Newspaper Page Text
Punched by The Georgian Company.
20 East Alabama Street
Atlanta. Ga.
at Atlanta Postoffice as second
*'r" class matter.
subsc-lptlons Payable In Advance
St JSBS S® : !
Sr at as sat ’*
Script lone P’ .table in Advance
neir eren by carrier, one
p*’:v»red by carrier, six months ... 2-60
ne"vred by carrier, three months... 180
delivered by carrier one month «r
EilhwT’by carrier In Atlanta and
' ether cities, one week I°°-
- —— '
Help Wanted—Female.
caiur 465 U_ 2S
WTxTED—-Girl for general housework.
pU ng references. 98 West North ave-
p Gt ' ' ♦lff.-, 8
irjvfED— A good cook at 223 S. Pryor
lr n s 7-8-20
ivTxyfED—a'good colored girl or woman
♦o'rook and do general house work at
once 219 Crew St.Dßff 2
U’kTED —Good cook. Room on lot. Ref-
erences required. Apply No. 725 Pied
m c- Ave. 11:';?
pr7\vrß sewing machine operators. YY e
• •ive several places left tor some fast
onerators who can earn from nine to fif
t'en dollars per week. Only those who
T » made overalls or other garments and
have meed need apply Enterprise Mfg
3SU, west Alabama St. (Top floor.)
' 7-BGI
iWi'^fTD-^^Good - stenograptier for tem
rmarv position, beginning Monday, July
15 state experience and salary expect
ed Give references. Address H. A. C.
Co care Georgian.4o-7-8
WANTED—A cook. Apply 155 Peeples St
WANTED —A cook; references required,
jq" tv Fourth St. 7-8-6
WANTED—At ,6 Dixie Ave.. Inman Park,
a white cook for small family; no chil
dren . alsojtelp with house work. 7-6-22
GTRI to take care of baby. Lieut. Hol-
IMav Fort McPherson, Ga. Phone Main
2062 ' 52-7-6
first-class nurse. Apply
1233 Candler Bldg. 7-6-4
A~GOOD COOK to stay on place: room
on lot. Phone Ivy 3098. 7-6-,
sn i LED nurse to stay in house; good
wages. Phone Ivy 30987-6-8
< , >r>K wanted, good wages; room on lot:
Email family Apply 7t7 Ponce DeLeon
Phone Ivy 2030-L. 35-.-5
WANTED —A first-class cook. Apply 510
N. Jackson st. 7-5-15
WANTED —Cook and house girl combined ;
335 Euclid ave.. Inman Park. 7-5-16
IF YOU do not see the position you want
advertised in this column today, why
not tr. an ad in the "Situations Wanted”
columns? The chances are that you will
get the position that you have longed for.
Business men and women are always on
the "lookout for good. live, “can produce
the business” people. The futures or
thousands have been made through the
Want Ads of The Georgian. Yours can
be made the same way.7-4-23
~™~REnTno. 3 OLIVERS
—3 MONTHS s 4
Oliver Typewriter Agency, 54 Auburn ave.
Help Wanted—Male.
WANTED—A colored man to drive sani
tary wagon. Apply Marshal of College
Park. 7-81-27
WANTED—AII-round automobile painter.
capable of all grades of work.
Speer Auto Works, 148 Bellwood avenue.
WANTED—Two first-class carpenters and
two helpers. Give address, references
and wages expected. Box 512, care Geor
gian 7-6-67
WANTED—Men to learn the barber trade.
Have just moved into our new building
Everything newly fitted. We positively
guarantee positions now. Few weeks com
pletes Tools given. Wages Saturdays.
Call or write today. Moler Barber Col
lege. 38 Luckle St., one and a half blocks
west of Piedmont hotel.3B-7-6
WANTED—Linotype operator; also press
man. jobs open Monday. Wire answer
to DeSoto County News, Arcadia, Fla.
WANTED—Three or four good carpen
ters willing to join the union. M. Steph
enson, 226 Brown-Randolph Bldg. 7-2-5
WANTED—A few five men of
good address to present an at
tractive newspaper premium offer
among Atlanta homes. See Han
lon at The Georgian office. 6-10-28
STOP at Hilburn hotel; heart of city;
lOtfe Walton st., if you want a clean,
quiet room; transient 50c; open all night
TES. Y-roressor G O. Brannlng will teach
you the barber trade (It's easy) We
teach in one-half time of other colleges.
Course, tools and position in our shops
only 330 Why pay more? Thousands of
our graduates running shops or making
good wages. Atlanta Barber College. 10
East Mitchell street.s-11-17
FREE MASSAGE, hair cuts, shaves.
shampoos. All barber work free. Clean
linen Atlanta Barber College, 10 East
Mitchell, 5-27-16
'J YOU do not see the position you want
advertised in this column today, why
Y Tr ' an a<4 ' n the "Situations Wanted”
„ , un ? n? Th e chances are that you will
?et the position that you have longed for.
~ J';’ men anfl women «re always on
for good, live, "can produce
business" people. The futures of thou-
•T" • a 'e been made through the Want
■ ' ' he Georgian. Yours can be made
same way. 7-4-23
Wanted—Male and Female.
for ?u, ent ,Posttfons. SBO.OO month. Write
sti..,',„ P.°sit'ons open. Franklin In
stitute. Dept. 49-R., Rochester, N. Y
• 47-f-6
( for a case Specific Blood Pol-
I son we fail to cure. Raney
\~z-a I Medicine Co., 513 Austell
; Bldg. Phone 614 Office
w Hours: 7 a. m. to 6 p. m ;
( Sundays. 9 a. rn. to 12 a. m
fprr— * . 6-3-33
a ,v„L do , n ot see the position you want
r „. r , dp ,ilis column today, why
T, n ad ln the "Situations Wanted”
.. t . T he chances are that you will
p, .. Position that you have longed for.
