Newspaper Page Text
The Ba on baseball club, with Raj
Rvan as promoter, and Rafael Al
mf.da as headliner. will go barn
.torming through Cuba this winter.
Os course the Barons are planning
the! r trip on the assumption that they
a-ji! ,»in the Southern league pennant.
nhl , h isn't at all a certainty, as yes
,o,-day's hall games at Poncey demon
orated At the same tfTne they are
. iiling to risk it. and plans are being*
pad? right now.
Ryan, who has. been up at
this season, will probably
he. in charge of a crowd. Ryan recent
, called on Frank Bancroft in Cincin
iati and asked for s O me pointers on
aking the Birmingham team to the
Pea-i of the Antilles. Ryan figures
that with Almeida in the line-up. the
Barons should draw exceedingly well
the island.
The Birmingham team has had the
Cuba idea in its head for a long time,
an( j as Jiminez, the Cuban promoter,
n-ho takes all the teams over, has de
clared he wants to take over one minor
»ague aggregation and one big league
team after the close of the season, it
looks very much as though Birming
ham will be the lucky team, especially
is Almeida is bound to be the big at
knowledge of baseball is essential to
success In Alabama, politics. In fact,
the bigger baseball crank the office
seeker is the more glittering are his
chances for election. .This was the the
ory that met William P. Cobb, of Tus
kegee. when he came to Montgomery
yesterday. He is a candidate for sec
retary of state. He admits that base
ball is a necessity and. as his campaign
progresses, he intends to post himself
more minutely on the national sport.
It was shewn to him that every capi
to! official from top to bottom is a
fan. with a possible exception or two.
Mr. Cobb says that soon he will or
ganize his campaign forces and cover
the state like the dew.
Strange Pleas Made By Readers
of a Periodical Protesting
Against Present Size.
There was once a man who edited
and published a religious periodical.
The editor labored long in trying to
make his publication supply the neces
sary entertainment for Sunday in the
homes of readers who would read
nothing but this periodical upon that
The editor discovered that certain
worldly men were pointing the derisive
finger at his paper and calling it a
"blanket” on account of its large size.
Thinking that he would please his pa
trons. he. cut down the size to make it
look more like a modern magazine.
Then his trouble started. Letters
arrived protesting against the chang",
one being from a woman, and it con
tained a plaintive protest that the pa
per be returned to its former size, for
it just fitted my jelly shelves.”
Think of the consternation of finding
that such literary efforts should be put
to such Ignoble use.
No such protests have been received
hj The Georgian from those who have
secured The Georgian's ATLAS AND
There seems to he no danger of that
book being put to any use other than
that for which It is.lntended.
Better get a book for your office desk
so your boy and girl can be free to use
the nfjp at home.
Riding is Riding in
Mountain trails that wind for miles. Oh, the glory ck
a canter in the dawn —up the fir-crowned slopes—under
the dew-jeweled firs—clear to the peaks! Below in the
distance are stretching the vast purple ranges. The cloud
y ashed air tingles on your cheek and sends the blood laugh
•ng to your heart. That’s life! There’s golf, too, and
tfoiit fishing. How does it sound to you as you sit this
tporning hoping for a stray wisp of air, still drugged with
he sleep that brought no rest! Pack up—you’ve waited
h’ng! Can’t you hear the Rockies calling? Low
’Hind trip fares make the cost trifling.
Any way of going to Colorado is a good way, because it gets
Jou to Colorado. Rut the trains of the
Rock Island Lines
’"pnlv the luxury of perfect sen ice everything for your com
fort and enjoyment—and make your trip a part of your outing.
Through Sleeping Cars From the Southeast
a .” e operated in connection with the Frisco Lines via Kansas
C ity and the short route to the Rockies.
d,l Colorado Flyer— every morning from St. Louis and other fast
? ' trains from St. Louis, Kansas City, Memphis, Chicago, Omaha and
t. H Colorado, Yellowstone Park and the Pacific Coast. Write
■' "t our booklets and particulars of low fares.
InnMwßi H- f’f*”'* - ni»tr»ct Pa’«enger Agent
flB No. Pryor Street Atlanta, Ga.
IBBBBIBS|M| r- r-t UN k. M«I N b 6 I.
Games Today
Birmingham in Atlanta. Ponce DeLeon.
Two games. First game called at 2:30
Montgomery in Chattanooga.
Only two games scheduled.
Standing of the CtUB».
