Newspaper Page Text
Real Estate For Sale.
WE HAVE a client who has
three cottages on the south side
on a well-improved street, ear
line in front, and he wants to sell
all together, or will gel! either one.
What we want is a proposition
that is somewhere around reason
able. and we believe we can get
together. See Mr. Sharp.
If jou sent a letter or telegram to the
wrong address, you would hardly expect
an answer, would you? The same Is true
when you select the wrong medium to
have all your wants filled. Try the right
way—The Georgian Want Ad way.
Seal Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale.
Bargains For Rent
12 SOUTH BROAD STREET, three d oors above Alabama, 4-stofy brick
building; will rent as a whole or subdivide ■to suit tenant. Reasonable
rental. In the heart of the retail dis trict.
6 MADISON AVENUE—Five-story and basement, flreprtiof. modern build
ing. Will rent as a whole or sub divide to suit tenant. Combination ele
vator; ail other conveniences.
Ask us for price.
203 Empire Building
EQUITY in 202V2-acre improved farm in Dooly county, one
mile of town, for city property. Total value $6,000.00,' Long
loan—s3,ooo, at 6 per cent.
Phone 5767 Ivy. Candler Building.
THE HOUSE you will build, buy or rent will not be a
modern home unless it is wired for Electricity.
Legal Notices.
GEORGIA—FuIton County.
Ordinary's Office, .July 11, 1912.
Mary Connell, as administratrix of es
tate of Nettie V. Sterling, deceased, has
applied for leave to sell the land of said
Nettle V. Sterling. This is, therefore, to
notify all concerned to file their objec
tions. if any they have, on or before the
first Monday in August next, else leave
xvfU then be granted said applicant, as
applied for.
GEORGIA—FuIton County.
Ordinary's Office. July 11, 1912.
John J Keiley, guardian of Daniel M.
Kelley, non compos mentis, has applied
for leave to sell the interest in land of
said Daniel M. Keiley: This is. therefore,
to notify ail concerned to file their ob
jections. if any they have, on or before
first Monday in August next, else
leave will then be granted said applicant,
as applied for.
GEORGIA— Fulton County.
Ordinary's Office. July 11. 1912.
1 harles Krueger, as guardian of Gerson
Kpler and Flossie Epler, minors, has ap
plied for leave to sell the land of said
minors. This is, therefore, to notify all
concerned to file their objections, if any
’hey have, on or before the first Monday
in August next, else leave will then be
granted said applicant, as applied for.
— — fi WILKINSON. Ordinary.
GEORGIA— Fulton County.
ordinary's Office. July 11. 1912.
Mabel H. Moody, administratrix
o. the estate of John T. Moody, deceased,
that she has fully discharged
■ne duties of her said trust, and prays for
letters of dismission. This is. therefore.
Ro notify all persons concerned, to show
cause, if any they can. on or before tlie
arst Monday in August next, why said
Airs. Mabel H. Moodv should not be dis
G'- 1 >RGiA- Fulton County.
Ordinary's Office. July 11. 1912.
Mrs. Ida B. Coates, as administratrix
‘ t the estate of George W. Coates, de
ceased, represents that she has fully dis
charged the duties of her said trust, and
’. ra - VR , f° r letters of dismission. This is,
’’.ereforp, to notify all persons concerned,
to show cause, if any they can, on or
■crore the first Monday in August next,
yny said Mrs. Ida B. Coates should not
i'e discharged.
'■l oßgia Fulton County
ttrdlnary's Office, July 11, 1912.
Mrs Earle Victoria Dillingham, as ad
! mistrqtrlx of estate of Charles H Dil
im deceased, represents that she
.' as fully discharged the duties of her
•■no trust, and prays for letters of dismis
"n This Is. therefore, to notify all per
■■ ns concerned, to show cause. If any
hey can. on or before the first Monday
I Au ly.’ t hext. why said Mrs. Earle Vic
toria Dillingham should not be discharged
-JOHN R. WILKINSON. Ordinary._
GEORGIA— Fulton County.
Ordinary's Office, July 11. 1912.
' Hambrick, as guardian and ex
,'icio administrator of estate of Maud
i‘ a! P t>r ’ Pa ; Jr., deceased, represents that
v > i s Gully discharged the duties of his
', 2 ,r^ R G a . n< i prays for letters of dismls
ton i his is. therefore, to notify all per
-ons concerned, to show cause. If any
ney can. on or before the first Monday
tn August next, why said J. P. Hambrick
■ hould not be discharged.
JOHN R, WILK IN SON, Ordinary.
GP.tißgia—Fulton County.
Ordinary's Office. July 11, 1912.
Leopold Kaufman, as guardian of Ber-
Kaufman, represents that he has
tr, . th f duties of his salt)
Tat ' an< ' Prays for letters of dismission,
ms is, therefore, to notify all persona
'P n erned, to show cause, If any the)
' a ,2 '. nn nr before the first Monday in Au-
i next, whx said Leopold Kaufman
<moui<j not be discharged.
f 1 f-ORGlA—Fulton County.
r- Ordinary’s Office.’ July 11. 1912.
-mile Heyman, as guardian of Harrv
Heyman, represents that he has fully
1,., ar * pf * ’fie duties of his said trust.
, ™ prays for letters of dismission This
rf 'hre. to notify all persons con
• neo, to show’ cause, if any they can.
Real Estate For Sale.
