Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, July 13, 1912, HOME, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 24

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PAGE EIGHT mahaztxe section “THF F ASY ROSS” B y T - E - powers, 11 ILu 1 . SJV7UU The Famous Cartoonist (Boss IM 71REP fvEM W .YoD mi mq 7 bVj/ouLD Li KE tv I Ma v hane Two, To The DEPOT In\ HIkfavACAUW/ ! WEEKS OFF Ms) To The SEA Shore FOR. f’~ / \ —7 4 LITTLE rest; / J— 1 - j ' T [A a 'Zz A < Zft Z t;=*s -d---M M F___ L __ _ J ' 7 ~ __ ' ? , I IWM■■■■■—————MVWHWMB* - IIIIMIIIIlW—^——«■ I_JII 1 I I U ~ —. I _ * SOAAE OYSTERS Soup \ H01o! \MIUJE? \I i AKlf niq-TANCb ("ComCToThE OFFICE ] ———=. vt2J> "1 Fish duck tripe ice cfeam this is the Boss. ' lone, uib AT once ani very ill <too R4?i I IPKKLES AH£> CoFTLE AHO A S£HD ATELEqRAM 1 C T . il bottle of wm > ~ib Mr Tone s -say < —z. / \ / * he is wanted at 1 I - I ] Z"Y f) the office at PHCE Ao Z x) 1 |rCy i Z^ x t sign my hams<oit'. x O J / Jd// w j4zz j-s 7 ■><_ jz ■ - 35) v( -.r h WrA S \/~' 4^=< = b '"■>> \W |rZ|f\ Zw '' V\ Zj - I \ ',// 7 <Z\ Jr f’? i■ ■ 7 ' J-— x J (/1 ' iii ’ ■ ! % I _S V / / tewvA Yl 7 ' ~ 1 = -: ~— ~ -•{ 4 5?? a<i£% ' 1 j |pz /\ /\ /I SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. ' ■J* ll " w» \ GEORGIA MILITARY ACADEMY THE SOUTHS MOST SPLENDIDLY EQUIPPED PREP SCHOOL College Park, Eight Mile* From Atlanta, Georgia Fills wvery h° ur a boy’s life with wholesome mental development, body building;, moral and social training, and preparation for a man’s part in the world s work. A thoroughly disciplined, modernly appointed, attractive school for boys and young men- a gentleman’s school, limited to about 125 boarding pupils, so grouped, as to give every teacher about 12 Cadets for tut oring and over sight at night. Delightful home life- a big happy family of successful, cultured teachers and pupils. Every sanitary convenience. Electric lights, steam heat, artesian water. Elevation nearly 1,200 feet, no malaria, perfect health. Beat Table Fare and Prettiest School Campus in the South. Three regular Courses—Classical, Engineering, Commercial. Member Southern Association of Colleges and Preparatory Schools. Active U. S. Officer tn Charge of Military Department. Classed A by U. S. War Department. Parents ors-4 to visit and cerapere the Scheel with the best in America COLIC WOODWARD, A. M.. Dill. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL FOR BOYS STONE MOUNTAIN, GA. ■i If f :s< mKSI. -Th i ar ■ - - I TY SCHOOL FOR BOYS is a regular school where boys are taught and not just compelled to attend classes. A school fashioned after the old style system of tutoring where in dividual instruction is given each student; where the finer attributes of a gentleman, not taught by books, are inculcated; where a sound, healthy body is developed coincident with a broad, quick mind. A school where boys are transformed into men equipped, mentally and physically to take up Life s duties 01 given a firm foundation on which to build their education in the higher institu tions "f learning. I his is done* by limiting the students to 96; one instructor for every ten boys. More than / ivenfy per cent of the student body, each year, are brothers of former students. Csvs* tn a boy: tic'll give you a man. Handsome illustrated catalog and inforna-i>n r -nished. Address SANDY REAVER, Principal. Box $3 STONE MOUNTAIN, CA ter Co t ler eQ \ A High Grade Institution For Young Women. X. Beaut if ,1 y located near the Mountains, in th. moist healthful section of f the South—not a death in the Cdletre during the forty years of ita ''tonce. Every convenience of modern home. Only two Kiria to g a 1 room with large study between ex ery two rooms. Every building ' f re-enforced concrete, absolutely fire-proof thoroughly modern —e*" iSKs'. 