Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, June 29, 1912, HOME, Page PAGE TWELVE, Image 36
PAGE TWELVE Copyright, 1912. by The Georgian Co. The Gas Meter Is Not a Robber But an Accurate and Reliable Friend * jh •_• S~|‘ i CWIC @ftET I i I 3s L®md L Kb I |sL ' | Ibi w * M r // ffcu iS*M I 9 I I /jo Br w//Mi[lL iKMma NlitO IM Kfegj —’* 4y 1 * iS? Gas Meters Are Inspected Regularly (’vAy \ /C?\ ..^««— * • ? **/ inspect meters regularly and so keep them --"' ’ n good condition. It is certain then that I the meters are correct, both in the inter- ' .! es t °f Ide consumer and of the company. Hl Records are kept of the test of each meter, and it is surprising how close the results , <• are. It can be safely said that the aver- IN spite ot a popular belief to the contrary, the gas meter, all things considered, is the most accurate and reliable measuring instrument made. <l, " < ,1( ii.ult is .1 >i\. and less than two If one hundred of the best watches were to be tested for accuracy alongside of one hundred gas meters for oue. two 'or three l* el 'j'*’ 1 . ’ ~ ~ ... . vcars. undor the same conditions —exposed to heat« cold. etc. —the meters would come out ahead, not in coins’ fast but in maintaining . n J 11 accuracy hulk ot meters complained of register The principle of h gas meter can be readily understood bi comparing it to the principle upon which a pair Os ordinary fire-place bellows work. In fact, the slow, or against the company Some few .1 main feature of the meter is nothing more nor less than a circular bellows through which the gas passes to be measured. It is distinctly shown in the illustration register fast. I his happens from a de- | above. We will assume, then, that the pair of bellows is emptx : then the handles are extended and the bellows filled with air. If the handles are brought together railgemcut of the. meter, and which it is the air is expelled If a stop be placed on the bellows, both when closed ami when opened, they must make a certain stroke and receive and give out a fixed H O t possible to avoid with anv mechan- quantity of air with each motion The bellows of the gas meter, or the diaphragm as it is technically called, does the same thing. i»-al appliance - but tilt* total number of It receives a quantity of gas and then expels it into the service pipes of your home, having the same stroke every time. . . ‘I I ' • ‘ By means of the attachments shown at the top of the illustration, each stroke is registered and translated into cubic feet on the index, which is merely a motel S 111 proportion to. all tlm meters simple piece of block mechanism b\ which feet are recorded by the thousand. ill Use is relatively insignificant. I his call In the gas meter there are two diaphragms or bellows, as but one would give an intermittent supply. be easilv verified in the records of ('itv or If in doubt about the accuracy of your meter, ask this company to test it and be present, if you wish It will cost you nothing if you witness the test in State Meter Inspectors auvwhere ill tI)P person. The method of proving is simple and easily understock This is the age of fair mindedness. Let the gas meter have its opportunity to show that it is mens- United States or throughout the World tiring correctlv one of the cheapest and best commodities of civilization. ATLANTA GAS LIGHT CO. » - ■ ~, ■„■ ■ ... !—MAGAZINE SECTION* THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. SATURDAY. .TUNE 29. 1912.