Miss., worth easily $40,000; all fur
nished and doing good business now.
Would consider good Atlanta property
or sell on easy terms to good party.
814 Grant Building.
Phone M. 1869.
Railroad Schedule.
The following scheoule figures are pub
lished only as information, and are not
No. Arrive From— No. Depart To—
-35 New Y. 5:00 am 36 New 112:15 am
13 Jaxville. 5:20 am 30 Col'bus 5:20 am
43 Was ton 5:25 am. 13 Ci >ci. . 5:30 am
12 Sn’port. 6:30 am 32 Fort V. 5:30 am
23 Jaxville 6:50 am! 35 B’ham . 5:45 am
•17 Toccoa. 810 am; 7 Chatga 6:40 am
26 Heflin.. 8:20 am; 12 R’mond 6:55 am
29 New Y.10:30 arm 23 Kan. C. 7:00 am
8 Chat’ga 10:35 am 16 Brun'k. 7:45 am
7 Macon 10:40 am 29 B'ham 10:45 am
27 Fort V 10:45 am 38 New Y.11:01 am
21 Col'bus 10:50 am 40 Charl’e 12:00 n’n
6 Cinci .11:10 am 6 Macon .12:20 pn>
30 Bham.. 2:30 pm 30 New Y. 3:45 pm
«° R bam 13:40 pm 15 Chat ga 3:00 pm
39 Charlo e 3:55 pm 39 B’ham. 4 :10 pm
o Macon 4:00 pm *lB Toccoa. 4:30 pm
31 New Y. 5:00 pm 22 Col'bus 5:10 pm
15 Bruns'k 7:50 pm 5 Cinci . 5:10 pm
11 R mond 8:30 pm 28 Fort V. 5:20 pm
24 Kan. C. 9:20 pm 25 Heflin . 5:45 pm
16 Chat ga 9:35 pm 10 Macon 5:30 pm
29 Col bus 10 30 pm <4 Wash’n 8:45 pm
31 Fort V.10:25 pm 24 Jaxville 9.30 pm
36 B’ham 12:00 ngt 11 Sh’port. 11:10 pm
14 Cinci .11:00 pm 14 Taxvilla 11 in pm
Trains marked thus (•) run dally, ex
cept Sunday.
Other trains run dally. Central time
City Ticket Office. No 1 Peachtree St.
Legal Notices.
on or before the first Monday in August
next, why said Emile Heyman should not
be discharged.
GEORGIA Fulton County.
Ordinary's Office. July It. 1912
■ W. T. Akin, as administrator of the
estate of George B. Akin, deceased, rep
resents that he has fully discharged the
duties of his said trust, and prays for let
ters of dismission. This is. therefore, to
notify all persons concerned, to show
cause, if an.v they can. on or before the
first Mondat in August next, why said
W. T. Akin should not be discharged.
GEORGIA—FuIton County.
Ordinary's Office,' July 11, 1912.
Joseph A. Baldwin, as administrator of
the estate of Mrs. Rebecca Baldwin, de
ceased, represents that he has fully dis
charged the duties of his said trust, and
prays for letters of dismission. This is,
therefore, to notify all persons concerned,
to show cause, if any they can, on or
before tlie first Monday in August next,
why said Joseph A Baldwin should not be
GEORGIA-- Fulton County.
Ordinary's Office, July 11, 1912,
Samuel H. Green has applied for letters
of administration on the estate of Daniel
A. Green, deceased. This is. therefore, to
notify all concerned that the same will be
heard on the first Mondav in August next
GEORGIA—FuIton County.
Ordinary's Office, July 11, 1912.
.1. R. Hewitt has applied for letters of
administration on the estate of C. P. Hew
itt, deceased. This is. therefore, to notify
all concerned that the same will be heard
on the first Monday in August next.
GEORGIA- Fulton County
Ordinary's Office, July 11, 1912.
Annie 1,. Clarke has applied for letters
of administration on the estate of Thomas
A. I’larke, deceased This is. therefore, to
notify all concerned tliat the same will be
heard on the first Monday in August next.
GEORGIA —Fulton County.
Ordinary's office, July 11, 1912
Ida M. McConnell has applied for letters
of administration on the estate of 11. F
McConnell, deceased. This is, therefore, to
notify all concerned that the same will be
heard on the first Monday in August next.
GEORGIA Fulton County.
Ordinary's Office. July 11. 1912.
Tollie K. Moore has applied for letters of
administration on the estate of Mrs. Nancy
<’. Moore, deceased. This is, therefore, to
notify all concerned that the same will be
heard on the first Monday in August next.
GEORGIA— Fulton County.
Ordinary's office. July 11. 1912.
O L. Heyman has applied for letters of
administration on the estate of Mamie El
sas Heyman, deceased This Is, therefore,
to notfiv all concerned that the same will
be heard on the first Monday in August
GEORGIA—FuIton Count!'.
Ordinary's Office. July 11, 1912.
Notice is hereby given to all concerned
that Frank Chisholm, late of said county,
died intestate, and no person has applied
for administration on the estate of said
deceased, and that administration will be
vested in the county administrator, or
some other fit and proper person, on the
flrst Monday in August next, unless valid
ohiections is made thereto.
JOHN R WILKINS! iN. Ordinary.
GEORGIA Fulton County
Ordinary's Office. July 11. 1912.