• p A' s and "’omen are always on
the t I. or Hve. “can produce
.'.L neas People. The futures of
'' ant a , 'V’®, been made through the
b» n ‘ ~he Georgian. Yours can
toe same way 7-4-23
Agents Wanted.
W > i- Tpn C £ Mp AIGN BOOK!
! - ’-Zr< en,F in ever Y county of the
bn. . &f to sell our campaign
tr.- - nr ,n p^fes ' 100 Pictures and por-
Tr'r • L. , th .? candidates and leaders.
■ ,’s • a J ,he Presidents and h(s
f,. . ' Pplr administrations The plat
-• n? 1 » Pl’Pcipies of all parties. An
S’ ' - a "v superior book. Price only
P” A' ,L. f l? p m °st exciting ram
i'. ... ' 1861. Outfit free on receipt of
t. , pa Y postage. Titanic outfit
age ! A.. fr . Pe on receipt of 10c. for post
i’hin<errrl? Order outfits by return
■ -,, 0 hd'lps-Boyd Publishing Company.
:__l 6-26-12
Salesmen Wanted.
Mu, .- /"'lock Salesmen
A/'A’ GET the business in Georgia
r 6‘ Payable in six months or
r >■ 'n V „ Nothing better on the
" • ' p„h< 51 HaH - 228 V’hitehal! street
. 7 2ilham____ 45-5-8
' •'rherV TBEE§— Summer work for
' r ' , farrn *r* and college hoys;
Fr rili. oa 9e - 1 . 1: bl * Profits. Smith
" ——A'. - . ' oncord. Ga 32-7-5
”" na -.aaVli a !e,, cr °r telegram to the
r- anew.. M? ’. you would hardly expect
■ -t-’ ’’ould you? The same is true
' . , ' f e.ect the wrong medium to
V 'nts filled. Try the right
1 ne Georgian Want Ad way.
Situations Wanted—Female.
COLORED GIRL wants position as nurse
or maid. 20 Vernon place _46- 7-8
tv ANTED—A position as general house
worker. Room on lot. 16 Old Wheat St
W ANTED —Position as housekeeper or
companion; no objections to leaving
city. Can give references Miss C H .
R. F. D. 3, Box 69, Decatur, Ga. 26-7-8
M ANTED—A position with a couple to
do general housework. Would prefer to
get out in suburbs. Apply 82 Auburn
Ave., city. 29.7-8
YOUNG LADY, splendid business quaii
tles, wants stenographic position In law
office or new enterprise in small town;
pay what am worth: must have work Au
gust 1., Business Woman, care Georgian
YOUNG I-ATiY stenographer of nine years
experience and continuous service de
sires to change position. Prefer office
where correct, rapid work is desired.
Miss M., Box 1, care Georgian 72-7-6
WANTED—Position by
ble stenographer of long experience.
Call Ivy 6358-J ’ K 74.7-6
WANTED—Position as matron - in tele
phone exchange or large institution by
lady of refinement who is trained nurse.
Address Box 676, care Georgian. 7-5-26
rience, wishes position whole or part
of time; neat, accurate, rapid work; guar
anteed. Would substitute. Steno, 131
“y.J I Atlanta phone 4328. 51-7-5
I WANTED—A position by an experTenced
■ nurse of four years experience: any kind
of sickness; maternity cases a specialty;
references from the best physicians in the
city. Phone Main 2383-L.48-7-5
EXPERIENCED sick nurse, having the
very best doctor's training, wishes ma
ternity cases; no objection to contagious
diseases. Address at once, Sick Nurse.
__Ar th ur st-, City. 27-7-5
TY HITE WOMAN, who is first-class cook,
wants position at once: best city refer
ence; a good worker. M. J., care Geor
DENTIST—Young graduate wantT 81tua~
tlon_with dentist of laboratory. Address
Box 11,-care Georgian. 33-7-8
PRINTER wants employment in country
or city printing office. Address Econ
omy, Box 5, care Georgian. 32-7-8
\VANTED~M.ust have"
old. Call phone Bell Main 2335 or At-
Monday. Jo e Astin. 35-7-8
XVANTFSD—A position as lumber inspec
tor by first-class man with long expe
nence, thoroughly experienced with saw
end planing mill operations. Inspector
care Georgian. 28-7-8
CitTTON grader or buyer wants position
with reliable firm. Steady employment;
best references furnished. Address TV V
McCarson, Fair Mount. Ga 30-7-£
er desires position on or
before August 1. Oil mill
and fertilizer business pre
ferred. Can furnish good
references. Address “S,”
Box 300, care Atlanta Geor
gian. 88-7-6
Y'OUNG MAN desires position stock de
partment house to learn business Mod
erate salary. A. K., care Georgian.
AN EXPERIENCED colored butler de
sires position with private family. I
can give good references. Address Jo
seph Burdett, 150 Auburn Ave., Atlanta
A COLORED man wants position as a
chauffeur; has automobile experience;
can give references; is willing to give free until satisfaction Is obtained.
Address B. E. Green, 18 Carter street.
City. 42-7-5
YOUNG gentleman wants position as
shipping clerk or supply clerk; need
work; can give the best of references
Address.A. C., 336 Central ave. 37- 7-5
TV ANTED—By a colored man a position
as cook; fifteen years experience. Ad
dress J. . N-. Greggs, real 306 Whitehall
street. - 40-7-4
WANTED —Situation by thoroughly ex
perienced barber on salary or would
open shop in good town. Can handle any
kind string instrument. Apply to P. O.
Box 34, Compton. Ga. 29-7-4
THOROUGHLY’ experienced bookkeeper
desires position with responsible firm.
L. G. Mauer, rare General Delivery, At
lanta, Ga. 29-7-3
COMMISSARY’ man wants position with
reliable firm. Now employed, but de
sires to change. Good, all-round man
and a hustler. Can give references. Ad
dress L. K. Justice, Milltown, Ga. 52-7-1
Window Cleaning.
National Window Cleaners
Dwellings or Store Fronts; Carpets Vacu
um Cleaned; Floors Oiled or Waxed
All Work Guaranteed.
