Newspaper Page Text
Pub'lsbed by The Georgian Company.
•.■C East Alabama Street
Atlanta. Ga.
tnierei at Atlanta Postofffce as second
class matter
Subsc-'.ntlons Payable In Advance
nne -ea- mail, nostage prepa d.
rcG months. 'nail, postage prep* d. -
*rhre® morths. ma!!, postage prepaid, ■ •
Orommtth. mall, postage prepatd__46
e.Ascriptions P' cable in Advance.
r>e|i-ereo by carrier, one year-% :X
n-;;v»red bv carrier, six months. - "J
Delivered by carrier, three months... i s®
heiivered by carrier, one month
delivered by carrier In Atlanta and
other cities, one week... 100
Help Wanted —Female.
...7'crytv- Girl as nurse and for general
i,,'.usework. AppJ.v at once. 25 Porter
place. Apt. 3.
XFTb'i.E working woman, understand
ing kitchen, dining room and house
work and controlling servants, will please
apply at 94 Washington st. 46-,-4
/v PFRMLN’CED pantry woman house
keener for summer resort and four col
nr,d cooks, two maids. Feders Employ
ment, Agency, 2a3-204 candiet '~ n . n ™
Bldg 104 North Pryor st..'Al 3B
POWER sewing machine operators to
make wash dresses. .Operators experi
enced on other work have little trouble in
making good salary in our workroom,
/tead' work all the year and pay. while
(laming Onlv those that have worked in
factory need apply. Enterprise Manu
facturing Company. 36 West Alabama
street. top floor. 1 .A'- 0
WANTED--Good woman cook. Apply 528
randier buildings 42-7-4
tVY'AC do not see the position you want
advertised in this column today, why
„ot trv an ad in the “Situations Wanted '
. olumns" The chances are that you will
zet the position that you have longed for.
Business men and women are always on
■he lookout for good, live, “can produce
the business" people. The futures of
thousands have been made through the
Want Ads of The Georgian. Yours can
be made the same way.>-4--3
• HMBINATTON cylinder press feed
er and bindery girl. Piedmont Printing
<;«.. 12" Central ave. 7-4-5
WANTED —A good, competent maid. 766
Peachtree st. 7-4-4
WANTED—A maid and a cook. 92 South
Pryor street.
4VXNTED —A nurse to do a little house
work: good pay to right party. 41_Bass
street. i -4-10
WANTED —Colored girl to do housework.
.Must, have good reference. 15 West
Pine street. 33 2 7 L'*
,• y ny HELP WANTED—Ex per fen ce d
packers. Norris. Inc.. 267 Edgewood
w ANTED—Experienced lady stenogra
pher and typewriter; excellent poslnon;
none but very best need apply; references.
Fulton Rag and Cotton Mills. 7-3-37
tv ANTED —A~first-class cook; small fam-
Jt , good wages Call Ivy 648. or apply
S:; C1 e b ume ave. 7-3-39
WANTED—AVomen to select paper. No
objections to mothers bringing children.
Atlantic Supply Company. Madison ave
nue and Packard street. Phone Main
WANTED —Help in dressmaking. 34%
Whitehall st. 7-3-21
wii.AI.AN for general house work; small
bouse and family; references. 105
Greenwood ave. 34-7-3
STENOGRAPHER wanted; sls per week
at start. Lse Royal Standard type
writer Box 722, care Georgian. 53-7-2
W ANTED—A good cook with references;
room on lot. Bell phone 291-L East
Point. 7-2-2
" ANTED- Woman to do general house
work Good salary. 65 Wabash ave
COOK WANTED at 677 West Peachtree;
small family: cook must be first-class
and with best references; can live in yard
if desired. 6-27-13
- 3 MONTHS s 4
"liver Typewriter Agency, 54 Auburn ave.
Help Wanted—Male.
V ANTED- Reliable butler. Apply with
references to 1388 Peachtree street.
7 4-28
YOU do not see the position you want
advertised in this column today, why
try an ad in the “Situations Wanted"
"»lumns” The chances are that you will
eet the position that you have longed for.
business men and women are always on
1 , lookout for good. live, “can produce
business’ peonle The futures of thou
sands have been made through the Want
V;- -f The Georgian Yours can be made
T,| e same way. 7-4-23
"AXI ED Bookkeeper-stenog
rapher. Answer in handwrit
ing. stating experience and salary
A’peeted. References required.
M'isi he awyrate. P. 0. Box 945.
A NIED Several industrial Insurance
I'-rn to go to work Monday. Apply 320
auulm- Bldg. Friday from 4 to 6 p. m..
■ aturday a. m. 30-7-4
'MX PER who can do anything in job
Also press feeder. Main 3864-.1
v\iuj) —Combination man meat cutter
j n<i grocery clerk: if not well experi-
•*i < o not answer, best of references
- ured. Address Butcher, care Geor-
AAN I ED—Three or four good carpen
‘Ts willing to join the union. M. Steph
‘'"'■ii. :',:6 Brown-Randolph Bldg 7-2-5
'NTED Young men of good - ehara<~
, 'er to furnish part of capital and drive
"j ' ar °- Splendid opportunity for right I
' 'verland Southern Motor t 'ari
~ npany. 232 Peachtree street. Atlanta.
-71 6 - 28-17
■ \N”T ED—A few live men of
k’ood address to present an at
tiwfive newspaper premium offer
Atlanta homes. See Han
jjnjil The Georgian office. 6-10-28
' in' 1 ’ ?,’• t Hilb ” r h Hotel, heart of cltv;
.a Mallon st., if yon want a clean,
uiet room; transient SOc: open all night.
-21 19
T vm l "fh Ore i Sor K G - ° Branning will tea-h
vou the barbar trade 'it’s easy) We
~ '7 In one-half time of other Colleges.
.... antl Position in our shops
. ~ " Aby pay more? Thousands o':
graduates running shons or makina
I w air T- Atlanta Barber College in 1
1 j"' Afltch»ll street. 511-17
■J. MASSAGE, hair cuts, shaves,
ampoos. All barber work free ''lean '
~ '• > „ At,an,a Barber College, in Hast
. 5-27-16 i
Help Wanted—Male and Female.
