Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, July 11, 1912, FINAL, Page 12, Image 12

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12 GEOMAM W3® ffiWffl® EMKW f-PITLh Av W 9 TARNS’WORTH "" Beating Marquard Makes Georgia Boy a Hero 4* • 4* 4* * 4* 4* • 4* 4* ® 4- 4* ® 4* 4* ® 4* Crackers Have a Big Boost for Jimmy Lavender Bv Percv H. Whiting. Royston h? <t« Cobb, and a'- pharetta its Rucker And now bx h* ; k Montezuma ha* <♦* Lavender 4so a has been stated La’’ende* >.n> a . -inr but with the Gian'* am how. a stat* of mind For tgmes Lavender it war who brought to a 'lose the most marvel "is run n* games ever pi’ehed bv li'ing man- the nine teen straight of Richard LeMar qu!s. alias Rube Marquard Also Timmy ha* pitched such ball that he ranks as one of the reallv great pitchers of 'h© big leagues t r ’da Delving into baseball histories brings to light these facts about the car**- f ’antes Lavender: • • • rAMES FAXT“HD LAVENDER !® J a nativ? of Georgia and hails fron* M r, nt?z’im.a M l l* < n • cun' where h fir«t ®a * th? Ight »f day or. Ma h 2 f ’ !•$' In th? Eastern league from •» hich h? xva® grad uated to the Cubs. Lav?r»d?r earn ed the* sobriquet iron man" by fUhng 'h fc red* -f r?adv rescuer in addition to pi' hing in his regu lar turn o r Lavender ’ not have had a try-ou' ■* ith th® , '*ub« th> = •pring but for rhe Interpositions of the national commission. Obtained h* means of draft fmm Pr "■i'lnm ? lai'* fa!!. La vend' >• w almost 'm mediate’ rum d ’ r ♦ »'» rhe Mon club In part payment for Ward Miller, who was purchased from the Royal? ear!!?! in the sea son The 'I? a! *ac a cold blooded attempt on Montreal’s part tn grab the man from Pro' idem* The Cubs had no idea of keeping him. hut mere!' tried to do a little friend!' stunt for Montreal Montreal, howe' er belongs to the game ’»ague tn which Providence is included Objection was ’"ad* b\ the Rhode Island club against hav ing a pitcher taken from its ranks eR !v »o b» dumped unceremonious ly into the lap of a rival club with ou’ »ria! and with no cham • tn bid e O r hb return The national < <>m missjon 'etn*d th*- deal and re manded I.avender to the Cubs, with order* »o give him a trial, and if found '"anting ‘ give Providence flnst nail on h's c*<-vfc*s unless of course «om* otb*r major league team r*fus*d to waive on hint When Lavender was compara tively n k’d his familv moved from Montezuma tn Barnesville and T.qx e-nt’i r ■' fr ’ f n Gordon Instltut?. trfts net a regular pitcher for tVtc *»'-am but worked tn c - rnf gjntr-€ H'S fl’’®' VF-S! V'ltCh !rr wa® dotv f<T the independent ♦ Aorrt -a hmh represented Bai ne.® • vip? in n?:ghborhcol frame? Later the Montezuma lad attend ed Georgia Te»'h. entering in ®opho more mr and undertook the env-«p io mechanicßl engineering Thar he wa< nerinu? in hl® s*ar< h of 3 prof'S'lnn Is evidenced bv the *art xa? not onsldered any kind rJ a pit her while In college u pprhed a few game® for hi? <Jass team : n mterelas® championship a ee S i»-c but never made the varsity rJn.F H■’ is r't un’i! afterwards that h c d! c> overed h* < oiild pltc h Tn his pntVpacicnM a v f*er berar ■ Mian”'’ b 'gue. a<; a rcprnbpy nf the Xiigusva team., though prm-u'Us to th.v ”me b.r had had a br"-f nfo-ism o " ith the luckless Georgia State league of im. Fd Ran*'" ' th* Xugusta mogul. lecided that Lavender would do In I'”'" ’he Georgian went •" Dan'Hie in the Virginia league and 'as a teammate of Martin M’o’sh but that is nothing agafn’t la' end** The next year found Lavender a ’"ng -' a\ from honor In H >■ ■!<' of the Connecti cut' Ther. he nas under the tutelage n’ ,'aik Tighe, now manager of *he Ixtu!*' !!’e Colonels in tb« fail of l r 'Oß Lavender was drafted b\ 'be P’mvidence club Into th* Ka=te'm - ague, and there re mained until rescued bv tb* nation al r ,mn.'- -...n '"la ’he Cubs n hi!* in Pr"v*dence Lavender served unde’ '!'-•*• masters but not sfmultaneaus!' Hugh Duffy had Cha*?* , < th* clam Diggers tn 1909. the Or*’ vear Lavender pitched for them Then Jimmv Collins was made manager, and held the job unt’i the midd’e of last season, when he "a.