Newspaper Page Text
Hargraves Tells Court Matri
mony Is the Best Check on
Longing for Drug.
"T*vp at last found a cure for >h» co
caine habit —it's matrimony." today re
marked Joe Hargraves. an alleged drug
agent, who was flood $25.75 or 30 days
for escaping from the police station
Saturday afternoon after he had been
heavily sentenced by Recorder Pro Tom
Preston for selling cocaine
Hargraves told the court he married
two weeks ago for the purpose of
breaking himself of the habit Ho tee.
tlfled to the success of the romance
cure by declaring he had taken cocaine
but once In 50 hours
“I want to free rm self from the grip
of this terrible habit." explained Har
graves. "and. as 1 had tided other rem
edies without success. I determined to
give love a tryout I'm glad that I did.
for I And that the power of lov< is
Wronger than the appetite for drugs.
Mr desire for cocaine Is being swamped
by this new sensation in rm heart."
, Found With His Bride.
Two witnesses testified Saturday aft
ernoon they had bought e.naine from
Hargraves Judge Preston fined him
$500.75 or 30 days and bound him ovet
to the state courts in tend of SI,OOO.
While Hargraves lawyer «».« prepar-
ChamberlinJohnsoirDiißose Co.
We Announce
The Once-a-Year Event
At and SC.OO
Altogether there are only one hun
dred and sixteen hats in this sale. We do
not doubt that more than that number of
women will want at least one of these
when it is known they comprise hats that
Miss Price brought as models from Paris,
and others that the Estelle Mershon Shop
of New York sent us as the smartest
styles that appeared in the metropolis
this season.
But regardless of their beauty and
their prestige they must go and go now.
To you they may be a “heart’s
desire;” to us they are mere merchandise,
and. accordingly, are subject to our
methods of “store-keeping.”
60 Hats Formerly Tto W Now T
56 Hats Formerly s l2"° to W* Now s s°"
Included are hats for every occasion
that summer knows.
There arejhatsthat will appeal directly
to those a-vacat ion-going.
There are hats for street wear.
There are hats for parties and even
ing wear.
Hemps and Milans, in light and dark
colorings, trimmed gloriously with feath
ers, Howers and ribbons, and a scattering
• of Panamas—a variety that means quick
and certain satisfaction. So you who
would have another hat take this as your
best opportunity.
lfchamberliii=Joliiison=Dußose Co. Chamberlin=Johnson=Dußose Co.
Atlanla will be crowded with good
roads enthusiasts on November 20 and 21.
when the Southern Appalachian Good
Roads Association holds its fourth an
nual convention here.
The date was decided upon Saturday at
a meeting which Dr. Joseph H. Pratt,
president of the association and stale
geologist of North Carolina, held with
representatives of the Chamber of Com
merce and the county commissioners The
Atlanta automobile show will be here for
the week of November 16-23. and while
automobilists, all of whom are in favor
of good roads, are In the city, the com
mittee decided It would be best to hold
their convention.
The Southern Appalachian Association
comprises all those states south of the
Potomac river, and It is believed nearly
500 delegates will attend the convention.
Headuuarlers will be at the Piedmont
hotel and the meetings will be held in the
Piedmont hotel auditorium
The object of the association Is to press
the scientific building and upkeep of roads
and to obtain good roads legislation.
ing to make bond for him, the prisoner
slipped away.
The fugitive was found Sunday night
by Policemen Gantt and McHugh with
his bride in his room in the Cannon
hotel. P<df< iman Kd Arthur, of the
chief's office, this morning uncovered a
wholesale quantity of cocaine hidden
by Hargraves. Some of it was In his
hnt and some rolled in a paper in a big
pocketbook. Several needles also were
The cocaine and needles were offered
in evidence when Hargraves wag ar
raigned before Recorder Bros les.
Two others drug users', arrested by
officer Arthur in the Cannon hotel, also
were tried today. W. H Nunnally was
bound Over in bond of SSOO on the
charges of vagrancy and falling to sup
port his minor child, w hile H. K. Nesbit
was held tn bond of SIOO for vagrancy.
