Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, June 28, 1912, HOME, Page 2, Image 2

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2 Underieood. Clark and Wilson Supporters Take Turns in Loud and Prolonqed Demonstrations CONVENTION IN UPROAR AT NAMES OF FAVORITE MEN FOR PRESIDENT Proceedings Delayed by Disorder, Dej ite Li ini t ing in Time of Nominating and Sec onding Speeches. Continued From Pus® Ont. e. - -ns 7 "re <jt -. ion p• to etrc the fractional part of a vote r be ■■' npleting th* it>;ea»xrv ;no-thlrdr ha* net »ri«"-n, ;.nd If much n <rentins«.wy rroa« nn in • rc.-.r.e'i w..u'd be sir* ,n *i>- » • nnrnarittir.R the prr-slng n*rA* of th* c e.ncnts. c'ark. the higli riFi, nil i . to s<sd 285 1-2 ' Sn-* to >•!«► initial v-c- in ■,’rder to win. Wll«un will have I g, i -.02 wore than he hxA. th on- , «rvf.t;if clmer.t mu t corral B< .'■* ».i> ; taking the scattering ofiengfu at Its lest aeti’nate. before It - an nop* - to !tnd a -trin <;f its simon pure faith. It thus becomes of moment as th"; r-extion, whenr* can these se> - j r-31 r'- ni': cr.'w ’he strength Rasemblad SJpepy Hens at Roost. it wa> .1:36 a m when 'be caTing < f tne roll on the first ba! nt. b'-gaii. Wearv from the night of sensation of surprise and tumult. the delegates listened t<> the calling of the first few state' with interest. Interjecting a few stray demonstrations of the. lung-tired b and. Then they settled back In their chairs, many of them to slumber. Eyes that had acquired black circles by the sleepless vigil of the nighl. closed and heads dropped. For all the world the convention hall resembled a huge hen nery In which the fowls were, drowsily dozing on their perches, awaiting the chanticleers reveille heralding the breaking of the dawn. And, tier incident, there had been an early morning performance calculated m break the nerves of the most dough ty knight who ever stormed a political castle or tilted headlong into a forlorn hope The clock on the east wall had swung by the hour of midnight The convention was still humming with the sensational aftermath of William .1. Bryan's attack upon the citadel of finance when a delegate from one of the states plucked his state standard and rar. before the speakers' stand. It was a signal th At seemed to be under stood. so almost Instantly the leaders from 22 states seized their standards and. holding them like lances at rest, rushed to the front of the speakers’ stand and massed for a demonstration. Its rallying reason-to-be was soon apparent. In the speakers' stand ap peared- Miss Genevieve Clark, the win some daughter of the candidate, whose supporters had assembled before the stand. Her dainty and fetching blue gown was slashed with an American flag She pulled the flag from het gown and waved it Never did action more promptly fol low the flag Clark's Daughter Leads Tumult. "Hur: ah for Genevieve." '-ailed a delegate, and again and again tin cry was repeated until the big armors re sounded with the cheering of the Clark followers. The swung woman stood at ihe head of this tumult, as an enthu siastic cheer leader and whip of the big demonstration Forty-five shouting cheering, howl ing. horn.-blow ing minutes went by. t lark's name was sent tn the 'oof and echoed back again In a mighty chorus, governed hr completely by the undulnt tug form on the speakers’ stand as any gn at band might have conducted by its leader. Delegates who had not taken off their coats did so They tossed them in the air. A vast tain of descending < oats obscured the vision from the speakers' stand for a moment, hut when it had passed the Clark delegates were seen evoluting war dances after the most approved fashion of »he Sioux in the palmy days befort Nelson Mil « went West with a mission to fulfill fn the meantim. New York's delega tion sat at its collective feet sib-nt and unmoved. The Wilson delegates, hith erto fast to take up a demonstration, challenged, joined In the decorous quiet of the Gotham brethren Evidently ' Big Hubert" Fisher, r’ Ti -ines-cr once fc,a'‘ center rush of Princeton, had de cided to < ali off his team for res* 1,.