Newspaper Page Text
Published by The Georgian Company.
20 East Alabama Street
Atlanta. Ga
Ifcntered at Atlanta Poetofflce aj» second
class matter
Subscriptions Payable In Advance
One year mall, postage prepaid. "
Six months, mall, postage prepaid. -so
Three months, mall, postage prepaid. > 26
One month. mall, postage prepaid. to
Subscriptions P- yahle In Advance
Delivered by carrier, one year. $5 20
Delivered by carrier, six months 2 M
Delivered by carrier, three months... 1 30
Delivered by carrier, one month 41
Delivered by carrier In Atlanta and
other cities, one week 10c-
Help Wanted—Female.
WANTED—Offi?e glrh aged 16 to 18, to do
office boy work. Apply In own hand- i
writing, stating experience Address P. I
O. Box 847, Atlanta. Ga 7-19G17
WANTED—Younc lady stenog
rapher. Knowledge of short
hand not essential. Apply Elyea-
Austell Co.. 35 N. Pryor. 7-19-26
■fc’ANTED Girls with experience in mak
ing paper boxes Apply American Box
File Mfg Compant. 182 Pavia street
tTANTED Girl tn nurse and do general
housework Apply at once to 25 Porter
place; apartment 3 7 19 13
—WANTED —A cook nt 3 Kennesaw ave
nue. corner North avenue, at once
WANTED 1 colored house maid; good
wages paid, and room on lot if desired
Apply 262 Juniper street 7-19 4
COMPETENT wash woman. Apply 345
Myrtle street 718-22
feXPERIE NC ED shirtmakers; permanent
employment in comfortable quarters
Apple at once. Clem Phillips Shirt Co..
65 H, N Bn ad st. 25 7 18
SIRL for general housework and cooking
Apply morning 4 Howard street. Apart
ment 1 _ 7-17-32
WANTED A competent cook, room mt
lot if desired Address Mrs W W.
Floyd. Fairburn. Ga. 7-17-29
WANTED Representaive for the 'aii
fornia Perfume Company Apply Mrs
Branch. 614 Peachtree. Ivy 1499-1
Help Wanted—Male.
WANTED First-class cook, man Apply
267 Capitol avenue 7-19 24
WANTED First and second cook Na
than's Case. 122 Peachtree st 7 19-28
CARPENTERS < Competent men furnish I
ed nn short notice for all classes of car
penter work Jim Stephenson, 226 Brown-
Randolph Bldg. Phone: Main 4251. .At
lanta 2932 7-2-5
Appiv to 701 Empire, or phone Main
4411-J L "‘’l!
FIRST-CLASS office and detail man. not
over 36 years of age. state experience
and present employment; salary SIOO per
Month. References required. Address Box
711, care Georgian 7-18-19
STOCK’clehk W \xri:i> A competent
and reliable man to manage the stock
room of a large local retail and wholesale
business Steady work and accuracy re
quired. The successful applicant must be
sober. Industrious and well recommended
Man about 25 years of age preferred. Give
experience and references and state, salary
expected in first letter. Address E R It
care Georgian 7-17-41
Position open for florist; experienced
man to wait on retail trade Good place
with on* of the South's largest retail
florists Give experience, references and'
state salary expected Address R. R E..
care Georgian 7-17-40
WANTED A good front man for drug
store, must be familiar with soda fount;
none but first-class men need apply
Write Ashburn Drug Co., Inc., Ashburn,
Ga 7 17-30
WA NTED Two or three hustling sales
men and collectors; must be able fur
nish horse and bugg? and make bond;
lucrative and permanent position tn right
man. Apply 79 \V hi teha 11 st. 7_ 17-27
COLORED driver for sanitary cart. Col
lege Park Call 90 East Point exchange.
new location of the Moler Barber Col
lege, 38 Ruckle street. Room for 500 daily
WANTED Men to learn the barber
trade Increase your earnings Will
give you start in life that will make you
independent Few weeks completes
Light, clean, inside work Investigate
todav Moler Barber College, 38 I.uekle
Street 52 7-13
WANTED Young man of experience and
good recommendations to take charge
and manage retail grocery business, must
invest SSOO. or would lease business to
right party excellent opportunltj Ml
dress Groceries, rare Georgian 7-12-42
WANTED A good blacksmith and ail
round shop man. good opportunity to
learn auto business; good salary to right
man Address Henry Bohannon. Pine
View ,Ga 54 71 1
Wanted idea's ~ Inventors write for
list of inventions wanted and prizes of
fered by manufacturers Also, how to gpt
your patent. Sent free to any address
Randolph A Briscoe, patent attorneys.
Wash<ngton, D C 7-11 -23
WANTED—A few live men of
good address to present an at
tractive newspaper premium offer ;
among Atlanta homes. See Han
lon at The Georgian office. 6-10-28 I
STOP at HiTb ' ■ ■ j t \
Walton street, if you want a clean, quiet
room: transient 50c. Open all night
test Professor G <>. Branning will teach
you the barber trade (it's easy) We
teach in one half time of other colleges
Course, tools ami position in our shops
only $36 Why pay more'* Thousands of
our graduates running shop; or making
food wages Atlanta Barber College. 10
!ast Mitchell street. 5-1 i -17
MASSAGE. hair cuts, shaves,
shampoos All barber work free (-lean
linen Atlanta Barber College. 10 Fast
Mitchell 5-27 16
Help Wanted Male and Female.
