Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, July 15, 1912, EXTRA, Page 6, Image 6
6 raiOKM WDgPWffirFl LPITLD & W. 9 FAFNgWRTH _____ _ ~ ' " ' ' __ i— ■——l,l Silk Hat Harry's Divorce Suit Rummy's Not as Easy as He Looks Copyright. 1912. National New« Ass'n. By Tad .. - ( SAy FOR TH£ 2.QVE OF MtKfE 'j _ _ ' | SA'-r CAm vOuLET \ • STOP 7MAT MOANING- WILU / RUMMS \ ME HAVE t 0 MEGS, S i iaotta itaxf , 10 Getter-s. io X'.UTUU'x .nonp you M'/anymov'- i /mmeu. svpoe \ / f 3o«Rw h-arrm x MsfoE ' LnuOFß'?) -RON MEM (0 ( (TSHOT-J . v^S i n4/S ,5 ) ~T\ \ ■ !J2?ouß 1 car-hnneelS - I. is/tnqT J |IW M o*' .ACCOUNT*- \ t - ( ( UowV) ( GrLAsies UNO / HMIENI ! GET /M £ I kOF AM EAR Ac ME / PER-C- TAKE \ x / Atm-ome qkz I QffT ENOUGH I I SAT / NEED (T M T at- I . I TM-E LEJE- I CACT \ OK/ ME TO n I ANO -TMOUG-14T- £ ? \ THE PARCHMENT / ~ \ G -r>... c . \ I CnOCk OVER. I q o g MiG-HT BE y I \ . \_ s < mmitmoUT t>s>a / A TVS OF > \rtaßHk I ADIE TO l-iO-P / .- I \ ] Ty ; JUOS . _sx \ Me z ■■w, r—l t j --.—x V r ° ' Siaafefer- r , v<Mn n «e 1 ) \ . A Z> l / l 3 tt; -1Mf 3 —llim x - wOI OWiz» v W -1 * 6 z z —■ , j : jf.. W l||p I I ■ 1 Advance Guard of Golfers on Hand for East Lake Tourney rpsHE golf courss "f th<> Atlanta I Athletic club at East Lake is undetgoing its final mani curing A big force is working two shifts putting on the last finishing touches. For on Thursday morn ing the qualifying round of the second annua' invitation tourna ment of the Atlanta Athletic club Will be started And throughout the track the course will be ;tli\> with local and visiting golfers Already the advance gund of players ha= arrived W. F Stew art, of New t means. Southern champion, was In Atlanta last week He w ill not be here for the championship. but he brought word that a good delegation was coming Birmingham Is counted lon strong The Country club there sends more players to tournaments than any other in the South and is sure to send nearly a score to the local tournament A W. Gaine* a former Southern champion, has sent word that he will be unable to be present at the tournament, but that Chattanooga will have a delegation. Nashville will un U doubtedb send several players, while Macon is counted on for a strong ’earn The rourpA should bp in good Fhapp for tfap tournament. The I regular tee? ha\? been returfed and are being "rested up” for the affair bx the use of the second string” tees. It is likely that the ne-\» tee on fourteen will be put In order for the tournament, provided it does not rain steadily f’oni now until Thursday morning. Thp greens and the fair am In MAY RACE THIS SUMMER ON LONG BRANCH TRACK NEW YORK. July 15 Elkwood park. Long Branch, mar provide racing two days a week for the rest of the sum- At the track th’s 'report Is on the tip of the tongue but nobody in authority will confirm it That the top has gone out. however seemed certain, inasmuch as several prominent bookmakers came .-ill the ”av from Canada to look ovei th. ground. The constitutional amendment pass ed in New Jersey in 189! closing all tracks expires this fall and many resi dents of Long Branch say the. intend to make a strong effort to restore tar ing The passing of Monmouth park they declare "a- a blow from w hi. 'i the famous resort ha never i-ecovr-red. "If It’s at Hartman's, H’s Correct" More of That Fine Neckwear We have always tnartp a strong feature of our neck'vpar department and with a hunch of new ar rivals the showing right now is broader than ever. Stylish, cool-looking wash four-in-hands in white and dainty coloring Pure Silk Tie? in ever' wanted coloring or com bination 25c to SI.OO ■ * Peachtree Street Opp Pffrry If I! $ Correct, l! s al Haffman's” reasonably good condition The rains have kept the turf alive and vigorous, but have washed away a lot of top soil and left the ground somewhat gullied. A very largo local one.' has al ready been made and it is probable that fill or 70 local players will be ready to face the starter, along with the pick of the Southern players on Thursday. It seems probable that the At lanta tournament is destined each yea to furnish full' a 1 go > I a lim on golfing ability in the South as the Southern championship