-. fore playing he nev half The band tried to nltr . Upon tn formation and belief ii .s tn c a"ori cd that fl’s bond did plav bin that statement is based purely upon t>re cir cumstantial evidence tha' tin order was waving his baton, th" plater.- had their Instruments in unlitnbemd action ana there was visual proof ni band was not asleep. But no such guarded •■tatem> > nt Is for lie delegates They sang They sang the old. old songs, the re frains mne’e familiar hi bund ntga.i *nd b.v street piano. Then thci wont back to Harper' I•'♦•r ' so ; n -tnr.itlon and started “John Brown's Bodj The crowds were chang'd ■ > suit tl . feeling Every opposing candidal . and every rival leader in the hall was dull j and musically hung to a sour api.h tree before 'he vocal effort w “re for -beer want of breath Vardanian. the plHui'csq'.t* ■u c from Mississippi. '> ’’ ' 1,1 ’•< pounded the gavel with vigor It wa but the s'jrrml for more i Ire- : ;u more disorder Ari hour pa <1 w n the deposed gave! v. is rein' a. >1 " titular rules of the ’ all Then at ’ o'clo. k. Joe T. Ro'.R’i-OU. the ; 0.-. ... elect from Ar’.a-" -as. ' .tint :<• ■' ■ the nomination of <"ai'k 'IT Ii <u been mode bj isenatoi Reed, T Mi -ouri. California mlderi In : ' f voire Henry ’Vatk Rogn » of N*v. Hanu JUST A FEW THINGS TAD SAW AT THE DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION (.SAU ’ A.«T rn*r Jvq-I " A / • A-V. u- TOSfasfegSChk ' ■■■'// './ r I -MA’ yr. , C» ■■■ AW' Mm V'■ z/ S ( ,pv<»e«'' psax> iMmr \ iU'v 04»lt<mcR£.'\ isj rpe cce/'v s a«T iT> r gpw Lteo to SUMO . oy-rwe 7 ' PAfi CiXKTAu. CgAßipuP UWHO JO.CAO StWATDR Cgormv O KOorA'v'/v ' ft ’ A fi JH.W, V'H , CkAJ PuOO'N(j- .H'NNC t* O' rML- /OO VAFO OfAi K S. - ■ -■" Dugir-o me A'-tCse'uf’- Conn., dean of the Yale law school an swered the cail of lux state with a speech placing Simeon E. Baldwin in nomination H< went at the task as a. writer preparing a leading story and shot bls candidate's name into the very first crisp sentence. The others had prepared the verbal clothing for the greatness of their men and then sud denly dropped the man into the situa tion as a climax designed to start the applause. The Baldwin guard, few, but devoted, had determined that none should depart the hall without recalling that Connec ticut bad made a brave start. A bright blue banner bearing the Baldwin pa tronymic in letters of gold, flashed up from the Connecticut delegation. So did the delegates from the state of nut megs. The Underwood delegates full of the courtesy of Dixieland, sent in their rooters to aid the Baldwin noise on its merry way Also, there wore volunteer rootera. From the gallery a large delegation shouted tne praises of the man from home. A squad of college boys, many from Yale, had dropped into the half empty- press box Io be on hand at the crucial moment They rah-rahed them selves Into the situation with the force and effect that chn only come of long training in intercollegiate lung com bats. The Baldwin echoes died. In the slow, monotonous drawl of his kind, the weary clerk called the state of Dela ware. > "Deiawari vields io New .leraey," an 'wired the chairman of the delegation. Gridiron Stars Lead Procession. It was the cue for the Wilson plrtyets Io sally from the wings and take tire venter of the stage Every man jack of the Wilson host was straining at the leash awaiting the call, like the industrious actor in "Uncle Tom's Cab in.' who frequently stampeded rural audiences by their canine eagerness to reach the footlight space “Woodrow Wilson, the Yankee Doo dle candidate." was the title of a long streamer that was thrown across the aisle. The procession of Wilson states formed around the aisles. In the line were mariy gay banners, with state ensigns that bore the legend: "Give us Wilson and we will give you Texas," the wording being changed to fit the several statis. The colors of Prince ton were prominent in the parade. Old football stars, men whose names had decorated the brilliant stories of grid iron prowess had the lead in handling the host. From the press box there climbed a man car'y ing a lit e rooster under his arm. The new-comer resembled one who has paid a call upon a neighbor's