Newspaper Page Text
Miss Leila Barrett Mistakes
Repair Man on Pole for
Mies Leila Barrett, 763 Ashby street,
nearly shot John Childress, a lineman,
for a burglar while he was working on'
a pole in front of her home at 2 o'clock
this morning.
The railway and electric company
Shut off its power on the Ashby street
line early this morning and sent Chil
dress there to fix a wire at the pole
just in front of the Barrett home.
Childress shinned up the pole and
began tapping on the crossarm with his
hammer. Miss Barrett, who had been
sleeping in the bed room of her home
nearest the pole, was awakened and
concluded that a burglar was trying to
get into her house.
Girl Shoots in the Air.
She took a pistol from the bureau,
and. leaning out of the window, fired
a shot into the air. with the intention
of frightening the burglar way. The
bullet zipped past Childress' head close
to his temple and he shinned down the
pole like a squirrel. He made the po
lice station in nothing flrft and told
Captain Poole assassins were after him
In Ashby street. While he stayed close
to the station. Officers Cooper and Mc-
Kibben went to investigate.
Childress had thrown considerable
alarm into the two policemen and they
reached the Ashby street neighborhood
with their fingers on the triggers. But
they hunted an hour in the darkness
without finding anybody who appeared
to be on murder bent.
Then Miss Barrett spoke to them
out of her bed room window and told
them that if they were burglars she
was going to fill them tip, with lead.
They explained they were policemen
and Miss Barrett told about the burglar
scare. They all reached the conclusion
the shot that Childress nearly got was
the one fired by the young woman.
Childress-finally was persuaded to go
hack to work, w-ith the explicit stipula
tion that all the neighbors now under
stood the situation. He said he did not
want to make any complaint against
Miss Barrett.
The annual shoot for the novice cup
of the Fifth regiment of Georgia mili
tia will be held at the Atlanta rifle
range Saturday afternoon, beginning
at 1 o’clock. Each company will enter
five men.
\ X 1
Prior to turning over our store to the contractors for building additional floors, so as to give us
sufficient space to handle our constantly increasing trade, and to remodel our present store into
the handsomest shoe store in this part of the country, we offer our
At “bona fide” lower prices than ever priced before at this time of the year by any one. The prices hold good all over the house in every department-nothing reserved
ANY $7.00 Low Shoe now only $5.35 ANY $2.50 Low Shoe now only $1.95
ANY $6.00 I /)w Shoe now only $4.85 | ANY $2.00 Low Shoe now only $1.65
ANY $5.00 Low Shoe now only $3.95 ANY $1.75 Low Shoe now only $1.45
ANY $4.00 Low Shoe now only $3.15 ANY $1.50 Low Shoe now only $1.20
ANY $3.50 Low Shoe now only $2.85 ANY $1.25 Low Shoe now only .95
ANY $3.00 Low Shoe now only $2.45 || ANA SI.OO Low Shoe now only .85
This includes all Johnston & Murphy and Stacy Adams Men's Low Shoes and all Boys' Low Shoes. Usual This sale includes all Ladies', Misses', Children's and Infants' Pumps—Colonials and Slippers and every
rredit courtesies extended. pair of White Roots, Pumps. Colonials or Lotv Shoes in the house, as well as all Ladies' Evening Slippers.
Goods exchanged, or sent C. O. desired--Mail Orders get benefit of all reductions,and filled same day order is received
27-29 Whitehall St. BYCK BROS. & CO. 27-29 Whitehall St.
The House BYCK’S SHOES When Byck puts on
Carries \ Are Good 3 sale, it’s genuine;
the STOCK Shoes they never fool
McMichael Says He Will Seek
Co-operation of Offenders in
Abating Nuisance.
City Smoke Inspector Paul McMich
ael today outlined the duties of his
new office to The Georgian. He de
clared that conditions would be im
proved as rapidly as possible, but that
a campaign of education must be un
dertaken first. He said:
"My duties will be largely educa
tional. The manufacturers, railroads
and other large consumers of soft coal
in Atlanta are not emitting smoke ma
liciously. They are more than willing
to abate the nuisance if shown how.
particularly if. as some have already
learned, it can be done with no in
crease in operating expense. In order
to gel results quickly we must have
the co-operation of the large coal con
sumers. We can not compel the rigid
enforcement of the new smoke ordi
nance in all its terms immediately.
