Newspaper Page Text
Published by The Georgian Company.
20 East Alabama Street
Atlanta. Ga.
Entered at Atlanta Postoffice as second
class matter
Subscriptions Payable In Advance
One year, mall, posts ire prepaid, is oe
Blx months, mall, postace prepaid, -so
Three months, mall, postage prepaid. 1 25
One month, mall, postage prepaid. A5
Subscriptions P- /able In Advance.
Delivered by carrier, one year»" 20
Delivered by carrier, sir months 2 60
Delivered by carrier, three months... 4.30
Delivered by carrier, one month
Delivered by carrier In Atlanta and
other cities, one week 10c.
Help Wanted—Female.
WASHERWOMAN to do washing at
home; references required. Apply at
708 Piedmont ave.
WANTED- Young lady public stenogra
pher in Temple Court. To right party,
free office desk and Remington machine
A hustler can get plenty of work In this
and Kiser building. Steno, care Geor
glan. 67-7-20
ANY’ ONE, anywhere. $5 per 100. copying
addresses. Inclose stamp. Southern In
formation Bureau. Dept 104. Memphis,
WANTED—A stout colored girl between
the ages of twelve and fifteen, to help
my maid and answer phone. Dr. Morri -
gon. 414 Kiser Bldg 7-20-54
ONE stenographer, young lady for linen
room, two colored cooks for out-of
town, three maids Feders, 253 Candler
Annex.; 7-20-49
WANTED—Cook 245 S. Pryor street.
WANTED Good washerwoman. Phone
Dec-atur 465.7-20-42
WANTED—An experienced hand In dress- ;
making. Will give straight work to |
good help at once. Address Dressmaker,
care Georgian. 56-7-20 I
WANTED—An experienced colored worn” ;
an to cook for small family. Good
wages. 803 Washington street; apart
ment 4. 7-20 32 ;
'WANTED—An experienced white nurse |
for maternity ease. Call West 1186-J. ,
-20-18 I
WANTED—Woman to do house clean!gg
and laundry on lot. 315 S. Boulevard !
EXPERIENCEDpower sewing machine J
operators to make wash dresses. Our
work Is light and the hours are short, and ;
operators experienced on other garments
make good money: twelve months In the !
year. Enterprise Mfg. Co., 86 West Ala- 1
bama st., top floor. 7-20-21 j
WANTED- -A good, strong woman, white
or colored, to help nurse Invalid lady i
and agsiet with housework. 243 St. I
Charles. 7-20-11 I
WANTED—First-class cook, also nurse; I
room on lot. Apply' 919 Highland ave., 1
mornings. 48-7-20 ■
WANTED—A good, neat, clean cook. Ap- i
ply 101 W. Baker. 7-20-2 I
WANTED—Several experienced chocolate i
dippers. Apply at once to the Nunnally
Company, 69 Ivy street. 7-16-30
Want ED—Refln ed Christian lady to do j
housekeeping and cooking for widower I
with three children; ages thirteen, eleven I
and seven. Address S. M. Collier, Chalvb
<«-te, Ga. H*-®
WANTED—Young lady stenog
rapher. Knowledge of short
hand not essential. Apply Elyea
■* Austell Co., 35 N. Pryor. 7-19-26
WA>iTfcff -Girls with experience In mak- i
Ing paper boxes. Apply American Box .'
File Mfg. Company, 132 Davis street.
uijlu |
"WANTED A colored house maid; good
wages paid, and room on lot If desired. I
Apply 261 Juniper street. 7-19-4 I
COMPETENT wash woman? Apply 345 '
Myrtle street. 7-18-22 !
EXPERIENCED shirtmakers, permanent
employment In comfortable quarters.
Apply at once, Clem Phillips Shirt Co.,
65N. Broad st 25-718
WANTED Repre.senta.Tve for the Cail- I
fomla Perfume Company. Apply Mrs.
Branch, 514 Peachtree. Ivy 1499-J
. Help Wanted—Male.
WANTED -Wood cutters, 750 per cord
for prime, 80c for oak; all work inside
city limits Apply 400 Austell Bldg. Dy
sard Construction Co. 7-20-59
tIOO WEEKLY profit? Start In business
for yourself. Don't worry about capital.
No experience. Boyd H. Brown, Omaha,
\ ebr - 83-7-20
ANTED—Men and boys to learn auto
mobile business. We operate the best
equipped shops, and positions open for
graduates. Carolina Auto School. Char
lotte, N, C. 70-7-20
Manager for hotel. Feders, 252~Can
dler Annex. 7-20-58
DON'T work for others. Start muiForder
business at home. I made 38,500 last
year Let me tell you how. Instructive
booklet free. Voorhles, Desk 346, Omaha
frebr, 86-7-20
WHY longer endure Inside drudgery? Be
. ? ur representative doing outside, health
ful work. Own boss. 320 dally profit not
unusual. Experience unnecessary Davis
Toilet Co.. 908 Davis Bldg, Chicago
- 84-7-20
WANTED -Good platen press feeder Ap
ply at once to the Blosser Company.
38-40 Walton St., city. 7-20-37
WANTED—Young main of-good ’’appear
ance and address to w-ork in real estate
office and learn the business. Big op
portunity to right man. State age refer
ences. etc., and give phone number. Ad
dress F. G.. P. O. Box 770, Atlanta.
WANTED Foreman for large dairy.
Dairy and Farm Supply Company
STONECUTTER and polisher. Apply
Monday morning South Atlanta Mar
ble Co., South Atlanta. Ga. 52-7-20
WANTED One pipe-fitter at once. Ap
ply or write Hampton Springs Hotel ami
Mineral Water Co., Hampton Springs.