hennery without any invitation and departed without leaving a card In vain did the man with the feathered friend try- to get ins huge chanticleer to summon the Wilson dawn. s-aid oban'i. was not human and thereto ■ no' t '.tlisit enough to stay up all night in : iotous living Besides, it lackr-d some hours of tl.e time set apart bv the roosters union fora day's work to b g:n and the bird r< fused to crow a sing', defiant note. liter, tame a tpid streak of red over the scene It might have been the modest blushing of the coming day fo> ibe speed ,f i; s gorgeous trip across th* arra nf \ dPlPgatP had f ''’ ■ a ,p d parasol from a woman ami na.c -uttlni; streak over w Itii th( nevT. at otHrod property. 1 ■ '' arm an*- i <>f the bull monsp party. born to Colonel Roosevelt ’nd t ■.-» Republican par‘y, was strongly in rv A pl( turn ten feet high, the thin linen ( .f the college ■ * fa< e. w.'i- carried Into the lie’ \. It Was the Same Old Demonstration. I hen th. Wilsm mm ement took on the first real dpsh and nerve'breaking n tion th< demonstration nerlod. H was tip same old demonstration. 1! ’ d” 1 Die flags, the men shouting t \ • into the < arc of throat spe- the women in tin gallery risk. ' 1 ineti for political sentiment. *-• handclapping, the surging, milling, ■‘ ■ 5 n.rcliiig ’’gates. *he fi? ' ■ • ’f Dn hm ns. the din of all sorts f m i.xing ma< him <- and the cho- v ‘ ! * W-H'i: "oa W ilsum ><mg, and > <’U have a pietutc that oat h u >• a n e.i r; \as a .ihl ami paint "i’ all « s f the gaud} tb» in.- ngmatirm ma' i.i'tap- ot permit. L (.tilimo iftcr 3 o'J'Hn I iIE ATLANTA GIIOKGIA.X AM> Mn\\«. hh’ILM Y. -II X n L’s. iar_’. Bryan Says: "'Boss Murphy Controls" "Tim country is now able to look upon the amazing spectacle of a national convention con trolled h.v a national committee, that committee controlled by a sub committee of sixteen, the sub committee controlled by a group of eight men. these men controlled by Hoss Murphy ami Boss Murphy controlled by Thomas Fortune Ryan. Mr. Ryan, Mr. Be)mont and Mr. Morgan have municipal work in New York and Brooklyn that will involve the letting of contracts amounting to more than $250,000,000. This group of financiers also has large financial inter ests in many of the groat cities, and wherever they work they need a political boss. Some of their bosses work under the name of Democrats and some bear the Republican label, but they all work for their masters. Those big financiers have been using the organizations of the two leading parlies Io do their service.”—William .Jennings 'Bryan in telegram to Thy St. Louis Post-1 )ispateh. ' when the Wilson demonstration, lack ing some of the vigor of the Clark epoch which had preceded in the ear ly part of the big business of the even ing. sank to rest, and it was fifteen minutes before its echo had sufficiently subsided to permit the business of tlie convention to take a fresh hitch on It self. <>f lire 15,006 persons who had jammed the hall to a point that created fear for their safety mote than 9,000 yet remained at the expense of sleep and rest. Os these many were women, who clung to tlie thread of the rapidly developing national chapter in history w ith all of the tenacity that would have been expected from only the more steeled of the old politician. Then Judge John W. Westcott came to nominate Wilson. Really lie second 'd the nomination made in chorus from tlie floor. Tire Jersey judge proved that oratory was not tire exclusive product of the South, where they make a speech every time a watermelon is cut and children are taught to address their fa. tilers from the cradle as "Mr. Chair man." He talked well and earnestl? . Often there came applause that stopped the flow of oratory. The Judge got through with his verbal decorative work at 4 o’clock and with the full picture before them with its high lights worked in their proper places and the contrasts duly plumed in oratorical splendor, the Wilson delegates again broke louse. Small Outburst For Gov. Marshall. Thirteen minutes later the chairman, by the aid of the gavel and tlie ser geants-at-arms, cleared the aisles and J. R Anderson, of Georgia, arose