Newspaper Page Text
Published by The Georgian Company.
iO East Alabama Street
Aflame. G»
Entered at Atlanta Postoffice as second
class matter.
Subscriptions Payahis In Adverse
One year. mall, postage prepaid. $5 nJ
Fix months. mall, postage prepaid. 1
Three months, mall, postage prepaid. 1 *J
One month. mall, postage prepaid. *
Subscriptions P-yable In Advance
delivered bv carrier, one yearJS !8
Delivered by carrier, six months ... 2 *l*
bi- carrier three months... 1 39
a.* carrier, one month. ... ♦'
Delivered bv carrier In Atlanta and
other cities, one week 100
Help Wanted—Female.
WANTED —A good cook for small family
Applv promptly ST E Fifth st.
FIRST-CLASS cook, no other need apply.
good wages 362 Pea< htree 7-13 48
ANYONE, any where. 56 per 100 copying
addresses Inclose stamp. Southern In
formation Bureau. Dept 104, Memphis.
Tenn. : ’ - I 3
WANTED- Middle-aged white woman; no
incumbrance; for general housework. In
suburbs. Good home for right party
East Point 235- L 7-13-39
I*IRST-CLASS’ ch ambermaid with refer
ence? Xppb 386 \V*?t Peachtree
7 13-33
WANTED —Good, honest cook Apply 786
Piedmont avenue<-13-29
WANTfeD---C*olored girl about fifteen to
help around house Must be willing to
work Apply 67 Sells avenue. West End,
after 4 p m 63 7-13
Persons to write and copy
letters. $lO to ?25 a week readily made
by following our practical directions Send
self-addressed envelope for particulars
Brooks Copying Company, 924 Pennffvl
vante auTiif w D C 4’ 7-’3
WANTED- Nursery governess for two
small children, one with good Idea of
kindergarten work preferred Address,
with terms, age, etc , a . Route 3, Alon
roe, Ga. 7-13 - 6
WANTED -Refined Christian lady tn do
housekeeping and cooking for widower
with three ••hildren; ages thirteen, eleven
and seven Xddross s M ('oilier, Chalyb
eaie. *4a 7 13-3
WANTED—Conk u Ith recommendation;
small famih Greenwood avenue
WANTED- Two ladies who understand
anatomy, to handle my female patients
Must have SSO Will make appointment
tn fee you Addre. a Box <l2, care Geor
gian 29-_7 -
WANTED- Single cook and maid living
■ near » '
TURN g • ■ ■ f .. • < ome te»«''b
my little girls this summer Magnificent
dew at oiu house <»n top mountain
Small pav We are farmers, plenty of
hoard, though Spring water, hill loam
ing and rest You need that Fetch a
few friends with you to board Address
A. H M A.’ 7 i-•
WANTED A capable and reliable cook
at 125 Elizabeth street, Inman Park
_ 7-11-22
WA?<TET'‘ G«’< d ’ . -i for general
work None hut a plain girl need ap
ply 98 Washing ton 7-1129
EARN $8 to sl2 weekly’ a? home during
spare time No canvassing For par
tlculars send 10c. which we return when
you begin work. William A Droste Com
pany. K-474 Trumbull avenue. Detroit.
Mich 7 11
WANTED—First-class cook; good wages.
room on lot 501 West Poachtroe st
WANTED A White woman for general
house work in small family in suburbs,
no obiections tn child Ivy 662-J
; i ’ 7
Power sew’ng " 'perators We
have several places left for some fast
operators who can earn from nine to sis
teen dollars per week Only th“»se. who
have made overalls or other garments and
have speed need apply Enterprise Mfg
Co . West Alabama 8t (Top floor )
7 8-11
Oliver Typewriter Agencv, 54 Auburn ave
Help Wanted Male.
WHY longer endure inside drudgery? Be
our representative doing outside, health
ful work Own boss, S2O daily profit not
unusual, experience unnecessary. Davis
Toilet Company. 908 Davis Bldg . Chicago
ness for yourself Don't worry about
capital No experience Boyd H Brown.
Omaha, Nebr 76-7-13
DON'T work for others. Start mall order
business at home I made $8,500 last
year Let me tell you how Instructive
booklet free Voorhfes. Desk ,346. Omaha,
Nebr 76-7-13
WANTED Re.llahieVTV.retl man to care
for cow and garden end help In house
Must live on lot Mrs Bones. South
Kirkwood T'hor.e Decatur 389 7-13-19
I tVTLL START YOU earning $4 daily at
home tn spare time slivering mirrors, no
capital, free Instructive booklet, giving
Flans of operation. G. F. Redmond. Dept
6, Boston. Mass 48-7 13
a.M'one. anywhere, can earn good In
come copying addresses; particulars 4c
stamps H E Rogers. Dept AS. Bos
ton, Mass 49 7 13
$lO PER ISO upward paid tacking signs,
distributing booklets, samples, etc Send
6c stamps for price list paid to secure ter
rltory Shepard s Agency. Lebanon, N. H
WANTED Men to learn the barber
trade Increase your earnings Wil)
give you start In life that will make you
independent Few weeks completes
Light, clean, inside work. Investigate
today Moler Harber College. 38 Luckle
street 52 7-18
EARN S3O WEEKLY Salesmen to take
orders for cut-rate groceries, experience
unnecessarv, outfit free Standard Mer
cantile Co. 2462-2456 Fast Ninth street.
CWvelaJid, Ohio 61-7-13
WANTED — colored man for stable work?
Capital City Laundry 7-13-9
U !— i§" GOVERNMENT - WANTS mail
elerks. carriers, railway mall clerks,
Internal revenue and custom bouse clerks,
clerks in patent offices, agriculture,
treasury, army, navy and other depart
ments at Washington; excellent salaries,
no “lay-offs," annual vacations; position
would be yours for life, Atlanta warning
tions soon, common education sufficient;
thousands of appointments coming, "pull''
unnecessary Write Immediately for
sample questions and large illustrated
bonk, telling duties and giving full par
tlculars Franklin Institute, Dept 5?-R.