47 E. Hunter St. Main 1175, Atlanta
Phone 1051. 7-5-24
Carpenter Work.
LET US GIVE you prices on cabinet, car
penter and brick work, plastering,
painting and tinting. Forsyth Street
Cabinet Shop, 62U South Forsyth street.
Phones Main 1187, Atlanta 6087-M.
Boarders Wanted.
■ avenue. 7-8-19
IVY HOTEL, 98 Ivv Street,
AMERICAN PLAN. $1.25 UP. Weekly
Rates. 4 3 -7 - 8
A LARGE veranda, and cool rooms, large,
shady yard; table good. 647 Peachtree
St, Phone Ivy 66347-8-12
WEST END HOME —Has room and board
for couples; also large unfurnished
room, first floor. West 568-J.94-7-6
A FEW select boarders; will also furnish
meals. M. 1978. 178 Washington street.
TWO large, well-furnfshed rooms in a
private home. Main 6017. 34 Cooper St.
NICELY’ furnished rooms (new furni
ture). with or without board; very de
sirable tn every particular, north side;
close in 23 W. Harris. 7-6-53
ROOMS and board; hot water; all con
veniences 7-6-54
NICE cool rooms with board. Bell phone
NICE ROOM and board in exchange for
piano, motorcycle or ladies' diamond
ring: small cash payment. Piano. Box 10,
care Georgian 7-6-33
PLEASANT room, with board, at 513
Peachtree Also_ table_board
DESIRABLE rooms in refined north side
family, with every convenience and best
table fare; close in. 183 Spring. Ant 2
Ivy 1861-L. 7-5-38
94 W. PE,‘ CI REE. IVY 5944-. T, 7-5-39
LARGE, cool rooms; good board 318
Whitehall st. .Atlanta phone 4015.
IN. _72_s PR I NG. IVY 4860-L. 7-5-5
Opposite postoftice. conveniences. 37
Poplar. 7-5-4
LARGE, well ventilated room, with pri~
vatc bath; also single room; good meals
442 Peachtree st Ivy 45627-1-34
ROOM with good board; select neighbor
hood: $4 per week 42 Windsor st. At
lanta phone 3015-F 7-4-26
TWO first floor rooms with meals the
bes'. reasonable 21 E Caln 56-7-2-
TWO nice, large, well ventilated rooms
with table board, located near Geor
gian Terrace hotel: offered to desirable
partle-. references required. Address nr
?all 17 E. North ave. 40-7-1
Board Wanted
HOW many desirable boarders know that
there is a vacancy at your table? There
are many hundreds this very day looking
for nice, home-like boarding places.
Reach them with an ad in the "Boarders
Wanted” column of The Georgian. 7-4-25
Summer Resorts,
WANTED—For July and August a few
summer boarders. For particulars ad
dress Box 183, Dallas, Ga, 27-7-8
VIRGINIA BEACH, VA. Special rates to
families. Very select. Can only accom
modate a very few.. 6 22-18
NICE, cool rooms; three best meals In
city; $7 to sl2 per week; references ex-
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
LARGE, nicely furnished room In refined
private home for rent, best section of
Inman Park; all conveniences; trained
nurse preferred. Phone Ivy 958-.!.
FURNISHED front rooms with private
bath; gentlemen preferred; in n min
utes walk of shopping district 136 Wash
ington 7-8-21
LARGE, pleasant front room; near in;
light and breezy.Main_l44B-J_. _7-8-22
WANTED—Refined young man roommate.
References. 254 S. Pryor St. 7-8-23
TWO large, well furnished rooms in pri
vate home; first-class board. Main 5017.
34 Cooper St,7-8-24
NEATLY furnished connecting rooms in
apartments, 134 Ivy St., Apt. C. 7-8-18
LARGE room, two closets, close to bath,
in north side apartment. Ivv 6033-J.
NICELY’ furnished room in private home.
Modern conveniences 2 blocks from
Peachtree. Ivy 1818-J, 7-8-14
THREE rooms and private bath, fur
nished for light housekeeping Private
home; close in; north side. Adults only.
144 Spring St 39-7-8
NICELY furnished, cool, front bed room,
one or two beds; all conveniences; sec
ond floor; summer rates; half block from
Capital City Club. 23 E. Harris St. Ivv
4515. 7-6-76
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished rooms in
private home. 19 East Harris street.
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room: all
conveniences; gentlemen only. Ogle
thorpe, 195 Ivy; apartment 2. 7-6-73
THREE well furnished rooms; near in;
reasonable; all conveniences. 174 South
Pryor st. Phone Main 4695 7-6-69
FOR RENT—Three unfurnished rooms;
close in: hot water: also one furnished
room. Apply 12 Brown place. Main 9077.
FURNISHED rooms for rent, single and
double, at 143 Spring: JSt._7-6-46
NICELY’ furnished front bed room; one
t or two gentlemen of refinement; close
in; south side; private family; very rea
sonable: conveniences. Telephone Main
2508-J. 77-7-6
TWO light, cool, neatly furnished rooms
for working girls or young men; home
privileges; two meals if wanted. 245
Pulliam. 7-6-40
TWO nicely furnished rooms for house
keeping very cheap. 138 Pulliam. Pnone
Main 1827-J. 7-6-38
ONE or two rooms adjoining bath; gen
tlemen, business women or nurses. 325
Myrtle, corner Ninth street. 76-7-6
3i6 CAPITOL AVE.—Nicely furnished
rooms; rates reasonable; meals if de
sired. Phone Main 2890-J. 7-6-5
FURNISHED rooms for rent; 2 rooms
for light housekeeping 270 Ivy St
' 7-6-12
NICELY’ furnished front room, private
family, two gentlemen. 18 Prospect
TWO nicely furnished front rooms, com
plete for housekeeping, cheap to parties
without children; also one nice, large, airy
front bed room; four large windows; ideal
room in every respect. Hot bath, Bell
phone, best location. 290 Washington
street. » 7- 5-44
TYVO first fiber connecting front rooms,
furnished for light housekeeping: all
conveniences 45 YVest Baker_ 7-5-37
NICELY’ furnished rooms on north side.
