Newspaper Page Text
Being an Explanation of Cer
tain Ramblings in This
NEW YORK. Jul? 2. It behooves ’he
strong to temper their strength with
mercy Are the great powers of the
world dealing considerately with China .-ft
this delicate stage in the childhood of the
Oriental republic? Are the international
bankers who hold in the hollow of the.r
hands the financial life of China acting
with statesmanlike magnanimity? Or are
they bent upon taking advantage of
China's dire necessities?
Relations between state departments
and financiers have become so close -so
Interwoven during the last three years
that it Is often difficult to distinguish
where diplomacy ends and banking opera
tions begin. * t
••noliar diplomacy" has its uses. Rut
it is so susceptible of abuse. It lends itself
so readily to insinuations, it so easily
arouses suspicions, that every step taken
should be accompanied by the fullest pub
licit?-. The day has passed, as some of
the world's most eminent ambassadors
have admitted, for throwing a veil of sec
recy over negotiations in which the pub
lic are as keen!.' interested as the gov
ernments Are not the public,
In the final analysis, the government In
all democratic nations? The need for let
ting, in the light upon negotiations which
have a financial end is peculiarly urgent
In these latter days, especially in the
T’nited States, where there are constant
Innuendoes that Washington Is too close
to Wail Street.
• • •
The. American people have not been
taken into-the confidence of the home
bankers associated with the proposed
$300,000,000 Chinese loan. Such informa
tion as has been gleaned has come from
Europe and from Cl Ina. the tenor of dis
patches from the former being usually in
contrast with the ones emanating from
Pekin. If. therefore, the widespread feel
ing that China has been harshly treated
is not well founded, whom have the. bank
ers to blame? High Finance must know
that its every act, particularly in conjunc
tion with the state department. Is eagerly
scanned by that not inconsiderable section
of the people which has an uneasy feel
ing that dollars are apt to prove more
powerful than diplomacy. Can High Fi-
Real Estate For Sah. Real Estate For Sale.
I' WE HAVE a very attractive proposition to make Io about a dozen
H lot buyers of sterling character who wish to make and save
[j money. If this includes you. come to see us.
Phones: At}. 226, Bell Ivy 4157. 34 N. Forsyth St.
DECATUR—Eight rooms; Ponce DeLeon avenue; shady lot. 85 b> 136 Paved
street and sidewalk; all conveniences Only *3,500.
SIX ROOM bungalow; newly built; Atlanta avenue; large shady lot. 100 by 220:
aJ) conveniences; *4.250.
COLLEGE PARK—Beautiful six-room bungalow: paved street; two blocks of car
line; lot 100 bv 190. VERY CHEAP AT $3,500.
I ON GREENSFERRY AVE., between Inman and Wellington
1 streets, brand-new. up-to-date bungalow. 6 rooms, sidewalk.
I chert street, sewer down and paid for. hot and cold water
1 plumbing, combination fixtures, well elevated. You can't
I heat this for $2,750.00, $300.00 cash. $20.00 per month. Will
» rent for $21.60 per month.
812 Austell Buildink. Phone. Main 3122.
ARFS YOU In the market for a home* If so. It will be to your Interest to confer
w *th at once LISTEN: Do you own a lot anywhere tn the <*lty or sub
urbs paid for or half paid for? If so. let us build a house on it to suit your ideas
and arrange terms like rent or easier Houses we build range second to none Ln
point of workmanship, material and beauty. Ask our customers Plans anj
> epeclflcations will coet you nothing
809 Third National Rank Building. Phone Ivy 3047.
THE HOUSE you will build, buy or rent will not be a
modern home unless it is wired for Electricity.
4 is-26
Railroad Schedule
arrival and departure of
The following scheattle fl’ures are pub.
' Hshed only as Information.’and are not
No Arrive From No Depart To
25 New Y. 5:00 am 36 New Y 1215 am
13 .laxville. 5:20 am 30 Colbus' 520 am
43 Was'ton 5:25 am 13 Cinci 530 am
12 sn’port. 6:30 am 32 Fort v‘ 3 30 am
23 Jaxville 6:50 am 35 H'ham 545 a , n
’l7 Toccoa. 810 am 7 Chat ga 640 am
26 Heflin . «20 am 12 R'mond 655 am
20 Now Y 10:30 am 23 b’a>. ■' 7 00 am
8 Chat'ga 10:85 am 16 Bruti'k 7 45 an ,
7 Maccn 10 40 am 29 R bam 10 47 am
27 Fort V in 4,, aln 38 ' fw y p n , an ,
21 Col’bus 10:50 am 40 Charl'e 12 00 n'n
6 Cine! 11:10 am. 6 Macon 12 40 pm
30 B'ham.. 2:30 pm 30 New y 2-45 pm
40 B ha'y 12:4h p- 15 Chat'ga 300 pm
39 Charlo e3 o ? pm 39 Hbam 410 pm
5 Macon. 4 pm *lB Toccoa 430 pm
3< Nejv Y. 5:00 pm 22 Col'btts 5:10 pm
15 Bruns k7oO pm 5 find 510
11 R'mond R 30 pm 28 Fort V 5 *»4) D m
24 Kan C 920 pm 25 Heflin R 45 i,m
16 Chat ga 935 pm 10 Macon 530 pm
Col bus in 20 pm 44 Wa.«h'n 5 45
31 Fort VlO 25 prn 24 laxvHle » 30 .m
36 H ham 12 00 t>rt|ll Sh'port 11 in >m
14 Cipci 11 on pm t_4_ lax vil|«. 11 111
trains marked thus (•> run daily ex .
t cer t Sunda’
1 nther '-'ln 'im dally Centra' time
a City Ticket Office, No 1 Peachtree St.
nance afford to foster such a spirit"
Should it remain silent under attack?
