Newspaper Page Text
Vinson, of Milledgeville, Thinks
Prison and Asylum Enough
for That Town.
Atlanta fa “the Meal place" for the
location of the state’s proposed electric
ehair, according to Representative Ad
ams. of Hall county, author of the bill
to substitute the chair for the gallows
and have all Georgia executions take
place at the same point. He announced
this today in discussing his bill, and
will change the wording of his meas
Mr. Adams' idea originally was to es
tablish the death chamber at Milledge
ville, in the state prison, but this was
met by prompt and strenuous objection
from Representative Carl Vinson, who
lives there. Mr. Vinson thinks It is bad
enough to hail from a town containing
' at once the state prison and the lunati,
Therefrire. Mr Adams derided Atlan
ta. which "always wants everything
which will get its name in the papers.'
! would welcome such an Institution as
> the electric ehair. So he will amend
'Ttis bill accordingly
The author has prepared a Hat of ar
guments in favor of electrocution as
»compared with hanging, believing It is
more humane, less expensive and less
likely to incite riots. He believes pris
oners confined in county Jails where
hangings have taken place are terrified
through their superstitions, and that
juries are often influenced against the
death penalty through the knowledge
'that they must inflict upon the sheriff
the duty of springing the trap.
A census of the deaf children of the
city is being made for the board of
.'education by Dr E R Thomas and W
F. Crusselle. part of a plan to open
a grade In the public schools for chll
■dren too deflcient in hearing to enable
■them to take the regular school work.
So far on the list are Adelaide Thorn
•s. 121 Park street, Mack Shepherd, 12
\ Alleen avenue. Louise Baker. Oakland
* 1 City; LflMe Strickland, 148 Walker
street. Annie Correy. 14* Lucile ave
, nue; Louise Spivey. 332 Simpson street.
Maxine Morris, 28 Howel] place. Jewel
Tates. 119 Stonewall street. Leola
Ward. Greensferry avenue. Liza Smith.
Crew street
It Is believed there are other deaf
children in the city who could attend
this grade in the public schools and
their names and addresses should be
reported at once so that all arrange
ments may be made for the opening of
the work by the board of education.
Indorsed by more Pure Food authori
ties. expert chemists, chefs and house
keepers than anv other EXTRACT In
the U S A. ’SAUER’S."
On sale July 4 and 5 Quick, con
wenient schedu'ee Pullman and Din
ing cars. Get full information at 38
126.35 round trip, sold July 6. < and
; B Full information at City Ticket Of
Call Main 1130.
■ Stricture
rrHER® is toe mueh rough werk. eut-
1 ting and gouging Ln handling cases of
Stricture 85 rears es experience with
x diseases of men.
QBu.' chronic d'seasee.
ner ■’’S'rders.
’ BRi"' W® *■*'« n me
MKiL. Ze '*"*■ ! *’'"ow .>t
etmeture mat be
EMBR cited *"1’8 levs
harsh treatment
'ywSiK:'-C i # 'han 'iter rarer
©S'MHBjpttUdfc Intent-
• gerr, careful and
&SM3WHB& ’ ‘.en'te-: treatment
■■■■■ ■. by « phyr'riar of
ixper'ence e nr n
•“’hmit pern T v «
ij-„; "fflWLy rifle, rar
■jJjjCSJB try—ert s-mr'. >■
lyvvo the r»
t e'” fm— b'*-" or.
ey I have found,
©R. WM. M. BAIRD toe, that many
Brown-Randolph Bidet, earoa of supposed
Atlanta, Gg. stricture are only an
infiltrated condition es the urethra and
eot true strtoturee Jfv office hours are
I to 7. Sundays and holidays, 18 to L
My monographs are free by mall in plats
pealed wrapper. Examination free
Virginia ave near Beach and steel f'fer.
Open surrounding* Capacity snp Het and
cold sea water baths Large rooms, south j
ern exposure Elevator tn street leiei .pa
clous porches, etc Special »<ek tates.
12 50 up daily Booklet Coaches meet
trains. COOPER & LEEDS
L> pace* 226 illustration’ All attraction* ano I
the Ittading hotels dearribod with r«’e» I
mao* etr Send 2c stamp for mailing fi ee repy I
Atlanttr Ci(> Free Information Bureau I
■a P O. Ro« RO6. Atlantic City. > «l «b 0
■ Allasta* B«»ie«4Thealrr J T»«l|ht 8:M
I Gue Edwa'ds Himself. Next Week
i jas. i nom
* “Squaring Accounts” — ton. Isabelle
< iz. a Dh..«-w D’Armond &
ft t Kapp«l®» a B r un*y — Frank Car
(Henry 4 FrAneie —Britt ter. Ed
Wood—Cycling Zonora. Com-
M’DONOUGH, GA.. July 2—Under
contracts recently let for waterworks
and sewerage in McDonough, piping is
being placed on the ground and all pre
liminaries shaping up. the full work to
be completed before the end of the
year. For this purpose $40,000 of bonds
have just been Issued.