'' " fl " no ’ i **‘ p llm position you wnjit
vi'ertised in this column today. vAty
'''■ an ad in the “Situations Wan'rd“
'I he I'hani'es are that von will
'he position that you have longc.l for. '
men and women are alw .vs on
' "’ k “" for good. live, " iroduce
I ’r-mess ■ people The futures of
• ytn.i have been made ihr.mgi. the '
'"l‘ of The Georgian S?mrs .an
'■a'le_'lie same wav, 7 4-23
( for a ease Specific Birsal Pol-
I fal > IT' Haney
B>'£ n mV
Agents Wanted.
camdaign~book3 ~
WANTED--Agents in every county o' the
United States to sell our campaign
book 350 pages, 100 pictures and por
traits of all 'the candidates and leaders.
The lives of all the presidents and hfe
tory of their administrations. The plat
forms and principles of all parties. An
impartial and superior book. Price onlv
sl. This w'll be the most exciting cam
paign since 1861. outfit free on receipt of
10 cents to pay postage. Titanic outfit
also sent free on receipt of 10c. for post
age. Jlest terms. Order lutfits by return
mall. Phillips-Boyd Publishing Company,
Atlanta. Ga. 6-26-12
Situations Wanted—Female.
W ANTED—By widow, position as matron
of school: have had two years’ experi
ence: can furnish reference. Address
Mrs, A. .1., 387 Central ave. 48-7-4
YOI'NG lady desires position as ty"pist~"at
once. Address S. E . care Georgian.
~ 26-7-4
WANTED—By a young lady, position as
experienced cashier with A-l references
out of city preferred. Address P. O. Box
'°4. 27-7-4
I NDERGR. aT'LATE nurse with first-class
city references, wants cases In or out of
city. Children's diseases a specialty.
Mam 2481 -L. or Nurse, egre Georgian.
- 4
FIRST-CLASS matron wants position at
once. Apply Geo. Starr, 7’6 North Broad
AAANTED--A summer school: four vears’
experience; normal training: first grade
license. Miss C. F., P. ". Box 1697. City
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, reasonable
prices: satisfaction guaranteed. Ivv
6879-. L 82 West Harris. 35-7-3
GIRL of 17 wishes a position as cashier
or clerk in department store. Atlanta
phone 5680-F or Bell Ivy 2253-L, 59-7-2
THOROUGHLY competent and expert
enced stenographer wants temporary
employment during July ami August; caii
furnish best references. Address S. J., 238
Equitable Bldg., or phonyM. 5564. 41 -7-1
position at once. References. Phone
Atlanta 45£. 34-7-1
LADY does coaching for chiidne’n or adults
tn English, mathematics, music Phone
I’eacher. Main 691. or address 29 West
Harris street. 46-29-6
AA'ANTED—Maternity cases ~by experi
enced nurse: hospital training; best ref
erences; reasonable charge; no objection'
to out-of-town eases Bell pnone AA'est
1054. 44 Sells ave. 30-27-6
AA ANTED—-Sewing; one-piece dresses,
also children’s dresses, ('all 387 t'en
tral ave. 49-7-4
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking: style and”:fit
guaranteed Ivy 3648-L. 8 Williams st
TAKE YOUR dress to S. M.'WiTson. 331
Courtland. Price reasonable Ivv 1767.
Situations Wanted—Male.
WANTED- By a colored man a position
as cook; fifteen years experience. Ad
dress J. N. Greggs, rear 316 Whitehall
I sfe®! 40-7-4
WANTED—Position by reliable colored
man as butler; can assist with automo
bile. Address Hcnrv Waters. 171 Au
bU£b_ave. 41-7-4
GOOD worker in aut'omo”
bile shop as helper at once. Address
A. A., earc Georgian. 25-7-1
WANTED—Situation by thoroughly ex
perienced barker on salary or 'would
open shop in good town. Can handle any
kind string instrument. Apply to P. o.
Box 34. Compton.' Ga. 29-7-4
THOROUGHLY experienced bookkeeper
desires position with responsible firm
L. G. Mauer, care General Delivery, At
lanta. Ga. 29-7-3
WANTED—Position by experienced col
ored chauffeur: references given. Ad
dress Rado Phillips. 27 Parson st. 52-7-2
BOOKKEEPER with six years experience
wants position or extra work. Refer
ences tirst-class. Bookkeeper, Box 1. care
Georgian. 49-7-2
HONEST and reliable colored boy wants
good home with private family; can do
plain cooking and housework. Address
H.. 293 Auburn avenue. 47-7-2
SITUATION wanted at once by neat, wbll
educated young married man. at pres
ent employed as chauffeur; will take any
thing for honest living: best reference:
good reason for change. Address Box 155.
Newnan, Ga. 42-7-2
WANTED—Employment about six hours
a day by young man. Collecting or out
side work. Address R. G. C.. care Geor
BOY, 17. desires work on farm: has had
] some experience on a truck farm. Ad
dress Box 16. care Georgian. 26-7-2
WANTED— A position as soda dispenser
by a young man with one year s ex
perience. Box 601, care Georgian. 3 4-7-2
CoMMISS.ARA' man wants position with
reliable firm. Now employed, but de
sires to change. Good, all-round man
and a hustler. Can give references. Ad
dress L. K. Justice. Milltown, Ga 52-7-1
Situations Wanted—Male and
MARRIED couple desire position together
or «ingle: no encumbrances: experienced
in some lines. G. H. Havelln, 191 White
ball st. 45-7-1
Painting and Tinting.
EMBRY. M. 1455. 318 4TH NAT'L
BANK BLDG. 5-11-24
Summer Resorts.
TURNERAHLLE. GA. Near by Tallu
lah Falls. Now open. Cool, quiet and
comfortable. Climate unexcelled. Uxeel
lent fare.. 6-29-52
(’ AS( ’AI iE INN Come where It Fs cool;
we sleep under blankets; ca'ch auto bus
end Whitehall-West End car line. 5856-A
Alla nt a. R. E. D. No. I.G-27-36
" 7?OR 1)0X < ’OTT AG E.
