Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, July 11, 1912, HOME, Page 12, Image 12

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12 GIOKM ®aw COW *> DMIZW Beating Marquard Makes Georgia Boy a Hero 4*>4* 4* •4* 4*® 4* 4*®4* 4*®4* 4*®4* Crackers Have a Big Boost for Jimmy Lavender By Percy H. Whiting. R" OYRTON has Its Cobh, and Al pharetta its Rucker And ■ ' now by heck Montezuma has Its Lavender ». Iso. a- has been stated Lavender isn't a color but with the Giants anyhow, a state of mind For James Lavender It was who brought to a close the most marvelous run of games ever pitched bv living man the nine teen straight of Richard LeMar quls. alias Rube Marquard Also Jimmy has pitched such ba!! that I* he ranks as one of the reallv great pitchers of the big leagues today. Delving into baseball histories bring* to light these farts about the career of James Lavender: rAMEP SANFORD 1 AVENDER Is J a native of G -orgia and hails from v-ntezuma. Macon county, where he fir*t sav the light of day on March 2 n . I".' In 'he Eastern league from which he was grad uated to the Cubs Lavender earn ed the sobriquet of "iron man ' bx filling th* role of ready rescuer In .addition to pitching in his regu lar turn or oftener Lavender would not have had a tn -out w ith the Cubs this spring but for the Interpositions of the national commission. Obtained by means of the draft from P r ’vtdem e last fa!!. La render was almost im mediately turned over to the Mon treal club in part payment for Ward Miller, who was purchased from the Rox-Vs earliei in the sea son The deal "’as a cold blooded attempt on Montreal's part to grab the man from providence Th* Cubs had no idea of keeping him, but merelv tried to do a little friendly stunt for Montreal Montreal, however, belongs to the same league In which Providence is included Objection "as made bv the Rhode Island club against ba' Inga pitcher taken from its ranks only to be dumped unceremonious ly into the lap of a rival club with out trial and with no i hance to bid I for his return. The national com mission setoed th p deal and re manded Lavender to the Cubs with order* to give him a trial, and if found 'van'ing '" glvr Proxideme first ca'l on h'.s service* unless of course some other major league team refused to valve on him J When Lavender was inmp.w tivelv a kid his famfh moved from Montezuma to Barnesville and Lavender " i nt to Gordon institute. He was not a regular pitcher for the Gordon team, but worked in some games H's first real pit< h ing was don- for the independent team which represented Barnes ville in neighborhod game? Later the Montezuma lad a'tend ed Georgia Tech entering in sopho more year and undertook the course In mechanical engineering That he was serious In hl* seirili of a profession is evidenced bx the fart ho was not considered an} kind of a pitcher while in college He pitched a few games for hi= < lass team in interclass championship affairs, but never made the varsity nine It was not until af'erwards that he rw.l!' discovered he < ould pitch j r jnof; p’s professional career began in the Seth Atlantic league as a member of th- Align 'a team, though pcevtou* to that time he had. | had a brief experience " Itb the luckless Georgia Slat' 1 league of turn; Ed Ram’ k the Augusta mogul. decided that Lavender would do In 1907 the Georgian went to Danville in the Virginia leagu* and was a teammate of yj ar tfn Walsh but that is nothing against Lavender. The next year found Lavender a long waj from horn* 'n Holyoke, of the Connecti