Newspaper Page Text
Real Estate For. Sals.
NORTH SIDE BI N<?ALoW Just off Pen chi rec road we have rhe class
irst. most complete and up-to-date bungalow in Atlanta This house was '
built bx owner and made thomughlx comfortable for a home It has .HI modern
conveniences,* including hardwood floors. electric I'uiiis, servant s room and
garage The lot the house occupies consists of one-half acre, well shaded and
adorned with pergolas, hedges and lawn Wo on sell this, Including beautiful
furniture, cow. chickens. chicken runs everything .lust ready for the most fastid
ious fam 11 \ io go housekeeping nothing to d • but move one's trunk into for
a price that will he a surprise Se«- us, as we have exclusive sale of this, and
it will not bp on the market long. Terms easy (’all for Mr Rehl.
Phone 2106 Main.
TAKE A LOOK \T NO. 63 CLEBURNE AVE This is a new double-floored and
storm-sheathed home; built of the v«*ry best materials, steam heat, tile floor
on front porch and in bath, hardwood floors, birch doors, stone mantel, exposed
ceiling beams, bookeases, walls tinted in rich colors, dressing room with large
plate glass mirrors in doors, which gives a inautiful effect, plate rack, butler s
pantr>. china closet, splendid basement This is located directly in front of
Judge Palmer's beautiful home It is fresh and mw No one has ever lived in
11 All we ask you to do is to take a look at it and then come to see us. Our
price is right and terms easj
NO. 352 MYRTLE STREET. Here is an eight -room two-story home, located on
a corner lot; will either sell or exchange; will take vacant property as part
payment. BARGAIN
STEAM-HEATED APARTMENTS Just go out to No 300 West Peachtree
street and you will find some of the nicest ' NEW" apartments in the city,
absolutely every known convenience to Hie apartment. Will rent you one
ONE (IOOD PROPOSITION al the junction of Leo and Gordon
streets at sl.3."»<>. and one on Marietta si reel on a lot 90 feet
deep to railroad: price +IO.OOO. Both of these properties will
double in value in a short while. Buv one and gel rich.
Ma’n 4177 J 701 Empire Building Night Nn Ivy 4070-J.
Tor sale
_ _ (Northwest Corner.!
| / \ I I |x I T Lot X|\9R feet; has one two-story dmi-
II I I I I hie brick store, three one-story brick
I \ / I J x * B • -tons, ami a double frame dwelling, cost
_. _ _ w w 'Wner <X.OOa. he asks $7,500. Make us
12 Auburn Avenue.
Till’ 1)01 SE you will build, buy <»r r<*ul will not be a
iiuxlrrii holin' unless it is wired lor Elv<*t ri<-ify.
Legal Notice.
GEORGIA Fulton County.
To the Superior Court of Said County.
The petition of Helen D. Ixjngstreet, of
the county o1 Hall: I. G. Hardeman, of
the county of Jackson: Thomas F. Wat
son. of the county of McDuffie; George F
Gober, of the county of <’obb; Lucian
Knight, of the county of Fulton; W J.
Speer, of the county of Fulton; Florence
Pierce, of the county of Fulton; Seaborn
Wright, of the county of Floyd. \V. 11
Davis, of the county of Burke. R. C Fills,
of the county of Tift . H S White, of the
county of Screven. W M Brinson, of the
county of Jenkins; A c Appleby, of the
county of Jackson, Walter Hunnicutt, of
the count> of Kabun; W. F Rushing, of
the countv of Jenkins; Lucy \. Rushing,
of the countv of Jenkins; Fleetra Tyler
De Loa ch. ot the county of Jenkins:
Charles V DeLoach, of the county of
Jenkins. Minnie K. Moody, of the county
of Rabun; A R Miller, id the county of
Bibb. M T McWhorter, of the county <>f
Rabun; Mrs W Y Atkinson. of the
county of Coweta; Mrs W H Felton, of
the county of Bartow. and approximately
three thousand more persona whose name
appear in a list hereto attached, and made
a part of thia petition, re>poet fully show
to the court
First. That they desire for themselves,
their associates’, successors and assigns
to be Incorporated and made a body poli
tic under the name and stylo of the Tal
lulah Falls Conservation and Parking As
sociation for the period of twenty years
with the privilege of having their charter
renewed at the expiration of that time, as
provided by law
Second 'Pho business of the proposed
corporation is purely edm at tonal. patri
otic, and philanthropic, the -aim being
to preserve the tails in Tallula i river,
known as Tallulah Fulls, from being de
stroyed by any corporation or persons
whatsoever; to prevent the land and scen
ery on and near the Tallulah river n Hab
ersham and Rabun counties. Georgia. from
being injured, damaged m destroyed by
the erection of dams, power plants, or
any other works, strmtuies, or holding
To furnish attorneys and counselor* a
law at the expense of the said Tallulah
Falls Conservation ami Harking v<- >< i.i
tlon to the state of Georgia lor the pur
pose of conducting a suit to te- over the
lands at TalhMah Falls between the brink
of the gorge of Tallukuh rivet ami I'al
lulah rivet along lots 183. 11 ami I;’. it
Rabun county, Georgia, and lot IP3 in th*
Thirteenth district of Habersham • nt'
Georgia: in connection with said suit m
enjoin all persons, corporations or ■ rm
whatsoever from trespassing on. <»r i
luring, damaging. or destroying san:
lands. To furnish lawyer* :m .«!•••< n-i
for the purpose of conducting suit to t.
cover any other land in said counties m
Habersham and Rabun to wh < h th» ?'•
of Georgia may have legal tub. or wlm •
the duly constituted autluu 1 ■ •' :’•<
state of Georgia will authorize tl-*« . .
Tallulah Falls Conservation and Parking
Association to enter suit to n cover :
preserve said Tallulah Fall* and he
scenery on and near the Tallulah rivei
for the education, enlightenment ami ben
efit of the present ami all future gener.i
tions to erect on said property. with the
consent of the state of de<Tg'a. any such
buildings, structures. or pin* *'* of amuse
ment as art usually erected in or near
state and national parks. to have th*
said land at Tallulah made into a stat*
or national park, and to erect any build therein. with the < -msent of ihe stu’e
of Georgia, that may b< thought necessary
or proper f'T the amusement or conven
ience of visitors to aid , .irk T" con
duct lecture tours oi sm h other bus ms:-
as is generally conducted by lycetim
clubs, and such other business as is gen
erally conducted by other. corporations
similar to this association except that
there shall never be any ad mission fe*«
charged to any »»f the visitors to said
Third That the prim iph plat* of bus’-
ness of the said corporation shall be m
Atlanta county ami state aforesa - and
a branch office a’ Gainesville. Hall coun
ty. Georgia
Fourth Petitioners desire the r.ght ;<•
change thf legal ’e.-tdence of tin s;Hd
corporation from -aid city <>f Mlai: a ■ >
ary other city or *ounty within the star*
o' Georg’ g 1 resolution of the m* mb* i •
of the proposed corpo* atFm m- provided
r- «■•*•* jcr> of the ■ ivil * I* m 1311
Fifth Th* m?t nF'. * i
corporation m iid*n b i
M-- ■ >-i>» T'.lc- Pel.. ■<' . val
Real Estate For Sale.
Legal Notice.
hi Hunnicutt. vl<*e presidents; Lucy A
Rushing, secretar\ . R. H Peterson, treas
Sixth Petitioners desire the right to
sur and be sued, to plead and he im
pleaded. to have and use a common seal,
to make all necessary by-laws and regu
lations. and to do such other things as
max He necessary by laws and regula
tions, anti to do such other things as may
be necessary to the successful carrying
out of said business, including right to
buy, hold and sell real estate and per
st.’ial property, suitable to the purpose*
of the corporation, to receive <lonation.s
by gift or will, to execute notes and
bonds as evidence of indebtedness in
curieo or ma.x be incurred in the conduct
of the affairs of th<> proposed corpora
tion. ami to s('cur<- same b\ mortgage,
securit) deed, or other lien under exist
ing laws
Seventh Petitioners desire the right to
appix tor ami accept amendments to their
charter either in matter of form or sub
stam t I'hc) .ds<>. ile.-dre that said cor
poration max wind up its affairs. li<iui
datc. ami discontinue its business at any
time it max desire to do so by a vote of
two-thirds of its members at the lime of.
its liquidat ion
I'ighth Thex d« sire for said corpora
tion Hit' power of renewal when ami .is
provideti b\ laxx. ami that it have such
other rights powers, privileges ami Im
munities as are incident to like corpora
lions, or pcrini.-sjl»lc under (he laws <>f
(h'orgia, iox\- <»! hereafter, of force
\\ Ik v. lore, petitioners pra.x to he in
»"' I'oi-.i i.-.i under the name and style
afore-aio with the powers, privileges and
immunities he’ein set forth, and as,, are
now. or max hereafter be. allowed a cor
poration of unilar character under the
laws of Georgia
\xi ’i :rs( >x a- re> X(»li»s.
Attorneys for Petitioners.
I'lleti !1 off'ue. this the 18th dax of lulx.
\ RX< >I.H BROYLES. Clerk
I certifx. that the above ami foregoing
is a trm and correct copy of the peti
i ■•!! for incorporation <>i the 'l’allulah
tails •’observation and Parking Assocla
ism. which was this <la\ filed in my office
I’ids tile IXih da) ol .lulx. 1912.
\R\( »LI » I'.R' >YLES.
Clerk Superior Court Eulton Count)
I? S Rmhanon, \\ A Steed. A E
Mari in. E I ’ I larding. A X Wood. .1 11
I’txloi Pau) Benson, E H Xorris. \\ Y
> roggii' \ .1 Phillips, (’has Chilian.
\v s Askew. K W Stair. E L. Mallard.
M T Phillips. II L Griffin. T W
io ' ’ E \ Curtis. Chas Stevens. \\
\ <’ lion U II Hopkins. G G King.
