Newspaper Page Text
Mrs. ,W. M. Rapp and Miss Clyde
Rapp are at Tybee.
Mr. and Mrs. Julian Webster are
spending ten days at St. Simons island.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Webster are at
Si. Simons Island for a fortnight’s stay.
Mrs. James G. Work entertained at
bridge this afternoon for Mis. Bessie
W. Thomas, of Pittsburg
Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Cartledge go to
Rome today for a week's stay as guests
#f Mrs. J W. Rounsavllle.
Misses Annie and Jessie Dickey, of
Oxford, Ga.. are the guests of Miss
Hazel Wood.
Miss Lula White and her father, Mr.
W, White, are in Milwaukee for
a short visit.
Mr and Mrs. J. O. Lindsey, of At
lanta, are guests at Kinsey cottage.
Virginia Beach.
Miss Marlon Hodgson, of Athens, is
the guest of Miss Laura Cowles, at her
home on Spring street.
Miss Sina White has returned after a
visit to Miss Lilian Harris, In Louis
ville. Ky.
Mrs. J. Breckenridge Jackson enter
tained at bridge this afternoon for Mrs.
Francis Bulloch, who was Miss Janie
Newton before her recent marriage.
Mrs. A. D. Lucke and Miss Clio Lucke
are at St. Simons. Miss Ivaline Lucke
and Miss Inez Kilgore are spending the
week with friends in College Park.
7 pSr HKSfcW
I J "M? Ik/ ' B I
| VsK/Ll za
I he Children’s
'T'HE evening hour that brings the family to
gether belongs to the children, for play and
A good piano offers an ideal means of entertain
ment for your children and yourself. There is no other
one possession which will give more joy and happiness
to every member of the family; ami beyond all this,
there is the splendid education that knowing and play
ing good music means to your children.
We offer you your choice of any one of the stand
ard pianos in our collection for immediate delivery, on
terms to suit your convenience. We charge nothing
for the accommodation, except simple banking interest
on the unpaid balance.
Demonstrations at your convenience.
63 Peachtree St.
Half-Price Sale of
Mme. Mariette Corsets
By this time every woman in Atlanta has
heard of the Mme. Mariette Corset, and every
woman who prizes a good figure has worn one--
and tis easy to add that every woman who has
worn one shall continue to do so.
1 his mid-season half-price sale of these val
uable Corsets is given to reduce stock and clear up
broken lines before it is time to give room to fall
stock, which will arrive very soon.
If you have a figure that takes naturally—-as
very many do—to the high or medium bust Corset, it
is your privilege now to wear the best Corset
made at half its real value.
Everything about a Mme. Mariette Corset
is guaranteed—boning, material and fit. All Mme.
Mariette boning is of special composition that
can not be duplicated. Materials are imported
Coutil, Italian Rep and fancy satin brocades—
white, pink and blue.
$5.00 Corsets, $2.50 SIO.OO Corsets, $5.00
6.50 Corsets, $3.25 12.50 Corsets, $6.25
7.50 Corsets, $3.75 15.00 Corsets, $7.50
And up to $35 at Half=Price
J. P. Allen & Co.
51-53 Whitehall St.
Mrs. Preston Stone and Misses Nell
and Annie Hollingsworth leave today
for a two weeks stay at Wrightsville
Beach, N. C.
Mrs. Ringland F. Kilpatrick, who has
been the guest of her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Junius G. Oglesby, left today for
Toms River, N. J., where she will join
Mr. Kilpatrick for the remainder of the
summer at their summer home. They
will return to their home in New York
in October.
Mrs. Hugh Inman and her niece,
Miss Marian Van Dyke, of Memphis,
who is delightfully known In Atlanta,
left today for New Hampshire, where
they will join Master Hugh Inman
Richardson, who is spending the sum
mer at the Twin Lake camp, at Lake
Sunapee. Mrs. Inman and Miss Van-
Dyke will spend some time in New
York before returning home in the fall.
Miss Tribble Entertained.
Miss Ruth Tribble, of Athens, who is
being delightfully entertained during
her visit to Misses Lucy and Callie
Hoke Smith, was the honor guest at an
informal tea given this afternoor. by
Mrs Etha Patterson Griffith, of Bain
bridge. who is the guest of her sister,
Mrs. Howell Cobb Erwin, Jr. Tea was
served on the terrace of the Georgian
Terrace, the party including, besides
the hostess and honor guest. Miss
Dorothy Harman and Mrs. Wellborn
Miss Tribble wore white lingerie with
a big blue hat. Miss Callie Hoke
Smith wore blue charmeuse satin with
lace blouse and picture hat of black.