cut IcagH' l There h- was under the tutelage of Jat k Tighe, now manage* of the Louisville Colonels l n the fall of 199$ Lavender was drafted bv the Providence cltib into the Eastern l-agu* and there re mained until rescued bx the nation al op nr mis si on xda tbe * übs. While tn Providence. Lavender unde- three masters. bn* not sfmultaneaus'x Hugh Duffx- had charge of the clam Diggers in 1909 the first year la’endor pitched for them Then Jimmx- Collins wa* marie manager and held the lob UDtl? th* 3 middle of la** when he was superseded i’y bv Takrx A” In suite of the discouragement of working with a losing team. Teav ender’® record -as a good one In |9?9 she team finished In the first division and won nearly 6n per cent r's hi? games. Th** last two rears he was there Providence was a tail-ender yet Lavender was re turned a ' inner in nearly half the games pitched in both seasons ’ i®* \ ear the records show *»? *n 40 battles, and he was r>ed*ted '• ’’ »■* nineteen vlctotnes 22 defeats and one dra" bt ’he ac countant. That gave him a pitch mg rr v d o f 463 while his ’‘am n V *r ’nyln fnn I \ 9 y pA r cent .»f t ar <] brjov. th* ™<ddU ’n b r * »a, * !ng and The Providence team played 155 games and as Lavender pitched 4'‘ of th*m be cam? c lose to working i ever’- ’bird day and from that wil- ! l*ngne*»s lo inak»- a tmek-hurte ut I WHAT LAVENDER HAS DONE IN BASEBALL Club’* Bat. F'eld’g Ve a »* Team. W. L. T. Pct, . Pct. Av. Av. 1.911 Providence i? 22 1 4*-- 3,5 130 .930 Piovid'nce ... 15 22 n 1909 Providence .... 14 17 0 452 533 .134 .955 190 S Holyoke 21 17 A 533 .473 .157 *>7B ]9a; Dinvill* . ... I* 16 0 .529 .524 11 4 940 hinvc-if h f gained the titl* of “iron < Rf»T t the. best thing that .J. Lav- J ' ender ha=» is a spit ball. Says White* \ 1 1inrins r> nbo woi'ked him in t:->p Bias tern league List season All Lavender hak is a spitt<r and ;i fast one. And he usually »apt*s his fast one. He never put® it over unless he has to Hr hasn’t an* curve to speak f.f Any time he has to deliver hr us*.- the emitter ' Tommv Vkin* -• ho has pitched in tnr trnr. qmac: You ran nut La* down as a might* smart pitcher He is nt a big man. may be niv size nr a shade largc-r But he has a good spit ter and a better head. You can put him down for me as a smart pitcher. He has a gnnd bean, and that gets him by a lot of times.” • • » '■pH t Lavender, a pitcher the 1 *'ubs kept Rorely again®* their v ’ll. should beat the Grants and the streak *«f th° ~f modern pitchers. Rube Marauard, ” a. \Aonderful. But F’er bap:- a little mrxir unndorfu! '• «? the fart that th» day previous to the one v hr-n he a< < omplisbed ’he miracle hr was sent tn tn finish a game in St. Louis Then, after rid ing bai k to T’hb ago. he was sent in to trim Maixiuard n odd f‘ at lire nf p j<= that Frank ’’hance planned that vpry thing hen ’he p».Mrless Leader left St. I ouis before the end of the serie? hr instructed Tinker, who was put in charge that if a pitcher \Aere needed to finish the Sunday’ game and onlv a few innings remained, to us»° thr- Georgian. The condition arose and Laven der was used. Hr < ame bark the very next day stronger than ever, and not only whipped the Giants, hut almost broke their hearts by bn iking the winning streak of the popular ■‘Rube.” 'X'hii h shows Lavender in ’hp r ''le of Iron man.” and ’hat is px artly "hat hr is. Lavpnder works better u hen he every third d.n At an* rate, that is? what hr < ’aims, and he has had much better suc<-pss wh?n ** orked often than " hen given a long rest Xot lone ago Lavender and (’ham.