WANTEf* An active, enthusiastic, mail
order enthusiast, lad' or gentleman, to
take an interest in an appealing and mmr
itbrlous device one hundred and tlttv
per cent profit Call 34 Carnegie wax for
interview Connally Southern Distribut
Ing Agency Atlanta. Ga 71 a-33
W ANTED- Several g<»< >< I
stenographers. Como at
once. Remington Type
writer Co., 56 X. Broad St.
WANTED frogrt salve salesmen and
salesladies to present the most attract
ive magazine premium proposition ever
offered to the American public. These
fiositions ar* worth at least SSO per week
o the person with ordinary sab s ability
Come in and get your territory at once, as
we are open only for a limited number of
salespeople Apply Sales Manager. 830 to
9 30 a m . 419 Temple Court Bldg 44-7 8
SHORTHAND is the easy path to sue
cess, study at home while you work,
full course twelve dollars Send for two
free lessons Henry Navagh. 287 Elf
teenth st . Buffalo. N_ Y 42-7-1*
ernment positions SBO oo month Write
for list of positions open Franklin In
stitute, Dept 49-R , Rochester, N Y.
. _ 47-7-6
(for a case Specific Blood Pol
son we fail to cure Raney
Medicine Co . 613 Austell
< Bldg Phone €l4 office
Tr vj Hours 7 a m to 6 p m :
/ Sundays. 9 a m. to 12 a m
< 6-3 33
Teachers Wanted
WE are continuing tn have ‘ alls for prin
cipals. grade and high schol teachers
We will furnish on request sample list of
v "S ans by number tn those
pressing Dept R.<, Clanton A Webb
Ga 7-18-27
Agents Wanted
WANTED- Agents in every county of the
United States to sell our campaign book.
350 pages, 100 pictures and portraits of
all the candidates and leaders The lives
<»f all the presidents and history of their
; administrations The platforms and prin
ciples of all parties. An impartial and
superior book Price only $1 This will
be the most exciting campaign since 1861.
Outfit free on receipt of 10< to pay post
age Titanic outfit also sent free on re
ceipt of 10c for postage Best terms.
Order outfits by return mail Phillfps
-Boyd Publishing Company, Atlanta. Ga.
Salesmen Wanted.
TRAVELING salesmen.
Situations Wanted—Female.
YOUNG LADY desires change of posi
tion. Two tears as steno-bookkeeper
with book company and the past several
years as Mono bookkeeper ana doing gen
eral <»ffi«e fork in unusual and very re
sponsible position: interested In work:
good heaDh. Right person for right po
sition Would not a<|opt less than $75
tn begin. Give particulars. Interested
Secretary. Box 5. care Georgian. 34-7-19
U.\ PI :RI KNCI J ’ young lady steno book
keeper, now employed, must make a
change by August I nr 15. small town pre
ferred. Reference Answer "Zeno. ' care
WANTED- \ position as companion or to
take care of motherless children in a
home of refinement by an unincumbered
lady of education and refinement Has
been a teacher, well informed generally
References exchanged. "N," Box 8. Eton.
Murray county, Georgia. 68-7-13
Situations Wanted -Male.
WANTED Position as office assistant by
man. 24 years old. Have had experience
and will start on small salary. Address
< ' . care ' c-<.rgian, 44 7 I 9
V\ VNTED By man of stegdj habits: po
sit lon as night watchman. Address
Watchman, care Georgian. 39 7-19.
COLORED MAN wants position SB but
ler or yard man. (’an give good refer
ences 181 Murry avenue 40-7-19
WXN'ri’.D By voting man. aged twenty.
position as shipping clerk. References
from former employer. Box 75, care Geor
gian _ 35 L 7, 2
POSITION wanted by experienced oirnilll
man to superintend a 1 or 2 press mill;
fifteen years’ experience; can furnish
good reference Address oil Mill, V. o
Box 150. Atlanta, Ga. 27 7-1!'
UNMARRIED traveling man. age 27, now
employed, wishes to make change
Write Specialty, Box 50, care Georgian.
SITUATION wanteii by gin man of five
years’ experience with leading makes
of systems; refeience furnished on re
LlL ,eH f 1 ( ’.i. 40 7 18
A-i uiiAUpi i i i: and auto mechanic
wants position at once; must have work.
<an furnish best nf references. B. T G..
79 Simpson . • 'it' 41 7 is
I'lUst CLASS BUTLER and houseman,
colored, wants position in private fam
ily. can give good references. Address S.
M . 293 Auburn avenue. 30-7-18
POSITION wanted by Indiana tnan; work
of any kind that is honorable, refer
ences given. Address G H . Box 553,
< are Gemglan. 26-7-18
i-JRST-UHASS chrmi-t nd superintend
ent for fertilizer fa* ‘ general lab-
oratory work would • igagement at
once with good com » Bo.x 606. care
> Georgian l . i.
GOOD coloreci man wants good job. can
drive auto and cook ami am willing
to help with other work Address D B .
