Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, June 29, 1912, HOME, Page 21, Image 21
THE- ATLANTA GEORGIAN AN D N E\\ 3. REAP FOR PROFIT—GEORGIAN WAN I AU*J--USE FOR RESULTS SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 1912. Real Estate For Sale. Houses For Rent. W. A. F oster & Raymond Robson Real Estate. Renting and .Loans. Bel! Phones 1031-1032. ;1 Edgewood ave. FOR SALE. IN ONE of the growing sections of De catur, neat three-room cottage, on a dandy lot, 100 by 229 feet. $1,500. $750 cash and $12.50 per month. A less cash payment will be accepted if larger month ly payments are made. This is a good buy. See Mr. Radford. <>N B( >L LEVA Itl > DEKALB, near the Decatur ear line and only a short dis tance from East Lake junction, a nearly new five-room cottage, with city water, sewerage connections, hath and' electric lighting. Elevated level lot. 50 by 200. '* e .*' ,is I’biee a genuine bargain for. $2,500. Easy terms can be arranged. See Mr. .1. .1 Hook. FOUR ACRES within three blocks of Peachtree car line, this side of Buck Beautiful building site and run ning water, only $4,000. See Mr.-White. OOD. good section, close to car line, school and churches; a good nouse of six rooms, on a large lot. 110 by j.o>. Pretty shade. East front. Running water. Price, for quick, sale, $2,250. I errns. SI,OOO cash: balance three annual payments. See Mr. Dews. IF YOU HAVE MONEY TO LOAN. WE CAN PLACE IT. FOR RENT. 263 NoRTH BOI’LEVARP -on the cast side of North Boulevard, betweeh Highland and Johnson, we have a two-story .seven-room frame. Has gas. wa ter. hath, washstand, closet, sink, electric lights. , Is In splendid condition Street car in front. Lot 40 by ’O4. Rent. S4O by the month. WE PUBLISH A WEEKLY RENT BULLETIN, giving a good description of ev erything we have for rent Get a copv. JOHN J. WOO DS IDF. THE RENTING ARENT, 12 AUBURN AVENUE. PHONE MAIN 61$. FOR RENT BY E. RIVERS REALTY CO. NO. 23 DELTA ST.; we have this two-story eight-room house: hot and cold water, bath and tinted walls; fine location and splendid neighborhood; $37.50 per month. NO. 354 CAPITOL AVE., between East Georgia avenue and Bass street, on an elevated lot. 50x200. wr have this eight-room two-story house: has gas. hot and cold water, porcelain hath, cabinet mantels; everything in first-class condi tion: $35 per month ______________ N(». 10 ROYSToN ST., between Euclid avenue and McClendon street, we have this six-room bungalow with all modern conveniences. This house is in splen did condition, and just one-half block from Inman Park oar line; S3O per month Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. PEACHTREE ROAD frontage: 200x600 Feet CLOSE' TO END <>f car line. Right in the heart of certain development. OGLETHORPE FNIYERSITY is cer tain. H's the biggest thing ever done f<>r Peachtree. -It’s sure to influence val ues. 1 CHAS I’ CLOVER REALTY CO. 2 1-2 WALTON STREET'. » FOR SALE BY OWNER NO. 395 CAPITOL AVENUE, modern two-story dwelling, in per fect condition. Large reception hall, parlor, dining room, butler’s pantry, kitchen, store room and lavatory on first floor. Four bed rooms, bath and toilet and servant’s or * East front, level, shaded lot, 50x200 to 13-foot alley. Reasonable terms. $6,250. . ." : ! 1 s^“ THE 110 T SE you will build, buy or- rent will not be a modern home unless it is wired for Electricitv. 4-11-20 SUBURBAN FARMS CHEAP. 33U ACRES, ten miles out, near car line and railroad; small house; some fruit. $1,125. 50 ACRES, 20 cultivated, but no buildings, only 12 miles out. Just S2O per acre. 1 Wi: \l.S<> HAVE SOME MIGHTY GOOD EXCHANGE PROPOSITIONS. GEORGIA HOME AND FARM COMPANY, 114 CANDLER BUILDING. PHONE IVY 5767. WILLI AMS-HARTSOCK CO. REAL ESTATE AND BUILDERS. FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BUILDING Phon* 2106 Main NO .152 MYRTLE STREET- Eight rooms, two stories, corner lot. beautiful man tels and fixtures. SBOO cash, balance $45 month. This is a bargain. You can't duplicate this on the street in price and value. BARGAIN —Here is a vacant lot. close to Highland and Ponce DeLeon avenues. 