Notice is hereby given to all concerned
that Mary Early. late of said county, died
Intestate, and no person has applied for
administration on tlie estate of said de
ceased. and that administration wifi -be
vested in the county administrator, or
some other fit and proper person, on the
first Mondav in August next, unless valid
objections Is made thereto
GEORGIA Fulton County
Ordinary's Office. July IL 1912.
Lillie M Shaw has applied for letters of
guardianship of the person and property
of Sarah Shaw, minor, under the age of
Legal Notices.
fourteen years.
This is. therefore, to notify all con
cerned that the same will be heard on the
first Mondav In August next.
JOHN it WILKINSON, ordinary
GEORGIA—FuIton County.
Ordinary’s Office, July 11. 1912.
W. M. Bruce has applied for letters of
guardianship of the persons and proper!!
of Beecher Bruce and Raymond Bruce,
minors, under the age of fourteen years
This is. therefore, to notify all concerned
that the same will be heard on the first
Monday in August next.
■I QI IN R. WILKINSO N. < Irillnary
GEORGIA—FuIton County.
Court of Ordinary, Chambers. July 11. 1912
To the heirs-at-law of Henrietta D.
Seixas, deceased, who reside out of said
state: Moise DeLeon, having, as executor,
applied for probate in solemn forli of the
last will of said deceased, you are hereby
cited to be and appear at the next August
term of said court, on the first Monday in
August next, as said will of said deceased
will then be offered for probate in solemn
form. •*
JOHN R WILKIN.Si >N. ordinary.
GEORGIA —Fulton County.
Court of Ordinary
At Chambers, July 11. 1952
The appraisers on the application of Sal
lie E. Johnson, widow of A. R. Johnson,
deceased, for a twelve months support for
herself and minor child, having duly tiled
their return, all persons are hereb> cited
to show cause, if any they have, at the
next. August, term of this court, why said
application should not be granted.
JOHN R. WILKINS!tN, Orilinary.
GEORGIA- Fulton County.
Ordinary's Office, July 11, 1912.
Mrs Mary E. Kellogg, as executrix of
the will of Gideon Kellogg, deceased, rep
resents that she has fully discharged the
duties of her said trust, and prays for
letters of dismission. This Is, therefore,
to notify all persons concerned to show
cause. If any they can, on or before the
first Monday in August next, why said
Mrs. Mary E. Kellogg should not be dis
GEORGIA —Fulton County.
Ordinary's office, July 11, 1912
E. P. Akins, as administrator of estate
of John M. Akins, deceased, represents
that he has fully discharged the duties
of his said trust, and prays for letters
of dismission. This is. therefore, to noti
fy all persons concerned to show cause, if
any they can. on or before the first Mon
day in August next, why said E. I’. Akins
should not be discharged.
GEORGIA—FuIton County.
Ordinary's Office, July 11. 1912.
M. B. Stovall, as administrator of the
estate of Ida Mott Howell, deceased, rep
resents that he lias fully diacharged the
duties of his said trust, and prays for let
ters of dismission. This is. therefore,
to notffj’ all persons concerned to show
cause, if any they can. on or before the
first Monday In August next, why said M.
B. Stovall should not he discharged
GEORGIA—FuIton County
Ordinary's Office. July 11, 1912
Albert Boylston. as administrator of the
estate of Patience Lockhart, deceased,
represents that he has fully discharged
the duties of his said trust, and prays for
letters of dismission This is, therefore,
to notify all persons concerned to show
cause, if any they can. on or before the
first Monday in August next, why said Al
bert Revision Should not be discharged
GEORGIA —Fulton Count!
Ordinary's office, July 11, 11112.
Fred L. Smith, as administrator of es
tate of Benjamin H. Philips, deceased, rep
resents that he has fully discharged the
duties of his said trust, and prays for
letters of dismission. This is. therefore,
to notify all persons concerned to show
cause, if any they can, on or before the
first Monday in August next, why said
Fred L. Smith should not be discharged.
GEORGIA—FuIton County
Ordinary's Office. July 11, 1912.
Victor E. Lambert, as administrator of
the estate of John B. Monaghan, deceased,
represents that he has fully discharged
the duties of his said trust, and prays for
letters of dismission. This is, therefore,
to notify all persons concerned to show
cause, if any they can, on or before the
first Monday in August next, why said
Victor E. 1/ambert should not be dis
.!< >HN R. WILKINS* >N, ! irdinary
GEORGIA Fulton Count!.
Ordinary's Office. July 11. 1912.
George T. Tumlin, as administrator with
will annexed of estate of Mary A. Tum
lin, deceased, represents that he has fully
discharged the duties of his said trust,
and prays for letters of dismission. This
is, therefore, to notify all persons con
cerned to show cause, if any they can,
on or before the first Monday in Au
gust next, why said George T. Tumlin
should not be discharged.
JOHN R. WILKINSON, ordinary.
GEORGIA —Fulton County
Ordinary's office, July 11, 1912
Miss Sallie C. Stockton, as administra
trix of the estate of Mrs. Minnie S. An
derson. represents that she has fully dis
charged the duties of her said trust, and
prays for letters of dismission. This is.
therefore, to notify all persons concerned
to show' cause, if any they can. on or
before the first Monday in August next,
why said Miss Sallie C. Stockton should
not be discharged.
JOHN 11. WILKINSON. Ordinary.
GFt TRGlA—Fulton <'ounty.
Ordinary's Office, July 11. 1912.