;,'Oi I'.dycwiHHl -ivt'iiim. \tlania 7-17
w fNTED Job as PuUmiLn or baggage
porter. Willie McKiney, 268 West Fair
street 28-7-17
YOUNG MAN. 21 years old, who is a first
-class commercial window trimmer and
show card writer, and can also make
drawings for special advertising cuts, de
sires position with responsible firm, pref
erably in town of 5.000 to 10.000 popula
tion \ddress X . P. O. Box 16. Carters
ville. Ga 58-7-16
i :.\ i“i i: I i-:n< ’i :i » cotton buyer desires to
coinmunicatc with bank In town receiv
ing about 5.000 bales season, with view
of working coining season. salary’ or
otherwise Box 416, care Georgian
WANTED Position b\ an experienced
bookkeeper with string, high class con
cern. Can furnish A-l references. Ad-
■i! ■ g Box 181 M'-'iltrio. (io <6 7 in
COTTON grader or buyer wants position
with reliable firm Steady employment:
best references furnished Address W V
M< < 'ai . E;iir <
Situations Wanted— Male and
FEDERS Employment Agency will solve
the servant problem for you free of
charge. Phone Ivy 1789, Atlanta 915
7 18-42
Carpenter Work.
LET US GIVE you prices on cabinet, car
penter and brick work, plastering,
painting and tinting Forsvth Street
Cabinet Shop, 62U Smith Forsyth street.
Phones Main 118*. Atlanta 6087 M.
Board Wanted.
C<M’PLE desire room, board and garage
spa< e with private family Will pav
'SO Both away during day H and H .
care Georgian >2 71:•
w \x i i D Room and board on north
side, must be first-class, references; by
single voung man M O. E.. care J M
High r 2__
\\ \NTED Immt liately by two refined
young ladies, room and board in private
borne Refetences exchanged. Address
Miss .1 R . Box 600, care Georgian 7-18-17
Summer Resorts.
The Atlanta Cottage 509.
\ GOOD PLACE to spend your vacation
Wrin for reservations Rates. $2 per
’ay on per week. Mrs. F B. Crowell.
■ Jr. Proprietoress. 26-7-13
* ...j-
i YONAH LODGE. Naooochee Valley, Ga .
is open for boarders bine climate
| Charming scenery Healthful resort
I’lood ac<"mmodation Rates reasonable
i A pipy to Nauuoehee Institute. Santee, Ga
7 12 18
| VIRGINIA REACH. VA Special rates to
families Very select. Can only accom
modate a very few 6-22-18
CAN accommodate a few boarders,
with delicious meals Reasonable prices
Cl(t-o in. Ivy 4860- 1. ,-16-42
F.XT'ELI.ENT meals, prompt service, for
a few table boarders; close in. reason
1 at '* e ’A’es Ivy 1861 I. _ 7 12-47
CAN accommodate a few select boarders
In mv north side home; close tn Ivy
5625 .1 7-12- 48
Cooper Old-fashioned home-eooked
| mea_l« 5017 Weekly rates 7 12-37
NORTH SIDE HOME, front rooms with
1 board for couple. Ivy 5079-L. 7-12-41
Boarders Wanted.
I NICE front room and board; also one
i smaller room, shaded ground; refer
' encea. 428 Peachtree Ivy 778 L. 7-19-23
: TWO nicely furribJied rooms for couple
or young men. 21 West Peachtree
' Place Excellent meals; day boarders
wanted Ivy 5625 .J 7-19-31
PI,EASA NT BOARD and room for two
young men or two young ladles. Ref
erences Call Bell phone Decatur 556.
DELIGHTFUL large front room; private
bath; also single room; lovely location;
I table board. 241 West Peachtree Ivy
1959-L. 43-J7-19
IVY HOTEL, 98 Ivy Street.
AMERICAN PLAN. $1 25 UP. Weekly-
Rates _ 45-7-17
WA NTED Two young men to occupy
nice large front room at 277 South
Pry'or _ Majn 3411 -K 7 17-43
THE PLAZA. Central location: summer
rates, cool front rooms. 286 Peachtree
street. 39-7-17
NICEI.Y furnished rooms, double and
single., excellent meals. 21 East Cain.
Ivy 3256-L. _
GOOD BOARD in private family-; no
other boarders; room adjoins bath; rates
reasonable; near Piedmont park Phone
Ivy 5744 .1 7_-16- 49
REFINED roommate for young man in
private family; north side; separate
beds; home cooking Phone Ivy 6202 J.
'NICELY furnished, cool rooms with good
board. 62 W. Baker. Ivy 5025-J.
NICE, cool rooms w ’h board. Bell phone.
Mb g
NICE, cool rooms and board. Atlanta
2194- 7-16-14
NICELY furnished' rooms; board If de
sired. C. J. Weinmelster, 139 Spring.
