Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, June 29, 1912, HOME, Page 22, Image 22
22 Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. - -- -.- ■ THOMSON & LYNES FOR SALE. IS and 20 WALTON STREET. Loth Phones 458. FORREST AVENUE HOME. $0.500~1t is valued bv a loan company as being worth $7,500, We are sure you will be pleased with this place. It’s a 2-story, 8-room home, on lot .>oxlso. A bargain— that’s all. Terms. CHICKEN RANCH, at East Lake —Lot 150x450. It’s a corner. Has beautiful 6-room bungalow on it. r l his will please you sure. Easy terms. THOMSON & LYNES . WEST HARRIS CLOSE TO LUCKIE. on West Harris, I am offering a piece of improved investment property that presents an unusually ad vantageous opportunity for the small investor. This is located in a section where values are increasing steadily and conserva tively. The lot is 45x93 feet to an alley; it can he handled for $3,000.09, and can he bought for less than $200.00 a front foot, and the present rental will take care pf the interns* on the de ferred payments. I predict in view of recent activity and trad ing in this section that this pro party will bring $250.00 a front, foot or better within the next twelve months. EMMETT HIGHT 513-614-515 EM PIRE BI.DO. ’ IN BATTLE HILL ON GREENSFERRY AVE., between Irmnn and Wellington streets, brand-new, up-to-date bungalow, 6 rooms, sidewalk, chert street, sewer down and paid for, hot and cold water plumbing, combination fixtures, well elevated. You can’t beat this for $2,750.00. $300.00 cash, $20.00 per month. Will rent for $21.60 per month. J. N. SANDERS 812 Austell Rnildink. Phone. Main 3422. READ FOR PROFIT- “ USE FOR RESULTS— GEORGIAN WANT ADS Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. » DO YOU WANT A LOT Close to Numerous Industries, Where Houses Will Rent, or Sell Well? THESE LOTS are convenient to either city nr county SCHOOItS and churches, either inside or outside the city limits. Have you been out along McDonough Road to the KEDERAL PRISON, and on MILTON AVE., HILL ST. and SOUTH GRANT ST.? If so. you must have noticed how rapidly this section is growing and what a high class of home-owning citizens are settling along these streets. Part of the property lies inside the city and part outside. It has the above advantages, and in addition has eit\ water. A good deal of the property has sewer. TILE SIDEWALKS, paved STREETS. ELECTRIC LIGHTS, and either front the Lakewood or Eederal Prison car lines, or are within a block or two of each line. WE REPRESENT an estate in this section owned bv a client in Bos ton, who is vorv anxious to dispose of some of it. and in addi tion we represent two local owners. They desire to sell enough lots tn enable them to continue improving the other property, byway of laying sidewalks, sexver. water main. etc. We have several bunga lows and cottages already for sale, but if their size or location ’ should not suit you. we are prepared to have houses built according to your plans, and can arrange very easy terms for you. If you want a home, this is your opportunity. If you are looking for an investment for renting or selling, you can scarcely make a mistake in any of these lots. ’IDLES til ARANIEI'iD No taxes for this vear. Call or write for plats and prices. BELL PHONES; Main 671; Main Turman, Black & Calhoun Second Eloor Ng. 2ii< Building. Successors to S. B. Turman A ( 0.. ( ha.-. 11. Black and Andrew ( alhoun. THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. FRIDA Y. JU NK 28, 1912. Real Estate For Sale OHARP & JJOYLSTON HOLDER NESS STREET VACANT LOT. WE have a proposition on this street that looks mighty good to us. It’s a 100 foot lot that we ran sell at a price that will make some one some money mighty soon. We • an sell this cheaper than you can get anything else in this section. NORTH SIDE VACANT LOT. ON an 80-foot street we have this beau tiful lot. It’s 50x200 and is a beauty. There are very few lots for sale in here at any price and we an make this one at a bargaitf price. ASHBY STREET. 