- " l-tp discussing the- for mers pit hi ng 1 h.a* en’t had enough " nrk.. ’ ®a!d ’he twir’er It "as not in the nature of a complaint, but ’'hame Is one of those managers who like® to have- th? other fellow’s oi inion and nan’s to look at it. f»om. ’he play cr s is \* ell as th? managers view point I v. ork better " hen I pitch every ’hi! ! day.’ < ontinued Lavender, md I'm atil! mor? eft'e* th p ** h?!' 1 am sent in for a few innings be t"r«-n games. Ink/ i glam? at Lavenders rec ord ’a • year and you "ill s»?e that h.v "<«rds are borne out by tn? figures. • • t / T brokf nn.e of his rules ' w hen h P h.• ? .j r n Eavendei . The W • -t Sine manager has al" iy® b*' *’ l in ’ a *■ * r of tfip big. strong h’isk\ t" ir’ rs He can t see the ’’t ♦ip ft' l ' l " - " ith a spy g!a 9'. H c likes ’he po*» *r whi<’h should ac company a larsp frame But Lav endp' < ! ught his - ye Low don ’ get the imp r ps®ion that J”nmx is a midget He’s *'u from »ha’ Ht a nrett* hunky sort of an ’ndiyidual and. while ' enou<h to glve Tack ■) hattle, possesses much s’’'t!’L”h otherwise, he would not be > three-<1 ay pitchpr Just the eame he do* sn t < ompaic ’o the ’n - ral’ Brown, Reulbat h tvpp of twirl, t when i’ comes to ' , ? e. I t*eno>r has been a decept’*? fellow to thp (’ubs. All the re port® »f th- s«ou’s and thp mpp "ho played with and igalns* him in the international were to th* effr'" that be "as i spit ball pitch er rme and simple, and that he ".as without anything e 1 ??. That '•■’qy have been true last * car Hut it d" sn't go thia Hr one of th? bes* Htfl? bluff rrc of th? «nlt ba’l In the gamp md "• has a good saliva sphere Rut hp ic shooting that ( imp ball across ’' plat? or in the immediate vlcin o \ about as often as he is th? wet one With ’he r?t»ult that the hat ter «?!(’ -m gu?ss»e< right Laven*!?’ ® start was not 9ensa tional and there was nothing ’o indicate ’hat he would develop into the ‘a'k of ’he league At thp start of ’he cfason he seemed to be ’in able to go ’he distance Hr- would pitch like i whirlwind for a fc* Innings Thr n qiorg about thp ®i\-th n- se*mth he ®er n? ed tn lose pvatv thing that he pn«t»p-s®ed with ’lie p’.' eptinn nf hi.® trio* < H? $ got over ’hat habit now H? s an iron man all the a * One of ’hp ?u’*rrislng things about this ® thp f. i that wbile hp i« □ spi’ ba*! nOch pt np has excellent ‘ontri L As a mattpf o* 5 fact. ♦♦ !< doubtful wheth er there is a tw trier on the ’’ub team vim w i’i give fp 'pr bases on ball® • • • tio-TPTRyp Jim ’• » real pitcher or mere’* an «x - brilliant bloomer ha-n'* been. fuJ’v d?mon«”rated yr* They < a.L him a kid” in Chicago, hut Jim is 2* 'ear- old He Is i’ o’* near the height of his ability. If he can rmr ATLAVTa GFORGTav ANT) TTTIT?SDAY. .TTLY 11. 1912 ke p p his sji-irio hr- I? thp wonder of 1.912 basohall. Ex-on if hr- isn't, hp xx'ill go cloxx'n to utter most baseball history as th- man who broke Marquard’s famous run. For. as they say in Chicago noxx . "Marquard i- feeling blue- he sax s he prefers Brown to Laven der." This story is the first of a se ries on Georgia boys who are making good in baseball. Perey H. Whiting. The Georgian’s baseball export, will, from time to time. contribute others, xvhich should be of great inter est to Atlanta fans. r ~ ' i iww/ W' ~ ' v n* ML V W v SSkK / ' irwm V ' Mwml ■** la : JI fh /Z® P tWi FENTHNG nvr.R a PUZZLING CURVE KODDER FOR LANS (‘ha’li* ( <!"'