Such policy would work great hard
ships upon manufacturers already lo
cated here and would have the effect,
for a time at least, of keeping away
from Atlanta other plants which our
various commercial organizations are
trying to bring here.
"The smoke nuisance, can be abated
by properly directed efforts, In which
we oxpecte the assistance of the man
ufacturers. but It can not be entirely
abolished until all antiquated steam
plans have been worn out and replaced
by more modern equipment. Each
stack presents its own individual prob
lem to be solved and this will take
time. It is unreasonable t expect that
an evil which has been accumulating
for 30 years shall be done away with
in a day We hope for the indulgence
and patience of Atlanta wnile we are
working out the solution of this prob
lem and promise that conditions will
be improved as rapidly as our best ef
forts can get results."
Hereafter you can send a 40-eent
telegram message sot 30 cents over the
Western Union lines between a great
many points. The reduction announced
today applies to night messages, and
night and day letters as well as day
messages. Though the new rate isn't
in effect between all offices it will be
quite generally in force in the South.
Incidentally, the company shows that
through a series of rate reductions
since 1836 the maximum message rate
in the United States has gone down
from sls in that year to $1 at present.
IHD AI ,'IjAJXTA ttJJiV.ttW.LAM AINU Nt vv c»„ vv Ult a rJtWA Y . ifl'Ll 5,
Bishop C. Nelson, of the Protestant
Episcopal church, diocese of Atlanta, has
asked permission of superior court to
erect a $23,000 building on ■ the church
property. Hunter street and Piedmont
avenue. The building is desired for the
use of The Southern Ruralist Company.
It will be necessary for the church to give
a mortgage to raise the needed building
If You Value Your Face, Beware of So-Called
Hair Removers.
They Cause a Soft Fuzz to Come Back a Stiff,
Bristly Beard.
it is the opinion of eminent authori
ties that if women continue to. remove
superfluous hair with worthless, pois
onous depilatories, it will be only a
question of time before we will have
a nation of bearded wjjmen, because
even when a downy growth is removed
by these compounds and concoctions, it
is sure to grow out again coarser and
heavier after each removal and event
ually it will become a stiff, bristly
beard. Then it will be necessary to re
sort to the use of the razor, because no
preparation will be strong enough to
remove it without ruining the skin.
It can be safely said that eczema will
most likely become a national disease
if women continue to use so-called
depilatories. Nothing has done more
to produce serious skin troubles and
eczem- than the use of these prepara
tions. While the harm caused by them
is not always noticeable with the first
few applications, the real injury plainly
manifests itself after frequent and con
tinued use.
For years we have been cautioning
women against the use of poisonous
pastes, powders, fake "beauty article
recipes” and so-called liquid "cures. ’
but it seems that some are always
willing to be humbugged, because as
soon as one faker has gotten all he
can out of confiding women, another
takes his place, and so it will continue
as long as women will permit them
selves to be victims of such impostors.
If you don't mind taking the risk of
disfigurement, why pay twenty-five
cents to one dollar or more for such
worthless preparations, when you can
procure from any drug store for five or
ten cents a sufficient quantity of the
ingredients to last a year?
It must be borne in mind that after
the growth of hair is stimulated by the
use of so-called depilatories it will ne
cessitate a much longer and more per
sistent treatment with DeMiracle than
it would have otherwise required.
Therefore, isn’t it safer to stop experi
menting and use the world-famous De-
Mlracle which is acknowledged by em
inent authorities everywhere as the
standard depilatory—the on° perfected,
non-poisonous, safe and harmless prep
aration that dissolves hair. thereby
taking the vitality out of it. conse
quently retarding and preventing an
increased growth?
The best and most convincing proof
that DeMiracle is the only absolutely
reliable and trustworthy hair remover
James T. Melson. 45 years old. of Kirk
wood, who was injured by a street car
near his home Friday, died early today.
Mr. Melson was a printer, employed by
an Atlanta firm. He is survived by his
widow and several children. The funeral
will be held at Greenberg & Bond’s chapel
tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. Burial
will be in Decatur. Ga.
is that it has Mood the test of time. It
was the largest selling depilatory ten
years ago and more of it has been sold
each year since than the combined
sales of the nostrums. The mere fact
that fake-dangerous preparations are
short-lived should alone be sufficient
warning to avoid the use of any depil
atory but that of proven merit.