Rochester, N Y 51 7-6
FREE" ILI,U STVa TED BCtOßTtells aboTi’t
over 360.000 protected positions Id V P
service, more than 40,000 vacancies ever}’
year There Is a big chance her* for you.
sure and generous pax ; life-time employ
ment. easy to get Just ask for booklet
C 412. no obligation Earl Hopkin?.
Washlngt on, DU 49-7-6
MAN WANTED The undersigned wants
an honest, ambitious man in each cltx
and town where not already sufficiently
represented Previous experience unnec
essar> We will teach you the business
thoroughly bx mall and ass’st you to s’art
In business for yourself as our local rep
resentatlv* Splendid opportunity for a
man without capital to get into big pav
Ing business for himself and become In
dependent for life The National Co-Op.
<zative Realty Company. (” 949 Marden
Bldg Washington. D <’ 48-7-6
W ANTED Barbers tn know that we
earn’ full Mat TUttoteft and supplies in
AUa.nta Write »vr catalog Matthews &
LM-. Dept _G. Atlanta 9 26 4
t*. a \'rED You:'* man of expet ’ence’Tnd
good recommendations to take charge
- g- reu»> -I’-rr;,.- business, must
Invest ioOO. or would lease business to
right party; excellent opportunity Ad
rai e Georgian 7 -12 42
WANTED Th* very best of position*
open for competent men yyho finish
on’ weeks course, enter now Char
lotto t’otton School. char]ntte. N c
5‘ AN ’ ED—A good blacksmith and al!
round ®hop man. good opnortunlty to
m' Jr address Henrv Bohannon Pine
.... 54-7-11
—Three or four good carper”
terr, willing to loin the union M Steph
anson, 226 Brown-Randolph Bldg 7-3-5
Help Wanted—Male.
1 V ANTED- Experienced colored rtrlx’ers
on lumber drays: must be quick motion
. ! and know the town Fattillo Lumber Com-
Pyw 7-11-38
I WANTED—A colored man capable of
.« cooking and working around the card,
fl; Take Soldiers borne car and get off at
5 I Townley s store. Ask for Mr . Kennerlv
6 7-_ll - 20
~ j WANTED Ideas. Inventors write for
. : list of inventions wanted and prizes of
-0 fcred bv manufacturers. 61sn. how to get
. ? our patent Sent free to ant addresr
; I Randolph Briscoe, patent attorneys.
' : Washington. Ft. f 7-11-23
XV A\T El) A Tew live men of
tjood address to present an at
i tractive newspaper premium .ffer
among Atlanta homes. See Flan
i lon at The Georgian office. 6-10-28
1j ST <>P at Hilburn hotel, heart of city;
10tq Walton st . if you v.-ant a clean.
8 I quiet room, transient 50c; open ail night
f | .1J 21 19
YES. rworessor G. r>. Brannlnf win teach
you the barber trade tit's easy). We
; , teach In one-half time of other coilegex.
; Course, tools and position In our shops
’ ; only S3O. Why pay more? Thousands of
j our graduates running shoos or making
good wages Atlanta Barber College 10
■ East Mitchell street 5-11-17
FREE MASSAGr,. hatr cuts, shaves.
, shampoos Al) barber work free Clean
: linen. Atlanta Barber College. 10 East
i Mitchell. 5-27-16
' Help Wanted—Male and Female.
; WANTED -An active, enthusiastic, mall
order lady or gentleman to take an
Interest In an appealing and meritorious
device One hundred and fifty’ per cent
profit Call 34 Carnegie way for inter
view Connally Southern Distributing
Agency, yti.mta. Go. 7 13-11
BOYS. GIRLS, sell '.’4 packages postcards
at 10 cents per package and we will give
you free a good air rifle, watch, baseball
outfit or big doll. Write today. Dept. H,
Rose Premium Depot, Carthage Mo
U 3
WANTED- Al once, expe
rienced cook. Man or
woman. Man preferred.
Apply 314 Peachtree street.
WANTED Bookkeeper and office - assise
ant, one who has had experience In
contractor's nfftco pref»rred ‘ all at 716
; Empire Bldg 7-11-4
ernment positions SBO On month. Write
for list of positions open Franklin In
stitute. Dept 49 R . Rochester N Y
’ 47-7-6
(for a case Specific Blood Pol
son we fall to cure Raney
Medicine Co.. 513 Austell
7ft ’ Bldg Phone 614 Office
V ' Hours; 7 a m to 6 p. m ;
/ Sundays. 9 a. m. to 12 a m.
’ 6-3 33
Teachers Wanted.
TEACHERS with Georgia certificates for
Georgia rural and graded schools; long
terms, good salaries: principals and as
sistants. satisfactory service guaranteed.
Shendan's Teachers Igenev. Greenwood
8 C 35-7-13
Agent» Wanted.
AGENTS Just coin money selling New
Improved Hosiery, direct from mill with
out big advertising offer. You can make
*25 daily; everybody buys; credit; sam
ples In leatherette rrtse free New )m
--prove.l Knitting Mills, oiilcago. 78-7-13
’ LF,i. ER AGENTS, also crew managers
who know the game Four-piece alumi
num set only $1 98. Good commission and
cash bonus Factory now shipping 1.900
sets dully Aluminum Products Company
’ ‘ H I 74-7-13
I 'gi nts "inside information;" a an
book on the agency business' every
agent should have one. 10,000 copies free
while they last Send for one today
Finch Publishing Co . 5529 Stale Bldg .