VV. L. PC W L. P C
B'hani. .50 39 .633 N. Or. .35 36 .493
M'mphis 38 37 .501 Mont. 37 42 .468
Mobile . .42 41 .506 Atlanta 33 40 .452
C’nooga 37 37 .500 N'ville . 32 42 .432
Yesterday s Results.
Atlanta t. Birmingham 0 (first game.*
Atlanta 8. Birmingham 3 tsecond game.)
Nashville-New Orleans, rain.
Chattanooga 5, Montgomery 1.
Mobile 4. Memphis 3.
Games Today.
Columbia in Albany.
Jacksonville in Columbus
Savannah in Macon.
f Standing or th# Club*.
W L. P C W. L P.C
Sav ... 8 3 .727 Cola. 6 6 .500
C’bus . 6 4 .600 J’ville 4 7 .364
Macon . .7 5 .583 Albany . 3 9 .250
Yesterday's Results.
Columbia 3. Albany 2.
Macon 1. Savannah 0
Columbus 4. Jacksonville 0.
Games Today.
Chicago in Philadelphia
St Louis in Boston
Detroit in New York.
Cleveland in Washington.
Standing of the Club*.
W L. P C W L. P.C.
Boston 53 24 .688 Cland. 39 38 506
Wash. . 47 31 .603 Detroit 38 39 494
Chicago 42 32 568 S. Louis 20 53 .274
Phlla . .42 32 .568 N. York 19 51 .271
Yesterday’s Result*.
Washington 2. Cleveland 1 (first game.)
Washington 4. Cleveland 3 (second
Boston 3, St. Louis 2.
Philadelphia 3. Chicago 2.
Detroit 6. New' York 2.
Games Today.
Philadelphia in Pittsburg
Brooklyn in Cincinnati.
New York In Chicago.
Boston in St Louis.
Standing of the Club*,
W. L. P C W L. P.C.
N. York 57 14 .803 Phila. . .37 43 .463
Chicago 41 28 .594 8 Louis 26 43 .377
P'burg .42 29 .592 Br’oklyn 25 43 .368
C’nati.. .39 34 534 Boston 21 54 280
Yesterday's Result*.
St. Louis 3. Boston 0 (first game.)
St. Louis 8, Boston 7 'second game.!
Pittsburg 2. Philadelphia 0.
Cincinnati 1, Brooklyn 0.
New York 5. Chicago 2.
Games Today.
Columbus in Minneapolis.
Toledo in St. Paul.
Indianapolis in Kansas City.
Louisville in Milwaukee.
Standing of the Club*.
W. L. P.C W L P.C
C’bus. . 58 31 .652 S. Paul .38 50 .432
M’apolis 51 32 .614 M'w'kee 38 50 .432
Toledo . 52 33 612 L'ville. .32 48 .400
K City 41 33 .554 I'apolis. 32 53 .376
Yesterday's Results,
Milwaukee 5. Louisville 0.
Columbus 5. Minneapolis 1.
St Paul 7, Toledo 2.
Kansas City 8. Indianapolis 7
Games Today.
Toronto in Montreal.
Rochester in Buffalo.
Baltimore in Providence.
Newark In Jersey City.
Standing of the Clubs
W. L P.C W. L. P.C
Roch. 47 31 603 Newark 37 39 .487
B more .43 31 ,58J P'dence. 35 41 461
.1 (’it) 41 39 513 Buffalo .32 39 .451
Newark 39 38 .506 M'treal 29 45 .392
Yesterday's Results
Rochester 9. Buffalo 5 i first game.*
Rochester 5, Buffalo 3 i second game.)
Baltimore 9. Providence 8.
Jersey City 8. Newark 7.
Toronto 11. Montreal 3.
Games Today.
Greensboro in Anderson.
Spartanburg in Winston-Salem
Greenville in Charlotte.
Standing of the Clubs.
W. I, I C W. L. PC
A'ders'n 40 23 .635 Sp'b'rg 30 34 .469
C’rlotte 35 24 .593 G shorn 29 36 446
W.-S'm 35 3<> .554 G'nville 23 42 .354
Yesterday s Results
Winston-Salem 2. Charlotte o
Greensboro 14 Spartanburg 7.
Anderson 2. Greenville 1.
Game* Today.
Selma in Talladega
Rome in Gadsden.
Bessemer in Anniston.
Standing of the Club*.