= superseded temporar ily bv dakm Atz In spit* of the dis'ouragement of working with a losing team. Lav ender’s record was a good one In the team, finished in the firs' division and b* won nearly 80 per cent of his games. The last two ' ears hr w as there Providence was tall-ender yet Lavender was re turned a winner in nea r l\ half th* games he pitched in both seasons t jet ’-ear th* »■*' ords show he ’n ip battles, .nd he was credited with nineteen .victories 22 defeats and one draw b\ the ac countant. That gave him a pitch ing ord o* 463 while his team was winning onl> 35 per cent of its games and was below the middle in both batting and fielding The Providence team played 155 gt me" and as Lac ender pit' bed 4f *h;rm Hp cam* close to w-orking every third da? and from that wil lingness to aiak.: a truck-horte of WHAT LAVENDER HAS DONE IN BASEBALL Qi.jb’9 Bat. Fie’d'a v* 3 r T e a~s W, L. T Pct PM Av Av? 1911 ProvrUnce v« 22 1 inin Pro\'idFnce 15 22 o 405 ?0 9 065 .963 iqoQ Prov!d?nc? .... . 1 4 17 0 452 533 .134 .955 1908 Holvnk? 21 17 0 533 .473 .157 .978 iqh; DanMl’e IS 16 0 .529 .5'4 114 940 hlmsMf hr- rained th* l title of iron maji.” % BOCT th* be.®* thing 'hat J. Lav ■’A Ar ,d?r haa i? a spit ball Sa-, s TVhitev Ap A **m3 n ’■•'ho ' orked ’X’jth him In the Eastern league last reason *A!I Lavender has is a spitter and a fast one. And he usual!' wastes his fast one. He r»A3-€.»- puls !t over unGsa h* 3 ha® to. He hasn’t any curve to speak o* Any time he has to deliver he uses the spit ter Tomm' Atkina, who ha- pitched in the Eastern. a?’-e Ynu -an put Lavender dov. n as a mighty smart pit* hr-r He !«n’t a big man. rnay b<* my size or 1 shade larger. But he ha® a r- >od spltter and a better h*ad. You -an put him down for me as a smart pitcher. He has a good bean and that gets him by a lot of times.” • • • 'THAT Lavender, a pitcher 'he 1 Cubs* kept s*o r e!y again? l their 'viii should beat the Giants and break th? streak of 'h** of modem pitcher®. Rube Marnuard, was u onderful But Per haps a little mo r e wonderful was th*= fact that th- dav nrevlou? to thp nnp •• hen op ' omrdished the miracle he ’-•as sr-nt in to finish a game in St. Louis Then, after rid ing back to Chicago, he was sent in to trim Marquard, An odd feature of it 1= that Frank Chance nlarncd that very thing. W hen the Peerless Leader left gt. Louis before the end of the series he instructed Tinker, who was put !n chargr, that if a pitcher were needed to finish the Sunday game and onlv a few innings remained, tn tpe Georgian. The condition aroe? and Laven der xvas used He camp back the ' p’ v next day stronger than e\ er. and not only whipped the Giants, but almost broke their hearts by breaking the winning streak of the popular 'Rube.” Which shone T.avpjider In 'he role of imn man.” and that is ex act!'.' " hat he If. Lavender works better when he pitches every third dax At any rate, that is» what lie ■ !ai tr '?, and has had much better S’.'ccfss when worked often than xx hen gtx en a long rest Not lone - ago Lavender and Chance "ere discussing the for mer's nit* hlnp I haven't had enough " nrk.” said the twlCer It was not in the nature of a complaint, but chance is on? of those managers who like? to haxe the other fe’loxv's opinion and want? to look at it from the player’s as well as the minager's view point. ’'• ork bet'er xx hen I pitch every third day. continued Laxender, and r m still more effective when 1 am sent in for a few innings be tween games.' Tak* a glance at Lavender’s rec ord !a = t \rar and you "11! see that his x»,ords are borne out by the flgures. • • « / HANCE broke nn? his riPes V- v h en he held to La' ender The West Side manage! has always b» <n in favor of the big strong, busk' twlr 1e 1 s H p ca r* t e the littu-. tyiio\ K . with i -i" gias.- H>- Hkes the which should a< - company • large frame. But Lav ender t aught his *\ e. \nw d>»n t get the inipia ?sion that Jt’U’ny is a midget He's far from tha' H* •? » prettx hunkx sort of an ’ndividua! and. while scan eh hu s ’k\” » nough to give Jack Johnson a battle, posscssp? much strfirgth. ’ Mherwise. he xx o'Pd not be a three-dax pitcher Just the ?ame b- doesn't compare to th? t’xeral! Browm Reulbarh tvpe of txxirlc! »hen it comes to size. Lavender ha? been a deceptive fellow !