Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, June 29, 1912, HOME, Image 26
Is THIS What YOU Expect to SeeAbroadl 7W& fW.O-WW.= X;iW ? 'T W>J M ’pw IFV ■ 1 i r , wi/WA 1 ffl w ‘xJm Xj \i - VOOJ=JxM pjfflttfe Waff, -■ ? JfcfM A feaMP -? r r How Is This for Your Fixed Impressions oi the Tropical Virgin Forest? 4 Amusing Sketches by H. Auelot, the French Picture-Making T fERE comes a picture-making psychologist to turn the av “■ ± erage untravelled person s mind inside out and exhibit the Images it contains of foreign coun tries. If you are an untravelled per ■>n, glance at therse pictures and marvel at the artist’s accuracy in “hitting off” your unconsciously fixed mental view of Venice. Hol land, Africa, the Orient, and so on. Hasn't this picture-maker got popular psychology on this subject down pretty fine? , This genius Is H. Avelot, whom the Parisians love because of the humorous frankness with which his pencil and brush visualize their foi bles. In the present instance be does much more than that—he paints what the average person thinks about certain things not vis ually familiar to them in reality. What, for example, is the popular Idea of Africa at the present time? Shut your eyes and you’ll picture to yourself a large, energetic man In £ cork helmet, with a rifle under his arm. pursuing a bunch* of al armed giraffes. M. Avelot is a Frenchman, and it will be remem bered that “T. R.” was quite a lion tn Paris on bls return from Africa. Now, what is your instantaneous, involuntary mental picture when South America is mentioned? Hasn't this French artist portrayed It with admirable fidelity? A coun try where revolutions spring up in the night and are fought to a fin ish every day in the year, with the warships of outside nations popping away perfunctorily from the ocean horizon; white planters spanking the dark-skinned natives; adventurers digging huge diamonds out of the •oil almost anywhere; butterflies as / //\ \ Isn't This Your Idea of Africa? FT! ' ' - , f SOW fioi ■ iBW W . /F --IMsK fSln .> AO $» M? < X AS‘ ‘ffidKcb W®L 5T S'hmL. o- x J£L\ . rW - v. v"O\W' x PAHF fl J , •■- ■;■■ <■ •■•<::• '<s;*■ Is Anything Left Out of Yout Basic Idea of Holland in this Picture. || l|| i I I sig ’ I 3i V ft it v<-- 2222222 And Here You See the Very “Friendly” Islands. big as aeroplanes, and plutocratic European gentlemen making love to dusky senoritas —isn’t that the pic ture of South America that flashes across the canvas of your imagina tion ? Then there’s China. Quick, with out stopping to think it over, what is your customary basic idea of China? A country where roasted rats and puppies are served at the best ta bles; where common offenders against some law go about the streets with their heads stuck through holes in a square of heavy plank; where more serious offenders are publicly sawn asunder from head to feet, and arc so used to it that they smoke a cheerful pipe of /Ttn- AV jJ £7 7'f r vzjp/r.-»nt. mu. oy Aniencuw cvxa miner. v»reai oniijn .-.esc. || | !|| Psychologist, Whose . || I I Favorite Subjects VjV Are the Thin S s ® That Everybody ; i )'® Thinks ' W ! ■<. a _________________ —— — c ..... jUteJWlr®™ $ wd?® o „ _A ana p|| i Tr |m Jt I W® ® A SEiSlk AWW.f 11 nw This Is the China of Your Untravelled Imagination—lsrf*t It? opium during the process; where pa godas and dragons litter the land scape, and where ladies’ feet are so small that foreign tourists have to examine them through a mangni fying glass. Venice—a riot of gondolas, with a hazy notion of undent palaces, out of whose front doors you’d walk directly into the waters of a canal but for the gondola waiting to re ceive you. - “'<" La ■Uff- ' x nr M-JII J W v ’ < x 4A > AyrUps., M ? f I ■ a : >«4s |Q| x/- £ i / <1 B / f Yx >*®llrxx.-:x?D 1 fA=Kji .in . i J_ 4 / \! n« c - M / - v Jr iFfS3 rt/vJ 7(fef c i B 'Wv-J M . jfsfe? r ii .t jF,'.j;wilir , ‘"">iiinuM is "« iniiiini w- s 1' (kb' :? !s r r wTi Swfer I Lfi lo DC\ “" —■■ ■■-■,-- _..»■■ -, —, - - • - # Does Your Habitual Mental Image of Switzerland rvffg Contain Anything Left Out Here ? Coming to the matter of the trop ical isles of the ocean. M. Avelot wastes little time. Apparently his mind centres on the “Friendly” Is lands, for a French naval officer, just landed, with nis cap in his hand and a wreath of flowers on his brow is indulging in a rapturous kissing duet with a scantily clad native beauty, while behind every palm tree are other couplet, and more kiss ing. The artist also includes your f /i p. Q h tz Z. . lAJ fl <J f -rSW aIIWf rm Everybody s Idea of the Arctic Regions—Except the Few Who’ve Been There, .'rfSS Isn’t This Your Very Mental Image of South America? What Is This but Venice? < idea of ‘‘Devil’s Island,” the French Penal colony—of course, a prisoner swimming for liberty. Can you think of Devil’s Island except as a fine place to escape from? There’s a glimpse of Australia, too —Australia, where the kangaroos come from. What do yop think about kangaroos?. Naturally, the celebrated vaude ville boxing kangaroo—and here ne is, “repelling boarders” a la Jack Joh on. Holland? Why, ot course! Wind mills —with artist gentlemen up to their knees in mud sketching them. Steady downpour of rain, yet vol uminously petticoated housewives in wooden shoes everywhere scrub- bing, scrubbing. In a nasslon of splashing cleanliness. Dogs draw ing milk carts —kissing under um- brellas a la Maartin Maartins. Fal men with long pipes, half asleep while the women scrub. Is anything left out of your mental picture of Holland? Then there’s Switzerland— chalets clinging to mountain sides by their eyebrows; processions of Alpine climbers, alpenstocked and linked with ropes to their guides; beetling crags w’lt.h chamois perched on their summits; cows coming home to be milked; snow-bound tourists eating Swiss cheese and drinking heartily from small barrels while St Ber nard dogs mercifully lick their frozen faces —as though brandy and Swiss cheese were not life-saving rtarlty enough! Everything except the yodel, which may be a bit hard to portray in black and whie. What is your unreflecting notion of Moscow more than Oriental domes bursting Into flames while Napoleon spurs hts charger back toward France? Os Spain, more than bull fights, dashing matadors and dark eyed senoritas? Isn’t France a land of bewitching blauchieuses carrying home the wash while silk-hatted boulevardiers and long-haired artist! ogle them? Allez-douc! Que vou lez-vous? Suppose some one suddenly men tions to you the mysteries of the tropical virgin forest? Doesn't M. Avelot picture your habitual mental image pretty well here? See the missionary boiling In the pot which Umslopogas tends so ex pertly while the little Umslopogassee gather around with dripping tongues out and forks poised expectantly. See the explorer travelling by water fighting a hippopotamus with one hand while the other attends to a whole army of open-faced crocodiles. Note the explorer travelling by land in a hammock borne by insect-tor tured natives, while one ot his at tendants is squirming in the encir cling folds of a boa constrictor. Could any revelations in black and white represent better the psy chological observations ot the un travelled than do these sketches by M. Avelot?