LORNE. V.A.. July S. -It was announced
today that Professor Henry T. Louthan
has been elected head of tpe department
of history at Mercer university. Macon,
Ga He has accepted and will begin bis
duties there in September. He was ad
junct professor of history at William and
Mary college for six years For the past
two years he has been pursuing graduate
work at the University of (’hfrago. He is
a native of this place.
Many physicians are now saving cases
of chronic Bright's Disease heretofore
supposed to be incurable But to con
vince more members of the profession
on Saturday. May 18th, the San Francisco
dailies (Evening Post and Bulletin) con
tained an invitation to the effect that if
four reputable physicians of know n stand
Ing In San Francisco would send us a
case of chronic Bright's Disease (patient
to be strong enough to <all at our office,
showing a large amount of albumen and
casts, a case in which Digitalis. Nitro
Glycerine and Basham a Mixture have
failed, with a letter signed by them show
ing these facts, we would attempt to
return the patient in sixty days with the
albumen and casts reduced one-half or
more and patient on the road to recov
ery. If we (ail. we to publish the fact,
if we succeed the physicians to admit it.
All these cases do not recover, bin so
many have that with the hope that It
would convince more physicians and save
more of the thousands annually dying
under the old treatment, we made the
above offer.
i Note In critical cases the heart and
eliminative treatment, etc . should be
continued with the Renal Compound if
necessary . There is no conflict.)
Frank Edmondson A Bro.. 14 South
Broad street and 106 North Pryor street,
are local agents for Fulton's Renal Com
pound for Bright's Disease Ask for
pamphlet or write tn John .1. Fulton Co.,
San Francisco.
An Atlanta swimmer, chosen from
the members of the United States Vol
unteer Life Saving corps at Piedmont
park, will be sent to compete in the
national swimming contest which will
be held in New York late in August
The contest will be over a long-dis
tance route and will he participated in
Chamberlin=Johnson=Dußose Co.
Atlanta New York Paris
Concerning This Sale of Sheets, Pillow
Cases and Quilts
Let us say just this—
The one paramount reason for housekeepers to buy
sheets, pillowcases and quilts here and now is that these every
day and night necessities are marked at unusually low prices;
at prices that make it the part of wisdom to look to future
needs as well as to present wants.
And byway of explanation we will add—
That we follow the same principles in the disposal of staple
merchandise as we do in the case of novelties subject to the changes of
fashion—we clean up stocks and start a-fresh at certain periods.
This is the Clearance of Bed Linens.
Although we will rebuy and continue to sell the same brands
and qualities (for we consider them the standard of merit at their
respective prices) we choose now a Clearance Sale.
Can anyone who is concerned with the economical manage
ment of a home, a boarding house, a hotel or an institution afford to let
this sale pass unnoticed?
| p. 42 1-2x40 1-2 Twilight Pillow Cases.
iXIVQI SIIGCtS regularly 25c, now 221-2 c
4,5 x 40 1-2 Twilight Pillow Cases,
Wp know the Rival to be the best -sheet at regularly 27 l-2e, now 25c
its regular price. It is torn, not cut. and has 50x36 Twilight Pillow Cases, regularlv
three-inch hem. These are'the reductions: 30c. now .27 l-2c
54x90 Rival Sheets, regularlv 55... now .. ,49c «x 36 Utica Pillow Cases, now .......22 1-2 C
72x90 Rival Sheets, regularly 65c. now ... 59c 4 - XoB '' 2 Lf "' a 1 lllo ' v ' «««• n <™' 25,5
81x90 Rival Sheets, regularly 75c, now ... 69c
81x99 Rival Sheets, regularly 85c. now ... 75c
90x99 Rival Sheets, regularlv 90c. now ... ,79c rpi i , • ,
I here are general reductions throughout
'T'xxrilicrht Qbiootc t,le f|uilt stock - Exce Pt for the one lot men-
1 OllCdo tioned below, ail are as fresh as any you ever
. ■ i j i x p i l x x- i bought at regular prices.