I tayton. Ohio. 43-7-13
AGENTS Here's a cinch for you 'make
money quick; best seller ever offered;
big profits, free particulars Write todav
Pelehatchie Gin Co., Dept 16. Peleha'chle
Miss 46-7-13
BE INI 'EI'FNDENT Start a mad order
business in your own home We
tell you how. and furnish everything
needed wholesale An honorable and
profitable business for a man nr woman
Particulars free. Many make $3,000 «
year Murphy Mfg Co., South Norwalk,
Conn, 6-11-5
WANTED Agents In every county of the
I nited States to sell our campaign
hook 350 pages, 100 pictures and por
traits of all the candidates and leaders
The lives of all the presidents and
tory of their administrations The plat
forms and principles of ail parties An
Impartial and superior hook Price only
sl, This will be the most exciting cam
paign since 1861 Outfit free on receipt of
10 cents to pay postage. Titanic outfit
also sent free on receipt of 10c. for post
age Best terms Order mitfits by return
mall. Phillips-Boyd Publishing Company,
Atlanta, Ga. 6-26-12
Salesmen Wanted.
SALESMEN—(Side line); rapid selling
26c specialty, clothing, bazaar, depart
ment stores, big commission O'Hara,
Mgr : Dickey Bldg . Chicago 70-7-13
<'AFABLE salesman to cover Georgia
with staple line: high commissions. SIOO
monthly advance and permanent position
to right man Jess H Smith Co . Detroit
Mlch 44 7-J3
SALESMEN WANTED -To handle ’ our
line of trunks and bags, as a side line;
commission proposition only; outfit con
sists of small package of photographs,
state territory covered. Petersburg Trav
ellng Gooda Co , Petersburg, Va. 46 7-13
KEEN, upright land salesmen who - can
present a clean, legitimate plan to in
vestors: loads furnished, absolute guaran
tee back of every sale; salesmanship abll-
Ity not so necessary as earnest desire to
accomplish results Write for particulars
E H Clark. Sales Manager, Waycross,
Ga , 40-7-13
HIGH-CLASS salesman, with s*ock ex
perience prefer?e<l. can make ver) prof
. Itable conn*<'!lon ('all Ivy 5323 pfter 530
' I p m 7-10-1 4
SELL FRUIT TREF'S- Summer work for
i teacher?, farmers and college boys
I frees easy to sell, b’g profits Smith
I Bro? . Dept 89. Concern, (Jr 32 7-5
Situations Wanted—Female
i ' m H'I'LF-AGED woman, unincumbered ;
wishes place as housekeeper nr gnveru-
I est- Apply to Mrs 1 K 129 South For !
; | sytb street 80.7.13
* i Yt'l N* I LAI" w ith best of references i
t| desires i>osltion as cashier, assistant
bookkeeper or I let-ti al work Address V
• W, CA., ll* West Baker street 82 7-13
>W \ NTEI> A position as companion or to
> 1 take care of motherless children in a
1 I home of refinement bv an unincumbered
I lady of education and refinement Has
been a teacher well Informed generalh
1 ; Reft-rpnces exchanged N. Box s. Elm'n. ;
Murraj Count) Geotyia 63-7-13
1 WANTED -By reliable woman, launder- I
’ Ing to do at home Address 184 East j
• Harris street 57-7-13 1
CAPABLE nurse, with six vears expert- I
. I ern e, wishes to hear from those with I
sickness in families Main 2481. or Lomse. 1
51 care Georgian. 42-7-13 |
Situations Wanted—Female.
5 I YOUNG WOMAN bookkeeper wants posi
-1 i tion in large office as assistant book
. I keeper or main bookkeeper in smaller of
? j Hoc. Box 111, care_Georgian. 44-7-11
f ! LATtY STENOGRAPHER—-Long experi
ence. wishes employment, whole or part
1 I time first-class work; will substitute
. j Steno . 131 Ivy street Atlanta phone 4328,
) 138-7-11I38-7-11 ;
• GOVERNESS or companion. Young
I Northern woman of good taste and ,
■ I practical ability desires position in fam- ,
I lly where refinement and Interest are ap- 1
. | preciated. best references Address W.. '
I Box 551. care Georgian. 25-7-11 1
1 I STENOGRA PHER with experience tn I
light bookkeeping wants position, per- ;
manent or temporary. Miss J . ’4O E. '
Linden st. Phone Ivy 1369. 26-7-11 '
Situations Wanted—Male.
I\t BNTED By young man, position in '
iiffice or as collector; steady worker;
good character; run furnish references; I
must have work. Address Box 11, care. I
Georgian. 84-7-13 j
Htit'K KEEPER wants two hours extra :
work each day. expert bookkeeper; j
charges reasonable Address W. A. W ,
602 Hlllyer Trust building. Atlanta
ENPERIENt.‘ED cotton buyer desires to
communicate with hank in town receiv
ing about 5,000 bales season, wdth view
of working coming season; salary or
otherwise. Br»x 416. care Georgian
I KNOW double entry bookkeeping, also
collecting, will accept a light, position
of either or combined. Must have work
Salary no object. Worker, care Georgian.
YOUNG MAN- Eighteen months office,
experience, desires position of some
kind with chance of promotion. Fairly
well educated Willing worker Rest of
references Address Hustler, Box 20, care
MARRIED MAN wants position as soda
dispenser, references. X A. G.. care
Georgian. 43-7-12
WANTED- Position by young married
man as clerical clerk or will accept any
thing Address W , Box 777, care. Geor
gian 37-7-12
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper desires posi
tion with reliable firm; oil mill and fer
tilizer business preferred; four years with
present employer, hut satisfactory rea
sons for making change; can furnish good
reference Address G.. Box 502, care
Georgian 36-7-12
VoUNG MAN of 20 desires work of any
kind from 5 p. m. until 10 p m ; prefer
position in store of some kind. Address
B T G., 79 Simpson st., city. 34-7-12
POSITIONS by two compeTent chauffeurs
and mechanics. Address S. C. D.. 79
Simpson street. 25-7-12
YOUNG MAN wants position as cashier
or clerical man In hotel, have had six
years experience and can furnish best of
recommendations. Box 112. care Geor
glaji 29-7-12
TRAVEL Georgia, South Carolina, Ala -
hama wish side line. H P. Fowler,
General Delivery. Atlanta, Ga 31-7-12
YOUNG MAN with eight years good ex
perience wants position by August 15
or September 1 with retail or wholesale
business Best references given Salary
no object to start. Address Box 407. Pyl
vanla, Ga 50-7-11
BOOKKEEPER w'ants two hours' extra
work each day; expert bookkeeper |
Address W A. W., 602 Hill ver Trust Bldg (
WANTED A position at once as carpen- 1
ter. willing to do any kind of work In I
this line; would like to g«t In with some |
real estate men. Address Carpenter, care
Georgian 7-11-3
WANTED —Position by an experienced
bookkeeper w’lth strong, high class con
cern Can furnish A-l references. Ad
dress Box 131. Moultrie, Ga 46-7-10
WANTED Position as planFst; best of
references. W & A.. 90 Bryant street.