Ivy 5719-L. 7-15-39
ROOM and excellent board, close in. se
lect neighborhood; $4 and $4 50 per
week. 42 Windsor street. Atlanta phone
HAVE pleasant room with bath: also
table board, noon and evening meals a
specialty ’■!;< Pgfwhtrae. ,<i; 7us
DELIGHTFUL location and summer rates
with all conveniences for boarders;
young men especially desired. 647 Peach
ice Ivy 5034 7 13
WANTED Four gentlemen hoarders;
private family; all conveniences; new
place Phone West 393. 38-7-13
GOOD board and comfortable rooms in
private home. Phone Main 2082-1- 1
East Fair. _ ; 12 io
NICE, cool rooms, up or downstairs, in
good neighborhood; reasonable: with or
without board. Ivy 6248. 252 Courtland
st. • 7-16 12
94 W. PEACHTREE. IVY 5944-J. 7-5-39
Lost and Found
IF PARTY sef*n taking gold handled, en
graved umbrella from Marietta street
car Saturday will return same to start
er’s office will save prosecution. 7-19-19
LOST A gold medal with name, "George
IJurk<• ’ i.*o\xard 75 <>rme st 7 19 '
EoST Black .'ilk umbrefia 5n Washing
ton to Lakewood car Monday night
Reward if returned to 123 N. Pryor st
7 18 1
SPRAYED br stolen from 14« Martin, a
white female poodle, five months nld;
answers tn the name of “Baby." Return
to 29 Pell st. and receive reward. 7-17-2
RICHARDSON'S Atlanta Select School;
both sexes; summer school in session.
Pupils prepared for Tech, university, col
lege, \vest Point. Annapolis. 300 Spring.
ANY SHADE, length or weight. Thin
braids remade and hair added Special
attentiofi given to dyeing Work and
quality goods used guaranteed. SPECIAL
PRICES offered for next thirty days. Mail
orders given prompt attention.
Phone Main 1769. 5-20-22
SERKU'S RESUETS come from trusses
Improperly' fitted. John B. Daniel, at 34
Wall street, has an expert fitter and ft
will cost you no more to have him fit you,
and it means insurance. 6-24 19
The Many Spirella Styles.
INCLUDE a style for every woman; the
genuine skill of our corsetieres is mani
fested in selecting the model that be
comes you best. Company headquarters,
84 Fast North avenue Ivy 6176. 5-28-36
FOF ND The successful treatment for
skin, blood, chronic diseases and CAN
CER. Call and see Dr. Reynolds Com
pany, 31 Inman‘building. Atlanta, Ga If
\ou can not call, write 6-7-36
SCREENS Wood fl\ screens, metal fly
screens, hardwood floors, Venetian blinds,
metal weather strips furnished anywhere
in the South. Write or phone W. R. (’al
ia way. manager. 1403 Fourth National
Hank building, Atlanta, Ga Main 5310
acme Letter co.
NOTHING but first class work and
prompt service When you are ready
for this kind of work, phone Ivy 1436.
Memorial building ________ 5-6-33
STILL ANOTHER big shipment of new
wall papers. Prices right. All work
guaranteed. Better be safe than sorry.
Barnett .8- Gordon. 22 East Mitchell street:
thirty seconds from Whitehall. 4-13-45
DR EDMONDSON’S Tansv, Pennyroyal
and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re
liable treatment for painful and sup
pressed menstruation. Irregularities and
similar obstructions Trial box by mail,
50c. Frank Edmondson & Bro , manufac
turing chemists, 14 South Broad street.
Atlanta. Ga_ _ 2 17 14
LADIES SI,OOO reward. I positively guar
antee my great successful Monthly'
remedy : safely relieves some of the long
est, most obstinate cases in three to five
days, no harm pain or Interference with
work, mail $1.50. Double strength, $2. Dr.
F. G. Southington Remedy Company,
Kansas City, Mo,
DROPSY Cl RBD Relieves she eee of
breath In 36 to 48 hours Rcd-\ces swell
ing in 15 to 20 days. Write sot particu
.rtts Collom Dropsv Remedy Company,
512 Austell Building, Atlanta 5-25-11
PALMIST and life readers can be con
sulted on all matters Readings 25c
and 50c 17 East Mit< hell street 5 29-5
gypsy QUEEN can be consulted on all
affairs of life Corner Luckie and For
syth streets. 6-25-13
Colored Undertakers.
Fountain & Robinson.
223 Auburn. Atl. 6921-F; Night Ivy 3609
Sewing Machines.
WF RENT new machines with complete
set of attachments for $2 per month;
also machines repaired; prompt delivery
Roth phones 1893 Singer Sewing Ma
chine Comi'any. 79 Whitehall. ; 914 44
I BIDS V ANTED to rut in cement floor in
basement at J. M High Company.
1 7-18-33
“The Georgian’s Rent Bnlfletm”
A New List Each Day
This bulletin contains every desirable place that is For Rent in the city and
suburbs. The hard problem of finding the places that you desire to rent without
taking a lot of your valuable time and getting fruitless results in return has at
last been solved through The Georgian’s Rent Bulletin. We have special men
scanning the city each day in search of all the desirable places for benefit
arid convenience of our many thousand patrons and readers This bulletin con
tains every new place each day we can locate and we assure you that we are
sparing no pains and time in having this bulletin cpmplete each day. When you
want to rent, think of the best way—-the way that is the most complete ahd
the place where you have the mast places to choose from. Always consult The
Georgian's Rent Bulletin. That is the best way. It will save you time, money
and wdrry. It is for your own convenience.