to second the nomination of Underwood. For < lark, Douglas Patterson, of Illi nois. performed a similar pleasing task. Then came Senator Shi veil , of In diana. to place the Marshall name on tile roll call as one worthy of tlie chief nomination When ire had finished a band rrrarcheri down tlie front aisle bearing tlie Marshall gonfalon and a small demonstration, some nine min utes in size, followed. Tlie Indiana del egation was prominent in the excite ment. It had a brass band to lead it and a banner to blazon its wishes on high. Two hundred rooters carried lithographs through the ball and a small a?nty of men anil boys put the American flag actively to work tn the interest of tire man from the “Bank of tlie Wabash. Far Away, which for warding address was furnished by the band At the end of tlie. Marshall demon stration Judge P. O'Brien, of Michigan, seconded the nomination of Wilson More cheers. John H I'utnmings. of Michigan, put- the Clark half ■ f ills del egation on record in a seconding offor: for tlie man from Missouri. Still more Cheers. Alfred J Jacques, of Minne sota. seconded the Wilson cause, and Governor Earl Brewer, of Mississippi, ' inre along with a few kind word' for I'ndorwood But tlie convention was weary. It hungered for action and thirsted for 'in h knowledge as might cwme from the calling of the roll mi the main qip-tion. Tlie delegati “ interrupted th. speakers time and time again. B; w> was followed in ten tninui ■- by Charles F Town, of Colorado, who lop'm •; that (’lark was . inning undr I th'- ni.. ,i w inri'i and congratulated th- convention on sticking around t.. see tin finish. I: had wagged along intll :Ip hou was 5:36 o'clock. S J Doyle of No i i D.ikoi:i. mounted the He came 'to Implify th- i 6 itii i ''"nation and I wa- thereto ea relief to th' tired del. - I g lies and the g:'. : |r, ier . In the interest of harmony and of the I a . Mr l.toyh said,-h« wished to pt< - ; '• ■ '■ tri" Goto I . Burk, . ~f . ll' ■ i > I' whotn th' vote wt t -'r.i 1..' .reklim th<: lli< dt !<.patet vote for some other candidate. He re leased. without condition, tlie men who were for him. Burke Delegates Go to Wilson. Doyle then settled on the problem of the night. He seconded the nomination of Woodrow Wilson and sent the ten votes of the Burke faith solidly into tlie Wilson canlp. This recruiting expedi tion brought some more cheers from those who adore a tiger other than that of the Tammany family. Governor Harmon was brought along to join tlie fighting first rank. M. A. Daugherty, of Ohio, picked for his prowess as a good holder of attention, made tlie speech. When ho told tlie delegates that Governor Harmon was the man who had "transformed Ohio from a Democratic dead sea to a Dem ocratic paradise." tlie delegates gave noisy and sincere evidence of their ap proval of that service, which, in many ' delegates' eyes, constituted a para mount issue. It was at 5:45 o'clock when Mr. Daugherty came to recommend that the party carry a buckeye in its nomination pocket to guard against the election rheumatism of the fall. His references to Governor Harmon's services as at torney general, to his stand for reform and progress in Ohio politics and to his balance mentally were all received with aplause and with cheers. It required a vigorous use of the gavel, to cut short tlie demonstration that Senator Gore of Oklahoma, the blind leader of his state's delegation, might raise his voice for Wilson. The si nator came to the stand at 5:58 o'clock. It was a dramatic scene that found tile man without sight, led to the stand by friendly hands and respected by those who were at dagger's point witli Ills cause, pleading for tlie nomination of the Princeton president. He was sure that Wilson had both availability and ability, and he aroused the good humor of tlie delegates by declaring: "During the last three and one-half years President Taft has been busy carrying out the policies of Theodore Roosevelt—on a stretcher." He predicted that witli Wilson in the field against tlie Republicans there would be only six states on the Re publican -side when the returns were counted in November Then it was