Newspaper Page Text
Business of Two Georgia Legal Reserve Life Insurance Companies
———————————————————— —————— . ~ , .., I,■■ ■■ ■ . , —— .■ ■ ■ ■ ' ■ ■ 1 " * ' ■ . — 1 111 I— ~ .1 11, ~
Merged in the Greatest Life and Industrial Plant South of Virginia
_ ______ -
|\ Cherokee Life Absorbs I "“‘" For “
\, 1 §
Million Doll; rs
mjf - -- _
/ in points the wu
v I hM il ~~ Net Surplus
- ' ullllilllllallllllllllll* \ Fl
\Il Cherokee Life of Rome, Georgia, with $6,000,000 insur- $500,000 ;i
1 I anc & in force, and Rome Life of Rome, Georgia, with $9,000,000
t JSi'// \ // insurance in force, merge their business, which is now handled
\ \ l under the charter of Cherokee Life Insurance Company.
Wf I ‘
] )m J ) | —• 7 Premium
| | Combined Insurance Outstanding
\ ! B / Premium Income Rome Life $250,000 KCVISIOU
, . ’ I Premium Income Cherokee Life $200,000
j 4 \ Premium Income of merged business $450,000 iJAWTIWxirn
// z) />• X Cherokee Life Present Net Surplus to Policvholders .... $500,000 IxVWllWAlvl
There was a tariff revision
0 Q 0 z ’ downward promise made
y TT T T r < A n ei T £f. T 1 famous by failur< ‘ ~f
ea a nr ua c< How Iwo Large Companies Are Brought Together Into a achievement. n was a
Security As Well As Size r T : .. r , p |a «°™
Greater institution With Consequent economies The aerokee Lite offers
proved by the treasurer, as follows: . ...
, r-r > , 1 r ‘ < n premium revision down-
Xo and Increased Profit tt w n, become
Tile work of five years of the Rome Life and of two years of the Cherokee Life is welded Io-
braced the compulsory deposit laws, it will make additional deposits, from . . . . I I IS fl ('ODtraCt gliaran-
time to time, to follow its established practice, sanction-ed by law, of mak- ffCtlier l)V a great COUp that Cl UH I iia tOS Sei’lOUS ID( lUSt l’ia I rOmpPf 11IOH OT home companies 111 tllC bOUth,
inq all its policy contracts ° tee. .
Q £ A A ID LM an d ena bles the administration of the combined business with one set of officers and with substantial-
CZ e S a lOna anti lyotes | v u ie same fixed expense hitherto attaching to one of the companies. The consolidation is a stroke Do von appreciate the no-
A National Bank Note Circulates in every part of the country without ’ . . . . ' • r I I
question as to its security, because it is protected by a deposit of accept- of business enterprise which, over night, creates the first large and established life and industrial tenev of rates of interest
able securities made with the. governnuent. In similar manner every policy 1 * luwimi
h s ®rof e eompany born in the heart of the South. The big, strong plant, reared from two sturdy roots, on investments in the ,
Protected by Georgia Laws spreads its foliage now over a field of virgin territory—for life and industrial insurance is richer general scheme of life in-
■she laws of Georgia give to oid line Hfe. insurance companies the on-. in the possibilities of development and opportunity in the South than in the highly competitive dis- suranee? ?
tion of depositing with the state treasurer acceptable securities equal to f.nnte ,-,-P fl ln \Tz,t4li
the net cash value of all policies in force. Once embraced, the continuance 11
of such deposit, with necessary' accumulations, becomes compulsory. Since i. . , ~
the law was passed in 1906, only two companies in Georgia have embraced I ’ o , .YOU appreciate the ad-
its provisions. The Cherokee Life, of Rome, Georgia, is one of those com- ♦Z’ Iff < < TZ <Tf
Mutual Company Writing Ordinary Life and Industrial Insurance ’■ a tX™
Ing limited to state, count}’ and municipal bonds, home office building and . In' It UV d toOUineTll
I'Zdce tTie t amount'of P th 0 e V roan ea ' estate worth ’ ,n each instance, at least Both companies recently created ordinary life branches, and the Cherokee Life, with combined company that earns liber-
andY^cuX^^encyu business, will continue to write ordinary life, as well as industrial policies. It is modern life insur- a i ratps o f interest on
holds a contract that is safe as a National Bank Note. ~ , x o cc- , , ■ . . . .
ance than encourages one/company with one plant, one set of officers, and without substantial in- Southern mortgages?
state of Georgia, crease of its fixed expenses, to write the two lines of life insurance—the one poliev .for the worker
state capitol. Atlanta Georgia March 27 1912 w h° P a ys Lis premium weekly, and the other |)olicy. sold through a separate depart- Insurance mon especially
-nee cX l mTss^n^ r 'o 9 f h Vh^ o^at t e o orG°oTg% al c e^^yVh a °t tf the 0 n' e n t S rL mcnt. to the man of sufficient i ncoine t o pay aii aui)i la I premium. are invited to write for
serve value of policies issued by the CHEROKEE » . .
V AAi4 X *- IFE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Rome, Georgia, is /xl 1 1• r .11 ti I’ f 1 r If r foldci'S that I'loai'lv PX-
~ MaggMr secured by a deposit of acceptable securities in a c - Ihe ( herokep Life, a mutual companv. has an attractive line ol sound ordmarv life policies, con
p, o . ,da " c ® Wlth th « compulsory reserve deposit laws of . ' • . . . . ’ tdaill 1 lIP ( 'horokee loptll-
th '%^. a ,* e enacted |n the year 1906. tainiug selling features abreast of the times, ami invites correspondence with live ami t rust wort liv
uiven under my hand and the seal of thi« office • i r i • x r'l
day and year first above written ’ i I> I*IIIJXI IIJX BOOllt Pl'P-
gltllr* wm. a. wright salosnion.
Comptroller General and Ex-Officio' Insurance ’ Com millin Revision DOWU-
”' m i ss i oner.
Cherokee Life is now writing insurance in Georgia. Alabama. Tennessee ami Louisiana. New ward.
This is the Certificate that protects the Cherokee Life Policyholders. IfHTitOFV is available for the right 11101). Write for ♦‘Olltracfs.
Ordinary Department BOWIE Industrial Department
. Director of Agencies Director of Agencies
Atlanta Offices, Empire Life Building
Cherokee Life Insurance Company—Head Office, Rome, Georgia