with conveniences; also verj’ desirable
unfurnished rooms for housekeeping 50
Orme street. Ivy 3805. 7-5-36
NICELY’ furnished rooms for light house
keeping with all conveniences. 66 Hous
ton street. 7-5-37
2904-L. 30-7-5
WANT a gentleman tn share a room with
another: close in; conveniences. 44
Houstofi street. 7-5-6
TWO very nice and neatlylurnished - front
rooms, clean and cool: no children, pri
vate family: hot bath; Bell phone and
very central; rooms must be seen to be
appreciated: one block of Peachtree 29
West Harris. 7-5-11
FOR RENT—One large, nicely furnished
room. 170 North Jackson. Phone Ivv
3504-.1. 7-5-19
FOR REX'T —ftooms: with or without
hoard. 261 Whitehall. 7-5-22
TIVO housekeeping rooms; well connect
ed; modern conveniences, 49 Wood
ward ave 7-5-31
TWO or three rooms, furnished complete
for housekeeping; no children. 73 Wil
liams. 7-2-19
152 WEST PEACHTREE, nicely furnished
room, in private home; also housekeep
ing suite; modern conveniences. 90-29-6
Furnished Rooms Wanted.
WANTED—3 or 4 furnished rooms for
light housekeeping. Write 702 Candler
Bldg , giving description and price. 7-8-16
IF YOU desire to rent your rooms, Ihe
best way is to place an ad in the “For
Rent” columns of this paper. The Geor
gian carries more For Rent Ads than any
of their competitors. The people know
that The Georgian Is the For Rent Me
dium of the city and that they have the
largest list to choose from. That's whv
most every one uses The Georgian to do
their renting for them Your art on this
page will be seen, read and your rooms
will be rented. 7-4-24
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
FOUR rooms, private bath, hall and
front porch Main 4615-L. 323 Pulliam
THREE unfurnished rooms with bath for
light housekeeping, $35. 319 N. Jackson
7-8 l 5
THREE unfurnished rooms, gas and wa
ter, $6 per month. 92 Newport St.
FOUR upstairs rooms, bath, gas and
phone, tor rent reasonable, on north
side. Address R E. G., care Georgian
THREE rooms light housekeeping, young
couple; good reference; state price and
if any children. J. G., care Georgian.
TWO unfurnished connecting rooms. *B3
Pulliam st.' 7-6-1;i
FOR RENT -Two or three unfurnished
rooms for light housekeeping. 292 Cen
tral avenue. 7-6-26
TWO unfurnished rooms for rent 99 Mills
St. Bell phone Ivv 1936, Shoeaiger
THREE connecting rooms, private en
trance. Call Main 3951-L.
TIIhEE connecting rooms in Grant park
section; all modern conveniences. 159
Oakland avenue 7-4-21
THREE rooms for rent, $lO a month.
Phone Main 3827-J. 7 4 14
FOR RENT Tn suburbs, three connect
ing unfurnished rooms for housekeep
Ing. large porches, convenient to cars,
etc. Rent very reasonable. O. D. G . Box
101. rare 7-3- 4 4
FOR RENT —Three rooms in new home,
every convenience, furnace heat; per
manent people only Main 3029. 25-7-3
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
For Rent,
FOR RENT—Three or four-room apart
ment, or more !f desired, in best sec
tion of North Boulevard For summer or *
longer. Phone Ivy 3185-J. 97-7-6
NICELY’ f-irnlsjied Doorns; board if <le
slred. 139 Spring. Ivy 5719-L. 7-5-55
NICE, cool room; good table board. 115
YY’ashlngton.s6oo-A Atlanta.
A LARGE, delightfully cool room, with
private entrance and porch, convenient
to bath; in strictly private family, on
Ponce DeLeon ave. Call Ivy 6628.
■ 7-5-30
; COOL ROOM, southern exposure; nice
1 porch: hot and cold bath, very reason
i able. Phone Ivy 2002 38 7-5
[NICELY furnished front room; all con-
I veniences for two gentlemen. $lO month
21 Ira street. Atlanta phone_4993. 7JIUB
F<'R pleasant rooms and first-ciass board,
apply to 428 Gordon st.; YY’hitehall and
Lee street car 7-1-45
TRY’ 52 Formwait street for cool rooms;
best table board. Atlanta 3904. 7-1-46
l NICE furnished rooms, with or without
bor.d, 32 Windsor street, near YY'hite-
I ha ‘ l; gentlemen preferred.
I NICE, cool and quiet, with meals If <ie
! sired Call Atlanta phone 5853-F. 232
I Capitol avenue 7-1-17
j TWO COOL, clean light rooms, southern
[ exposure; w'alk down Washington to
I Glenn street: private family; no cnildren.
; Conveniences. Tennessee cooking 246
: Pulliam street. 6-28-11
| —:—'.—=
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted.
1 WANTED —Two or three unfurnished
I rooms, must be close in and reason-
I able. Address 804. care Georgian. 7-5-50
I IF YOU desire to rent your rooms, the
best way Is to place an ad in the "For
I Rent" columns of this paper. The Geor-
I glan carries more For Rent Ads than any
|of their competitors. The people know
I that The Georgian is the For Rent Me
dium of the city and that they have the
largest list to choose from. That's why
most every one uses The Georgian to do
their renting for them. Y’our ad on this
page will be seen, read and your rooms
will be rented. 7-4-24
Furnished Apartments For Rent.
ONE two-room apartment, furnished
completely for housekeeping: hot water,
janitor service, steam heat. 20-B Carne
gie YY’ay. D. ffi. Evans, Atlanta 3900, Ivy
5558-J, 7-6-57
THREE or four rooms, completely' fur
nished. gas range, sink, bath, walking
distance. Call afternoons or evenings. 82
Williams street, near West Raker. 7-5-41
FOR RENT—Four-room furnished Far
llnger apartment, 34 Elast avenue, be
tween Jackson and Boulevard. Ivy 6114-. I
FOR RENT —Delightful, cool, furnished
apartments; nominal summer rent.