50x150 feet; lies fine; can be had for a few days only for $1,700. You’ll have to hurry. NEXT WEEK wo will begin two more new homes, one on Sixteenth street, the other on Moreland avenue, will arrange either to suit, your own ideas; both loca tions are fine. Come to see us and get one of them. Tg J— - TWO GOOD NEGRO LOTS —<’an build five housed here; city water, close to car line, can make the two for $1,100; terms at that. This is a good buy Just Beyond West End AT WEST HAVEN SPRING I have 35 acres, 1,000 feet east front,- on chert road: lies well and will make a beautiful home, or ' would be fine for subdividing. For further inofrmation see J. N. LANDERS Owner. * 812 Austell Building. Phone M. 3422. A V aluable Lease WE HAVE exclusive control of the best 10-year store lease on * Whitehall St. at a very low rental. A soda fountain, lunch counter and cigar proposition would pay a handsome dividend here. Positively no information given over the phone. Apply in person or by letter. Applications will bo treated strictly confidential. WILSON BROS. I REAL ESTATE. RENTING AND LOANS. I 7#l Kmplr • Building V Main 4411-J. Night No. Ivy 4070-J. FOR RENT. 3-r. h.. 486 Houston street 3-60 3-r. n., 728-E East Fair street 5.50 3-ix h., 751 Whitehall street 900 3-r. h., 356 Edgewood avenue 10.60 3-r. h., 721 East Fair street 6,60 3-r. h.. 33 Gaskill street 8.60 3-r. h.. 728-B East Fair street 4.30 3-r. h., 22 Postell street 5.50 3-r. h., 55 Kennedy street "30 3-r. h., 59 Mims 9.00 3- h., 60 Sampson # "60 4- h., 19 Fowler st 10.00 l-r. h., 27 Evans Drive 12.50 4-r h.. 144 Crew street 20.60 4-r. h.. 410 Randolph street 12.50 4-r. h., 32 Virgil street 9.00 4-r. h., 11 West Alexander street... 15.60 4-r. 11. 156 West Harris street 10.00 4-r. flat. 150 West Baker street... . 23.10 4- flat, 180-B Woodward ave 18.60 5- flat. 290-A East Linden street.. 30.00 5-r. fiat. 270 East Fair street 21.60 5-r. h.. 102 Crumley street 18.00 5-r. h.. 355 Form wait street 16.50 5-r. h.. 49 Atlanta avenue 17.50 And a long list of lai ger houses. <’OME TO SEE US. Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale RALPH O. COCHRAN REAL ESTATE AND RENTING WEST PEACHTREE—THE BEST BUY. WHILE THE WORK is going on in this section, and before it is finished is the time to buy. ‘You know what the new grade will do for values. You know what it did for Luckie. Spring, Forsyth and many other streets. West Peauhti’ee even has the advantage over some-of them, it is a thorough fare, it is a straight shot to North Atlanta and that splendid Buckhead section. There is every reason for enhancement. We have two or three of the best propositions to offer on this street, and would like to talk it over with anv one interested. WEST BAKER. WEST BAKER should not be overlooked at this time. The new grade is going to make a vast difference in the looks of the first two blocks. It looks good now, but will look better when this work is finished. We have a fine place in a few feet of Spring that could not be beat for an apartment house site. Large lot with an allev. PONCE DE LEON AVENUE HOME—SB,OOO. WE HAVE a good 8-room house on Ponce De- Leon avenue, near Boulevard, on lot 50x150, that we can sell for SB,OOO. on reasonable terms. This is an elegant place, and should be sold at once. It has everv convenience, and is unusually attractive. BAKER STREET AT COURTLAND. WE HAVE a lot very close to the center of the city, facing on East Baker street 100 feet, and running back a splendid depth to another street. This is a fine site for a manufacturing plant or laundry. We are instructed to sell this at once. Give us an offer. HERE IS ONE EAS.Y ON HARALSON AVENUE in Inman Park we have a good 6-room house on a large lot 80 feet frontage, for $4,500, on terms of SIOO cash and $35 per month. This place is