Furnished Rooms For Rent.,
I YOUNG MAN will share room with a
young man; nice cool place. Close in.
| Ivy 4877. ' 7-19-32
! NICE, cool front room for gentlemen. Ivy
4877, 50 E. Ellis st. 7-19-29
TWO furnished rooms In 'private family;
all conveniences; two doors from Geor
gian Terrace lv"y 6795-J. 7-19-30
NICELY furnished upstairs front rooms,
hot and cold water, suitable for gentle
men or lady, from now until September
1; $lO for one. $12.50 for two. 408 Court
land street, back of reachtree Inn. Bell
Phone Ivy 5469. 7-19-12
THREE first floor rooms, housekeeping,
with owner. -Call during day before 5
p. m. 332 Houston st. 7-19-7
FURNISHED rooms with or without
board. 71 Fairlie st. Atlanta phone
5326. 7-19-6
LARGE, cool, newly furnished front room
with private porch; conveniences; pri
vate family; near in. 232 Central ave.;
cheap. 25-7-19
IN BEAUTIFUL north side home, large
room and dressing room, five windows;
strictly private porch; private entrance
to bath; S2O 18 W. North ave. 7-19-3
D. E. EVANS, proprietor of the Hotel
Carnegie. 20 B Carnegie Way, has the
nicest location in the city; nice, large.
! airy, clean rooms; first-class board if de
■ sired. Also has two-room apartments for
housekeeping; furnished completely
w-ith hot. and cold water, steam heat, and
janitor service. Also one three-room
apartment, completely furnished for light
housekeeping ivy 5558-J, Atlanta 3900.
LAROE front room; first floor. Call Ivy
5 EH.
extra Large, cooe rooms;'cluse
For R ENT- Nice! j- furnished Joom to
young men: convenient to telephone,
bath, eto. Main 4568-. I for particulars.
_ 7-18-40
THREE connecting room,-- for light house
keeping, furnished or unfurnished. Ivy
3833 J. 7-18-25
I LARGE, nicely furnished room; gentle
men only. Apply 4 Wellington Apts.,
124 Ivy st. 7 18-14
NICELY furnished room in modern apart
ment; close in. ivy 5818-J. _7-4 8 I<3
ONE pleasant furnished room at 24 East
Baker street. 7-18-9
ONE nicely furnished room, second floor
apartment. 14 West Baker. Phone Ivy
5039. 7-17-39
I BREEZY front room for business girls.
References exchanged 216 Bass street.
FURNISHED room, gentleman preferred,
references required. Refer, 610 .Third
National Rank Bldg. Phone Ivy 2181.
t 42-7-17
FOR RENT Nice room; close to bath;
close in, north side apartment. ivy
6033-J. , 7-17-25
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, pri
vate home; modern conveniences. Two
blocks from Peachtree street. Ivy 1818-J.
FOR RENT—Two completely furnished
rooms for light housekeeping to couple
without children. Atlanta phone 3424. 49
Brotherton street. 7-17-24
ONE pleasant front room for rent. 24 E.
Baker st. • 7-17-4
FuRNIShST) dining room and kitchen to
some one to give meals in a 20-room
house, now filled with roomers, block of
.Candler BMg. References. L. S., care
Georgian. 7-15-34
FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room.
convenient to bath, near in. 205 Spring
street Ivy 216 R-L 7-15-15
TW< t unfurnished rooms, $lO per month.
Call M. 254-J. UU2
TWO nice furnished rooms with private
bath, with or without board; private
family; close in. 117 Cooper street. Phone
Main 3814-.1, 37-7>ts
NICELY furnished room, single beds;
every convenience. Main 1548-J. 65
Wnmlwani ave. 7-13-32
TWO nicely furnished rooms, single or
for housekeeping. 231 Courtland.
ONE neatly furnished room to gentle
men; reasonable. 339 Courtland. At
lanta -12-34
FOR RENT Desirable rooms: one with
private bath and dressing room; with
or without meals. For couple or young
men. 17 East North avenue. 38-7-12
NICELY furnished, cool rooms to gentle
men; close in. 253 Courtland street.
_ 7-16-11
FOR RENT- Two nicely furnished front
rooms; second floor. 260 Ivy st. 32-7-16
Furnished Rooms Wanted.
WANTED—By refined young couple
three-room apartment, completely fur
nished for light housekeeping, on north
side, private home preferred. Answer O.
B. Wardell, care Kimball House 34-7-18
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
FOR RENT —Three nice connecting
rooms: gas. water, electric lights; sink
in kitchen. 26 Haralscm avenue, Inrrtan
Park. 7 19-16
TWO large cool, clean connecting flrst
' floor rooms, furnished or unfurnished;
well suited for light housekeeping; excel
lent neighborhood: seven minutes walk;
immediate possesion. Call at 105 Cooper
street. 33-7-19
DESIRABLE room and bath at the Fran
ces. 325 Peachtree. Apply Janitor, or
Ivy 2751. 7-17-2
FOUR large first floor rooms; hall, ve
randas; best location: close in; north
FOUR or five first floor rooms; private
entrance; cheap. 332 Houston st.
HALF of house unfurnished; separate en
trance: veranda, electricity; porcelain
I sink Ivy 99. 35-7-18
Fi >R RENT Three unfurnished rooms,
first or second floor, 216 Central ave.
TW<> or three large, beautiful rooms in
new home; electric lights, furnace, good
rar line; twelte minutes from postoffice;
reasonable to couple. M M . Box 560. care
Georgian 7-18-32
FIVE ROOMS for colored people; unfur
nished; over garage; with toilet and
running water. $lO per month. Ivy 2467
23 West ''ain streel. 7-13-13
THREE unfurnished rooms for rent very
reasonable; Grant park section. 3020-F
Atlanta phone 7-18-13
TWO nice large connecting unfurnished
rooms for rent at 61 Fraser, between
East Fair and Woodward avenue. At
lanta phone 5076. 7-18-10
TWi > unfurnished rooms for rent with
private family, all modern conven
iences; ten minutes' walk from center of
"" I’tiHiatn street. 29-7-18
i-'i'lt illiXT Two or three unfurnished
rooms suitable for fight housekeeping,
conveniences: with small family, no chil
dren. Phone Main 1888-.1. 7-18-9
THREE connecting rooms wi'h bath and
sink in kitchen. 137 East avenue. 7-17-12
> What Have You For Remit?