"Between Peachtrees,” care Georgian
TW’O or three rooms for light housekeep
ing, also front rooms for sleeping with
bath. 34514 Peachtree. 7-4-11
TWO large, cool rooms, kitchenette and
bath, modern conveniences; separate
entrance: convenient to Piedmont Park.
Phone Ivy 2478. 7-1-51
Furnished Apartments Wanted.
REFINED young couple want to rent best
furnished north side apartment; S2O
monthly will secure. Can furnish linen,
china and silver Address Box 370, care
Georgian. 7-5-49
IF YOU desire to rent your rooms, the
best way is to place an ad in the "For
Rent” columns of this paper. The Geor
gian carries more For Rent Ads than anv
of their competitors. The people know
that The Georgian is the For Rent Me
dium of the city and that they have the
largest list to choose from That's why
most every one uses The Georgian to do
their renting for them. Your ad on this
page will be “seen, read and your rooms
will be rented. 7-4-24
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
47 -EAST CAIN- ST.—Five roomsUfirTT
class repair; $25 per month Apply
Owner. 509 Atlanta National Bank Bldg.
Telephone 1270 Main. 7-6-70
THREE connecting rooms; bath on same
floor; sink and kitchen; separate gas,
and coal house. 137 East avenue Ivv
FOR RENT—Five-room apartment on
north side with garage privileges; elec
tric lights, hot and cold water, furnace
heat; one block from Peachtree: $35 per
month. Apply 403 Peters Bldg. Tele
phone M. 1843, or Ivy 5398-L after 3:30
p. m 39-7-3
FOR RENT —The new apartment nouse
at 83 Hurt street, known as the Bozco
bel. consisting of three and four rooms
each, with every known modern conven
ience, and renting for $32.50 to $35. Is
now ready for occupancy. Apply on prem
ises or Fitzhugh Knox, 1613 Candler
building. » 5-9-57
Unfurnished Apartments Wanted.
IF YOU desire to rent your rooms, the
best way is to place an ad in the "For
Rent" columns of this paper. The Geor
gian carries more For Rent Ads than any
of their competitors. The people know
that The Georgian is the For Rent Me
dium of the city and that they have the
largest list to choose from That's why
most every one uses The Georgian to do
their renting for them. Y’our ad on this
page will be seen, read and your rooms
will be rented. 7-4-24
Furnished Houses For Rent.
FOR RENT—Six-room furnished cottage,
north side; rent reasonable. Phone Ivy
1922 - L 7-6 -18
FOR RENT —During the summer, a small
3-room house and one acre of land near
Clayton, Ga.; elevation 2.000 feet, free
stone water: house partially furnished.
References given and required. Apply to
Jas. B Ficklen, 18 Waverly wav, Atlanta.
Ga. 7-6-24
Unfurnished Houses For Rent.
FOR RENT—One six-room house, with
servant's room in basement, in best sec
tion of Inman Park. Possession on week's
notice. Phone Ivy 6621-J. 44-7-8
FOR RENT—Comfortable cottage, north
side, 6 rooms and bath. $18; immedi
ate possession. Bell phone Ivy 6432 7-8-7
FOR RENT By owner, 6-room house in
good condition. 400 E Fair. Will rent
cheap to desirable parties. Phone Main
5035-J 60-7-6
FOR RENT —By owner, nine-room house,
or upper or lower floor separate; two
baths: highest elevation: nice shade;
walking distance. Ivy 2825-L. 7-3-35
BEAUTIFUL eight-room house in splen
did neighborhood 56 West North ave
nue. 7-3-4
PHONE or write us for our rent bulletin;
excellent houses all over the city at
moderate rates Turman, Black * Cal
houn. 203 Empire Bldg 6-29-66
THE HOUSE you build, buy or
rent, will not be a modern home
unless it is wired for electricity.
phon* for our r#»nt bulletin Ralph O.
Cochran, 19 South Broad street, 4-1-21
Fire-Proof Storage,
wF~STORE ""goods "and
pianos. Office and warehouse. 239-241
Edgewood ave. Ivy 2037. John J. YY'ood
slde Storage Company.
Public Baggage and Transfer.
M C FURNITURE transfer: we pack
and ship. M 5490-L. A. 1319. 30 West
Hunter. 3-12-7
If you sent a letter or telegram to the
wrong address, you would hardly expect
an answer, would you? The same is true
when you select the -wrong medium to
have .ill your wants filled Try the right
way- The Georgian Want Ad way.
Lost and Found.
LOST—One silver mesh bag on Forrest
Ave. car. Return to 350 N. Boulevard.
__L 8 -i
LOST—Bunch of about eight keys on
chain; monogram YV’. C. T. Finder
please return to this office for reward.
LOST- Black leather pocketbook and
Southern railway mileage book. Find
er will please return to 208 Rhodes build
ing and receive reward R. S. T. 7-6-63
LOST—Gray and black jacket, lined with
gray silk, on Buckhead road or side
i road Thursday afternon. Call Main 4397.
LOST—No. 2 bulls-eye kodak; left on
bench corner Berne street and Boulevard
Wednesday night, June 27. Reward if
returned to 228 Cameron. 7-5-18
STRAYED Lemon colored Jersey cow;
crumped horns and bobbed tail, weigh
ing between 600 and 700 pounds. H. L.
