Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, June 29, 1912, HOME, Page PAGE THIRTEEN, Image 37
I Do You Know 4 That—' The oldest actor "who ever appeared on the stage was Charles Macklin, who represented Shy lock in 1789 at Covent r Garden when past his hundredth birth , day. In a banana-growing country one i acre will ordinarily produce 17,000 pounds of the fruit, or more than one - and one-third times as much f<4od sub- stance as an acre or corn. J The following account of the short est courtship on record was given by | counsel in the London law courts: On / January 17 he proposed to her. and on the following day. before the doors iwere open, they were at Doctors - com mons to obtain a license. They took a taxi from Doctors’ commons to find whether a curate was at leisure. The curate was found, and by 2 o’clock that day they were married. j The following advertisement ap peared In a Berlin newspaper: "Re quired—A house in the neighborhood of Halle; size, rent, situation and length of lease no object, provided the door is large enough to admit my I wife's hat. When wearing it she can not through the door of my pres ent residence, and is therefore obliged to stay with her friends." For Coffee Lovers A Delicious Combrnatioi ot pure, llavory Coffees, sound wholesome cereali and selected high-grade j chicory. | Contains less caffeine than ordinary coffee. L Is more nutritious. Makes more cups per pound and costs less. 1 lb. Cans 2Oc lb. Cans lOc t> lb. Pail SI.OO Ask. Your (grocer lor It. Cheek-Neal Coffee Co. NASIVIiXI HOUTTO ■ JA K O'A’l TETTERINE FOR POISON IVY. I feel that it is my duty to thank \< for what .Tetterine has done for mv s<i ' When he was a small child he was poisoned with, ivy. from which ho has ■ been dreadfully afflicted for rears, not withstanding we have had him treated by physicians and used many advertised remedies. I have often seen him cry from pain caused by the dreadful condi tions of his hands. We finallv learned of Tetterine. arid, after using two boxes, j my son’s hands have been cured, no signs of the trouble for five months. Yours very truly, iSigned! MRS. T. j. JONES, 50c all druggists or by mail from manu facturers The Shuptrine Company, Sa vannah. Ga. " I W? 1 ’ _±_L_J DROPSY TRE * IEO ■ usually gives quick relief jjiivt v i anf j soon removes all swelling and I shett breath. Trial treatment sent Free. / Dt .H. H Green’s Sons, Box O, Atlanta, Ga, BED WETTING Old cured with llarrnkna Caaamr r* n _. ENURA CO ,Dept flu. Maywood, 11l qAMPLE DOX rREE COAL Last Week Wilton Jellico At $4.25 The Jellico Coal Co. 82 Peachtree St. ' Both Phone# 3668 CHICHESTER S PILLS ’’’L-try-w THE PIAMONU RBAA’u a IpSfckp'dßpA I Hl® in Red and Gold nietalilcCCw/ sFltnl i?*? 5 ’ se,led wUh Bll:e Ribbon, T*J “If £aLc other. Buy ofyonr ▼ I / tn I’rnMlat. AaU fnrCRI.CH'FS.TFWa BRAND A v A? years known as Best. Safest. Always Reliable SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE ISANTAL-MIDYi I’M 1 I 111, @ Relieves in 24 Hours Catarrh of the Bladder Al! Druggists fieuare or Counterfeits SANTAL-MIDY | NEXT WEEK AT THE THEATER I , The Forsyth. Following the greatest hit that has ever been registered at the busy For syth, the management succeeded, through-the Keith office influences, .in ■ engaging the Gus Edwards Song Revue i for another week. The wonderfully clever star feature will headline the bill that will be the attraction. It com mences with matinee on Monday, ap pears twice daily all the week and in cludes a special holiday matinee on the Glorious Fourth. Eclipsing every suc- ■ cess that has been credited to the For , syth, the Gus Edwards act more than lived up to the advaiyt-e promises. It is truly a wonderful thing for vaudeville, and there is more wonder in the fact that the famous song writer has such [ a supply of material, effects and ward robe, that he can produce any number of complete new programs. He prom ises to give a song entertainment dur ing the coming week in every way the equal of the success that has just now been scored, and to Introduce novelty and color that will have an effect that 1 will manifest itself tn winning ap -1 plause. There will be six different scenes in the New Revue that Is to be the offering. Gus Ed wards himself will 1 appear in all the scenes and sing the songs that made him famous and those 1 new ones that keep him in the fore most position among Ihe composers of > music that is popular. Ptetty Lillian Boardman, the prima donna who took all the leads this week, win again be prominent, and Jack Lamey, of the Al cazar, has been induced to sing a solo /f’MW / .JfPL&aA C\C \ ~ s-« -< A \'WMMssHk. - . * 1 ■\\ ’ll Baby Cuddles—Muster Georgie and the Girls, in Gtis Edwards Song Revue at the Forsyth. number in one of the reviews. Master George Price will give new Imper