Newspaper Page Text
News of
ron. whose visit to Mrs John
Marshall Slaton has occasioned
if the most interesting social af
’f ,~f the week, was the central fig
ure .if a charming group of girls gath
f-r( for afternoon tea at the Piedmont
D'-hing club today, when Mrs. Slaton
was the hostess.
Barnes wore a pretty Paris lin-
E r ■. frock of white net and hand em
e re P n ribbons, her big pink picture hat
compieting the toilet.
T'-a other young women of the party.
„ racing dainty afternoon gowns and
hats, were Misses Gladys Dud, Elizabeth Butler. Alline Fielder.
.Margaret Northern Virginia Lipscomb.
..'..P.ti Ellis. Isolene Campbell. Mar
taret Hawkins, Nell Waldo, Laurence
H 'W and Mrs. t'harles R. Andrews.
.Miss Walker's Party.
A delightful affair for the house par
ty of young people being entertained by
Mr. Howard McCall. Jr., was the dance
given iast night by Miss Nell Walker
at her home in Druid Hills. The apart
ments open to the young people were
decorated in nasturtiums, wild dowers
and vines. The young hostess was
charming in a blue embroidered mar
., sette gown. Rhe was assisted in en
’ertaining by her mother, Mrs. Leon
Walker, who wore a white lingerie
Miss Walker's guests were Misses
May Crichton. Cynthia Ellis, Margaret
Lowman. Mary Bowen. Katherine Rey
nolds. Jessie Thompson. Evelyn Green.
Mvra Scott and Mary Stuart, and
Mess-s. Tom Crenshaw, Rhodes Hav
erty. Howard McCall. Jr.. George Har
rison John Stewart, Lynn Branan,
ivrrv Dimmock. Wallace Rhodes, Mau
ri, e Thomas. Thomas Hancock, Coyne
Rickinson. Horace. Holleyman and
Frink Tidwell.
A House Party,
Miss Ma-tha Whltner. the young
. ighur of Mr, and Mrs. John Whit
■w >- entertaining a group of her
o at a house party at Porter
<rr:nzs The young people are being
chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Whltner,
t - party including Misses Martha.
" ’:tne-’. Margaret Fraser, Dodo White,
R-r- Paden. Laura Santel! and Wyck
;n. tV'crn. and Messrs. Richard Whit
r- . i-’.Cph Paden, Howard Sawtell,
i> John Whltner and Dean
Tn v Mountain climbing, fishing.
. ,•«. .• bling and other pleasures
st- ny su joyed. thw party now being
r . < five ! ays fishing trip to Blood
Erersu Club Organized.
t’ the home of Mrs. V- Judson
~n P’achtree street, about 2"
. r ’nau students me! yesterday and
art - ■-1 f•; the purpose of helping
ni'bf’ FirenJU • oilego and help worthy
gni'p -ie unable to obtain a col
1-z . nurse.
' ■ ■ . -about 75 old Brenau girls
tn V in ad.dition to the w ork
r-ypects to accomplish
’■"i !’t e■ ■' it- will be held,
M’s. Underwood Entertained.
Mrs. Hal Steed's luncheon was a
’ ’ went to Mr-. Alvin Underwood,
of I up us, who is her house guest,
and tr. Mrs. Albert Akers' guest. Miss
Merrell \ color scheme of pink
hitn was carried out in the table
'"liuyt.s. the centerpiece being a
pink and white roses, sur-t
i by pink shaded tapers, and
"’Ub'.iis in pink and white. In
i'l meet the visitors were Mrs.
1 .Akers M>s* John 11. Powell
Y’Uiair Garner. Mrs. Valdemar
Mrs. 1. S. Mitchell. Jr., Mrs. Wil
li "o!., Mi s. Harold Boers. Mrs
Maddox Mrs. Thomas Beau-
M,i s McWhorter Milner, Mrs.
n Underwood, Mrs. P. D. McCar
• 'I ■ liilPm Akers and Misses Wil
,. 1.' 1 '.. Edith Bradley, Allison
o'Brien and Kate Carroll.