. manager of ’he Kansas tfi.qrn. »■-»? entered fo r ma’ nrnf?Ft aga’n®t ’he )-»ner»i-ige used by f’r»'y ’.erald Haves Gerald to be a®ha m <■ J n f h’m® e 1 f « « • lohnnv rvile v the r'?”i ’’ifielfh-r ’’ Bro "tv®. I® plav’’'E’ h’s cerond v?a’- 'f pro ball inhn has kept the Van® field teani up in ib.e Ohio ’’-ague | rat ? H*- (■'('s’ the (tr-’wn® Ji.590 • • • i eft*' Ge'»»‘ge th? guv that mad? ’h*® ?to'a)> tra<’p i I°ke. 'v»® been sent t’ ’he Toledo team ide was ent? a stai "th Indianap*')!® . < . Last year fans stopped going to can l ?.- in .At i ouis This xear there a r ?n't an- fan® there ♦ • • The f'„ha are rigging ’ h e ba”’ng h on or® Z"vnv>»9 w.’s abs JiFelv first, at jno thp last ’’’ve "? lot'ked. wh’le Good was absolute’ last and uneha’leng*d a’ 900 Was It '-eorg? S’-” ah o’- Harry Wolv erton •'•bo g u th? Browns out of the cel lar 4 ’ • a « Ros*op b r s* m *»'? an. las* In fhta \’a f 1 nnj I ' \aq \ nrR fifSt In th? \3 t'rina’. Las* ’n <h? A’nericanl • • • G i*h Rill coaching and Pave Hunting pLax’ng good ball m the o->« e jd Chattanooga fans ve ag”n smiling f ain’ 1* Sml*h ; coa< hipg «»ugh» f <-» add a ho tn the ' the ’earn Richmond b as lack Floip , *m'* and signed Roh Cade* n h’s p’are •nlnterna’ional league has a peck of , c'X'So’Phern leaguer® tn’s *ea» among them Viebahn. Maxwell. M- T’gue. Awa f’ina. H’ggm® ami Zimmerman Th? around keeper® of the Cardinal park have struck because th*'r pa v was u’ fr-xtri t ’ a da - ' *■’ 51 “* • • • Unless the Giants are checked during Jimmy Lavender, the Georgia Boy IVho Downed Marquard SHOOTING HOME. A FAST HOF BALL These poses of the Cubs’ hiirler fail tn show him / * . using his spitter. which, ae- cording to Cracker players ■ "I* o ba'-e played with him. ~ri‘ - "I hl- uiaiti asset the Western ’rip the* can settle down -hen the* return home and begin, plan ning on th? world s championship series Th 17 it thp last chance * * a I *h 'e® ’n addition to suspending Rax O.ldwel! for lack of • onditrnm. Manager 'A'n!*'erton fined him 1250 • a a A’toona is out of the league for goor], rhe park has been sold for S2BO and tlm franchise Is on ’he market. In *)'? meantime the league ’s operating the hoinpipsc; py Vltoona »-lub at a profit Trenton’s < h’ef of poMce ha® notified th? I baseball associat -m ‘hat it will arrest ev er*b ' i*' , r»rtr?rn?fl th? v trx to pla? A’iml.l' hall. ®o the iig i® un ! f x'o’i hanpen to get famous it s hard on your folks It ha®, iust come out on Rube 'Li» iua» d ® rnj't He'* tba* s b e does her <"'n washing y a • * Chief i ?Fo’ of the St Paul team. • ®napr d hl® arm th? ”sher da* in a i game v Kansas City and arrears tn be] Out for good a a a The 'A htfe Sox ire m-i!-.’ n g their Fast e’n *r’r with fi' e r’t' )iers Four ot ’hem S’? r ' : ”d® for work Wa’sh. Teters. Ben? - ,r »cl Lange • • • I'dd’? Hohnhorst. former ’"racier first i baseman r ith Toledo wh" has been out i th? g\?me because miuries, i® about 1 o aii ?g.q>n and readv ’•> <o to work a a a M?rt Whitn?' ex ’’racker. is batting » n -it h T rent on a a • I Th? George Pierce who struck out 22 I men fi >v Scranfon the other da* used *o | he w’*h xug’ista tn the Sally league BAT NELSON FIGHTS AGAIN UIW'TPPG. MANITOBA Juiy If Ra*tHr»g XeGon and Mmkev M('lntvr? " i!’ clash h’iTP tomorrow night at catch xxelghts in a txvelve-round so. | GRIFFITH By tViHiam F. Kirk. Maybe- tbe Bostons will win the flag— That i= the Boston boast and brae They have shown no signs of fear or fatigue As they breeze along in the Johnson league Their pitchers are good and their team iS fast. And they play like the Bostons of sea sons* past. Mavbe they'll get the post-season rocks. But y e're pulling for Griffith, the good "Old Fox" Maybe the team run by Connie Mack Wil! clean things up on the homeward track. I Manx- fond hopes hax-e been put in the tombs Bx pitchers like Bender and Plank Wn : Coombs Manx a team from its throne has slid | Bei ause of the things that Baker did. >o th.