sonations of some of the best known performers, and Raby Cuddles and Master Georgie will give an imitation of a well known vaudeville singing and dancing sketch. The act will in every way measure up to the highest stand ard that was won during this week, and a number of pleasing innovations will make it more than a winning head liner. The other acts on the bill are up to the standard of the Forsyth. Each one of the five numbers has been selected with care to fit on the bill. There will be no confliction, but plenty of variety, and that sort of variety that has al ways pleased, tine of (he features will be Harrison Armstrong's Players in Northern , Lakes The lake resort# in the West and North are particularly attractive. ■ // The clear invigorating air added to boating, bathing \! an£ l Ei#hing will do much to upbuild you physically. I [/ We have on sale daily round trip tickets at low fares and with long return limits and will be glad to give you full information. Following are the round trip rates from Atlanta to some of the principal resorts: I Charlevoix $36.55 Mackinac Islands3B.6s Chautauqua Lake Poi,t» 34.30 Marquette 46.15 Chicago 30.00 Milwaukee 32.00 Detroit 30.00 , Put-in-8ay28.00 Duluth 48.00 Petoskey- 36.55 THE ATTRACTIVE WAY TO ALL THE RESORTS ON THE xGreat Lakes, Canadian Lakes and in the West CITY ticket office I I* ”*■ **l 4 Peachtree Street phones{ THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. SATURDAY, JUNE 29. 1912. WK! 1 i. c -« /r . 7/ i // . I 1 - ' . t TRWsiifeJ a ; I * r ; 4 i l\\ w \ IbNK T -Iz ; ’ ,■ that writer's latest success. "Squaring Accounts." Two clever performers ap pear in the little.playlet that Is crowd ed .with interest. It deals with a crusty old lawyer and a newsboy. The scene is in the lawyer's office and the man ner in which the newsboy "squares ac counts" will be odd. Henry and Fran ces, one of the cleverest duos of come dy entertainers in the vaudeville field, will be another of the features, and it may be depended upon that they wifi be welcome. Their act Is billed "Just Non sense,’Wand it has won favor in ail the. leading theaters, Keppeler and Brunay in "An Hawaiian Flirtation" will be on the bill, and it is promised that this act will measure to the highest sketch standard the Forsyth knows A unique novelty will be the intro duction of Britt Wood, a young come- dian, who is rapidly ■advancing to the real front. His method is unusual and he has been meeting with great Success wherever he appears. The Cycling Zonoras, in a novelty bicycle exhibition, will also appear. There has been an unusual advance sale, created, of course, by the ans nouncement that the Gus Edwards act holds over, and in addition the regular following of the theatef demands at tention. SAUER'S PURE FLAVORING EX TRACTS have no equal. Sold every where 10c and 25c the bottle, at your grocer’s. i:l l l l l,iii.i | IwasgM M'a'W, ■ H” 1 7 L ll 1 I' : J —? Pack Your Grip And Come t JIM, th is is Joe talking. Pack your grip and take the midnight. T hat will get you here tomorrow morning. This proposition looks big, but I want you to go over it with me. I can rely on you ? All right.” A Sudden Summons over the Bell Long Distance Telephone often results in the business man making an unexpected journey with excellent financial results. When You Telephone—Smile ® SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY Japanese auctions are conducted on a I plan which gives rise tb none of the noise and confusion which attend such sale's in Britain. Each bidder writes ■ his name and bld upon a slip of paper, which he places in a box. When the bidding is over the box is opened by , the auctioneer, and the goods declared, the propcity of the highest bidder. t Makes tne Nation Gasp. The awful list of injuries on a Fourth of July staggers humanity. Set over against it. however, is the wonderful healing, by Bucklen's Arnica Salve, of thousands who suffered from burns, cuts, bruises, bullet wounds or explo sions. It's tile quick healer of boils, ul ' cers, eczema, sore lips or piles. 25 cts at all druggists. ••• r ■ I • .. - V ' A • • e ■■ ■ K E E LY ' S KEELY's Bfl8 fl 00 to SIO.OO j ggj Model 408 Model 191 . $4.00 $1.50 l> Summer Corset Comfort The perfect-fitting « qualities o f American Lady Corsets, their ma terials and flexible bon ing make them the ideal Corsets for Summer I wear. American Lady Cor sets are absolutely guar anteed rust proof. The new Summer models include many i different heights and R lengths for slender, medium and short fig ures. Our expert corset- i * • ■ 4 ieres will see that you get exactly the model : suited to your figure. • • Special $5.00 Lydra OvUTCV to Models U $12.50 f 1 * SI.OO Ai.u i. ddL tn / I Iran SIO.OO O' I * \ WF Model 327 Model 325 $3.50 $3.50 KEELY'S PAGE THIRTEEN I—MAGAZINE SECTION.