' •do Mt Avov. Wm \ Post. Ir . \\ II
U lare h n L A Iha n. I II ‘can. S T
I • h. ii. B J Sewell. Mis I, P Winter.
1 C 11 arris. I. I ’ I trx ant. “ \ Xi x. I
' Brill. \ \ \\h'bb, R. X Holt. L M
'• and. J ’l’ Simpson. .1 C (lakes. S \
>in nur. G I! Bxrd. W P Brogdon, 'l'
1 M■ - i U Brooks. (’ R. I’hompson.
I ‘ ’ ’ K. Ilex . I I 1 1 Eduiomls. II ( i Rob-
' -u. Hugh G Burnette, (’has Mc(’on
ml!. I, W Sik* -. Paul Kelley, Hatrx
•-’k ''it!'- ’ I- Kvllex. E I M > lit gome rx .
' \ ’r«‘Wi«s I W Towns Leon Wai
• ’ ( . 4 I; Smith, .1 I. I »av is . G I Rob
i -i i ■ <; s K.-I’i ) W • : Holt. W X
''• >'• • ■ ■ ’ Bei r\ man. I B Julian, J.
~ W B o • I L \\ illiams. T I. Wil
liams. Garniler Craig. Geo W Williams.
' ' 1 ' '• I I I’arplex . T. M (T a Kelle\
ii - I . < ; E (7>miort .11 II Mot tet t,
\lft‘ ! I b "'ringtoii. Garland Green, G E
Brookm 11. ) Green. Ben H Sh.u keiford.
- I». S H.uniJoii Chas I* Williams. W E.
I *err\ . .1 • ; I h o\\ i . .1 \ R\ a’is. I > E
Retime) X G Lotudgi, M Taylor. E.
i B (’air • \\ <i Sheppard. I> .1. Shep-
pard. J \ Lasse!,a W 1» Benson. E.
C V< i.nglJ "".i. I I Ki g Max E Land.
t W E Edxx ards T I I nirrett. • » 11
■ Hammock, i E Limisvx. J t. Me-
Glarnrx, g M Bullock. I \| Wash
ington. U M I'pe. J M Hunt.
Leonard E E, nn. R E Crumpler, .1 L
! Bullock, R T ' "ciiran. .1 B Pate. W II
I Chapman. \ H Booker. <’ (' Shipp
W I. Robmk. R B Bonfield. Sam
Lov»-tt. T E Ross. R L I "iff'man. J
. W Welkins, .1 1' Adams, X E Ware
' i: L Harwell. H B Brown W E <’ain.
> W \ McKee. Jas R Kelly. W C Jordan.
G i: Holmes I A Butts. I’ B Gleaion.
- W A Riddle. W H G.ox g p Harwell.
I W G Glcato’i W s ijljs. c p Rouse.
R B Lx bm L I < ’olliei . ' ’ E W aln rs.
-1 X Speiubt. \ ,W W x -m. 1- L W-iod
I.T-lhH I- \| • '• I’ (' S.lixxG.n
T M i I I * • B i Wot t: I, R 011,., U
w «’ IW} holds. J L Lashley, E. E
Real Estate For Sale.
0 1)
WE HAVE a client who has
three cottages on the south side
on a well-improved street, car
line in front, and he wants to sell
all together, or will sell either one.
What we want is a proposition
that is somewhere around reason
able, and we believe we can get
foizether. See Mr. Sharp.
Real Estate For Sale.
Mis-., worth easily $40,000: alt fur
nished-and doing good business now.
Would consider good Atlanta property
or sell on easy terms to good party.
814 Grant Building.
Phone M 1869.
Railroad Schedule
The following schedule figures ar« pub
lished only as information, and are not
No Arrive From i No. Depart To—
-35 New Y. 5:00 am 36 New Y.12:15 am '
13 Jaxvllle. 5:20 am 30 Col'bus' 5:20 am '
43 Was'ton 5:25 am. 13 Cinci. . 5:30 am
12 Sh’port. 6:30 am 32 Fort V. 5:30 am I
23 Jaxvllle 6:50 am 35 B'ham . 5:45 am ,
I *l7 Toccoa. 8:10 am 7 Chat'ga 6:40 am i
26 Heflin.. 8:20 am, 12 R’inond 6:55 am
20 Now Y.10:30 am 23 Kan. C. 700 am I
8 Chat’ga I0:S5 am, 16 Brun'k. 7:45 am 1
7 Macon 10:40 am 20 B'ham 10:45 ami
27 Fort V 10:45 am 38 New Y.11:01 am |
21 Col'bus 10:50 am <0 Charl’a 12:00 n'n
6 Cinci ..11:10 am 6 Macon .12:20 pm
30 B’ham.. 2:30 pm 30 New Y. 2:45 pm
40 B'ham 12:40 pm 15 Chat'ga 3.00 pm
30 Charlo'e 3:55 prn 39 B’ham. 4:10 ptn
5 Macon 4:00 pm *lB Toccoa. 4:30 pm
87 New Y. 5:00 pm 22 Col'bus 5:10 pm
15 Bruns'k 7:50 pm 5 Cinci . 5:10 pm
11 R'mond 8:30 pm 28 Fort V. 5:20 pm
24 Kan. C. 0:2(1 pm 25 Heflin . 5:45 prn
16 Chat’ga 9:35 pm 10 Macon . 5:30 pm
29 Col'bus 10 20 pm 44 Wash'n 8:45 pm
31 Fort V.10:25 pm 24 Jaxvllle 9:30 pm
36 B'ham 12:00 ngt 11 Sh’port 11:10 pm
14 Cinci .11:00 pm 14 Jaxvllle 11 10 pm
Trains marked thus (•) run dally, ex
cept S:tn<|ay.
Other trains run daily. Central time.
City Ticket Office. No 1 reachtree St.
Legal Notice.
Jackson, E Pridgen, E K Mar
kert. I» Holmes. \V. \ Stern.
J II (’rumples, W .1 Church well.
Miss Tallulah Atkins. Mrs. E A. Colquitt,
Mrs l» \ IL Crum. U V Whipple. K I,
Wilson. R. L. Dekee. G L Dekee. I< 11.
Strozier. \\ I, Carswell. H L. Means, C
!•’ Means. .1 I’ Pound, i>. S. McCoy. W.
\ Thompson, \\ T Perrx. Rufus Perry,
P IC Westbrook \ M Stead, \ M Bur
ton* A M Mathews. C L. West. <» T
Gowers. \\ II Dorris. W H. McKenzie,
i H ChurchwelL A U ChurcbwelL G
M Poole. S \\ Willis, s c Weisiger,
IC W Stallings. II \V. Purvis. A. .1 Ut
ile. F II Morris. S \ Thompson. IC M
Gunn. S R Bolton. l’». \ Pitts. R T
Taylor, .1 'T Jeter. ('. II Dirkin. W I.
Kendall, Sr.. R D B Taylor. T Tan. J
IC loinei. J. T. Adkins, Th«uuas 'Thomp
son, U. I. Bartholomew. I B. Rvals. 'Theo
Shaffer, C D Berea \ R. IC. Harris. \\ 11.
Parish. R. D Mims. .1 .i Willis, w u
McKenzie. IC R. < D erby, ’Thomas J .1
Ab-Arthur. \\ A. Webster, c. I. McMil
lan. A IC Jackson. \\ P. Fleming. <’. IC
I ’odd IC R Parker. \\ C Wilfred. S
Catchings. John R. Bridges. .1, \\ Mc-
Lendon. II S. Brogdon. Jake Sheppard.
; W I Mtissclwhite. W J Murray. Cole)
\\a nuc, B I. ICvars. \\ W Bunting. B.
’ F Bass. IC B Mann. C. IC \d
i ants. I B Ba rrow .11 B. Kent. \
IF. Holt. Jr . W H Westbrook. J.
IWestbrook. I. IC Zaekary D <».
I’ iMx. R W Hubbard. .1 II Robots.
O J Whelchcl. S F Williams. .1 K
Smith. I O Culpepper. I \ Wilson, W
I’ W ilson. I I. W ilson. T \| Coker.
.Matthew M IC.tkes. Hugh Lasseter. W
H Marshall. M R Smith R. A Kirby.
\ \ Tomme) S IC ICarnest. W II
Tlmrntoii. W C Hamilton. Jr. F T. Ma
con. Joe ICps\ It . IC W Mai <m. H M
Cowlex, K Daniel. Jason Scarboro. James
‘ll Brown W M ’T.tppan, I. L Davis.
T IC h nmng. I W Cannon, IC I’. 'l’ison.
I P Tyson, II P Sheppard. R. II Palm
er, I W Dennard. S I. Felder. J P
Hughes, x I. .M< \rthur. J M Cox. J S
Gordx, H \shipp. J C Wallers. A Mar
tin. J A Uttleiohn. Phil M Borg. R c
Griffen v. D \ Hosriev. II T Long. W
M Davis. J T. Raker. Mrs J. R Rullock.
Mrs W S Branan. .Manila U Rullock. .1
I R Rullock. R c Murray. \ II Long. T. G.
Hi’einoek. T. Gii) Ihmton. Gustana Huff.
I. Y. Huff. Man'd IC Long. Rrowwne Long.
Mae Martin. Mrs W IC Henslee. W T
Moon. C H Barm's. .1 W Gholstin. W.
.IC White, <• T Pattrn. R. B Smith.
.Georg’ D ’’omer. Ro\ McCurdy. F. D
Counr. \ R ’Thompson. II M Bird. Mrs.
H M Bird. W U Henslee. J D Evans.
W T Met'ui »l) H I. ICvans, Colonel .1
C A< ( ks. C V Ri(igw.i' , W \ Rowe.
J IC Cook. J c Cook. ,i u Comer. R IC
M< Kenkie. H J Wood. Carolvn Kiibx .