[VIRGINIA REA<’H. VA Special rates to
families. Very select, (’an only accom
nmdate a very few. 6 22-18
NICE, cool rooms: three best meals in
city; J7 to sl2 per week; references ex
changed. 6-13-15
Boarders Wanted.
FURNISHED front room with board and
all conveniences to two young men. also
table board. Call Bell phone Main 840-.1.
LARGE, well ventilated room, with pri
vate hath: also single room: good meals
442 I’each tree st. Ivy 4562,1'E 3 '*
RIMIM with good board: select neighbor
hood; $4 per week. , 42 Windsor st. At
lanla phone 3015-F.7-4- 26
LARGE, cool rooms with board, near in.
Ill' Washington street. 7-4-12
LOVELY, large front room, also small
room, best location: good table: home
comforts 241 West Peachtree tvy 1959-
L. 37-7-4
CflotcS U< ' \ i:i >With every convenience,
new and up-to-date, two blocks of Can
dler Bldg 110 Spring street. Atlanta
phone 5393.H1*? 3 j
TWO first floor rooms with meals the '
best; reasonable. 21 E. Cain. 56-7-2 '
MCE fronti - :roon - Second floor enliven- I
lent io bath: excellent meals: for three I
voting men. also one small room for one j
i 'all M .1111-1.. ; 7-2-28 j
TWo nice, large, well ventilated rooms
with table board, located near Geor
gian Terrace hotel, offered to desirable
parties references required Address or I
call 17 E North ave4o-7-1 |
I'ELIGHTF UL location and summer rates
with all conveniences for boarder?;
soung men espr. Sail’ desired 647 Peach
tre< _ l '2_ , ’ S3 ! a 27-63
< l|f j hoarders 121 Uapl'ul iusr« ■
M l<s.' L 5 3 O
ONE furnished room for rent; would like
two legislators. 76 Martin street. Main
NICELY furnished front room: all con
veniences for two gentlemen, $lO month.
2j_lra_street ; A_tlanta_phone_4993.7-3-18
LEGISLATORS, I have a large furnished
front room; all conveniences. 48 Slmp
son.lvy 2551-.1.7-3-20
LEGISLATORS. I have two nicely fur
nished rooms close In on Ivy street. No.
134-C. Atlanta phone 4485.7-3-6
GO to 223 Central avenue for neatly fur
nlshed rooms. 7-3-8
FTVE large front, well ventilated rooms
with or without board. 268 East Hunter
street. Atlanta phone 1581,7-3-9
BEAUTIFUL, airy double room; well fur
nished: best location on north side; hy
glenically, estheticallv, socially Phone
Ivy 309, 7-2-11
FOR pleasant rooms and first-class board,
apply to 428 Gordon st.; Whitehall and
Lee street car. 7-1-45
TRY 52 Formwalt street for cool rooms;
best table board. Atlanta 3904. 7-1-46
furnished rooms, with or without
bord. 32 Windsor street, near White
_L'j_ gshtlemen preferred 7-1-48
NICE, cool and quiet, with meals if de
sired. Call Atlanta phone 5853-F. 232
Capitol avenue. 7-1-17
TWO COOT,, clean light rooms, southern
exposure: walk down Washington to
Glenn street; private family; no children.
Conveniences. Tennessee cooking. 246
Pulliam street. 6-28-11
LEGISLATORS, if you want a cozy
room on north side call Ivy 2560-J
MCE. cool outside rooms: with or without
board. Ivy 6778-.1. 19 W. Cain. 6-29-67
Nicely furnished room, with board.
Mosejn _6-29-54
ROOM for the Georgia legislators. Plaza
Centrally In -ated. Cool rooms,
with or without meals 286 Peachtree.
_ 6-29-59
LEGISLATORS, you can get nice rooms
and board at 56 West Baker. Ivv
T 'VO beautiful rooms In West Endprt
rate family: all conveniences, large lot
and beautiful shade. West 174 143 Ash
by street. 6-29-22
15 HOLSTON STREET. Nice cool rooms
and best of board. 6-28-51
NICE, cool rooms and table board a-spe
cialty. 107 Marietta 6-28-1
NICE, cool rooms and best borne-like
cooking: all conveniences for the legis
lators; walking distance. 255 Courtland.
X 6-27-54
GO TO 226 E. Fair street tor cool rooms.
nest table; good home cooking: every
thing up to date and pleasant; close In.'
376 CAPITOL AVE.—Delightful rooms:
newly furnished; rates reasonable;
meals if desired. Main 2890-.1. 6-27-31
I'WO pleasant rooms: every convenience;
very close in. 112 Crew st M. 2378-.1.
Board Wanted.
COUPLE want beard in private familv
not close in. Answer Ivy 1113 by Fri'-
day- '39-7-4
WANTED—Good hoard m suburbs by a
business woman. Box 555. care Geor
HOW many desirable boarders know that
there Is a vacancy at your table? There
are many hundreds this very day looking
for nice, home-like boarding places.
Reach them with an ad in the “Boarders
Wanted" column of The Georgian. 7-4-25
Furnished Rooms For Rent
FOR RENT—Large front room, with side
entrance. Mceiy furnished. Desirable
locality, I'honeWest 747. 7-4-32
fC RN iso EL> room — tor - gentlemen only
$2 a week. Apartment C, 186% Whitt
hall st. 7-4-2
ONE large furnished front room,“ideal
for summer: suitable lor gentleman.
Atlanta phone 1298. j 1.7 Capitol avenue.
ONE nice furnished front - r00m7~24 King
street. 36-1-t
AN elegant upstairs front room, nicely
furnished, suitable for two ladies or two
gentlemen; ali conveniences. 408 Court
land street. back of Peachtree Inn. Bell
phone Ivy 5469. 7-4-13
FOR KENT—One furnished roorrFclose in:
four blocks of Candler Bldg. 115 West
Harris street. Atlanta phone 1 455. 7 -4-7
TWO rooms furnished for light house*
keeping. $8 per week. 266 Whitehall.