_ _47-7-10
PRINTER wants employment 1n country
or city printing office. Address Econ
omy. Box 6, care Georgian. 32-7-8
Ct'TTi'N grader or buyer wants position
with reliable firm. Steady employment;
best references furnished Address W V
McCarson, Fair Mount. Ga 30-7-£
COMMISSARY man wants position wfith
reliable firm Now employed, but de
sires to change Good, all-round man
and a hustler Can give references. Ad
dress 1,. K Justice. Milltown. Ga. 52*7-1
Window Cleaning.
National Window Cleaners
Dwellings or Store Fronts. Carpets Vacu
um Cleaned. Floors Oiled or Waxed
All Work Guaranteed
47 E Hunter St. Main 1175. Atlanta
Phone 1061. 7-5-24
Carpenter Work.
LET US GIVE you prices on cabinet, car
penter and brick work, plastering,
painting and tinting Forsyth Street
Cabinet Shop, 6214 South Forsyth street.
Phones Main 1187, Atlanta 6087-M
Legislators’ Accomodations.
NTCFLY furnished rooms; board If de
sired. 139 Spring. Ivy 5719-L. 7-6-55
nTceT cool room, good table board 115
Washington 5600 A Atlanta 83-7-6
TABLE BOARDERS accommodated In
small family; excellent meals and serv
Ice. Close In. Ivy 2105-L. 7 13-40
I MAKE a specialty of my table: person
al supervision; reasonable rates 42
Windsor st 3015-F. 7-12-45
EXCELLENT meals, prompt service, for
a few tgble boarders: close In; reason
ahle rates. Ivy 1861-1,. 7-12-17
BEST table boacd In city. 25 West Baker
Ivy 601-. I 7-12-44
CAN accommodate a few select boarders
In my north side home, close In. Ivy
5626-J. 7-12-48
Cooper, Old-fashioned bome-cooked
meals. Main 5017. Weekly rates. 7-12-37
HOME COOKING, the very best. Atlanta
3904 52 Formwait street. 7-12-39
EXt'FLLEN’T home-cooked m**als. week
ly rates, close in. 94 West Peachtree
street. Ivy 5944-.1 7-12-40
NORTH SIDE HOME, front rooms with
board for couple Ivy 5079-1,. 7-12-41
Boarders Wanted.
HAVE pleasant room with bath; also
table board; noon and evening meals a
spe<Jaltsl3 Peai htHWL 86-7- 13
WANTED- -Few select boarders, will also
furnish meals Main 1978 178 Wash-
tngton street 7-13-38
ONE LA ROE double room; also single
rooms for boarders, the rooms have
all conveniences and are rentrally !o
vated Ivy 2105-L 7-13-41
FURNISHED rooms, with or without
board, large, shady lot; in private home,
all conveniences 143 \shbx street
DELIGHTFUL location and summer rates
with all conveniences for boarders;
young men esperlailx desired 647 Peach- I
• t ~ ; \ 62-7-13
WANTED !■'■ it gentiemOT) EoSFder?;
private familx . all conveniences; new
P lace Rhone West 393 JJB -7- 1J
j T\\ (T nicely furnished rootne for couple
or young men 21 West Peachtree
Place Excellent meals day boarders
| nanfed Ivy 5*>25 1 7-11-36
jR<H»M and board In private north side
home Ivy 1848 50-7-12
THE DI \N HOUSE 107 Piedmont ave
nue. ran accommodate several nice gen
tlemen or ladies: also couples Nice. cool,
light rooms and be«t table fare 7-12-15,
i(r(HH»‘ board and comfortable rooms in
private home Phone Main 2082-]. 1
_ _ 7-12-1 Q
Opposite Postoffice
NICE, coo! moms and b<»<:t of board 37
| Poplar «’7-11-43
|TR Y 308 S Pryor for board,
I M 2456-1* 43-7-11
Boarders Wanted.
NICELY furnished rooms: table board a
1 specialty. 109 W. Harris. Ivy 254 T
Fl RNISHED ROOMS, with or without
board, at 72 Spring st. Ivv 4860-.1.
' .7-11-47
, Wbst Baker Terrace
! COOL rooms; table board a specialty. 25
i vv Baker st, 7-11-45
' with all conveniences in private family,
i Phonp lvy <339-J. 16 Porter place. 7-11-21
j NICE ROOM and board, also table board-
I ers 11? Washington st 7-11-33
I NICELY furnished rooms with reason
, able board. 55 Garnett st. 7-11-8
■ NICE, clean rooms in first-class board-
I ing house; close in: reasonable. M.
| 3<58-J. 7-11-5
1 WANTED—Boarders; cool rooms; good
I board in pleasant home. 26 East Cain.