U. II McCarty. Man Lowe. Mrs Flor
»'!!'< c Pearson. Mrs Savannah Gay,
I N Ballard. R Lee Shai p< . N. W Grif
fin. H F Merrell. John M Jackson. W C.
Roberc. J J Horn. I M Merrell. J G.
Buyers u \ Merrell, \ w Xlexander,
W C I homasoT'.. W R Huy. H W Long,
I A Hurrah. D IC Sox. Jim Dempsey.
Mt - U I Sims. X ’» Williams. S C K\-
|th Walter c,rover. P c Griffin. Sam
: Roggs. W > » Perr\. I M Carlisle, Ernest
> c W elsh. I \ Wood S J Cole. F I.
1 C,refill G p Doz'er. W S Campbell. J
\ I' lr I M Stephensmi. S R Pace.
W ' U. ’ ■ ■ W W n iskin. 1 T R’-ad-
| i; w \damv r s; Griffith. T Uof-
f P 4 i n u..u»io» c I.- Mn’bn- » L <’on
I mil ' 1 !• '..’right. \ !». Turner, o M
Legal Notice.
Bledßoe, S. J. Brown. IL W Jackson.
Jackson Smith, Mrs. H. R. Robinson. Mrs.
L A Rhudy. Mrs. S. K. Smith. Mrs. C E.
Ropp, Mrs. W. J. Millican. Mrs. G. F.
Cheney, Mrs. Oscar Hay, Mrs. Paul Jack,
Mrs. C K. Henderson. Mrs Mollie Ward,
Miss Allie Beall, Mrs. F. M Camp. Mrs.
T. R. Slade. Mrs. Robert Fitts, Mrs. A. K.
Snead, Mrs. E. B. Meadows. Mrs. H O.
Hale, Mrs. T. B. Bradley. Mrs W. O.
Perry, T. E. Maddex, Harper Harris. O.
M Wright. J. B. Mullinax. C. P Jackson,
Thomas A. AVright, Thesley Bramlett. L
J D. Smith. Erwin Baggette. J. F. Harris,
l N Stuart. J. W. Brooks. W J. Ensley,
Mollie Smith. Essie Wright. Ella Peeples.
Mrs. J A Jones, Mrs-. J. A. Howard, Miss
I eo Howard. J. A. Howard. Mrs. J. T.
Harris. L G. Collins. M. H New, C. o
Maddox. Anna Hudgens. H. Strickland.
Jr.. D. W. W’ilson. Lonne Pittson, Lee
Hill. Mrs. Lee Hill, \V C. Newsome. Mrs.
W. IC. Newsome. Hill Wyatt. Nelia Mill
Hill. Mabel Chapman, Miss Ruth Ingram.
Barney. E. H. Beck. Mrs. C. H. Smith,
Mrs. c. R. McCrory. Mrs. R. C.
McCrory. Mrs. R. C. Collins. Mrs.
R W’ Edwards. Mrs. A. S. Munro,
Mrs. F F. Cheney. Mrs* IL M.
Murphy. Mrs. E. W’. Strange. H. J.
Williams. Mrs R. E. Eason. Mrs. J. E.
Stewart, R. C. Trammel. Willie Childers.
Mrs. A. V. Perry, Miss Irene Wall. Mrs.
I. Wall, Mrs. J. C. Sears. Miss Ruth Stew
art, Mary Strange. Miss Emma Hood,
Mrs. M D. Herring, Mrs. T. J. Myers,
Dollie Dollen. Mrs. J H. Cheney. Mrs. IC.
L. McGowan, Mrs L. H. Peacock. .Miss
Julia Peacock. C. C. McCrory. C. IL Mc
cory, R. W’. Edwards, W. W’. Lumpkin.
B N. Russey. J. J. Caldwell. G. P. Bussey.
W’. H. Martin. Mary Cole, \V. H. Clark, J
S. Hargrove. Ruth Curry. D. B. Phillips. L.
M. Curry, L. A. Curry, Mrs. D. B. Phil
lips. Mrs. J. C. Kytle, Mrs. B. N. Bussey.
W. N. Cojlum, Willie Leummer. Mrs M.
P Bussey. J. M. Jones, J L. Reid. T E.
Bussey. Homer Stuckey. B. A. Peacock,
W. W. Yance. H. L. Donaldson, J. M.
Bussey, S. W. Snead. Mrs M. D Snead.
Mary Snead. Maggie Snead. T. V Bussey.
T. H Smith. R L. Smith. .Mrs. T. B
Smith. R. R. Kelly. R. C. Kelly. J. IC. Gad
dy. N. J. Gaddy. J. C. Kytle. H. L. Summer
Si Nertnard. Mrs.W. H. Kelley, W. H Kel
ley. Mrs J J Caldwell. A. Russey, Mrs. A.
c. Carswell. Mrs. J. L. Reid. Miss Vesta
Reid. Ernestyne Barfield. Chester Reid.
Ab Hargrove. Mrs X B Hargrove, Mrs
W. H. Clark. Mrs. IC. R. Smith, Ruth
W’heeler. E. R. Smith. Mrs. M. c. Bus
sey. Rossie Bussey, Mrs. V. T. Lucas, Mrs
E. A Lucas. Dr. O. F. Collum. Mrs. O.
F Collum. R. H. Summer. J. W Jones.
Mrs. J. W’. M. P Bussey. Mrs. Eliz
abeth Curry, J F. Morris, Mrs. J. F. Mor
ris. Mrs.W. H Martin. Mrs Milton Jessup,
Mrs .1 s Montford. Mrs. J. L. Strickland,
Mrs. .1. B. Fordham, Mrs. H. X Knighl.
Mrs. Claude Robinson. Mrs. V. V. ’Tipton.
Myrtle Webb, J. R. Fordham. W. N.
Roach. M. M Hobbs. J. S. Montford, J. B.
Fordham. IL Perry. J. I. Fordham. J.
L. Strickland, W. P Perry. W. L. Strick
land. H. D. Johnson. E. J. Scarborough.
W IC. Robinson, W T. Burgess. Mrs. \V.
IC Robinson, W. L. Fordham. FL H.
Roach. V. K Jenkins. A. A. Josey. J M
Wolfe. J. A. Strickland. H. A Knight.
G I, Edwards. T. M. Brake. J M. Ward.
J. I’’. Daniel. M. C. Dominy. W L. Roach.
IC. C. Fordham. Mrs. E. C. Fordham,
Dosia Fordham. Mrs. E. N. Roach, R H.
Perry, James M Fordham. Mrs. IC. J
Scarborough, Mrs. R. (). Dixon, Nora
Martin. Mrs. W. L. Strickland. Augusta
Revlrlrus. Leora Davis, Esther Bush.
Ruth I Hart. J. O. Humphries. W’
Loudermir, George W. Carpenter, Joseph
Laggins. Martha Smith, Bertha A. Hast
ings. Hubert M. Green. Hinton Black
shear, T. W Kinney. Ina S. Halden. F. B
Nize. Eunice A. Jordan, Grade Kinney.
Alfred Morgan. Weldon Patterson, Flora
H. Blanks. Nina Morgan. M. H. Wade,
Otis Smith. E. N. Hawthorne, W. B. Moye.
Howard Oliver. Oscar J. Griffin, Homer
Huffman. Fletcher Oliver. Grady Waller.
Belle McMillan. Jessie Pitts, Australia
McMillan. Corinne Taylor. Rex Sosebee.
Joe Grant, Roger Meeks. Frank A. White.
Ossie Mae Eddleman, Ellen M. Click, John
M. Davenport. Florence Hendrickson, A.
L. Dyer. Ossie Echols, Lois Bryant. Myr
tle Brown. Laura Anderson. Marie Webb.
Grace Bush. Lila Neal. J. C. Rogers. W.
Baxter Smith, F. W. Luffman. Vesta
Smith, Mrs. G. G. Hunt. F. IL Flor. T. J.
Tolnas. Martha Bush, (’live M. Van Heise.
W K. Mulkey. Mrs. J. M. Ayers. R<>\
Smith, Calvin Smith. Edith Harrison An
drews. Nellie M. Burgess. Minnie L.
('rawford. Zona Peek. John AL Peyt’.n.
W. Brooks Phillips, Leone C. I lari. I. H.
Ford. George H. Cason, Clyde Weaver.
.1 F. Blackburn. Vera II Either. (’. M.
Yearwood, Mary Griffin. Maude Keener.
Emma Harris. Effie Turpey. U o. Jor
dan, Josie M. Meece. IC. Louise Pat
ten, Lillian Peek. Fred G Tink
er. Ethel Gillespie. I. S. Adams,
J. W. Cartel. Mrs. J. W. Carter. Homer
Carter. Mis. Homer Carter. George Han
son, Mrs. George Hanson, .\lonza Ragan.
Mrs. .Monza Ragan. Jeff Conner, Mrs.
Jeff Conner. Miss Lillie ('miner. \\. H.
Atha, Mrs. W H. Atha. Richard Atha,
Mrsz Richard Atha. Tumlin Atha. Pierce
\tha. Pink Atha. William McCollough,
Mrs. William McCollough. Pearl McCol
lough, Walter H. Carter. Mrs. Walter H.
(’after. J. M. Sammons. Mrs. .1 M. Sam
mons. Nettie Sammons. Maud Mobley,
Bertha Mobley. Ora Moblev. Ben H. Rob
ertson. Mrs. Ben H. Robertson. E. H.
Mobley, Mrs. IC. H. Mobley. Janie Mobley,
D. 'T Cumpton. A. S. Cumpton. I*. E.
(’umpton. Essie Cumpton. T. M. Mobley,
Mrs. T. M. Mobley. Mrs. Elizabeth X V.
Booth, ('arl H Booth. R. M. Booth, Mrs.
R. M Booth. D. P Cumpton. Mrs. D. f*.
i Cumpton. W. 11. Breedlove, Mrs. W H.