Mrs. Bessie Brown Randall, as guardian
of Nora V. Brown and Emmie R. Brown,
represents that she has fully discharged
the duties of her said trust, and prays
for letters of dismission. This is. there
fore, to notify all persons concerned to
show cause. If any they can, on or before
the first Monday in August next, why said
Mrs. Bessie Brown Randall should not be
GE<TRGIA— Fulton County.
Ordinary's office, July 11, 1912.
J. G. and A. C. Evins, as executors of
the will of John C. Evins, deceased, rep
resent that they have fully discharged the
duties of their said trust, and pray for
letters of dismission. This Is, therefore,
to notify all persons concerned to show
cause, if uny the! can, on or before she
first Monday in August next, why said
.1. G. and A. C Evins should not be dis
JOHN R. WILKINSON, o rdinar! _
i, i.< ilt<ii A —Fulton <'ounty.
Ordinary's Office. Jul! 11. 1912
Samuel Iseman. as administrator of the
estate of Beniamin Iseman, represents
that he has fully discharged the duties of
his said trust, and prays for letters of
dismission. This is, therefore, to notify all
persons concerned to show cause. If art!
they can. on or before the first Monday
in August next, why said Samuel Ise
man should not be discharged.
JOHN ft. WILKINSON, Ordinary.
i;E<>R<ii a i'ni• <ui 'lounty.
Ordinary's Office, July 11. 1912.
Charles L. Chosewood, as executor of
the will of Richard Kelsey. represents that
he has fully discharged the duties of his
said trust, and prays for letters of dis
mission This Is. therefore, to notify all
persons concerned to show cause If any
they can. on or before the first Monday In
August next, why said Charles L. Chose
wood should not be discharged
GEORGIA Fulton Count!
Ordinary's Office, July 14, 1912.
.1. D. Bradwell, as administrator of
the following estate, to-wif: E M Grove,
I. Smullyan, Catherine Wilson. Sarah
Ruth Cooley. I 11 Wilson. Levi Spikes.
Carrie Miller, deceased: also as guardian
of Thomas A Rossman and Lillie M. Jack
son, represents that lie lias fully dis
charged the duties of said trust, and
prays for letters of dismission. This is,
therefore, to notify all persons concerned
to show cause., if any they can, on or
before the first Monday In August next,
why said .1. D. Bradwell should not tie
GEORGIA Fulton County
Court of Ordinary.
At Chambers, July 11. 1912
The appraisers on the application of
Mrs. Ida M McConnell, widow of H. F.
McConnell, deceased, for a twelve months
support for herself and minor child, hav
ing duly filed their return, all persons are
hereby cited to show cause, if any the!'
have, at the next August term of this
court, why said application should not be
GEORGIA - Fulton Count!
Court of Ordinary.
At Chambers. July 11. 1912
The appraisers on the application of
Emma Davis, widow of Elbert Davis, de
ceased, for a twelve months support for
herself and minor child, having duly filed
their return, all persons are hereby cited
to show cause, if any they have, at the
Legal Notices.
next August term of this court, why said
application should not be granted
JOHN R, WILKINSON. ( >rdinar\
GEOR<*»I A—Pulton County.
Court of Ordinary,
At Chambers, 'July 11. 1912.
The appraisers on the application of
I Fannie Kaplan, widow of Marcus Kaplan,
! deceased, for a twelve months support for
! herself, having duly filed their return, all
■ persons are hereby ci,ted to show cause, ■
if any they have, at the next August 1
term of this court, why said application
should not be granted.
JOHN R. \V! I J<INSON. J irdinary.
GEORGIA Pulton County.
Court of Ordinary.
At Chambers, July 11. 1912.
The appraisers on the application of
Ludie B. McLarin, widow of George E.
McLarin, deceased, for a twelve months
support for herself and minor children,
having <iul.\ filed their return, all persons
are hereby cited to show cause, if any they
have, at the next August term of this
court, why said application should not be
JOHN R. \ V I_L KIN SON. Qrdi nary.
GEORGIA Fulton County.
Court of Ordinary,
At Chambers, July 11. 1912.
The appraisers on the application of
Sarah Irene Weathers, widow of W illiam
M. Weathers, deceased, for a twelve
months support for herself and minor
children, having duly riled their return,
all persons are hereby cited to show cause,
if any they have, at the next August term
of this court, why said application should
not be granted.
GEORGIA Fulton (’ounty.
Court of Ordinary.
At Chambers. July 11, 1912.
The appraisers on the application of An
nie Wheeler, widow of Richard Wheeler,
deceased, for a twelve months support for
herself, having duly filed their return, ail
persons are hereby cited to show cause, if
any they have at the next August term
of this court, why said application should
not be granted.
JOHN R. WII.KINSO_N. Ordinary. _
GEORGIA- Fulton County.
Ordinary ’s Office, July 11, 1912
Isaac Scott, administrator of estate of
William B Scott. baA applied for leave
to sell the land of said William B. Scott
This is. therefore, to notify all concerned
to tile their objections, if any they have,
on or before the first Monday in August
next, else leave will then be granted said
applicant, as applied for.
GEORGIA Fulton County.
Ordinary’s office, .July 11. 1912.
E. L. Douglas, as executor of will of
Mattie S Adams, deceased, has applied
for leave to sell the land of said Mattle
S. Adams This is. therefore, to notify all
concerned to file their objections, if any
they have, on or before the first Monday
in August next, else leave will then be
granted said applicant, as applied for.
