Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, July 13, 1912, HOME, Page PAGE NINE, Image 25

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NEXT WEEK AT THE THEATERS AT THE FORSYTH. Atlanta theater-goers have been ex cellently cared for during the summer months at the Forsyth, and there is now every indication that the high standard of excellence will be maintained and the theater kept in operation through to the time the companion theaters will (ommence another season. For nearly, two months there have been but nine vaudeville theaters, in a list of 80, kept t n operation. Three are located in Xew York city ,one in Boston, one in Detroit, three resorts and the Forsyth in Atlanta. It has been a rather hard task to assemble the hills each week, but there has been a perfect service, and the permanent reservation list has grown to a wonderful register of names o. the most representative people. During the warmest days the theater has been kept more comfortable than on the streets and with a perfect ven tilation there has been no ill effect. For next week there is a bill —and every act will positively appear—that invites comparison with any seven-act program that will be presented and with any bill that the Forsyth has offer ed. Its feature will be the vest pocket comedian. Master Gabriel, assisted by Al Lamar and Miss Vida Perrin, in "Little Kick," the best success that has ever been registered by the creator of Buster Brown” and "Little Nemo.” The playlet is in fact a comedy classic. !• has a neat heart interest story, well dressed with p delightful flavor of comedy, and in the hands of the cap able trio has won the approval of some of the most exacting critics and the admiration of the vaudeville managers. The story deals with the experiences of a wee bit of a boy. who has been sent by his mother of the home of a well to-do man to deliver a not*. He in sists that he must place the message in the hands of the gentleman and after succeeding in his point, enters Into a lively and interesting dialogue with the man of fortune. The gentle man Is very much Impressed with the youngsters, who promises to do some imitations for a hot supper. The bid is accepted and the little fellow does "Little Nemo,” singing some of the song hits of that piece. After his sup per he is worn and tired out, and falls asleep. The gentleman has not read the note until that time and then dis covers. much to his surprise and pleas ure, that he has a greater than friend ship claim on thf* affection of his little visitor. The sketch is well timed and Is presented with proper stage mount ings and has won the admiration of a multitude of people. It has been pre sented in Boston and New York with great success and .comes to Atlanta as a feature of the season. Tempest and Sunshine, two pretty girls who are the acknowledged stai's of acts of the sort they will present, will be another of the st,ar features. There is no other act in vaudeville in the Tempest and Sunshine class. It "has bedn a "great success in the larger cities and has just returned from Eu rope, where a hit was registered that will be of wonderful future value. The young ladies are charming and grace ful and clever. They have a series of original songs and their character im personations will be treats in them selves. Ofede's famous French and Italy tip era Company, with such noted song birds as Cecilia Zavaschl. Am bia Ma- TV'tti. Guglielmo Frasehini and Franco Manina, will be a treat to those who admire good operatic music, and that will interest the vaudeville patron w"no has not yet been infected with a keen desire for the classic music. There is something about this wonderful sing ing number that has won the atten tion and the applause of vaudeville au diences all over the country. It is the first time the act has been brought to Atlanta, and it Is one of the features of the week. Bixley and Lerner, the star singing comedians, in character impersonations and original parodies and songs, will be another star act that will add to the value of the bill. Their satires on some of the operatic stars, and their burlesque operatic selections will sure ly win laughter and applause. Ed Jolly one of the funniest men in vaudeville, assisted by Winifred Wild, in bits of nonsense, will be with the laugh winners. The act is accorded a place in the feature ranks by some the best critics and is in constant ‘"manti by vaudeville managers who exercise care in arranging bills that 1 "ntain all hits. In New York, Jolly and Wild are features in the best thea