tabloid talk, with the . delegates unwilling to listen and tire galleries making it impossible for the speaker to be heard. Scott Ferris, of Oklahoma, seconded the dark nomina tion nt 6:17 oTloek He dwelt upon ('lark's friend = hip for the farmer and the laboring man. and started new ap plause A. .Mitchell Palmer, tlie young leader who took the place of t'olonel James Gussi as tin head "f the Penn sylvania delegation when the regular out-turning "f the colonel took place, seconded the Wilson fight. Representative Flood, of Virginia who had taken a prmiiinent part in tire Bri an resolution debate of tlie early evening, eame to second Underwood at 6:24, and sei en minutes later John Walsh, of Wisconsin, put the Wisconsin seal of approval or the Wilson end of I the fight. Senator E. D Smith, of South t'aro lina, followed in flu minutes witli an appeal for Wilson, anti at 6:37 laife Pence, formerly "f I'olot.tdo, but now of the District of Columbia, finished the work by s. oiniing Clark for the last time. Roll Call of States Started. "tUII the riel call the roti." shouted, the delegate' Tlie snvei rose and fell witli ma-I I i hine like regularey. T'.'i was a pre llim’na'.' stir and hu |)< among tlie pieirgite- i«. tlrev got ba . briiiip.t their la" > f"t- th- liis bis flglr "i th< ic - ing. Then there came comparatively good order. “The secretary will call the roll of ■states.” yelled the chairman, sending his words along like disjointed freight cars, which, having broken their coup lings. are halting upon a dead level. "Tlie state of A-l-a-b-a-m-a," call ed the secretary. Down the list of states went tlie call, tlie delegates sitting up and taking no tice when the uninstructed and doubt ful states were called and then drop ping back, listlessly, in their seats. Many of the delegates dropped their heads upon their wilted and soiled •shirt fronts and slept the sleep that comes at length to the just and the un just alike. The call was finished. From the mass of struggling dele gates on the floor, as they aroused themseltves for the next movement, there came a motion to adjotyn until 4 o'clock this afternoon. "No!" shouted half of the delegates, ready and willing to carry the sleepless fight to a, finish—to make an endurance test that would stand for all political time. "The question is upon the motion that the convention do now take a re cess until 1 o’clock this afternoon." shouted the chairman. “All in favor of that motion will signify by saying aye." "Aye," called back a drowsy and sleepy multitude. "All opposed, no." went along the chair. “No." shouted tlie active youngsters, wlio wanted to keep up tlie fight. "The ayes have It.” said the chair, "and the convention stands tn recess until 4 o’clock.” The band woke up. It played a more or less lively air as the delegates went hence. Thirty minutes later the Demo cratic party was at harmony on one point—it was snoring. Hadley Says He W as Offered Nomination CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA, June 28. Governor Herbert S. Hadley of Mis souri. in passing through here, con firmed the statements of t'olonel Roose velt and < 'oniptroller Prendergast of New York that Taft leaders had of fered at Chicago to sent the Roosevelt delegates from Washington and Texas if Roosevelt would consent to the nom ination of Governor Hadley or some other third man. ' This proposition was made to nie and I understood that it was also made to Colonel Roosevelt." said Governor Hadley. “I refused to consider or dis cuss It unless it first had the approval of Colonel Roosevelt, as I was fur him for tlie nomination and no one else. I was told afterward that Colonel Roose velt had refused to consent." WEALTHY SUITOR. REJECTED, SHOOTS GIRL AND HIMSELF RAPIDS. MICH., .lune 28 Be cause she refused to marry him. L. H. Schuerman. a wealthy furniture manu facturer of Carrollton. K.