nice young fel
low in there with that experienced boxer.’
Another said this kid will learn a lesson
tonight and forget all about the manly
art. It went on that way all around.
Every one seemed to have a lot of sym
pathy for me
“In my corner I sat shivering, and
when called to the center they almost
had to drag me out of my chair Every
one gave the battle. It won't last
a minute; it can’t go a round; that kid is
frightened to death now, and kindred re
marks were heard. I listened to the in
structions of the referee, and as I re
turned to my corner he walked over near
me and said T won't let you get hurt,
yourtg fellow Just as soon as It looks
bad for you. 1 will slop the bout so you
won't be disfigured.' I said. ’Thank you.
sir. but I guess that I will be all right
We shook hands again, and Rian led for
me. I pushed his lead aside and ho
clinched me He swung at me after the
break I took the blow on the forehead.
Then I gently poked my left agamst his
face, held it there Just long enough to
place him. then shot my right to the jaw
It landed right, and Battling Larry Ryan
sank to the floor with that careless aban
don of a man deprived of his senses. The
referee looked at me. then began his
count, and gave Ryan all that was al
lowed. pointed to me and shouted, ‘Kid
Morrill wins.’ took another peek at me
to ascertain if he had been right, and
then shouted for the next preliminary.
The bout lasted just one minute and four
teen seconds
“I got the hand of my life that night
Every one was on his toes looking at the
novice that whipped Battling Larry Ryan,
the Brooklyn terror. The manager met
me at the door of his office, grasped my
hand and wanted to match me with some
one for the next show. He said. ‘You're
ail right, kid; you’ll make good some day.’
"I took the $7.50 he handed me. smiled,
moved on. divested myself of my bor
rowed suit, dressed up and took my seat
that I paid two bucks for and sat at the
ringside to the finish of the show $5.50 to
the good.
"I was the hero of the hour. Every
one wanted to grasp the hand of Kid Mor
rill. I don't know whether Battling Lairy
ever discovered my identity, but I slipped
out of town without tipping any one off
that Buck Crouse and Kid Morrill are
"Some day I shall take a trip to Atlanta
and mavbe I will fight under my real
name there, but 11l het if I ever visit
that place again the greeting will be.
'How are you. Kid Morrill?’ ”
BOSTON. June 26. —Shortstop Ma
ranville, of the New Bedford club of
the New England league, has been pur
chased by the Boston Nationals. He
will report at the end of the New Eng
land league season.
Summer Travel and I
Traveling Bags
__ “What’s a trip without a grip?
IHK I a gr 'P w '^ ouf a trip'" |
Back somewhere
away rrom every- J
where, from the
great, irresistible
out-of-doors, comes a memory of other 1
vacation days— |
Mayh e you 11 return to these same
loved haunts, or mayhe you 11 wisely seek |
the new.
* Whither you wander, you 11 go |
hand-in-hand with the luggage that car- |
ries the suggestion of plenty of clean linen,
outing stuff and perhaps a tuxedo for the
informal dance. I
A good grip is mighty good company, I
and so hegets good company. Try it. |
Suit Cases of genuine cowhide, I
$5.00 to $16.50.
Hand Bags, walrus or cowhide,
$5.00 to $20.00.
English Kits, walrus or cowhide,
$20.00 an d $22.50. I
Bell ows Cases, $13.50. I
Leather Hat Boxes, round or
square, $6.50 to SIO.OO. I
Geo. Muse Clothing Co. I
r Hernsheim Og ai?“1 I
Ueryjiqe "
| ****aS
Frank Whitney and Leo Kelly fought
a draw at the Gate City club before a
small and unenthusiastic crowd. Whit
ney did not try to do much fighting, in
asmuch as he was jobbed on the weight.
He only fought enough to secure his
guarantee, and at no time |et himself
out. Many thought Kelly should have
been given the decision, and the ref
eree’s award was roundly hissed.
Matchmaker Brownfield promised
Whitney that Kelly would make 135
pounds. Kelly came into the ring
weighing fully a dozen pounds more.
He denied that he had pledged himself
■tn make weight, and displayed a tele
gram from the matchmaker saying that
the bout would be at catch weights.
Whitney could have gotten out of the
fight, but rather than disappoint the
few fans he went on.
In the semi-windup Spider Britt had
an easy time with Young Raymond.
Only poor matchmaking brought these
boys together. It was a case of more
bad matchmaking when Eddie Hanlon
was pitted against Johnny Rogers, for
Hanlon had a walkover. Two colored
boxers. Hinkydu and Phillips, fought a
rattling draw in the opener.
Ponce DeLeon—Game Called 4:00