Don't be deceived or deluded by al
luring and impossible claims of im
postors, w ho usually resort to publish
ing testimonials procured for a money
consideration from one or two physi
cians of questionable standing, or from
some unknown woman, who is dubbed
as a “great society leader." More than
likely the preparations were never used
by the writers of the so-called testi
monials. Tell any one of them that
DeMtracle Chemical Company will for
feit Five Thousand Dollars if it can be
proven that their so-called superfluous
hair "cures” ever eradicated one single
grow th of superfluous hair.
Insist on proof when fakers say such
preparations are "indorsed by the med
ical profession." To substantiate our
claim that DeMiracle is the only de
pilatory that has ever been indorsed by
reputable physicians, surgeons, derma
tologists, medical journals, prominent
magazines and newspapers, we will
send copies of the testimonials on re
quest. And, mind you, every one is
genuine. If they were not. we could be
compelled by law’ to discontinue pub
lishing them.
All reliable dealers sell and recom
mend DeMiracle, knowing it to be the
best and safest depilatory. Some un
principled ones will tell you they can
not procure It so that they may more
easily influence you to purchase their
owm or possibly some other dangerous,
worthless substitute under another la
bel for a few’ cents more profit. To
protect you from just such imposition,
if your dealer will not supply you, mail
us SI.OO and we will send you. all
charges paid, in plain, sealed wrapper,
a SI.OO bottle of DeMiracle, and we will
make you a present of a full-size jar
of DeMiracle Cream. If you care to.
give us the name of the dealer who
tries to sell you a "just as good” imi
tation or substitute. Write for free
booklet which will be mailed sealed In
plain envelope. DeMiracle Chemical
Company. Dept. 16, Park Ave., 129th
and 130th Sts.. New York. You can
always procure DeMiracle without ar
gument In Atlanta from Chamberlin-
Johnson-Dußose Company.
Store closes tomorrow at 1 o’clock, account Fourth of July,
'T'he incidentals of
a mans ward-
* J’«Hrnkn Commonly generalized
S lULJC, as “Men’s . Furnish-
y W// * //jlr|: arings,” are by no means a. “mere in
|jlsrk //cident” of this store. They consti-
t' ute one greatest and strong
est component features.
Manhattan Shirts Ln Spirited Array!!
You’ll want to look “sprucey” tomorrow, and help animate the spirit of the
nation’s natal day; and Shirts of good quality and fine style count a “heap” in the
general summing up of your good appearances. We have the negligees, standard
favorites in French weaves, and Russian cord madras,
in endless variety. Also soisette, silk and other soft /'j \
collar and cuff soft Shirts. Price range $1.50 to $5.00. f
Then our namesake Sairt- -the “Daniel at a Dollar,” A
—can’t be beat at the price. p— jjS
We’ve an endless assort- Stupendous Underwear stock
. . , all the desirable breeze-light rV P AA7 IxPIUV OT
ment of popular styles, fabrics—nainsooks, soisettes, etc. O'T'VZT TCI I
shades, colors, etc., in Sum- Also Coat-cut Shirts, knee- S 1 Y LI Sil
length Drawers, athleticism sea-
mer Neckwear, both Silk tured through and through—soc 1L 1 □UINd
and washables. Four-In garment The aoft Hat to a staple favor
hand modes, 25c to $2.50. SOX! ite in all seasons. Our stock it
But Tipq fnr pqnpriallv low proverbial for extent and variety
cut lies lor especially low We fcatnre Onyx Si]kg at gOc Stetsons $3 . 50 t 0 $ 6 . other ex
collars, 50c. —all shades. cellent soft shapes $2, $3, $5.
Store closes tomorrow at 1 o’clock, account Fourth of July.
Will undoubtedly need a Suit Case for that vaca
tion trip. We not only carry a complete line of
these goods, hut also guarantee them. Our feather
weight baggage will delight you. During the sale
now going on we are'offering
$12.50 Values for $9.00
The House of Guaranteed Baggage.
92 Whitehall Street.
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