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The Liquidation of the McConnell Estate Makes It Imperative That
This Tremendous Stock Be Converted Into Cash At Once
Mr. Powers, the manager, has gone through every department and cut prices to such an extent that
it seems, to those who have not personally investigated, almost too much reduction to be true. But to
the thousands who visited this mammoth store during the last few days it is a satisfactory reality, and
they have gone away to send others to share in these sweeping price reductions which are in evidence
in every department all over the store.
The prices quoted Saturday will hold good until stock is sold out.
Show Windows as sam- V AV X 1 A A o f Show Windows for the
pies of our Big Price Re- /'■'i T> J TA x Ox Bargains during this sale,
Cor. Pryor and Decatur Sts.
Continuing'.until even piece is sold. we offer our ENTIRE
AR FA I A R STOCK of PORCH FURNITURE, including Rustic Hickory. Mis- f) f| /V/ |j| |
\l*l* I I *l2 S ' ,Hl Rush ('hairs. Rockers. Swings. Settees. Tables #1 I II L L
!■ lAm H and TaGourettes at 20 per rent discount from REGULAR PRICES. Jf / dTjk 111
V I ■■ Ur I■l w» \n early selection while slocks are unbroken is suggested.
Special prices on Go <'arts and Whilp thp X lafit w e offpr *™ry
'3 Final Shipment of '!± g "’" >r 9fi%
Onr ».. kw b«rk park tol.lins '3 —VA our Solid Oak Brum- ‘“Ilf I
Go-Cart is a 01 QQ fl '1 UioOlia _K L Jn g () | (j a g ents f or Gibson Refrig-
necessitx $1 iJ 0 11 rrTTI rOrch Rocker in orators.
Axminstor Rugs of Quality. \\\\\\\\\\\V $4.50 Value; as lung Brussels Rugs, in artistic, de-
x „i 1,..; ... n.-iontal and I I 11111 11 11 1I I xt signs and varied colorings.,. Onentaland I 1 1111111 II 1I 1 astheV ( v,.. rP anlar 9xl’ Seamless
Medallion patterns, in 9x12 1 e 98 regular dxl Seamless
$22.50 \\\\\\\\W 115-00
Hunr.l Onk A. i» an.l Crafts \ \ \ lUDA T , ... ..uainfrd with our nrw.
labrar. Table, racks k —» -gW Sanua.rr talt .Mattress A
$15.00 Vfc—jl 52.98 T ..SIO,OO
arrivals in Lace Curtain- 11 O Axminster Rugs in small Sizes.
m Mission and Xnveltv effects. ! ”b'h. Prices low.
La., t'nrtains. values QQ I 2<x.>4-m. Axminster AA r A
to $2.00. per pair JUu I 1 I RugssZiwU
Lace Curtains, values to $3.00 I I 36x72-in. Axminster rf|
per (1 40 V\X I I R,lgS Ou.uu
pair \\ \ I I J 1 j ■-
■-.■ Another shipment of those im-
Genuine Ru-ian Hammered I Steel Arm Braces porte<l ) Clothes ? amp
Brass .Jardinieres, Fern Dishes, I I PrR - s P f,( ’ l; illy priced at
Vases. Candlesticks Large Bolted Rockers s 3 ' 69 ’ * 2b9 Cl CO
assortment specially priced. an<a V llUv
See out new 11 piece Bed Room Outfit. n V«nr Ciim'iiiirA On fhir COMPLETE DINING ROOM SUIT,
including Brass Bed, Spring. Felt Mat- Ullj I Olli tTinUllllu UH Ulll Buffet. Dining Table. China Closet. Serv
tress. Pillow- Dresser, Washstand. 2 > ing Table and six upholstered seat
v;:n.X' " h1A 578.50 Easy Payment Plan $69.00
62 Peachtree LIFETIME FURNITURE 61 North Broad
ga.’» I nm i k jUm.— l IMWILP JM..J. 11l> l 'IW* ll BM! | l ■'■llli I| UW! WIWMUL'B— U l»
The Want Ad way is the modern way of fulling Ii ouse hold
wants. Georgian w ant Ad.« cost little and bring results
W' I ', |'.,l— —ll ■ I mini ~7e— Bo—
You Write A Want Ad
f ■
Keep the main points in mind and tell the facts.
* Then step to the phone and call Main 8000 or
Atlanta 8000 and ask for the W ant Ad Dep’t.
The Atlanta tieorjrian Want Ad Office
No 20 East Alabama Street, 1-2 block off Whitehall
Ever Work Your Own
Gold Mine?
The greatest fortunes are dug out of a man’s keen, healthy brain.
Many money-makers keep their brains strong and healthy by feeding on
This ready-cooked food is made of wheat and barley, baked 12 to 16 hours, and is
partially digested so that it can be easily assimilated by the weakest stomach.
It contains all the food elements of these field grains, including the Phosphate of Potash
which nature places in them for rebuilding brain and nerves.
1 he tool that makes money is the brain.
Weak, dull tools don't do good work.
Have a care for your own money-maker—
“ There’s a Reason” for Grape’Nuts
• ■■■■■ 111 II
Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., Battle Creek, Mich.
When You Write a Want Ad
Keep the main points in mind and tell the facts.
Then step to the phone and call Main 8000 or
Atlanta 8000 and ask for the Want Ad Department
The Atlanta Georgian Want Ad Office
No. 20 East Alabama Street, 1-2 block off Whitehall