News of
a N arch of pink roses and
ZA ferns, behind which was
banked tall palms, with ped
estals on either side, crowned with
baskets of pink roses, made an es-
An arch of pink roses and ferns, be
hind which was banked tall palms,
with pedestals on either side, crowned
with baskets of pink roses, made an ef
fective setting for the bridal party at
an afternoon ceremony today, when
Miss Bertha Ermina Wellhouse was
married to Mr. Richard Runnell Brad
The ceremony, at 3 o’clock, was per
formed by Father Rapier, at the home
of the bride on Ponce DeLeon avenue.
The color motif of pink and green was
carried out in charming decorative de
tails. The attendants consisting of a
maid of honor. Miss Agnes Klein, and
best man. Mr.- Henry Wellhouse, of
Richmond, stood near the bridal cou
ple, before the arch as the ceremony
was performed in the drawing room of
the Wellhouse residence.
The bride wore a. handsome robe of
white Irish lace, over white satin, and
carried a shower bouquet of bride’s
roses and valley lilies. Miss Klein was
gowned in white Chantilly lace over
pale green satin and carried pink roses.
Mrs. Wellhouse, the bride's mother,
wore black satin with lace.
An informal reception followed the
ceremony. All apartments were dec
orated in pink roses and greenery. The
bride’s table was covered with Cluny
lace, a handsomely embossed w-edding
cake, surrounded by pink tipped silver
candlesticks, adorning it. The bonbons,
ices and cakes were of pink and green.
The punch table in the reception hall
was presided over by Misses Bertha
Langley, of Pensacola; Charlotte Fogg
and Hazel Hinman; Miss Langley
wearing pink mull with overdress of
del blue chiffon trimmed in heavy lace;
Miss Hinman, white lingerie over white
satin, and Miss Fogg, white lingerie
and lace.
The bride and bridegroom left dur
ing this afternoon for a trip to De
troit, Cincinnati, Niagara Falls, Toron
to and Montreal. On their return, they
will be at home at the Majestic.
House Party Entertained.
Misses Constance and Mary O'Keefe,
of Greenville, S. C., arrive tonight to
be guests of Miss Louise Broyles.
Messrs. Robert McWhorter, of Athens,
and Clark Howell, Jr., will be guests
of Mr. Edwin Broyles for the week-end.
Several affairs have been arranged for
the young people during their stay at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nash Broyles.
A theater party Saturday evening
will be given by Mr. Edwin Broyles,
six or eight guests to compose the par
ty. Next week Mrs. Nash Broyles will
entertain several small afternoon tea
parties, complimenting the Misses
O'Keefe, and other parties will be ten
dered the young women, who remain
through the coming week.
The Choice of a Husband
is too important a matter for a woman
to be handicapped by weakness, bad
blood or foul breath. Avoid these kill
hopes by taking Dr. King’s Life Pills.
New strength, fine complexion, pure
breath, cheerful spirits—things that
win men—follow their use. Easy, safe,
sure, 25c. All druggists.
Members of the faculty of the At
lanta Conservatory of Music and Or
atory will give a recital in Cable hall
tomorrow' night at 8:15 o’clock, compli
mentary to pupils of summer school.
Dance For House Party.
Miss Honor Lee was the hostess last
evening at an informal dance in com
pliment to Miss Elizabeth Smith’s
house guests, Mrs. Julia May Fisher,
Anderson, S. C.; Misses Caroline and
Willamette Bradley, Washington, Ga.,
and Miss May Hutchinson, Greensboro,
Miss Lee received her guests wear
ing blue embroidered mull. Miss Caro
line Bradley was gowned in pink mes
caline veiled in blue chiffon, trimmed
in rosebuds. Miss Willamette Bradley
wore a dainty lingerie frock over pink.
Mrs. Fisher was gowned in black lace,
and Miss Hutchinson wore a frock of
cream mull.
Thirty guests were entertained.
To Mrs. Stotesbury-Cuttar.
A pretty event of the day was the
afternoon bridge party given by Mrs.
Howard Parker for her sister, Mrs.
Harry Stotesbury-Cutter, whose mar
riage was a recent event. The party
was given at the home of Mrs. Parker’s
mother, Mrs. Clarence Angier, and the
decorations w’ere of varicolored nastur
tiums and goldenglow’.