11 - you are in the market for a dandy home we have it in the following prop osition: Here is a house of six nice rooms on a nice, lot that is fixed up dandy for flowers, chickens and a garden. The house is in an extremely good section and has all the modern improvements. Owner wants to sell. WEST PEACHTREE ST. THIS is a modern two-story house, right new and has to be seen to he appreci ated; has four bedrooms upstairs and one down, two servant’s rooms in basement; large lot ami is finished up in an up-to <l a,p s tyl A - This Is a peach WE WANT SOME acreage that Is not ton far out for one of our customers. Also have a cus tomer for a nice little investment that will pay a good percent on the amount in vested. List of Hooses to Rent. 3-r. flat, 124 East Fair streets2o.Bo 3- flat. 201 Ira street 880 4- flat, 402 Rawson street 14.30 3-r flat, 306 West Love street 9.60 3-r. h., 32 McDonald street 660 3- h., 127 Garden street 10.00 4- h.. 32 Rogers street 15.00 5- h . 310 Luckie street 25.00 5-r. h., 25 Cunnlgham place 22.50 5- h , 34 Rosalia street 20 00 6- h., 56 Rankin street 27.50 6-r h , 190 Grant street 28.10 6-r. h., 1,3, 5 Witham place 8 60 6-r. h., 75 Whitefoord avenue 18.60 6- h . 346 Central avenue 25.00 7- h , 12 West End avenue 20.00 8- h,, 58 East Merritts avenue, furnished 80.00 8-r. h., 367 Spring street, furnished. 50.00 8-r h., 158 Courtland street 40.00 8- h., 156 Richardson street 35.00 9- h., Fort McPherson 50.00 8-r. h., 429 South Pryor street 37.50 lO’/2-r. h,. 168 Luckie street 37.00 10-r h , Peachtree Road place 50.00 12- h , 510 South Pryor street 50 00 10-r h., 239 Capitol avenue 65 00 TURMAN, BLACK & CALHOUN. 203-8 Empire Building. Phones, Main 674 and 910. Real Estate For Sals. Real Estate For Sale. KOR RES I- A \^ EXUI£ HOME SS,SOO—BETWEEN JACKSON ST. and BOLUE VARD, we are f going to offer yon a nice two story, 8-room house, with all conveniences, at a price that will sell it this week; never offered be fore at above price. House is worth the price it self. Convenient to three ear lines. Can make terms. NEW BUNGALOW.—Near corner BONAVENTURE and PONCE DE LEON AVE., we would like to show you a pretty 6-room cottage, with plenty of halls and closets; large porches, side entrance, close to North Avenue school. One-half block of Ponce DeLeon avenue. $l,0(X) cash, balance to suit. NORTH KIRKWOOD COTTAGE. $3,100 —New 6-room bungalow, with all city im provements, on a large lot. 255 feet deep. Can sell this place on terms to suit. Going to sell this week. See us at once. A BEAUTIFUL 7-ROOM BUNGALOW. ss,ooo.oo—Near corner of EAST TWELFTH K ST. and PIEDMONT’ AVE., overlooking the park, we would like to show you one of the prettiest and best built cottages on our list: built for a home. Could be used for two families; has every conven ience; plenty of shade; ear in one-half block. ASHBY STREET LOT’. 90x250. WEST END —If you want one of the prettiest and best located lots at a reasonable price, let us show you this. East front, plenty of shade. Con venient to three car lines, and near schools and churches. Fine homes all around it. Best of neigh bors. Can make terms. See TURMAN. BLACK & CALHOUN 203-8 Empire Bldg. Phones Main 674 and 910. Gordon Street Bungalow Bargain AX ATTRACTIVE BI NGALOW. nice mantels and fixtures, stone foundation, level lot, 60 fed front, for immediate sale at $3,7.’>0. Worth $4,500. Terms. HURT & CONE REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS. 301 Empire Life Building. Phone Main 914. Business Opportunities. Business Opportunities. Special to Retail Druggists. Take Notice A GOOD flrst-class drug store tor sale or rent at a bargain for a first (lass drug man. A brand-netv store, never been occupied, with first class mahogany fixtures. Elegant new soda fountain with modern equip ment. No better location can be found; in the suburbs of Atlanta at junction of seven streets; pressed brick store building with plate glass fronts. 20x60 feet. Ideal location for soda water business. No other drug store in half mile. In flist-ciass neighborhood. Will seell for cash or on easy terms. For further particulars, phone or write J. R Brooks, 62 Hurt street Atlanta, Ga. Phone Bell Ivy 3926-J. Legal Notices. STATE ANl' COIJNtWtAX SALEs7 Will be sold before the court house door, in the city of Atlanta, the first Tuesday in July. 1912. within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit, same being seized by myself as tax collector of Fulton county, as property of parties named below for their state and (NBiiitv taxes for the years specified: Also at the same time and place the following described property, to-wit: A certain city lot in the city of Atlanta. Ward 3, land lot 44, in the Fourteenth district of Fulton county, Georgia, front ing 70 feed on the south side of Mil ledge avenue, between Hill and Grant streets, and running back 125 feet, more or less, in a southerly xlirection. the house on said lot known as No. 91. on