Business woman desires roommate.
j avenue. 7-8-19
I\ V HOTEL, 98 Ivy Street,
AMERICAN PLAN. $1.25 L'P. Weekly
Rates. 43-7-8
A LARGE veranda and cool rooms, large.
shady yard; table good 647 Peachtree
St. Phone Ivy 6634 7-8-12
WEST END HOME—Has room and board
for couples; also large unfurnished
room, first floor. West 568-J. 94-7-6
ROOMS and board, hot water; all con •
veniences 7-6-54
NICE cool rooms with board. Bell phone.
NICE ROOM and board In exchange for
piano, motorcycle or ladies' diamond
ring; small cash payment. Piano, Box 10,
care Georgian 7-6-33
94 W, PEACHTREE IVY 5944-J. 7-5-38
Board Wanted.
QUIET, refined Christian voung lady de
sires board In strictly private family.
Box 340, care Georgian 59-7-13
WANTED —Good room or room and board
on north side, by young man: private
house preferred J. D. Hunt, 923 Empire
building 26-7-13
Summer Resorts.
road I have a cool, shady place to sum
mer; rates reasonable. T M. Foddrill,
Turnerville. Ga. 72-7-13
The /Vlanta Cottage.
A GOOD PLACE tn spend your vacation.
Write for reservations Rates, $2 ner
day; $lO per week. Mrs. F. B Crowell.
Jr., Proprtetoress. 26-7-13
Hotel Lithia Springs.
AUSTELL, GA. Open for summer guests
Cool, quiet and comfortable Climate
I ideal. Excellent fare. Week-end rates
( for parties. Dancing Saturday night.
Lithia water free to guests 39-7 13
■ YONAH LODGE, Nacoochee Valiev, Ga..
I is open for boarders Fine climate
| Charming scenery. Healthful resort.
Good accommodation Rates reasonable
Aplpy to Nacoochee Institute. Santee, Ga.
summer boarders in private home. Ad
dress P, O. Box 73,Clarkesville. Ga. 52-7-11
VIRGINIA BEACH. VA Special rates to
families. Very select. Can only accom.
modate a very few 6-22-18
NICE, cool rooms, three best meals 1n
city: $7 to sl2 per week; references ex
changed 6-13-15
Public Baggage and Transfer.
M C. I , RNITURE transfer; we pack
and ship. M. 5490-L, A. 1319. 42 Mad
ison ave 3-12-7
Lost and Found.
LOST—On Incoming car from West End
Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock, black
silk umbrella, with ebony handles. Find
er phone Main 4597 7-13-42
YOUNG POODLE dog lost or stolen. Re
turn to 56 Williams, and get reward
LOST —Small black purse containing $7
In small change, on North avenue or
Peachtree street. Saturday morning Re
ward If returned to Mrs. Charles S. Black.
Peachtree road 7-13-30
LOST—Small brown dachshund; answers
tn name Schmid. $5 reward If returned
to Mrs H V Slocom. 140 Williams.
LOST—Set rosary beads at Alamo the
ater. Wednesday, not valuable, but
highly valued because a gift. Return to
Ala mo box office and get reward 7-11-31
LOST A bunch of keys, either In Can
dler Bldg or postoffice lobby. Return
to 631 Candler Building Reward J H.
Reynolds. 6-27-12
LADIES—Why not wear genuine silk
hosiery? One pair. 75 cents: three pairs,
$1.50 Satisfaction guaranteed. Mention
size. The Exchange. 238 Ludlow st.. Cin
cjnnati. 0hi037-7-13
AUTHORS. WRITERS Let us secure
your copyrights, print and place your
books on the market. Morton Publishing
Company. Dept ATG, Morton building.
New York. 7-11-26
LADIES Ask your druggist fo*- Chlches
ters Pills, the Diamond brand; for 25
years known as best, safest, always relia
ble, buy of your druggist fake no other,
i'hlchesters Diamond Brand .’ills are sold
by druggists everywheres-2-1
RICHARDSON S Atlanta Select School;
both sexes, summer school In session
Pupils prepared for Tech, university, col
lege. West Point. Annapolis 300 Spring
ANY SHADE, length nr weight Thin
braids remade and hair added Special
attention given to dyeing. Work and
quality goods used guaranteed SPECIAL
Prices offered for next thirty days Mail
orders given prompt attention.
Phone Main 1769. 5-20-22
SERIOUS RESULTS come from trusses
Improper'.} fitted John B Daniel, at 34
Wall street, has an expert fitter and it
will cost you no more to have him fit you.
and it means insurance 6-2419
The Many Spirella Styles.
INCLUDE a style for every woman: the
genuine skill of our corsetieres Is man- i
ffested tn selecting the model that be
comes you best. Company Headquarters.
84 East North ave Ivy 6176 5-28-36 I
i FOUND—The successful treatment for
skin, blood, chronic diseases and CAN- I
CER Call and see Dr Reynolds Com- I
pany. 21 Inman building Atlanta. Ga. If
you can not call, write 6-7-86 I
SCREENS Wood fly screens, metal fly
screens, hardwood floors. Venetian blinds,
metal weather str’ps. furnished anywhere
In the South Write or phone W. R Cal
laway manager. 1403 Fourth National
Rank building. Atlanta. Ga. Main 5310
! NOTHING but first-class work and
prompt service When you are readv
for this kind of work, phone Ivv 143$
ACME LETTER CO . 417 Weslev Memo
rlal Bldg 5-6-33
STILL another big shipment of new wall
papers Prices right. All work guar
anteed Better be safe than sorrv Bar
nett «• Gordon, 3? r Mitchell st ; 30 sec
onds from Whitehall. 4-13 45
The Geoirgsan’s Rent Bolletin===A New List Each Day
This bulletin contains every desirable place that is For Rent in the city and suburbs. The hard m- k
lem of finding the places that you desire to rent without taking a lot of your valuable time and r- F V t ? r '’
fruitless results in return has at last been solved through The Georgian’s Rent Bulletin. YY’e have special ’
scanning the city each day in search of all the desirable places for the benefit and convenience of our n >
thousand patrons and readers. This bulletin contains every new place each day we can locate and we as'-V*
you that we are sparing no pains and time in having this bulletin complette each day. When you want to r A >
think of the best way—the way that is the most complete and the place where you have the mo-t ''i-, i
to choose from. Always consult The Georgian’s Rent Bulletin. That is the best way. It will save vou tL
money and worry. It is for your own convenience
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
W ELL ventilated front bed rooms: house
keeping rooms; modern: reasonable;
north side; close in. 49 West Cain st.