W. L. P.C I W L. P.C
G’dsden 12 3 .800 B’ss'm’r 6 6 .500
T'adega 8 7 .533 A'nist'n 5 7 .417
Rome 8 9 .471 I Selma 4 10 .286
Yesterday’* Results.
Talladega 4. Selma 3.
Gadsden 3. Rome 2.
Anniston 9. Soldier Team 6.
Game* Today,
Greenwood in Vicksburg.
Jackson in Columbus.
Yazoo City in Meridian.
Standing of the Clubs.
W L. P C W. L. P.C
C'm.h's 12 5 .706 Y. City 5 9 .357
M'idian 11 5 .688 G'nwood 5 11 .313
V’ksb'g 10 6 .625 J’cks'n 512 .294
Yesterday's Results.
Vicksburg 5. Greenwood 4.
Columbus 9, Jackson 1.
Meridian-Yazoo.City; rain.
Games Today.
Cleveland in Asheville
Morristown in Bristol
Knoxville in Johnson City.
Standing of the Clubs.
W. L. P C. W. L P C
Bristol 28 19 .596 J. Citv 22 34 .478
K'xville 26 20 .565 Aevtlle 22 37 449
C'v'l'nd 22 22 .500 M’town 21 30 412
Yesterday’s Results.
Morristown 2, Bristol 1.
Johnson City-Knoxville: rain
Asheville-Cleveland; rain.
Games Today.
Roanoke in Norfolk.
Petersburg In Portsmouth
Richmond in Newport News.
Standing of the Clubs.
W. L. P C I W. L. P C.
P'sb'rg 41 29 ,586 |R'anoke 30 30 .500
P'sm’th 40 34 .541 IN. N'ws 32 38 .457
Norfolk 37.33 .529 I R'hmd 26 43 .377
Yesterday’s Results.
Norfolk 6. Roanoke 1
Portsmouth 1. Petersburg 0.
Newport News 3, Richmond 2.
Games Today.
Houston in Galveston.
San Antonio in Beaumont
Dallas in Austin.
only three games scheduled.
Standing of the Clubs.
W. L. P.C. I W. L. P.C.
H ust'n 52 28 .650 1 F. W'th 38 42 .475
S. An’io 46 35 .568 I Austin 36 43 .456
Waco 43 37 .538 1 B mont 34 44 .436
Dallas 43 39 .524 I G’v’st’n 30 49 380
Yesterday’s Results.
Waco 5, Dallas 3.
San Antonio 7. Galveston 2.
Fort Worth 7, Austin 0.
•Beaumont-Houston: rain.
First Game.
The score:
Birmingham. ab. r. h. po. a. e.
Marcan, 2b4 0 0 2 3 0
Messenger, rs 3 0 1 2 0 0
Johnson, cf. .... 4 0 0 0 0 0
Almeida, 3b4 0 0 0 1 0
McGilvray. lb. ... 3 0 2 9 1 0
Mcßride. If 3 0 1 4 0 0
Ellam, ss 2 0 0 1 3 0
Yantz, c 2 0 0 5 2 n
Prough, p. 2 0 o 1 i o
Totals 27 0 4 24 11 0
Atlanta. ah r. h. po. a. e.
Agler, lb. .... 3 0 2 11 0 0
Alperman. 2b. ... 2 0 0 3 2 0
Callahan. If. ... 4 0 0 3 0 0
Bailey, rs . 2 0 0 0 0 0
McElveen, 3b. ... 3 0 0 0 1 0
Hemphill, cf 3 0 1 4 0 0
Harbison, ss. . . . 2 0 0 0 11
Graham, c 3 11 6 3 0
Brady, j* 3 0 1 0 71
Totals2s 1 5 27 14 2
Score by innings. R
Birmingham 000 000 000 —0
Atlanta 000 000 01x--l
Summary: Struck out—By Prough 5.
by Brady 3. Bases on balls —Off Prough
3. off Brady 2. Sacrifice hits—Alperman
2. Prough. Ellam. Stolen bases—Almeida.
McGilvray. Passed balls —Yantz. Time
1:50. Umpires -O'Toole and Carpenter.
Second Game.
The score:
Birmingham. ah. r. h. po. a. e.