said street, according to street numbers, the same being improved property in the city of Atlanta adjoining Arnold. levied on as the propei t\ of A F. Bellingrath, to satisfy a fi fa. in favor of the state and county, against said lot and against said A. F Bellingrath, for state and county taxes for the ycar_l!Ho Mso h' th< •dine Ume and place, the following described property, to-wit. A certain city lot in the city of Atlanta. Ward 1. land lot 109. in the Fourteenth district of Fulton county. Georgia, front ing 44 feet on the west side of West Fair street, between Milton and Proctor streets, and running back 100 feet, more nr less, in a westerly direction, the house on said lot known as No. 395 on said street, according to street numbers, the same being improved propertv in the cit\ nf Atlanta adjoining Eubanks. lev ied on as the property of T, L. Bowen to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of the state and county, against said lot and against sa<d T 1. Bowen, for state and countv taxes for the \ ear 1 910, Also at the same time and place, the following described property, to-wit: A certain city lot in the city of Atlanta. Ward 5. land lot 111, in the Fourteenth district of Fulton county. Georgia, front ing 28 feet on the west side of Griffin street, between D \lvigny and North streets, and running back 102 feet, more or less, in a westerly direction, the house on said lot known as No. 190 on said street. a< cording to street numbers, the same being improved property in the city of Atlanta adjoining Rouse Levied on as the proper!v of ,\ D. Cameron to satisfy* a fi. fa. in favor of the state and county against said lot and against said A D. Cameron for state and countv taxes for the > ear_ 1910. Also at the same time and place, the following described property, to-wit: \ certain city lot in the city of Atlanta. Ward 4. land lot 20. in the Fourteenth district of Fulton countv. Georgia, front ing H feet on the east side of Krogg street, between Edgewood avenue and Decatur streets, and running back 112 feet, more or less, in an easterly direc tion the house on said lot known as No. 5 on said street, according to street numbers, thefcsame being improved prop ert? in the city of Atlanta adjoining Trout Levied «»n as the propert? of J H Chafin to satisfy a fi fa In favor nf the state and count? against said lot and against said I H Chafin for state and tunfj '.‘xcs for thF \ear 1•1 <> Mro same time gtid place the mg described property, to-wit: A ertain ritv lot in the cit? of Atlanta. Ward 3. Land Lot 20. in the !4th district of Fulton countv. Georgia, fronting ion feet on the wert stile of Povvcl! street between Gas- Legal Notices. kill and Tennille streets, and running back 140 feet more or less in a westerly direc tion. the house on said lot known as No. . . on said street according to street numbers, the same being vacant property in file city of Atlanta adjoining Willie. Levied on as the property of Mar} Craig to satisfy a fi. fa In favor of the state and county against said lot and against Mar,. Craig for state and county taxes for the year 1910. Also at same time and place the foL lowing described property, to-wit: A cer tain city lot in tlie city of Atlanta. Ward 1. land lot 84 in the Fourteenth district of Fulton county. Georgia, fronting 36 feet on the south side of Hunter street be tween Maple and Davis streets, and run ning back 117 feet, more or less, in a southerly direction, the house on said lot known as No. 224 on said street acconUng to street numbers, the same being un proved property in the city of Atlanta ad joining Blalock Levied on as the prop erty of Annie Delaney to satisfy a fl. fa. in favor of the state and county against said lot and against said Annie Delaney for state and county taxes for the vear 1910. ‘ Also at same time and place the fol lowing described property, to-wit: A cer tain city lot in tlie city of Atlanta. Ward 3, land lot 43. in the Fourteenth district of Fulton county. Georgia, fronting 54 feet on the north side of Georgia avenue, be tween Grant street and Cherokee avenue, and runningback 140 feet, more or less, in a northerly direction, the house on said lot known as No. 448 on said street ac cording to street numbers, the same being improved property in the city of Atlanta adjoining Heston. Levied on as the prop erty of Hattie J. Drake to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of the state and county against said lot and against said Hattie J Drake