■'Mrs. John H. Powell will
'i" 'neon for Mrs. Underwood.
v..,r, I!na . , 0 <g t Elmo Massengale.
< ittending the convention of the
Billposters Solicitors in Min-
Mlnn.. the same solicitors
n elected for the coming year
'Mem which has been In use
- 1 ! e ■ nntinued.
The Bessie Tift girl
] f avcs college a thorough
ly educated woman. She
has been taught to think
or herself; not merely
to memorize text-books.
The Bessie Tift girl
rcakes a real woman,
lhe college has been mak
i Georgia’s best women
; tor sixty-five years.
Art, Domestic
h taught by masters
■ | O| rnese branches.
and a cat
will tell you more.
rite to
t . c - H. S. JACKSON.
Fn, -yth. PrC5 .
Miss Emma Kate Amorous is visit
ing in Savannah this week.
Mrs. W. H. Preston has gone to Ohio
■to spend the summer with relatives
■ near Cleveland.
I Miss Louise Hill, of Macon, will re
turn home Monday, after a visit to
Miss Laura Wyatt.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Brown leave
Saturday for a fortnight's stay in New
York and Atlantic city.
Mrs. Frank Hawkins and Misses Mar
garet Hawkins and Eula Jackson leave
on August t for Toxaway. N. C.
Mrs George M. Kohn has gone to St
Simons Island, where she will stay un
til August 1, spending the remainder
of the summer at Hendersonville. N. c.
Mrs. Calvin Morgan McClung returns
to her home in Knoxville tonight, after
a visit to her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A.
D. Adair. Mrs. Adair, who has been
quite ill, is much better.
Misses Ruth Taylor, of Baltimore,
and Alma Jagger, of Southampton, L.
1., who have been spending several
days with Misses Frances and Pene
lope Clarke, will be with Miss Emma
Gregg after tomorrow.
Mrs. Ringland F. Kilpatrick, of New
i York, who has spent some time with
| her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Junius G.
Oglesby, will leave Tuesday to join
Mr. Kilpatrick at.'their summer home
at Toms River. N. J.
Mrs. D. C. Correll and little daugh
ter, Victoria, of Spartanburg. S. C'.. are
guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Provost,
who have recently moved to Atlanta
from Mobile, and are at home in the
Marlborough apartments.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F, Burkhart have re
turned from a fortnight's visit in Mem
phis. They were accompanied by Mrs.
Burkhart's sister. Miss Cross, of Mem
phis, who is their guest at the Marl
borough apartments.
Miss Josephine Tolbert, of Villa Rica.
Ga.. is visiting Miss Marguerite Gail
mard at her home. 527 Gordon street.
West End. Several partie- will be
i given in honor of Miss Tolbert.
Mrs. A. C. Hendley entertained the
Ladies Aid society of the East End
Baptist church this afternoon at 3
o'clock. Decorations were of sunflow
ers with ferns. Refreshments were
Miss Caro Sharpe leaves Sunday for
Nev. York, whence she will sail, with
Mrs. Frank Logan's party, for a two
months tour of the continent. Misses
Aimee Hunnicutt and Jennie Knox are
other Atlanta girls of this party.