• ■ ■
Dignity is all very well, but there are
times when silence should be broken, .lust
what Is the present status of the Chinese
loan negotiations'.’
• • •
Certain European authorities alleg* tl; t
the Six-Power Syndicate is seeking to
| tie China, hand and foot, to arrogate to
I the favored bankers privileges which r>■■
self-respecting nation could give. Is this
true? Or are the American. French. Ger
man and British groups engaged in a ti
tanic struggle to preserve China from the
rapacity of Japan and Russia? If so. a ;
frank statement covering (he facts would
greatly strengthen the position of the 1
Open-Door group. The citizens of Amer
ica are strongly in sympathy with the j
newest recruit to the ever-increasing ar
ray of republics. They have little pa - !
tience with the subtle scheming of Japan. I
Hence, if the motives of our bankers are '
patriotic, if they are really insisting upon
a fair deal for China, if they arc actuated ■
| more by a desire for tie welfare of the-i
new republic than by a thirst for profits, i
then let them come forward and make a
clean breast of the facts
* » *
China should not be starved mtn selling!
her birthright. She should not. having •
thrown off one yoke, be subjected to an- •
other. She, is entitled to a chance to '
i live. Her assets ought to inspire credit 1
; She is not alone in having an empty |
treasury. Some other nations have not I
only empty treasuries but staggering ■
debts. 'There is danger lest the with
holding of financial succor again set back •
the hands of the clock in the Orient
free fight for spoils is not to be courted.
■ • a
Perhaps, as already suggested, our '
hankers, in conjunction with those of ■
France. Germany and Britain, arc battling ‘
> valiantly for the infant repubilc. Why
not let the whole truth be known now i
and thus dispel the uncomfortable feci- ;
Ing that has been engendered? It Is |
scarcely seemly that private bankers be
made masters of Chinas fate. Can they
i not give some account of their steward
CHICAGO. July 3. Hogs Receipts.
30 non. Market 10c lower; mixed and
. butchers. 7.05© 7.50: good heavy. 7.35©
7.50; rough heavy, 7.05’1’7.30: light. 7.00®
7 40- pigs. 5.20'57.00; bulk. 7.3057.45.
Cattle Receipts, 4.500. Market steady;
1 beeves, 0.40'1’5.65: cows and heifers. 2.50
' <d8.10: Stockers and feedrs. 4.504’6.40:
Texans. 6.50@8.25; calves, 7.35® 8.50.
Sheep Receipts. 20.000. Market weak;
native and Western. 3.50©5.00; lambs.
NEW YORK. July 2.--Pressed poultry
firm tui ke- s, 13© 23; chickens. 18® 36:
fowls. ducks. 18%©19. Live
poultry nominal and unsettled.
Butter steady; creamery specials. 25%
®26; creatnerv extras. 27® 27 1 x; state
■ dalrv, tubs. 22 0 26%: process specials. 25.
Eggs firm: nearby white fancy. 27: extra
firsts, 22(7893: firsts. 19© 19%.
Cheese firm: white milk specials. 15©
' 16%; skims, specials. 11 ?,©>l2%: skims,
fine. 10*,©11%; full skims. 6%@8%.
Legal Notices.
STATE OF’ GEORGIA <’nijnty nf F’ultm*
Rill for Injunction. Receivership and
Equitable Relief. Eulton Superior
Court. September Term. 1912. N"
Mrs. Sallie J o'Kelley vs. J Wylie Smith.
Georgia Trust and Realty t’ompatiy.
Transferee. R B. I»eav»»urs. Mrs E
Mcf’. \damson.
The defendant. J Wylie Smith. ; here
by required, personalia or b> attorney, tn
be and apear at the superior court, to be
held in and for .-•aid county, on th- 2d
da.' es September. 1912. at the September
Term of said court, to be held on the da v
i aforesaid, to ui«. On the first M'Hn’ay in
September. 1912. to show cause, if an\ he
has. why he should not be made a part’
defendant tn the above stated ■ as» . ami
why the said receivership slnmkl not
made permanent, and the injunction be
granted as prated for. as in default
thereof said court will proceed, as to ,|u
tice shall anpertain.
Witness the Honorable John T Rendle
inn. judge of said • «>ur(. this the 2d dav
Os Julv. 1912
‘’lerk Superior Court Fulton *'■■ Ge<»rg' 1
Aggressiveness of Spot Inter
ests and Big Professionals
Holds Prices Up.
NEW YORK. July 2.—Tl.w cotton mar-
I ket opened stead} today with prices 2
' points lower to 3 points over the final of
' yesterdaj New crop positions displayed
I the most strength Offerings was limited
land the steadiness of the market was at-
I tributed to reports of further rains over
the eastern belt, and a pros pi» t of un-
I settled conditions for several days to
I come After the call the market was
| harrow.
A report of heavy rains around the At
i lantics caused a sharp rally to set in dur
ing the late trading with prices ad
vancing 2 to 4 points over the opening,
i The strongest position seemed to be Au
gust. which showed 7 points advance in
I the first hour of trading Spot houses
land big professionals continued their de
i mand for spots, and were good buyers
••f the new crop’s near positions, chiefly
.of Jul.' and August. Selling moderate
•and scattered. *
Some Now England traders reported to
be In the city in search of good high
grade cotton, which they say is very hard
i to find.