for state and county taxes for the vear 1910. Also at same time and place, the fol lowing described property, to-wit. A certain city 10l in tlie city of Atlanta. Ward 4. land lot 18. in tlie Fourteenth district of Fulton county. Georgia, front ing 114 feet on tlie east side of Arnold and Todd stteets, between Todd and Rare streets, and running back 200 feet, more or less, in an easterly direction, the house on said lot known as No. 114 on said street, according to street numbers, the same being vacant property tn the city of Atlanta adjoining Herrington, levied on as the property of Marie Ford to sat isfy a fi fa. in favor of tlie state and county against said lot and against said Marie Ford for state and countv taxes for the year 1910. Also at same time and place, the fol lowing described property, to-wit: A i ertain city lot in the city of Atlanta, Ward I, land lot 110. in the Fourteenth district of Fulton county. Georgia, front ing 40 feet on the northeast corner of Hunter and Leach streets, and running back 80 feet, more or less, in a north easter!} direction, the bouse on said lot known as No 441 on said street, accord ing to street numbers, the same being improved property in the city of Atlanta adjoining Eastman, levied on as the prop erty of Susie Fotnitain to satisfy a fi. fa in favor of tlie state and county against said lot and against said Susie Fountain for state and county taxes for the year 1910 —■ Mso at same time and place, th* fol- | lowing described property, to-wit; ' I 4 ertain city lot In the citv of Atlanta, • Real Estate For Sale. WEST PEACHTREE STREET— We have * choice vacant lot, 145x200. price $70.00 per front foot. You can’t beat it. Also two beautiful homes between Third and Fourth streets, at attractive prices. Also a beautiful colonial house of about 11 rooms, furnace heat and every other convenience. This is one of the most artistic apd up-to-date residences in At lanta. If you are interested on this beautiful thoroughfare, this will suit you. Also a 9-room house. Has every convenience. Price $9,500.00. This place is a bargain. SPRING ST. corner lot price $3,200.00. We also have a bar gain in a vacant lot S4O per front foot. ANSLEY PARK—6-room house, all improvements. Price $5,200. fronting ear line. Also 8-room house, up-to-date in every partic ular. Fronts car line. $6,500.00. Also 9-room house, stone front, tile porch, furnace heat, and every other convenience to make it a model home. Price $7,500.00. Six-room house, furnace heated. Price $5,300.00. Also 6-room house, large lot. This is a beau ty. Bargain at $4,500.00. We have a beautiful vacaht lot, 50x 200 feet, near car line, $2,500.00. WE HAVE on Peachtree street some choice propositions in brick residences. On a quick sale we are authorized to sell this property at $25,000.00. W. E. Treadwell Legal Notices. Ward 3. land lot 22, in the Fourteenth district of Fulton county, Georgia, front ing 50 feet on the north side of Berne street, between Boulevard and Summit street, and running back 180 feet, more or less, in a northerly direction, the house on said lot known as No. 50 on said street, according to street numbers, the same being improved property in the city of Atlanta ad joining Framer, levied on as the property of Kitty and Ida Garmany to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of the state and county against said lot and against said Kitty and Ida Garmany for state and county taxes for the year 1910. Also at same time and the fol lowing described property, to-wit: A certain city lot in the city of Atlanta, Ward 8. land lot 109, in the Fourteenth district of Fulton county, Georgia, front ing 147 feet on the east side of Peachtrea and Railway streets, between Southern railway and limits, and running back 1,260 feet, more or less. In an easterly direction, the same being property in the city of Atlanta adjoining Rosser, levied on as the property of H. W. Grady to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of the state and county against said lot and against said H. W. Grady for state and county taxes for bhe_year 1910- Also at same time and place, the fol lowing described property, to-wit: A certain city lot in the city of Atlanta, Ward 3, land lot 21. in the Fourteenth district of Fulton county, Georgia, front ing 50 feet on the north side of McDonald street, between Berne and Cameron streets, and running back 100 feet, more or less, in a northerly direction, the house on said Int known as No. 40 on said