rented for S3O per month, and is a good home for some one. Why pay rent? HERE IS ANOTHER. IN A PRETTY SECTION on Oak street, West End. we have a nice fi room house on a good-size lot, for $4,500 —$100 cash and $30.00 per month. It looks like almost any one could own a house when it can be bought on such terms as this. Salesmen: H. W. GRANT. C. W. COCHRAN HARRIS G. WHITE Sales Manager. WHITEHALL STREET AND RAILROAD FRONTAGE RIGHT at the street car underpass we have 75 feet on White hall street with 82 feet on Central of Georgia railway, at just about one-half its value, or $175.00 foot, on good terms. Adjoining frontage held at $350.00 foot. B. M. GRANT & CO. Second Floor. Grant Building. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PROPERTY THIS PROPERTY fronts 90 feet on Marietta street between Forsyth and Spring, and has a depth of 200 feet to a street or driveway opposite the S. A. L. freight depot. It is only 1.200 feet from Five Points, the center of the city, and on the best side of the widest business street in Atlanta. It is within 400 feet of the city hall, and only 600 feet from Marietta street property which recently sold at $4,000 a foot. We offer this, subject to the approval of the con gregation, at $2,000 a foot, or SIBO,OOO. S. W. CARSON. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, T. B. GAY, Committee. • JOHNSON & YOUNG 215 Peters Bldg. FARMS Bell Phone Main 2245. 146 ACRES IN TOWN Ok SNELLVILLE. GA.. 25 miles northeast of Atlanta, on National Highway: beautiful cottage with six rooms. d,rug store, garage, three big barns, five-room tenant house; 55 acres in cultivation; 50 acres In pasture; plenty . f timber; two streams of pure water. We can sell this place at a liar gain. on good terms, or exchange for city property See this at once. lie ACRES 4 MILES FROM CENTER OF CITY; 1.200 feet on paved road: 6 acres in high state of cultivation; 2 acres In berntuda pasture; balance in tim ber. two four room houses; three-story barn This will make you an ideal truck or dairy farm. Price right and terms BEAUTIFUL VACANT LOT on East North avenue, near school; 50 bv 200 feet to an alley. Nothing like it on the street that can be bought for less than SI,BOO. Price on this for quick sale. $1,400. Good terms can be made. $5.00 Cash Buys a Lot in Sunset Park CLOSE TO school, church, car line etc. Only I 1-2 miles from the center of the city: fifteen minutes ride. Lots $ 150 to $750 each—ss, $7.50 and $lO cash and balance monthly. Nearly all will have water, sewer and sidewalks put in AT OUR EXPENSE. THE BEST small investment you can put your money in is a lot in Sunset Park. Come and see us, or call us up and let us show you. BELMONT LAND COMPANY H. <BAILEY, Sales Manager 601-2 FOURTH NATL. RANK BLDG., Bell Phon* Main 1514. HOME SEEKERS ARE Toll tn the market for a home? If so. ft will be to your Interest to confer with us atpnee LISTEN: Do you own a lot anywhere In the .city or sub urbs paid for or half paid for? If so. let us build a house on It to siflt your Ideas and arrange terms like rent or easier Houses we build range second to none U point of workmanship, material and beauty Ask our customers Plana aud specifications will cost you nothing GATE CITY HOME BUILDERS REAL ESTAT K AND BUILDERS 809 Third National Bank Building. Phone Ivy 3047 Real Estate For Sale. ADAIR’S LIST. MANGUM ST. Corner Magnolia St. THIS lot fronts 198 feet on Mangum Street, beginning just a little beyond Block’s factory and running up to Mag nolia street, on which it fronts 50 feet; has five dwellings and a good store. Total rental, s6l. Price, $7,500. This is a fine investment property; only three blocks from the Terminal station. FOUNDRY ST.. Cornei- Mangum St. THIS lot fronts 185 1-2 feet on Foun dry street, running back along Man gum street 85 feet; contains three dwellings and a store, with a rental of $52. These houses could be overhauled and the rent considerably increased. A fine