At the close the market was steady
; with prices showing a net gain of 3 to 6
points above the final of yesterday
_JIt l_L±_
July 111.24 11.28 11.24 11.2811.126-37111.23-25
Aug. 11.28.11 35111.28 1 1.34 1 1.34-35 11.30-31
Sept 11.43'1 1.43'1 1.43 1 1.43 1 1.41 -42 1 I 36-37
i let. 11.46 11.53 11.46111.5; ,1’ 51-52'1 I 16-47
Nov |. . . 111.55-56111.50-5-
I >ec 11 5x >.63 11 ’ 11 '.l 11.6 ill 55 57
Jan. 1I 52 11.57 11 52 11.55'1 1 5-7-56.11 50- 51
Feb 1 ' 11.59-60 11.63-65
Meh. 11.60 11.15 1.1.59 11.64 11.64-65:11.59-60
Apr 1.. .. ( ! 11.65-67
May 11.62 11.68 115)2 11.68 11.68-66 1L62-63
Closed steady.
Liverpool cables were due % point high
er to ’> point lower. Opened quiet at 2%
points decline. Al 12:15 p. m. the market
was idle, at a net decline of 1 to 2 points.
Spot cotton in good demand at 3 points
advance: middling. 6.60: sales. 9,300 bales,
including 9,000 American: imports. 11,000.
including 5.000 American.
Estimated port receipts today :,000,
against 3.744 last week, and 957 last year,
and year before 1.367.
At tlte close the market was steady
with prices showing a net gain of 1 % to
3 points over the close of yesterday.
Futures opened quiet.
Opening. Pre*
Range. 2 P. M. Close Close
July . . . 6.39 6.42% 6.39%
July-Aug. 6.36 -6.37 6.36% 6.41 6.38
Aug-Sept 6.35 -6.36 6.36 6.40 6.37
Sept.-Get. 6.29 -6.29% 6.29 6.33 6.31%
Oct.-Nov. 6.23 -6.23% 6,23 6.27% 6.2->
Nov.-Dec. 6.20 -6.20% 6.25 6.22%
Dec.-Jan. 6.19 -6.19% 6.19 6.23% 6.21%
Jan.-Feb. 6.19 -6.19% 6.19 6.23% 6.21%
Feb -Meb . 6.24 6.22
Mcb.-Apr. 6.20 -6.19% 6.19% 6.25 6.22%
Apr.-Maj 6.25% 6.23
May-June 6.21 626 6.23%
Closed steady.
NEW ORLEANS, July 2. Houston
gets one new bale. Last year the first
new bale made its appearance on June
■l, but other new bales did not appear
until the beginning of July.
Indications are for part cloudy over en
tire belt. Continued warm. probably
scattered showers; precipitation less ex
tensive and ti’c tendency toward clearing
weather in the Eastern states more pro
Liverpool came in 3 points lower than
due. but futures recovered In the last
hour, due to the firmness in Now York.
Spots 3 points higher: sales 10,000 bales
f>ur Liverpool correspondents write that,
feeling is bullish on good trade and the
fact that a large portion of the European
stock is of undesirable quality.
First trades here were al unchanged
figures, but tlie market improved steadily
on small inning, induced principally by
the idea of 100 much rain in the Eastern
states, anticipation of an unfavorable
weekly weather report at It o'clock and
scattered short covering proceeding to
morrow's bureau. This will be issued to
morrow at 11 o'clock' and will give acre
age for this year and condition of the
crop on June 25.
The trade looks for a condition average
around 82. ami a reduction in acreage of
around 7 per cent. Comparisons will be
made with 36.681.000 acres in cotton last
vear and a bureau condition on June 25
last year of 88.2 and 81.2 in 1908
0 I x | u ptc | u ;
lujv 12 27 12.28 12.26 12.26 12.26-27 12.21 -22
\ug 1" 06 12 M 12.05 12.07 12.08-10 12.03-04
Sent' 11.88 11.88i11.88 11.88 11.89-91 II 82-84
l ml 11.64 11.7111.64 11.71 1 I .70-71 1 1.62-63
X„ v 11.70-71 11.63
ilec li■: I 11.72:11.64 1 1.72 1 1.71 -72 1 1.64-65
Jan 11.70 11751 168 11.75 11.74-75 11.66-67
Feb 11.76-78,1.1.70
Meh. 1175 11.80 11.71 11 JO) 11. 79-80 1 1. 73-74
< hosed steady.
SPOT cotton market.
Atlanta, steady; middling 11%.
York. Slemly; middling 11.65.
New Orleans. stead? . middling 12 7-16.
Liverpool, easier: middling 6.60/1
Savannah, quid, middling 12c.
Augusta, quiet middling 12%
Mobile, steady; middling 11 1 /,
Galvesiun. stoimj : middling 13%
Norfolk, stead? . middling 12c.
Wilmington, nominal.
Little lick, nominal; middling II ,
<'barlesion. nominal; middling IJU
I'liiladelpliiii. quiet: middling 1 1 '‘o
Bosloti. quiet: middling 11.65
Baltimore, nominal: middling 12c.
Memphis, steady; middling 12%.
St. Louis, quiet; middling 12c.
liouston. teady; middling II 15-16.
Louisville, firm; middling 12c.
I h.> following table shows receipts at
th< ports toda? compared with the same
dav la-I -ear.
[ 191'2. i 1911.
x,. v iirteans 1.099 I ' 145
Galveston . . U1? .">94
Mobile 90
Savannah ... Bh.>
t'harleston ... 6
Not foil; 99
B. 'on. . ■
Pa. ific.oa' . 200
Various 16?
