Newspaper Page Text
Published by Th* Georgian < - nipany.
20 East Alabama btree.
Atlanta. Ga -
Entered kt Atlanta Postoffice as recoin
class matter.
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Help Wanted—Female.
wTINTED—A good cook. Room on lot.
Apply 627 Ponce DeLeon Ave. 1 -
STENOGRAPHER wanted;”sls per week
at start. Use Royal Standard type
writer. Box 722, care
Wanted— Lady for light household work,
in small family; work being light: wages
must be reasonable. Address Z. A. t..
i-are Georgian.
WANTED A good cook with references;
room on lot Bell phone »91-L - as '
Point. _______
WANTED- Cook at once; small family*
139 Capitol ave J IIL - '.
WANTED- Washerwoman to do wash
ing on lot. Apply 510 North Jackson st.
A SETTLED woman to cook and d o hou s e
work for family of three; half-mile
from Peachtree car line. Call Ivy
WXNTE D-- A good cook. Apply 301 S.
■ Pryor st. . .6-29-4
W V’T.D- Woman to do general house
work. Good salary. 65 Wabash ave-
COOK WANTED at 677 West Peachtree;
small family; cook must be first-class
and with best references: can live in yard
If desired. 0
YOU are looking for a position, aren't
you: or you would not be reading these
ad's? Perhaps the position you are look
ing for is not to be found advertised to
day. Then why not spend a few cents
advertising for a position in the “Situa
tion Wanted’’ columns of this paper to
morrow? There is no need of your walk
ing around in the hot sun or rain, let
ting your brain go to rust as well as
worry yourself sick looking for a good
position when a “Situation Wanted ad
in The Georgian will do the searching for
you. An ad in this paper cost you
only a few cents to run several times and
relieve your mind of a heavy load. Try
It and see. *~2B-13
~~ rent' No. 3 OLIVERS
Oliver Ty pewriter Agency, 54 Auburn ave
L : il.
Help Wanted—Male.
PRINTER who can do anything in job
job. Also press feeder. Main 3864-.1.
’ WANTED —30 boys over 15
years of age to sell drinks
at ball park afternoon of
’ 4th. Make from $2.00 to
$5.00 in two hours. Apply
12 o'clock. .July I. Red Rock
(’ompanv. 21S Auburn Ave.
W.VNTED—Combination man meat cutter
and grocery clerk; if not. well experi
enced do not answer: best of references
required. Address Butcher, care Geor
gian. 48 -7-2
'WANTED- A hustling carpenter to take
charge, of repair work. Apply at once.
18 Trinity at e. 7-2-15
WANTED- Helper. Massengale Bulletin
System. N. BroatL 39-7-2
WANTED Three or four good carpen
ters willing to join the union. M. Steph
enson. 226 Brown-Randolph Bldg. 7-2-5
WANTED—Sawmill bands, mule drivers,
steer drivers. log cutters and ordinary
laborers; highest wages and steady job.
Apply Royal Lumber Co.. 614 Empire
Bldg.. Atlanta. C,a. 7-1-35
WANTED- Young men of good
ter to furnish part of capital and drive
rent cars. Splendid opportunity for right
party. overland Southern Motor Car
Company. 232 reachtree street, Atlanta.
WAXTFJ) A few live men of
good address to present an at
tractive newspaper premium effer
among Atlanta homes. See Han
lon at rhe Georgian office. 6-10-28
STUB at Hilburn notel; heart of <_ltv;
10'4 Walton st., if vou want a clean,
cuiet room: transient 50c. open all night
_ 3j-2f-l»
YEs. wrore=sor G. O. Brannlng will' teach
you the barber trade (it’s easv). We
teach in one-half time of other college,.
Course, tools and position in our shops
cnly 830. Why pay more? Thousands of
our graduates running shops or making
good wages. Atlanta Barber College. 10
East Mitchell street. 5-11-17
i FREE MASSAGE, hair cuts, shaves,
shampoos All barber work free Clean
1 fen. Atlanta Barber College. 10 East
4 Mitchell. 5-27-16
5t il are looking for a position, aren't
you; or you would not be reading these
ads? Perhaps the position you are look-
5 mg for is not tn be found advertised to
day. Then why not spend a few cents
advertising for a position in the "Situation
wanted columns of this paper tomorrow'.’
There is no need of your walking around
in the hot sun or rain, letting your brain
go to rust as well as worry yourself sick
looking for a good position when a “Sit-
* nation Wanted'' ad in The Georgian will
>do the searching for you. An ad in this
kpaper will cost you only a few cents to
{run several times and relieve your mind
|of a heavy load. Try’ it and see. 6-28-13
Help Wanted—Male and Female.
(WANTED—Stenographer: onlv 'experf-
A?o U 2 MaHetTC. Capita ' '' ity
purn Basic devices. Connolly Southern
Distributing Agent. 34 Carnegie Wav At
( for a case Specific Blood Pol-
I son we tail to cur* lianev
. Bidg’ r,ne p>''"'
a SO \ Phone 614 Office
■ '■ I Jj oura; ‘ a m to 6 p m
Sundays '■ a . 12 a
f 4 6-3-33
Agents Wanted
1 Brand new summer
, tion, greatest money maker ever TJ
sered. sells at sight. V , get a '
6ree. Write .1 G Ga es K w ,
peach, Fla. Ja,e " "‘ st '’«Jm
W \NTI-T> C A ' fF ’ A, GN BOOK!
V AATLlJ—Agents )n everv countv .u
United States to un ' o' the
book. 350 pagf-s inn riL l,r <3ni »-algn
traits of al) tlip"’eandwlnt’ ures an<l P«r-
The lives of all the 'rr t a . nd "'“''ers
tore of their adm ImstVat" on" Tim'. I '
forms and principles of a ? IP " ,a ''
b S o U T h
J»'gn >n. o 1861 Outißfr' PXri,ln K oam
cents to par postaU urn T 6 '*” of
MHO sent free on re.'eim ~f ln’ an J c
Best term" OrJIV . , " ,r
nfeil. Phillips-Bnvd Publish? ' s c r e'urn
Santa. Ga nbllshlng Company.