GEORGIA Fulton County.
Ordinary’s office. July 11, 1912.
Nellie G. Ware, as administrator of the
estate of W. R. Ware, deceased, has ap
plied for leave to sell the land of said
W. R. Ware. This is, therefore, to notify
all concerned to file their objections. If
an.v they have, on or before the first Mon
day in August next, else leave will then
he granted said applicant, as applied for.
J< >IIN' R, Wl LKI NS< >N. (>rdinary.
<» i'j »K< iI A p ulton ’’ounty.
Ordinary's office, July 11, 1912.
Frampton E. Ellis, as administrator of
the estate of Martha A. Waters, deceased,
has applied for leave to sell the land of
said Martha A. Waters. This is. there
fore, to notify all concerned to file their
objections, if any they have, on or before
the first Monday in August next, else
leave will then be granted said applicant,
as applied for.
J(*HN R. Wil.K£N ß’ > N. < >rdinary.
GEf>RGIA- Fulton County.
Ordinary’s < >ffice. July 11, 1912.
S. B. Turman, as administrator of es
tate of Catherine 1. Benteen, deceased,
has applied for leave to sell the land of
said Catherine L. Benteen. This Is.
therefore, to notify all concerned to file
their objections, if any they have, on or
before the first Monday in August next,
else leave will then he granted said ap
plicant, as applied for.
By virtue of the power of sale con
tained in a loan deed given bx Mrs. Alice
T. .Newton to J ’l’. Gary, dated March
IK, 1909, recorded in deed book 243, page
86. of Fulton county records, there will be
sold at public outcry, to the highest bid
der for cash, for the purpose of paying
the indebtedness secured by said loan deed
and the expenses of the proceedings, on
the first Tuesday in August, 1912, at the
usual place for holding sheriff’s sales in
Atlanta. Fulton county, Georgia, and dur
ing the legal hours of sale, the following
described real estate, to wit: All that
tract or parcel of land lying and being in
land lot 148 of the Seventeenth district
of Fulton county, Georgia, commencing at
a point on the south side of Forrest street
forty-nine and six-tenths <49.6) feet west
from the southwest corner so Forrest and
Pine streets: thence south along the west
line of lot No. 21 one hundred and seven
ty-five (175) feet to lot No 24; thence
west along the north line of lot 24 fifty
(50) feet to lot 23, thence north along the
east line of lot 23 one hundred and sev
enty-five (175) feet to Forrest street;
thence east along the south side of For
rest street flftx (50) feet to the beginning
point. Being known as lot 22, of the
Weyman & Connors subdivision, as per
plat recorded in the clerk's office of Ful
ton superior court.
Attorney in Fact.
Attorneys at Law.
<;E( >r<;ia ’’ounp\ of Fulton
Annie May Latham vs. Henry T. Latham..
Libel for Total Divorce
Greeting: You arc hereby required person
ally or by attorney, to be and appear at
the next superior court, to be held in and
for said county, on the first Monday in
September, 1912, then and there to answ» r
the plaintiffs complaint, as in default
thereof said court will proceed, as to jus
tice shall appertain.
Witness, the Honorable J. T Pendleton,
judge of said court, this Ist day of .July,
1912 J(>HN II JONES, Dept. Clerk
TIK >M AS B. BROWN, Attorney. 46-7-2
GEORGIA Fulton County.
Agreeable to an order of the superior
court of said county, in re Courtland S.
Winn, administrator of the estate of Mrs
Margaret A. (’ox, deceased, et al., granted
lune 8. 1912. and July 10, 1912. I will sell
before the court house door of Fuhon
county. ’R'orgia. on the first Tuesday in
Xiigusi. 1912. within the legal hours of
sale, the following property, to-w’it:
All that tract or parcel <»f land lying
and being in land lots 91. 92 and 93. of the
Seventeenth district of originally Henry,
now Fulton county, Georgia; Commenc
ing at a point on the southeast corner of
said land lot 92. and running thence north
along the east line of said land lot 92,
3,019.3 feet, t<» the northeast corner of saitl
land lot 92; thence west along the dividing
line between land lois 91 and 92 259 feet
to the Roswell road; thenre northwardly
along the Roswell road 51.7 feet to a
branch; thence northwestwardly, following
the of said branch 2.870 feet,
more or less; thence north along Cope
land's line 268 feet thence westwardly
along said Copeland's line 1,110 8 feet to
the west line of said land lot 91. thence
smith along the west lines o f said land
lots 91 and 92 3,219.6 feet, to J. M Austin’s
line, thence east along I M Austin s line
515 6 feet; thence south along said J M
Austin's line 705.3 feet, to the Mount Pe
rla n road: thence southwestwardly along
the Mount Perian road 148.5 feet, thence
west along said J M Austin’s line 486.7
feet Io the west line of said IWnd lot 92;
thence smith along the west line of said
land lot 92 402 feet, thence east along
the north line of the Burdett property 340
feet to a hickory tree that corners on the
Mount Perian road; thence southwardly
along Burdett's line 1,133 feet, more or
less; thence east along Burdett's line 100
feet; thence south along Burdett's line 10f)
feet, thence east 1.103.5 feet to the Ros
well road; thence northwardly along said I
Roswell road 800 feet, more or less, to the
line dividing land lots 92 and 93; thence
east along said line 1,145 feet to beginning
Said property will be sold in eighteen
parcels, as per plat of <). I-’ Kauffman
Bro. civil engineers, dated July 6, 1912,
tn be exhibited at the sale
Terms: One-third <ash, balance one
and two years, with 7 per cent interest,
or all cash, at the option of the pur
chaser. FOR REST A DAIR,
GEORGIA ■ F’ii'lthn County
By virtue of an order of the court of
ordinary of said counTv. granted at the
July term. 1312. will b» »r>ld before 'he
court bouse door of said count! on the
first Tuesday of August next, within the
Judge Tells Husband and Girl
Haled to Court by Wife to
“I hope this row can be ended with
a double wedding.” said Judge Broyles
today, as he dismissed the cases against
Lee Chalmers and Miss Lula Berbig.