I The Great July | ‘
| Clearance Sale;
.«.! Offers Attractive Specials For Ak
7 *
» $15.00 Silk tA QC VfOpWSIn/£ ■-
L Dresses, Friday Y, SpJl O' ’t|L I
Cl \u ( W'J U j
/ Silk Dresses of the i'ery finest qualities of Slum- J jiVMI,
% Lung and Rajah Silks in champaigne. tan. blue i i ■! ,’i ! il J J
Y and heliotrope, go on salt 1 tomorrow at this ri- I kt ! I J j
dieulous price. Just 22 Dresses in Q £ b TI ’ '■>
the lot. $13.00 values Friday I jij <
f $15.00 and $20.00 White CffCi fl Je Sr*- J'M t
Lingerie Dresses £9.95 / *
/ Your choice of our entire stock of finest while '
Lingerie Dresses that sold al SU.(H) Q QCL V t
and $20.00. offered toninrrnw at .... ’
; Ladies 9 White Silk Shirts $1.98 /|'
8 dozen tine quality,white Jap Silk. 'Tailored ' J’
b Waists offered tomorrow C 7 Q Q ®
J at. all sizes t/>l. JFO
■ Two Remarkable Reductions Fine Wool Zdk -
On Summer Dresses Skirts $1.98
At $2.98 you can select from 100 Dresses in lin- Panama ami Mohair A *=
cns, piques, imported ginghams. zeph\ r tissues iTT' o" niK '\ , : "" i P
< and shrunk luieiies, that sold from QO ~Hoos,. from. Po.miveh H
1 SD.OO G> s!>.-)<I —tomorrow, your choice our best numbers. 1
♦ Choice of Dresses that sold from (pl QQ tomor- ch -j qq i "
$3.50 to $3.95, tomorrow
j Li
i ‘’Atlanta’s Exclusive Women’s Apparel House” 43-45 Whitehall St.
Bridge Party for
Visitors at
East Lake
A group of young women gathered
on the broad piazza of the East Lake
Country, club overlooking the lake en
joyed a game of bridge and a dainty
luncheon today, as guests of Miss Mar
guerite Beck. The little party was ar
ranged in compliment tf> three visiting
girts. Miss Louise Hill, of Macon. th.'
guest of Miss Eaura Wyatt. and Miss-'-
Ruth Taylor, of Baltimore, and Alma
Jagger, of Southampton, Long Island,
guests of Miss Frances Claike.
The pretty hostess wore a white lin
gerie frock, with a chic little taffeta
coat of changeable blue’ and gold, and
a big black picture hat trimmed in
white plumes. Miss Taylor wore lav
ender lingerie and a big blue hat; Miss
Jagger, a smart white and black cheek
ed voile costume, with a cerise chiffon
hat, and M'ss Hill, a dainty white mar
quisette frock embroidered and trimmed
in cluny, with a white hat. Miss Clarke
was a pretty member of the party
wearing a white lingerie gown with a
flower trimmed hat, and Miss Laura
Wyatt was charming In white marqui
sette embroidered in yellow and wo n
with a yellow hat.
U— ■ -
j Flat ribbon bow, turn
I /\\ sl*l9 sole ’ coverßcl heel, short
( \\ vamp.
\ X These Pumps absp-
| \ Xok lutely perfect in every
r ■ vjA F° r Frida y ar| d
i I orders filled.
| Rich’s Economy Basement
“The Shoe Bargain Center of Atlanta"
z'/mifUllß *l9 8 Ml! •>«»»!>■•>>! BM!
CO. MAKES A $30,000.00
Bond for title to the Young Men's
Christian association's present home
passed today Into the hands of the
Chamber of Ccmmcrce Realty Com
pany on payment of ?3O,nof> p, the Y.
’ M. C: A. trustees. This is the first
payment 'he chamber h.i- made on its
new home, of which It will get rossev
slim next April., The remainder will
- be paid in monthly in st. ill merits.
Th' total turn to be [aid for the
; building on North Frym- street is
I $160,000. By publi sale cf preferred
I stock in the Chamber of Commerce
Realty Companv $200,00n :ecent!y
raised and of i ; cm mint $40,r.0i) will
’ be speu, tn ri mudeiiing ihc structure.
Remodelling work- will be started
next summer, just as soon as thebuild
i ing is turned ovdr to its new owner;.
I lit .will be made one of the finest
homes ever owned by a civic organiza
’ tion and will contain the headquarters
• of a numbe: of other trade and busi
; ness organizations besides the Chant
. ber of Commerce. Among them will
be the Atlanta Ad club and the real
1 estate men.