X 6-26-12
pages' "oi?'{.Mures a'n i' |,!X R ‘ ’’ >K ’
the and ‘ p ‘T' rai '" “ f
all rhe pj-p« a<-a Ihe lives i
< nistratlon ”'4 ’ ' d ,, 11 !‘‘" irv ” r 'heir
of all parties and prim I
WT'“ tor hook p r <-e ~n?v ?! P “-l ,al anrl I
nrfM.on This wdl he hi , 1
Sfpafgn sfn,., u,., , •* 'exciting
of 10r ... r , a , ... """ ~ re e on re I
cent fr#** b.r n» Har f ’aide out
‘ ‘ . s q I>.. n ;.' ,v ’a C r I. b- |
our’. \jUntH |
Teachers Wanted
TEACHERS WAN TED Mainly for prln
| cipals and assistants. Fall positions
being taken rapidly Demand exceeds
supply. Free Registration Write for
blanks and terms. Register Teachers
Agencv. Register. Ga. 5-30-25
Situations Wanted—Female.
GIRL of 17 wishes a position as cashier
or clerk in department store. Atlanta
' i )hone •ur Hell Ivy 2253-L. 59-7-2
i TIHHDHGHLY competent and experi
enced stenographer wants temporary
employment during July and August; can
furnish best references. Address S. .1 . 238
Equitable Bldg., or plmne M. 5564 41-7-1
W \N ri:D—By refined, middle-ageu lady,
position as housekeeper in widower s
home: references exchanged. G. R., care
Georgian. 39-7-1
(STENOGRAPHER, experienced, wants
i position at once. References. Phone
W \N’l’LI > Position as nurs<* by refined
young lad\ : have had training ami
experience with best doctors. Charges
I reasonable Call Main 6M.8-J i;M-2?
GOOD <’O(»K desires a place in city at
*54.50 a week; can give references. Rear
''£_LZ 2 Rawson st reel*. 86-29-6
GOOD-PAYING position as dictaphone
1 operator. Address Efficient, care Geor
LADY flops coaching for children or adults
in English, mathematics, music. Phone
Teacher. Main 691, or address 29 West
’ Harris street. 46-29-6
. WANTED Maternity cases by experi
j enced nurse; hospital training; best ref
erences: reasonable charge; no objection
to out-of-town cases. Bell pnone West
1054. 44 Sells ave. 30-27-6
' TAKE YOUR dress to SM. Wilson. 331
Courtland. Price reasonable. Ivy 1767.
1 ' 6-27-62
— —-■■■
Situations Wanted—Male.
WANTED Position by experienced col
ored chauffeur; references given. Ad
dress Rado Phillips. 27 Parson st. 52-7-2
BOOKKEEPER with six years experience
wants position or extra work Refer
ences first-class. Bookkeeper. Box 1. care
i HONEST and reliable colored boy wants
I good home with private family; can do
i plain cooking and housework. Address
■ H., 293 Auburn avenue 47-7-2
SITUATION wanted at once by neat, well
educated young married man. at pres
, ent employed as chauffeur: will take any
thing for honest living; hest reference,
good reason for change. Address Box 155.
Newnan, Ga. 42-7-2
WANTED—Employment about six hours
a day by young man. Collecting or out
side work. Address R. G. C.. care Geor
gian. 31-7-2
BOY. 17. desires work on farm; has had
’ some experience on a truck farm. Ad-
■ dress Box 16. care Georgian 26-7-2
WANTED—A position as soda dispenser
by a young man with one year's ex
perience. Box €Ol. care Georgian. 34-7-2
COMMISSARY man wants position with
; reliable firm. Now employed, but de
sires to change. Good, all-round man
and a hustler Can give references. Ad
dress L. K. Justice, Milltown. Ga. 52-7-1
YOUNG colored man. aged seventeen,
wants place in garage or running ele
vator: experienced in both and will fur
nish references. Elevator Boy. care Geor
gian. 17-7-1
PRACTICAL drapery man and upholster
er. expert in my trade, capable of taking
charge tn shop, or department, wants po
sition Address Box 13. care Georgian.
WANTED By a bright boy of eleven, a
position in an ice cream or drug store
to handle drinks; experienced. Address
■ Joseph, 140 Rawson. 26-7-1
MECHANICAL draughtsman, young man.
! well educated - some knowledge of me
chanical drawing, seeks position as me-
• chanical draughtsman. Address Me-
• lanital, care Georgian 96-29-6
ARCHITECT Young man. well educated.
' Some knowledge mechanical drawing,
i seeks place in architect s office. Address
! Architect, care. Georgian. 97-29-6
HOTEL ofjp’RK. young man. seeks po
sit ion as hotel clerk: some experience.
J will go anywhere. Address Hotel <’lerk.
■ I care Georg-am 98-29-6
■I BANKER Young man. college education.
I some knowledge stenography and type
i writing and general office work, seeks
> ; position in bank m- office. Address Bank
■ ! ’lerk. care Geergian99-29-6
• ; SALESMAN, well educated young man of
j fine appearance ami pleading address.
• wants position as salesman with a good
house; experienced. Address Salesman,
care Georgian. 100-29-6
Boarders Wanted.
TWO first floor rooms with meals the
best; reasonable. 21 FL Cain. 56-7-2
NICE front room; second floor; conven
ient to bath; excellent meals; for three
, young men: also one small room for one.
Call M, 341 i-L.7-2-28
Table Boarders Wanted.
111 Capitol aventie: $3.50 per week. 28-7-2
NEAT, pleasant rooms; best table board.