Dr. ,1. G. Smith is putting in an elec
tric plant to furnish the city lights and
power, and. with the machinery practi
cally installed, lights are expected to |
be turned on inside of another month. ’
;i I
To illustrate the high standard maintained in our distribution, we I
point out that all of ten S4OO pianos to be given away are of the Cleve- I
land-Mannino manufacture. J
—— —l ’■ I
The last picture in th 1 ’ Proverb Con
test will he published tomorrow, And
ten days later the time limit expires for
the receipt, by us, of the answers you
send in. Thev must hr brought or sent
to us not later than noon. July 13. or bear
postmarks, if sent by mail, showing that
they were mailed before that, hour on
♦ hat day. Otherwise they will not be con
sidered in the awarding of the prizes.
The Contest Department is ready to
make prompt delivery of full sets of back
numbers of the pictures, and those who
want to take advantage of this chance
to compete for the prizes offered can
count upon the receipt of these pictures
as soon as the mails can carry them, after
the order is received by us. This applies »
also to the little Proverb Guide and the
Answer Book If you order a complete
set of pictures, you can have the Answer
Book included without extra cost, if you
mention the preference when ordering
The advantage of using the Answer Rook,
of course, lies in the fact that it contains
the first fifty pictures of the contest, re
produced in its pages, and provides a
place for the pasting in. by yourself, of
♦he last 25 pictures. Also that you may.
if you choose, send in two or three sets
ot answers in the one book
Those who enter now may be assured
that their sets of answers will receive
the same careful attention accorded to
those of the contestants who entered
earlier All of the sets will go to the
judges together, after the last ones have
been received by the Contest Department
Orders for the complete sets, including
tomorrow's picture, may he filed with the
Contest Department now, ami will be filled
promptly They will be sent anywhere
on receipt of $1 50 If you want the An
swer Rook instead of th< first fifty pie
turns in coupons he sure to say no The
Proverb Guides can still In obtained for
25 rents, or In cents, if s»tit |,y mail
ttE M $8 SET OF
sls Set CIA
of Teeth ’
All Other Dentistry at
lYiw ’TilJr Lowest Prices.
wj.i rii Painless Extraction,
DR. E. 4a. GRiFFIN’S R
a 24* ? Whitehall St.. Over Brown A Allen’s Drug Store.
Hour**, Bto 7; Bundsy« to 1 Lady Attendant.
This Is Picture No. 74
i if vx
f ' ™ IS '
,! Iks
Whal Proverb Does This Picture Represent?
Proverb Contest Editor,
Atlanta Georgian No. 20 East Alabama St,
My solution to Proverb Puzzle No. 74 is
My Name is
Street or R. F. D. No
Town State
Hold all answers until you have the entire set. No
answers will be considered If lent In before the publics
tion of the last picture.
Here’s the List
of 1,500 Prizes
Ist prize. $2,000 »n Gold,
2d prize, SI,BOO Auto.
3d prize. SI,OOO in Gold. •
4th prize. Mitchejl three - passenger roadster ■'
sth prize. SSOO in Gold.
6th prize, S4OO Piano.
7th prize, S4OO Piano, \
Bth prize. S4OO Piano. I
9th prize. S4OO Piano. /
10th p”ize, S4OO Piano.
11th prize, S4OO Piano. Cfe Vela H(LM3fI fl IH g Pim
12th prize. S4OO Piano. I
13th prize, S4OO Piano. \
14th prize. S4OO Piano, I
15th prize. S4OO Piano. /
16th prize, SIOO in Gold.
17th prize, SIOO in Gold.
18th prize. SIOO in Gold.
19th prize, SIOO in Gold.
20th prize. SIOO in Gold.
21st to 28th prize. $75.00 Typewriter.
29th to 78th prize. Elgin Watch.
79th tn 83d prize. Beautiful Bras, Lamp.
84th to 115th prize, ten-year Knickerbocker Watch.
116th to 140th prize, ten volumes Poe's Works.
141st to 340th prize. Imported Cake Set, hand-painted
341st to 540th prize. Imported Berry Set, hand painted
541st to 740th prize. White and Gold Cake Set, Imported
741st to 940th prize, White and Go'd Berry Set, Imported
941st to 1,040th Puze, Sterling Silver Mounted Fountain
1.0415 t to 1.066th prize. Silver Watch—l 6 size.