56-7 - 3
ONE large furnished room for rent; north
side, private family. Phone Ivv 4399-.1.
7-3- 38
FOR RENT—Four connecting rooms, pri
vate bath 'entire second poor of own
er's home); completely furnished for light
housekeeping: dose in: north side. Adults
only References required Ivv 2078-L
FoR RENT— Two °r three rooms, fur
nished for light housekeeping. 40 West
Linden avenue. 7-3-25
ONE furnished room for rent. 22 Beecher
street, West End. Phone West 1153.
FOR RENT—Four rooms, furnished-Far
linger apartments. 34 East avenue, be
tween Jackson and Boulevard. Ivv 6114-. I
J 7-3 -14
ATTRACTIVE front room, private famib,
for rent to one or two gentlemen; elec
tric lights, bath; north side. Apply 607
Empire Life BWg.. or phone Main 3806-. J.
feet from Peachtree, private home of
middle-aged couple, two beautifully fur
nished rooms for gentlemen, exclusive
bath: *l2 and sls. Phene Ivy .'145
- 3
THREE comfortable housekeeping rooms:
conveniences; reasonable. Adults. Near
capitol.6s Crew 62-7-3
TWO rooms and small kitchen, furnish
ed, for light housekeeping. 357 Capitol
hl RMSHED front room, all conven
iences; walking distance to center of
city. 75 Orme st. 55-7-2
TWO or three nicely furnished front
rooms complete for housekeeping; either
first or second floor; hot bath, Bel) phone,
best location, also one bed room with
privilege of housekeeping; reasonable.
390 Washington st. 7-2-23
TWO or more very desirable front rooms.
especially suited for nurses or business ■
ladles. 216 Ba.-s street. 7- 2-18 i
TWO or 'hrec rooms, furnished complete
for housekeeping: no children 73 Wil-
Hams. 7-2-1.9
NEAT furnished rooms or board, prices
ilgln. 157 Central ave.: close in Call.
’ 4 5 -J ; 2
TWO or three nicely furnished rooms for
housekeeping: two for sl2 per month: |
three for s’4 138 Pulliam. 7-2-3
152 WEST I’EAt.'HTflBK.' ntc»ly'furnished
room, in private home; also house keep- !
ing suite; modern conyt-nlem es 90--.’9-6 I
FOR RENT Two furnished front rooms; i
also two unfurnished rooms for light I
housekeeping. 77’j Brotherton street,
near Pryor. 1605 Atlanta_pho_ne. 6^2 9-63
THREE delightful furnished housekeep
ing rooms with private bath; porch and
entrance. Phone _M. 4581 LI. 6-28-23
FURNISHED rooms for rem; flu min
utes' walk from town: gas and bath;
on car line, men preferred. 272 E. Fair s'
_ _ *■"?.- 4
FOR RENT Nice, cool furnished rooms:
an Ideal place for summer; close In.
33! Courtland <*27*sl
Martinique Apartments.
Corner Ellis and Ivy streets Elegantly
furnished rooms with bath; gentlemen
only. 34 - :’7.8
FOR RENT - Two newly furnished rooms,
with or without board 295 Washington
Phone 2768 Main 37-26-6
NEWLY FURNISHED roornu; reasonable
prices, centrally located hath? fre*
Broadnaj Hotel. 7% North H'<>ad street
a .’t rj
Furnished Rooms Wanted.
IF YOU desire to rent your rooms, the
best way is to place an ad in the "For
Rent" columns of this paper The Geor
gian carries more For Rent Ads than an.i
of their competitors. The people know
that The Georgian is the For Rent Me
dium Os the city an« that they have The
largest list to choose from. That’s why
most every one uses The Georgian to do
their renting for them. Your ad on this
page will be seen, read and your rooms
will be rented. 7-4-24
REFINED NorFhern couple, husband ex
ecutively employed, desire room with
private bath on north side; not too close
tn and with strictly private family, with
or without board. Box 343, care Geor
gian. 34*7-4
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent
THREE connecting rooms in Gram park
section; all modern conveniences. 159
Oakland avenue. 7-4-21
THREE rooms for rent, $lO a month
Phone Main 3837-J. 7-4-14
TWO first or second-floor pleasant rooms
hall, private porch, walking distance
400 Courtland street. 33-7-4
TWO unfurnished rooms for rent with pri
vate family; all modern conveniences;
ten minutes walk from center of city 117
Pulliaflj_street. _ _ 2B :'’4
FOR RENT—In suburbs, three connect
ing unfurnished rooms for housekeep
ing: large porches: convenient to ears,
etc, Rent very reasonable O. D. G.. Box
101. care Georgian. 7-3-44
FOR RENT—Three rooms In new home:
every convenience; furnace heat: per
manent people only. sla In _:IO 29, 25-7-3
FOUR nice rooms, private bath. hall.
front porch Main 4616 q,.
TO PARTIES, without children two large
unfurnished rooms for housekeeping
41 Cone 5t.54-7-2
TWO connecting rooms for rent; $6 a
month. 129 Kelly st. 7-2-24
TWO or three unfurnished rooms for
light housekeeping; private family, near
in 84 Williams st. 7-2-9
TO COUPLE, three large unfurnished
rooms: sink and pantry in kitchen; few
doors of Grant park on Georgia avenue.
Call Main 5481 -L.7-1-31
Ft'R RENT—Three rooms in new home:
every convenience; furnace beat. Per
manent people onljq_ Main 3029. 6-29-65
FOR RENT Three unfurnished rongts
with bath and kitchenette; sls per
month". 45 East Merritts ave 6-29-23
Unfurnished Rooms W anted.
IF -YOU desire to rent your rooms, the
best way is to place an ad in the “For
Rent" columns of this paper. The Geor
gian carries more For Rent Ads than anj
of their competitors. The people know
that The Georgian is the For Rent Me
dium of the city and that they have the
largest list to choose from. That's whj
most every one uses The Georgian to do
their renting for them. Your ad on tin.-
page will he seen, read and your rooms
will be rented. 7-4-24
ELDERLY LADY wants a largo room;
distance no object, so It is cheap. Mrs.