318 X'liitfdiall. 4015 Atlanta. 7-1-47
I tw< • nice, large, well ventilated rooms
; with table board, located near Geor
gian Terrace hotel; offered to desirable
; parties: references required. Address or
<-all 17 E. North ave. 40-7-1
LOVELY, large front room, also single
room; best location; good table: home
comforts. 241 West Peachtree. Ivv 1959-L.
SUMMER RATES at 21 West Peachtree
place; two nicely furnished rooms. Day
boarders wanted. Ivy &625-J. 6-29*33
DELIGHTFUL location and summer rates
with all conveniences for hoarders;
young men especiall y desired. 647 Peach
tree. Ivy 6634.6-27-53
WF2ST END home can accommodate two
couples with nice room and good board
for the Summer; also single rooms for
gentlemen. West 568-J 6-26-59
ND’E. cool rooms and best meals in city;
reasonable. 20 Carnegie I». E. Evans.
Prop 6-26-4
HThwi TiTc' aT*Tto l7 '
ROOMS and boarders. 121 Capitol square
M 4839-L.6-8-15
Board Wanted.
WANTED Good board in suburbs by a
business woman Box 555. care <Jeor
gian. 27-7-2
REFINED young business lady desires
board and room in private home, ‘.’all
WANTED Accommodations for the
Georgia legislators. They are coming
in now and will be in session al the state
capitol for the next FIFTY days. All of
them are on the outlook for nice, com
fortable and home-like places to eat their
meals, or to hoard or to rent. Many of
the places these legislators had last year
did not suit them and they de
sire to find something better All
the legislators will read The Georgian
that's certain. Their attention will be
called day after day to the Legislators'
Accommodations ' column on the Want Ad
pages of The Georgian. This will be a
big advantage to you. So if you have eat
ing or boarding places or have rooms,
apartments or houses or rent, your ad
should be under the “Legislators' Accom
modations’’ heading An Investment of a
few cents will keep y our house full for thp
next three months. Phone or send in
your ad at once. 6-26-33
Summer Resorts.
\vi i7F(>x 'l7) dge7~
TI'RNHRVILLE. GA Near by Tallu
lah Falls Now open Cool, quiet and 1
comfortable. (’Uniate unexcelled. Excel- |
lent fare. 6 29-52
(’ASCADE INN Come where it is cool,
wo sleep under blanket??, ca'ch auto bus
end Whitehall-West End car line*. 5856-A
! tatda R, F. I> No. t 6-27-36
! VIRGINIA BEACH VA Special rates to
fatnllle«. Very select Can only acrom- I
modulo n very fey. ;
|NIC| •.>.•! rrr-nnr three be-t pvh"> ■"
’*7 to H 2 jet week. teßrent" 1 r " < i
' -hanged M 3-15 '
BEAUTIFUL, airy double room; well fur
nished; best location on north side: hy, esthetically. socially. Phone
Ivy 309.7-2-1!
F(»R pleasant rooms and first-class board,
apply to 428 Gordon st.; Whitehall and
Lee street car, 7-1-45
TRY 52 Form wait street for cool rooms;
best table board. Atlanta 3904.7G.-£6
MCE furnished rooms, with or without
bord. 32 Windsor street, near W’hlte-
preferred. 7-1-48
TWO BLOCKS from capitol you will find
nice, large, cool rooms, with nicely pre
pared men Is. Large, shady porch. 123
Capitol avenue. 7-1 55
NICE, cool and quiet, with meals if de-
sired. Call Atlanta phone 5853-F. 232
Capitol avetine. 7-1-17
TW’o COOL, clean light rooms, southern
exposure; walk down Washington to
Glenn street; private family; no children.
Conveniences. Tennessee cooking. 246
Pulliam st reel. 6-28-11
LEGISLATORS, if you want a cozy
mom on north side call Ivv 2560-J.
NICE, cool outside rooms; with or without
board. Ivy 6778-J. 19 W. Cqin. H-29-i7
Nicely furnished room, with board.
Closa in. « 6-29-54
ROOM for the Georgia legislators. Plaza
hotel Centrally located. Cool rooms.
II ith or without meals. 286 Peachtree.
TWO or three housekeeping rooms witn
bath and private entrance. Peach
tree. 6-26-1
CLEAN, cool rooms; home comforts? $lO
and up; meals if desired. Home cook
ing 400 Peachtree 63-29-6
LEGISLATORS, you can get nice rooms
and > board at 56 West Baker. Ivv
2433-J. 6-29-19
TWO nicely furnished rooms, private
borne, all conveniences, rent very reas
onable. Apply 223 Capitol avenue Main
2958-L. 6-29-20
TWO beautiful rooms In West End, prl
vate family: all conveniences, large lot
and beautiful shade. West 174 14?. Ash.
by street. 6-29-22
15 HOUSTON STREET. Nice cool rooms
and best of board. 6-28 51
ROOM ANT> BOARD for two or three
young men; all conveniences; $4 per
week. 42 Windsor street. Atlanta phone
NICE, cocl rooms and table board a spe
clalty. 107 Marietta. 6-28-1
NICE, cool rooms and best home-like
cooking: all conveniences for the legis
lators; walking distance. 255 Courtland.
GO 3'o 226 E. Fair street for cool rooms,
best table: good home cooking; every
thing up to date and pleasant: close in.
376 CAPITOL AVE. —Delightful rooms:
newly furnished; rates reasonable.
meals if desired. Main 2890-J. 6-27-31
TWO pleasant rooms; every convenience;
very close in. 112 Crew st. M. 2378-. T.
GOOD BOARD; nice cool rooms. Every
thing the best. 46 East Mitchell street.
NICE, cool rooms, with board. 32 Hous
ton street. 6-26-36
NICE, cool, furnished room’s; meals If
desired. 72 Spring street. Ivv 4860-L.