Fla- D2O-7
WANTED Assistant shipping clerk with
experience in groceries; state reference
, in own handwriting. Wholesale Grocer,
care Georgian 46-7-20
WANTED A competent and reliable col
ored chauffeur; references required.
Address C p,, cure Georglan 7-20-10
WANTED A large, reliable concern has
an opening for a young man of energy
and ability, who is an able office assistant
and who Is capable of meeting and con
ferring diplomatically with business peo
ple. We prefer a man of 23 to 30 years
of age Must be neat and business-like
in appearance, and have good education
We offer good salary and a future to the
man meeting our requirements Replv.
stating age. experience and salary ac
customed to receiving. Box 210. care
Georgian. 7-20-3
’ I WILL START YOU earning 34 dally at
home In spare time silvering mirrors;
no capital; free Instructive booklet, giv
ing plans of operation. G. F. Redmond,
Dept. 85. Boston, 30-7-20 .
ANYONE. an? w here, can earn good in
come copying addresses; particulars 4c
stamps H. E. Rogers. Dept. A S, Bos
ton, Mass 28-7-20
316 PER 100 upward paid tacking signs.
distributing booklets, samples, etc Send
6c stamps for price list paid secure ter
ritory. Shepard's Agency. Lebanon. N H
BOYS mny get good jobs deliver
ing Bell Telephone Directories
by reporting to the “Telephone
Man’’ at any one of the following
points Monday morning at S
o 'clock;
Ivyy Exchange—2s Auburn Ave.
West Exchange—Ashby, St.
Milin Exchange—7B S. Pryor St.
128 West Peachtree St.
820 Peachtree St.
325 East North Ave. '
392 Edgowood Ave.
2(10 East Georgia Ave.
100 West Georgia Ave.
Mwfe Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co.
Help Wanted—Male.
WANTED—Young single man steno
bookkeeper, salary 350.00 per month. Lo
cation out in country on large farm. Good
board 318.00 per month. American Su
matra Tobacco Company, Amsterdam, Ga.
WANTED- Energetic man for district
manager, to appoint salesmen and es
tablish subscription contests on weekly
newspapers. Guaranteed salary and com
mission. Robinson, Ghlo Bldg., St. Louis.
Mo. 32-7-20
WANTED Men to learn barber trade.
Jobs for every graduate. Our aim is
to save time. Done by free customers.
Our teachers give special instructions.
See our offer. Moler Barber College. 38
Luckle St. 36-7-20
EARN S3O weekly. Salesmen to take or
ders for cut rate groceries. Experi
ence unnecessary. Outfit free. The
Standard Mercantile Co.. 2452-2456 IE.
Ninth St., Cleveland, Ohio. .35-7-20
WANTED The very best of positions are
open for competent men who finish our
two weeks' course; enter now. Charlotte
Cotton School, Charlotte, N. C. 51-7-11
clerks, carriers, railway mail clerks,
j internal revenue and custom house clerks, .
clerks in patent •offices, agriculture,!
treasury, army, navy and other depart- I
ments at Washington; excellent salaries; i
no "lay-offs;" annual vacations; position |
would be yours for life; Atlanta examina- ;
tlona soon; common education sufficient;
thousands of appointments coming; "pull"
unnecessary. Write immediately fori
-ample questions and large illustrated I
book, telling duties and giving full par- j
tlculars. Franklin Institute, Dept. 52-R, i
N. Y. 51-7-6 '
FREE ILLI STRA’rrfD Book' ten's"about
over 360,000 protected positions In U. 8. I
service, more than 40,000 vacancies every
year There is a big chance here for you.
sure and generous pay; life-time employ
ment; easy to get Just ask for booklet
0 412. no obligation. Earl Hopkins,
Washington. D, C. 49-7-6
MaS." WANT Eli The undersigned wants
an honest, ambitious man In each city
and town where not already sufficiently I
represented. Previous experience unnec-i
oasary We w ill' teach you the business 1
thoroughly by mail and assist you to start I
in business for yourself as our local rep- |
resentatlve. Splendid opportunity for a !
man without capital to got Into big pay- i
Ing business for himself and become in
dependent for life The National Co-Op
erative Realty Company, C 949 Marden
Bldg., Washington, D. C. 48-7-6
WANTED Barbers to know that we
carry full line fixtures and supplies In
Atlanta. Write for catalog Matthews &
Lively, Dept<L -26-4
WANTED- The very best of positions !
are open for competent men who finish I
our two weeks course, enter now. Char- I
lotte Cotton School. Charlotte, N. C.
WANTED First and second cook. Na
.Jhan's Case., 122 Peachtree st. 7-19-28 •
cAitPENTHRS 'Competent mep furnish
ed on short notice, for all classes of car
penter work Jim Stephenson, 226 Brown-
Randolph Bldg. Phone: Main 4251, At
lanta 2 7-2-5
FIRST-CLASS office and detail man. not
over 35 years of age; state experience
an! present employment; salary 3100 per
Month. References required Address Box
T_ll, care Georgian. 7-18-19
WANTED Two or three hustling sales-
men and collectors; must be able *o fur- |
nlsh horse and buggy and make bond; I
lucrative and permanent position to right ]
man. _ A Pgl£_79 Whitehall st. 2'J 7 l? 7 I
COLORED driver for sanitary eart, Col- '
lege Park Call 90 East Point exchange. :
. 7-17-6;
Free shave and hair cut at the
new location of tie Moler Barber Col
lege, 38 Luckle street. Room for 500 dally. I
-15-23 I
WANTED Young man of experience and
good recommendations to take charge
and manage retail grocery business; must
Invest SSOO. or would lease business io
right party; excellent opportunity. Ad
dress Groceries, earn Georgian. 7-12-42 I
WANTED Ideas. Inventors wrTte fori
list of Inventions wanted and prizes of- !
fared by manufacturers. Also, how to get I
your patent Sent free to any address
Randolph A- Briscoe, patent attorneys. '
Washington, D C 7-11-23
WANTED—A few live men of
good address to present an at
tractive newspaper premium offer
among Atlanta homes. See Han
lon at The Georgian office. 6-10-28
STOP at Hilburn hotel, heart of city, 16>J
Walton street, if you want a clean, quiet
room; transient 50c. Open all night.