< Have you a nice, cozy furnished room, an attractive apartment, a lovely
< home, a h«tel. an office too large fnr you but big enough for two concerns? Do
? you want to rent your business location, nr ha -e you a garage that you would
\ like to rent 1 ’ Everything that is For Rent can be rented in this bulletin at a lit-
< tie cost and within a short time. The Georgian is the recognized Rent Medi-
> um nf the city and suburbs.
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
FOR RENT -Three nice rooms in good re
pair; gas divided, porcelain bath, sink in
kitchenette. East front. Appiv 181 Luck
ie street. 29-7-17
FOR RENT—Three or four large, light,
airy upstairs rooms at 193 Highland ave
nue. Gas, ,bath and phone Ivy 4353-J;
sls fnr three or $lB per month for four.
FOR RENT —Nice six-room house; all
conveniences; 61 Ashland avenue; cor
ner. Robert Mitchell, 229 Edgewood ave
nue. Phone Ivy 3076. 7-17-26
THREE connecting rooms and porches
4 for housekeeping; Marietta car line.
A. G M , care Georgian 7-17-8
ENTIRE upper floor for rent bath and
all conveniences. ,398 Whitehall.
__ J'ijE 3
FOR RENT—Three connecting rooms,
kitchenette and hath, sls per month.
Apply 45 East Merritts avenue. 7-15-24
FOR RENT- Three unfurnished rooms for
light housekeeping. -13-37
THREE large unfurnished rooms; sink
and pantry in kitchen; close to Grant
park. 424 East Georgia ave. 7-12-13
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted.
WANTED- Three rooms with kitchenette
and bath by quit, refined couple .north
side References exchanged. H. W , 646
Euitable Bldg. 32-7-18
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
For Rent.
FC>R~ 'or~'unfuY
nished rooms, cheap; West End 48
Evans street. 7-17-42
Furnished Apartments For Rent.
A SIX-ROOM apartment, neatly furnished
for summer and winter; steam heat; pos
session at once if desired; close In; north
side._ 1vy_5638. 7-17-38
WANTED.—To let Three-room apartment,
furnished, until September 1. Oglethorpe
Apartment 10. Ivy 5217. 7-1720
HOUSE —Only two apartments; 196 Juni
per st.; first floor, seven rooms, com
pletely furnished. S6O; second story, five
rooms, unfurnished, S3O;. possession Sep
tember; separate-' entrances front ■ and
rear; both have large verandas; large,
shady lot. Ivy 662-J. 7-12-5
Furnished or Unfurnished Apart
ments For Rent.
SUITABLE for young men. business
women, or housekeepers; three connect
ing rooms with bath; private entrance.
345% Peachtree. 7-13-31
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
FOR RENT—One four-room brick; steam
heat, janitor sen ice; very cheap Phone
Ivy 3698-.1. . 47-7-19
FIVE-ROOM flat; front and back porches,
instantaneous heater; $25 monthly. 58
Williams st. 28-7-19
180 V OODWARD 'AVENUE, near Wash
ington. mffier and lower flats of four
rooms each. Ivy 1930-J. 7-18 24
FOR RENT—The new apartment House
at 83 Hurt street, known as the Bosco
bel. consisting of three and four rooms
each, with every known modern conven
ience. and renting for $32 50 to $35, is
now ready for occupancy Apply on prem
ises or Fitzhugh Knox. 1613 Candler
building. 5-9-57
Furnished Houses For Rent.
M ANTED Refined couple to occupy a
beautiful home for summer. "Peach
tree,’’ care Georgian. 27-7-17
Unfurnished Houses For Rent.
22 EAST ALEXANDER, eight rooms.
397 Woodward, cottage, two rooms
FOR RENT Five-room house, 9 Jennings
st., $12.60; four-room house, 10 Jennings
st.. $10.60; gas, water. Apply 268 Wood
wrnrd ave. 7-17-31
BEST ten-room steam-heated brick~house”,
near in, north side. SSO. Ivy 4676. 7-17-16
SEVEN ROOMS. S3O per month. 64 East
Georgia avenue. 777 West Peachtree
street, eight rooms. Harper Bros. Ivy
4286. 7-16-17
PHONE or write us for our rent bulletin;
excellent houses all over the city at
moderate rates. Turman, Black X- Cal
boon. 293 Empire Bldg. 6-29-66
THE HOUSE you build, buy or
rent will not be a modern home
unless it is wired for eleetricitv.
phone for our rent bulletin Ralph O.
Cochran. 19 South Broad street. 4-1-21
Unfurnished Houses Wanted
WANTED To lease a six-room cottage,
with all conveniences; good location
rent reasonable. Call Atlanta phone 6106-
F- 7-18 - 26
Furnished or Unfurnished Houses
RELIABLE party wants furnace-heated
house, eight rooms or larger, furnished
or unfurnished, south of Tenth street,
with stable, prefer two baths. Downstairs
bed imom. Address 58 East Merritts ave
nue- 7-17-14
Office Space For Rent.