' Total
| 1912. ! I'<ll
Houston 187 125
.ugusm HO . .
M.-mpbi< ■ I.
St. Lotti'. %
t *inclnna t i . , 170 i .. ..
~TMta~ i 1-071 . 16'7
Hayden. Stone A- ••<>. The long side
I'H.ks the l»Fst.
Sternb' i Rer, Sinn <<• < '<> vf»r.\
| i>i tle < bnr gp until hurru’i
j s I'h'Jk a- • "■ Mill ;<<lvl>r pur-
• 1ui.44 "I the distant |»< sitions < n tn>
marked na'-tiun
I XHH'> a? ’ " ’ 'till haw a favorable
Os the Fleecy Staple ,
N’EW Yt »RK, July 2. Carpenter. Bag- i
got Co.: Houston. Tcxak: ’‘First bale
new cotton will arrive this morning from
I Harling.'’
F irst new bale last x ear wae received
; June 1.1. but then Texas was threatened
i with severest drouth in history.
Dallas wires: “Texas, east generally
ruoudy ; Panhandle cloudy : balance ch ar,
warm. ’Oklahoma generally cuoudy and
Wehl. Hicks. Schcntz. Minn and Geer
buyers after < all. • e Willlns. Schill
Everybody is waiting on the bureau re
port to be issued tomorrow at noon.
Miss Giles makes condition of 81 •
against 50.2 two weeks ago, SO.S ore
month ago and 89 last year. Acreage re
duction afl er reinvestigation shows tie
crease of about G. sor an approximate
acreage of 34,377,800 acres. Crop late find
(small, excepting Texas and Oklahoma.
’’ondition by states: \ irginia 82. North
Carolina 83, South Carolina 82. Ge<»rg'a
74. Florida 83. Alabama 78. Mississippi 79,
Louisiana 72, Texas 91. Arkansas 81. Ten
nessee 77. Oklahoma 8’». Missouri and
California 81.
Journal of ’Commerce sa?s: “Large
spot interests are said to have bought
January and October. ’
Commercial says: “Spot houses con
tinue their steady absorptions, but the
I trading is listless."
Springs started advance buying October
at 4. Dick Bros . Wilson and Hicks also
good buyers of new' crop. The selling xxa_s
Following are 11 a. tn. bids: July 11.2/.
October 11.50. December 11.60. January'
11.54 , o
NEW ORLEANS. July 2. Hayward
Clerk Map shows fair ea Q t Texas, partly
cloudy to cloudy’ elsewhere Good rains
in Oklahoma: light to moderate elsewhere,
high night temperatures
New York wires: “Quiet, steady on
rains In Young Hicks good
buyer. Trade waiting bureau, but result
of rains tends to offset Improvement.
Good rains over night in Oklahoma.
Th o New Orleans Times-Democrat
says Market opinions has now about
settled on between B and 7 per cent re
duction in acreage under last year, and
on an Improvement In condition during
the month ending June 25. of between 1
and 3 points, as the probable showing to
be made by the government tomorrow’.
On such a showing bears would be able
to figure out a large crop. But bulls
would contend that the 'Top is not doing
' nearb' so well as It seems to be doing,
and that since a very' large supply will
ihe needed next year, such a showing
would give market opponents nothing
: brag about.
Entirely trustworthy advices from Liv-
I er pool, mailed June 18. are to this effect:
! “Cotton consumption has received a stim
ulus from which we see at present no
prespect of its receding, as trade in nearly
all parts of the work] is good. The mon
soon rains are reported from Bombay, and
: If the season continues favorable, we may
again expect large exports to India,
where trade conditions are excellent.
ATLANTA. GA., Tuesday, July 2.
Lowest temperature 66
Highest temperature 83
, Mean temperature X 2
Normal temperature •’
; Rainfall in past 24 hours, inches. .... 0 46
I Excess since Ist of month, inches. ■ • 0.10
| Excess since January 1. inches 16. io
i ITeinperature;R'fall
Stations— I Weath. I 7 Max. I 24
I ' a - n1 - V’day lhours.
Augusta .. .. Cloudy 74 .70
Atlanta ICloudy 70 82 .44
Atlantic City.lClear I 68 j 72 . ...
Anniston .... Pt cldy.: 70 I 8« .n 8
Boston Clear I 68 I 72 ....
Buffalo iClear ! 66 I 78 ....
Charleston .. . Cloudy I 74 i 92 .6s
Chicago 'Clear 68 JO . . ..
Denver 'Clear > 60 76 .02
Des Moines . . Clear 68 86 .16
Duluth Cloudy ' 54 60 ....
Eastport < , lear ; 68 68 ....
Galveston . . ..’Clear 80 84 ....
Helena (Cloudy 54 54 I .10
Houston ....'Clear I 78
(Huron Cloudy os 90 .-8
Jacksonville .'Cloudy | 70 90 ..
I Kansas City . Raining 66 64 02
Knoxville ..iCloudy ;0 84 .40
(Louisville ... Cloud.v 72 1 86 i 48
I Macon Cloudy I 72 84 .-.6
i Memphis . ..Cloudy 72 80 .08
; Meridian . . Cloudy ,4 .. ■<-
Mobile Cloudy •$ ’ 6 “
I Miami Pt. cldy 82 60 ... . .
I Montgomery . Cloudy <0 86 .66
(Moorhead .. .Raining ss 86 .lot
| New Orleans. Cloudy i 4 86 i ,oi>
| New York. .. .'Clear 66 .6 ;
I North Platte . Cloud?' 66 .6
Oklahoma Cloud?' : 74 82 i 1.->-
Palestine ... PL cldy. 76 90 .. ..