YES, Professor G. O. BranrHng will teach
you the barber trade tit's easy). We
teach In one half time of other [
Course, tools and position In our shops .
only S3O Why pay more? Thousands of I
our graduates running shops or making ’
good wages Atlanta Barber College. 10 ■
blest Mitchell street 5-11-17 I
FREE MASSAGE, hair cuts, shaves, i
shampoos All barber work free. Clean
linen Atlanta Barber College. 10 East
Mitchell. 5-27-16
Help Wanted—Male and Female.
WANTED—Persons to write and copy
letters; $lO to $25 a week readily made
by following our practical directions. Send
self addressed envelope for particulars
Brooks Copying Company, 924 Pennsyl
vania avenue, Washington, D C. 41-7-18
WANTED An active, enthusiastic, mail
order enthusiast, lady or gentleman, to
take an Interest In an appealing and mer
itorious device. One hundred and tiftv
per cent profit. Call 34 Carnegie way for
interview Connally Southern Distribut
!9s A cy ' Atlan< Ga. 7 19-33
WANTED - Progressive salesmen and I
salesladies to present the most attract- I
Ive magazine premium proposition ever I
offered to the American public. These i
positions are worth at least SSO per week
to the person with ordinary sales ability,
t'ome in and got your territory at once, as
we are open only for a limited number of
salespeople Apply Sales Manager. 8:30 to
9_: 30 a. nt., 419 Temple Court Bldg. 44-7-8
SHORTHAND Is the easy path to suc
cess: study at home while you work;
full course twelve dollars. Send for two
free lessons Henry Navagh, 287 Flf
teenth st.,Huffah'._N Y. 43-7-18
ernment positions. SBO.OO month Write
for list of positions open. Franklin In
stitute, Dept. 49-R., Rochester, N. Y.
r for a case Specific Blood Pol- j
l son we fail to cure. Raney
, | Medicine Co.. 513 Austell
\ BI <IK Phone 614 Office
/ Sundays. 9 a. m. to 12 a m I
I 6-3 33 I
Salesmen Wanted.
WANTED Local or traveling salesmen
making small towns to handle our new.
attractive pocket side line. Quick ship
ment. Prompt commissions. No collect
ing State territory covered For par
-1 Oculars, address George A. Johnson. 210
Sigel_stree£, Chicago, 111. 77-7-20 ;
DbiN ,- rrTfow what?
Buying advertising novelties. Salesmen
write for our proposition. Best side line
on the market. Box J . Newton, lowa.
WANTED Keen, upright land salesmen
who can present a clean, legitimate plan
io investors I.eads furnished. AbsVute
guarantee back of every sale. Salesman- i
* ship ability not so necessary as earnest I
desire to accomplish results Write for
particulars E. H. Clark, sales manager,
i Waycross, Ga. 76-7-20
• ’Al'.\ I<l.l'. salesman to cover Georgia with
i staple line High commissions. $160.00
I montnlj* advance anil permaiu nt position
I to right man. Jess H Smith Co.. Detroit.
MICI .34-7-30
TR SVELING S \ l,i:sM i:\
45-7-19 '
Agent# Wanted,
AGENTS—Articles just patented. Big de
mand. Sell In every house. 200 per cent
profit. Nothing like them. Two samples,
25c. Manager, 812 Locust street, Butler,
Pa. 81 : 7 .: 20
j long green? Doubtless you deserve It.
Here Is your opportunity. Send postal for
’ particulars. Burton Company, D. 21, Dev
ils Slide. Utah 80-7-20
WANTED—Agents for Wood’s extension
motor ear light. The latest and best
electrical Invention patented in recent
years. Information free. Kelgwin, 109
East Seventh street. Flint, Mich. 79-7-20
AGENTS—Just coin money selling new
improved hosiery direct from mill with
our hlg advertising offer. You can make
i $25.00 daily. Everybody buys. Credit.
1 Samples gn leatherette case free. New’
Improved Knitting Mills, Chicago. 85-7-20
AGENTS Here's a cinch for you. Make
money quick. Best seller ever offered.
Big profits. Free particulars. Write to
day. Pelahatchie Gin Co., Dept. 16, Pela
hatchie. Miss. 29-7-20
; WANTED—Live agents each town,
; either sex, to sell ladles' and children’s
ready-to-wear apparel, materials by the
■ yard; gentlemen's shirts; attractive sam-
I pies; exclusive territory; large profits. Na-
I tlonal Cloth and Apparel Co., St. Louis,
i Mo. 33-7-20
i LIVE agents are coining money with our
outfit which doubles the life of auto
(tires. Write us. S. M. Anderson, Box
.3150, Auburn .Ala 39 - 7-60
BE INDEPENDENT—Start a mall order
business in your own home. We
tell you how. and furnish everything
needed wholesale. An honorable and
profitable business for a man or woman.
Particulars free. Many make $3,000 a
year Murphy Mfg. Co., South Norwalk. '
Conn. I
WANTED Agents In every county of the I
United States to sell our campaign book. I
350 pages, JOO pictures and portraits of ‘
all the candidates and leaders. The lives 1
of all the presidents and history of their i
administrations. The platforms and prln- I
ciples of all parties An Impartial and
superior book Price only 31. This will ;
be the most exciting campaign since 186 L '
Outfit free on receipt of 10c to pay post
age Tltanlo outfit also sent free on re
ceipt of 10c for postage. Best terms. ;
Order outfits by return mail. Phlllips-
Boyd Publishing Company, Atlanta, Ga.