® old Ath!?tics may win out IF But xx ?’re pulling for Griff’, MAY FINE OAVIS FOR FAKING PLAYER'S NAME CLEVELAND, OHIO. July IL—-Man ager Harry Davis, of the Naps, may draw a fine of $59 or SIOO. and just be cause one of his playe-'s put one over " on Empire Hart in the game at the White Sox park on the morning of July 4 When Umpire Connolly re fused to alloxx Birmingham to go to his regular station in center field Man ager Dax-is sent a substitute to that garden. Hart inquired the name of the new comer from one of the Cleveland play ers and the reply was ‘Costello." The truth regarding the player's name did not become known until the Naps re turned to Cleveland, where it xvas learned ’hat the player \x as Kenneth Nash, former captain and shortstop of the Brown university team. The name "Costello" was given, not by Nash, but by another Nap. to g->t even with th umpires so- "hat the player termed a bum de< leion on Birmingham at third. RF VI IN BEATS SCHWARTZ. RUT REFEREE SAYS DRAW NASHVILLE. TENN, Julx IL I Yankee” Schwartz, of Philadelphia md Tommy Devlin, of Chicago fough’ - *Gght fi®t round.® to That the referee • ailed i draw last two round- *v?nt tn Schwartz, while th? other six -ver* to Devilry Schwartz at no time had a change to " in the fight HIRSCH GOES TO REDS. ' INHNNATI. Julx* 11.-—The ( inrin ! mti National league club has secured ! B't' her Hirsch from the Meridian team, o f th» Cotton States league Hirsch has a record of twelve straight games x< -n in the minors SCULL RACE ON TODAY. rORONTO. July 11 The race between Eddie Durnan. o' Toronto and xvilllai-- Hains, of Boston, for the sculling chain pionship -f America and a purse of ’I.OOO scheduled to take place yesterdax- after noon, was postponed until todax- because i of a storm yesterday afternoon. Becker and Waldorf Slated To Hurl Today’s Double Bill TF the weather deigns to permit, At 3:42 the rain wa= a-- whlch isn't any too probable hostilities were resumed during these watery days, a an agreement to wax-e the - double-header will be played at xx-hich autom.aticallx- <mrier] the e ... Ponce DeLeon park this afternoon game after 30 minutes had na The opposition xx-ill be furnished And thex- were some hn = -r.- by the prize in-and-out performers too when thex got startej r,, of the league—the Net?- Orleans the mud xxas deep as the pit ,„a Pelicans. gummy as glue Bai!*x- got Very likely Buck Broke will first taste of it. x n the ia =t of tt,- hurl in the first game today second he xxalked On Hemnhi In the second game Mana- short single he tr’r-t ger Hemphill may decide to give go to third But the goov Rudolph Waldorf, the Dutch Kid, stuck to his feet and slowed hi™ another chance If h» does there down And when he got th ? will be excitement surely. For he saxx- that ther<? was but ” henever Waldorf works there is chance, and that a noor on e w= work for all, had to slide. Normalh- it is -a’ A couple of ill-advised, watery "hlttins the dirt." On this o □ showers beat Atlanta out of a ball sion it was "hi‘ting the mua game yesterday afternoon. A. good Bailey shut his eyes, jumped an > crowd risked the weather and second later was the center of ? turned out for the doings at 2.30 muck'- splash The umpire rou'cn- It looked bad for Atlanta in the see the