I‘ittsburg ... Clear <0 <8 . _
P'tland. Oreg. < loud.v 54 60 s
San Francisco Clear 52 .0 .16
St Louis Cloudy 1 >0 82 '
St. Paul Clear (64 .2 .
S Lake City Cloud?' 56 16
Savannah ....ICloud? M __
Washington .. Cloudy _66 <6 ..
c. F. VON HERRMANN, Section Director.
lournal of Commerce: The average
crim condition for tlio month ending lune
24 was nlaced at 81.3, showing an itn
provement of 4.4 per coni for month.
Following shows the condition _ I’?
states North Carolina. 86: Smith Caro
lina, 83; Georgia. 74. Florida. 75: Alaba
ma 76 5: Mississippi. <3; Louisiana, o’.
Texas, 86.5: Arkansas, 78.5; Tennessee,
79 Oklahoma. 85.3.
Weather favorable during month. I lant
( small, but strong and vigorous. and
showing good growth Stands generally
g.od. although In man?' sections • pot
■id Cultivation progressed favorably.
With exception of appearance of boil
'weevil and some slight damage from cat
erpillars. crop is ver? free from insects
Season two to three weeks late, cool
nights having retarded growth. Ampjo
rain in all secllons. in Georgia slightly
Pxressive. In < iklalmma and 'Texas < '»n
dition improved owing to bountiful rains,
but season late Will soon eatch up with
continuance of favorable weather In
Missouri season very backward owing to
cold weather. Growth slow. In Alabama
conditions quite satisfactor? In Missis
sippi weather favorable except nights
been 100 cool, causing slow growth, in
Xrkansas climatic conditions generall.v
f-ivorable North and South Carolina,
plant small and conditions rather spotted.
Cultivation generall.v good. Louisiana
and Tennessee. [Jani small ami late.
Stands somewhat irregular, but favorable
weather of iao has caused improvement
an,l cultivation is good
WASHINGTON. Jul? 2. Mean temper
atures ranged from normal over parts of
Florida lo 8 degrees below normal of cen
tral portion of cotton region. I'D. w_eek-
I? mean temperature ranged front .0 to
B<l per i on' over eastern, from 72 to <8
degrees over central, anil from ,2 to 82
degree- over western portion of cotton
growing states The lowest mean teinper
■ttiir ,6 degrees, occurred at i liaifiim" l
I a'j.q the highest. 82 degree-, at Del
I Hi.'., Texas Precipitation occurred gm,
c-,.l'|v over cotton region, except that over
parts nf eastern < iklahoma. and a large
area in central and western Texas, where
there win no rain. I’recfpitn>lon was un
f. ~mlv distributed, and the heaviest
i amounts occurred in southwestern Louis
l-imi More than ' inches occurred in
parts of Louisiana. Vkansas, I’eio ? I
van!?. Mlssk-slppl. Alabama. Georgia ami
I'arolinas The greatest week!?' amount.
iC’ in, hc«. occurred at Lake I'harle '. I,a
NUM YORK. Jul' 2. Carpentei. Bag
K .q £. Co,. The market was slfghti?’
easier on favorable reports mt cotton crop
and under moderate -elling. but offerings
were roadllv absorbed, and prices soon
tallied, and developed a tit m undertone.
ITmllng was smell and latgel? profes
-Im al
Colton seed oil quotations
I opening. * Closing
Sp,q’ — .’ . . . 6.80©G.90
lu| v H b »4/ •’> <0 »’<
Aiigusf . ' '< ■ ‘j 90 'i j ’ 1
S(*ptembr • • ' 77 ! '7
(i.tnhPl- . 6. '-4
November . • o ii'o*. pi r. »; to
(><.. riphjM •> I* '/’!.3° JS
Jnnuar.x ‘ *’ 7/ *’ '
(Jl .'.I •■ .!!»•!-.'
’ good mire
I Industrial Issues Show Most
Activity -Politics Plays No
Part—Undertone Firm.
NEW YORK. July 2 Trading broke
. | awa? from the influence of politics toda?
I ’ ami at the opening of the stock market
i the tune was strong with gains showing
. throughout the list Brooklyn Rapid i
, , Transit continued in good demand, ad
vancing % to 94%. Interborough Metro
. | poiitar. common and preferred made frae
-1 i tional gains. The important railroads and
1 Industrials were in good demand.
»; The gains were t’nited States Steel
[ common. %: Erie common, %: Lehigh
; Valley, %: Union Pacific, ; Missouri Pa-
. I cific, %, and American Smelting. %.
>| Some of the specialties showed excep
tional strength. General Electric moved
- tip 1% to ins l , and American Snuff ad
. vanned 2 points to 176.
;! '*n the other hand. Texas common was
, I weak, declining % to 122% The curb
• was steady.
I Americans and Canadian Pacific held
- I firm in London, a shade above parity.
■I In the late forenoon Increased activity
? | and strength was shown tn the leading
. i railroad and industrials, and further sub
stantial gains were made. A number of
, specialties also showed strength.
I The stock market closed weak and ttn
l settled; governments unchanged: other
bonds steady.