street, according to street numbers, the same being improved property in the city of Atlanta adjoining Barsfiold, levied on as the property of Julia Griswell to satisfy a fl. fa. in favor of the state and county against said lot and against said Julia Griswell for state and county taxes for the year 1910, Mso at same time and place, the fol lowing described property, to-wit: A < ertain city lot in the city of Atlanta. Ward 6, land lot 79, in the Fourteenth district of Fulton county, Georgia, front ing 23 feet on the west side of Spring street, between Pine and Linden streets, and running back 130 feet, more or less. In a westerly direction, the house on said lot known afi No. 388 on said street, ac cording to street numbers, the same being improved property in the city nf Atlanta adjoining Hitt, levied on as. the property of Mrs. L. C. Hendrick estate, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of the state and county against said lot ’and against said Mrs. L. C. Hendrick estate for state and county taxes for the year 1910. Also at the same time and place, the following described property, to-wit: A certain city lot in the city of Atlanta, Ward 4. land lot 51, in the Fourteenth dis trict of Fulton county. Georgia, fronting 50 feet on the south side of Forrest ave and county taxes for the year 1910. and running back 150 feet, more or less, in a southerly direction, the house on said lot known as No. 143 on said street, according to street numbers, the same being improved property in the city of Atlanta adjoining McMillan Levied on as the property of Miss Evelyn Jackson to satisfy a fi fa. in favor of the state and county against said lot and against said Miss Evelyn Jackson for state and county taxes for the year 1910. Also at the same time svnd place, the following described property, to-wit: A certain city lot in the city of Atlanta, Ward 4, land lot 45. in the Fourteenth district of Fulton county, Georgia, front ing 50 feet on the west side of Bradley street, between Edge wood avenue and De catur street, and running back 100 feet, more or less, in a westerly direction, the house on said lot known as No. 20 on said street, according to street numbers, the same being Improved property in tfce city of Atlanta adjoining Campbell. Levied on as. the property of H. B. Jack son to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor nf the state and county against said Int and against said H. B. Jackson for state and county taxes for the year 1910. Also at the same time and place, the following described property, to-wit; A certain city lot in the city of Atlanta, Ward 5, land lot 81. in the Fourteenth district of Fulton county, Georgia, front ing 300 feet on the west side of Western and Atlantic and Southern railwax. be tween Bellwopd and D Alvigny streets, and running Hack 200 feet, more or less, in a westerly direction, the same being ' vacant property in the city of Atlanta adjoining the railroads. Levied on as the property of T. J. James to satisfy a fi. fa in favor of the state and county against said lot and against said T. J. James for state and county **l? year 1910. Also at s<yne time and place the follow ing described property, to-wit: A cor-, tain city lot in the city of Atlanta. Ward 5. land lot 111. In the Fourteenth disti • *. of Fulton county, Georgia, fronting 5R 9 feet on the west side of Sunset avenue, between North avenue and Meldrim streets, and running back 100 feet, more or less. In a westerly direction, the house on said lot known as No. 518 on sdd street according to street numbers, ihej same being improved property In the < Hy of Atlanta adjoining Leathers Levie i ->n ( as the property of F. c Lcfyd to satisfy a . fi fa. in favor of the state and county against said lot and against said F C < Loyd for stale and county taxes for th**' year 1916 Mso at the same time and place the fol lowing described property, to-wit: A cer tain city lot in the city of Atlanta. Ward 10. land lot 108. in the Fourteenth district of Fulton county. Georgia, fronting 40 fo«t on the west side of Stewart avenue, be tween Whitehall and Wells streets, and running back 120 feet, more or less, in a westerly direction, the house ni\ said lot known as No 41 on said street accord ing to street numbers, the same being im proved property in the city of Atlanta ad- Legal Notices. ~ joining Carlisle. Levied on as the prop erty of J H. and L. A. Neely to satisfy a fl. fa. in’ favor of the state and county against said lot and