play at all. for the -na'i-- first spasm, for Messenger singled. ing gumbo, but called Harr' >< with one out. Johnston lived on an on general principles And it to-v error, and Almeida was walked. the park force, with hoe?, to di? With the bases full. Bad Bill Me- down to his uniform. Gilvray selected a willow and . Hemphill sacred a bi’ la’er -n strode to the plate Sitton gulped. Harbison s single and in th- nor put al! he had on the ball and let ma! course of events that fly. Bill swung, the ball cantered would have won the garne v- dotvn to Alperman. Almeida was Sitton was pitching ba!' touched out and McGilvray doubled it began to rain carl- in »he at first. third and rained gently all throve s ' Nothing happened after that tin- the inning, adding to the til one was down in the first of the fort of ’he already disgusted pi'-.-, second. Then one of the peskx- ers. And with two gone in th<= list little showers that has been run- of the third the game was ae?™ ning loose in Fulton and DeKalb called. After a bit the *hr,--=- counties so:- the last month hit passed and the sun came ou'- a- the park And the game ceased. infrequent happening these da s For one hour and twelve min- But th° harm wa~ done. The : utee there was nothing stirring was deep in wat-r and I'mr -e except th<= vigorous efforts of the O’Toole declared the game off ground keeper's force to drv off It "-as a shame, for the i th- field. I ?rs w?r? *5 in nine: ?asllv. NEWS FROM RINGSIDE t'lWi-iol- ♦V, - A Z* 4 r*«t_ 1 TT-i . ■> r-t. Officials nf th? Plaza A C , in Chicago, ar? planning to lift th? lid on boxing in that citx July 15. when Steve Ketchel and Jimmy Murph’, are scheduled to go eight round® to a decision S « W If the Chicago promoters carr? ou* their plan, this will be the first effort to stage boxing in the Windy City since the “good old days. « • » Al Palzer is m Chicago and many ex certs sax he is loking for a competent manager It is *ery likely Palzer will sign Emil Thirx to look after his matches Sf f « Terry Nelson has started training for his eight-round bout with Purlev Jordan in I’battanooga July IS Packer McFarland has signed articles to box Young McCartney six rounds In Philadelphia tomorrow nigi't » a » McCartnex- is from Port Richmond, where he is looked on as a comer in the lightweight db’ision NEGRO PITCHER HURLS A NO-MAN-TO-FIRST GAME MOULTRIE. GA. Julv 11 Moultrie claims the distinction of possessing the greatest find the year in baseball cir cles. even though he is a negro In a game played on the local diamond last week he achieved the distinction of equaling the world's record for a pitcher in not allowing a runner to reach firs* base throughout th? nine innings nf play This phenom, however, is handicapped on account of his color, beiny a negro It is a safe bet that if h? could change his spots ‘ he would be eagerly sought by the big league clubs and would Drove a sen sation. DANNY MURPHY MAY RF OUT OF GAME FOR YEAR PHILADELPHIA. Jub 11.—Captain Murphy, of the Athletics, probably Is ou* of business for the remainder of the sea son Manager Mack reported toda- that Murphy has developed water on the knee from an Injury received Jub- 3, when in the game at Chicago he made a slide for the home plate The absence of Murphy from right field is regarded here as endangering the club s chances for the championship. STATE CHECKER TOURNEY OPENS AT ENGINE HOUSE 2 The Georgia state checker champion ship "'ll be decided In Atlanta this week A tournament will commence today at 1 o'clock at engine house No 2. corner of Washington and East Hunter streets All entrants are re quested to be on hand at that time, and the genera! nubile is inx-bed to at tend the meet KAUFMAN AND MILLER AGAIN, SAN FRANCISCO. Julx 11. -Fight Promoter Eddie Graney announced here todax- that he had decided to stage a twenty-round fight between A! Kauf man and Charlie Miller either Julx ‘’6 or 31. HUMORS IN THE BLOUU When the blood becomes infected rvith any unhealthy humor th p ' shown by some definite!