(> the Cub®. Ml the re port? 'f th* scouts and the "ho played 'vith and against him in the Internationa! were to the effc l ♦ that he "as a spit ball pitch er. pur? and simple, and that be was without anything else. That max have been true last vear Rut It doesn t go this Hr is one of the best little blu**- of the spit ball in the- e -trne and be ha? a good saliva sphere But b« ip chonttng that < urx e ball across ♦b f plate nr in the Immediate x’irin ?t\ about as often as he is the wet on* \V oh the result that the bat ter seldom guesses rigbf I.a'endprs start was no* sensa tional and there was nothing to Indinat? that he w-ould develop into th? talk of the league At the start of the season be seemed to be un able t.. Ko the distance Hr would pitch Ilk? a whirlwind for 1 few inning? Then along about the sixth nr seventh i 1 ? seemed to lose every *hing that possessed with the ex< option nf hi® g’lo' f He ® got over that habit now H c ’s an iron man all the wa' One nf the ®u*T3 r lsing thing® about this v oungster '? th? f.« * that while he Is a spit bail pitch er he has excellent ontro’ 4? a matter nf fa< t. it Is doubtfu wheth er there 1? a twirier on th® <’ub team who "■’!! give bass® on ball®. • • • VVHIOTHER Jim rea! pitcher or merely an ex tra brilliant bloomei hasn’t be** fully demonstrated >*t. They cal! him a kid" in ' 'hi-.-ag". but Jim is 27 years old He Is it or near the height of his ability. If he can HTF ATLAVTa GFOBGIAv ANT) NEWS. THURSDAY. -TUTT 11. 1912 ke?p hl® present stride be i? th? wond?r of 1912 baseball. Even If he isn't, hr- will go down to utter most baseball history as th? man who broke Marnuard’s famous run. Por, a® they say in Chicago now Marquard is feeling blue -he says he prefers Brown to Laven der.” This story is the first of a se ries on Georgia boys who are making good in baseball. Perev If Whiting. The Georgian's baseball expert, trill, from time to time. contribute others, which should he of great inter est to Atlanta fans. -I w»\ ■ A Wt fey |» SSf - t /d/ ■ w* ||r ■ ui., BFNPTNG OVER A PUZZLING CURVE I ■ ()I)DEI< FOR FANS Charhe Carr manager of the Kansas Ci’\ fpqni bas entered forma! protest against ’he language used by Umpire Gerald Haves Gerald ought to be ashamed of himself « « « Tohnny TYa'ev the new infielder of the Brown®. Is playi'g his second year 'f pro fessional ball John has kept the Mans he’d team up m ’lie Ohio S’a’e league race He cos* the Browns $1 • ♦ • lefty George. the guy that made the Stovall trade a joke has been sent to the Toledo ' -am He was once a star with India nano! « Last vear baseball fans stopped going to rames in St. Louis This rear there aren't any fan® there * • « The are rigg’ng the batting hon ors Zimmerma" w»® absolutely first, at 40R the l a®’ tune we looker! while Good was ab«<»’u’e!x last and unchallenged at 000 * * • Was it '-eorge Stoxa’l o»- Harry Wolv erton who gt't the Browns out of the cel lar'’ • • • Boston first in the American last in tbe National' New \ork - first in the Na t’nna’ ’ast in the American' » • « \Vi’h Rill Smith c ,A .°'h ing and Bunting playmg good ball m ’ bc m.field Chattanooga fan® are iga’n smiling faint B Smith® coaching ought to add a good bit to the strength of thp team • » Richmond has released lick Flormnov and signed Rob Carter m h’s price * • ’ tv- Internationa! league has a peck n* ex-Southern leaguers this year, among them Viebahn. Maxwell McTtgue. Sw i rina. Higgins and Zimmerman The groundkeepers of the Cardins’ nark have struck because their pa> was cut tr i m U a dav ’o ;i 75 • • • Unless the Giants are checked during Jimmy Lavender, the Georgia Boy ILho Downed Marquard SHOOTING HOME A FAST HOF BALL. These poses of the Cubs’ hurler fail to show him , using his spitter. which, ac- f, ° rf l' ns ' t° Cracker players. - - who have played with him. ..