against said J. I and L A. Neely for state and county taxes for the year 1910. ~Also at same time and place, the fol lowing described property, to-wit: A certain citv lot in the city of Atlanta, Ward 9, land lot 14. in the Fourteenth district of Fulton county. Georgia, front ing 76 feet on the south side of Seaboard street, between McDonald and Hardee streets, and running back 141 feet, more or less, in a southerly direction, the house on said lot known as No. 917 on said street, according to street numbers, the same being improved property in the city of Atlanta adjoining Jones, levied on as the property of Charlton G. Ogburn, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of the state and countv against said lot and against said Charlton G. Ogburn for state and county taxes for the year 1910. Also at same time and place, the fol lowing described property, to-wit: A certain city lot in the city of Atlanta, Ward 3, land lot 54. in the Fourteenth district of Fulton county. Georgia, front ing 31 1-3 feot on the south side of Geor gia avenue, between Ami and Connally streets.” and running back 110 feet, more or less, in a southerly direction, the house on said lot known as No. 285 on said street, according to street numbers, the same being improved property In the city of Atlanta adjoining Cngar, levied on as the property of Wm. F. Ogburn, to satisfy a fi. fa in favor of the state and county against said lot and against said Wm. F. Ogburn for state and county taxes for the year 1910. Also at same time and place, the fol lowing described property, to-wit: A certain city lot in the city of Atlanta, Ward 4. land lot 47. in the Fourteenth district of Fulton county, Georgia, front ing 45 feet on the north side of Morgan to Linden streets, between Arnold and Randolph streets, and running back 200 feet, more or less. *in a northerly direc tion. the same being improved property in the city of Atlanta adjoining Gibson, levied on as the property of Frank O’Nea! to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of the state and county against said lot and against said Frank O'Neal for state and county taxes for the year 1910 Also at same time and place »he follow ing described property, to-wit: A cer tain city lot in the city of Atlanta. Ward 2. land lot 56, in the Fourteenth district of Fulton county, Georgia, fronting 50.8 feet on the northeast corner of Thayer and Crogman streets, and running back in a northeasterly direction, the house on said lot known as No. 109 on said street according to street numbers, the same be ing improved property in the city of At lanta adjoining Arnold. Levied on as the property of Lula Slaughter to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of the state and county against said lot and against said Lula Slaughter for state and county taxes for the year 1910,- Also at same time and place the follow ing described property, to-wit: A cer tain city lot in the city of Atlanta. Ward 10, land lot 121, In the Fourteenth district of Fulton county. Georgia, fronting 150 feet on the northeast corner of Hart and Evans drive, and running back 180 feet, more or less, in a northeasterly direction, the same being property in the city of Atlanta adjoining McCool. Levied on as the property of J. S. Stevens to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of the state and county against said lot and against said J. S. Stevens for state and county taxes for the year 1910. Also at same time and place, the fol lowing described property, to-wit: A certain city lot in the -city of Atlanta. Ward 9. land lot 15. In the Fourteenth district of Fulton county. Georgia, front ing 200 feet on the southwest corner of Copenhill and Madison avenues, and run ning back 155 feet, more or less, in a southwesterly direction, the house on said lot known as No. 128 on said street, ac cording to street numbers, the same being improved property in the city of Atlanta, adjoining Copenhill Land Company, levied on as the property of H. T. Trowbridge, guardian, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of the state and county against said lot and against said H. T. Trowbridge, guardian, for state and county taxes for the year 1910. Also at same time and place, the fol lowing , described property, to-wit: A certain city lot in the city of Atlanta, Ward 8, land lot 105. in the Fourteenth district of Fulton county, Georgia, front ing 60 feet on the east side of West Peachtree street. hq<l running back 200 feet, more or