For the maker of top score a lace
.5 M. Rich & Bros. Co. (“The Real Department Store”) M. Rich & Bros. Co. ■
■5 3E
| Pre-Inventory Specials £
| Without a Precedent s
g |
g In the Lace Section 5
E Voile Flouncings Fancy Lace Bands j
* A grand assortment of 45-inch PRINT- - T •
ED VOILE FLOUNCINGS - white, Fanc y Bands ’ 112 t 0 4 UM*es, m
with colored borders, and colors with cream, ecru and white. Absolute val- Jf*
white borders. Brilliant values at $2.00. . o _ , m
.» Tomorrow only, at ues U P t 0 35c a y ard - Tomorrow only _
I 59S 10', I
'5 In the Millinery Section ;
| Untrimmed Hat Shapes I
All colors, and white and black; splendid JB W 5
4! assortment. Regular $2.00, $4.00 and $5.00 5
values. Tomorrow, choice... 5
Stylish Silk Parasols 3:
Your opportunity to buy a high-class, fashionable Silk Parasol at less than half actual value is J;
; * made you here in these specials. The models all have the brass untarnishable frames and fashion
r* able length handles—all colors, in solids, combination effects, in solid centers and novelty borders. *
; to A sparkling variety and superb values.
';to $2.50 to $4.0001 AQ $4.50 to $6.50 0Q nr $7.00 to $9.00 0 4 qq $lO to $12.50 0n nr
values. now...v’i«w values, now ..VwiQw values, now values, now uUidd m
e j M
[■M. Rich & Bros. Co. ■[
“—————————————J I to
Country Home To
Be Scene of
Os much interest in these days of
social quietude will be the luncheon
w'hich Mrs. Morris Brandon gives to
morrow at her country home on Paces
Ferry road.
The guests will go out in automo
biles for the luncheon, which will be
distinguished by a cordial and infor
mal hospitality. The table will be
beautifully decorated with Japanese
lilies from the gardens ol* the Bran
don estate.
Mrs. Brandon’s guests will be Mrs.
Charles Sciple, Mrs. Dunbar Roy, Mrs.
Percy Adams, Mrs. Floyd Mcßae, Mrs.
Don 9. Pardee, Mrs. Andrew Calhoun,
Mrs. J. G. Oglesby, Mrs. Frank Haw
kins, Mrs. Phinizy Calhoun, and Mrs.
Francis Block.
centerpiece was given, snd Che consola
tion prize was a picture. The guest of
honor was presented with silk hose, as
a souvenir of the occasion.
Mrs. Parker wore a gown of white
lingerie Mrs. Stotesbury-Cutter also
wore white lingerie, which was em
broidered in blue. Mrs. Clarence An
gier, who assisted in entertaining, wore
black silk and lace.
Mrs. Victor R. Smith will entertain
at bridge Tuesday afternoon for Mrs.
Harry Stcffesbury-Cutter, who was Miss
Martha Angier before her recent mar
Miss Mary Hines will entertain at
bridge tomorrow morning for Miss Mar
ion Hodgson, of Athens, the guest of
Miss Laura Cowles.
Miss Cowles will entertain infor
mally for Miss Hodgson during her
visit and she will be a charming visitor
at the dinner dance at East Lake to
morrow evening.
Did the Ram Get You?
I'T'HAT’S been “some” Rain during the past few days’. to
Did your clothes get wet —mussed and soiled?
.The STODDARD way makes Men’s and Women’s
Apparel look like new again. Men’s Suits dry cleaned
and pressed for sl.
A Wagon For a Phone Call,
We pay Express (one way) on out-of-town orders of $2 or over.
Stoddard Creat rA
Atlanta Phone 43 Ury Cleaner and Dyer
SAVANNAH, GA., July 18.—As the ■»
suit of the accidental discharge of a 1
volver, John Sullivan Schley, attor: b,
was shot and instantly killed. The l > , e i
entered two inches below the heart ■
severed the main artery. Schley was
when his wife reached him. The p -i,
was still grasped in his left hand i,.
was intending to go to the Yacht club r ,
pistol practice and to teach Mrs. s
how to shoot.
Schley was 56 years old. He wa
member of the Oglethorpe club, the
vannah Yacht club, the German club. 4
Masons and the Georgia Bar associa- a