NICELY’ furnished room. single beds;
every convenience. Main 1548-J. 65
Mood ward ave. 7-13-32
NICELY’ furnished room, with or without
board. 311 Courtland. Phone Ivv 6377-J.
76 WEST PEACHTREE—Beautifully fur
nished front room, with board, for two
or three young men. Prices reasonable.
LARGE, bright front room, ten minutes
walk of center of town; private home;
special rates for summer by week or
month. Ivy 2188-J. 81-A West Baker.
FURNISHED rooms, with or without
board; large, shady lot; private home; all
conveniences. 143 Ashby street. 7-13-26
FOR RENT —Five roosts for colored peo
ple; unfurnished; over garage; with toi
let and running water, $lO per month
Ivy 2467. 7-13-13
FURNISHED ROOM. private home,
ypung men. Atlanta 3904 52 Fortn-
walt street. 7-12-38
TWO or three furnished rooms; light
housekeeping, close in. 79 East Harris
street. 49.7-12
COZY front , room for young men. 195
Ivy street. Oglethorpe, Apt. No. 2.
NICELY cool rooms; private
family; close in. 255 Courtland. 7-12-32
TWO nicely furnished rooms, single or
for housekeeping 231 Courtland.
ONE neatly furnished room to gentle
men; reasonable 339 Courtland. At
lanta 5496, 7-12-34
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished front room.
Private family. No children. Bell phone,
hot bath, beautiful trees, cool and clean.
Must see rooms to appreciate them. One
block of Peachtree 29 West Harris
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room, in
new apartment; private famllv. 41 East
Cain street. Ivy 2020-J7-12 25
TWO desirable front rooms. $lO
eaeh. Also front parlor. Phone
Main 2890-J. 376 Capitol ave.
FOR RENT—Desirable rooms; one with
private bath and dressing room; with
or without meals. For couple or young
men. 17 East North avenue.3B-7-12
LIGHT housekeeping rooms; nicely fur
nished; every convenience; also deslra
ble furnished rooms. 129 Spring. 7-11-44
NEATLY furnished single rooms; also
unfurnished rooms for housekeeping.
50 Orme st. 7-11-46
ONE extremely large front room; one or
two gentlemen, also back room; rea
sonable; near in 74 Luckle. Ivy 6662.
TWO large, nicely furnished rooms for
housekeeping, will rent cheap for sum
mer 138 Pulliam st Phone Main 1827-J.
TWO rooms and kitchenette, completely
furnished, to couple without children;
half block of Grant park. 428 East Geor
gia ave. 48-7-11
COOL, pleasant rooms. Ten
nessee cooking. 246 Pul
liam street. 7-11-2
ONE nicely furnished front room Phone
Ivy 4060.41-7-11
FURNISHED rooms tor rent; close in; all
conveniences; gentlemen only. 43 West
Peachtree. Ivy 2160.7-11-12
COMFORTABLE, clean rooms. 175 Ma
rietta st. 7-10-27
FOR RENT—Large second floor front
room, four windows; close In: private
family. Phone Ivy 2725-. T. 7-10-42
Hold Carnegk
D. E EVANS, proprietor of the Carnegie
hotel, has nice rooms with or without
board, reasonable. 20-B Carnegie way;
also has 'wo-room apartments complete
ly furnished for housekeeping: hot. water,
janitor service; best location in citv
T.WO nice furnished rooms for house
keeping, sls. 276 Courtland 7-9-45
FURNISHED rooms for rent Cal! at 246
Ivy st. for information 7-9-31
NICELY furnished connecting rooms,
also desirable single room. 210 Spring
Ivy 3205-J. 7-9-6
EXTRA large, cool rooms; close in; north
side; refined people only; reasonable.
Ivy 4608 • 7-9-11
FOR RENT—Three unfurnished rooms;
Close in; hot water; also one furnished
room. Apply 12 Brown place. Main 9077.
7 6-64
j What Have You For Rent?
Have you a nice, cozy furnished room, an attractive apartment, a lovely home, a hotel, an office t OO
' large for you but big enough for two concerns? Do you want to rent vour business location, or have vou a
? garage that you would like to. rent? Everything that is For Rent can be rented in this bulletin at a llt-
S tie. cost and within a short time. The Georgian is the recognized Rent Medium of the city and suburbs.
EXPERIENCED teacher wishes children
to coach. Phone Ivy 3960-J. 7-12-9
pl lmisFand L
REVEALS past, present and future Can
be consulted on all affairs of life; read
ings. 25c. 50c 17 East Mitchell street (in
tent <5-29-6
IS NOW LOCATED in tent, corner For
syth and Luckie; can be consulted Ml
all affairs of life Charges moderate.
Satisfaction guaranteedS-25_-l_3
DROPSY CURED —Relieves shortness of
breath in 36 to 48 hours Red-sces swell
ing in 15 to 20 days Write for partlcu
■ars Collom Dropsy Remedy Company.
512 Austell Building, Atlanta 5-25-11
DR. EDMONDSON'S Tansy, Pennyroyal
and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re
liable treatment for painful and sup
pressed menstruation, irregularities and
similar obstructions. Trial box by mall,
50c Frank Edmondson A- Bro . manufac
turing chemists. 14 South Broad street.