itself. The local course 's so well recog nized as the greatest, in the South that it naturally attracts the really top notch players. ’I ho East Luk* outfit is the stiffest golf course in the* South and one of the stiffest in all America. It bristles with bunkers, is punctuated with haz ards of amazing size and attraction and offers: trouble of high degree to any golfer who can't play a good, long ball, straight down the course Natural!' the Atlanta course is not one which furnishes a big at traction Io duffers But It does attract good golfers and every tournament ever held on the local < uirse has proved a fine test of real golf The comic- tourna merit should prove one of the big golfing events of the South this year and a field of unusual excellence will tew off Thursdav The man who wins the first cup will be entitled to rank next to the Southern champion among Southern golfers RILLY SMITH RACK IN CENTER FIELD AGAIN XEW <YRI FAX’S July r> Bill ’ Smith manager of thp Chattanooga •.'tub, broke bark in the Southern i-ague ;j? a play*’ \«’-».erday aft-' ar ' absence of s'v ware. During this renew’ RUh has <’Uitinually b*en a ben-b. manager In the circuit with the ( “xc* ption of nv ' car. when he nv>- jguled at Buffalo tn the Internationa’ league Manager Smith recently stated that .ho might get back In the game, and a . I days ago signed a player’s contract p'hith gave him the right tn appea on . jthe coaching line Saturday Hvder 'Barr was seriously injured, and Hilly '’mined the spa.ngle*? and jumped m the; at X-w Orleans \cst»’da> He ’ tecentlx stated that tie believed lu i w aiid hit 260 if he got back in the .’same again His average vnsterdu' W 4 s SCO ' i Billy retired from the Southern | agm ,i an active play m on Julv 4 limfi y> that time h- v>. manugwi f , i e A’’’ n1 -t -' u b n n,’ paved *n t<” i field. Op th« afternoon of the Fourth h< do ricked Do, Childs. a native son who was pitching for the Crackers, aft, - the opponents had made a tally The fans thought Smith's playing in icnt'*’ field wa= mo e responsible fm i I the rally than was Child's pitching land when Bill < ame to the hat they ' visaed him fm- several minuses At ■tl . .-lose of th- game Smith said he I ■ would nevi r play another game in th* | iguc. He observed the threat until TY COBB NOW SIX POINTS TO THE GOOD ON SPEAKER I. ' nob t* now icing *h vtpe'i ■.'.in 'eague b.t’tp'- Hr has pa -rd Tris Speaker of th.- 8p...,,, R e( ] g ox Today Cobb I.- found < "u'tng the pc.. ' ■ a 40? .'t; ■■'olr the Hub * -tar | ■ outfielder - -' S'cagt i. 79" l„e Jack- I I -'m. of th' Naps is third with .993 Solutions to THE GEOR GIAN'S Proverb Contest Picture Puzzles should bear sufficient postage. Have parka fje:; weighed before ’ i mailing CHE ATLANTA GEOKGIAX AND MONDAY, JULY 15. 1912. IVe//, IVs /\ll Off Now—Cracker Team Is Absolutely LAST! DEFEAT IN MOBILE SETTLED IT--HOPE IS liONE By Percy 11. W hiting. lAST dicy hnrd. Rut then it dicn. sometimes! Atlanta fans are abnormally hopeful. But n their buoyant spirits have been somewhat doprc-s*d by recent baseball ha openings. What <an a man sa.v about it? And what can be d<me n Verily, it is a puzzler! 'l’ A’lania ha< a baseball club < an he demonstrated to the entire satisfaction of an.' reasonable hu man being it ■an be demonstrated mathematic lly. The figures show j pr«»\ e it. Yet today- the ‘’racket team lands last and has just hit the road for a trip that Is likely to be unlm k\ . Hope is failing fast. • « • mH E home stay that andfd Satur- C lay was an in-and-out 'per formance fop keeps. The Crackers won X games and lost 8. They won 3; out of 4 from their .hated Chat tanooga rivals. That looked good. Then came t h’e Cheese team from Mobile. But the < Tuckers couldn't do anything with them and won only 1 out of 3. Next at rived the "ven ehecsier Montgomery club, the cast-off outfit of the league, made up of odds and ends dicard "d from other clubs. The Crackers were painfully anx ious m down the Bdlikens because of the Pobbs-McElveen incident. I'noues tl"mtbly the t'racket' team is the stronger of the two. Yet ail the <'l ackers could get from the Bil lies was a measly and depressing 1 mit of 4. By thi- time Hope was