FURNISHED ROOM, with or without
board. 68 Walton. Main 3991 -L. 6-26-41
LARGE clean rooms, good table and plen?
ly large lawn. Fine for summer. Ref
erences exchanged. Main 3758-.1. 6-26-45
NlCf.; COOL ROOMS with board. Phone
22 Easj Bills. 6-26-48
BOARDERS wanted for nice, large up
stairs from room: private bath: excel
lent meals. 98 Washington. Main 3654-J.
TWO nicely furnished bed rooms: all con
veniences. close in. Main 3722-L. 215
East Fair.6-26-49
BEALTIFUL front room with
West Peachtree. Ivy 5784-J 6-96-50
NK’FILY furnished front room; very close
in. M. 1548-J 65 Woodward. 6-26-55
TWO nicely furnished rooms in excellent
north side neighborhood. Ivy 3915-J.
TWO connecting rooms near Grant park,
one furnished. M. 1620-J. 6-26-51
Wanted—Place To Eat.
WANTED—Accommodations for the
Georgia legislators. They are coming
in now and will be in esssion at the state
capitol for the next FIFTY days. All of
them are on the outlook for nice, com
fortable and home-like places to eat their
meals, or to board or to rent. Many of
the places these legislators had last year
did not suit. them and they de
sire to find something better. All
the legislators will read The Georgian
-that's certain. Their attention will be
called day* after day to the “Legislators
Accommodations’’ column on the Want Ad
pages of The Georgian. This will be a
big advantage to you. So if you have eat
ing or boarding places or have rooms,
apartments or houses or rent, your ad
should be under the “Legislators’ Accom
modations" heading An investment of a
few cents will keep your house full for the
next three months Phone or send in
your ad at once. 6-26-33
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
THHEE comfortable housekeeping rooms;
conveniences; reasonable. Adults. Near
capitol. 65 (Tew. 62-7-2
TW(> rooms and small kitchen, furnish
ed. for ligiit housekeeping. 357 Capitol
Avesß 7-2
Fl RMSHED front room: all conven
iences; walking distance to center of
city. 75 Orme 5t.2.^112 2
TWO or three nicely furnished front
rooms complete for housekeeping; either
first or second floor; hot bath, Bell phone,
best location, also one bed room ith
privilege of housekeeping: reasonable
290 Washington st ”2.3-25
T\\" or more very desirable front rooms,
especially suited for nurses or business
ladies. 216_B ass street. 7-2-18
rw<»7?r three rooms, furnished complete
for housekeeping; no children. 73 Wil
liams. 7-2-19
NEAT furnished rooms or board: prices
right. 157 (’entral ave ; close in (’all.
TWO or three nicely’ furnished rooms for
housekeeping; two for sl2 per month;
three f'»r_sl4 138 Pulliam.7-2-3
DELIGHTFI L front room, batn and
electric lights, newly tinted; with re
fined people. 29 Currier Bell phone Ivy
1727. 7-1-61
LARGE ROOM, breezy and comfortable.
467 Whitehall st. Atlanta 2059 7-1-52
Two rooms, furnished for light house
keeping; quiet and dean. M. 1059-J.
15 W'o<>iward aye 7-1.-63
LARGE front room; cool and comfortable,
dose in M 1548-J 65 Woodward.
'I'WO nicely furnished rooms for light
housekeeping at 293 Courtland street.
Ivy 2455-L. 7-1-27
WANTED Two nice young mtn to share
beautifully furnished suite of rooms; all
conveniences Oglethorpe. 195 Ivy street,
,\ pa t • iiD-nt 7-1 -25
SEVERAL large front rooms, furnished;
housekeeping privileges, two connect
ing ga.” stoves, sink. $9 75 Houston.
FOR RENT Three rooms, furnished fnr
housekeeping; private entrance walk
ing distance, refined home ('all Ivy
~856- L ; 1£ _7 J
FOR RENT Two front connecting
rooms, furnished for light housekeeping
Downstairs $16.60 per month 134 Form
halt street ('all after 6 30 p. m 7-1-58
Nh’E coni rooms in private north gid*
home, hlo’ U of Peach’re* Ivv Sl6«
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
ONE furnished front room in private!
home. Atlanta phone 277. 7-1-30
152 WEST PEAUHTRER, nicely furnished
room, in private home; also housekeep
ing suite, modern conveniences. 90-29-6
FOR RENT Two furnished front rooms;
also two unfurnished rooms for light
‘ housekeeping 7<U Brotherton street
near Pryor. 1605 Atlanta phone. 6-29-63
LARGE, cool front room. north side: 1
apartment; all conveniences: dose in I
> Ivy_62Bl. _6-29-6‘. '
TWO furnished rooms: gentlemen pre- :
i ferred. 25 West Peachtree place. Phone !
Ivy 830-J. _6- 29-69 ‘
FOR gentleman, nicely furnished room.
I adjoining batn; West Peachtree, near
Linden Phone Ivy 1495, 6-29-70
TWO or three large, airy connecting
: rooms-, furnished for light housekeep-
• ing 49 Brotherton st, Atlanta phone
3424. 6 i -29-6
i TWO nicely furnished connecting rooms
for light housekeeping in Christian I
home. 101 Capitol ate. Main 2484-.1.
, 6-29-25
DESIRABLE front room for rent in si rid
i ly private ■family; first-class in every
particular; meals if desired Call Ivv
, 1384-J. 50-29-6
FOR RENT Large front room, with
> board; also connecting room: reason-
able. 23 Hurt street, Inman Park, At
lanta 3154-B. 6-28-64
FOR RENT Beautiful rooms in cool
house for summer. Splendid meals in
next block. 56 West North avenue.
THREE delightful furnished housekeep
ing rooms with private bath: pordt and
entrance. Phone M. 4589-.1. 6-28-23
FURNISHED rooms for rent: five min
i utes' walk from town, gas and bath:
■ on ear line; men preferred. 272 E. Fair st.
6; 28-4
FOR RENT -Nice, cod furnished rooms;
. an ideal place for summer; dose In.