Teachers Wanted.
WE are continuing to have calls for prin
cipals, grade and high schol teachers. I
We will furnish on request sample list of i
vacancies, designated by number, to those ■
addressing Dept. R-4, Clanton &. Webb, .
Atlanta. Ga. 7-18-27 ,
Situations Wanted—Female.
WANTED—A position as stenographer by !
young lady; experienced. Address A. i
L. G., care Georgian 95-7-20 '
EXPERIENCED, accurate stenographer
wishes position whole or half day; will
substitute. Address Steno, 131 Ivy. At
lanta phone 4328. 69-7-20 '
WANTED — by white woman in ■
small family. Fine cook. City refer
ences. Miss, Box 241, care Georgian.
59-7-20 |
WANTED—A position as companion to !
elderly lady or Invalid. Good references. |
Address Morris, care Atlanta Georgian.
51-7-20 .
YOtTbJG LADY' desires change of post- |
tlon. Two years as steno-bookkeeper I
with book company and the past several |
years as steno-bookkeeper and doing gen- ,
eral office work in unusual and very re- .
sponsible position; Interested In work; i
good health. Right person for right po- I
sltion. Would not accept less than $75 !
to begin. Give particulars. Interested
Secretary, Box 5, care Georgian. 34-7-19
YVANTED- A position as companion or to
take care of motherless children in a
home of refinement by an unincumbered
lady of education and refinement. Has
been a teacher; well Informed generally.
References exchanged. “N,” Box 8, Eton,
Murray county, Georgia. 68-7-13
Situations Wanted—Male.
WANTED—Job with plumbing company;
had very little experience, but a will
ing worker; must have work at once; will
work for promotion. Caldwell, 228 Cen
tral ave. 94-7-20
PRACTICAL bookkeeper, with ten years'
experience with large concern in Geor
gia. wishes a position as bookkeeper or
offlee man In Atlanta; married; best ref
erences. H., Box 25, care Georgian.
MAN cook, 15 years experience, wants |
position in hotel or restaurant. Phone '
Ivy 2998.89-7-20
WANTED—A position as a licensed drug
gist; good reference. Address J. M.
Hat taway, StUckay, Ga. 87-7-20
WANTED —Position as office assistant by
man, 24 years old. Have had experience
and will start on small salary. Address
O. L care 44-7-19
COLORED MAN w’ants position as but
ler or yard man. Can give good refer
ences 181 Murry avenue. • 40-7-19
VVANTED —By young man, aged twenty,
position as shipping clerk. References
from former employer. Box 75, care Geor
UNMARRIED traveling man, age 27, now
employed, wishes to make change.
Write Specialty, Box 50, care Georgian.
SITUATION wanted by gin man of five
years' experience with leading makes
of systems; reference furnished on re
quest. Box 29. Meigs. Ga. 40-7-18
A-l CHAUFFEUR and auto mechanic
wants position at once; must have work; !
can furnish best of references. B. T. G.. I
79 Simpson st., City. 41-7-18 1
FIRST-CLASS BUTLER and houseman,
colored, wants position In private fam- I
lly; can give good references. Address S. ;
M. 293 Auburn avenue. 30-7-18 ,
POSITION wanted by Indiana man; work
of any kind that Is honorable; refer
ences given. Address G. H., Box 553,
care Georgian. 26-7-18
WANTED- Job as Pullman or baggage
porter Willie McKlney, 268 West Fair
street. 28-7-17
Y7>UNC, MAN, 21 years old, who Is a first -
class commercial window trimmer and
show card writer, and can also make
drawings for special advertising cuts, de
sires position with responsible firm, pref
erably In town of 5.000 to 10.000 popula
tion. Address X., P. O. Box 16, Carters
vllle _Gti 58-7-16
EXPERIENCED cotton buyer desires to
communicate with bank In town receiv
ing about 5.000 bales season, with view
of working coming season: salary or
otherwise Box 416, care Georgian.
WANTED I’.'Sitton by an experienced
bookkeeper with strong, high class con- 1
cent. Can furnish A-l references. Ad
dress Box 131, Moultrie, Ga. 46-7-10 ;
Ct'TTDN grader or buyer wants position'
with reliable firm. Steady employment;
best references furnished Address W. V I
McCarson. Fair Mount. Ga 30-7-8
. zrrz: ... . |
Situations Wanted—Male and
i’EDERS Employment Agency will solve
the servant problem for you free of '
charge Phone Ivy 1789. Atlanta 915. ;
7-18-42 ;
Carpenter Work.
LET I S GIVE you price> <>n cabinet, car
penter and brick work, plastering,
’•amtlng and tinting b'orsyth Street
Cabinet Shop, 62South Forsyth street
I’hones Main 1187, Atlanta 6087 M
Window Cleaning.
National Window Cleaners
Dwellings or Store Fronts, Carpets Vacu- |
un> Cleaned; Floors Oiled or Waxed
All Work Guaranteed.
47 E Hunter St. Main 1175. Atlanta
Phon. 1051 7-5-24
If you sent a letter or telegram to the i
wrong address, you woyld hardly expect !
an answer, would you’’ The same Is true ;
when you select the wrong medium to [
have all your wants filled. Try the right j
way—The Georgian Want Ad way.
Want Ad Rates and Rules
in The Atlanta Georgian
One cent a word each Insertion.
No ad taken for less than the price
i of ten words. Ads In larger type,
2c a word.
Out-of-town adve rt 1 sements
must be accompanied with cash.
Agencies' discounts 10 and 5 per
I cent.
The Georgian will not be respon
sible for more than one Incorrect
insertion of any ad ordered more
than one time.