in a bad BELMONT GIVES OPTION ON $125,000 STALLION NEW YORK. July 15. August Belmont today admitted that he lias given Mr. Hallronn. head of a French syndicate, an option on his stallion. Rock Sand, for breeding purposes, in the interest of French and American turfmen The price to be pa >d wn * .450."0il Mr Bein' mt w ill rerrn" Rock Sand to remain m France for four year. He has at his breeding farm there ,te mare* and u- st Illions i'.thelbert and Rockflmt <>ne reason given for Mr Belmont per mitting Rock Sand to go to France t* heiau.w any progem y of the horse w ould be eligible to all French races, whereas those sued by him in America or England woulo be eligible to only a 'er* few French rai es Rock Sand is now- twelve 'ears old. and hl.- progem were stake winners tn , France. England and America One ot his daughters recent!'- won the French links and his son. Tracery, ran third in the r»erbv and later defeated Sweepet I! St lju' < - t'alaer stakes it Ascot A 'wo 'ear-old b' Rock Sand, bred b' ''later, c Macks' and sold as a yearling in England last , M r. won t|.p ' ihmble Ju!' stakes las' week \s a three-year "ld Rock Sand won for hi* owner. Sir lames .Millet, the three English classic* the 'oo guineas -he t'erto and St Lege' and after the death of his ownet bad put the horse ■"> the market Mt Belmont paid 4135.000 for him and located him m .Kentucky for breeding purposes. FAN CLAIMS HE MADE WALSH GREA.T HURLER ' Hlt'AGo July 15 There was a i time when Ed W.tlsh wa« not .i great I I'itche' In I9'i4 his speed was ter- I t'ifi . but his lontrol w.ts sA bad that he had literally no idea where the ball i wa* going. H > could eeldom get catch ■ '’»• to h'd| him m.ictiie >nd bad to fall 'vtek on >ti rn. hits! tstii fan Thi; f<n afi»! handling hts erratic h> gave E' soni'? advr-. He dot-n ' 'know if " at*)’ 'ook >'. but his " ork indii >tr. th ,* he ijc] something. After the season of 1905,' said ’he hug I walked to the station with ■" tls’’. ! ts-ked him " ha> h« intended , s o do in the w-inter H- said he was I going to do nothing Then 1 told him he wa= about the i "or-. 1 pitcher I had e'er seen and de * till' d to him inw t'hristy Matthew -mt. b. I 'to he gained control, had rent- L ii a barn, painting t tat get at one end I .’id pi' iivd into t”- t.irgm all winter I unt’l hi ■merged tn the spring with the i best ' ■mt rol in tim league. - I don * know if Walsh took t ’«■ hint. ’' h,’ ,in ’' "id the ■mt ro’ ah on Ar '■..',l no , 'h, Wh''.-- g.ty ... tl-. 1 1" n: :<t : ea;■ "'ay., with temperature high, pulse wabbly and the d°ath rattle right in among its teeth. At this awful stage in the proceedings the Crack ers took 2 games out of 2 from the league leaders and the fans breath ed again. But once more Hope suffered o relapse. For the lout flushing Pelicans arrived next and the only game the <’racket's could win from them was by forfeit. • • • \ I'TER an exhibition like this on 1 * home ground, what can be hoped for the Cracker* on the road? Not much, of course, except that the local team has run by contra ries this season, and it may go out and win about umpsteen straight on the road. Washington did. so It isn't Impossible. Howevet we re not going to pawn the family jewels to het on it. If anybody " ants to know where the fault lies they needn't ask here. It seems as. though the baseball association itself can prove an alibi. It has bought players great gobs of 'em. But whether Hemphill can't make ’em play or whether nobody could and it's the players' fault we re blessed if "e know. What makes it a hard matter-to diagnose is that the Crackers ne'er lose any two games for the same reason If they kick off one today with errors, they will lose tomor row's with a hatting slump. Wed nesday's because the pitcher goes w rong. Thursday s with dull base ball and maybe they'll win Friday b' playing baseball the Giants couldn't beat. If you study back box scores IO’DAYIO’DAY LEARNED INSIDE i BASEBALL BY UMPIRING Hank O'Day, who is getting good work out of the Cincinnati Reds, i pitched for the champion Giants in 18S9 and 1890 His catcher was the r famous William Buckingham Ewing and it "as some battery, too. O’Day wasn’t pa'ticularly