Little. Bell phone Decatur 246. 34-7-5
LOST —Cameo brooch pin on Whitehall
street. Reward. Call Main 4150. 7-5-20
LOST—Bank book No. 969839 of tho Bow
ery Savings bank. 130 Bowery. New
York. The finder is requested to return
it to the bank. If not restored before the
first day of August. 1912, application will
be made to the bank for new book. 7-2-4
LOST—A bunch of keys, either In Can
dler Bldg or postoffice lobby. Return
to 631 Uandler Building. Reward J. H
Reynolds 6-27-12
FOUND—The best way of locating your
lost articles—the way that is the sim
plest known and the cost small compared
with the price you would give to have
your things returned You know you
hate to part with keepsakes you value
highly, you dislike to give up searching
for your lost articles The thing you lost
might be picked up by the person that
would be in the same place you were five
minutes later. In this case this person
would naturally look in The Georgian to
see who had lost this article. And If
they saw your ad they could communicate
with you immediately. So remember
after this that when you lose anything,
advertise it in the "Lost and Found” col
urnns of The Atlanta Georgian and have
ft returned to you. 6-28-14
PUPILS prepared in Greek tn enter COL
2085. 24 5 YY'est Peachtree st. 7-4-31
Woman Detective.
THE ONLY licensed woman detective;
will get you out of trouble instead of in
trouble; legal evidence a specialty; work
for men only. M. 1059-.1. 15 YY’oodward
ave. 7-1-22
DRESSMAKING and ladies’ tailoring
work, guaranteed Price reasonable.
Mrs. Bishop, 20 East Pine street. Atlan
ta phone 5890 M. 7-1-21
ANY’ SHADE, length or weight. Thin
braids remade and hair added. Special
attention given to dyeing YY’ork and
quality goods used guaranteed. SPECIAL
PRICES offered for next thirty days. Mail
orders given prompt attention.
Phone Main 1769. 5-20-22
SERIOUS RESULTS come from trusses
Improperly fitted. John B. Daniel, at 34
Wall street, has an expert fitter and it
will cost you no more to have him fit you,
and It means Insurance. 6-24 19
The Many Spirella Styles.
INCLUDE a style for every woman; the
genuine skill of our corsetleres Is man
ifested in selecting the model that be
comes you best. Company Headquarters,
84 East North ave. Ivy W 76. 5-28-36
FOUND- The successful treatment for
skin, blood, chronic diseases and CAN-
CER. Call and see Dr. Reynolds Com
pany. 21 Inman building, Atlanta. Ga If
you can not call, write. 6-7-36
SCREENS—Wood fly screens, metal fly
screens, hardwood floors. Y r enetlan blinds,
metal weather strips, furnished anywhere
In the South. Write or phone W R Cal
laway, manager. 1403 Fourth National
Bank building. Atlanta. Ga. Main 5310
NOTHING but first-class work and
prompt service. When you are ready
for this kind of work, phone Ivv 1436.
ACME LETTER CO., 417 Wesley Memo
rial-Bldg. 5-6-33
STILL another big shipment of new wall
papers. Prices right. All work guar
anteed Better he safe than sorry. Bar
nett ft Gordon. 22 E Mitchell st : 30 sec
onds from Whitehall 4-13-45
IS NOW LOCATED in tent, corner For
syth and Duckie; can be consulted :»n
all affairs of life. Charges moderate
Satisfaction gita’unload 6-25-13
REY’EALS past, present and future Can
be consulted on all affairs of life; read
ings. 25c, 50c. 17 East Mitchell street (in
tent) • 5-29-5
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking; style and fit
guaranteed. Ivy 3648-L. 8 Williams st
DROPSY CURED Relieves shortness of
breath in 36 to 48 hours. Red uces swell
ing m 15 to 20 days. Write for particu
lars. Collom Dropsy Remedy Company,
512 Austell Building. Atlanta 5-25-il
DR EDMONDSON'S Tansy, Pennyroyal
and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re
liable treatment for painful and sup
pressed menstruation, irregularities and
similar obstructions. Trial box by mail,
50c. Frank Edmondson ft Bro., manufac
turing chemists, 14 South Broad street.
Atlanta. Ga. 2-17-14
LADIES—-SI,OOO reward t positively
guarantee my great successful "Month
ly remedy; safely relieves some of the
longest, most obstinate, abnormal cases
In three to five days; no harm, pain or
interference with work; mall $1.50 Dou
ble strength, $2. Dr. F G. Southington
Remedy Company, Kansas City. Mo.
If you sent a letter or telegram to the
wrong address, you would hardly expect
an answer, would you? The same is true
when you select the wrong medium to
have all your wants filled Try the right
way -The Georgian YY’ant Ad way.
Colored Undertakers.
Fountain A- Robinson.
223 Auburn. Atl. 5921-F; Night Ivv 3609
Stove and Range Repairing.
sells second-hand gas stoves. We sweep
chimneys YVe take down heaters We
sell wick and wickless oil stoves We sell
gasoline stoves and ranges. Atlanta
phone 2235 121 YY'hltehall street Bell
phone. Main 2699. ’ 4.4.7
Sewing Machines.
WE RENT new machines with complete
set of attachments for $2 per mo'nth.
also machines repaired: prompt delivery
Both phones 1893. Singer Sewing Ma- i
chine Company, 79 Whitehall. 9-14-44
WANTED—Second-hand lumber; 4 by 4. 4
by 6, 2 by 8. 2 by 10 and 2 by 12. Any
'length. Must be cheap. Box 512. care
I Georgian 7-6-68
I DROP A CARD - YVill bring cash for old
clothes and shoes. The Y’estaire, 166
Decatur street 6-27-42
: 1 BUY’ men's old clothes and shoes
I Drop a card I. Bock. 32 Bell st. 5-1-14
i BEST CASH PRICES for furniture,
i household goods ajid office furniture.
1 Pembroke Sales Co.. 143 S. Pryor street.
■ P^ nne Main 187. 4-5-25
i WANTED—We pay highest cash prices
on household goods, pianos and office
I furniture. Cash advanced on conslgn
| ments. Springer's Auction House, 25
I South Pryor street. Bell phone Main 1526.
| 4-10-10
household goods, pianos and office fur-
| rlture. Cash advanced on consignments.
| Central Auction Company. 12 East Mltch-
- street. Bell phone Main 2424.. 8-26-26
WANTED—Y’ou to know that your house
hold goodS'of all descriptions, also any
useful article's- which are of no earthly
I use to you. but too good to throw away,
can be sold as easily' as the goods below
i were sold, through the For Sale Miscel
laneous column of The Georgian:
Atlanta. Ga.. July 2, 1912.