FOR sll per month will share equallj
office, telephone and towel service; can
also rent you desk and typewriter cheap
902 Empire Life Bldg. 7-17-10
Fire-Proof Storage.
pianos. Office and warehouse 239-241
Edgewood ave. Ivy 2037. Jqhn J. Wood
side Storage Company.
Stables For Rent.
STABLES for rent at 23 West Cain street;
four stalls; metal lined feed bins, elec
tric light and running water. Ivv 2467
' 7-13 14
Public Baggage and Transfer.
M. C. FURNITURE transfer: we pack
and ship. Main 3657-J, A. 1319. 42 Mad
ison ave. 3-12-7
WE BUY your old accounts, notes, judg
ments. 616 Temple Court building.
Main 3992 7-19-17
WANTED —Second-hand New' Home sew
ing machine. Phone Ivy 1383-L. 7-19-20
WANTED—A second-hand roller chair;
good order; state price. Address Mrs.
T. W. White. Ashburn, Ga. 7-18-8
DROP A CARD —Will bring caen tor aid
clothes and shoes. The Vestaire. 166
Decatur street. 6-27-42
r~BUY men's old clothes and shoes.
Drop a card. I Bock, 32 Bell st. 5-1-14
WANTED —We pay’ highest cash prices
on household goods, pianos and office
furniture Cash advanced on consign
ments. Springer's Auction House, 25
South Pryor street. Bell phone Main 1526.
BEST, CASH PRICES for furniture,
household goods and office furniture.
Pembroke Sales Company. 143 South Pry
or street. Bell phone Main 187. 4-5-25
WE PAY HIGHEST eash prices for house
iiold goods, pianos and office furniture.
Cash advanced on consignments. Cen
tral Auction Company, 12 East Mitchell
street. Bell phone Main 2424. 8-26-26
For Exchange—Miscellaneous.
TO EXCHANGE for milch cow or horse
and wagon. $350 equity’ in East avenue
cottage A. J D., care Georgian 29-7-16
For Sale—Miscellaneous.
FOR SALE —N’ew King steel range at a
bargain. Bell phone Ivy 4821-J. 7-19-22
SIXTY CENTS per bushel. Select them
from the trees. Take Hapeville car to
Hapeville Baptist, church. Orchard at
residence of Dr. Allen, corner Fulton
avenue and Oak street. Bell phone East
Point 405. 38-7-19
Legs of lamb 12 l-2c
Fronts of lamb 10c and
12 l-2c
Lamb chops 15c
Lamb stew 10c
Pot stew 8c
Pot roast 12c
Veal roast 12 l-2c
Chuck steak 10c
Prime rib roast 15c
Rib steaks 15c
Snapper steak 12 l-2c
89 Decatur Street and 150
Marietta Street.
20 PER CENT discount on all
Mission Fiber Rush and Rustic
Hickory Porch Rockers, Chairs,
Swings, Settees, Tables, etc. In
vestigate our Easy Payment Plan.
62 Peachtree. 61 North Broad.
SIX second-hand barber chairs. sllO each;
now for $45 cash this week. Allen M.
Pierce, 16 Marietta st. 7-18-38
FOR SALE—One combination pool table
in good condition; also one roll-top desk.
Will sell cheap for cash. Apply Box 890,
care Georgian. ’ 7-18-36
WOOD. 7-18-15
BI CK RANGE cheap; excellent condition.
323 Pulliam. Main 4615-L. 7-18-2
A SPLENDID refrigerator, about 3x5
cheap. Apply 816 Peachtree. Phone 80
Ivy- 7-18-3
remove dirt and germs from rugs, car
pets, floors, etc ; vacuum cleaners from
$32.50 up: vacuum sweepers $9.75. C. J.
Daniel & Co., 416 Fourth Nat Bk. Bldg
FOUR arch gas lights, good as new; will
sell cheap. Phone Main 573 West 426.
H; J. West. 5-17-19
FOR SALE—SSOO genuine William Hknabe
piano for less than half original price
Payments if desired. Address "Big Bar
gain," care Georgian. 34-7-17
FOR SALE —One hundred-pound capao
ity McCray refrigerator. 18 W. Four
teenth st Phone Ivy 6414-L 7-17-1
IF YOU WANT SAND in anv quantity
delivered In any part of town, whole'-
sale or retail, call Ivy 3786. C. W. Jones
& Co. _ 7-2-33
WANTED—You to know that we sell both
new and second-hand furniture for the
convenience of the economical housekeep
er. We save you at least 20 ner cent
on every purchase. Cameron Furniture
Company. 39 West Mitchell street. Phone
Main 3229. 6-24-20
REPAIRS and refurnishes all kinds of
furniture. We make ladles' shirtwaist
boxes to order at $3 each. Any special
pieces of upholstered furniture we make
to order by expert mechanics. Estimates
carefully furnished. Phone Main 2475,
171 Whitehall Street.
LUMBER, sash and doors. All kinds of
building material. C. E. Henderson
Marietta. Ga 6-22-50
Cotton Seed Hulls.
F R I.OGAN & CO., ATLANTA. 6-17-37
WE RENT good pianos, $3 month up.