careful as to his j habits in those days and was proud of the fact that be could drink more beer I than any other pitcher in the league. When Hank's arm went back on him he was forced to ask for an un.pires > i berth, and in order to make good he ' 'cut off the amber fluid. At fl-st the i players treated him with disrespect. : but he soon made them understand that he "as not to be trifled with. Sticking to his temperance pledge, i O'Day umpired for nearly twenty years a record of which he is justly proud. He learned the meaning of in side baseball and the weak points of every player tn the game With this knowledge, therefore. O'Day’ has been I ; able, to tell the Cincinnati Reds many things they never knew before. I thought 1 knew all about catch ing." said long Larry McLean the I other, day at the Polo grounds. 'But I after a heart-to-heart talk with M 1 O'Day I found that 1 didn't know a I thing. Fm catching better hall now than ever before, and Mr. O'Day is "boll' responsible for it." RUBE MARQUARD LOSES 2 GAMES TO CARDINALS ST. LOVIS. July 15. - Rube Ma - quard lost two games yesterday to the lowly St Louis I 'ardinals. About a week ago Jimmy Lavender beat the 'Giants' southpaw his first game, after a string of nineteen victories, and veri -1 y the Rub" hasn't ye s ’' r co'ered from the shock S’ Louis won the first game yester day l to ' wh°n Marquard. who re listed Wilts* in the eighth, was hit tor ’’hree singles and gave a base on balls. . M i"quard went in 'o pit'-h the second I game, bu’ was relieved by Crandall in I the seventh inning when the locals leading 3 to 2. a single and a ’wild throw by Myers in the next in i nine save Sit. Louis another run ENGLISH TEAM COMING HERE. FOLKSTONE ENGLA ND. July 15. I’he Engli-h team defeated their l French rivals In the international ten |nis chamnionship match here toda' i Th* English team will meet next in ' 'w c» I ,1 an J Ihr win no, nt t h.l 1 mate * ■’. ’’.tllengf Australia • th Da'L= I cup.. you’ll think you are on the trail of the elusive First Causes of de feat when you note that it takes an average of four or five hits to score a • 'racket' run. Not since the his torical days when Tris Speaker and B*als Becker were both play ing on the Little Rock team has there been an organization in the South which made as many hits and as few runs as the ('racket's. Going further into the complaint, though, you find that the poor scoring work seems to result part ly from poor base running and partly from an entire absence of pinch hitting. The Crackers' ill luck in devel oping runs has ben uncanny. They always seem to play it the wrong w ay. If a man singles and the next man sacrifices the next pair are al ways easy outs. If the scheme of things is shifted and the hit-and run play flashed, with a man on first, the batter always lines out and the runner who was on first is doubled off. Then, if a reversion to old-fashioned baseball is tried and *'erybody takes a wallop at the bail the first man will single, the next man will hit a short single, sending the first runner to second, and the third man will scratch one to th» infield, filling the bases. Then the next three men iri a row will strike out! Goodness only knows why. But they always do. Lack of timeliness in the offen sive displays, lack of consistency in the defensive work—those ar« the things that are keeping the ("Tackers down at the bottom. ENTRY BLANKS OUT SOON FOR MILWAUKEE RACES MILAVAUKEE. July 15.—Entry blanks for the Vanderbilt cup and grand prize races to be run in Milwaukee in September "ill be ready fo> distri bution within a few days. The A. A. A. has not vet granted official sanction for the race, but will put an O K. on the program and the dates as soon as the arrangements sot policing the course have been com pie' ed. <r -'' ■ : m Drink Hires and Let jf its Worst S \'ll 3° good to Icno'«'then* i-s nnp rirtnk that will JSSSSB .A g/K i> co °* and > n ''’gyrate you without ill effects. F J * / !Jr 5 *"J to know a drink that iz made from MB Iw® Nature s recipe—that combines the. tonic T', ' Aw virtues of herbg and roots and forest =ap=. s o jjnr vou !rn3t delectable of all summer drinks, raßy Uy I I"rv it rtchf n<w<', 7,re iiir n«-3r*t FourHatn _/■ , T T \ iSk l 'X Man. and sav "Hires." '* ' r Mote coolinc than other drinks and more 00, ■7».7 W healthful. Not a trace of drugs. Just helps HSgy 7 C“ » J - never harms. No need to say " rootbeer.'’ Just say "Hires." '• e", ... ‘ 5 r •■■pnrl-l'nz. rlr i irir,,,- At Anm r rnr hennicri • n /I' Hemphill Will Use Waldorf on Mound Today Against Finnifes K MOBILE, ALA., Julv 15.—With /I 'Buck" Becker injured, with the team last and with the players as gloomy as life-term ers. the Crackers enter today on the second game with Mike Finn's Gulls. The jump into last place jarred the Crackers to the marrow of their bones. They have been fight ing against it and staving it off for months past. Now they're there —absolutely last. And it was a grumpy crowd of ball players who moped around the hotel last night and this morning, waiting for a chance to get at the Gulls again. Manager Hemphill will probably de ide to send Waldorf against the Gulls. (t is his turn and the Cracker mogul figures that it does not make much difference. For the Gulls, it Is Demaree's turn, and as Mike Finn usually sticks religious ly to the regular order, he will un doubtedly work. Yesterday's game, that dbopped the Crackers to the very bottom, was a typical Cracker game of the vintage of 1912. The Atlanta play ers excelled in e\ orything but scoring runs. They made more hits and less errors than the Gulls. 0 EBBETS WORKED HIMSELF UP FROM TICKET SELLER NEAt YORK. July 14.—Charles H Ebbets. of the Brookly n club, is a self made baseball magnate.' When the Brooklyn?, owned by Byrne. Doyle and Abell, played at old Washington park -25 years ago Ebbets was a ticket seller and a schedule maker. Ho made up his mind oven then to become the own er of the club some day. and ho never stopped trying. When the Brooklyns were consoli dated with the rival Players league team at Eastern park, Ebbets was made secretary, and when C. H. Byrne died ho was elected president. He held that office after th" Brooklyn-Baltimore deal was consummated, fourteen years ago, and gradually he bought up the stock, until today he controls 90 per cent of the club Somebody asked Ebbets recenfly If he would sell the Brooklyn club and he replied: "If I did. what would 1 do to pass the time!' Baseball is a life study w ith me and I would be lost without it." HH JM .. ■ ’ l J Ji gn-MBMEXM— fielded more brilliantly and sho'e.' more baseball sense —at everything except the scoring of runs, v the Crackers, it was the old. erd story . Nine runners died "n ha?"-. It was a cinch to get cra( k'’rs on. 'nut impossible to put th.° rm*, across. The Crackers looked like winners up to the last of the seventh Then the Gulls fell on Sitton and ?. „ r! ' two runs—not many, it is true, but quite enough to win rhe gam* The Atlanta players had a hard time with Jack O'Toole, the um pire who presented them with 4 game in the New Orleans series. Jack sent Donahue to the tall grass for jawing, and made the rest nf the Crackers "walk turk* l '” throughout the remainder "f the spasm From the viewpoint of ’h* At lantans. the best feature rtf 'he game was the work of Douglas Harbison. This eleyer little young ster pulled some really phenome nal fielding stuff and smacked out a brace of hits as well It looks now as though, if this lad keeps hi' present clip, he w ill get a call from the big leagues this fall and w>. 1 be tried out tn faster compart'' next spring. WELLS AND KENNEDY TO MEET IN GOTHAM FRIDAY NEW YORK, July 15—Featured in ’ this week's boxing card is a tert- ound 1 bout between Bombardier Wells ' ’*• ’ heavyweight champion of England. >:’.d 5 Tom Kennedy, former amateur hea- ’ - weight champion of America, at Madi son Square Garden, on Friday mzh’ This will be Wells' second appea ar - . in this country- and his friend- ;--itr' j a better showing than he made or. Iv-' 1 first appearance. Among the other contests "n 1 week's program are th* f""o--.n? Buck Crouse, of Pittsburg. < - Young f Kurtz, a Newark. N. J., middlewe gh’. at the Madison Athletic ■ 'uh Ja r ’< Britton, a Chicago lightweigh'. ? ’ Pommy Ginty. of Scranton. Pa . at ’ne St Nicholas Athletic club Wt ■■ t ■ night.