Breedlove. Clyde Breedlove. Hugh H.
Breedlove Mrs. Hugh IL Breedlove. I. D.
('umpton. Mrs. J D. Cumpton. J J.
Cumpton. Effie Cumpton, Lillie Cumpton.
S !•' Deaton. Mrs. S. F. Deaton. H T.
(’own, Mrs. H T. ('own. IC. H W. Barker.
Mrs. IC. H W Barker, Joe Livsey. Mrs.
Joe Livsey. ICd. H. Palmer. Mrs. Ed H.
Palmer. M ('. Camp. Mrs. M. c Camp.
John W Durden. Mrs. John Durden,
Jeff Christian, Mamie Dallas Chris
tian. Hattie L Christian. Clare
Christian. Sallie W. Treanot. John
T. Lane. Helen Brown. IC B. Brod
nax. Eugenia Mandaville. Mrs.
E P Mandaville. Mrs. John Stokley.
Mrs. Robert Bradley. Mrs. McAlpine
’Thornton. Mis Sidnev A Kindrick. Mrs.
\rnos \\ \darns. Mrs IC. B Benson.
Mrs. \ G McCurry. Alts. J iliatt B. Alc-
Curry. Airs. Walter L. Hodges, Mrs Mar
garet Adams. Airs. Amanda McMtdlan.
Mrs S Walker Peek. .Miss Lula Peek,
Mrs. Claude D Turner. Mrs Al. Al. Rich
ardson. Aliss Emma Kay. Miss Edna Ben
son. Airs Paul Harrison. Mrs W C Rob
erts. Airs T. s Bush. T. S. Bush. Mattilu
Smith. Airs <’. R. Smith, N. R. Sammons.
Mrs. IC. W Sanrmons, Lois Sammons,
Mrs I C Greene. Minnie Greene. Airs.
T G. Smith. Lois Butler. J. B Jackson.
J B Soward. S B. Hungerford. Mrs. S
B. Hungerford. F Al Stewart, G. W. Bon
ner. IC T. Dumas. Airs. IC. T. Dumas. \V.
H Mulligan. Airs W H. Mulligan. Mrs.
G. A Glawson. F. Holmes Johnson. Rich
ard Johnson. G. AY .Middlebrooks. P R.
Chambliss. Mrs P R (’hambliss. T.
J Al iddlebrooks. Luther (’. Alorton.
F I? Holsenbeck. George Smith,
lames H. Beusse. J. C. Starr. J. A’.
Bonner. W. E. Morgan. R A. Stewart.
W G AlcCorj. J C. Middlebrooks. <». L.
Garrett. W (' Roberts .1 H C. Ether-
idge. Mrs .1 H c Etheridge. Mrs. J. W
Bonner. Mrs A Ernest. Airs S A .Meeks.
Airs M C Greene. M C Greene. J. L
\A right. Mrs J L Wright. W \\ Aloore,
\\ II 1 owe. J A Burnette. J W Bur-
nette. Sr. D AL AL’ore, H (' Burnett.
J D. Roberts. L <’ Kitchens. J ('. Strip
ling B E Stripling. Ada Kent. Elbert
Kent. \ IC. Goggans. IC. C. Goggans. Min
nie Smith II ('. Smith. T. Al Griffin.
Ella Griffin I I P Griffin. D. M Smith,
’Thomas Smith. C L Edwards. Ada ICd
-1 wards. J \A Usserv. Bessie Pritchett.
| Ruble Waits, Lora ('immell. C M Cam-
I mell. Gradv Smith Alattie .Allen
Bishop. W IC Newby. Mattie Bishop.
Jesse \A ilson Inez A’lning. T I W’ilson.
Airs. F M Wilson. G<»r<lon W ilson. A well
Wilson. Airs L. (> Wilson. Sallie Wilkes
lames Chambers. J A Chambers. J. J
W ilkes, H c Smith. W T Wilks, J. T.
Pritchett. \A H. Smith. I C Waits.
Pierce Chambers. Nannie Hardagl. ('ora
I'.reer. Nannie Chambers. Tennie Griffin.
I T Smith. T. J Harden. J Glawson.
Mrs H H Harris. Emma Mae Harris.
Sara Alercer. Mary Lee Greene. Mary D
Bradley. Maude Mason, Hugh \V Bragg.
W B Roberts. Fred Smi'a. Lucile Mer
cer. Estelle Greene. Estelle Glawson. Ver
na Glawson. «>neita Tyner. Pauline Rrad-
M>) AC Whitehead Verna Winters.
Kathron AA'rlght. Carlton Gordon. Grady
Carmichael. H H. Harris. Mrs S. B
Smith. W H Barron. J W Barron. Airs
G A\ Barron. J AA Turk. George T Pip
pin. T A White. B T (’’rutchfleld. T H
Dougherty Sannelle Cblpeper. Ruth Wil
burn. Erma King. Ruby (Cordon, S R. A
(t’Kelh). A’ivian Gordon. Carrie White
Paul AVhite. Joe (‘'ldles. lohn McCart.
Mabel Borom, Annie Ruth Hardin. I’na Al
Holland. Winnie Brown Mar) White.
Douglas Jackson. Johnnie K ’g. Fred Pip
pin Douglas Borom Lucy Gordon. Pearl
(Jordon. Sam Barron Sndth I ula Gordon.
-Sr Hr isi® Pepl F. W -jnimiinc, 1
i Stewjr f . A' Bonner, aa P Griffin.
Legal Notice.
Nannie Lee Tyner, Maud Gresham. Ray
Pippin, Vernon Crutchfield, Myrtle Pippin,
Moses Gordon. Eva Borum. Louise Cul
pepper. Elizabeth Culpepper. Mary Tyner.
Dorothy O'Kelley. Emmil Gordon. Lizzie
Simmons, R. E. Hutchings. L>. W. Fuller,
C. W. Hutchings. Robert W. Ross, W. J.
Ross. S. F. Ross, S. N. C. B.
Brooks. Fannie E. Miller. Amanda L. Mil
ler, Mrs. C. L." Fullilove, Mabel Miller,
Amanda Epps, Jesse Miller, Mary A. Mil
ler. .1. M. Woodall. J. F. Little. O. W.
Little, Mrs. J. T Williams, J. T. Wil
liams. W. B. Williams. E E. Miller.
Dewey Brooks. Julian Brooks. E. W. Lit
tle. J. S. Miller. Sidney Little. C. E.
Tharpe. Eunice Hudson, Dolly Ethridge,
Lillie Williams, W L. Wheeler. J. L.
Elder, J. A. Ross. Essie Elder. R. F El
der. Mrs. J. L. Elder. L>. .1. Elder, Zuiee
Elder, Mrs. W. L. Wheeler. Mrs. .1. A.
Ross. W. G. Elder. T. W. Duffy, Mrs. M
J. Wood. Mrs. P: T Pitts. Jane Thigpen.
Libbie James. R. H Kingman. Jr.. Irene
Etheridge. Rita I niffy. Paul Duffy. Mary
Pitts, Arthur Wood. Abner Pitts. James
Etheridge, Annie Mae Christian. Julia
Christian. Mrs. J. c. Christian. Minnie
Christian. Robert Christian, J. T Sam
ples, .Mrs. Lula Ayers. W M Samples,
Mrs. W. Samples, J. .1. Samples. F. R.
Samples. T. J Samples E. W. Samples.
Annie B. Samples. Mary E Samples. .Mat
tie L. Samples. Bernard Dougherty. R. 1,.
Fountain. B. 1. Clark. S. A. Fountain,
H. G. Samples, M. M. Samples, W. L.
Hesterlee, R. A. Edmondson, Thomas B.
Slade, H. N. Spence, H C. Strickland. L.
C. Mandeville, B. M. Long. W. W. Fitts,
Rev. Jesse M Dodd. Homer Boatright.
W. L. Fitts, W. E. Dozier, F. M. Camp,
J. W. Fitts, N. S. Horton, E. M. Bass.
H. J. Worthy. W. E. Johnson. E. W.
Johnson, L. K. Smith, C. B. Carpenter,
R. J. Galbraith, B. F. Brown. H. A Snead.
A. S. Robertson, I. A. Daniel. Emmett
Smith, J H. Burson, A. J. Ruskin. G. F.
Cheney, J. H. Robertson, J. S. Travis,
M. E. Griffin. B. M. Thornton, C. H. Huff.
J. H. McClellan. I. D. Cook, c. E. Street,
c. E. Yancey. G. W. Bunut, H. F. Mer
rell. J. A. Bunut. I. R. Holt. H. H. As
kew. .1 A. Tanner. P. S. Smith, Weems
O. Baskin. W. J. Stewart. G. T. Spence.
T. Hyatt, M. M. Bradley. John E. Martin.
W H. Shaw. S. J. Busha, K. E. Taylor.
L. M. Hadaway, B. B. Crane, Charlie L.
Mauldin. Rev. Henry B. Mays. Professor
W. N. Nunn. Professor A V. Kimsey.
Professor J. t. Smith. Idus Bowden. I>r.
B. V. Wilson. Lee Freeman. Mrs.
Mary Willbanks. Mrs. R. A. Will
banks. Mrs. Henry Bowman. Miss
Jennie Crane. .Miss Lenora Mauldin.
Mrs. .1 Hayes. Bertha Hadaway.
Mrs H. L. Cleveland. Mrs. Eula
Maxwell. Mrs. L. A. Harper. Mrs. W.
E. Wallis. Mrs. Henry Loeht, Mrs.
C. Chedel. Mrs. Harry Rose. Mrs.
Eugene Kelly, Reevie Adams. Neil Al
mand. Mrs. R. Ward. Elizabeth Denton.
Lucy Kerby.. Clara Robertson. Sadie Sapp,
Margie Huff Hill. Rose Huff. Lois Morse.
Ethel Black. Margie Shumate Coffey.