Closing Hours: To secure prop
er classification of Want Ads It
wIU be necessary to have copy In
The Georgian office before 1 o'clock
the day of the Issue.
All ads must be ordered out In
writing or at the office. No dis
continuance notice taken over tel
Every word In the advertisement,
; Including the name and address,
should be counted. Each initial
counts one word; compound words
are counted as two words.
Telephone your Want Ads to The
Georgian fboth phones 8000) when
It is more convenient to do so, and
collection will be made at your
home or at your office the follow
ing day. This Is an accommoda
tion service rendered Georgian
Want Ad patrons and payment
should always be promptly made
on presentation of bill. Always
ask that your telephone ad be re
peated back to you by the ad
taker to make sure that It has been
taken correctly. The Georgian can
not guarantee accuracy or assume
responsibility for errors of any kind
occurring In telephone advertise
ADY’ERTISERS should retain re
ceipts given by The Georgian to
patrons making payment for Want ,
Ads over the office counter, as no
mistakes can be rectified without
them. In answering advertise
ments addressed In care of The
Georgian, If the advertiser asks to
show references, send a duplicate
of same.
IT WILL PAY YOU to get our estimates
on steam heating and plumbing before
letting your work; 35 years' experience
In city puts us In position to give you
best work at minimum cost. Bashlor
Heating and Plumbing Company, 43 Car
negie Place. M 455. 7-20-48
table boarders
CAN accommodate a few table boarders,
with delicious meals. Reasonable prices.
Close in. Ivy 4860-L. 7-15-42
Boarders Wanted.
Caln street. 7-20-53
ROOM and excellent board, close in; se
lect neighborhood; $4 and $4.50 per week.
42 Windsor street. Atlanta phone 3015-F.
VISITORS In the city will find a cool,
homelike place to board, convenient;
first-class accommodations. Call or ad
dress 17 East North avenue. 58-7-20
ONE large room with board, suitable for
two ladies. 238 Washington St. Main
NICE front room and board; also one
smaller room: shaded ground; refer
ences. 428 Peaentree. Ivy 778 L. 7-19-23
TWO nicely furnished rooms for couple
or young men. 21 West Peachtree
Place. Excellent meals; day boarders
wanted Ivy 5625-J.7-19-31
PLEASANT BOARD and room for two
young men or two young ladles. Ref
erences. Call Bell phone Decatur 556.
DELIGHTFUL large front room; private
bath; also single room; lovely location;
table board. 241 West Peachtree. Ivy
1959-L. 43-7-19
IVY HOTEL, 98 Ivy Street.
AMERICAN PLAN, $1.25 UP, Weekly
THE PLAZA. Central location; summer
rates; cool front rooms. 286 Peachtree
street. 89-7-17
NICELY' furnished rooms, double and
single; excellent meals. 21 East Caln.
Ivy 3256-L. 7-17-21
REFINED roommate for young nrfan in
private family; north side; separate
beds; home cooking. Phone Ivy 6202-J.
NICELY furnished, cool rooms with good
board. 62 \V. Baker. Ivy 5025-J.
NICE, cool rooms wi'h board. Bell phone.
NICE, cool rooms and board. Atlanta
2194.. 7 r 16-14
NICELY furnished rooms; board If de
sired. C. J. Welmnelster, 139 Spring.
Ivy 5719-1-7-15-39
HAVE pleasant room with bath; also
table board; noon and evening meals a
specialty, 513 Peachtree. 86-7 13
DELIGHTFUL location and summer rates
with all conveniences for boarders;
young men especially desired. 647 Peach
tree. Ivy 6634. 62-7-13
WANTED—Four gentlemen ~Eoarders;
private family; all conveniences; new
place. Phone West 393. 38-7-13
NICE, cool rooms, up or downstairs. In
good neighborhood; reasonable; with or
without board. Ivy 6248. 252 Courtland
St 7-16-12
94 W. PEACHTREE. IVY 5944-J. 7-5-39
Board Wanted.
WANTED Room and board close in by
two young business men Prefer un
furnished room, with private family. A.
W W . Box 10, care Georgian. 57-7-20
COUPLE desire room, board and garage
space with private family. Will pay
SSO Roth away during day H and IL,
care Georgian. 42-7-19
WANTED Room and board on north
side; must be first-class; references; by
singh young man. M. O. E., care J. M.
High Co.i 46-7-19
WANTED Immediately by two refined
young ladles, room and board In private
home References exchanged. Address
Miss J. R., Box 600, care Georgian. 7-18-17
Summei Resorts.
THE "Big Brown Bungalow" at Tallu
lah Falls will receive a few adult board
ers during the summer. Broad porches,
shade, good fare, clean, airy rooms. Terms
SB.OO a week. Address "Big Brown Bun
galow. " Tallulah Falls. Ga,Jl®" 7 ? 2 ?
YONAH LODGE. Nacooclue Valley, Ga.,
is o] er fri boarders. Fine climate.
Charming scenery Healthful resort.
Good accommodation, Kates reasonable.
Aplpv to Nacoochee Institute. Santee. Ga.
VIRGINIA BEACH. VA. Special rates to
families. Y'ery select. Can only accom
modate a very few. 6-22-18
WANTED —A position for this fall to
teach either literary or expression or
both. Primary work preferred. Seven
years experience. Best references fur
nished. First grade license Apply Box
25, Tignall, Ga., Wilkes County. 37-7-20
The Georgiami’s Rent BulDetimi—A New List Each Day i
This bulletin contains every desirable place that is For Ren? ’n the city and suburbs The hara *
lem of finding the places that you desire to rent without taking a lot of vour valuable time and c o? h '
fruitless -'results in return has at last been solved through The Georgian’s Rent Bulletin. We have snwht '
scanning the city each day in search of all the desirable places for the benefit and convenience of our men
thousand patrons and readers. This bulletin contains every new place- each day we can locate and we manv ’
you that we are sparing no pains and time in having this bulletin complette each day. When vou want » aSSU: ’ >
think of the best way—the way that is the most complete and the place where you have‘the most , rent )
to choose from. Always consult The Georgian’s Rent Bulletin. That is the best way It will save vn„ » ac "' i
money and worry. It is for your own convenience. ' >ou time, J
Furnished Rooms For Rent,
BRIGHT front room; nicely furnished;
with or without kitchen. Ivy 3694-L.