-/r-y- I on c ''l his mam assets. w <r ’he Western trip ’hey can settle down ’’hen thej return home and begin plan ning on the world ® championship series This is the last chance • * « Oh 'es In addition to suspending Rai Caldwell for lack of condition Manager Wolverton fined him 5250 • * • Altoona is ou’ of the Tri State league for the park has been sold for S2BO and ’he franchise Is on the market In the meantime the league is operating the homeless ex Altoona club at a profit • • • Trenton. ® chief of police has notified the basebj.l! association ’hat it will arrest ev erybodv concerned if they trv to play Sundax ball, so ’he tig i® up » • • If you happen ’o get famous it’s hard on foil •• it lis fust come out on Rube Marptard® mother that she does her own washing • • • t hies I eßox of ’he St Pau! team, snapped ' hi® arm the ether day in a game at Kansas Citx and appears to be out for good Th? White Sox a r e making their Past ern trip with five pitcher? Four of ’hem are fiend® for work Walsh. deters. Ben? and Lange • • • Edd'e Hohnhorst. former Cracker first baseman with Toledo who has been out of th? game because of injuries. is about we!’ again and read'' to go to work • « • Mert Whitney. ex Cracker. is batting 33S with Trenton ... The George Fierce who struck out 22 men for Scranton the other dav used to be with Augusta in the Sally league BAT NELSON FIGHTS AGAIN WINNIPEG. MANITOBA Ju!' 11 P.tttllng Nelson and Mickey Mclntyre win r’ i-h here ’on? or row night a* catch weights in a twelve-round go. k- f GRIFFITH By William F. Kirk. Maybe the Bostons will win the flag— That is the Boston boast and brag They have shown no signs of fear or fatigue As they breeze along in the Johnson league. Their pitchers are good and their team is fast. And they play like the Bostons of sea sons past. Maybe, they'll get the post-season rocks, But we’re pulling for Griffith, the good “Old Fox.’’ Maybe the team run by Connie Mack B ill clean things up on the homeward track. Many fond hopes have been put in the tombs By pitchers like Bender and Plank *! Coombs Many a team from its throne has slid Because of the things that Baker did So the old Athletics may win out IF — But we’re, pulling for Griff' MAY FINE DAVIS FOR FAKING PLAYER'S NAME CLEVELAND. OHIO. July 11—Man ager Harry Davis, of the Naps, may draw a fine of SSO or SIOO. and just be cause one of his players put one over" on Umpire Hart in the game at the White Sox park on the morning of July 4 When Umpire Connolly .re fused to allou Birmingham to go to his regular station in center field Man ager Davis sent a substitute to that garden Hart inquired the name of the new comer from one of the Cleveland play ers and the reply was “Costello." The truth regarding the player's name did not become known until the Naps re turned to Cleveland. where it was learned that the player was Kenneth Nash, former captain and shortstop of the B r own university team The name ’Costello" was given, not by Nash, but by another Nap. to get even with the umpires for what the player termed a bum decision on Birmingham at third DEVLIN BEATS SCHWARTZ. RUT REFEREE SAYS DRAW NASHVILLE. TENN . July 11. Yankee" Schwartz, of Philadelphia ■ and Tommy Devlin, of Chicago, foughi eight fast rounds to what the referee called a draw The last two rounds went to Schwartz, while the other six went to Devlin. Schwartz at no time had a change to win the fight HIRSCH GOES TO REDS CINCINNATI. July 11—The Cincin nati National league club has secured pitcher Hirsch from the Meridian team, of the Cotton States league Hirsch has a record of twelve straight games w-on in the minors SCULL RACE ON TODAY. TORONTO, July 11 —The race between Eddie Durnan. of Toronto, and William Hains, of Boston, for the sculling cham pionship as America and a purse of SI,OOO scheduled to take place yesterdav aft*’- ’ noon. ”as postponed until todav because | of a storm yesterday afternoon. Becker and Waldorf Slated To Hurl Today’s Double Rill IF the weather deigns to permit, which isn’t any too probable during these watery day*, a double-header will be played at Ponce DeLeon park this afternoon. The opposition will be furnished by the prize in-and-out performers of the league-—the New Orleans Pelicans Very likely Buck Becke r will hurl in the first game today. In the second game Mana ger Hemphill may decide to give Rudolph Waldorf, the Dutch