Kate Hamilton. Clara Brown. Fleta Can
non. Julia Horton Mcßryde, Carrie Green,
Marcia Buchholz. Eugenia McWilliams.
Ella Lewis Martin. Lillie White Denton.
.May Lynn Davis, Belle .McCarty. Kather
ine Buchholz. Grace Flemister. t'ora Fel
ker Brown. Nell King Davis. Mabel Les
ter. Jennie Hamilton. Willie White. Mat
tie Lee Huff. Bessie Hamilton. Nell Man
ly McWilliams. Carolyn Kirby. Minnie Me
• Iregory. Mrs. .1. S. Lowrey. .Mis. .1. G.
Dean. Mamie Dean. Mrs. John E. Morris.
Mrs. B. M. Davidson. Mrs. C. J. Greene,
Mrs. S. S. Janes, Mrs. R. E. Bell. Mrs
F. M. McNulty, Louise McNulty. Mrs. A.
J. Garner. Mrs. T C. Geise, Mary Hor
nady, Alice Melton, Mrs. W. C. Wallace.
Mrs. J. C. Shields. Mrs. J. D. Weaver.
Mrs. J. B. Perry. Mrs. J. R. Mercer. Mjs.
R. R. Martin. Mrs. L C Hoyle. Mrs. W.
S. Dozier. Mrs. W. D. Ivey. Mrs. B. L.
Gunnels. Mrs. Sam Dean. Mrs. Dudley
Sheppard. Mrs. S. P. Rampley. Mrs. W.
M. Thornton. Mrs. Howard A. Payne,
Mrs. R, E. Hudgens. Mrs. D. .1. Thorn
ton, Mrs. T. <>. Tabor. Mrs. W. M. Wil
cox, Mrs. C. O. Stacy. Mrs. C. D. Auld,
Mrs. R. A. Auld. Mrs. Anna Dunean.
Mrs. Z. ('. Hayes. Mrs.’T. J. Hallvburton,
Mrs. T. M. Swift. .Mrs. S. W. Haslett.
Mrs. James T. Reese. Mrs. George Gu
gan. Mrs. Lon Fortson, Mrs. Mollie Hern
don. Mrs. Henry Seymour. Mrs. T. T.
Thornton. Mrs. Henry Jones. Mrs. W. L.
Skelton. Mrs. I M. Reeves. Mrs. A. Mix
on. Mrs T. M. Maxwell. Mrs. H. W Ir
vin. Mrs. Paul Roberts. Mrs. G. W. Willis,
Mrs. W. B. Adams, Mrs. E. W. Vest,
.Mrs. E. P. Harris. Mrs. W. C. Smith,
Mrs. H. K. Gairdner. Mrs. Wona Burruss,
Mrs. W. G Fortson, Gertrude Fortson,
Bessie Wester, Jennie Rae Auld. Mrs.
Howard Payne. Mrs. Z. W Copeland,
Mrs. Z. C. Hayes. Ruth F. Wester. Mrs.
H P. Hunter, Mrs. Z M. Wester,
Mrs. R. E. Oglesby, Mrs. H. S. Oliver,
Ella Oliver. Mrs. W. C. Smith. Mrs. W. E.
Snowden. Mrs. W. L. Skelton. Mrs. M. L.
Stevens. Mrs. I. G. Swift. Elizabeth Swift,
Mrs. J. Y. Swift, Mrs. C. J. Stacy, Mrs.
E. B. Tate. Mrs J. H. Turnell. Mrs. Hor
ton. Mrs. J W. Wester, Mrs. W. B. Whit
aker. Mrs. W. O. Jones. Mrs. Harry
Cleveland. Mrs. 11. E. Halves. Mrs. W. T.
Shannon. Mrs. C. D. Auld, Mrs. A. .1.
Little, Mrs. W. B. Whitaker. Mrs. J. E.
Johnson, Mrs. John Dennis, Mrs, R. E.
Oglesby, .Mrs. L. M. Heard. Mrs. C. P.
Harris. Mrs. Brewer Swearingen. Mrs.
John Champion, Mrs. .1. F. Christian,
.Mrs. R. H. Eakes. Mrs. .1. H. Mixon, Mrs.
.1. E. Johnson. Mrs. E. A. Cason. Mrs.
T. H. Murray. Mrs .1. T Dennis, Mrs. B.
S. Thornton. Mrs. W. W. Adams, Mrs. II
K Gairdner. Nora Jones. Mrs. Harr,'.
Cleveland. Mrs. W. O. Jones, Mrs. 11. I.
Hawes. Mrs. 1.. M Heard. Mrs. W T.
Shannon. Mrs. M. C Blackwell, Mrs. Car
rie L. Heard. Mrs W. C Smith. Mrs.
S. W. Haslett. Mrs. .1. O. Harper. Mrs.
E. W. West, Mrs. .1. P. Bailey. Mrs. A. I.
Cleveland. Fannie Henry, Mrs. T. O.
Tabor. Mrs. .1 M. Wester, Mrs. Henry
Jones, Mrs. .1. H. Seymore, Mrs. E. B.
Tate. Mrs. .1. N. Worley. .Mrs. L. M.
Heard, Mrs. George Haley. Mrs W. W.
Reese, Mrs John Reese. .Mrs. W. M.
Henry. Mrs. J E. Asbury. Mrs Wilton
Hortson. Mrs. J. M Webster. Mrs A. F.
Smith. Mrs. C. .1 Almand. Mrs. S. G.
Smith. Sallie Henry. Nell Proffit. Eliza
beth Swift, Nora Innes. Irene Burch. Mrs.
.1 E. Brewer. Mrs L. H. Turner, Mrs.
E. B Tate. Mrs. Parker Smith. Mrs.
Hugh M Campbell. Mrs. .1. c Higgin
botham Mrs. W. L. Harris. Mrs. -I. .1.
Burch. Mrs. Willie Jones. Mrs. W A.
Rucker. Mrs. 1,. MeGhintz, .Mrs. W. M.
Adams. Mrs. L. M. Stevens. Mrs .1. c.
Mattox. Mrs. E. Nock. Annie. Peason,
Addle Brewer. Belle Burch. Mrs. B. 11.
Kay. Mrs. T. M. Swift. Mrs. L. Hodge"'
Mrs. H. E. Hawes. Mrs. C 11. Smith.
Mrs. c. R. McCrary. Mrs. R. C. Collins,
Mrs. It. W. Edwards, Mrs. A. S Munro.
Mrs. F F. Cheney. Mrs. R. M Murphy,
Mrs E. W. Strange. Mrs H. J. W illiams.
Mis. K E L. Eason. Mrs. .1 E Stewart,
Mrs. R. <'. Trammell. W illie Childers.
Mrs. A V Perry, Irene Wall. Mrs. .1. R.
Wall. Mrs. I. C. Sears. Ruth Stewart.
.Mary Strange. Mrs. Emma Hart. Mrs.
W I>. Herring. Mrs. T. .1. Myers. Dollie
Allen. Mrs. .1. H. Cheney. Mrs !■: L. Mc-
Gowen. Mrs. L. H. Peacock. Julia Pea
cock. C. C. McCrary. C. It. McCrary. R.
W. Edwards. W. W. Lumpkin. W L.
Reid. C. E. Winibush. C. C. Jordan. If.
M Pilcher. 1.. E. Tondu. C. ,M Ramey.
E. W. Strange. W H. Collins. T. F. Rai
ney. C. L. Battle. R. E. Hill. J. E. Short,
S. \ Royal. A. .1. Hill. Grady Wimbish.
I .1 Hurl. Arthur Hill. Rogers Williams.
Mrs. I R lordan. Mrs M B Thulkeld.
Mrs. G. W. Hillard, Mrs. C. 11. Rainey.
Mrs H. W. Sellars. .1. C Higgins. A. S.
Harp. Mrs. c I. Battle. Mrs c. <; Jones.
Mrs. 11. F. Williamson. Matrdt William
son. Mrs. A W Livingston. Mrs. 11. F.
Dixon. Mrs. It. E. Hill. Mrs N
E. Dozier. Mrs. A. Royal. G.
M. Snipes. E. T. Snip’s. D. A. Snipes,
Mrs. RichaFil Brooks. Mrs. B W Martin,
Airs Eugene Booth. Mrs John |! I'en •
dergrast. Mrs S. M. Dean. Mrs B M
Zettlio. Mrs. W. E Austin. Mrs Lewis
I>. Lowe. Ethel Hodnett. Mrs. Minnie E.
Hogan. Ruby Felder Ra\. Mrs A. II Al
friend. T. P Cleveland, M. R. Hutchins.
W. M Jennings. I. N G. Miles. Mrs
J. G. Brantlej. Nettle Mills. N. Baker.
Mrs. E. S. Buchannon. M. S. Buchanrion.
Grace Sherritt, J C Jett. Mrs. I>. A.
Smith. Mrs. W. T. Thornhill. D. II
Thornhill. M G Glenn. L. J. Glenn. N.
B. Cash. E. C. Pike. Mrs. Henry Bauer.
Mrs. tlhert Kaumann, Mrs R A. Soun.
Mrs. A M Kreigshahor Mrs Sigmund
Weil. Mrs. B. Goldberg. Mrs I. R.
Clhrk. Mrs. Isaac Schoen. Daisx I.a n.'a nr.
Mrs. I Buford Greenfield. Mrs Leo
Grossman. Mrs. H D. Fellheimer. .Mrs
1 Bigler. Mrs Morris Benjamin Mrs.
Henry Eichbeig. Ruby Eiehbeig. Mrs Car
rie lang. Mrs. I'. Hemreich. Mrs D.
Klein. Rai Klein. Mrs M. J Goldstein.
Mrs. J Bloch. Nettle Asher. Mrs D
Liebermtith. Mrs Ralph Rosenbaum.
Mrs David Marx. Mrs. I E Sontnier
field. Mrs Jacob Selig. Airs S Pinkus
sohn. Mrs. Caroline Eichbeig. .Mamie Ber
kele. Airs. James T. Wikle, Mrs. c. A.