We sell good pianos. $5 month up.
Bargain in second-hand. SIOO up.
R. P. Becht Company . 110 Temple Court
building. Bell phone 667 Main. 4-23-20
\mpricin rp £ f sters everything
■‘.xhivaiviiii Latest improvements
CtsL ■’“kisters exchanged
v sizes; easy terms.
Rnrric + or’e Atlanta Cash Register Co
tglbterb 34 East Alabama street
POPE S SPECIAL—Best dollar -watch in
the world sent prepaid, only 86c
Fully’ guaranteed to keep correct time
two years or money refunded New watch
given free if ft breaks A more servicea
ble watch can not be had at any' price.
Money refunded immediately if you are
not highly pleased. Order today’ without
fail Pope Watch and Diamond Companv.
1514 Main street, Dallas, Tex. 6-1-14
FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1912.
Want Ad Rates and Rules
in The Atlanta Georgian
One cent a word each insertion
No ad taken for less than the price
of ten words. Ads in larger type
2c a word.
Out-of-town advertisements
must he accompanied with cash
Agencies' discounts 10 and 5 per
The Georgian will not be respon
sible for more than one incorrect
insertion of any ad ordered more
than one time.
Closing Hours; To secure prop
er classification of Want Ads it
will be necessary’ to have copy i n
. The Georgian office before 1 o'clock
the day’ of the issue.
All ads must he ordered out in
writing or at the office. No dis
continuance notice taken over tel
Every word in the advertisement,
including the name and address
should be counted. Each initiai
counts one word; compound words
are counted as two words.
Telephone your Want Ads to The
Georgian (both phones 80001 when
it is more convenient to do so. and
collection will be made at your
home or at your office the follow
ing day. This is an accommoda
tion service rendered Georgian
s'ant Ad patrons and payment
should always be promptly made
on presentation of bill. Always
ask that your telephone ad be re
peated back to you bv the ad
taker to make sure that it has been
taken correctly. The Georgian can
not guarantee accuracy or assume
responsibility for errors of any kind
occurring in telephone ady-ertise
ADVERTISERS should retain re
ceipts given by The Georgian to
patrons making payunent for Want.
Ads over the office counter, as no
mistakes can be rectified without
them. In answering advertise
ments addressed in care of The
Georgian, if the advertiser asks to
show references, send a duplicate
of same.
WANTED—I9II or 1912 four-passenger
Cadillac, in good condition. Address
Box 650, care Georgian. 7-19-18
I HAVE a two-cylinder Reo car. in good
running order; am in need of cash and
no reasonable offer will be turned down
Address W, M., care Georgian. 7-17-11
BURETOR work a specialty We give
careful attention to electric auto and bat
tery work. Hartrampf & Yarbray Co.
Phone Main 3810. 56 Edgewood avenue
just below Equitable building 4-22-5
fifty dollars and fifty dollar Columbia
bicycle for satisfactory motorcycle Ad
dress P. O. Box 1155, city. 38-7-18
FOR SALE—Motorcycle; the Flying Mer
kle; 1911 model; 27-horsepower: twin
cylinder; with free engine clutch and
itiggage carrier; in perfect running or
der and bargain a.t $l5O. H. M. Gilbert,
116 Edgewood avenue. 7 15-22
torcycle dealers in the South; exclusive
Southern distributors for Indian. Elyea-
Austell Company, 35 North Pryor street
Trunks, Bags and Suitcases.
PHONES: Bell Main 1576. Atlanta 1654,
Stove and Range Repairing.
SELLS second hand gas stoves. We sweep
chimneys. We take down heaters W»
sell wick and wickless oil stoves. We sell
gasoline stoves and ranges. Atlanta phone
2235. 121 Whitehall street. Bell phone
Main 2699. 4-4-7
Money To Loan.
FEW hundred dollars to lend at 8 per
cent on city property. Address B Y. X.,
Box 606, care Georgian. 30-7-19
The Prudential Insurance
Company of America
can make you a 5, 5 1-2 and
6 per cent loan on improved
property through their
loan correspondent,
203-8 Empire Building.
Make Your Application
For a loan on
Real Estate at 5 to 8
Per Cent. Quick attention
and minimum expense.
We also have plenty
of money for
high-class Purchase
Monev Notes.
203-208 Empire Bldg.
Do you need money?
To takeup that loan.
To protect that equity.
To meet a note.
To extend your business.
For any purpose or any amount?
If any of tne above describes votn
case, write to me fully and in stric:
confidence, and I may he able to help
you. Give full, truthful particulars in
firs! letter, or no attention.
P. O. BDX 771, CITY. 7-18-34
AND OTHERS, upon their own names;
cheap rates, easy payments Confiden
tial. D. H. Tolman. 544 Austell building
VvE can make loans on Atlanta real es
tate and farm lands. Apply
O Cochran, 19 South Broach
''--.’r 301 peters
M'»NEY on hand for immediate loans. <m
property in or near Atlanta J E Van
Valkenburg. 501 Equitable Bldg. 6-6-72
Mortgages on Real Estate 4-b»
amount; 6 per cent. Write or call. s.
W Carson. 24 South Broad st, 4-1 -1?
FARM i.i’ANS placed in any amount on
improved farm lands in Georgia. The
y.oitbern Mortgage Company, Gould build
ing. 7-13-1