Marcan. 2b4 1 2 2 0 0
Messenger, rs. . . 4 1 2 2 0 0
Johnson, cf. . . . 4 11 0 0 0
Almeida. 3b. .... 2 0 0 0 1 o
McGilvray. Ib. ... 1 0 0 10 0 0
Mcßride. If 2 0 0 0 0 0
Ellam. ss2 0 0 0 4 0
Dllger. c 3 0 0 4 1 0
Boyd, p 0 0 0 0 0 0
Hardgrove, p. . . . 2 0 0 0 2 0
Carroll, If 0 0 0
Totals 24 3 5 18 8 0
Atlanta. ab. r. h. po a e
Agler. Ib. 3 11 9 n 0
Alperman, 2b ... 4 1 0 2 4 0
Callahan, rf3 11 1 0 0
Bailey, rf3 11 1 0 n
McElveen, 3b. ... 3 0 0 2 1 0
Hemphill, cf. ... 2 2 1 10 0
Harbison, ss3 11 0 10
Donahue, c. .... 3 11 4 2 0
Becker, p 3 0 1 o ] o
Totals 37 8 7 21 9 0
Score by innings: R
Birmingham 300 000 o—3
Atlanta 500 003 x—B
Summary: Two-base hit Hemphill
Three-base hit —Bailey Innings pitched
By Boyd ’A, with 2 hits and 3 runs
Struck out —By Hardgrove 5. by Becker
I Bases on balls - Off Boyd I. off Beck
er 2. off Hardgrove 2. Sacrifice hits
McGilvray. Mcßride. Stolen bases
Hempbill. Donahue. Callahan. Wild pilch
Hardgrove. Hit by pitched ball—B)
Becker. Almeida. Time—l:4o. Umpires
O'Toole and Carpenter.
MACON. GA.. July 10. An order
has been issued in the United States
district court requiring the Merchant
and Miners Transportation Company,
of Savannah, to at once pay ’he fine
of $20,000 imposed upon it last year by
Judge Emory Speer for granting re
bates to shippers. The conviction of
the company was recently affirmed by
the Federal appellate court. Marsha!
Geoige White left today for Savannah
to collect the fine, which, with inter
est, will amount to $22,000.
NEW YORK. Jul) 10—Hereafter I*
will cost $5 instead of $4 to ride to a
wedding in a carriage on Staten Island,
according to an announcement mad
by the liverymen of the island.
WINSTED. CONN., Jul) 10 -Be
cause so man)- mail carriers have been
attacked by vicious doge, the postal
department has renewed Its orders
that no mail will be delivered to own
ers of such canines.
Diamond News and Gossip
Walter Johnson has only one bad habit.
He chews gum.
♦ ♦ *
Frank Davis, the new pitcher with the
Reds, came from Knoxville in the Appal
achian league. He cosi $3,000.
Declaring is one of the privi
leges especially allowed under the Declar
ation of Independence the ' >hlo attornev
general has ruled that cltv councils may
not prohibit cheering at Sunday ball
• • •
Jim Hurst succeeded John Nairn as
manager of the Paducah team of the Kittv
* * •
Harry Cooper, former Kitt) league play
er. has been named an umpire in that cir
• • •
Yazoo city, last in the Cotton States
league, recently had five batters. Cox,
Tepe. Clancey, Dawson and Meixel, hit
ting over .335. Since then Meixel has
gone to the Naps. But Yazoo Citv is still
• « •
Memphis papers say that Almeida's
batting slump is due to the fact that the
Southern league pitchers have learned a
trick on him and slug a bean ball at him
the first time he appears. They allege
this does not improve his average
• • •
The New Orleans folks who put their
money into a Cotton States league team
are $4,200 to the bad thus far this season.
• • •
The moving picture business in St.
Louis has taken an awful rise this sum
mer. The standing of the two St. Louis
clubs explains this
* « •
Maybe Neal Ball will play in the luck
that Bris Lord did. Neal has been trans
ferred from a poor team to one which has
pennant prospects. The Naps turned
Lord over to the Athletics and Bris has
taken down something like $6,000 on
worlds' series since.
* * •
The rave in the Northwestern league is
so tight that one team went from top to
bottom and another from bottom to top in
the same week.
• • •
Howard Murphy and Frank Huelsman.
former Southern leaguers, are racing tor
batting honors on the Grand Falls team.
Murphy has the edge with an average of
• • •
Dutch Altman, ex-Turtle, has been sent
by San Francisco to Spokane.
Catcher Brennan, who belonged to the
Memphis club, but who was suspended,
has been reinstated and sold to the Wa
terbury team.
• • •
l ast year the big hitting was going on
in the American league. This year it s in
the National.