piece of investment property near Continental Gin Company. Price. $6,000; reasonable terms. MANGUM ST.. Fronts 125 Feet. A LARGE tract on the east side of Mangum ■ street, between Magnolia and Foundry streets; has a frontage of 125 feet, running hack 152 feet on one line and 103 feet on the other line. Contains eight small houses. This en tire property for $4,000, on reasonable terms. .341 SIMPSON ST., 214 Feet Front. THIS is an entire block on north side of Simpson street, between Davis and Edwards streets; extends back 130 feet, containing an old stone house which rents for $18; lot is elevated considera bly above street level. We will sell this block for $5,000 on terms of one-fifth cash, balance in four annual payments. SIMPSON ST.. Corner of Vine St. THIS tract fronts 138 feet on Simpson street and runs through to Jones av enue, at the corner of Vine street; the frontage on Jones avenue Is 190 feet. Would make seven good building lots, and is well suited for building a block of houses either to rent or sell. Price, $3,200; on reasonable terms. JONES AVE., An Entire Block. THIS is a city block, bounded by Jones avenue, Walnut street, Bush street (Western avenue) and Vine street; has three cottages and thirteen good build ing lots: all street improvements be ing down on Jones avenue. A good speculation for some one to build rent ing houses, being In an industrial neighborhood. Price for the entire block. SIO,OOO. KENNEDY ST.. Corner Walnut St. A STORE and dwelling house, known as Nos. 90 and 94 Kennedy street; lot 88x100. located directly on the A., R. & A. railroad; rent for s2l. Price, $2,000. Suitable for warehouse or a small fac tory, and in the meantime pays twelve per cent. - 59 JETT STREET. A Five-Room Cottage. WE will sell this good 5-room house, lot 50x88, for S9OO. It adjoins the A.. B. & A. right <>f uay.xand rents steadi ly at SB. Terms, one-fourth cash, bal ance three annual installments, with 7 per cent. A GOOD PLACE FOR COAL YARD. FRONTS 400 feet on A.. B. & A. rail road; also fronts on Julian and D'Al vigny streets; an erregularly shaped piece of property, well adapted for coal, wood or lumber yard; contains five small houses. Price. $3,500. Less than slo’per foot for railroad frontage. THREE HOUSES On Julian Street. NOS. 59, 63 and 69 Julian street, just south of Bellwood avenue; lot was originally 200x120. but a corner has been taken off by the A., B. & A. rail road, making tract available for manu facturing or warehouse purposes. We will sell these three houses for $2,000; one-fourth cash. THREE HOUSES On Bellwood Ave. BELLWOOD AVENUE has a good fu ture to it; it is another Peters street in the formation. We offer a good in vestment in three houses - Nos. 115, 121 and 123 Bellwood avenue—lo 6 feet front, for $1,750. The lot is triangular in shape, but is in a good business spot, on a street that is constantly growing in importance. WEST NORTH AVE., Fronts 4(M> Feet. BETWEEN Lambert and Vine streets we have a five-acre tract fronting 400 feet on North avenue and running back north ion feet, but wider in rear, lying In between the Southern and A.. B. A- A. railroads; has a five-room house. Price of entire tract. $6,500. . BELLWOOD AVE., Lot 100x270. THIS lot lies on south side of Belt wood avenue, between Chestnut street and English avenue, near where the ear lino turns: it rims through to Fox street and is in no block adjoining English Avenue school. Price, $2,000. A splendid Investment. remarkably cheap for a fine business lot with dou ble street, frontage. A LARGE BLOCK On Bellwood Ave. THIS tract is on the northwest corner of Bellwood avenue and Lindsay street, fronting 131 feet arfd running back 324 feet to Powell street, being the eastern half of that block of land known as the gypsy camp. We offer this unusually fine block of property for $5,000. MARIETTA ROAD, At Howell Station. THIS lot fronts 100 feet on north shk of Marietta road, adjoining J. W