Want Ad Dept, of The Georgian:
Dear Sir—l had some furniture for sale
and gave you an advertisement to be run
for three days.
Please discontinue the ad, as I sold
everything after the advertisement had
been run one time I had enough people
,to call to have sold It a dozen times.
Yours very truly,
1 Southern Shorthand and Business Unf
) versify. 7-4-22
I - ! ... -7D7—~
1 For Sale—Miscellaneous.
: FOR SALE —6 Dayton electric ceiling
fans, dining room tables and chairs;
one National cash register 'iTiree show
cases and one cigar case, all in first-class
condition. Call at Nathan’s Case. 122
Peachtree St 2 7-8-10
FOR SALE —Ranee and organ. Apply
Parks-Chambers-Hardwlck Co., third
CHEAP FOR CASH, upright piano in fine
condition. Forrest Apartment No. 1.
Phone Ivy 6222.7-8-4
remove dirt and germs from rugs, car
pets. floors, etc.; vacuum cleaners from
$32.50 up; vacuum sweepers $9.75. C. J.
Daniel & Co., 416 Fourth Nat Bk. Bldg
J 2
FOR SALE —Table, stoves, bed, cheap
Ivy 4821-. L 7-5-47
FOR SALE—S3S Block baby carriage in
good condition. Built wide; will hold
two babies at onoe; $lO cash. Apply 135
East Tenth street. 40-7-5
IF YOU WANT SAND tn any quantity
delivered in any part of town, whole
sale or retail, call Ivy 3786. C. YV. Jones
& Co. 7-2-33
High-class work. Acme Letter Co., 417
Wesley Memorial Bldg. Phone Ivy 1436
WANTED—You to know that we sell both
new and second-hand furniture for the
convenience of the economical housekeep
er. We save you at least 20 per cent
on every purchase Cameron Furniture
I Company, 39 West Mitchell street. Phone
Main 3229. 6-24-20
REPAIRS and refurnishes all kinds of
furniture. We make ladies' shirtwaist
boxeft to order at $3 each. Any special
pieces of upholstered furniture we make
to order by expert mechanics. Estimates
carefully furnished. Phone Main 2475
LUMBER, sash and doors. AU - kinds - <>f
building material. C. E. Henderson.
Marietta, Ga 5-22 50
National Cash Register.
$35, SSO, S6O, $75, SIOO, $l5O and up to suit
your needs. Terms easy. Libera! ex
change for cash registers tn use. Bell
phone Ivy 4155, Atlanta 594.
60 North Broad Street.
SAFES, new and second-hand; ail sizes.
Steel filing cases and fire-proof cabinets
Gookln Bank and Office Equipment Com
pany 6-13-17
Cotton Seed Hulls.
F, R. LOGAN & CO., ATLANTA. 6-17-3 T
WE RENT good pianos. $3 month up.
We sell good pianos, $5 month up.
Bargain in second-hand, SIOO up.
R P. Becht Company. 110 Temple Court
building Bell phone 667 Main. 4-23-20
AniPl’ic'lH " II rp K ,F ’ e rs everything ”
min in uii Latest improvements.
C')«ll 01,1 registers exchanged
itcilt All sizes; easy terms
Qcirictm'c Atlanta Cash Register Co
*Y< 34 East Alabama street
POPE'S SPECIAL—Best dollar watch in
the world sent prepaid, only 86c.
Fully guaranteed to keep correct time
two years or money refunded. New watch
given free if it breaks A more serzlcea
ble watch can not be had at any price.
Money refunded immediately if you are
not highly' pleased Order today without
fail Pope Watch and Diamond Company,
1514 Main street, Dallas, Tex. 6-1-14
Trunks, Bags and Suitcases.
ROUNTREE'S 77 "s^ t eet all
PHONES: Bell Main 1576. Atlanta 1654.
MAGNIFICENT five-passenger Peerless;
practically new; run less than 3.000
miles, and is In perfect condition through
out; equipped with demountable rims, two
extra tires. YVarner speedometer, seat
covers, top, wind shield, electric lights
and full set tools: original cost $4,500:
will sell for $2,500. If interested in the
purchase of a high-grade motor car, we
invite your most critical inspection.
FIVE-PASSENGER Franklin, in good
running condition; new set tires, de
mountable rims, one extra tire. top. wind
shield and full set tools; original cost
$2,750; will sacrifice for cash or trade for
real estate
122 Auburn Avenue.
FOR SALE-My National roadster. Best
of condition Full equipment. Bar
gain. Might trade for unencumbered real
estate. Arthur Thurman, 529 Grant Bldg
Everett 36 car, fully equipped;
Brush, 1911, good shape; both for part
cash, balance monthly. N. C. McPherson
Ivy 3339. 25-7-5
FOR SALE -New, Maxwell special auto,
run five months; splendid condition,
fully eouipped, cash 'or real estate Call
lvv 4 ~ 22 - 7-2-21
THoMAS-SIX -1912 model; four -passeri
ger: been in use four months; will sell
for reasonable price; good condition Box
596, care Georgian. 29-7-2
CHALMERS 30, 4-passenger, 191T,' A* 7 !
.condition, top. windshield, speedometer,
Prest-O-Llte and a snappy little cat- We
overhauled this ourselves and we know
It's right and cheap at SBOO.