Tappan. .Mrs .1 S Barnes. Mrs Ashton
Harwell Parham. Mrs G G Glower. Alts
Frederick W Bradt, Mrs John A Man
gel. Mrs W T Wilson. Mrs. Harry Ram
saur. Mrs W R Carroll. Mrs Willie Tan
pan. Annie Bennett. Mrs T W Hender
son. Mrs c B Reynolds Airs r p
loon. Alartha 1 Dumam Mrs I. Save
Hardin Mr- J’ I' Hone Mr; Jane F
I Carr. Mrs W C Mansfield. Mrs F Al
Legal Notice.
Hardin, Mrs. A W. Cruikshank, Mrs.
Al. B. Chambers, Airs. A. P. MeClair, Mrs.
N. R. Hammond. Airs. T. P Westmore
land, Susie Al. Wells, Mrs. F. B. Cole
man, Mrs. W. O. Jones. Airs. B. I Davis,
.Mrs. F. A. Crabite. Mrs. Ellen Crawly.
Mrs J. T. Goodrun, Airs. H'znry S. John
son. Airs. E. E. laingford, Mrs. T. M. Ed
wards, Alay Hardin. Al. A. Boynton. Mrs.
('. E. Boynton. Jr . Airs. M. J Angard,
Mrs. Harry G. Poole. Mrs. Walter H.
Booth, Airs Grace W. Carter. Mrs. S. J.
Saye, Mrs. A. L. Norris. .Mrs H O. Reese.
Annie B. Tankersley. Lucile Dennis. Airs.
W. A. tlbright, Mrs. J. L. Dennis, Mrs. T.
R Finley, Mrs. J. H. Bradfield. Mrs. R.
H. McDougall, Mrs. Eugene T. Booth,
Mrs. D. Walker; Mrs. S. P. Nuly, Flor
ence Dennis, Mrs. Wade Davis, Mrs. Ed
ward Brewer. Mrs. I. .1. West, Eddie
Hardwick. Maude Rhodes, Martha Blood
worth. Airs. Al. H. Bloodworth. Airs.
A. W .Martin. Al .1. Hester. Airs
Rhea Pearce. Mrs S. E. Bradford.
Anna Bennett. B F. Bennett. Charles E.
Bennett. Walter <'. Bennett. Leland Ben
nett Bass, Mrs. Allie S. Benett. Louise
Bennett. Dorothy Bennett. Clifford Ben
nett Bass. Mrs. Allie S Bennett Louise
Mrs. P. C. Hoahe, Mrs. A. C. Wylly. Mrs.
J. A. Space. Mrs. T.. R. Durham. Airs. .1.
A. Gardner, Mrs. W. E. Gardner. Mrs. C.
W. Parker, Airs. Young. Mrs. J. S. Nich
ols. Bessie May Mobley. Anna K. Clark.
Mrs, Ella W Hall. Minnie E. Cole, Eloise
Mobley . Davlddie .Moblev, E. J. Hale, .Mrs.
I'. H. Fluty. Mrs S. I'. Muse, B. F. Ben
nett. Jr.. J. R. Harper. P. J Torrence,
Cruger Macatiley. Malvern Hill. Jr.. Al.
Manasse. Paul Foster. I. L. Gregory, S.
S. Howie. S. H. Johnson. A W. Brewer
ton, G. <>. Stallings. J. C. Henson. Wilbur
Johnson. Philitt A. Hasyn, John Ryan. R.
R. Bradley. Aliss W. II Keem. H. T. Mc-
Collum, B. F. Bennett Sr.. Airs. John
Hardwick. Mrs. E. A. Hartsock. Mrs. S.
T. Griffin. Mrs. E. M. Chapman. Florence
T. Truax. .Mrs. P F. Alanson. Mrs. W. D.
Ellis. Airs. J. Sid Holland. Airs, W. C. Ed
wards, Mrs. W. I). Coleman, Miss Winnie
Nichols. Airs. David Winburn, Mrs. J. R.
■Meli, Mrs. J. L. Mayson, Mrs. Alice Ren
ard, Airs Frederick Bradt, Mrs. John
James Simpson. Mrs. I>. R. Wilder. Mrs.
I. c Matthews. Airs. Adam L. Eichel
berger. Mrs. T. G. Russell. Mrs. Al. Mc-
Laughlin, E. McLaughlin. Mrs. Will L.
Hancock. Mrs. Harry II Ellis. Airs Rob
ert Blackburn. Airs. W. S. Coleman. Annie
Randolph Howard. William Al. GJenn. S.
F. Howard. C 1,. Clark. E. Whelan. Mrs.
William H. Yeandle. I V. Banderson.
Henry D. Capers, Mary E. DeLong. D. A.
Baker. W. Al. Hanson. Furlow Anderson.
George W. Glenn. Ogle Swindel. Sadie
I'rmnllMie. 11. W. Norman, 'l'. J. Norman.
Fannie E. R. Howard, B. E. DeLong.
Wiley C. Howard 11. A Pitner, Airs. Hoyt
Pitner. Mildred Tarver. Nina Hornady,
Annie Hornady. s. Rucker. Clifford Cow
art. c B Davis. Mrs. f. B. Davis. Mrs.
<>. E. Horton. Airs. S. B. Stuart. Mrs. Al.
A Bray. Airs R. Al. Baker. Mrs. T. B.
Higginbotham. Mrs. Claudia Welch Bass.
Nettie V. Howard. Clyde Daniel. W. 1..
Thornhill. H. T. Hildreth. John W Bell.
Airs. A <>. Granger. Alamie Jones. Mrs.
Lem D. Munford. Annie Jones Pyron. Mrs.
Annie Hopkins Daves. John W. Jones. W.
T. Hunnicutt. C. M. Greene. E. E. Adair.
J. Al. Field. Jr., Earl Scheucr, I’. F. Ren
froe. A. D. Reeves. Robert H. Renfroe. L
G Hardeman. Sara Snow. Esther Turner,
C. M. Wright. Chester Carson. Della
Langford. Mrs. L. 1 >. Shannon. J. Al. Mize.
Mrs. J. AL Alize. Minnie W. Caskey, ora
Carson Luvie Carson. Airs. ’l'. Q. A’arner,
Airs. ’l'. L. Bellamy. D. <>. Shannon, T. L.
Bellamy. J. I. Turk. R. L. Johnson. R. S
Hutcherson. Garland Carsib. W W. John
son. .Mrs. A. Langford. A. C. Lang
ford. G. '' Giasure. Airs. Myra Glasure.
<’. Rainey. A. L. l.ane. R. E. 1-. Ea
son. C. G. Jones, Mrs. E. L. Bridges,
Mrs. W. H. Collins. Airs. .1. B. Smith,
Airs. E. M Duncan. Mrs. John O.
Knight. M. Gena Dozier. Mrs. W. D.
Sears. W, D. Sears. Claire Greene. Fan
nie Lee Leverett. Mrs. W. B. Wing
field. Mrs. S. T. Wingfield. Mrs. M. M.
Lamdin. Airs. Joseph Turner. Annie W.
Nisbet. Airs. J. N Leonard, Airs. W. Al.
Dennis. Airs. T G. Greene, Mrs. B. R.
Beck. Mrs. A L. Supple. Airs. E. B.
Ezell. Satlie Prudden. Mrs. V 11. Talia
ferro, Airs. C. M. Davis. Airs. E. H. Reese.
Airs. N. E. Ware, Mrs. U. V. Whipple.
Mrs. W P Fleming. Airs. .1. H. Church
well. Airs. W. F. Markert. Mrs. J. A.
Lasseter. Airs. John B. Ryals. Airs. H. B.
Brunson. Mrs. A. 1. Webb. Airs. E. Al.
Green. Mrs. S. W. Coney. Mrs. R. B.
Smith. Mrs. M. T. Payne. Airs. W. A.
Rowe, Mrs. H. M. Bird. Mrs. T. C. Da
vison. Mrs. J. B. .McWhirter, Mrs. J.
T. Comer, Annie Cotner. Reba McCurdy.
Lizzie Evans. Susie .McKenzie. Oline
Grimes. Aland Long. Eloise Davisdn. Ada
.McConnell. Laree. Power. P. M. Davis. 'l'.
Al. Sullivan. I. L. Goss, C. C. Whelchel.
J. G. Eberhardt. A. J Griffeth, L. E.
Roper, J. W. Power. W. E. Henslee. J.
L. McCurry. C. V. Ridgway. T. C. Hutch
erson. H. Al. Bird. A. Al. Scarborough. H.
AV. Dear. W. T. Moon. Joe Corner. Rob
ert Graham. T. W Hinton. Alice Al.
Taylor. Mrs. E. C. Elder. Airs. J. B. Hud
son. Mrs. A. T. Grimsley. Mrs. .1. P.
Aleadows, Mrs. .1. H. Mulles. Airs. E.
Cook. Jr.. Mrs. W H. Chapman. Clarice
Brooks. Francis McCullough, Sallie E.
AVashburn, Maud Gruzard. Mrs. Jack
Thompson. Airs. J I*. Peacock. Airs. John
Walker, Mrs. 'l'. S. Vinson. Airs. I'. N.
Wyme. Mrs. .1 N. Wytne. Airs. John
Purser. Jr.. Airs. N. L. Taylor. Mrs. J.
E. Cook. Nina Thompson, Mrs. R. J.
Morgan. Airs. A. J. Yearly. Airs. Charles
N Taylor, Airs T L. Bailey. Airs If.
B. Bailey. Mrs. J. R. Garner. Airs
Mrs. Carlton I. Stacy. Mrs. T. G. Willis,
Airs. J. H. Dunean. Mrs. Rachel Auld,
Airs. C. D. Auld. Mrs. E. P. Harris. Airs.