18 Woodward ave. 28-7-3
WANTED 'By young married couple
three or four unfurnished rooms suit
able for light housekeeping; will rent for
twelve months, with privilege of longer;
private family; north side preferred: state
price, location and conveniences Address
Rooms. Box 50. care Georgian. 7-2-6
Furrished or Unfurnished Rooms
For Rent.
WANTED—Refined middle aged woman
to rent room in private farnily.X Refer-
_W<-st 620-j. 7-3*24
TWO furnished or unfurnished rooms ad
joining bath. 81 East Fair street. 7-3-7
LARGE, choice, from, connecting rooms
or apartments, furnished or unfurnished;
conveniences; private horn . 66 Highland
avenue. Ivy 4809-.1. ’ 6-28-61
Furnished A.partments For Rent
FOR furnished
apartments: nominal summer rent.
"Between Peachtrees." care Georgian.
TA\’O or three rooms for light housekeep
ing, also front rooms for sleeping with
bath. 345 Peach t ree 7-4 - J1
FY»R THE SUMMER months, -no nicely
furnished four-room apartment: all con
veniences: very close in Phone Ivy 4327.
I TWO large, t 00l rooms, kitchenette and
bath: modern conveniences: separate
< entrance: convenient to Piedmont Park
, Phone Tvy 2478. 7-1 -61
Furnished Apartments Wanted.
IE YOU desire to rent your rooms, the
best way If to place an ad in the "Eor
Rent" columns of this paper The Geor
gian carries more For Rent Ads than any
of their competitors. The people know
that 'l’he Georgian is the For Rent Me
dium of ihe city and that they have the
largest list to choose from. That’s wh>
most every one uses The Georgian to do
tbeir renting for them Your ad on this
page will be seen read and your rooms
will be, rented. 7-4-24
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
E< »R RENT l ive-room apartment on
north side with garage privileges, elec
tric lights, hot and cold water, furnace
heat: one block from Peachtree. $35 per
l month. Apph 103 Peters Bldg Tele
[ I'hore M. 1.843. or Ivv 5338-b after 3:30
p. m. 39-7-3
i’<»R RENT -The new apartment house
at <B3 llnrt street, known as the Bosco
bel. consisting of three and four rooms
each, with every known modern conven
ience. and t enting for $32 50 to $35. is
now r*»ady for occupancy Apnlv on prem- '
ises nr Fitzhugn Knox, 1413 Candler
building. 5-9-57
Unfurnished Apartments Wanted.
IF Y()U desire to rent your rooms, the
best way is to place an ad in the "For
Rent" columns of this paper The Geor
gian carries more For Rent Ads than any
of their competitors. The people know
that The Georgian i? the For Rent Me
diuni of the rft\ and that they have the
largest list to choose from That’s why
most one uses .The Georgian to do
their renting for them Your ad on this
page will he seen, read an<i your rooms
will be rented. 7-4-24
Furnished or Unfurnished Apart
ments For Rant.
FOR RENT House, two apartments, first
floor seven rooms, completely furnished.
«• . second floor, five rooms,
>3O Separate entrances: large veraryla.’’.
shady lot Juniper street Possession :
September. Main 3300. 7-3-13 i
Unfurnished Houses For Rent
FOR RENT By owner, nine-room house,
or upper or lower floor separate: two
baths; highc- i elevation, nice shade:
walking diflitgncM Ivj l {*3 36
BEAI’TH- I’L eight-room house in splen
did neighborhood. •'>'* West North ve
nue. 7-3-4
FgR RENT New six-room cottage; mod
ern conveniences. large lot. near two
car lines. 14 Howell Place, W est End
PHON® write ui for out rent bulletin
excellent houses all over the city at
moderate rates Turman, Black (’al
boon. 303 Empire Bldg. 6-29-6 H
W AN TH!» To rent modern home, from
seven to nine rooms, between Peachtree
and Spring, not hex find Fifteenth street
Rent >SQ Ivy J 2 18 G<’7 34 i
THE HOUSE you build, buy or
rent will not he a medern home
unless it is wired for deetrieity
F<JR RENI U"I Sl->' Call '<*"» or
phone fnr om ten’ bulletin !<<»*ph <> !
t’oehrun 19 "i'' 1 Broad treet <-l-.’l
Furnished Houses For Rent
ATTRACTIVE furnished Touse; five .
rooms: electric lights, gas and all mod - J
ern conveniences; centrally located. 311 .
Courtland. Phone Ivy 3499, 47-7-1
PLEASANT furnished home, near Geor- '
gian Terrace. “Nominal Summer Rent." '
care Georgian.2s-28-6 j
For RENT -Thirteen-room bouse, nicely
furnished, near in on nortii side, across'
street from Peachtree inn? Owner leav
ing city. Phone Ivy 5106-1,. 6-28-22 j
Stables For Rent.
STABLES, born and lot with running
water for rent. 127 Washington street.
Public Baggage and Transfer.
M. U FURNITURE transfer, we paek
and ship M. 5490-L. A. 1812. 30 West
Hunter. 3-13-7
Fire-Proof Storage.
WE ST' ,RE HOlTwriiGLli goods' and
pianos. Office and warehouse. 239-241
Edgewood ave Ivy 2037. John J. Wood
side Storage Company.
Lost and Found.
STRAYED from Albemarle street a large,
yellow Jersey cow. The cow has short,
straight horns and was carrying long rope
attached to same Reward. 58 Albe- |
marie, street. 7-4-18
LOST Wednesday night on Forrest ave
nue-St. Charles ear unfinished black silk
dress Return io 138 Forrest avenue. Re
ward. 7-4-15
LOST Monday afternoon, either in Al
cazar or Nunnally's, an enameled daisy
pin, with diamond in center. Reward.
Ivy_49H. 7-3-29
LOST ■ Cameo brooch pin on Whitehall
street. Reward, ''all Main 4150. 7-3-17
LOST I’hild's gold bracelet. between!
Crumley and Crew streets. Sunday aft- I
ernoon. Return to 219 Crew st. and get
reward. 7-3-22
LOST-Open face Waltham watch, with
old gold locket on fob. Reward. Dr.
