Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, June 29, 1912, HOME, Page PAGE ELEVEN, Image 35
WAYCROSS, GA., “THE GLAD-HAND CITY” ■ - I « Sirmans Realty Co. W. E. SIRMANS, President Colonization and Timber Lands We sell cut-over lands, suit able for colonization pur poses, in Georgia or Flor ida in any, size tracts. • We Sell Saw Mill Locations of Either Pine or Cypress WRITE US FOR PRICES * 318-320 La Grande Building, WAYCROSS, GEORGIA The Ice Delivery Co. Ice Distributors for WAYCROSS AND SURROUND ING TERRITORY Daily Capacity ISO Tons Carload orders filled promptly. Special attention to sacked ice ship ments. Telephone 30 or write for prices. OUR MOTTO: “Reliable service every day in the year.” The Ice Delivery Co. Office on Ewing Street, Opposite Virdie Stables WAYCROSS GEORGIA H. J. BENTON & CO. Dry Goods, Notions, Gents’ Furnishings And Shoes Full Line Ladies’ and Chil dren’s Ready-to-Wear We Appreciate Your Trade We have great faith in Waycross’ possibilities. Phone 212 6 Mary Street H. J. BENTON & CO. THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. SATURDA V, JUNE 29, 1912. This Is Not a Booster Edition, But a Setting Forth of the Admirable Advantages for Those Seeking a Place Where All Nature Smiles and Prosperity Abounds. By CHARLES R. CRANE. WAYCROSS, GA.. June 29.—The ex pression, "See Naples and die," is old, and In its day served Its-purpose most admirably, but today a more fitting ex pression fits the heart and sentiment of the people of Georgia and the South; aye, the visitors from various sections of the North and West, and that Is to "See south Georgia and live." Not only does this section, with all its natural resources of a most substantial nature, renew the desire for life, but It engenders a fond desire for a prolongation of life, with ever increasing ambition as an attributed sen timent. Truly, there Is no place that can offer more generous opportunity for the ambitious than does south Georgia, for nowhere does nature assist so materially, toward the goal of success as this sec tion. One needs only an insight into its possibilities to convince him of Its gen uineness. Prominent among the cities of this God favored spot is Waycross, and It is not amiss to say that Waycross, if not the most favored city, certainly ranks very high among the best of this section. As evidence of the wonderful possibilities to be enjoyed here, a descriptive account of things already achieved is given below. Things known need no proving, and what has already been accomplished in this city in the past few years is sufficient to vouchsafe for the future, and to lend that tinge of assurance to others that those who have already "tasted and found good" now record as things known. True, Waycross has grown to its pres ent size in the past few years, and in fact grew 144.7 per cent in ten years, but its great growth is not the result of a boom of any kind which lives only as the dewdrop lives with the moonbeams, but on the other hand, its growth has been steady and substantial, and the result ol a hearty co-operation of its citizens, who know and realize that Waycross is what It is represented to be in every sense of the word, and that in supporting and in vesting here their money Is spent in such a manner that a most beneficial financial return will result. The people of Way cross are as one big family—nd jars, no financial problems staring them in the face, po misgivings for Improper invest ments, money well distributed among her citizens and equal advantages to all, har monious concord reigning everywhere, no selfishness but cordial welcome to all, even to the stranger seeking admittance into her bounds. Waycross has been called "The Glad Hand City." "The Glad Hand City" has been most appropriately given Waycross, for It Is deserving, and It is a title which any city should be proud to possess. While this applies to Waycross primarily, incidentally a modification might be sug gested and call Ware county the "Glad Hand County,” for Its people are ever ready to extend the glad hand of welcome to visitors. Ware county has a location that should be envied by any other county of the state. It Is in the heart of the "wire grass" section of southeast Georgia, some sixty miles inland from the Atlantic coast and about one hundred miles from the gulf coast, on a watershed dividing all streams flowing Into these bodies, con taining about nine hundred square miles of area, with a population at present of about twenty-two thousand. The farming possibilities of Ware coun county are immense, the soil being so prolific that as high as three crops a year are made on the same ground and some farm or garden crops can be ready for market any and every month of the year. The climate is. of course, highly responsi ble for the great success the farmers of this section enjoy. It is similar to north east Florida, with mild, open winters, snow a rarety, making farming possible during the entire year, with no shelter for stock necessary. The rainfall, which Is evenly and amply distributed throughout the year, also contributes to the success of the farmers. The country roads are fat above the average, thereby making Way cross, the county site, and all other towns of the country accessible at all times for the purpose of marketing or distributing products of the farms. The principal crops grown are sweet' potatoes, cotton, sugar cane, corn and vegetables of all The long staple sea island cotton