» » •
When some hall platers were tossing a
ball around in the surf at Atlantic city
one was caught too close to a jetty by a
wave and hurled against a stone wall. He
did not come up again alive.
• * »
Cleveland has grabbed front its Toledo
farm Outfielder Arthur Hanger
• • •
Joe Tarbell, a pitcher from Vermont
university, has joined the Naps.
Not contented with merely winning the
pennant, John McGraw is shifting his sec
ond string men Into a lot of games, in or
der to develop them and to keep a mort
gage on the rag.
• • •
The Olympic team should have had
Marquard at Stockholm to compete in th*
javelin throw.
• • •
Only eight Giants are included in the
nine best base stealers of the National
« •
Bill Grevalle. of the New berry team, of
the Upper Peninsula league, wears whis
• • •
Montgomery has about closed a deal to
borrow Jud Daley from Brooklyn for a
month or six weeks. ,
• # *
If the Billikens get Daley the) will
“can'' Bonner and yank Joe Bills hack
on the pitching staff.
BISLEY. ENGLAND. July 10.—Colo
nel Minor, of the Irish Rifle associa
tion. today won the Half Ford Memo
rial trophy In the annual shoot of the
National Rifle association, which is be
ing held here.
After all doctors failed
These "hopeless” hlood-diseasee
were cured by 8.8.8.
"Your R.R.B. has cured me of a blood
disease that my physicians prorfounced
hopeless and beyond the reach of human
help ”, writes Mrs. W. L. Cury of Lit
tle Rock, Ark. "Four bottles of B. ft.B.
completely cured me. I feel like a new
"I tried nine doctors for an ulcer in
my head and ears’”, writes Mrs. S.
Story of Fredonia, Ala. ‘‘But none
could cure me. This ulcer ate away the
small bones of my mouth. I could
scarcely eat or talk. My case was pro
nounced hopeless. But I tried B 8.8.
and was cured. I am now strong and
healthy. lam 6.3 years old, and able to
walk a mile any time”.
Your case is nos "hopeless’'.
Don’t you believe it. Just go
to your druggist and tell him
you want a bottle of 8.8.8. \
If he hasn’t it in stock he will
get it for you. Don't take no I
for an answer. Don't put up
with any so-called substitute.
There is no real substitute.
Insist on 8.8.8.
} r our money back if it fails
to help you.
Atlanta vs, New Orleans
S t r i c t ly confidential.
Unredeemed pledges fa
diamonds tor sale. 30 par
cent less than else wb era.
(Formerly of Schaul *
11 1-2 PEACH REE ST.
Absolutely Private
Opposite Fourth Nat
Bank Bldg
Both Phones 1554
WE 3UY 01-0 GOUO
|news from~ringside|
Tommy Devlin and Var»'-t> Schwartz
have been rematched to bo • ten rounds
in Nashville tonight. Devlin's shade
over Schwartz last Thursday was so
slight that promoters decided to put them
on again.
Devlin has appeared here several times
and his followers took for hint to register
another win over Schwartz. However, lie
will have to hustle, as Yankee is a comer
in the lightweight division.
« » *
The question of a match between Ad
Wolgast and Backey McFarland has been
brought up again by Rill) Gibson, man
ager of the Garden Athletic club. Gib
t son has offered Wolgast $15,009 as his
share of the prize.
• • •
However, the question of weight is
threatening to keep the two apart again.
Wolgast insists on 133 pounds at 2
o’clock the day of the light while Packey
wants the weight made 135 pounds. The
Chicago whirlwind may be induced to
concede two pounds in order to grab the
“dough a fight between these two would
i draw.
« • -
They are still wrangling over the
license of the National sporting club, in
i New York The club's license was re
“ voked a while back because it violated one
of the state laws. It seems the club of
| ficials are trying to get a new license for
' the club by giving it a new name The
case Is likely’ tn go to the supreme court.
Ad Wolgast has a arced to meet Joe
i Rivers in a return engagement Labor
day, provided the Mexkan will agree to
a $5,000 side bet
• • •
Coast promoters are arranging to hook
’ up ' One Round" Hogan with the light
weight chant pion some time in August.