Atlanta, Ga. 2-17-14
LADIES SI,OOO reward 1 positively
guarantee my great successful "Month
ly" remedy; safely relieves some of the
long»st. most obstinate abnormal cases
In three to five days; no harm, pain or
interference with work; mail $1.50 Dou
ble strength. $2 Dr. F G. Southington
Remedy Company, Kansas City Mo.
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
NEATLY furnished connecting rooms in
apartments. 134 Ivy St., Apt. C, 7-8-18
FOR RENT—Nicely 'furnished rooms in
private home. 19 East Harris street.
- . 7-6-75
FURNISHED rooms for rent, single and
double, at 143 Spring St. 7-6-46
TWO light, cool, neatly furnished rooms
for working girls or young men: home
privileges; two meals if wanted. 246
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent
FOUR rooms downstairs, or two rooms
upstairs: private entrance 73 Bedford
Place. 7-13 - 46
FOR RENT —Three unfurnished rooms for
light housekeeping. Ivy 2251-J. 7 -U-37
FOR RENT—Four upstairs rooms: pri
vate bath; sink; gas and electricity;
garden., 233 Highland avenue. 7-13-16
FOR RENT—One or two large rooms, pri
vate porch; walking distance. 400 Court
THREE large unfurnished rooms; sink
and pantry in kitchen; close to Grant
park 424 East Georgia ave. 7-12-13
FOR RENT—Three large nice unfur
nished rooms, gas. bath, sink in kitchen;
in walking distmice; sl2 per month. 105
Whitehall Terrace. 7-12-36
FOUR connecting rooms, reception hall
carpeted, shades, gas range, private
hath, couple without children; north side.
Call Ivy 3041.46-7-12
FOR RENT—Two or three connecting
rooms for light housekeeping: modern
conveniences; can get meals close by.
401 Capitol ave.. 7-12-4
THREE rooms for light housekeeping,
very reasonable; close in. 220 fi. Fair
street. 7-11-11
TWO unfurnished rooms for rent with
private family; all modern conven
iences; ten minutes walk from center of
city. 117 Pulliam street. 30-7-11
THREE rooms for couple; near Terminal
station. M. 4759-L, 4410 Atlanta.
LARGE front connecting room or apart
ment, furnished or unfurnished; con
veniences; private home. 66 Highland
avenue. Ivy 4809-J. 7-9-40
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted.
WANTED—Four or five unfurnished
rooms for light housekeeping; adults; If
suited, permanent. Permanent, care Geor
gian. 81-7-13
WANTED —By mother and daughter,
north side suburbs, four or five unfur
nished rooms, complete for light house
keeping; must have modem conveniences
and rent must be reasonable. Permanent.
P. O. Box 774. city 7-12-8
WANTED—Three or four rooms, unfur
nished; rent reasonable; no children.
Permanent, care Georgian 33-7-12
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
For Rent.
ONE front room with kitchenette, fur
nished or unfurnished. 292 Central ave
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
WANTED—By widow and son, room, un
furnished or partly furnished for house
keeping Refined private family Walk
ing distance. Address Box 225. care Geor
gian. . 41-7-13
Furnished Apartments For Rent.
SUITABLE for young men, business
women, or housekeepers, three connect
ing rooms with bath; private entrance.
Peachtree. 7-13-31
HOUSE—OnIy two apartments; 186 JunL
per st.; first floor, seven rooms, com
pletely furnished, S6O; second story, five
rooms, unfurnished. S3O; possession Sep
tember, separate entrances front and
rear; both have large verandas; large,
shady lot. Ivy 662-J7-12-5
FOR RENT—For balance of summer, four
or five rooms; close in; porches, phone
and all conveniences. Main 3188-L. \LH-27
Furnished or Unfurnished Apart
ments For Rent.
FOUR or five rooms; modern: fine condi
tion; in best section North Boulevard.
Phone Ivy 3185-. T. 55-7-12
HOUSE, only two apartments. 196 Juniper
st.; first floor, seven rooms, completely
furnished, S6O; second story, five rooms,
unfurnished, S3O; possession September;
separate entrances front and rear; both
have large verandas: large shady lot
Ivy 662*J. 7-11-41
Stove and Range Repairing.
sells second-hand gas stoves We sweep
chimneys. We takp down heaters We
sell wick and wickless oil stoves We sell
gasoline stoves and ranges Atlanta
phone 2235. 121 W'hitehall street. Bell
phone Main 2699. 4-4-7
Sewing Machines.
WE RENT new machines with complete
set of attachments for $2 per month,
also machines repaired; prompt delivery.
Both phones 1893 Singer Sewing Ma
chine Company. 79 Whitehall. 9-14 44
Colored Undertakers.
Fountain & Robinson.
223 Auburn. Atl. 5921-F; Night Ivy 3609
- 27
W anted—Miscellaneous.
WANTED—Second-hand safe. Must be
cheap Safe care Georgian. 65-7-13
WANTED—lnstantaneous heater, in good
order. Ivy 778-L. 428 Peachtree st
WANTED—one second-hand surrey, in
good condition Price must be reason
able. Address at once, with description,
terms, etc. A , Route 3. Monroe, (la
WANTED—Good second-hand sewing ma
chine wagon, cheap for cash Fairburn
Buggy and Furniture Company, Fairburn
WANTED—One second-hand, compara
tively new Smith or Underwood type
writer at inducing price G. M. Bragg.