The eases were made by Mrs. Lee
Chalmers, when from her typewriter
desk in the office of Dr. L. R. Williams,
of 118 1-2 Edgewood avenue, she saw
her husband and the pretty young
woman walking down the street.
Chalmers and bls wife are suing each
other for divorce; she alleges failure to
support and ill treatment; he alleges
that she had too many admirers
At the trial Chalmers tohl the re
corder that his wife was going to mar
ry Dr. Williams as soon as she was
free. Neither Mrs. Chalmers nor her
employer denied this. Then the judge
handed out his advice to Chalmers to
get married to Miss Berbig as soon as
he was free. This met no protest
Miss Berbig is a pretty young woman
of 26 years. She lives at No. 3 Arm
strong street. Mrs. Chalmers gave het
age as 34. Her present address is 164
South Pryor street.
Botli Dr. Williams and Mrs. Chal
mers told the recorder that on June 22
Chalmers threatened to kill his wife
and .struck her. Judge Broyles fined
the husband $lO for tills, but on the
testimony that this case had been set
tled In court, the Judge remitted the
fine. As he did so Miss Berbig snap
ped her fingers in Mrs. Chalmers' face
and came near causing a fight in the
presence of the court.
Legal Notices.
legal hours of sale, the following property
of Mrs. Carey J. Strickland, deceases, t<»-
wit. All that tract or parcel of land sit
uated, lying and being in land lot No. 40,
of the Fourteenth (14th) district of Ful
ton county, Georgia, more fully described
as follows: Beginning at a point on the
south side of Gould street 110 feet south
west from the southwest corner of Gould
street and Richmond avenue, and running
thence southwest along the south side of
Gould street 120 feet: thence southeast
125 feet to an alley: thence northeast
along the north side of the alley 120 feet:
thence northwest 125 feet to point of be
ginning J. O. COCHRAN,
Attorneys for Administrator.
GE?)RGIA Fulton County.
Ordinary’s Office, July 12. 1912.
W. T. Dewberry, as administrator of
estate of J D Dewberry, deceased, has
applied for leave to sell the land of said
J D. Dewberry. This is. therefore, to
notify all concerned to file their objec
tions, if any they have, on or before the
I first Monday in August next, else leave
j will then be granted said applicant, as ap
plied for.
JOHN R WILKINSON. < )rdinary
GEORGIA- Fulton County
Ordinary's Office, July 12 19.12.
Asa Bearse has applied for letters of ad
ministration on the estate of Frank D
Bearse, deceased. This is. therefore, to
notify all concerned that the same will be
heard on the first Mondav in August next.
’ lE’ )R(HA - Fulton County.
ordinary’s office. July 12. 1912
Rilla A Turner, as guardian of (’harles
V. Turner, minor, represents that she has
fully discharged the duties of her said
trust, and prays for letters of dismission.
This is, therefore, to notify all persons
concerned to show cause, if any they can.
on or before the first Monday’ In August
next, why said Rilla A. Turner should
not be discharged.
GEORGIA—FuIton (’ounty.
Ordinary’s office. July 12, 1912.
s .lohn T. Gary as administrator of es
tate of C. T. Gary, deceased, has applied
for leave to sell the land of said <’. T.
Gary. This is. therefore, to notify all
concerned to file their objections, if an.v
they have, on or before the first Mon
day in August next, else leave will then
be granted said applicant, as applied for.
JOHN R. WILKINS’)N, Ordinary.
GE’ >RGlA—Fulton County
Ordinary’s Office, July 12. 1912.
Frank Garraux, as administrator of es
tate of Ada Owens, deceased, lias applied
for leave to sell the land of said ?\<la
Owens. This Is. therefore, to notify all
concerned to file their objections, if any
they have, on or before the first Monday
in August next, else leave will then be
granted said applicant, as applied for.
GEORGIA Fulton County
ordinary’s office, July 12, 1912
T. O. Hathcock has applied for letters
of administration on the estate of David
Lee, deceased. This is, therefore, to no
tify all concerned that the same will be
heani on the first Monday in August next.
.i« HIX r WILKINSON. <irdinao
<; I ? »r< 11 a Fulton <!ounl>
Ordinary’s office. July 12, 1912.
Hicklin A. Hall has applied for letters
of adminißtration »>n the estate of Jas P
Hall, deceased. This is, therefore, to no
tify all concerned that (he same will be
heard <>n the first Mondav in August next
GEORGIA Fulton ’’ounty
Ordinary's office, July 13. 1912.