less, in an easterly direction, the same being property in the city of Atlanta, adjoining Harper, levied on as the property of Joshua Tye, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of the state and county against said lot and against said Joshua Tye for state and county taxes’ for the year 1910, Also at same lime and place, the fol lowing described property, to-wit: A certain city 10l in tiie city of Atlanta. Ward 2. land lot 86. in the Fourteenth district of Fulton county. Georgia, front ing 50 feet on the east side of Ira street, between Arthur and Amy streets, and running back 100 feet, more or less, in an easterly direction, the house on said lot known as No. 412 on said street, accord ing to street numbers, the same being improved property in the city of Atlanta, adjoining Wright, levied on as the prop erty of Andrew J. Ward to satisfy a fi fa. in favor of the state and county against, said lot and against said Andrew J. Ward for state and county taxes for the vear 1910. ; Also al same time and place, the fol lowing described property, to-wit: A certain city lot In the city of Atlanta, Ward 7, land lot 108. in the Fourteenth district of Fulton county. Georgia, front ing 36 feet on the east side of Wellborn street, between West End avenue and l Greensferry avenue, and running hack 150 : feet, more or less, in an easterly dtrec- I tion, the house on said lot known as No. '44 on said street, according to street numbers, the same being improved prop erty in the city of Atlanta, adjoining Walker, levied on as the property of B. H. Harkins, to satisfy a li. fa in favor of the state and county against said lot and against said B. H. Harkins, for state arul count} taxes for the year 1910. Also at the same time and place, the following described property, to-wit: A certain lot in the city of East Point, land lot 164, in the Fourteenth district of Ful ton county. Georgia, beginning at a point on west side of Crook street.’ 104 feet from Thompson street, running north on west side of Crook street 200 feet, more or less, to Lyle street: west on south side of Lyle street 711 feel, more or less; north 304 feet, more or less, to Thompson street: east on north side of Thompson street 311 feet, more or less, to one-acre trait, thence north 104 feet, thence ea’t • 400 feet, more or less, to Crook street, levied on as the property of T. P G? t'ameron to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of the state and county against said lot and against said T. P <l. Cameron for state and county taxes for the }ear 1910. Also at the same time~an<) place; - the following described* property, to-wit- A certain lot in the county of Fulton, begin ning on the northwest corner of Greens* ferry road and Wellington street. 118 6x 156, rear iin» 99.3, levied on as the prop erty of M. M Berringer to satisfi a fi. fa # in favor of the state and county against said lot and against said M M Berninger and county taxes for the year Also at the same time and plane, the following described propertv. to-wit- i certain lot in tlte county of' Fulton land lot 250. in the Seventeenth district of Ful ton county. Georgia, fronting on west side 70 feet on arf unnamed street 40 feet 1 west of land lot 247 to West avenue- wes» 140 feet, in village of Tampa; conveyed bv C. D. Autrey and levied on as the'prop erty of C. \ . Gonzales to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of the state and count} against said lot and against said C. V Gonsales and county taxes for the year Also at the same - time and - place, the following described property, to-wit- A eertajnyiot in the comity of Fulton, land lot Bi, tn ’he Fourteenth district of Ful ton county. Georgia, beginning on the east side of Stewart avenue. 116 feet, north of Mary, thence north on Stewart avenue 56 feet to lot 4; thence east 155 feet to a ten-foot allot . being lot -5, At lanta real estate property; levied on as the property of W. M Campbell to satis fy a fi. fa In favor of the state and conn- * t> against said lot and against said W M (•ampbell for state and county taxes for the year 1910. Also at the same time andYTaceTHie ToHowing described property, to-wit: A certain lot In Fulton ' ounty, land lot 81, in the Fourteenth district of Fulton coun ty. Georgia, running south on the ea«t side of State street 50 feet, east 136 feet ' •''Tphllt avenue, northwest on north Side of Homi lull feet, v, e- 107 ." ire, A In beginning, levied on_as the propert} o! N Continued on Next Page.