Verdier. Ivy 3623-L.7-3-12
LOST Bank book No. 969839 of the Bow
ery Savings bank. 130 Bowery. New
York. The finder is requested to return
jit to the bank. If not restored before the
first day of August. 1912. application .vlll
be made tn the bank for new hook. 7-2-4
LOST A bunch of keys, either In Can
dler Bldg, or postofTJce lobby Return
to 631 Candler Building Reward. J. H.
Reynolds, 6-27-12
FOUND--The best way of locating your
lost articles the way that is the sim
plest known and the cost small compared
with the price you would give to have
your things returned. You know you
hate to part with keepsakes you value
highly, you dislike to give tin searching
for your lost articles. The thing you lost
might be picked up by the person that
would be in the same place you were five
minutes later, in this case this person
would naturally look in The Georgian to
see who had lost this article. And if
I they saw your ad they could communicate
with you immediately. So remember
after this that when you lose anything,
advertise It in the “Lost and Found" col
umns of The Atlanta Georgian and Itave
it returned to you. 6-28-14
FI,A. 7-4-37
Summer SchooE
PUPILS prepared in Grbek to enter COL
2085, 245 West Peachtree sL7-4-31
LADIES Ask your dr.iggis’ to*- Chiches
tera Pills, the Diamond brand; for 25
years known as best, safest, always relia
ble. bii\- of your druggist. 'Take no other
Chichesters Diamond Brand Pills are sold
by drugg Hik everywhere. 5-2-1
Woman Detective.
THE *»NLY licensed woman detective,
will get you out of trouble instead of in
trouble; legal evidence a specialty; work
for met' only. M in.W-J 15 Woodward
p.y_, I
! DRESSMAKING and ladles' tailoring
work, guaranteed Price reasonable.
Mrs. Bishop. 20 East Pine street. Atlan
ta phone 5890 M. 7-1-21
ANY SHADE, length or weighL Thin
braid.t remade and hair added Special
attention given to dyeing. Work and
.maiH-. .-(is used guaranteed. SPECIAL
PRICES offered for next thirty days Mail
orders given* prompt attention
Phone Main 1769. 5-20-22
SERIOUS RESULTS come from trusses
improperly fitted. John B. Daniel, at .' -I
Wall street, has an expert fitter and it
will cost you no more to have him tit you,
and it means insurance. 6-24 19
3 \ I \F»I t’T PLACE, between Peachtree i
and Broad. 3-21-36 1
The Many Spirella Styles.
’NCLI DE a style for every woman, the i
genuine skill of our corsetieres is man- :
ifested in selecting the model that be« i
i comes you best. Company Headquarters, I
84 East North ave.lvy 3176. 5-J2B-3K .
FOUNft The successful treatment for'
skin, blood, chronic diseases and CAN- 1
i’ER. Call and see Dr Reynolds Com- :
pany. 21 Inman building Atlanta. Ga If
' not _ r ali. write. 6-7-36 (
SCREENS Wood fly screens, metal fi\
screens, hardwood floors. Venetian blinds,
metal weather strips, furnisned anywhere'
»n the South. Write nr phone W. R Cal- 1
la way. manager. 1403 Fourth National
Bank building. Atlanta. Ga Main 5316
- aO j 9 |
NOTHING but first-class work and I
prompt service. When you are ready!:
for this kind of work, phone Ivy 1436
ACME i,ETTER CO . 417 Weslev Memo
rial Bi tg. 5-6-33'
STILL another mg shipment of new will I
napera. Prices right. Al! work guar
anteed Better be safe than sorry. B.’.r- j
nett & Gordon. 22 E Mitchell st ; 30 sec- ;
ends from Whitehall 4-13-4$ I
Pt Pl i i o ' osch Term verj t eason ‘
abh !■ ■ 5186 7 4 3 t
ui.’ix VTE 1 eSsonFs on piano to bejgin* '
ner-. thoroughly taught; moderate
terms Address W W . rare Georgian ' .
GYPSY I» A l / .\l I >4l
IS NoW LOCATED in tent, corner Lt- , 1
syth and Ltickle; can be consulted n
alt affairs of life. Chargee moderate 11
Satisfaction guaranteed. 6-25-13 <
REVEALS past, present and future <'an |
be consulted on all affairs of life; read
ings. 35c. 50. 17 East Mitchell street nn
tenth 5-29-5
DROPSY ‘ I RED* Relieve* t*hortneMe of j '
breath ,i» 36 to 48 hour* Red *cea awell- ?
rg in Ift »<» 2b daya Writa foi particu i
Drop* v Remedy Compan'
512 Austell l< Hiding. Atlanta 5 25 11 j
, DR. EDMONDSON'S Tansy, Pennyroyal
j and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re
liable treatment for painful and sup- ;
pressed menstruation, irregularities and ;
I similar obstructions. Trial box by mail,
I 50c. Frank Edmondson X- Bro., manttfae-
■ turing chemists. 1t South Broad street, I
| Atlanta. 'Ja.2-17-14 !
ILA DI ES—sl,ooo reward 1 positively |
guarantee my great successful "Month- !
1 ly’ remedy; safely relieves some of the '
longest, most obstinate, abnormal cases '
in three io five days; no harm, pain or :
'lnterference with work; mail $1.50. Dou- 1
! ble strength, $2. Dr. F G. Southington t
Remedy Company. Kansas Citv, Mo.
4-2-34 1
J rurj i ri without pain.
23H Whitehall St. 3-21-29 |
Colored Undertakers.
Fountain & Robinson.
223 Auburn. Atl. 5921-F; Night Ivv 3609.
W anted—Miscellaneous.
WANTED—You to know that your house-
■ hold goods of all descriptions, also any
. useful articles which are of no earthly ]
use to you. but too good to throw away, ;
can be sold as easily as the goods below
were sold, through the For Sale Mlscel- 1
laneous column of The Georgian:
Atlanta. Ga.. July 2, 1912.