Kid, another chance If he does there will be excitement surely. For whenever Waldorf works there is n ork for all. A couple of ill-advised, watery showers beat Atlanta out of a ball game yesterday afternoon. A good crowd risked the weather and turned out for the doings at 2:30. It looked bad for Atlanta in the first spasm, for Messenger singled, with one out. Johnston lived on an error, and Almeida was walked. With th* bases full. Bad Bill Mc- GJlvray selected a willow and strode to the plate. Sitton gulped, put al! he had on the ball and let fly. Bill s.wung. the ball cantered down to Alperman. Almeida was touched out and McGilvray doubled at first Nothing happened after that un til one was down in the first of th* second. Then one of the pesky little showers that has been run ning loose in Fulton and DeKalb counties for the last month hit the park And the game ceased. For one hour and twelve min utes there was nothing stirring except the vigorous efforts of the ground keeper’s force to drv off the field. NEWS FROM RINGSIDE Officials of the Plaza A. C . tn Chicago are planning to lift the lid on boxing in that citj’ July 15. when Steve Ketchel and ' Jimmy Murphy are scheduled to go eight ■ rounds to a decision • » • « If the Chicago promoters carry out their plan this -will be the first effort to stage ■ boxing in the Windy City since the ‘goon old days.” i • • * A! Palzer is in Chicago and many ex perts say he is loking for a competent manager It is very likely Palzer will 1 sign Emil Thirv to look after his matches ( Terry Nelson has started training for his eight-round bout with furlev Jordan in Chattanooga July 18. Packe? McFarland has signed articles to box Young McCartney six rounds in Philadelphia tomorrow nigh* * • • MoCartnev i<? from Port Richmond, where he is looked on as a comer in the i lightweight division NEGRO PITCHER HIIRI S A NO MAN-TO-FIRST GAME MOULTRIE GA. July 11.—Moultrie claim® the distinction nf possessing th? greatest find of the year in baseball cir cles. even though he is a negro In a game played on the local diamond last week he achieved the distinction of equaling the world’s record for a pitcher in not allowing a runner to reach first base throughout the nine inning® of play This phenom, however, is handicapped on account of his color, being a negro It is a safe bet that if he could change his spots” he would he eagerly sought by the big league clubs and would prove a sen sation DANNY MURPHY MAY RE OUT OF GAME FOR YEAR PHILADELPHIA, Julv 11.—Captain Murphy, of the Athletics, probably is on' of business for the remainder of th* sea son Manager Mack reported todav. that Murphy has develoned water on the knee from an Injury received July 3. when in the gazne at Chicago he made a slide for the,home plate The absence of Murphy from right field is regarded here as endangering the club’s chances for the championship. STATE CHECKER TOURNEY OPENS AT ENGINE HOUSE 2 The Georgia state checker champion ship will be decided in Atlanta this week A tournament will commence today at 1 o'clock at engine house No. 2. corner of Washington and East Hunter streets All entrants are re quested to be on hand at that time, and the genera! public is invited to at-' tend the meet KAUFMAN AND MILLER AGAIN. BAN FRANCISCO. July 11.—Fight Promoter Eddie Graney announced here today that he had decided to stage a twenty-round fight between A! Kauf man and Charlie Miller either Julv 26 or 31 Humohs In The blood When the blood becomes infected with any unhealthy humor the effect is shown by some definitely marked disorder like Eczema, Acne. Tetter riasis. Salt Rheum, etc. Humors get into the blood usually because o f v l . inactive condition of the system. Those members whose duty it is to e : " all refuse matter do not properl}’ perform their work, and an unhealth}' cumulation is absorbed into the blood. Then instead of performing natural function of nourishing the skin the cue tion irritates and inflames it because of its imp’ l! |.'l condition. A thorough cleansing of th* 1 the only certain cure for any skin disease, e 1 f I applications can only give temporary relief I goes into the