is extensively grown, as the climate is ideal for its production. The growing of — A Ware county oat field which gives an idea as to the crops grown. Will H. Stevens, of the Den Realty and Improvement Co. fruit Is coming Into prominence with con tinually increasing Importance since the introduction of blight proof varieties. Fruit growing was a very profitable-iadus try a few years ago until the dreaded blight swept through this section. Large orchards have recently been planted and are doing nicely. The pecan industry Is also very important in this section and is k —: ' - : <~t=— > ~ * La Grande building, one of the prominent Waycross struc tures. attracting the attention of capitalists iu every part of the country. This page could be filled with instances relating to tlje advantages of the county as to farming possibilities It frmst not be forgotten that Waycross deserves more than passing notice and is worthy of any word of praise that may be given. Waycross, "The Glad Hand City," the "Queen of the Wiregrass Section," is a city whose growth has been marvelous. From a population of 3.364 in 181*0 it has jumped to the surprising figures of ap- -p— —- -- v ? K ™t ~~- '!-■ New union station in Way cross, one of the most attractive I in the state. * . I proximately 15,000* There is certainly a reason for this wonderful growth, and one need spend only a few hours here to re ceive answer. It has inducements that are exceptional to offer, inducements that mean something and are substantial. Waycross has ten beautiful churches, is free from saloon influences, has fine edu cational facilities, four good modern ho tels, progressive public-spirited business men. purest artesian water, first-class sewerage, paid fire department, electric lights, grand union station, practically new. twelve railroads, paved streets, elec tric car lines in course of construction, two live daily newspapers, four banks, business college, Y. M C. A building, Baptist college, several fine wholesale ami retail stores. I.’nited States experiment station, theater, moving pictures, Atlan tic Coast Line railroad shops, car manu factory, turpentine extractors, sand lime brick works, steam laundry, ice factory, two cypress saw mills, two pine saw trills, two planing mills, three cigar fac tories. five bottling works, five shiugle mills, splendid parks and recreation grounds. This will answer any question in your mind as to how Waycross has grown with such rapid strides. Nor has the city shut Its doors on other industries. On the other hand, it would welcome a fertilizer factory, canning factory, cotton mill, pail factory, box and crate factory, -wood pav ing block mill, sash, door and blind factory, furniture factory, bobbin factory, wood pulp mill, paper mill, variety wood works or any other industry of the right charac ter. These last industries ar£mentioned in particular as great advantages and op portunities await their establishment here. Waycross has a noble, historic past, embracing both sentiment and romance, but the present and future Is the mark of Its ambition and not the revelry in the past. The future for Waycross is, most roseate. It can tell the world the plain facts- wtih as much pride and boasting as could be,recorded by other places where unmaterialization and idle dreams form the theory for opportunities offered. It is a city of progress; it draws its in spiration from those glorious achieve ments which have marked the history of the mother state, ever keeping its eye on the future that is full of promise, rapid development, commercially and Indus trially, and that seems to mean wonderful strides in population and wealth. It is a city where trade, commerce and manu factories are intermingled with the high- j est culture. It is the ideal city for the investor, merchant or manufacturer, who. I wliile establishing his business, desires to secure for ills family the advantages of a home in the heart of a community I where the higher and nobler things of life are justly guarded and never neglected. I For further information the Hoard of Trade is referred to. which Is ever ready to tell any home-seeker the advantages of Waycross and Ware county, Georgia. City, Suburban and Farm Property The undersigned firm will sell you a lot centrally located or a suburban lot in the I thriving city of Way cross. They will also sell you a farm tract from five acres- to as many as you want. Prices are right. Terms are liberal. Send in your inquiries and they will have prompt at tention. City, sub urban and farm prop erty rapidly enhancing in value. Can’t possi bly lose. Respectfully, DEEN REALTY AND IMPROVEMENT CO. One of the Biggest Farms in the United States Is Located Eight Miles from Way cross, at Astoria. We own that immense tract of land and wo are rapidly developing it. We are planting pecan trees and fruit trees, and wo are rapidly working to make 1 he'JO,ooo acres we have the most productive*in the country. We have a rich pioposition in the richest section of Georgia, and we have an interesting story to tell investors a story of how money grows in South Georgia when scientifically put to work with. Na ture in a modern, up-to-date, scientific farming proposition. We would like to tell our story and we will be glad to it yon will only let us know you want to hear it. It is an opportunity which should not he over looked. Drop a line to— Georgia Farm, Fruit and Pecan Co. Waycross, Ga. PAGE ELEVEN MAGAZINE SECTION I