155 acres in grounds and campus. Faculty chosen from finest , American and European Universities. Full Literary Course lead. /<■ TVfb., >"V to A R. degree: unexcelled advantages in Music. Art. Elpres- kw-W'- YA sl ' ,n - s P etial attention to Physical Development. Catalog on re- J'-* c g-T“’ NM 'X\ quest. >-lax J® A. W. VAN HOOSE, President, Rome, Ga. mrr BING HA Ml ASHEVILLE. N. C. > has prepared Boya for College and Man _ ; COL. R BINGHAM x hood for 119 x—ars. Our Graduates Exeel J* !tv e Colleges the attend, North and South. Ventilation, Sanitation and Safety r» ff> Against Fire pronounced the BEST bs 150 d . tors a-d bv every visiting Parent, et wi Average Gain of 19 pounds term of entrance accentuates our Climate. Faro and Care of runlla. Military, to help in making Men of Boys. Box tn THE ATLANTA GEOKGIAN AND NEWS. SATURDAY. JI LY 13. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE i “AUBURN” THE OLDEST SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY IN THE SOUTH. •I!' Professors and Instructors SlO Students. 20 Well Equipped Laboratories. Next Session Begins Wednesday. September 4. 1912. New Buildings Smith Pining Hall. Carnegie Library. Agricultural Mall. Broun Engineering Hall. Dairy and Horticultural Laboratories and Greenhouses Departments: I. College of Engineering and Mines Civil. Electrical. Mechani cal and Mining Engineering, Architecture. Mechanic Arts. Technical Drawing. Machine Design, etc. 11. College of Agricultural Sciences. Agriculture. Hor ticulture. Animal Industry. Botany. Entomology. Chemistry and Metallurgy, I’harmacx 111. Academic College—Historx. English. Mathematics. Latin, Ger man. French, Physics and Astronomy, Political Economy, Psychology IV. Col lege of Veterioary Medicine. Expenses: Flee tuition to residents of Alabama. S2O to non-residents. Board In Dormitory and with private families For Catalogue and Further Information. Address CHAS. C. THACH, LL.D.. President. AUBURN, ALA. [locust grove institute A HIGH-GRADE PREPARATORY SCHOOL where students are given the same home-like attention and careful instruction always desired but seldom secured. A BIC SCHOOL IN A LITTLE TOWN Courses adapted to Che needs of (he students, include Literature, Music, Expression Art, Modem Languages, Bible and Business, Bookkeeping, Shorthand and Typewriting taught without extra charge. BUILT FOR PRINCIPLE NOT FOR PROFIT The maximum advantages for the minimum expense are to be obtained here. Ninety-six students now in college prepared here. Athletics encouraged under competent coach and _ athletic director. Separate dormitories for boys and for girls. Twenty trained teachers live at the schools with the students. Twenty younger pupils are taken in preparatory class. Write today for catalog and illustrated booklet. CLAUD CRAY, Principal Box ,0 ’ LOCUST CHOVE. CA. WESLEYAN COLLEGE MACON, GEORGIA One of the Greatest Schools for Women in the South Wesleyan College is the oldest real college for women in the world; has a great body of alumna?, and students from the choice homes of the South. It is situated in the most beautiful residential section of Macon, the second healthiest city in the world. Its buildings are large and well equipped, its fac ulty the best of trained men and women. Its Conservatory is the greatest in the South. Schools of Art and Expression the best, and a magnificent, new Gymnasium has just been completed. Wesleyan is characterized by an atmos phere of religion and refinement. The utmost care is taken of the students. For catalogue write to rev. C. R. JENKINS, President. RIVERSIDE MILITARY ACADEMY H. J. PEARCE, President. I. J. McCOY, Superintendent. TN addition to the most modern buildings, an excellent faculty and superb A equipment, Riverside offers several features in respect to which compari son with other schools is invited. (It Mountain climate and scenery. For I > health of body and inspiration oi soul no other environment is comparable to ; this. (2) Ideal, illustrated by the “Song of the Chattahoochee”—the call of duty > to service. (3) Athletics, in which Rixerside claims Championship of Georgia. : For illustrated catalogue and information, address RIVERSIDE, Box i« GAINESVILLE, GA. GEORGIAN WANT ADS I I- »r for Profit. Use for Results, SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. Bwuau COLLEGE CONSERVATORY, S A s ‘STJ‘i , k E ! Consists of 20 buildings: campus in the whole South for Music. Art, and park of 97acres, including dairy Elocution and Domestic Science, and truck farm. I'he location is free Elegant home Ji>. refined asrtocia fro.n malaria and mosquitos, located tions. Expenses to StltO. Opens ' in the N Ga. mountain region: the September 12. Write for catalog, climate is ideal for comfort and A.