1.066th to 1.090th prize. Seventeen • Piece Imported Choc
olate Set.
1,091»t to 1,290th prize. Imported Griffon Razor.
1,291»t to 1.305th prize. Eight Piece Imported Steak Set.
1.306th to 1.405th prize, Eight-Piece Kitchen Set.
1,406th to 1,500th prize, Decorated Plagues.
Total Value $16,000.00
“The Houses in Our Midst ’
The First of Three Notable Successes of Segregation
The Secret of Its Support by Some
It Increases the Profits of the Landlord and Adds to the Fund in the
“Unbreakable Bank of the Corrupt Politician”
The good shot does not wing a bird; nor does he blow it to pieces; at the
proper distance he kills, scarcely ruffling the feathers of his victim.
Skilled procurers supply our markets, the houses in our midst, notably
those in Mechanics street or Manhattan avenue, the segregated district.
Girls say they are here of their own free will; ami the Madame smiles,
and. with a spirit not to be named, adds that we do these things better in
Atlanta than elsewhere.
The hunters have made clean hits, while we stood by consenting and
sharing the profits of their skill, thanks to our efficient officials who have
sworn to enforce the law, and do it not.
Only wounded, the hunted might have found her way home.
Shocked and dishevelled, ever in tears, her value would be little in the
market place.
But with her moral nature slain by devices constantly used by the
“white slaver,’’ like the dead bird with unruffled plumage, she is an asset
» of price.
With smiling lips she bandies filth, and with her body, harboring “the
germs gathered from one for dissemination among many,’’ she spreads
disease from man to man.
Many of these, who think they are seeing and enjoying life, in their
ignorance go forth to infect their innocent children and wives.
Blind Helen Keller says: “When we rightly understand our bodies
and our responsibility toward unborn generations, the institutions for de
fectives which are now our pride will become terrible monuments to our ig
norance and the needless misery we once endured.”
Warbasse, a surgeon of Brooklyn, says: .“It is the married woman’s
most common disease. Every prostitute has it. It is the bond of sxnnpa
thy between these two great classes of women—supplied by their hus
Morrow, of New York, a leading specialist, testifies “that 70 per cent
of the women who present themselves to him for treatment are respecta
ble married women, who have been infected by their husbands.”
‘’Gynecologists state that 80 per cent of all deaths due to inflamma
tory diseases peculiar to women— and 75 per cent of all special surgical
operations performed upon women are the results of this infection.”
These facts must be unknown to those entitled to respect among the
advocates of these houses in our midst.
The following figures explain why others loudly favor placing them
in a certain locality, segregating the “necessary evil,” as they say, shak
ing their heads sadly over the weakness of men.
In Decatur street 12 bouses with 141 rooms rent for $885.60 per month.
In Marietta street Shouses with 39 rooms rent for $203.60 per month.
In-Peters street 5 houses with 45 rooms rent for $218.60 per month.
Scattered. 8 houses with 60 rooms rent for $302.00 per month.
Total rent for 33 houses without the district, $1,609.80 per month.
Rut in the Mechanic street, or segregated district, seven houses with
one hundred and thirty-six rooms rent for three thousand five hundred
eighty-nine and 50-100 dollars per month.
Four houses in this district are claimed to be the property of the oc
Segregation advertises that in this favored section, with Atlanta’s ap
proval, protection and participation, a. man may, with impunity, act the
beast, and drag a woman deeper into the Hell which the greed and lust of
men have made for her on earth.
And so successful is this plan of advertising that se\en houses in this
chosen land rent for more than twice as much as 33 houses elsewhere in
Atlanta. <
Forty-three thousand and seventy-four dollars per annum
for the rent of seven ordinary dwelling houses!
Yea. money talks in more ways than one.
While its golden and hiazen tongues sing to the landlords and their
henchmen of segregation, its fearful stench tells the ston of Atlanta's
shame to men and Almighty Gotl.
And by His Grace there shall lie an end!
Oh. women of the houses, though men have slain your souls for gam. if
von will bear Him. Ohrist today will give you life for love!
Oh. owners of the houses, “Be ye reconciled to God!”
Women and men of Atlanta, whatever your station whatever your
pasU-Jesus said, “They that are whole have no need of a physician, but
they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous but sinners!”
•'AH we, like sheep, have gone astray,” and need His word and touch.
Think of these things. Talk of them to your friends and families. Sun
dav bring others and come to the House of God!
By His Grace and in His name there shall be an end!
Os the Men and Religion F orward Movement