George T. Maxwell. Mrs. May Gaines.
Airs. .lohn.H. Sayer. Mrs J. F. Stilwell.
Mrs. W. M. Wileox, Mrs. W. Skelton.
Airs. <>. R. Walker, Mrs A. .1. Little. Airs.
F. W. Brock. Mrs. J. 'l'. Whiteside. Mrs.
It. .1. Allen. Mrs J. F. Reeves, .Mrs. Dud
ley Sheppard. Mrs. William Hoffmeyer,
Mrs. W. N. Auld. Mrs Howard A. Payne.
Mrs. Sam W. Thornton. Mrs. W. H. Irvin
Jennie Irvin. Mrs. C. E. Fisher, Airs. R.
J. Ward. Mrs. W. B. Whitaker. Mrs. H.
A. Payne. Jennie Rae Auld. Airs. G. E.
Carithers, Mrs. Rebecca Hudson. Mrs. A.
E. Roberts. Mrs. H. J. Tribble. Margaret
Eakes. Nell Proffitt, Maude Brown. Car
tie Rogers. Eleanor Oliver. Glenn Cleve-
I land. Winnie Alay Smith. Carrie S. Big
ham, Florence Brown. Elizabeth Swift,
Nell Almand. Eugenia L. Christian. Hilda
Meadow. Lillyan Manley. Bessie Wester.
Elizabeth Willis, Chessye Cornwell. Janet
Christian. Norma Conwell. I'rsula Harri
son. Jennie Rae Auld. Ruth F. Wester.
Emma Roden. Mrs. .1. W. Tippens, Airs.
B. A. Lang, Aliss Ruth McArthur. Mrs.
John Ash Pearson. Mrs. W. T. Arnold,
Mrs. \\ B Adams. Mrs. Al C. Blackwell.
Mrs. .1. c. Brown, Airs. L. Y A. Black
well. Nonio Burruss, Addie Brewer. Irene
Brewer. Mrs. .1. I'. Dennis. Mrs. S. S.
Brewer. Darlina Bell. Mrs. Charlie Allen.
Mrs. J A Cauthen. Mrs. H. K. Gairdner.
Mrs. Willie Gaines. Mrs. It. E. Hudgens,’
Mrs. S. C. Hawes, Mrs. Harry Hawes;
Mo (leorge Haslet. Mrs. .1. K Johnson,
Mrs. Henry Jones, Airs. W. o. .Jones,
Mrs. W. F. Jones. Nora Jones. Mrs. John
Mattax. Mrs. Jim Mclntosh, Mrs. Tom
Maxwell. Mrs. W I Mathews. Mrs. Char
lie Harker. Mrs. 11. A. Payne. .Mrs. S. P.
Rotnpley. Mrs. W 1,. Skelton. Mrs. A. si
.1. Stovall. Mrs W. D. Seymour. Mrs. Tom
Thornton. Mrs E B. Tate. Airs. Dozier
Tliortiion, Mrs T o. Talt. t. Mrs. J. H.
Thornton. Airs .1. M. AVebstet. Mrs. .1 N.
Worley. Mrs. .1 I. Strickland. Mrs. ft
\\ . Ab.t'low. Mrs. Itiymonil Gaines. Airs.
Reeves. Mrs c. .1. \lmand, Mrs. .1 T
Arnold. Mrs. .1. B. tnderson, Mrs. Char
lie Auld. Jennie Ray Auld, Mrs. H J
Brewer. .Mrs. John c Brown. Nell Burch
Mrs I II <'as<m. Airs J H Champion.
.Mrs. H. E. Deadwyler. Mrs.’L. P Eber
hardt. Mrs. It. I-'. Eakes. Gertrude Fort
son. Mrs. Leila Gardner. .Mrs, Alybert
Haws. Airs S. <' Haws. Mrs c p Har
ris. Mis Y c Hays. Mrs E. B. H:-ar<l.
Mrs. M . F. Jones. .Mrs. H. J. Lit
tle. Airs J It Mattox. Mrs. Chris
tian. Louise Earle Sheafs. I. H. Sheats
Hattie Lee Sheats. Emma H. Sheats'
James Al. Durden. Mrs James Al. Durden
Thurman Imr.len. Mrs Thurman Durden'
Grady Durden. Airs. Grailv Durden. J w'
Palmer. Mrs. .1 W. Paltrier, Sallie t'has
lain, B. V. Slu'llruit. Aurelia Shellnut W
H Wood, Mrs \\ II \\ ~0(1. Mrs. 'f jOU
\\ hitch. a<t. W. 11. Wood. Jr,..Mrs. w fj
Wood, Jr.. D. W. Wood. Mrs. ft. IV Wdd
C. C. Hannah Mrs. c. c Hannah. S M
Hannah. James .lenkens. Mrs James
Jenkens. Lizzie .lenkens. W s. .lenkens.
Anms Green. Fannie McCart. Professor l/
J. \\ nod. Mrs. '.. J \\ ood. J T Kennerlv
Mrs .1. W Robertson. .1 W. Robertson.
Mrs Al P. Robertson. .Mrs. Susie Carter.
.1. S. Brooks. Mrs. J. s Brooks. H. .E
Boss. George AA Boss, William Bini. Mrs.
William Bird. <>. s. Shelnutt. .Mrs. o. s.
Shelnuti. .Mrs. John Woodruff. Airs J, i;.
King. Mrs. C. M Chamber. Alice Dear.
William Evans. Mrs William Evans.
Charles Evans. I. B. Guy. W. T Evans.
Mrs 1,. B. Gtty. N E Stewart. Airs. N. E
Stewart. B l< Farrar. .Mrs Lizzie New
tot, \v. H Elliott. <l. I, Newton. B R
Beasley F.lten Beasley lohn Avrett I A
I • ■ an W F Anderton Mrs B R
tiey. Mrs Eben Beasley, Mrs Chiurles
Pentngl '' : Reel Pen'ington. Charles
r’etongt.o,. x|r - t'tiarps Pemngton Airs
John Avrett. Mrs. S. H Freeman, .Airs
FRIDAY. JULY 19. 1912.
Legal Notice.
AA'. F. Anderson, J. S. White, J. W Gar
ner. L. T. Green. H. R. Saul, W. H. Rob
cru, T N. Webb, W. M. Brinson, Ethe'
< rew, Robert Harris, W. B. Wood T P
kitchen, w, 8 Walker, R. H. A
E. Chandler. H. A. Wrench, Airs H A
Wrench. Amanda Perrv. G. D. Perrv Mr,
•; D. Perry, James Reid, Mrs James
Reid. W ilbur Gresham. Mrs Wilbur
M? SUi V’ illia S Orr ’ F . rank Richardson.
Max and Eva Harris, Elizabeth Harris
James A Kendrick, N. AV. Shields. Willie
Henry. A annoy King. C. N. King. Flor
n'Jm. L .' , . W . rV ’ Campbell. Aloe King
Bilhe < ole Mrs. C. A. Anderson. Mrs
M. W. Anderson. Maltnda Shields. J M
Bagly, smith Treadwell, R. o Bates
vY'-l? Br «oks, Dr. Joseph
Al. I tibbie. Mrs. W. Al. Rainey, C. H Me.
Donald, T. J. Love. J. A. Farmer. J P
Anderson. A. L Hailey. \y. H. Watson.
J. Al. Mui phy, Mrs. H. W. Aloore J s*
Keister. .Murray King. Pansy Heartsell'c
f- ’ rankie Anderson, Buell
t «.,x. R. P. Jlufstetler, O. U. Dickson. Nora
Kiester, R. O. Rouse. H. W. Moore C W
B rOW vv L xr F 't Peeples, J. L. Fowler;
H. W. Moreland. G. L. Moore. H
I . Anderson R. Nail Steed, Walter
T. Kener, Hull Kerr. R. a Davis
O. K. Bates. S. B. Carter, A. J Patterson'
Lawson hiekls, Mrs. Lawson Fields Mrs
Lawrence Kearney, F. E. Massengale
Airs J R. Garner Lina Garner. Mrs'
M. J. Ray. Dora Kiser Webster. Harriet
Webster, Sarah Webster. Daisy Ticknor
Mrs. L. Renean. Mrs. T. W.' Newborn;
J rs ' 7, -Y‘; c !" r - e ’ Mrs ' R E Skinner.
Mrs. J. ||. Christian, Airs. J |.' A; v f-t
roy. Mrs. John A. Griffin. Mrs. H. J. Rey
nolds, Laura W ilson. Ruth Johnson. Lola
Key, Airs. C. A. McDaniel. Airs T F
Johnson. Mrs. R, A. Myers, Mrs s’ V
Martin. Sophia Myers, Pfckette Alvers
Alary AleA. Alvers. Airs. W. L. Rot D d'
Kinnett. Mrs 11. J. Reynolds, Ora Cope-'
land. Airs. Henry Harp, Henrv Harn T
.1. Oneal. Mrs. T. J. Oneal. A.' W. oneal
Lizzie Oneal, Walter Osburn, Mrs Wal
ter Osburn, John Roberson. Airs John
Roberson, W. L. Roberson. Ethel
land. R. A . Paulk, Airs. D. D. Newberry
Mrs. J. .1. .Moran. Jennie Denmark. Nan
nie Denmark, Mrs. C. G. Denmark. Mrs
D. < Denmark. Mrs. J. B. Tillman, c
G. Denmark. E. R. Denmark, Mrs. L.
W Branch, D. D. Newberry, W. A. Wal
ker, G. B. Garwood, G. D. Dorough, W
T. Horne. Bennett. Airs. ATiehael
Baum. Mrs. J. B. Rountree. Mrs. L Chap
man, Mrs. .1. M. Tyler. Mrs. W. W Wade
Mrs. J. I'. Wade. .Mrs H. B. McFarland'
Mrs Samuel S. Rountree. Edna Cain
Airs. A. .1. Rountree. Airs. H. McDonald;
Mrs. D. J. Biasingame. Airs. W. T. Horne.