Stock quotations:
I<ast rrev
STOCKS- H igh Low. ;Salr Cl'se
] Amal. Copper. . . 86%' 85%| 85"% 85%
, i American Ice. ... 27% 27%' 27% 27%
f Am. Sugar Resin '131% '30%!130% 130
, Am. Smelting. . . 87 I 86 I 86 85%
Am. Locomotive. 44%' 43% 44 43%
i Am. c 0 l. (t||. . . 54% 53i_, 54 53
.'Am. Car Foundry ! 59%' 58-% 58’. 58%
, j Am. Woolen .'.... 1.. . ( 28
’I Anaconda 43% 43% 43% 43’A
j. Atchison . . . .108% 107% 108 '107%
JA. C. 1 'l4l 114014, 140% 139%
, ( Am. <’an. . . . 34% 33% 33%' 33% '
do- Pfd 116% I
. Am. Beet Sugar... 74%! 74 ;74 71
■ Ant. T. and T. .' 145% 144% J 45% 141 %
Am. Agricul.. .1 ..I | 60%
. Beth. Steel. . 38%; 38%; 38% 37%
. I R. R. T I 94Ui 92%l 92%l 93%
. R. and O. . . 108% 108% 1087. 108%
I Canadian Pacific. . 265%1265 265%;265
. Corn Products. .1 1.5%1 15% 15% 15%
C. and O I 81%i 80% 80%, 85%
' Consol. Gas. ..142% 142% '142% J 42
Con. Leather. . ...| 27% 26% 27% 26'%
Colo. F. and 1.. .. 32% 32% 32%! 31%
Colo. So. . . .1 I' !.... ' 39
D. and H |168%J168% 168%[168
Den. and R. G.... 19 I 19 I 19 ] 18%
; Distil. Securities (.....I 33%
! Efie I 35© 35 35 | 35%
> do. pref. .. 54% 53% 53?. 52%
! ; Gen Electric. . .ITBI ■%1179% 1 180 (178%
H Goldfield Cons. 4%! 4% 4% 4%
? I Great West I ' | 18
! Great North pfd. . 135% 135% 135%.134%
> <i. North Ore.. . 13% 43% 42% 42
Int. Harvester. . J I 1 (118
111. < 'entral. . . . 1 I 128
i Interurban I 22 21 % 21%! 21%
do. pref 62 60 % 60 % ( 60/.
K. C Southern. . | 25% 25% 25% 25%
'■ K. and T i 28 28 28 ' 27%
do. pref 11 1 60
Lehigh Valle? . . .171% 170?., 171 171%
L. and Nashville . . 161 % 160% 161% 159
Missouri Pacific . . 37% 37 ' 37 i 36%
N. Y. Central . . .|llß |117% 117% 117%
Northwestern . . .: 137%i 137%(137% (146%
National Lead . . . 60 58% 60 58
Nor and Western. 116 |115% 115% 115%
Northern Pacific . . 121% 121 ;121 '120%
Ont. and Western . 32%( 30% 32% 30%
Pennsylvania . . . 124% 124 ,121% 123%
Pacific Mall . . .1 ... .1 ... .1 ... . 32%
People’s Gas Co. . .1 .... .... I ... .1113%
P. Steel Car .... 36%' 36% 36% 36
Reading 1168 (166%(167%; 167%
Rock Island .... 25% 25 I 25% 24%
do. pfd 51 50% 51 i 51
K. Iron and Steel . . 28% 28% [ 28% 27 9
do. pfd 86% 86%J 86%] 85%
Sloss-Sheffield. . . 58 I 57%' 58 ' 57
Southern Pacific . . 110%(110% 1110%,110%
Southern Railway .! 29% 28%l 28%( 28%
do. pfd i 75 | 74% ' 74%' 74%
St. Paul 105% 105 105% 104%
Tennessee Copper. . 44%; 44 44% 43%
Texas Pacific ... 22%
I’nion Pacific . . . . |170% 169% 169% 169%
I'. S. Rubber . . . .: 67% 66% 67'% 66%
I'tah Copper ... 63% 63%: 63%' 63%
I’. S. Steel 72% 71 % 71% 71%
do. pfd 112% 112 112 111%
V -C. Chemical . . . 18?, 48% 18", 18-%
Western I'nlon . . . 82% 82% 82%! 82
Wabash 4% 4'%' 4%i 4%
do. pfd 11% 13% 13% 13%
West. Electric . . J 73% 73'% 73%; 76%
W. Maryland . . . .' ' .... 56? a
BOSTON. July 2. Opening Mason
Valley. 13%. Superior Copper. 16%; Shan-
I non. 166, : Butte Superior. 46%.
NEW YORK. July 2. -Metal exchange
today was quiet. Copper, spot to Jul?.
17® 17.50: August. I 7.12%® 17.37%: Sep
tember, 1 7.35© 1.7.37%: lead. 1.40'1,1.50:
spelter. 7.10'1,7.25; tin. 46.30',, 46.80
NEW YORK. July 2.—Coffee barely
stead?'; No. 7 Rio spot. 14%. Rice firm:
domestic, ordinary to prime. 4%®5%.
Molasses quiet: New Orleans, open kettle. I
35®45. Sugar, raw easier; centrifugal.
3.80; muscovado. 3.30; molasses sugar. 1
3.05: refined, quiet: standard granulated.
5.00’, 5.05: cut loaf. 5.80; crushed. 5.10;
mold A. 5.46; cubes. 5.20® 6.25; powdered,
5.05'1/5.10; diamond A, 5.0*.; confect loners
A. 4.85; No I. 4.85: No. 2. ~80; No. 3, 4 76;
No. 4. 1.70.