339 Courtland.6-27-58
Martinique Apartments,
. Corner Ellis and Ivy streets. Elegantly
furnished rooms with bath; gentlemen
only. 34-27-6
■ for rent lovely rooms; large
IVY 4606. 6-26-32
NICE, cool rooms In pleasant neighbor-
1 hood; private family: all conveniences
' ir| fi a l- s if desired. Ivy 2080-L.6-26-9
FOR RENT Two newly furnished rooms,
with or without board. 295 Washington.
; NICE, cool rooms and best home-like
cooking; dose In. 252 Courtland.
K -25- <
' NEWLY FURNTSHEO rooms: reasonable
prices: centrally located, baths free
Broadway Hotel. 7'4 North Broad street.
L 3-21-73
» ■
Furnished Rooms Wanted.
W ANTED —Two furnished rooms for
light housekeeping. Call Atlanta phone
. 5890-M and ask for Mrs. Shaw 36-7-2
\V ANTED—Accommodations for the
Georgia legislators. They are coming
• in now and will be in esssion at the state
capitol for the next FIFTY days. All of
: them are on the outlook for nice, com
fortable and home-like places »o oa} their
2 meals, or to board or to rent. Many of
the places these legislators had last year
did not suit them and they de
sire to find something better. All
the legislators will read The Georgian
i that's certain. Their attention will be
- called day after day to the "Legislators'
Accommodations" column on the Want Ad
pages of The Georgian. 'Phis will be a
; nig advantage to you. So if you have eat
’ ing or boarding places or have rooms.
’ apartments or houses or rent, your ad
should be under the “Legislators' Accoin
i modations" heading An investment of a
■ few cents will keep your house full for the
I next three months Phone or send in
jnnr ad at once. 6-26-38
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
FOUR nice room?;, private bath. hall.
» f ront porch. Main 4615-L. 7-2-23
TO PARTIES, without children, two large
unfurnished rooms for housekeeping.
41 Corte 5t.54-7-2
f TWO connecting rooms for rent; $6 a
' month. 129 Kelly st. 7-2-24
■ TWO or three unfurnished rooms for
> light housekeeping: private family; near
- in. 84 Williams st. 7-2-9
j THREE large rooms, bath, all conve
niences; on car line, in South Kirkwood.
Call Decatur 444.37-7-2
TO COUPLE, three large unfurnished
i rooms: sink and pantry in kitchen; few
; doors of Grant park on Georgia avenue.
> Call Main 5481-U 7-1-31
’ FOR RENT —Three rooms in new home;
every convenience; furnace heat. Per-
> manent P?_°P_l£ only Main 3029. 6-29-65
FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms
with bath and kitchenette; sls per
month. 45 East Merritts ave,6-29-23
COUPLE wishes another couple to take
two lovely unfurnished connecting
rooms with kitchenette, bath and recep
, tion hall Also private entrance. IPhone
I Iyy_ 4375 .LJz?9-32
■ FOUR second-floor rooms and bath. $10.60
, month. 158 Simpson street, near Luckie.
Phone 2807-L. t 45-29-6
’ TWO rooms in new house; $7.50 per
month; on the car line; take a Decatur
car and get off at Lakeview and Third
avenue, Mrs. WM. Taylor 6-28-2
[ FOR RENT—Three or four rooms, sec
ond floo”. all conveniences; good neigh
borhood; close in: suitable for light house
keeping. No children. 234 Central ave
nue. corner Woodward. Bell phone Main
3560. 6-26-17
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted.
TWO unfurnished rooms for light house
keeping for couple with four-year-old
child. State location and price Prefer
first floor. C. J. 8.. care Georgian.
WANTED—-By .young married couple
three or four unfurnished rooms suit
able for light housekeeping; will rent for
twelve months, with privilege of longer,
private family; north side preferred, state
price, location and conveniences. Address
Rooms. Box 50, care . 7 _* 2 l‘’
WANTED Two unfurnished rooms for
light housekeeping; must be reasonable.
’ Answer, stating price and location. Ad
el ress Box 72. <-are Georgian 88-29-6
WANTED Accommodations for the
Georgia legislaiors. They are coming
in now and will be in esssion at the slate
capitol for the next FIFTY days All of
them are on the outlook for nice, com
fortable and home-like places to eat their
meals, or to board or to rent. Many of
the places these legislators had last year
did not suit them and they de
sire to And something better. All
the legislators will read The Georgian
that's certain Their attention will be
called day after day to lhe ‘Legislators'
Accommodations" column on the Want Ad
pages of The Georgian This will be a
big advantage to you. So if \nu have eat
Ing or boarding places or have rooms,
apartments or houses or rent, your ad
should be under the “Legislators Accom
modations” heading An investment of a
few cents will keep your house full for the
next three months Phone or send In
your ad at once 6-26-33
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
For Rent
TWO or three rooms for light housekeep
ing on Park avenue Phone Main
3277 -J.7-1-63
LARGE, choice, front, connecting rooms
or apartments, furnished or unfurnished;
conveniences private home. 66 Highland
avenue. Ivy 4809-J. 6-28-61
ONE large front room, furnished or un
furnished private family. 109-A Rich
ardson it 6-29-10
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
WILL sublet at sacrifice four-room apart
ment. located on Peachtree street I\\
323 4_ 6-29-6
FOR RENT 'f'he new apartment house
at 83 Hurt street, known as the Bonen
bel. consisting of three and four rooms
each with every known modern con\*t
ieficr. and renting for $22.50 to $35. is
now r*ady for os'-upan» ' Apply eu prem ,
n FiUhugn Knox. IbU
buildinr 5 9 Ml
Furnished Apartments For Rent.
I TWO large, cool rooms, kitchenette and
hath; modern conveniences; separate
entrance; convenient to Piedmont Park
1 Ivy 2478 7-1-51
PARTY going abroad wili sublet
for three or four months at
tractively furnished apartment in
Colonial, on North avenue, half
j block of Peachtree. Apartment
(contains seven rooms and bath;
‘also large porch, shaded by beau
tiful oaks. Phone Ivv 3906. .