CONNECTING rooms, sink, separate en
trance, no children. Private family. 205
I. Forsyth. 68-7-20
TWO nicely furnished rooms for house
keeping, sl2 per month. Phone Main
LARGE, cool, front rooms, furnished,
housekeeping privileges. $8 up. 75
Houston. 92-7-20
FURNISHED rooms, ge. Heinen only. $2
per week. Whltehu’.! St., Apt C.
NEATLY’ furnished rooms In private
north side home, close in, on Courtland,
NICE room; close irT; north side apart
ment.6o33-J Jyy.7-20-47
NICELY furnished front room; steam
heat, hot and cold water; private fam-
Hy; north side. Ivy 2906-L. 7-20-46
JjICE ROOMS; close In; north side apart
ment. 6033-J Ivy. 7-20-45
FOR RENT—At 13 Baltimore place, 2 fur
nished front rooms. Ivy 5968, 7-20-38
FOR RENT—Furnished room; strictly pri
vate bath; north side. Facing Piedmont
park. Phone Ivy 561-J. 7-20-41
TO LET—Nicely furnished front room on
second floor, with modem conveniences;
In private, family. Phone Ivy 4184-L.
FOR RENT—Nice, cool upstairs front
room In West Ena; one or two gentle
men; private family; all conveniences. Call
West 1153. 7-20-33
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room, all
conveniences. 3 blocks from Candler
Bldg. Apply 9 Williams St. 7-20-23
FOR RENT—Two completely furnished
rooms for light housekeeping to couple
without children. Atlanta phone 3424. 49
Brotherton street. 7-20-15
DESIRABLE rooms, well located, close
in. Phone Ivy 2725-J,7-20-20
FURNISHED rooms in the country, near
car line; housekeeping. Call mornings.
Box 77-A, Route 2. Main 4514, 3 calls
NICELY furnished front room, well ven
tilated. electric lights, steam heat. 387
Peachtree. Ph on e Ivy 2632 -J.7-20-12
NICE, cool furnished rooms; gentlemen
_preferred : _ 136_ Washington. 7-20-8
YOUNG MAN will share room with a
young man; nice cool place. Close In.
Ivy 4877,7-19-32
NICE, cool front room for gentlemen. Jvj
-4877. 50 E. Ellis st. 7-19-29
TWO furnished rooms In private family;
all conveniences; two doors from Geor
glan Terrace.lvy 6795-J, 7-19-30
NICELY furnished upstairs front rooms,
hot and cold water, suitable for gentle
men or lady, from now until September
1; $lO for one, $12.50 for two. 40b Court
land street, back of Peachtree Inn. Bell
Phone Ivy 5469. s 7-19-12
tT'RNISHED rooms with or without
board. 71 Fafrlle st. Atlanta phone
5326. 7-19-6
LARGE, cool, newly furnished front room
with private porch; conveniences; pri
vate family; near in. 232 Central ave.;
D. E. EVANS, proprietor of the Hotel
Carnegie. 20-B Carnegie Way, has the
nicest location in the city; nice, large,
airy, clean rooms; flrst-class board if de
sired. Also has two-room apartments for
light housekeeping; furnished completely
with hot and cold water, steam heat and
janitor service. Also one three-room
apartment, completely furnished for light
housekeeping. Ivy 5558-J, Atlanta 3900.
LARQE front room; first floor. Call Ivy
_§834 l 7-18-41
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room to
young men; convenient to telephone,
bath, etc. Main 4568-J for particulars.
THREE connecting rooms for light house
keeping, furnished or unfurnished. Ivy
LARGE, nicely furnished room; gentle
men only. Apply 4 YVelllngton Apts.,
124 Ivy st. 7-18-14
NICELY’ furnished room in modem apart
ment; close In. Ivy 5818-J, 7-18-16
ONE pleasant furnished room at 24 East
Baker street. 7-18-9
FURNISHED dining room and kitchen to
some one to give meals in a 20-room
house, now filled with roomers, block of
Candler Bldg. References. L. S., care
Georgian. 7-15-34
FOR RENT —Nicely furnished front room,
convenient to bath, near in. 205 Spring
street. Ivy 2168-L., 7-15-15
TWO unfurnished rooms, $lO per month.
Call M. 254-J.7-16-41
T,WO nice furnished rooms with private
bath, with or without board; private
family; close In. 117 Cooper street. Phone
Main 3814-J., 37-7-15
NICELY furnished room; single beds;
every convenience. Main 1548-T. 65
Wood ward ave. 7-1 ?- 32
NICELY furnished, cool rooms to gentle
men; close in. 253 Courtland street.
FOR RENT—Two nicely furnished front
rooms; second floor. 260 Ivy st. 32-7-16
What Have You For Rent?
Have you a nice, cozy furnished room, an attractive apartment, a lovely home, a hotel, an office too
large for you but big enough for two concerns? Do you want to rent your business location, or have you a
garage that you would like to rent? Everything that is For Rent can be rented in this bulletin at a lit
tle cost and within a short time. The Georgian Is the recognized Rent Medium of the city and suburbs.
Lost and Found.