Americus, Ga. 7-9-53
DROP A CARD Will bring ca7h for old
clothes and shoes. The Vestaire. 166
Decatur street. 6-27-42
1 BUY men „ clothes and shoes
Drop a card I Bock, 32 Bell st. 5-1-14
WANTED—We pay highest cash prices
on household goods, pianos and office
furniture Cash advanced on consign
ments. Springer’s Auction House, 25
South Pryor street. Bell phone Main 1526
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
FOR RENT—A few most modern -A
choicest apartments in xtlam. a ’ d
Peachtree and Eighth streets ° n
■I W. Goldsmith ' Ap -’:A 'o
R^NT— The lower fiaTof - PT
Ivy 123-L en e Peachtrep s Phone
FOUR rooms; private bath:
porch. Main 4615-L n - ,
ern. including steam heat
West Peachtree. $35. Phone ivy 304:' ’’ n
AT 325 N? BOULEVARD - — TkU —~
apartment, with all convenl’enc« i?
ply C. A. Tappan, 319 N. Boulevard
T '' ° apartments, four rooms eacTTTrij
East Fair, with al! convenience" L.
session given at once. Apply 211
avenue - 7HOM
FOR RENT—Elegant second
ment three largo bedrooms and ;?■ ,n
--rooms. I<x34 feet; steam heal 6-t rv“J
Peachtree st. Phone Ivy 3569 ’ ?-10?’a
Tbe n . ew apartment
at 83 Hurt street, known as the Ronco’
bel consisting of three and four room,
each, with every known modern ‘ccnv.n
fence, and renting for $32 50 to *'s i.
now ready for occupancy. Applv on'nr*™
!ses or Fitzhugh Knox. 1613 Candler
Furnished Houses For Rent.
FOR RENT—Furnished or unfm-nGhM
house, suitable for two families A,
boarding house; beautiful shade nirei?-
located Phone Ivy 3560-!,. 239 ' an/*?;
M ANTED—Refined couple to oFcunv
beautiful home for summer. Peachtree
care Georgian. 56-7-12
BE A UTI Fl' LLY' f urn I shed home fnr"r?m
for the summer; large lot; elevated w«n'
shaded. Call Ivy 1984-J. 7’i -;
FOR RENT—For one month, from hu-
23 to August 23. five-room furn’eheri
bungalow in Inman Park: references
given and required; no children
S3O. Apply J. B. Ficklen. 18 Waverlv
Way, Atlanta. Ga. Ln
FOR RENT—Furnished houaw in Penor
est. Ga. Six rooms, electric lights good
water; large shady porch, etc. Will rent
for $25 per month for two or three montb =
paid in advance or with proper recon?.'
mendation. one month. Will not rert tot
less than two months For furtl-e’ n.
formation, call Main 785. Mr Fisher. ”
write C. Will Fisher. Demorest. Ga >t ‘ ’
Unfurnished Houses For Rent
FOR RENT —By owner, nine-room house
or upper or lower floor; tv o batb = '
lovely shade and garden; walking d?--:
tance. Ivy 2825-L. 7-13-13
FOR RENT—New six-room cottage to.v~
ern conveniences; large lot. H Flow,
ell place, YY’est End. 46-7-11
FOR RENT—F our-room house.* modern
Improvements; 50 feet from car lip*
171 Rockwell street; cheap tn righ’ na>"
.1. P Stephens. 10 Decatur st Vain
4388. . 7?!2.3
22 EAST ALEXANDER: all convenience?
397 Woodward. Cottage, two rooms
SPLENDID ten-room brick home nea’ in
on north side. SSO. Three four-room
brick apartments, $25 each. ‘ >n« good
three-room house, suburbs. $6 Four
three-room good houses for colored people.
$5 each. Ivy 4676. 7-11 •50
PHONE or wrtte us for our rent bulletin.
excellent houses all over the city at
moderate rates Turman. Black d- ' al
- 203 Empire Bldg 6-29-66
THE HOUSE von build, buy nr
rent will not be a medern home
unless it is wired for electricitv,
phone for our rent bulletin Ralph O.
Cochran, 19 South Broad street 4-1-21
Stores For Rent.
for' RENT—Store 'wltlTiarge show
window and basement, or equivalent
space in store at 78 N. Broad, junction
Peachtree Main 32247-19-25
Fire-Proof Storage.
WE "’store” HOUSEHOLD goods ar.l
pianos. Office and warehouse 239-241
Edgewood ave. Ivy 2037. John J Wood
side Storage Company.
Stables For Rent.
STABLES for rent at 33 West Cam str»et;
four stalls, me’a! lined feed blns, 'ley
trie light and running water
W anted—Miscellaneo us .
BEST CASH for furniture,
household goods and office furniture
Pembroke Sales Co., 143 S Pryor street.
Bell phone Main 1874-5-2>
household goods, pianos and office fur
niture. Cash advanced on consignments
Centra! Auction Company. 12 Eas* M' "
ell street. Bell phone Main 2424 8-26 •
— 1 ■ ■' -s
For Sale—Miscellaneous.
FOR SALE—Four-piece mahogany
one bed room suit, machine and °
One-third price. 9 Williams stree’
FOR SALE—Wood or coal range
gas atachment. Will sacrifice
5395- .1, 7-1
and large home safes. sls; Hall'? harp
and fire-- roof safes, vault doors, etc
J Daniel. 416 Fourth National Bank F
9-7- 3
FOR SALE—One Wagner mica platr
!c machine, cheap, in good running
der. Apply 415 Austell building J’’
FoR SALE—Sweetest, finest Jao'c' ~
plums. 40c per half bushel. Call a 1
two-story house on Highland avenue w
yond Houston street car line Ask J r
Mr. Brand '- 1 -2 ;
For SALE—High-grade upright plan
one-half original price; slightly . J” - ,
W. F Malcom, 411; Peachtree.
REMODELED Smith Premier t-pw' ‘■.
No. 2; used one month - bargain ’ '•
James M. Burke, Lorane. Ga.
IF VOU WaN'l SAND in' anv quantity
delivered in any par of town, v 1
sale or retail, call Ivy 3786 C W J;" 2 2
& Co.!2A
High-class work. Acme Letter L" 2
Wesley Memorial Bldg Phone
WANTeo- Tnrnow that we sell
new and second-hand furniture for
-of the economical housekeeo
er. We save vou at least 20 ner .
on every purchase Cameron Furn" ..
Company. 39 West Mitchel! street Pho.-
Main 3229. S-: 4 " 3 ®