Travis ft Almand, 26 James street, third
floor. Bell phone Ivy 4832 6-29-8
CARBURETOR work a specialty YVe
give careful attention to Electric Auto
and Battery work. Hartrampf & Yar
bray Co. Phone Main 3810, 56 Edge
wood Ave., just below Equitable Bldg
torcycle dealers in the Smith, exclusive
Southern distributors for Indian. Elyea-
Austell Company, 35 North Pryor street
1-21-9 I
Business Opportunities,
PARTNER wanted with not less than
S4OO. Must be honest and sober; no
boobs desired. Splendid opportunity to
make a fortune. Address G. 8.. care
Georgian. 34-7-8
millinery, good location, no opposition;
best reason for selling; splendid chance
for investing small capital. Address Mll
liner. Box 800, care Georgian. 6-11-4
FOR SALE—General merchandise busi
ness in good country town. There is
connected with this business lumber,
shingle and building material, ice. auto
mobile and garage business; also meat
market. The amount of business now
done is $25,000 to $30,090 per year. This
amount can be doubled About $5,000 will
handle Box 143, Austell, Ga. 6-29-46
Money To Loan.
WANTED—SIO,OOO In second mortgage
notes; small monthly payments N. C.
McPherson. Ivy 3339 26-7-5
Real Estate and Loans.
Prudential Insurance. Company
of America. 6-29-64
MONEY by the. thousands; money by tne
tens of thousands; money by the mil
lion; first-class first mortgage real estate
and farms; first mottgage purchase mon
ey notes Come direct to us. Randolph
Loan Co., 821 Candler Bldg. Ivy 5069.
7 BLDG 1
Shone main
MONEY’ on hand for immediate loans on
property in or near Atlanta. J. E. Van
Valkenburg, 501 Equitable Bldg. 6-6-22
WE HAVE plenty of money to
lend at lotvest rates on Atlanta
and nearby property, either for
straight or monthly paj’ment
plan. Also for purchasing pur
chase money notes. Foster &
Robson, 11 Edgewood Ave. ,
Mortgages on Real Estate. 4-1-3
amount; 6 per cent. Write or call. S.
YV Carson. 24 South Broad st,4-1-17
MORTGAGE LOANS on Atlant* real es
tate. Established since 1889 Turman,
Black & Calhoun, 203-208 Empire Bldg
FARM IOANS placed m any amount on
Improved farm lands in Georgia. The
Southern Mortgage Company. Gould build
in.?; 7-13-1
PLE, women keeping house and others
without security; cheapest rates; easy
payments. Offices all principal cities. D.
H. Tolman, Room 52« Austell building.
Without Indorsement
Without Collateral
Without Real Estate
Securities *
Money loaned at
301-2 Fourth Nation
al Bank Building.
Money Wanted.
WANTED—First mortgage loan of $2,500
at 7% on my new home on north side
Atlanta, worth $5,500. Have already put
in over $2,650 in cash and want loan to
pay balance due contractor. Principais
only. Will pay half broker's commission.
S, H. W., are Georgian. 7-4-6
Real Estate For Sale
FOR SALE—My equity in suburban home
at Hapeville Bargain. Address L. F.,
care Georgian, or phone East Point 185-J.
YOU can buy property at your own price
by attending our auction sale next
Thursday, July 11, 4;30 p. m. We sell
the southwest corner of Auburn Ave and
Fort St., consisting of three stores on
Auburn Ave. and two stores on Fort St.
YVe also will sell Nos. 244. 246. 248 and
254 Auburn Ave., and three lots on Wheat
St., consisting of two stores and three
residences. Our signs are on the proper
ty. Go out and see this property; then
call at office for plat, terms, etc. E.
Rivers Realty Company, Steve R. John
ston, auctioneer. 7-6-58
FOR SALE—Eleven and one-half acres
of land In Kirkwood, two blocks from
car: water and sewer; will cut 48 big lots;
can make some one $6,000 in 90 days.
See us quick If you want to make quick
money. Atlanta Suburban Realty Co..
31 Inman Bldg. 7-3-33
FOfl SALE—My house and lot, 628 Pled
mont Ave.. 60x146 feet; 8 rooms, laun
dry and baths; furnace. Terms. Ad
dress Room 312 Imperial hotel. Mrs. Mary
K. DeLeon. 7-6-48
FOR SALE—My house and lot. 625 Pied
mont Ave., 60x1.45 feet. 8 rooms, laun
dry and baths, furnaee. Terms. Address
312 Imperial Hotel, Mrs. Mary K De Leon.
mrT'jTeal estate man,
200 CITY’ LOTS, three-quarters of a mile
from court house, in Dublin, Georgia;
7,000 population; the only city in Geor
gia "Dublin” all the time Ixits can eas
ily be sold for SIOO and up.
Also, 25 acres of good farm land just
outside of city limits, suitable for dairy
or truck farm; entire proposition for
$12,500. One-third cash, balance one and
two years. Address H. M Burch, Dublin,
Ga 7-4-36
FOR SALE—By owner, nice elevated res
ilience lot on south side. In growing
section; nothing else like it in this sec
tion at the price of SSOO, on terms of SSO
cash and sls per month. Address E. T.
McElroy, 498 Whitehall st Atlanta phone
401. 7-4-83
DO YOU WISH to own a home? 82 lots
in Kirkwood. S3OO to $700; 10 per cent
first payment George S. May ft Co.,
Bell phone Decatur 382. 6-13-12
FOR SALE My equity in six-room house
and corner lot; south side. Address
L or 4v >' SSM- 6-29-9
THE HOUSE you build, buy or
ront will not be a modern home
unless it is wired for electricity.
Real Estate Wanted.
$4,500 IN ('ASH to Invest in city rent
paying property, would consider good
negro property or other properly paying
small rental with good chance of en
hancement Address Newcomer, care
Georgian. 7-6-25
For Exchange—Real Estate.
HOTEL. 20 rooms, for sale, within 35
miles Atlanta; will exchange for eut
over lands or improved farms or for
property on Decatur car line. W D.
Bewley, Chester, S. C. 59-7-6
Real Estate for Sale or Exchange.
FIVE vacant lots on Inman Park car
line, al! improvements, for sale at $.3,500,
or exchange for renting property or acre
age. A. H., care Georgian, 31-7-8