J. McSwain Woods has applied for let
ters of administration on trie estate of
James Hall, deceased. This is. therefore,
io notify all concerned that the same will
be heard on the first Monday in August
GEORGIA Full o• '■ intj
Ordinary's Office, July 13, 1912.
J D. Brad well, as administrator the
estate of Mrs El rule Pope, deeraaed, has
applied for leave to sell the land of said
Mrs Ermie Pope This Is. therefore, to
notify all concerned to file their objec
tions. if any’ they have. <m or before the
first Monday in August next, else leave
w’ill then be granted said applicant, as
applied for.
i''iiN it w 11 ,i<i ns< i. Ordinary.
(JEORCJIA Fulton County.
ordinary's Office, July’ 13, 1912.
To she Heirs at Law of D G. Bettis, De
ceased :
F P. Starry having applied for an or
der requiring J. R. Carmichael, the ad
ministrator of thet estate of said det-cawed,
to execute title under a bond for title,
you are hereby cited to be and appear
at the next August term of said court,
to be held on the first Monday in August
next, then and there to show cause, if any
you can, why said order should not be
Mrs. Sadie Aynesworth vs. Will Aynes
worth Libel for Divorce Superior
Court of Fuhon County, Georgia.
To Will Aynesworth:
You are hereby notified to he and ap
pear at the superior fotirt. to be held In
and for said county on the first Monflav
in September. 1912, to answer the petition
of Mrs Sadie Ainesw'orth for a total di
vorce from you. In default, the court
will proceed as fustfee shall require
Witness the Honorable W D. Ellis,
judge of said court
This July 4. 1912
W. A. JAMES, Attorney. 7-4-1
People coming to Atlanta for the < x
hibition of Atlanta-made goods, which
is to be held at the Auditoiium-Armoty
during the first ten days in August, will
get advantage of a railroad rate of one
and one-half cents per mile. This was
announced today by Frank Weldon,
secretary of the exposition. The rate
applies to all points in Georgia. Flor
ida, Alabama, Tennessee and the Caro
The tickets can be purchased on the
day before the exposition starts and are
good until August 12. August 4 and 5
are two days on which this rate will
not apply, as the rate for the exposition
is due to the combining of two sep
arate rates which fail to provide for
two days in August.
Master Gabriel, the chap at the For
syth this week doing over again what
he used to do in the creation of “Little
Nemo” and "Buster Brown,” can't get
away from his love of "Icids."
Yesterday he held a reception to
more than a hundred of Atlanta tots
and totesses and he had such a cork
ing good time and the tots had such a
corking good time that he's going to
hold another reception for them to
morrow. Gabriel says Atlanta boys and
girls have taught him more dream
childhood stories than he'd ever im
agined in tile world before.
WASHINGTON. July 18—An unus
ual poker hand was played a few nights
ago in what is known as the "sena
ators' poker game.” The “senators’
game” is composed of six or seven
senators, who gather tw-ice a week at
one of the players’ homes and “sit
In one hand Senator A. opened a
jackpot for $3.75. Senator B. took a
squint at Itis hand and found a, nine
high straight. He took a glance at
those behind him and thought he saw
evidences of easy money, and just
"stayed.” Three others trailed along.
Senator X. who was dealing, asked
how many cards were required. Sena
tor A., the opener, said he was satis
fied with what he had.
This started B. to thinking He fig
ured out that a. nine high straight was
pretty weak against the other pat hand.
He noticed that all of his cards were
spades except the seven; That was a
heart. He tossed away the heart, hop
ing to make a flush or a straight flush.
Senator A. bet $12.50. Senator B.
took another peek. In his hand nestled
the seven of clubs, making his hand
exactly of the same value as it had
been originally.
'T’ve just got to .call,” he said.
Senator A. had a seven high straight.
BRANFORD. t’< »NN., July 18. W. A.
Bryant's red radishes grew so fast that
one burst open with a noise that made
the guests of the Montomure house
think one of the aeroplanes from the
Branford Rivet hangars had struck the
roof. Vice President H. J. Horne, of
the New Haven road, was so startled
in his adjacent cottage that he jumped
out of bed, thinking his fast motor
boat had exploded. He landed with
both bare feet on a large sheet of fly
paper and rolled heels over head down
the stairs and over the descending
lawn into Long Island sound, up to
Ills neck, before he could tear loose.
Tlie soil in this section is said to
excel even that of Winsted, and the
radishes hereabouts grow high stems so
rapidly that they fall over and smother
the poultry, *
W. Wise Is at home and inports his
campaign for congress in the Sixth dis
trict in excellent condition. His friends
say that sentiment in all parts (if the
district is for the county unit plan and
they 'ire expecting the executive com
mittee to meet in the next few days
and adopt it for the approaching pri
mary. Mr. Wise expects to make sev
eral speeches In the next few days.
John R. Cooper, of Macon, another
lanilidate for congress from the Sixth
district opposing Congressman Charles
1.. I’.art lett. spoke here during the noon
recess of the superior court Tuesday.
He said he conceded tills county to Mr.
Wise, but that lie had an ambition to
go to congress and expected to keep
running, and he wanted the support of
those who do not vote for Mr. Wise
in this county.
SAVANNAH, GA., .Inly 18 An automo
bile road from Savannah to Tybee ap
pears to be nearer a reality than at any
time since the project has been agitated
A roadbed of at. least 24 i<-et from the
city to the ocean is planned and from
the encouragement received, its construe
tion will be only a matter of a short time
D C. Talbott, who is promoting the
project, says considerable stock iias been
subscribed, and John Bell, attorney for
Talbott, has been instructed to file appli
cation for a charter.