LOST —Heart shaped keyring with sev
eral keys on it. Phone Ivy (5593 for re
ward. 362 Ponce DeLeon ave. 97-7-20
I LOST —Pocketbook, containing member
| ship card of Atlanta Athletic Club and
receipts. Finder will return to Lamar
Weaver, care Constitution, and receive
reward. 7-20-36
LOST- Between Chamblee and Atlanta
one 30x3. No. 681,942 Firestone casing.
Return and get reward at No. 715 For
syth building. 7-20-37
STRAYED from 317 E. Georgia Ave.,
brown cow, dehorned, rope on tike
' halter. Phones Main 655 Atlanta 5432.
LOST—Lady’s watch and safety clasp.
Reward.C a 11West 109-L. 2 5-7-20
I/iST —A gold modal with name, "George
Duke. Reward. 75 Orme st. 7-19-1
LOST —Black silk umbrella on Washing
ton to Lakewood car Monday night.
Howard if returned to 123 N. Pryor st.
DR EDMONDSON'S Tansy. Pennyroyil
and Cotter Root Pills, a safe and re
1 liable ’ treatment for painful and sup
pressed menstruation. irregularities and
s.miiar obstructions Trial box by mall,
, 50c. Frank Edmondson & Bro., manufac
turing chemists, 14 South Broad street.
Atlanta. Ga. 2-17-14
, LADIES- SI,OOO reward. 1 positively guar
| antee my great successful "Monthly'
remedy; safely relieves some of the long
est, most obstinate cases in three to five
I days; no harm, pain or interference with
i work; mall $'..50 Double strength, $2. Dr
iF. G Southington Remedy Company,
I Kansas City, Mo.
Furnished Rooms Wanted,
WANTED—By refined young couple
three-room apartment, completely fur
nished for light housekeeping, on north
side: private home preferred. Answer O.
B, Wardell, care Kimball House. 34-7-18
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
THREE unfurnished connecting rooms;
all conveniences, with Bell phone. Main
2995-L. 7-20-57
THREE unfurnished, connecting rooms,
all conveniences; near Grant park. 24
Rosalia St. 7-20-28
NICELY furnished front room for light
housekeeping; $3 per week. Atlanta
phone 5714-M. 227 S, Forsyth. 7-20-9
THREE nice rooms for housekeeping and
two large closets; $lO. 15 Little st.
THREE nice rooms for housekeeping. 210
Angier ave. 43-7-20
TWO connecting rooms adjoining bath;
separate gas; $lO. 400 Courtland.
FOR RENT—Three nice connecting
rooms; gas, water, electric lights; sink
In kitchen. 26 Haralson avenue, Inman
Parle 7-19-16
FOUR large first floor rooms; hall, ve
randas; best location; close in; north
side. Ivy 123-L. 26-7-13
HALF of house unfurnished; separate en
trance; veranda; electricity; porcelain
sink. Ivy 99. 35-7-18
FOR RENT —Three unfurnished rooms,
first or second floor, 216 Central ave.
TWO or three large, beautiful rooms in
new home; electric lights, furnace, good
car line; twelve minutes from postoffice'
reasonable to couple. M M., Box 560 care
Georgian." 7-18-32
FIVE ROOMS for colored people; unfur
nished; over garage; with toilet and
running water. $lO per month. Ivy 2467.
23 West Cain street. 7-13-13
THREE unfurnished rooms for rent very
reasonable; Grant park section. 3020-F
Atlanta phone. 7-18-13
TWO nice large connecting unfurnished
rooms for rent at 61 Fraser, between
East Fair and Woodward avenue. At
lanta phone 5076. 7-1 g. 10
TWO unfurnished rooms for rent with
private family; all modern conven
iences; ten minutes’ walk from center of
city, 117 Pulliam street. 29-7-18
FOR RENT—Two or three unfurnished
rooms suitable for light housekeeping;
conveniences; w-ith small family; no chll
dren. Phone Main 1888-J.7-18-9
THREE connecting rooms with bath and
sink in kitchen. 137 East avenue. 7-17-12
FOR RENT—Nice six-room house; all
conveniences; 61 Ashland avenue; cor
ner. Robert Mitchell. 229 Edgewood ave
liye' Phone Ivy 3076. 7-17-26
FOR RENT—Three connecting rooms,
kitchenette and bath, sls per month.
Apply 45 East Merritts avenue. 7-15-24
FOR RENT —Three unfurnished rooms for
light housekeeping. Ivy 2591-J. 7-13-37
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted.
FOUR unfurnished rooms, light house
keeping. August 1. Adults; no children.
Address Adults, care Georgian. 90-7-20
UNFURNISHED room, first floor, on
Georgia avenue, or In close vicinity, be
tween Washington and S. Pryor. Box
212, care Georgian. 60-7-20
WANTED —Three rooms with kitchenette
and bath by qulqt, refined couple, north
side. References exchanged. H. W.,
113-A West Peachtree st. 32-7-18
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
For Rent.
FOR RENT—Two furnished or unfur
nished rooms, cheap; West End. 48
Evans street. 7-17-42
Furnished Apartments For Rent.
A SIX-ROOM apartment, neatly furnished
for summer and winter; steam heat; pos
session at once if desired; close in; north
side. Ivy 5638. 7-17-38
Furnished or Unfurnished Apart
ments For Rent.
LARGE, front, connecting, furnished or
unfurnished rooms or apartment; con
veniences; _private home with private
porch. 66 Highland Ave. Ivv 4809-J.
JT' 2 ?' 56
SUITABLE for young men, business
women, or housekeepers; three connect
ing rooms with bath; private entrance.
34t>>6 Peachtree. 7-13-31
It was back in the olden times that they
had to have a person go crying it out if
any one had anything to sell or wanted
to nuy, or to notify the people that so and
so had lost this and that. The way was
ttie only one available. It's different now.