Mrs. W . W . W alker. Mrs. W . H. Long.
Mrs. Charles Wright, Ida R. Badger, Re
beccah Badger. Mrs. S. E. McGowan. G.
W. Averett, Charles Wright. L J Ty
ler. A. Tyler. J. H. McKelvey. J. D. Wade.
J. F. McCall. Grover c. Edmondson. Sam
T. Harrell. Stanley S. Bennett. William
H. Long. Airs. S. S. Bennett. Airs J M
Cartwright. Alary Powers, P. L. Wright.
T. M. Rose. Eula B. Bass. G. Tt. Whit
field. N. P,. Alexander. Airs. Alilton oels
ner Mrs. George D. Raysor. Airs. George
W. Averett, Mrs. I. J. Faircloth. Mrs Jo
seph AJahbett. Mrs. Wallace .Mathews,
Airs. G r>. Dorough. Bessie McLeod. An
nie McLeod. Airs. .1 W. oglesbv. Airs.
F. E. Lumpkin, Milton Oelsner. L T
Creech. Mrs. O. F. Laidler. Mrs. J W
Evans. Mrs. E. D. Whitehead, Airs. E.
E Gardner. Airs J. H. Blackshear. Airs.
W. E. Smith. Airs. S. S. Brown. Airs. Co
lin Mcßae. Mrs. M. L. Carter. Airs. Lena
Smith. Mrs. w B. Edwards. Mrs J.
W. Perry, Airs. Loam Brown. Mrs. J T
King. Airs. Alaude Reid. Mrs. S. S. Frv -
ar. Airs. E C. Settle. Mrs. H. B. Vis's
cher. Airs. H. P. Lane. Airs. J. A. New
born. Basil Al. Lonneau. Mrs. F. G. Moss.
F. G. .Moss. Rebie Aloss. Mrs. Olius Mc-
Connell, olius McConnell, Airs. D. A. Ba
ker. D. A. Baker, .Mary Baker. Mrs H
C. Hill. .Maggie Brown. Mrs. Henrv
Mashburn. Mrs. Rebecca E. Winn. Katie
Settle. Berdie Brown. Tea Smith. Mrs.
Lucy Smith. Helen Reynolds, Alice Futch,
Mary C Mashburn. C. A. Warnock, J.
A. Warnock. Jr.. L O. Rushing. F. P.
Register. Jr.. Sallie Daughtry, C C.
Daughtry. J. L. Johnson. J. E. Collins,
K. E. Watson. R. N. Williams, I T.
Vaughn. W. E. Hawkins, IJ. I-. N'evils. S.
Corev. .1. c. Kinry. Joseph Tillman. E. S.
Kennedy. D. M. Rogers. Airs. Robert Reid,
Mrs. Samuel R. Fenn, Mrs. C. D. .Mcßae
W. I. Abbott. W. L. Abbott. Jr.. K. H
Awtrey, t> Awtrey, Jr.. George W. Bar
rett. C. W. Burtz, J. E. Carnes. D H.
Collins. A. J. Durham. H. Harrison. F. G.
Hull, W. C. Humphries. John B. Jacobs.
.1. N. Johnson, J. C. .Mays, L. L. McAlil
lan. Pendleton Mitchell. L. L. Newell,
C. C. Phillips. L. A. 'Rainey, E. W. Rav.
Robert Shipp. W. M. Webb. W. F. West
brook. Airs. L. A. Rainey, Mrs. J. A.
Reed. Mrs. G. A. Stanley. Mrs. N B.
Terry , Mrs. D. J. Tippin. Mrs. W. M.
Webb, Airs. W. F. Westbrook, Louise
Awtrey, Mrs. E. M. Bailey, Mrs. George
W. Barrett. Nolla B. Barrett, Julia Bate.
Lou Bate. Airs. J. E. Carnes, Mrs. R. H.
Carnes, Wi.inie Chastain. Mrs. E. L. Col
Uns, Winethel Daniel. Emma Dismukes.
Airs. Claude G. Durham. Idelle Collins
Durham. Mrs. F. G. Hull, Mrs. W. ('
Humphries, Maybelle Johnson, Mrs. H.
Al. Lemon. Katharine Logan, Nellie Alay
Kitchen, Mrs. J. E. Malone, Mrs. J. L.
Matthews. Mrs. J. C. Mays, .Annie Mitch
ell. Fannie Alitehell. Hattie Mitchell. Mat
tie .Mitt hell. Airs. Pendleton Mitchell.* Mrs.
Al. Al. McGee. Nettie Belle McMillan, Airs.
Robert L. McMillan, Airs. J. H. Perkinson,
Mrs. Joe B. Rainey, .Mrs. J. L. Rainey.
Alls. Isaac H. Haas. Mrs. Ralph Victor.
Airs. L. Bodenheitner, Alartha Ray, Ce
cile Kay. Addie Steinheiiiier. Mrs. Wil
liam Bauer. Airs. A. Shulhafer, Airs f'.
Steirfheimer. .Mrs. M. Oeisner, Airs. W.
W. Visanska, Airs. If. Edward Cohen.
Airs. J. J. Drummer. Mrs. E. E. Shyer,
Sylvia Spritz, Clementine S. Haas. Mrs
J. 11. Rinard, Mrs. E. S. Andrews. Ella
Everill, Miss H. M. Avis. Alice Bailey
Airs. C. G. Bradt, Mrs. Alary Brown, Mrs.
0. R. Boots. Airs. Wm. Baird. Airs. Wm
Bishop, Mrs. C. H. Bowers, Mrs. ft I
Carson. .Mrs. If. S. Chalmers. Mrs. I.
Cook. Mrs. W. B. Cummings, Airs. Har
old Cummings. Airs. S. A. Darnell, Mrs
Willis Everett. Caroline Eichburg. Airs
C. H. Fairbanks. Airs. C. A. Foster. Mrs.
<>. C. Fuller. Mrs. .1. J. Freeman. Mrs
c L. Gates. Mrs. W. C. Gill, Mrs. C R
Haskins, Aliss Haskins. Airs. M Jones.
Mrs. Jay Kling. Airs. W. B. Miles, Mrs
W. E. Mansfield. Mrs. L. W. Aloore, Mrs.
Oscar Ragland, Mrs. L. W. Rogers. Mrs
■I. V. Reade. Mrs. Ed. Rogers, Mrs.
• lames Rinard. Mrs. Fred Smith. .Mrs
W. Howard Smith, Mrs. D. E.
Spencer. Mrs. J. T. Street. Mrs
G. LeForesl Wood. Alice Van Dyke.
Mrs. Charles Paille. Dolia Baugh. Julia
Brand, Maud Lavender. Mrs. W J
Peeples. .Mrs. W. A Cunningham. Mr-
Alorton Hodgson. .Miss Coates Benedict
Luella Brand. Mrs. E. Jackson. Mrs H
B Wey. J W. L. Stovall. Beatrice W
Winter. .Mrs. Lee F. Dreyfus. Airs. George
D. Miles. Lillie Steinheimer, Kate Verdel.
Mis. L. W. Clark Airs. R. J. Haynie, Mrs.
•I H. Harwell, Mrs. W. A. Owen. Airs
D. .1. Baker, Mrs. E. D. Thomas. Mrs. C
A. Baker. Mrs. Nora Gone, Mrs. A. Straut,
Mrs. c M, Kenimer. Airs. M. F. Jones.
Mrs. A. D. Quarles, Airs. Lillian Ballard.
Mrs. W illiam N. Hudson. Mrs. H. Blount
Mrs. C. M. Caldwell. Mrs. E. P. Crenshaw.
Mrs. W D. Bivins. Mrs. M. A. Woods.
•Mrs. M. E. Felton. Mrs E. B. Smith. Dita
May West. Airs W. D. Bivins. O. O. Fan
ning. Mrs. .1 Paul Green. Mrs. W. P. Sax
on. Mrs. Corine Campbell, Mrs B. 1
King. .Mrs. W. E. Beall. .Mrs. C. J John
son. Mrs. B. F. King, J. Paul Green. Mrs
A. Met). Wilson. Mrs. E. L. Connally. Mrs
Ira Fort. Mrs C Helen Plane, Airs W P
Pattillo. Mrs. E. G. McCabe, Mrs. Edmund
Berkeley. Mrs James Jackson. Lillian
Sickels Weddell. Mrs. Paul G. Rauschen
berg Elizabeth H Hannah. Alice Baxter.
Airs Robert C. Stephens. Airs. J. P. Bar
roti 7-19-5
GEORGIA County of Eulton.
Annie May Latham vs. Henry T Lathan'
To the defendant. Henry T F>athani
Libel for Total Divorce.
Greeting: You are hereby required person
ally or by attorney, to be and appear a'
the next superior court, to be held in arid
f<»r said county, on the first Monday m
September. 1912, then and there to answer
the plaintiff’s complaint, as in defatm
thereof said court will proceed, as to jus
tice shall appertain.
Witness, the Honorable I T Pendleton
judge «»f said court, this Ist day of Jul)
1912 J(»HX II JONES. Dept. Clerk
Tl I<>MAS B BROWN. Attorney 46-7 ;
To Whom it Max Concern:
I. James A. McNab, of Dallas. Texa =
having been designated as testamentar 1
executor in the will of the late Mrs. Isa
bella l» Kay. of New Orleans, La. and
having been confirmed as such by the civil
district court, parish of Orleans, state of
Louisiana, and being residuarx legate*
under said will do hereby give notice tha*
after publication of this notice as require*'
bx- the laws of the state of Georgia. I in
tend to transfer to myself fifteen share
of «t< < k <»f the Ellen N Land and hn
movement (’oinpanx of Fulton count'
'■e-'igia. standing in the name of Mr*
Beltp D Kaj on the books of said nm
run the time of her death
J A MES M ’ X * F