circulation and drives all humor 1 J blood; and in this way makes a perman*i’ ; complete cure in every form of skin S. S. S. supplies the blood with the nutritive v ities necessary to sustain the skin <nd pre. ' natural texture and perfect appearance cures Eczema. Acne. Tetter. Salt Rheum, and all other skin eruption diseases, Book on Skin Diseases and medical advice free THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA. GA At 3 42 the rain was over 3-4 hostilities were resumed an agreement to wave th* r » which automatically ended the fl «. game after 30 minutes had And they were some bos'iio--- too, when they go* started F-.* the mud was deep as the ph gummy as glue. Bai’ev got first taste of it. In the last of ths. second he walked On Hem.rhi « short single he foolishly tried go to third But the goov *oi' stuck to his feet and slowed hir" down And when he get tn he saw that there was but chance, and that a poor one He had to slide. Normally it is ' "bitting the dirt.’’ On this r>- j. sion it was "hitting the mod Bai'ev shut bis eyes, jumped ar : □ second later was the center n* a mucky splash The umpire cou’-'n-t see the play at all. for the spatt---. ing gumbo, but called Harry "p on general principles. And inn'.- the park force, with hoes, to dig down to his uniform Hemphill scored a bit late* —■ Harbison’s single and in th* nor ma! course of events that run would have won the gam* For Sitton was pitching ball It b*gan to rain early ’* ’he third and rained gently al! thr-n l? h the inning, adding to the discom fort of th* already disgusted pla-.-. ers. And with two gffhe in the ’s«r of the third the game was aemir. ca!!*d After a bit th* show*’ passed and the sun came ou'- ir infrequent happening these da < But the harm was don* The : 1 was deep in water and t moire O’Toole declared the game off It was a shame, for the Crack ers were winning easily. Floyd Fitzslmmon?, who is vjr.g boxing matches at Benton Harbor trying to secure Eddie McGoor*y s signa ture for a match with Howard M«*'rr*’v at his club some time in the near f urv Should these two be matched a record crowd would probably attend the bout as Morrow is a Benton Harbor nrodnot new being managed by Tommy Rvan » * • Eugene Corri. the noted English r-f eree. says he is in favor O s adcv* rg F.e American plan of refereeing a 'i f Corri believes the referee ?y ild he -r the Inside of the ring instead of the side, as the English referees now do • * ♦ lark Dillon and George K O have been practically matched for a r? turn engagement in Indiana oil is In! .2 „ ■ » Al Palzer, known as the cave mar. says he prefers to meet Jack T?hr.s*r r. a short bout before fighting the '.r,: man for the championship ANDERSON LEADS ATHENS BALL TEAM TO MADISON 1 ATHENS. GA.. July 11 Athens’*.re ‘ ball team, headed by Coach Frank An derson. and with a number of Georgia [ stars on the line-up. has gone to Ma-i - $ son for two games—one todaj' and an . other Friday. Madison has a ver> ■ strong amateur team. ! Those who will hold up the AGhe”? end of the score are: Rawson ! Kid ’ Brannen and Peeler, pitchers. ! Hodgson, first. Anderson cr - mi Camoratta. short; Goodwvn third. Bob McWhorter, center; Nunnally, lef f ani Bryant, right. FRANK WANTS TO RECALL BUNTING FROM LOOKOUTS CHATTANOOGA. TENN Jul !!. For some reason which the local mar • agement refused to divulge. ' ha' Frank is trying tn call off the -a c Bunting to Chattanooga The ey P A has played phenomenal ball in f 3 Montgomery series just closmg President A.ndrews states that though Frank has demanded the r*irr. of the player, he is the property f lot . i club and will re» - ■ s WHITE SOX GET CICOTTE BOSTON. Ju!' 11—President Taw‘» R McAleer. of the Boston Ameri an announced todat the sale of PV“' Eddie Cicotte to the Chicago A" 1 leans. The announcement of his t’" 1 fer to the Chicago was not p!eas’r = Cicotte and he said he would nor but would go tn his old home m 1 troit. TIGERS GET INFIELDER DEA! DETROIT. July 11.---The D“=" American league baseball club h- = chased Charles Dea!, a third b??-:' in the South Michigan leagu* has been batting around and said that he cost th* Det rn tt club