t" < and here In Atlanta they will find ’ ’ <t real merit always is rewarded. ' aron and Farnum, a pair of gym nastic comedians, entirely away from I SPECIAL FOR TEN DAYS J* TO RFtHJCF OCR FAROE STOCK OF TEETH gOaiWi Set oi Teeth tf>Q AA Guaranteed vdovv ALL OTHER PRICES CORRESPONDINGLY LOW NEW YORK & AMERICAN DENIAL PARLORS 1 PHONE e, B2OT’ 28 I ’ 2 and 32 I ' 2 Pea chtree Street J. J. A. GWINN FINE SHOE REPAIRING 6 LUCKIE STREET, OPPOSITE PIEDMONT HOTEL. BELL PHONE 2335. ATLANTA 2640. BEFORE jr. | V— a ~~'" r \aA y 3 II c\ 17V /l I*l // q\ fl VLi ■ // Cx * — Rubber HeelSj 20 cemi. des.. ,■_ ,i be't Imlf-solc, jewed, 75 cents. Will send for and d eliver your shoes v ithetit extrr. cost. AUTOMOBILES FOR RENT. Office open day and night, Both Phones. Mr I Wr ti o \\ 1k Jyß n .- ; <w Lu ■ ; \ I ' 'w J \\s I ' • ,:za. 7 \\- ■?. \ v ''-*7 \\ ■- - \ ' 'Jlrar l x \ ' • / \\ ? '■ I®. =fw '....'.J the u-uai run nf such acts, will have a position on the bill, and the closing feature will be Stickney's Circus, one of the cleverest acts in the .star class in vaudeville. A little girl of exceed ingly c!< ver ability will lie a promin ent factor in this act, and the grown folk as will as th* ehildri’i will be mm .' than intfi'i sled in the offering. The bill as a whole is all that is claimed for it—one of the cleverest; vaudeville offerings that ht>- been brought here, and as an indication that its value is known, there has been an advance sa l * es unusual size. William Umk and Matule Fulton, stars of dancing stars in the theatrical profession will In* the headliners at the Forsyth for the week of July 22. Tliis is th* highest salaried headline feature of a dancing nature that the Forsyth has ever offered. 'Some of the stars that will appear very soon at the Forsyth are Stella Meyhew, Arthur Dctigon and Norris' Baboons. BOXING KANGAROO IS FEATURE AT THE BIJOU A lithograph exhibited in the lobby of the Bijou the past week has attract ed unusual attention. It represents a kangaroo with boxing gloves in the attitude of delivering a knockout punch to a man. This is the famous boxing kangaroo Bob, to tippear as the special feature in connection with the Gordon Brothers, champion big punchers. This Is one of the most expensive* ac ts that has been offered at the popular Bijou of late and has proved such a distinct i novelty and big drawing card in other' cities that it has been secured by the ij . 'i i ■ 1 ■■■ * ' . THIS ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. SATURDAY. JULY 13, 1912. u" A id;i Perrin and Master Gabriel Starrino- at the Forsyth next wee k. management as its star feature fur the week. The spectacle of a kangaroo wearing boxing gloves during a threi - round bout with one of tite Gordon Brothers is said tn be om of tjie most i Colorado! Your Rocky Mountain Trout 1 is the gamest, wiliest thoroughbred that ever a fly deceived. I He’s always hungry. He lives in a country of prodigious appetites and tremendous vitality. By the way, how is your appetite and where is your energy these sticky, muggy, man-killing days? A little off feed, ch? No ambition ? Brain foggy? If you will stick to your grind throughout the year you' can’t expect to keep your edge. You’re ground down. Better go to Colorado and hone up. A month in the great hills will quicken your pulse, harden your meat and clear your brain. The fares are surprisingly low. Any way of going to Colorado is a good way because it gets you to Colorado. But the best service is that afforded by the fast limited trains of the Rock Island Lines direct to the foot of the Rockies by the route of the greatest comfort. Through Sleeping Cars From the Southeast are operated in connection with the Frisco Lines. The Colorado Flyer— every morning from St. Louis—and other fast daily trains from St. Louis, Kansas City, Memphis, Chicago, Omaha and St. Joseph for Colorado, Yellowstone Park and the Pacific Coast. Let me tell you about through low fares and other details. un b District Passenger Agent 18 No. Prvor Street Atlanta. Ga. PHONE MAIN 661. laughable stunts on the vaudi ville stagi today and the evident enjoyment tha the kangaroo gets out of his worl makes tiie act unusually pleasing. The added fe.iture of the bill and an. other gplrtuiid act will be the Fell Bo> Trio, ragtime singers, whose comeclj work and singing has proved a bis feature hi other cities. Thee will a!s< be Kamplain and Bell, comeiiy singing act, and George Dixon, comedy musi cal clown. Four better acts could not have born picked nut, .is there is cer tainly diversity and