FOR RENT Nicely furnished five-room
apartment; tiled bath: large porches;
cool; fine location. Rent very reasonable
I lv y 5744-J.7-1-57
FOR RENT Three-room apartment; fur
nished complete: steam heat and gas;
reasonable Apartment A. 28 E. Alexan
der st., 93-29-6
TWO, three or five-room apartment fur
nished complete for housekeeping; no
chi Id r en. 73 Williams sL6-25-9
DELIGHTFUI.. coo] furnished apart
m,ents; nominal summer rent. West
Peachtree, care Georgian. 6-25-5
Furnished or Unfurnished Apart
ments For Rent.
FOR RENT Rooms or apartments, fur
nished or unfurnished, in one of the best
residence sections; suites of one, two,
three, four or five rooms, with private
bath, new and all modern conveniences;
also garage. Phone Ivy 2432. 7-1 -44
Furnished Houses For Rent.
PLEASANT furnlshe<l home: shady, near
Georgian Terrace. Summer Rent, care
FOR KENT Thirteen-room house, nicely
furnished, near In on north side, across
street from Peachtree Inn. Owner leav
ing city. Phone Ivy 5106-L. 6-28-22
Unfurnished Houses For Rent.
FOR RENT New six-room cottage; mod
ern conveniences; large lot; near two
car lines. II Howell Place, West End.
FOR RENT New five-room bungalow’.
West End. 18 Wellington street, gas,
electricity, hot and cold water, bath; price
$lB. CadJVest 443. _ I 2
PHONE or write us for our rent bulletin,
excellent houses all over the city at
moderate rates. Turman, Black <fc <’al
houn. 203 Empire Bldg. 6-29-66
FOR RENT Six-room house, new. mod
ern improvements; close In. 76 West
Harris street. J. H. George. 75 West
Harris street. 49>29-6
WANTED—To rent modern home, from
seven to nine rooms, between Peachtree
and Spring; not beyond Fifteenth street.
Rent SSO. Ivy 2318.6-27-34
THE HOUSE you build, buy or
rent, will not be a medern home
unless it is wired for electricity.
phone for our rent bulletin Ralph O
Cochran, 19 South Broad street. 4-1-21
Stables For Rent.
STABLES, born and lot with running
water for rent. 127 Washington street.
Public Baggage and Transfer.
M. C. FURNITURE transfer: we pack
and ship. M 5490-L. A. 1319. 30 West
: Hunter. 3-12-7
Fire-Proof Storage.
pianos. Office and warehouse 339-241
Edgew'ood ave. Ivy 2037. John J. Wood
side Storage Company.
Lost and Found.
LOST A pocketbook containing money,
between 62 and 74 Houston street; lib
eral reward if returned to 62 Houston st.
Atlanta phone 3937.7-2-22
IF the woman who took silver mesh bag
at High's lace counter will return to
Box 162. care Georgian, no questions will
be asked. 7-2-20
LOST—An Egyptian watch fob; no in
trinsic value, but a reward. Phone M.
4594. 7-2’B
LOST —Near Fair street school, small
purse containing nearly six dollars
Rewanl if returned to 16 Kelly st. 38-7-2
LOST Bank book No. 969839 of the Bow
ery Savings bank. 130 Bowery, New'
York. The finder is requested to return
it to the bank. If not restored before the
first day of August. 1912. application will
be made to the bank for now book. 7-2-4
LOST —Female collie puppy: white and
brown. Reward if returned 51 West
Fifteenth street Phone Ivy 2521. 7-1-16
LOST Ladies' gold watch and fob; name
“Carrie" on end of fob, and "Mama to
Carrie. Aug. 27. 07," on inside back lid;
somewhere on South Decatur ear, or be
tween Pryor and Alabama and Union
depot. Reward if returned to Cashier
Savoy Theater 27-7-1
LOST—Diamond stickpim Finder return
same to Mrs. M F. Cook, 257 Crumley
street, or phone Main 3357. and gel re
war<l. 6-29-53
LOST If party who found lady's hand
bag on Walker to Westview car Sat
urda\ will return or gixe information to
516 St Charles avenue, reward w wilj be
paid. 6-29-34
L'»ST A bunch of ke> s. either in Can
dler Bldg or postoffice lobby Return
tn 631 Candler Building. Reward J. H.
FOUND —The best way nf locating youi
lost articles the way that is the sim
plest known and the cost small compared
with the price you would give io have
your things returned You know you
hate to part with keepsakes you value
highly, you dislike to give up searching
for your lost articles The thing you lost
might be picked up by the person that
would be in the same place you were five
minutes later In this case this person
would naturally look in The Georgian to
see who had lost this article. And if
they saw your ad they could communicate
with you Immediately Sn remember
after this that when >ou lose anything,
advertise It in the "Lost and Found" col
umns of The Atlanta Georgian and have
it returned to you. 6-28-14
'7; ypsyTa lmist
IS N<)\V IZ)(’ATED in tent, corner For
syth and Luckie; can be consulted »n
all affairs of life Charges moderate
Saiisfactif.n guaranteed 6 n.-ij
REV’EAI.S past, present and future Can
be consulted on all affairs of life; read
ings. 25c. 50c 17 East Mitchell street *in
DROPSY Cl RED Relieves shortness of
breath in 36 to 48 hours Reduces swell
ng in 15 to 20 days Write for particu
•irs Collum Dropsv Remedy Company,
513 Austell Building. Atlanta 5-25-il
\i i LESSON ' on piano to begin
nrr«. thoroughly taught; moderate 1
♦ erm V . 'arc Georgian i
Ff rii -• “777 77‘dTd’t n .7'777 ’ giTdT^-7 >ie
-•ring to be taught through mnimet i
I e U n Ivv t 6-29 74 ’
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking; style and fit
guaranteed. Ivv 3648-L 8 Williams st.