Right of way to the island is now being
secured. Those interested in she projeer
say such a road would be a paying institu
WASHINGTON, July 18 The sen
ate today passed Senator Swanson's
bill providing for the establishment of
an immigration station at Hampton
Roads, Va . and appropriated $250,000
for the erection of a building for that
Alexander Gets Postponement
Until Tomorrow for Joe Hill
Hall to Return.
Tlie bill for the extension of the West
ern and Atlantic railroad, by Represen- j
tative Hooper Alexander, of DeKalb, 3
which was up for a third reading in the /
house today, was postponed, upon motion ;
of Mr Alexander, until tomorrow, in
order that Mr. Hall, of Bibb, who is ab
sent from tlie city today, may .have an
opportunity to discuss it.
The bill of Mr. Alexander, providing for
tlie initiative, the referendum, and the re
call in Georgia, up for a third reading
with a favorable committee report, was,
upon motion of Mr. Lawrence, of Chat
ham. recommended to the committee on
constitutional amendments.
The report of the expenditures in the J
secretary of state's office, required for the |
information of the house under the Hol
lis resolution adopted yesterday, came
into the house today.
Upon motion of Mr. Hollis, of Taylor,
it was referred to a select committee for
an early report thereon.
Mr Harrell, of Stewart, through a mo
tion to indefinitely postpone, made an
unsuccessful effort to kill the bill of Mr.
Johnson, of Bartow, which seeks to ex
empt certain farm products, for a period
of one year, from taxation.
On an aye and nay roll-call, Mr. Har
rell’s motion was disagreed to by a vote
of 123 to 6, despite a vehement and vo
ciferous speech from the gentleman from
Stewart. against the bill.
Upon motion of Mr. Johnson, this bill
was made a special order for Thursday,
July 25.
A move in the direction of the aboli
tion of the fee system in Georgia was
made today when the house passed, by a
vote of 121 to 11, the bill of Mr. Spence,
<>f Carroll, which provides that all county
officials in Georgia, compensated under
a fee system, shall keep accurate ac
counts of their fees for the information
of the public.
The bill makes it a misdemeanor to fall
to keep these accounts.
A sharp but ineffectual fight was made
against the bill.
CHICAGO, July 18.- Behind locked
doors, guarded by two strong men, to re
sist any effort to force it, Mrs. Fisk A.
Wilcox, signal operator at Western
Springs, where the Denver Limited on the
Burlington lines was shattered by the fast
Omaha mail Sunday, and thirteen persons
ground to death, refused to accept service
on a coroner's subpena to appear at the
Inquest whicli opened today in LaGrange.
It was at first reported that Mrs. Wilcox
had been spirited away. This was found <
to be untrue.
Knowledge that Coroner Hoffman
planned to investigate fully the fact of
ber igmmitment to Dunning Insane hos
pital some years ago is believed to have
caused the woman's determination to re
sist a subpena. The coroner planned to
call tlie woman's husband. A thorough
probe of the story of tlie flagman of the
limited was expected to be taken up first
by the coroner
Mrs. Wilcox was induced by the rail
road officials to attend the coroner's
hearing and appeared later and was
George U. Eno, engineer of the Den
ver limited, was the first witness sum
moned. Eno testified that the fog was
so thick that he could not se? the sem
aphore until he was almost it.
Business men who are members of
the Chamber of Commerce will from
their offices tonight direct to Taft hall,
where the chamber is to give the first
of its "get-together" dinners. The din
ner. which will bo entirely Informal,
starts promptly at 7 o'clock.
All of tlie members will be invited to
join in discussions, of the new Cham
ber of Commerce home, the proposed
exposition at Lakewood, the question of
municipal research and the proposition
to organize the chamber on the bureau
Postmaster Hugh L. McKee, second
vice president of the Presidential Post
masters of Georgia left today to attend
the convention in Savannah.
The Presidential Postmasters associ
ation is composed of those heads of
postoffices who ate appointed by the
president himself. Their convention of
last year was held in Atlanta and drew
a large attendance. The convention I
w ill last through Saturday.
Smith, vice presiilent of the Canada-Sas
katehewan Land Company, director of
tlie Com met via I Cable Company and one
of the best known financiers of Canada, !
was killed in an automobile accident
early todai and hree of his companions
Injured, while returning from a political
pienie. Tin' chauffeur lost his way in
tlie darkness and the machine went into |
a nu-foot ditch.
GADSDEN, ALA July 18.—Farmers I
of Etowah count! were thrown into a I
state of excitement today by the dis
covery of army worms in their corn
fields. Young corn is being cut to
shreds. A request has been made to the
state department of agriculture to wire
a remedy,
WADE Tlie friends of Mr. John W.
Wadi'. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Wade,
Jt . and Mr. Jesse McHenry, of Nash
ville. Tenn., are invited to attend the
funeral of Mr. John W. Wade, Friday,
Jul! 19. 1912. at 10 a. m.. from the
chapel iif H M. Patterson & Son.
The following named gentlemen will
pleasp act as pallbearers and meet at
the chapel. Mr. Q. P. Hodo. Mr. K. i
I. Vai bra!-, Dr M C Martin, Dr.
H. H. Henley. Dr. W. W. Norris and
Mr. T. Frank Clark,