novelty in every act. The management announces that special arrangements have been made whereby the very latest and best mo tion pictures, changed every day, will be shown to open and close each per formani c. These pictures are especial, ly selected, and are clean, wholesome ami i ntei tainirig. The ih.ingc of pic tures dal!', will make-t his department of the- Bijou entertainment especially ple ising. Matinees will be given ever.v afternoon at " o'clock, except Saturday, when matinees will be given at 2:30 land 1. Night shows at 7:30 and 9. Up-to-Date Jokes A tall Western girl, named Short, long loved a certain big Mr. Little, while Little, little thinking of Short, loved a lass' named Long. To make a long story short, Little proposed to Long, and Short longed to be even with Little's shortcomings. So Short, meeting Long, threatened to marry Little before long, which caused Tattle, in a short time, to marry Long! Query: Did tall Short love big Little less be cause Little Loved Long? Teacher "Which is the more delicate of the senses?" Pupil—" The touch." Teacher —"Prove it." Pupil—“ When you sit on a tack you can't bear It. you can't see it, you can't smell it; but It's there." "Pa. why do you always insist on me singing when Mr. Spoozleton, comes here?" "Well, I don't like that fellow, and yet I hate' to come right out and tell him to go.” Strange that the more you think about some people the less you think of them. AFTER LONG SUFFERING These Two Women’s Health Restored by Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Com pound—Read Their Own Statements. Cheneyville, La. — “Some time ago when in poor health, suffering from fem- inine ills. I began to take Lydia E. Pink ham's V ego table Compound and Liver Fills. 1 soon felt better and gained in strength and flesh. A gradual improve ment continued as ] took th* Compound, and from 120 pounds I now weigh 155, and feel that my life has 0 w __i? J boon prolonged. “I deeply regret that I did not knotv of your medicine long before I did. friends often speak of the wonders 'l change in my health, and I tell them that your medicine did it.’’—Mrs. J. W.Stan ley, Cheneyville, La. Distressing Caso of Airs. Al. Gary. Chicago, 111. —“I have used Lydia E. Pin kh a m's Vegetable Compound for backache and it has certainly made anew woman of me. my first baby was born I was left a perfect wreck. . I was so weak [ could hardly do my household duties and suffered with an awful back ache. But since I have used your Com pound the pains in my back have left me and lam strong again. * < ■ “My mother used it also through Change of Life and speaks very highly of it. You can use this letter any way you wish. I think it is only fair for one who has suffered as much as I, to let others know of your great remedy.”— Mrs. M. Gary, 2958 N. Ridgeway Ave.. Chicago, 111. Adfniral Autobiography (pP.OR fifty-eight years Admiral Dewey served in the United VVd States Navy In that time he (ought in two world-famoys wars; W duty called him to every # continent and among every people. His has ' \ been a life rich in stirring incident -- and valiant exploit I But the story of Admiral Dewey’s I life is more than an intensely interesting narrative of adventure 1 and achievement —it is the real, | J inside history of the United States ’ Navy It is the story of the growth . of our navy from the days of wooden sailing ships to the present day steel-clad steamer. 'B Admiral Dewey's life story, writ- 'W j I ten by himself, is now ► J? in Hearst's Magazine. You will U f find it at all news-stands— the V f price is 15 cents a copy. Make it B > a point to get the August issue. ’ V Hearst’s ramll Magazine HBlj f \ At All News-stands 15 Cents “KOD A KERS- If you want the very BEST results, bring your KODAK films to us for DE VELOPING and PRINTING. Have you seen those beautiful BROMIDE IS which we make from small films? Call and See Them —— GLENN PHOTO STOCK CO. 117 Peachtree Opposite Piedmont l 7 If m 1/ 4- - r 1 VWu PMBIBm 'i Wanted—An { Extension Telephone ' / T T’S needed to relieve you and your clerk, of the W | fuss, and annoyance, and delay of using a single j Jl telephone when someone lias a message to send or I SV a call to answer. I m Let us install for you, an extension station—or two. V 7 We can arrange it so that there will always be a telephone V U handy to every one. Jl Vl The cost of this service is trifling. I Call the Contract Department to-day. ? Ohl SOUTHERN BEIL TELEPHONE j | AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY \ PAGE NINE MAGAZINE SECTION.