Bld Ask eft
A,!ant» .8- West Point R P. U»
American National Bank. . 215 220
Mlantic Coal & Ice common. 101
Atlantic Coal & Ice pref... 91 vt
jk *' an ’ a B r c,? In e A Ire Co. . . ’75
Atlanta National Bank 320 330
Central Bank * Trust Corp un
Exposition <?otton Milla. ... !«« |g s
Fourth National Bank... . 260 365
Fulton National Bank '25 130
Ga Rv, & Elec stamped. ]2S
Ga. Ry. & Bow. Co., common 27 30
do if’ P M 99 *5
do 2d pfd 46 471,
Hillvet Trust Company 125
1 owry National Rank 248 ?i;o
Realtv Trust Company ing )10
Sixth Ward Bank ; u;
Southern lee common. 68 ~n
Third National Rank, new 220 225
Trust Co. of Georgia. . 225 235
Travelers Bank * Trust Co 125 124
Atlanta Gas T ight Ist 5s tni % ins
Georgia State 4%a. 19,5 101 101
Georgia Midland Ist 3a so «) ,
Ga Rv. * Elec. Co 5s ... 101
Ga RV * Klee ref 5s 9« 29%
Atlanta <'■ sol Ida ted 5s lO2’-4 |
Atlanta City 3%5. 1931 91
Atlanta City 4%5. 1921 102 lU3
Southern Bell 6s i>%
Coffee quotations:
I Opening - i Closing
Janua'r' . 13.85® 14 nn 12 go® 13 im
Februar- 13.80© 13.98 13.85® 13 86
March . . 13.85®.13.90'13.94© 13.95
April 13.85® 13.1 0 '3 a,;® 13 1,7
Ma. ... 13.90© 13.94'13 97® 13.98
Juno 13.93® 13 95 13.97® 13 :>8
August 13 55 13 57'0 13 58 I
lul? 13 10® 3 60 13 47® 13.19
September 1.'{.554/13 65'13 67® 13 68
October. . . 13.70© 13.80 13.74® 13.75
November 13 75® 1 3 85 13 794/ 13.80
December 13.80© 13.86® 13 87
Closed stead' . sates 29.250 bag-
ft * i
Paul H. Xnri ros . nf the Solomon
Xnrrros« Company. ♦ -nejivpi’s. k>ft xt-'
lanta last night for a business lrip|
through Mississippi and Florida. I:i|
Mississippi Mr N’nrrrns.- will visit
Amory, whom his firm is superintend
| ing the expenditure nf about SIOO,OOO
lin highway w<irk and waterworks and
sewer*. I’rom there he will gn tn Mil
ton. Florida, tn overlook an extensive
waterworks and sewer rontrart. where
$40,000 is being expended* He will be
gone about ten days.
An added a thoroughly lighted
and ventilated basement and an up-tn
date elevator service are the improve
ments which are to be made by Byek
Bros. (Yt., shoe dealers at 29 and 31
Whitehall street.
Preparations are being made to be
gin work at once and when / ompletrd
it will be one of the handsomest ami
most commodious shoe stores in the
The opening of the basement depart
ment will be appreciated by tin* eco
nomical shopper, for here w ill be found
bargains real bargains -every day in
the year,
Th’* salesroom on the first floor will
be enlarged to almost double Its pres
ent c i parity.
Arqued and Submitted.
W. E Riggers vs A. J. Story; frntn
Nashville. Chattanooga and St Ixniis
Railway vs. Amanda Paris; from Dade.
Western and Atlantic Railroad <’om
pany vs. Aba Davis; from Whittlek!
Western and Atlantic Railroad Com
pany vs. W !• Summerour; from Whit
M. A Wright vs Western and Atlantic
Railroad Company; from Whitefield.
City of Dalton vs. J A Humphries,
from Whitfield.
J. H. Walker vs T R Tones, and vice
versa: from Bartow.
Joe Brown vs M W’ f’ole; from Dade.
George F Hurt, receiver, et al. vs o.
T I’oeples. trustee, and vice versa; from
1 >ade.
V D Keith vs. A. R Hughey: from
City of Dalton vs. W E W’nod pt al .
from Whitfield.
Jarno- B Gordon el al vs Julia Fritts
ct al.; from Catoosa.
Mrs L L Bishop vs K A P.rown;
from Murray.
North Georgia F'ertilizer Company vs
.1 E. Lcmmgs from Elo.vd.
Southern Railway Company -vs <’ E.
Barfield: from Floyd
J. L. Doss et al. v ’l’ K. Wooten; from
FToyd 1
B I Miller vs M A Miller, from
E M Shaw et al vs H S l‘r»»bascn;
ftom Walker
Chattooga County vs E T. Moggin son;
I rom < ‘hattooga
Central Georgia Power Company vs I
II Ham. ordinary, et al., from Hutts
Morgan Count) vs E. B Glass, from
C |% Mil liein vs Georgia Cotton < )i|
< ’ompan.v from Morgan
Wood Arnold vs Hardy Stevens, from
T .1 F'ow lor » I al vs \<ldie Parks oi
al . from Worth
.Max P’neus vs H S Moinhard Bro ;
from Grady.
Seaboard Air-Lino Railway vs Davis
A- Bramion from Camden
F M Dedge Pt al vs W W. Bonnett
et al.: from Appling
City of St. George vs Xugust Haag:
from < ’harlton
W L Inman vs J L Mathews; from
Bank of Garfiehl vs W W (’lark ot al ;
from Emanuel
will give you
ii#® at low cost
' d ' "fit*’ ur for catalog
■tVz ami pl ii o-
Wheat Drops 3-8 c to 3-4-c,
Corn and Oats Declining in
| Wheat Not j i- P ,i H 3
Corn 76%
;"ats _ . 49%
CHb’AGO. July 2. Wheat sold off % tn
I 7 r<‘ this morning on a general wetting
‘down of the spring wheat country, and
| improved prospects of the crop in the
1 Northwest. <’aides were lower.
• (’orn was lower Ideal weather in the
belt and slow cash demand were the
I main Influences early in the day.