Woman Detective.
THE ONLY licensed woman detective:
I will get you out of trouble instead of in
trouble: legal evidence a specialty; work
for men only. M. 1059-J. 15 Woodward
’ ave - 7-1-22
LADIES Ask your druggist so- Chlches
ters Pills, the Diamond brand: for 25
rears known as best, safest, always relia
ble: buy of your druggist. Take no other,
i Chichesters Diamond Brand Pills are sold
by druggists everywhere.s-2-1
DRESSMAKING and - ladles’ tailoring
work, guaranteed. Prive reasonable
. Mrs. Bishop, 20 East Pine street. Atlan
ta phone 5890 M. 7-1-21
ANY SHADE, length or weight. Thin
braids remade and hair added. Special
attention given to dyeing Work and
( quality goods used guaranteed. SPECIAL
PRICES offered for next thirty days. Mall
orders given prompt attention.
Phone Main 1769. 5-20-22
SEHIiH'S HESI'LTS come from trusses
improperly fitted. John S. Daniel, at 34
Wall street, has an expert fitter and it
will cost you no more to have him fit you,
and it means insurance. 6-24-19
3 VIADUCT PLACE, between Peachtree
and Broad. 3-21-36
The Many Spirella Styles.
INCLUDE a style for every woman; the
genuine skill of our corsetieres is man
ifested in selecting the model that be
comes you best. Company Headquarters,
84 East North ave. Ivy 6176, 5-28-36
FOUND The successful treatment for
; skin, blood, chronic diseases and CAN
-1 CER. Call and see Dr. Reynolds Com
pany. 21 Inman building, Atlanta. G» If
; you can not call, write. 6-7-36
SCREENS—Wood fly screens, metal fly
screens, hardwood floors, Venetian blinds,
metal weather strips, furnished anywhere
in the South. Write or phone W, R. Cal
' laway. manager. 1403 Fourth National
Bank building. Atlanta. Ga. Main 5310.
i NOTHING but first-class work and
I prompt service. When you are ready
for this kind of work, phone Ivy 1436.
ACME LETTER CO.. 417 Wesley Memo
Hal Bldg. 5-6-33
I STILL another big shipment of new wall
papers Prices right. All work guar
anteed. Better be safe than sorry. Bar
nett * Gordon. 22 E Mitchell st.; 30 sec
j onds from Whitehall. 4-13-45
! DR. EDMONDSON’S Tansy. Pennyroyal
and Cotton Root Pills, a safe anti re
liable treatment for painful and sup
pressed menstruation, irregularities and
similar obstructions. Trial box by mail,
50c. Frank Edmondson & Bro , manufac
! turing chemists. 14 South Broad street,
‘ Atlanta, Ga. 2-17-14
LADIES—SI,OOO reward. 1 ' positively
guarantee my great successful “Month
ly" remedy; safely relieves some of the
longest, most obstinate, abnormal cases
in three to five days; no harm, pain or
- interference with work; mall $1.50. Dou
i; ble strength, $2. Dr. F G. Southington
Remedy Company, Kansas City. Mn.
i • 4-2-34
- TFITTH extracted
2314 Whitehall St. 3-21-29
Colored Undertakers.
Fountain & Robinson.
- 223 Auburn Atl. 5921-F; Night Ivy 3609
; WANTED —One or two tents, suitable for
; living, with floor. Gall Main 5218
I 7-2-10
’ DROP A CARD —Will bring cash for old
1 clothes and shoes. The Vestalre. I6t>
! Decatur street 6-27-42
1 BUY men's old clothes and shoeF
Drop a card. I. Bock, 32 Bell st. 5-1-14
BEST CASH PRICES for furniture,
1 household goods Mid office furniture.
Pembroke Sales Co., 143 S. Pryor street.
Bell nhone Main 187. 4-5-35
WANTED —We pay highest cash prices
on household goods, pianos and office
furniture. Cash advanced on consign
' ments. Springer’s Auction House, 25
South Pryor street. Bell phone. Main 1526
household goods, pianos and office fur
rlture. Cash advanced on consignments
Central Auction Company. 12 East Mitch
ell street. Bell plume Main 2424. 8-26-26
For Sale—Miscellaneous.
IF YOU WANT SAND in any quantity
delivered in any part nf town, whole
sale or retail, call Ivy 3786. (’. \V. Jones
& <’o_7-2-33
FOR SALE—One pure white diamond,
about a carat, very reasonable. Address
W. H . Box 168, care (ieorglan. 61 7 2
High-class work Acme Letter Co.. 417
Wesley Memorial Bldg Phone Ivv 1436
GAS RANGE, hot water heater, dining
room table, six chairs Call after 6
p. rn.. 139-A ('apitol ave.4o-7-2
ART SQUARE, chairs, ice box, gas stove,
dresser. Iron bed. dining table, your own
price. 290 S. Pryor6-29-7
One Price No Commission
LET ns make you an estimate on
your work. Old pianos made
new again al moderate prices.
The only complete piano shop in
the city.
(’leveland-Manning Piano
< 'ompanv.
I Hell phone Ivy 2240. 80 .X. Pryor.
and large home safes'. sls: Hall's, bunk
and fire- roof safes, \ault doors, etc c
J Daniel. 416 Fourth National Bank BMg
THREE-PIECE solid mahogany parlor
suite, one large oak hall tree, iron bed,
writing desk, sideboard, china closet
dining table seven chairs, must sell im
mediately; am leading city Ivv 3505.