MARIETTA, GA.. July 11.—The date
for the state reunion of Confederate
t veterans to be held in Marietta has
i been changed form August 20 to 21
• until August 28 and 29. on account of
i the stale primary election coming on
August 21.
RICHMOND. VA„ July 11. Miss Ida
Pruitt, who graduated from Cox col
lege. Atlanta, Ga., with the degree of
B. A., in 1909, and later took the B. S.
. degree at Columbia college. New York,
i was today examined and accepted by
(the Southern Baptist foreign mission
board as a missionary to Tsing Tao,
china, where her father. Dr. C. W.
Pruitt, is now located in a similar ca
pacity. Miss Fruity was born in China.
She came to thia <“untry several years
ago to get a college education. She will
return to china in August.
PITTSBURG, July 11.—Simultane
ous with the birth nf his baby, V J.
a painter, was killed by light
ning during a storm here.
Insect Bite Costs Leg.
A Boston man lost his leg from the
bite of an insect two y ears before. To
avert such calamities from stings atid
bites of insects use Bucklen's Arnica
Salve promptly to kill the poison and
prevent inflammation, swelling and
pain. Heals burns, boils, ulcers, piles,
eczema, cuts, bruises. Only 25 cents at
all druggists. *»*
rs M. Rich & Bros. Co. 1 J;
Prednventory Clearance Prices
In the Ready=to=Wear Section f
: —ii mu in |
; Our determination to make an absolute clear-
; ance of these Dresses, is clearly evidenced in the
; repricing we have subjected these splendid gar*
; ments to. The variety of styles is large and of St
[ the most pleasing character. They are elab- St
; orately lace and button trimmed; are in all SE
; shades and colors, and in an adequate size jc
; range to make selections compatible with
; varying tastes.
; I hese Dresses are “chic” and charming;
; for either house, jg
street or outing
wear/rhe values I f
are absolutely
’'div “ &3 ? 50 : JJC i/JI |
; Do You Think You Can Really Afford to Disregard This Offering? 3"
f Sale of Skirts!! ] I
; I J «|
; We have included all of our
I better grades of Linen, Ratine and Sb
: Pique Skirts in a Sweeping Reduction
; in price—prices you would not p
l suppose possible on the values rep- S;
; resented. «
- Don’t fail to ask to be shown
; these Remarkable Bargains!! *2
rich Oros co. |i
; ~
NEW YORK.* July 11. - Matthew
Duggan, who saw forty years of con
tinuous service In the regular army and
was retired In 1898, with the rank of
ordnance sergeant,. Is dead at hl.s for
mer home, 216 Jamaica avenue. Astor
ia. age 74 years.
Born in Oyster Bay. Duggan enlisted
in 1858. was sent to Utah and for 30
vears participated In Mormon and In
dian troubles. He saw the Indian and
buffalo disappear from the plains and
the prairie schooner make way for the
111 ——Mi
Tones Up Your Clothes
I]VfEX and WOMEN who want their clothes to retain ■
x that HIGH-TONED appearance should get ’em
To have your garments Dry ('leaned and Pressed
by the famous STODDARD w-ay tones them up—-and J
keeps them looking like new ! ’ ■?
A Wagon For a Phone Call.
We pay Express tone way) on nut-of-town orders of $2 nr over.
n 2 n P n^ chtre , eSt ß fet Dixies Greatest
tOddCrrCl Aslant °Phone 43 Dry Cleaner and Dyer
The death of Mrs. Frank King, after
persistent persecution which brought
about her illness, has aroused intense
indignation in this city, Mrs. King,
with her daughter, lived on the out
skirts of tlie tow n.
A few weeks ago the, family doz died
of poison. A little later Mrs. King's
cattle were made 111 by poisoned hay,
and her horse wag poisoned. Next a
thick scum was noticed on the water in
the well, and it was found that the
water had been poisoned.