}’ marked disorder like Eczema. Acne, Tester riasis. Salt Rheum, etc. Humors get into the blood usually bee inactive condition of the sj’stem. Those members whose duty it. is * ill refuse matter do not properly perform their work, and an unheai' 1 ’ -y emulation is absorbed into the blood. Then instead of pet for natural function of nourishing the skin the tion irritates and inflames it. because of ' JwMj* IJ 4 wHhk condition. A thorough cleansing of theonly certain cure for any skin dise ! \ applications can only give temporal x re’' j goes into the circulation and drives all hum I J tbe blood, and in this way makes a perm complete cure in ex-ety form of skin 4iJ4S S. S. supplies the blood with the nutr'tv jties necessary to sustain the skin and pre natural texture and perfect appearam - I tires Eczema Acne. Tetter. Salt Rheum, and all other skin e r 'T ■ liseases. Book on Skin Diseases and medical advice free. 9 THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANIA. Floyd Fitzsimmon®. who i® ry^ruv”*e boxing matches at Benton Harbor - trying ’o secure Eddie McGonr” ® ®’sn3- ture for a match with Howard at his club some time in ’he near fu";r? Should *hese two be matched ar c rd crowd would probahlv attend ’he bas Morrow is a Benton Harbor orod’K*. r being managed by Tommy R ; --,an • * * Eugene Corri, the noted Eus; sb ref eree, ®ax? he is in favor of American plan of refereeing a Corn believes the referee ® be t. the inside of the ring instead *>f ’he • side, as the English referee.® now do ♦ • ♦ Jack Dillon and George K O h a ve been prat ti< allj mate hed f turn engagement in Indianarxdi? Tub • » Al Palzer. known as the ca* ~ n ir says he prefer® to meet -Tack r a short bout before fighting the G .< man for the championship ANDERSON LEADS ATHENE BALL TEAM TO MADISON ATHENS, GA.. July 11 Mh?n?’fi”.* ball team, headed by Coach Al derson. and with a number of G* stars on the line-up, ha® gone to M - ' - son for two games—on* 3 today an . an other Friday. Madison ha® a ’ strong amateur team Those who will hold up ’h? .A’h.ens end of the score are Rawson Kid” Brannen and Peeler, pi’rb. Hodgsnn. first. A.nderson Camoratta. short; Goodwyn. third Bnb McM’horter. center. Nunna" - ' ■ Bryant, right. FRANK WANTS TO RECALL BUNTING FROM LOOKOUTS CHATTANOOGA. TENN Jub For ®nme reason xvhich the bj j. -=.n agement refused to dix'ulge 'Lt ‘ Frank is trving to call off =a:? '■ Bunting to Chattanooga Fb? has played phenomenal n Montgom?rx‘ serie® ius’ d'lv’ng President Andrew? ?tate? tha* though Franj< has demanded s h- r - of the player, he is the proper*- f '■ local club and will so WHITE SOX GET CICOTTE. BOSTON. Ju!' 11 —President R McAleer. of the Boston Am announced the ®a! c # 1 *’ Eddie Cicotte to the t’hicag'' 1 lean?. Th? announcement ,11C far to the Chicago x* a® no f r - Cicntte and he said he would not but would go to hi® old h''m? m troit. TIGERS GET INFIELDER DEAL DETROIT, July 11 1 American league baseball dub a chased Charles Deal, a third in the South Mil higan !e ■- has been batting ,3 Qn said ’ he ' O?t the Detroit