1 Promoter Tom Met.'ary is still holding
* the SBOO diamond belt he announced would
i ■■ < ll_. , J
I y 1
> ■ A f \/ Al
1 . ...J[
s H Yachting ™<i a John Ruskin Cigar
I - " jj
iCompare John Ruskins with the best 10c. cigars, a/ g
’ 1 E Ruskins are better and they’re only half the price. «»3
If you're accustomed to smoking 10c. cigars, you’ll en- 'eg
i • 1 joy John Ruskins. If you are in the habit of smoking g
sc. cigars, you’ll find John Ruskins a rare treat. The ■
Havana tobacco used is the finest grown.
(TTe biggest and best cigar
value in the world for sc.
■Mg Buy them by the box. Each box contains a profit
sharing voucher.
I I I. LEWIS CIGAR MFG. CO , Newark. N. J. ~ „
The LargrM Indcpendenl Ctgar Factory io tb* World jV
J. N. HIRSCH. I Distributor* T*
E. L. ADAMS 4. CO. i Atlanta. 13 ’
’I I I
I *
I— J ,
■ lUI-W- .... J11.L11.....L..1. I ~,,
no other drink is
half so good
/ ww r
/ ■ • I \
/ it I —-—1 it \
/ Quenches / you l1 stimulates \
/ Tour / like it \ \
I \ an<l I
I at the \
ball game
\ and every /
\p^ e \ other
\ place /
Red Rock Co., Atlanta
he presented to the winner of the Rivers-
Wolgast mat'll last Thursday McCarev
has deposited the belt in a saft deposit
box and says he will hold it until some
wav comes up for decideding the real
winner of the July 4 bout As the referee
gave the decision to Wolgast, it looks as
though he shduld receive the belt. How
ever. many disagree with the referee's
decision and for this reason it is being
• • tt
lack Curie) is back in Chicago with
the declaration that Flinn was cheated
out of the championship by the interfer
ence of the sheriff. Curie) says Johnson
would not have lasted many more rounds
with his white hope had the authorities
not imerferred.
» ♦ *
Phil Harrison, the boxer who was
knocked out by Harry Donahue at Peoria
a few nights aso. is improving and will
be able to leave the hospital in a few
• • •
Jack Johnson is back in Chicago and
looks none the worse for his little run-in
with the Pueblo fireman. Johnson says
lie is willing to light Al t’alzer. Sam
L.angford and Sam Mc\ ea ip turn, pro
vided he is guaranteed $30,900 for each
mate h.
$1,000,000 ON COCO ISLE
PLYMOUTH. July 10. Two Eng
lish women, Mrs. Barry Till anrl Miss
Da' ies, will embark from Panama in a
few days on a treasure-,hunting expe
dition foi Coco Island, it is said,.
$1,090,000 is hidden.
Crackers* Batting
Averages, Including
Yesterday’s Games
These averages include yesterclay'3
double bill with the Birmingham Barons
'flayers ~ j~G. A B l R. | H~la7
Dessau, p; 14 42~i 9 14 .333
Coombs, it. man. . 3 3 1 811 .333
Hemphill, If 72 274 ; 34 I 88 i. 321
Harbison, ssl 22 74 8 23 310
Bailey, rs 76 271 51 81 .299
Alperman, 2b. . . . 76 288 41 76 .264
Becker p 2 71 2 286
Donahue, cI 28 90 8 22 .244
Callahan. If 34 148 i 1.8 35 i.23G
McElveen. 3b. ... 82 302 37 70 .232
Graham, cI 27 180 I 8 18 1.225
Brtidv. PI 10 32 I 7 .219
Agler. Ibl 13 i 39 4 8 205
Atkins, pI 14 i 36 3 7 194
Sitton, pI 15 I 38 17 1.184
Waldorf, pIIJ2 10 0 ! 000
LONDON. Jtil.v 10. -A new hybrid
tea rose i.silled the Mrs. Andrew Car
negie and exhibited by Richard Croker
at Aberdeen, has won a gold medal at
the exhibition of the National Rose so
"If If’s at Hartman’s, It's Correct”
Shirts with soft fold
cuffs and detachable soft
or stiff <"’llars to match,
soft shirts without col
lars and the rejriilar neg
ligees -all in a complete
range of the new shades,
stripes ami white. ‘‘Man
hattans.'' $1.50 to $2.50;
“ Hartman ” shirts. SI.OO
I tn $2.00.
Xnte mu window display. (
Six Peachtree Street
iOpp. Peters Bldg.}
"If It's Coned, Il's at Hartman's”
Relieves in 24 Hours
Catarrh of the Bladder
All Driigghts Beware of Counterfeits