Want Ad Dept, of The Georgian:
Dear Sir —-1 had some furniture for sale I
and gave you an advertisement to be run j
for three days.
Please discontinue the ad. as I sold!
everything after the advertisement had ’
been run one time. 1 had enough people |
I to call to have sold it a dozen times
Yours very trulv, 1
Southern Shorthand and Business Uni- 1
verslty. 7-4-22 !
DROP A CARD Will bring cash fnr old !
clothes and shoes. The Vestair*. 16t> i
Decatur street. 6-27-42 1
I BUY men's old clothes and shoes !
Drop a card.l. Boek. 32 Bell st. 6-1-14 {
BEST CASH PRICES for furniture,
household goods arid office furniture.
Pembroke Sales Co. 143 S Pryor street.
Bell phone Main 187. 4-5-25
WANTED We pay highest cash prices
on household goods, pianos and office
furniture. I'asli advanced on consign
ments. Springer's Auction House. 25
South Pryor street. Bell phone Main 1526. i
4-10-10 ,
WE PAY HIGHESfi CASH prices for)
household goods, pianos and office fur
niture. Cash advanced cn consignments
Central Auction Company. 12 East Mitch- I
ell street Bell phone Main 2424. 8-26-26 !
For Sale—Miscellaneous.
F"R SALE An 518 direct current electric
fan. good as new. SB. H., care Geor. i
Sian. 59-7-4 :
THREE-PIECE solid mahogany parlor I
suit, one large oak hall tree. Iron bed. :
writing desk, sideboard, china closet, din- l
ing table, seven chairs; must sell imme- ■
dlately; am leaving city. Ivy 3505. 244 I
Courtland. Apartment 7-4-H .
FC'R SALE- Gne wicker go-cart: splendid '
condition. 460 East Georgia avenue. I
Main 5157-L. ■. <. .
and large borne :-afes. sls; Hall's bank I
.and fire- roof safes, vault doors, etc. C. '
J Daniel. 416 Fourth National Bank Bldg j
j 9;2 ; 33 '
$25 INVALID chair for $10; nearly new:
rubber fires: very strong, at 37 Colum
bia avenue. 53-7-3 i
FOR SALE A nice lot of household fur
niture: all in good condition. Applv to I
JQO Peachtree st 7-3-36 !
IF YOI WANT SAND in anv quantity I
delivered In any part of town, whole
sale or retail, call Ivy 3786. c W Jones
&_Co__ 7-2-33
High-class work. Acme Letter Co.. 117
Wesley Memorial Bldg. Phone Ivy 1136.
GAS RANGE, hot water heater, dining I
room table, six chairs. ''all af'er 6 1
p. m.. 139-A Capitol ave._ 40-7-2
'FOR SALE—IOO pairs of the very best |
I roller skates, Guarantee them to be In
; first-class condition. For further Infortna- !
Itlon, write Frank A. Dennis, Eatonton, (la. '
’ 6-28-48 i
W anted You to know that we sell both I
new and second-hand furniture for the
convenience of the economical housekeep
er. We save vou at least 20 tier cent '
on every purchase Cameron Furniture
Company .39 West Mitchell street t’l-oue i
Main 32:,'9. 6-24-20 |
REPAIRS anti refurnishes all kind? of
furniture We make ladies' shirtwaist
boxes to order at $3 each. Ant spec'al
p'et-es of upholstered furniture we "wke
to order by expert mechanics Estimates
carefully furnished. Phone Main 2475
171 Wlii!e)i;ill Street
LUMBER, sash and doors Airkfrtd»~of ,
building material C. E. ' Henderson.'
i Marietta, Ga ij.o? JO
i National ('ash Reiiistci'. j
, 535. SSO. S6O. $75. SIOO. $l5O and up to suit i
your needs. Terms <asv. Libera! ex- I
; change for cash registers In use Bell 1
I ' hone ivy 4155. Atlanta 594.
60 North Broad Street
SAFES, new and second-hand" all sizes.'
..Steel filing cases and fire-proof cabinet" t
Geokin Bank and office Equipment Corr. ■
gany 6-13-17,
Cotton Seed Hulls.
' >G As * CO TLA XT A. _ 6-17-37 '
WE RENT good pianos. $3 month up.
We sell good pianos. *5 month up.
Bargain in second-bt'n.l. 4'oo up.
R P Bccht Company. !!0 'temple Court
building. Bell phone i; 67 Mair 4-22-20 .
\ mriiu’vi 11 ” lt register* everything ' '
.AIIHIiUUI Latest improvements. !
(’■■><ll < •’<! registers exchanged I
’ All «fzes: easy term".
|? f .<ri<tnn< Mlanta ('ash Register Co. '
•• ' 1' 34 East Alabama street
-13-47 |
POPE S SPECIAL- Best dollar watch tn i
tlie world sent prepaid, onlv 86c |
Fully guaranteed to keep correct rime
two years or money refunded. New watch I
given free if ft breaks. A more services
ble watch '-an not be had at anv price
Murin' refunded immediately If vou are
not highly pleased. Order today v lthout
fall Pone Watch and Diamond Company.
1514 Main street. Dallas Tex 6-1-14
Carpenter Work.
LET US GIVE you prices on cabinet, car
penter and brick work, plastering,
tainting and tinting Forsyth Street
' altinel Shop 62U South Forsyth street
Phones Main 1187. Atlanta 6087 M
_ 6-20-14
Office Fixtures.
' S-23*a
Stove and Range Repairing.
sells second-hand ga stoves We sweep j
■ hlmtieys We take down luaiet • W»
,e!l wick and wicklea.* oil atovet W e sell I
gasoline stovsw and ranges Atlanta :
I'itona 3335 i2l Whitehall street Belt j
phons Main 1899. 4 4-7''
Auction Sales. ““
I A LARGE consignment of ele
gant household goods from a
! Peachtree Place residence, includ
| ing very fine Parlor Furniture,
| Brass Beds, mahogany and quar
' tered uak Bed Room Furniture.
’ leather Davenport, two Turkish
1 Rockers, flail Rack. Brass Jardi
nieres and Trays. Portieres. Lace
Curtains,. Couch Covers. Bed
I Spreads. Rockers. Art Squares.