-’’-ss health. Advantages are unsurpassed BRENAU, Box 1B 'ninesville, Ca. w / R i’fWW l T X fi || mis jB. for What ! “HI Kl JE. H ILJB ls Best in Adl'Mr jnL EdUMtion Send for Bulletins of the University of Georgia describing courses in Law, Agriculture, Forestry, Education, Pharmacy, Engineering, Literary and Scientific studies and Graduate Work Address THE CHANCELLOR. Athens, Ga HOTELS AND RESORTS. HOTELS AND RESORTS. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. AN OUTDOOR SUMMER SOJOURN Atlantic CilyS NEW JERSEY offers to the health and pleasure seekers a climate and atmosphere of its own It has no rivals and has no season, never closing. During the . summer it is most attractive, the outdoor pleasures being in vogue. Amusements and other attractions are of the type one has dreamed of in contemplating their summer vacation. Make arrangements early for vnur sojourn to the RESORT THAT- NEVER CLOSES. THE LEADING HOUSES Will furnish all information about Atlantic City, quote rates, etc., \ on request. HOTEL DENNIS SEASIDE HOUSE THE HOLMHURST Waiter .1 Busby F P. Cook & Sons Henry Darnell THE PENNHURST , Wm. R Hood GALEN HAUL THE SHELBURNE Hotel and Sanatorium HOTEL ST. CHARLES European Plan F. D. Young. Mgr. Newlin Haines Co. • Jacob Weikel, Mgr. MARLBOROUGH-BLENHEIM HOTEL STRAND Both American and European Plant American Plan Exclusively Josiah White & Sons Compan) H C. Edwards & Frank B. Off Mgrs. Atlantic City is reaches! direct from the large Eastern cities, vie fast, comfortable and luxurious rail service Further information, time ta bles. etc., from local ticket agents |___ . ’» GRAND ATLANTIC HOTEL. • Virginia ave . near Beach and Steel Pier, Open surroundings Capacity 500 Hot and cold sea water baths Large rooms, south ern exposure. Elevator to street level, spa cious perches, etc Special week rates; J 3.50 up daily Booklet Coaches meet I trains COOPER & LEEDS 1 USE GEORGIAN WANT ADS. ATLANTICCITYOfFICIALGUIDE 196 pages. 225 illustrations Al! attractions and I the leading hotels described, with rates, city I maps, etc. Send 2c stamp for mailing free copy I Atlantic City Free Information ll'irctiu I ■ P.O. Bnxfi9s. Atlantic City. N. .1 atJ READ FOR PROFIT USE FOR RESULTS. GEORGIAN WANT ADS ■ T,p W EYE GLASSES Do you know that few Opti cians understand adjusting and fra/ne fitting? Do you know that a poor-fitting frame will do t:o eyes as much harm as poor lenses? You want your frames as well as your lenses right: then come to us. as we understand every part of the Optical busi ness. Twenty years experience testing the eyes and filling 1 ten lists’ prescriptions. HINES OPTICAL COMPANY 91 Peachtree St. I Between Montgomery and Alcazar Theater nRfIPQY TREATED . usually gives quick ’ ijitui o I an< j soon removes all swelling at' 1 short breath. Trial treatment sent Fre- Dt.H. H. Green’s Sons, Box O. Atlanta G-. TETTERINE FOR POISON IVY I feel that it is my duty to thank t t for what Tetterlne has done for my - When he was a small child be "< 4 ’ 1 poisoned with ivy, from which he b been dreadfully afflicted for years, r withstanding we have had him treatei by physicians and used many advert remedies. I have often seen b n from pain caused by the dreadful tions of his hands. We finally learv of Tetterine. and, after using two b..xe my son’s hands have been cured, no of the trouble for five months Yours very truly. 'Signed) MRS. T. J. JONI> 50c all druggists or by mail from m < facturers The Shuptrine Compel" vannah. Ga Ik• J f Opium. Wktxker xnd Dtu« H » M ‘ "L”! UWLM xhlst rns D« A“• ’TO®'- I ' ll 24-N Victor Sanitarium. Atlanta CHICHESTER S PILLS THE DIAMOND BBA.Mt A zqp’wtN. Led Im! Ask your Drue.lnf 4->t /a\ An VNkia Chl-ciox-lepß Dlenoui Br>>4/At w* I*lll, tn Red and Geld Biettlit>\v/ JCx -T'-’Wfw bones, sealed with Btie Ribbon. \/ Pl -Yd Teke no other. Bur of your 1/ rtf Drncetnt. Askfortlin.CHTS T' 1 * I - MF DIAMOND IIRAN'D PILI A. ' A~ A? years k nows ns Best, Safest. Always r - ‘ r SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERY [SANTAL-MiDY (ST) Relieves in 24 Hours 0 Catarrh of the Bladder All Drugghtt Beunrrt of Countorft e ‘ SANTAL-MIDY]