\ . shot and wounded Miss Elizabeth Morse, 28 years of age, slaughter of the postmaster at Lyons, Mich., and then mortally wounded himself, according to a st<»r\ told the police today by Miss Genevieve Waldron,* whom Miss Morse was visit'ng here The tragedy followed a quarrel in a taxicab ' Lisi night. They are in separate hospitals ml both are reported to be dying LIGHTS FOR FT. OGLETHORPE. < HATTA N< K'G.l. TENN , lune 28. I The wu*- department has awarded to W ' L Bern. of Brookh n. \. Y . the contract tor lighting l*“< »t Oglethorpe at t’hlcka mauga. Ga The installation of the sys- j t-jo will <-os* b< ; ween 82.500 anil -i.OOi' j If provides adeoua’r Hlumitiation so-- the* • t'liifr park and ;ill property which is I Federal resent • STATE ASKED TO AIDTEGH SCHOOL Senate Bill Provides for State Tax on Liquor of One Mil lion Dollars a Year. Continued From Page One. School of Technology to erect and equip a -heating, lighting and power plant upon the campus. . It also offered a bill raising the appropriation for the school this year SBO,OOO instead of $75,000. Asks Condition of Treasury. Joe Hill Hall offered a resolution calling on the governor to furnish a report on the condition of the treas ury. Mr. Hall, always the watchdog of the treasury, says the state only has $16,000 cash on hand and desires to warn enthusiastic members against spending too much money. The resolu tlon yvent over for one day. Putnam county was taken from the Seventh congressional district, by the passage of a house bill, and placed in the Eighth, where it naturally belongs. Through a clerical error it had been placed in a district a hundred miles from its own territory. It was restored In time to take its proper part tn the coming congressional election. Mr. Hixon, of Carroll, introduced a bill to prohibit card playing and dice playing In public houses. It would stop card playing, even "for fun," on trains and in hotels. Mr. fabaniss, of Oglethorpe, offered a bill to prohibit the sale of fertilizers containing cinders, sand or other arti ficial fillers. A bill to raise the salaries of mem bers of the legislature from $4 to $7 a day and mileage from 7 to 10 cents a mile was offered by Representatives Williams and Murphy, of Bulloch coun ty 1 . It takes the form of a constitution al amendment, to be submitted to the people. Messrs. Spence and Hixon, of Car roll. offered a bill to provide for the regulation of investment companies, giving the secretary of state greater power of supervision over such corpo rations. Mr Blackburn, of Richmond, offered a bill, backed by Philip Weltner. of Atlanta, to provide a penalty for pa rents or guardians who encourage i child to be delinquent, and placing such cases in the custody of the children's courts. The bill is one of the several reform measures planned by Mr. Welt ner. solicitor of the Fulton county ju venile court, to reclaim wayward chil dren. provide for their care and make parents responsible for the offenses of their offspring. Senate to Conven* Tomorrow. Some senators, imbued with the idea that they came to Atlanta to legislate, and some with a sneaking suspicion that they could put over a motion to adjourn next Wednesday until the fol lowing Monday, combined and defeated a motion to adjourn until Monday. The senate will convene at II o'clock to morrow morning. Senator Adams obtained the passage of a bill transferring Putnam county fiqm the Seventh to tile Eighth con gressional district, correcting a cleri cal error in the re-apportionment bill passed th'e last session. • Newton county's long standing pro test bn the backwater from the Gen ital Georgia Power Company dam or; the Ocmulgee river in Butts county took tlie form of a bill In the senate. Residents of Newton county by the laws of venue governing damage suits against electric companies are re quired to file suit against the Central company in Macon. On behalf of the Newton citizens. Senator Felker sent in a bill to amend the code to make the venue law regarding electric com panies,the same as that on railroads. Under the railroad statutes suits are brought w hen the damage Is done. CAMP BROWN TO MEET. Gamp Joseph I! Brown. I . y , | ias been calleil to meet at <heir headquar ter* in th- Throwei building Monda> night The Way the States Voted on President Alabama—Underwood 24. Arizona—Clark 6. Arkansas—Clark 18. Californai —Clark 26. Colorado —Clark 12. Connecticut —Baldwin K. Delaware—Wilson 6. Florida—Underwood 12. Georgia—Underwood 28. Idaho—Clark 8. Illinois—Clark 58. Indiana—Marshall 30. lowa—Clark. 