I Rugs and Hall Runners. Table
I Linen. Dining Chairs. Pedestal
Dining Table. Bric-a-Brac,. and
1 many other things too numerous
jio mention, to the highest bidder,
Friday. .Inly 5. at 10 a. tn.
12 E. Mitchell St.
. FOR SALE —One automobile torpedo
| body, complete with top. windshield:
| body has never been used, and for a quick
1 sale will sacrifice for $l5O. Address Ful
ton Auto Supply Company, 227 Peachtree.
■ street, Atlanta •7-4-29
HAVE five-passenger automobile, 35-
I horsepower; in first-class running
shape: will sell at a bargain or will ex
-1 change fnr runabout. Address Automo
; bile, P. O. Box 510. Atlanta, Ga. 26-7-3
I in Tires, just returned from all the mar
kets with over 2,000 Tires oti the way.
Seconds, 38x3. $7.90; 30x3. $8..'0; 30x3U,
I $11.90: 32x.T ? . $12.90; 32x4 $17.90: 34x4.
. $19.90.
I we offer NEW FIRSTS: 28x3. $8.90; 30x3,
I $9.90. 30x3U, $14.70; 32x354, $15.50; 34x4,
I $21.90.
Send us your orders- mail, phone or
! wire.
McPherson alto tire co.,
46 Auburn Avenue,
TO ('LOSE our year's business
we offer the following used
,cars at a bargain :
1910 White. 5-passenger. gas
I car, just painted and in good con-
I <lit ion. Top. windshield. 5 lamps,
! Prest-O-Lite tank—s7so.
| 1911 Overland. 5-passenger
touripg car. splendid condition.
1 Fore doors. top, windshield,
speedometer. Prest-O-Lite tank;
| run less than fj.900 miles—sßso»
’ Waverly Electric, new batter
ies; tires good condition, two of
'them new; finish good—ss9o.
54fi Peachtree St.
FOR SALE New. Maxwell special auto,
run five months: splendid condition.
I fully equipped, cash or real estate. Call
Ivy 4732.7-2-21
THOMAS-SIX -1912 model; four-passen
ger; been In use four months; will sell
| for reasonable price; good condition. Box
1 S B6 - <>are Georgian. 29-7-2
I A NEW 191? Maxwell Messenger. fulTy
■ equipped; never been uncrated; will sell
' well under list price 902 Empire Life.
Phone M. 4114. • 6-29-71
CHALMERS 30. 4-passenger. 1911, A-l
condition, top. windshield, speedometer,
Prest-O-Lite and a snappy little ear We
overhauled this ourselves and we know
it's right and cheap at SBOO.
Travis A- Almand. 26 James street, third
floor. JBell phone Ivy 4832 6-29-8
i FOR SALE—Pope-Hartford 5-passenger
! touring rar in good condition; 1910
j model. Must be sold at once. Address
|H.. B"X 995. Atlanta. Ga. 6-28-19
IFOR s y LE—l9lO 2-cylinder Buick, good
i condition. $375; also Buick SI,OOO deliv
ery truck at bargain. Overland Southern
Motor t'ar Company. 233 Peachtree street.
1 Atlanta. (la 6-28-18
i'' A RBL'RI'TOR work a st ecialty. We
| live • areful attention to Electric Auto
and Btitcry work. Hartrampf 4- Tar
bray ('■ Phone Main 3810, 56 Edge
y no'i Ave., lust belov. Equitable Bldg.
torcycle dealers In the South; exclusive
•Southern distributors for Indian Elyea
y istell Company, 35 North Prior street.
:Trunks, Bags and Suitcases.
1 R() UNTREE \S 77 '^® ALL
' r ’ HONKB: B(U Mai ” 1576 Atlanta !«»4.
Sewing Machines.
WE RENT new machines with complete
set of attachments for $2 per month;
also machines repaired; prompt delivery.
Both phones 1893 Singer Sewing Ma
chine Company, 79 Whitehall 9-14-44
Business Opportunities
SECRETARY—We want a man who haa
SI,OVO to Invest as secretary, muat fur
nish good references and have office ex
t'erience. an excellent position for the
right man Georgia Loan anil Investment
Co.._Tifton._Ga. 7-4-y ■
FOR SALE. CHEAP—Boarding house of
fifteen rooms; modern conveniences,
fall ,8 North Broad street. Phone Main
; 3»..4. 7-4-30
ci vi'ioN offers Its members not only
the fraternl love of the lodge room and
, the social life of the reading, sick and
rest rooms, bath and gymnasium, but the
blessings of life insurance and other bene
; tits at small cost. Open rooms at all
; times to both ladies and gentlemen be
lt ween the ages of 15 and 65. A 6p-day
I campaign is now on for charter members,
j't his is your opportunity. For further par
' tlculars call Main 144. or Fraternal Provi
dent Association. P. o. Box 1153. Atlanta.
Ga 6-29-1
millinery. go< J location, no opposition.
best reason for selling, splendid chance
for Investing small capital Address Mil
liner. Box 800. care Georgian. 6-11-4
FOR SALE General rnerchandTse busi
ness in good country town. There is
connected with this business lumber,
shingle ami building material, ice, auto
mobile and garage business also meat
market. The amount of business now
done is $25,000 to $30,000 t>er year This
amount can be doubled. About $5,000 will
handle Box 143, Austell, Gs 6-29-48
4 (UUI t'ASli WIIL BUN" a great har
'pG,V>/v> gain 1 have a new 80-room
hotel, one block from Candler building,
newly furnished, with all flrat-claas furni
ture and full of people, from bottom to
top clearing SSOO per month. Long lease
and low rem and the best location in the
■ Jt> c ß use of welling, the partv has to
leave the city on account of pressing huai
nes ivy 5558 J D Evans, Atlanta
.‘ißitit 20 H Camagte way 7-3-V*
Fort SALE- 'Controlling Interest In well
established, profitable wholesale and r«-
'ad lumber business, dissolution of part
ner ;btp ne> essary Address Box 342. care
'leorgian M-H