A soit-fimsned sheet of good, substantial
weight that warrants wear. If is torn, and has 72x81 Three-ply Quilts, splendid for
three-inch hern. porch beds, regularly SI.OO. now .... 90c
-o -i- 4. c- 81x90 White Honey-Comb Quilts,
-o X o, - '- S ' « S ' r, ' K ' O-"' "" MP regularlv $1.25. now . SI.OO
,2x9 hvihgh Shoe s. reg. T,,- n0w.... 89c fioxßß F Qui|ts h substantial.
« x oo t r g L q ' S ' g - t -' ' aS fo '- poreh beds, regularlv $1.35. now . $1.15
O , X on ■ r g « ,g ' im' ao " «♦<> Honey-Con,b Quilts.
X o ' lg ’« ,W ’• rPg ' '■■«l ns regularlv $1.50, now . $1.25
X’t fl,«r T *l. >- tms I'M Four-plv. White Fringed Honey-Comb
90x108 I w,light Sheets, reg. $1.2.,. now. .$1.15 _ Q|ljlt y ■ ~e gularlv now ' $1 , 78
T t a • oil a 72x90 Colored Quilts, light weight.
Utica SiTCCtS regularly $2.50. now $1.95
11- White Fringed Quilts, cut corners.
Ihe same good quality that has main- regularlv $2 25 now $195
tained the prestige of the Utica Mills all these S lx9o White Satin Quilts, Marseilles'
years. It. too, is torn, and has three-meh hem. pattern, regularly $3.00. now $2.65
72x90 Utica Sheets, regularlv 90e. now. 85c White Satin Quilts, fringed Marseilles
81x90 Utica Sheets, regularly 95e. now... 89c pattern, rut corners, regularly $3.00,
90x90 Utica Sheets, regularly SI.OO. now. , ,95c now $2.75
12- White Satin Quilts,Marseilles pattern.
Pillow fTIQPQ regularly $3.50, now $2.95
1 niVF v White Satin. Quilts, Marseilles pattern.
Tn each case the same qualitv materia) as regularly $4.50. now $3.95
the sheets whose name they bear. IX4 " lll r "’ Marseilles Pattern
regularly sb.oo. now $5.00
42x36 Rival Pillow ('ases. now 15c 12x4 White Marseilles Quilts, fringed.
15x36 Rival Pillow Cases, now 17 l-2c regularly $6.00, now $5.00
One lot of quilts whose price range was from
$1.50 to $2.50 will be sold at reductions of one
fourth to one-third—this because they have be
come soiled.
by members of the corps from all over
the country where there are stations.
The route will be fourteen miies long,
from Brooklyn bridge to Coney Island.
('aptain Bm Schlomberg. in charge
of the Atlanta station, will hold a con
test here about August 26 to choose At
lanta's representative. The contest will
be a flve-mile swim in the lake at
TRACTS have no equal Sold every
where 10c and 25c the bottle, at your
SAVANNAH, GA., July 3. At the re
quest of the authorities of Gainesville.
Fla.. J. B. Smith, former president of the
Merchants and Farmers National Bank
at Claxton, Ga., is being held in this city
for the Florida authorities. It is stated
that Smith is wanted in Gainesville for
obtaining money under false pretenses.
Smith claims he is ignorant of the
grounds on which the charge is based.
The Choice of a Husband
is too important a matter for a woman
to be handicapped by weakness, bad
blood or foul breath. Avoid these kili
hopes by taking Dr. King's Life PF
New strength, fine complexion, pure
breath, cheerful spirits—things that
win men—follow their use. Easy, saN
sure, 25c. All druggists. '
Dysentery is always serious and of’,
en a dangerous disease, but it can n s
cured. Chamberlain's Colic. Choler?
and Diarrhoea Remedy has cured ft
even when malignant and epidemic Fo
sale by all dealers. ' ...