Echols' home, runs back 345 feet to right of way of Southern railroad: a remarkably cheap manufacturing site Only $2,500. FORREST A GEORGE ADAIR I Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. East Lake Road Land traders are just beginning to realize the profit-making op. portunities of East Lake Road frontage. We have just closed a sale of 300 feet running back 390 feet near Oakview, at $4,750, slightly under sl6 a foot. We have also sold across the street 400x500 at $7,500 —a little over $lB a foot. I.and like this will drift on up in successive trades to S4O and SSO a foot. It Is the SPECULATOR'S OPPORTUNITY TODAY. In one block of East Lake Country Club we have 730 feet for—an entire block of unusual depth. There’s money in this kind of real estate. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR ADMINISTRATRIX SALE BEFORE COURT HOUSE DOOR. Tuesday. ,Tuly 2,. at 10:30 a. m., corner <»f Pryor and Hunter Sts. WE WILL SELL the former home of G. T. Eubanks, located at the northeast corner of Walker and West Fair streets. It is a splendid house. Modern and complete. Large lot, namely, 53x173 feet. Will soon be business property. 'PHIS PROPERTY runs back within a short distance of Peters street, and preliably the best part of it. The entire interest in this property will be delivered to the purchaser. Terms are cash. Examine the property; see us for any further information, and be on hand next Tuesday, WE CAN MAKE you a low rate mortgage loan if you need it in order to pay all cash. TURMAN, BLACK & CALHOUN 203-8 Enip ire Bldg. . gmn — -ui- 123 Piedmont Avenue BETWEEN Edgewood and Auburn. Six-room cot- tage—two rooms in basement; also servants’house in rear. Lot 35x112. Renting for S3O a month. Price $l6O a front foot. One-fourth cash. 'Phis is by far the cheapest property on Piedmont avenue between Georgia railroad and Ellis street. LITTLE & GREEN 10 Auburn avenue. Main 943, Atlanta 593. VACANT LOTS = '. WE HAVE a very attractive proposition to make to about a dozeD' lot, buyers of sterling character who wish to make and save money. If this includes you, come to see us. HOLMES & LUCKIE REALTY CO. Phones: Atl. 226, Bell Ivy 4157. 34 N. Forsyth St. GOOD NORTH SIDE GIO 1-0 LT XT LT ON NORTH JACKSON STREET we hat» Iv I—z two-story seven-room house with all conveniences on a lot running back to an- RI/* \ I other street. This is a pick-up at the 1 l 1 ■ price. We can sell for a few days. Price. $3,750; some terms. Gome in quick before i A\ T r A some one else gets this bargain. X I rvlN I Rea | yssfate, Renting, Loans. 511 Empire Bldg Both Phones 1599. DUNSON & GAY REAL ESTATE AND LOANS, 409 Equitable Building. ('ABITOL AVENUE HOME In one of the best blocks on this street we offer .•< nine-room, two-story dwelling, in perfect condition, on a beauti fully shaded, oast from, level lot—reasonable terms—for $6,250. BETWEEN THE PEA<'HTREES, elevated lot, covered with oak grove, only $2,500. Located on Twelfth street, 200 feet east of West Peachtree. FOUR-ROOM house, east side of Martin street. 100 feet north »f Haygood, $1,200. CORNERS ~ $7,750 Auburn avenue corner. 50-77. This Is a pick-up sure. SB,OOO Georgia avenue and Grant street; rents now for SBO per month. This Is the place for up-to-date fount or little store. $15,000 Spring street corner, renting at present for SIOO per month This is a good buy. Lot 60x150. $15,000 Orme street, corner. 100x150. You can rent this for $l5O per months easy. $«,ooo Spring street corner, rents 160 per month. How is this? $6,000 -Corner .Mangum and Thurmond, 100x100, houses and store. Get busy. $15,000 Marietta street corner. Here is another worth talking about. See us before buying. Martin-Ozburn Realty Co. Third National Bank Building. Phono Tvy 1276; Atlanta 208. FOR SALE ™ L / NT I T A 6-room. 2-story house and a 3- 111 I I IXI I t oont cottage. Rented for s2l pe v .' X 1 X 5 J . month Price cut from $2,500 to $2,250. WOODSIDE TI '°G=X M "- 21