26. Kansas —Clark 20. Kentucky—Clark 26. Eouisiana —Clark 11. Wil. on ? Maine —Clark 1, Underwood 2. WIJ. son 9. Maryland—Clark 16. Massachusetts--Clark .76. Michigan—Marshall 1. Harmon 7 , Clark 12, Wilson 10. Minnesota—Wilson 21. Mississippi—Underwood 20. Missouri—Clark 36. Montana—Clark 8. Nebraska—Clark 12. Harmon 4. Nevada—Clark 6. New Hampshire—Clark 8. New Jersey—Wilson 24, Clark 2. Un. derwood 2. New Mexico —Clark 8. New York —Harmon 9”. North Carolina—Wilson 16 1-2, Un derwood 7, Harm m 1-2. North Dakota —Wilson 10. Ohio—Clark 1. Wilson in, Harmon 35, Bryan 1, absent I. Oklahoma—Clark 10. Wilson 10. Oregon—Wilson 10. ( Pennsylvania Wilson 71. Harmon 5. Rhode Island —Clark 10. Couth Carolina—Wilson 18. South Dakota—Wilson 10. ! Tennessee—Clark 6. Wilson 6, Under, wood 6, Harmon 6. Texas—Wilson 4n. Utah—Clark 1 1-2, Wilson 6. Har mon 1-2. Vermont—Baldwin 8. Virginia—Wilson 9 1-2. Underwooi 14 1-2. Washington—Clark 14 West Virginia—Clark 16. ’ Wisconsin —Clark 6, Wilson 19, ab- 1 sent 1. 1 Wyoming—Clark 6. ! Hawaii—Clark 2, Underwood 1. Wil- son 3. Porto Rico—Clark 2, Wilson 3. Un derwood 1. 1 Totals—Clark, 440 1-2; Wilson, 324: i Harmon. 148; Underwood, 117 1-'.’. . Baldwin. 22; Marshall, 31; Bryan. 1: , Sulzer, 2; absent, 1. Number of votes 1,088: necessary for choice, 725 1 -3. » - - . Nothing to It But Clark, Says James , BAETIMORE, June 28.—Ollie Jarno.? ! permanent chairman of the Democratic . national convention, speaking as a del i egate from Kentucky, today predicter 1 the nomination of Champ Clark on thf second ballot. "Clark on the next ballot when th' convention convenes at 4 o'clock this i afternoon, is the way it looks to me.' ! he said. "I am speaking, you under i stand, only as a member nf the Ken tucky delegation and the delegation i = instructed for Clark. Os com se, I nei d not say that I am no seer and nr prophet, and that the forecast I an making might go wrong. But from what I am able to infer as to the trend of things, there is no one else to it but Clark. Understand, my state Is in structed for Clark. But aside from that, and speaking only as a member of that delegation, I believe I am vievv. ing it in an absolutely fair and sound way when I say that there is nothing to it but Clark." “Between Kern and Gaynor.” Says Hall "Tlie race now is for a dark horse, and the contest has narrowed down to a choice between Kern and Gaynor," said P. L. Hall, national committee man from Nebraska, and right-hand man of Colonel Bryan, today. "I am basing this opinion on a close study of tlie situation as outlined by develop ments which have tints far occurred. All other candidates, and this includes Clark, Wilson and Underwood, seem Io have been eliminated. Clark i-pent his strength on the first ballot and from now on will grow weaker. Wilson and some of the others may grow a trffl stronger as the ballotting proceeds, bu* it will be a fictitious strength and none of the candidates will gather enough power to win. "Both Korn and Gaynor are accept able to ail factions of the Democracy, especially Gaynor, who is growing vis ibly stronger In tlie Western states, where tlie delegates are very friendly toward him." Here's What Politicians Think. Other prominent Democrat? com menting on the first ballot on the nomi nation ami the Bryan resolution said: Clark Howell, Georgia: "The reso lution will not affect, the ballots on nominating in any way." J. Thomas Heflin. Alabama: "It. look? like Undetwood by 10 o’clock tonight." Theodore A. Bell, California: "It ap pears to me that Clark will win on an early ballot today." Edwin <>. Wood, Michigan: “I am convinced the Bryan resolution will prove a serious setback to Wilson. Tha personal feeling against Bryan among the delegates was so strong It can not help having Its effect." Judge G. i fucker, Michigan: “I do not think Bryan's resolution will weak en M ilson s chances. Wilson's strength will grow, and Ire will secure tlie nomi nation It will take several ballots." FOR ADDITIONAL NEWS OF THE CONVENTION. SEE PAGE FIVE