I*'< >M PLF.'I'ELY furniahed manicuring
parlor In one of the largest office build
ng- In city Has rood trade Owner I
has realms for selling, going to leave i
' eitv Phone Ivy fSSB 7 i f,? I
For Sale—Miscellaneous
FOR SALE —One “Duntley” standard
vacuum cleaner; good as new. Dunn
Machinery Company. 54 Marietta St.. At
lanta, Ga 7-1-50
FOR SALE—Must sacrifice my Hardman
uprighi piano; cost $500: will take less
than $200: ran be seen at 43 Trinity ave
FOR SALE—Thoroughbred fox terrier
puppies Males. $6. females, $5. Ivy
for sale —loo pairs of the very best
roller skates. Guarantee them to be in
first-class condition. For further informa
tion. write Frank A. Dennis, Eatonton. Ga
WANTEIr—You to know that we. sell both
new ami second-hand furniture for the
convenience of the economical housekeep
er We save you at least 20 Per cent
on every purchase. Cameron Furniture
I Company. 39 West Mitchell street. Phono
Main 3229. 6-24-20
[ REPAIRS and refurnishes all kinds of
furniture. We make ladies’ shirtwaist
i boxes to order at $3 each Any special
pieces of upholstered furniture we. make
io order by expert mechanics Estimates
carefully furnished. Phone Main 2475
171 Whitehall Street.
LUMBER. sS6h and doors All kinds of
building material. C. E. Henderson.
Marietta. Ga6-"2 50
ONE complete set of mahogany drug fix
tures. one Puffer soda fount; all prac
tically new and in good condition; will
sell at a great sacrifice. Consolidated
Drug Co.. Pelham. Ga. B-22-5
National Cash Register.
$35. SSO. S6O. $75, SIOO. $l5O and up to suit
your needs Terms easy. Liberal ex
change for cash registers In use. Bell
phone Ivy 4155. Atlanta 594.
60 North Broad Street.
SAFES, new and second-hand: all sizes
Steel filing cases and flre-proof cabinets
Gookin Bank and Office Equipment Com
Cotton Seed Hulls.
F R. LOGAN & CO.. ATLANTA, 6-17-37
WE RENT good pianos, $3 month up.
We sell good pianos. $5 month up.
Bargain In second-hand. SIOO up.
R P Becht Company. 110 Temple Court
building Bell phone 667 Main. 8-23-30
“It registers everything.' t it cm Latest improvements
(t.iolo Old registers exchanged
t itbll ah s | Z es; easy terms.
Pnowtora Atlanta Cash Register Co.
nlglSlflb 34 East Alabama street.
POPE'S SPECIAL—Best dollar -watch in
the world sent prepaid, only 86c
Fully guaranteed to keep correct time
two years or money refunded. New watch
given free, if it breaks. A more servicea
ble watch can not be had at any price
Money refunded immediately if you are
not highly pleased. Order today without
fail Pope Watch and Diamond Company.
I 1514 Main street. Dallas. Tex. 6-1-14
I ~
~greaY ba
I in Tires; Just returned from all the mar
kets with over 2,000 Tires on the way
Seconds. 28x3. $7.90; 30x3. $8.90;
$11.90: 32x384. $1.2.90; 32x4. $17.90; 34x4.
we offer NEW FIRSTS; 28x3, $8 90; 30x3.
$9.90; 30x3'4. $14.70: 32x3'4. $15.50; 34x4.
Send us your orders -mail, phone or
McPherson auto tire co.,
46 Auburn Avenue,
Atlanta, Gasl-7-2
TO ('LOSE our year's business
we offer the following used
ears at a bargain:
1910 White, 5-passenger. ga,s
ear. just painted and in good con
dition. Tqp, windshield, 5 lamps.
Prest-O-Lite tank—s7so.
1911 Overland, 5-passenger
touring car. splendid condition.
Fore doors. top, windshield,
speedometer. Prest-O-Lite tank:
run less than 6.900 miles—sßso.
Waverly Electric, new batter
ies; tires good Condition, two of
them new’; finish good—ssoo.
546 Peachtree St.
FOR SALE New. Maxwell special auto,
run five months, splendid condition,
fully equipped, cash or real estate. Call
Ivy 4732.7-2-31
THOMAS-SIX—I9I2 model; four-passen
ger; been In use four months; will sell
for reasonable price: good condition. Box
596, care Georgian. 39-7-2
A NEW 1912 Maxwell Messenger, fully
equipped: never been uncrated; will sell
well under list price. 902 Empire Life.
Phone M. 4H4.6-29-71
CHALMERS 30. 4-passenger, 1911. A-l
condition, top. windshield, speedometer.
Prest-O-Llte and a snappy little car We
overhauled this ourselves and we know
it s right and cheap at SBOO.
Travis A Almand, 26 James street, third
floor. Bell phone Ivy 48326-29-8
FOR SALE—Pope-Hartford 5-passenger
touring car in good condition; 1910
model. Must be sold at once. Address
H . Box 995, Atlanta, Ga 6-28-19
FOR SALE 1910 2-cyllnder Buick, good
condition. $375; also Buick SI,OOO deliv
ery truck at bargain. Overland Southern
Motor Car Company. 232 Peachtree street.
Atlanta. Ga.,6-28-18
CARBURETOR work a specialty. We
give careful attention to Electric Auto
and Battery work Hartrampf & Yar
bray Co Phone Main 3810, 58 Edge
wood Ave., just below Equitable Bldg
torcycle dealers In the South; exclusive
Southern distributors for Indian. Elyea
Austell Company, 35 North Pryor street
Trunks, Bag* an d Suitcases.
PHONES: Bell Main 1576. Atlanta 1654
Office Fixtures.
Stove and Range Repairing.
1 )AN~TH
sells second-hand gas stoves. \Ve sweep
chimneys take down heaters. We
sell wick and wlekless nil stoves We sell
gasoline stoves and ranges Atlanta
phone 3235. 121 Whitehall street. Reli
phnn-5 Main 3699 4-4-7
Carpenter Work.
LET 1 S <lll E y ou prices on cabinet, car
penter and brick work, plastering
naoiting and tinting Forsyth Street
' Ahmet Shop. South Forsyth street
I’l'.orv Main 118.. Atlanta 6057 v