Oats were L to lower mainly in
j sympathy with other grains.
Provisions were strong to a shade high
er with the advance in hogs at th a yards.
Grain quotations:
High. Low. Close Close.
July 1 OGU 1 n7*a 11 1
Sept 1 n.3\ t ot 1.03
Fte. I 0J T o I 05 104 L 1 04-H 1 05 1 .
jJuly 721.. 7 4 t 4 3 i 9 73
Sept 71 L 7Di 71 71H
I De- 02 G2U 01 \ B2L 62
July tfiL fG’’ a 44\ 45L 45%
Sept 3RL J8 7 ,38 L 38 1 * 39
Dec to 39\ '39’4 40 1 i
.Th D.37’i in 12u 10 ?5 Ifi 27D 18.40
Spt 18.724 10 85 10 sis 18. 18.80
'lGrt 18.52 1 -. 10 77H, in 55 |8 K2U 18.82%
; ..ARD-
Spt 11.00
Oct 11.07 0 11.074 10 071, 11.00 11 00
, I|\ 10.35 10,35 10.35 10.35 10.374
Spt 10 %7t o jo jn 50 10 524 10
oct in.4' •' 10.50 10.424 10.45 10.55
Following are receipts for Tuesday and
estimated receipts for Wednesday:
iTuesdaj’ iWedn’sday
Wheat . I 30 I 22
Corn 324 I 22«
Gats . 208 ’ 132
H ■ - . .... ,| 2MOO I 27,000
WHEAT— l~ 1912 I 1911
Receipts” 1 205.000 ! Holiday
Shipnients I 201.000 I Holiday
" cqpCn— I I
Receipts 1 554.000 | Holiday
s 1 hpnients I 334,000 I Holiday
Wheal opened ’ 4 d lower; at 1:30 p m.
was I %d higher to I <d lower Closed tin
changed to a «d lower
Corn opened I <d to ’sd lower, at 1:30
p m was ’ K d to %d lower. Closed %d tr»
NEW Y<»RK. July 2 - Wheat easy.
Spot. No. 2 red 1.16410 1 18. <’orn firm;
nominal. No. 2. in elevator. 824 f- o. b.:
export No. 2 nominal. Oats easier; nat
ural white 58*2'060: white clipped
624. Ryp quiet; No. 2 nominal, c. i. f.
New York Barley steady: malting 1.12$
1.25 <■. I. f Buffalo Hay easier: good tn
prime N-» 3 1.10(01.50; poor to fair 1.10
'5/ I ;:5. Flo”r steady; spring patents 5.50
<d5.90; straights clears 4.85*0*
5.10; winter patents straights
5.35(0 5.45: clears 4.15(05.00.
Beef steady: family 1 <8.00*018.50. Pork
firm: moss 20.50*0 21.00; family 20.00*0
21.00. Lan! easier; city steam
middle West sput 10.85 Tallow steady;
city, in hogsheads. 64 nominal; country,
in tierces 5\ *0 6 4
CHICAGO. July 2 Wheat, No. 2 red.
1.074'0109'’', No. 3 red, 1.054*0 -1.084 ;
N<>. 2 hard winter, 1.07(01.094: No. 3 hard
winter. 1.05*0 1.07*4 : No. 1 northern spring.
1 13'0 1 15. N<». 2 northern spring,
I II: No. 3 spring. 1.04*0 1.11.
'’<>rn, N«>. 2. 734*0744: No. 2 white. 77
<0 78:’No 3 yellow. 75(0'76%: No. 3 white.
75’ .'n 76’-' No 3 yellow. 73?4*0>75; No. 4.
68<u69. No I white. 72%(0 73: No. 4 yel
low. 68(0 71.
fiats. No 2 white 5O>051: No. 3 white
18*0 50. No 4 white, 45(047; Standard. 484
I .
(By W. H. White, Jr., nf the White Pre
vision Comoany.)
Quotations based on actual purchases
during the current week:
(“hoice to good steers, l.nnn t o 1.200. 575
(0 6.75: good Steers. 800 tn 1.000. 5.50*0 6.50;
medium to g< od steers. 700 to 850, 5 00(fr
6 00. good to choice beef cows. 800 to 900.
4.75'0 5.50; medium to good beef cows, 700
tn 800. 1 <‘o*o 5 00; good to choice heifers
750 to 850. 4.75*0 5.75: medium to good
heifers. 650 to 750, 4.00((<4.75.
The above represent ruling prices on
good quality of beef cattle. Inferior
grades and dairy types rselling lower
Mixed common steers, if fat, 700 to 806,
$4,00 " 4 7'.; mixed common cows, if fat. 60f
tn 800. $3.50*0 4.50; mixed common bunches
to fair. 60< to 800. 2.75(0)3.50; good butch
er bulls, 3.25*7/3 75
Prime h"gs, 100 t<> 200 average. 7 50*0'
7.65; good butcher tings, 140 to 160. 7.25®
7.40; good butcher pigs. 100 t o 140.
7.00; light pigs. 80 to 100. 5 50*0 6.00; heavy
rough bogs. 200 to 250. 6.50(j57c.
Above quotations apply to corn-fed
hogs Mast and peanut fattened hogs.
l%c and under.
Bank Closing Notice.
Thursday, July 4, ‘‘lndependence day.”
is a legal holiday. The banks compris
ing the Atlanta Clearing House Asso
ciation will be closed for business on
that day.
DARWIN G. JONES. Sec. & Mgr.