Your wants can be told to an audience of
over 50,000 In this section through a YVant
Ad In The Georgian. No matter what
your want is an ad in The Georgian will
fill It for you. Georgian Want Ads buy,
sell, exchange, rent, secure help, find lost
articles and countless other things.
WANTED- To correspond for mutual
benefit with some hypnotist in or near
Atlanta capable of doing hypnotic and
mental suggestion. A. Z., Box 1, care
Georgian. 41-7-20
AUTHORS, WRITERS; Let us secure
your copyrights, print and place your
books on the market. Morton Publishing
- Company. Dept. ATG, Morton building,
i York. 7-11-26
■ LADIES -Ask your druggist for Chlches
ters Pills, the Diamond brand; for 25
I years known as best, safest, always relia
ble; buy of your druggist. ’ r ake no other
i Chichesters Diamond Strand .’ilia are sold
by druggists everywhere. 5-2-1
RICHARDSON’S Atlanta Select School;
both sexes; summer school In session.
Pupils prepared for Tech, university, col
lege, West Point, Annapolis. 300 Spring
ANY SHADE, length or weight. Thin
braids remade and hair added. Special
attention given to . dyeing Work and
cptai.ty ir. ~, ■. imed guaranteed SPECIAL
PRICES offered for next thirty days. Mall
orders given prompt attention.
Phony Main 1769. 5-20-22
SERIOUS RESULTS come from trusses
improperly fitted John B. Daniel, at 34
Wall street, has an expert fitter and it
will cost you no more to have him fit you,
and it means insurance 6-24-19
The Many Spirella Styles.
INCLUDE a style for every woman; the
genuine skill of our corsetieres is mani
fested In selecting the model that be
comes you best. Company headquarters,
84 East North avenue. Ivy 6176. 5-28-36
.SATURDAY, JULY 20. 1912
f U llished A P artment s For Rent
FOUR rooms with bath, electrtrii?-
every modern convenience' 60 uA? n ’ 1
st. Atlanta phone 3936, Main 5077 dsor
three ; r °O"’ apartment;
bath, porch and other modern ran. n;
iences; rent S3O; immediate n, o n pn '
Call Main 5579-J, or apply at R° s : sess,r >n.
12, The Hayden,’ 175 SouVp^U l
F')R RENT—A desirable five-room~J7~~
ment; every room outsideee n "
front and back porches and lawn* V""
tween Jackson and the BoulevaU <’
quire 293 Forrest ave. ' - ,J. n ’
F 2 R R ENT—One four-room brick~"U~~-
heat, janitor service; very cheap ' r", ean '
Ivy 3698-J, y cneap. Phons
FIVE-ROOM flat; front and back
winiX ta s7 OUS heater; ?25 *ss
Ington. upper and lower flats o f?’
rooms each. Ivy 1930-J °- ,1°
FOR RENT—The new
at 83 Hurt street, known as the Bose?
bel consisting of three and four
each, with every known modern convJS
’’is,". ? »
- —— 5 '9-5?
Furnished Houses For Rent.
FOR RENT—Until September, six-room
furnished cottage; rent rea«i^ m
References required. Address'9o7 Grant
building. Ivy 1922-L,
Unfurnished Houses For Rent,
F 9 R ew ,
Inman Park' electric lights; a ;i n
provements. Box 213, care Georgian
FOR RENT-Unfurnished. Artistic p r ?
vate home; furnace and every conven
ience, freshly papered for tenant on‘ B
door from Peachtree; a location seldom
offered for rent; possession August 1 '
desired; more comfort and more room
a P artment - Price $75. Phone
4Zoo-jLj ivy.
397 Woodward, cottage, two rooms
frOR RENT—Five-room house, 9 JennTnJl
st $12.60; four-room house, 10 Jennlnes
st., il0.60; gas, water. Apply 268 tvS
ward ave. 7-17-31
I SEVEN ROOMS, S3O per month, 64
Georgia avenue. 7<7 West Peachtree
street, eight rooms. Harper Bros ivy
4286; 7-16-17
PHONE or write us for our rent bulletin 7
excellent houses all over the city at
moderate rates. Turman. Black A- Cal
houn, 203 Empire Bldg. 6-29-65
THE HOUSE you build, buy or
rent will not be a modern home
unless it is wired for electricity.
phone for our rent bulletin. Ralph <’>.
Cochran, 19 South Broad street. 4-1-21
Unfurnished Houses Wanted.
WANTED —By Aug. 20 or Sept. 1. 5 or fi
room house, with conveniences, garden
and chicken run. Will lease. Rent about
S2O. Suburban house preferred. Address
Box 213, care Georgian. 03-7-20
WANTED—To rent Sept. 1, brand new
seven-room house within Peeples, North
Ave. or Tenth St. school district. Jltist
be modern and reasonable. Information
desired at once. Mrs. S. P. U., Box 32.
city. 7-20-19
WANTED—To lease a six-room cottage,
with all conveniences; good location;
rent reasonable. Call Atlanta phone 6106-
F. 7-18-25
Office Space For Rent.
WANTED—Tenant for half office space,
furnished and phone, in Temple Court,
$6 per month. Address Office, care Geor
glan, or ring phone Main 3642-L. 66-7-20
FOR sll per month will share equally
office, telephone and towel service: can
also rent you desk and typewriter cheap.
902 Empire Life Bldg. 7-17-10
Fire-Proof Storage.
pianos. Office and warehouse. 239-241
Edgewood ave. Ivy 2037. John J. Wood
side Storage Company.
Stables For Rent.
STABLES for rent at 23 West Caln street;
four stalls: metal lined feed bins, elec
tric light and running water. Ivy - 2 J5', (
Public Baggage and Transfer.
iUcT~FURNITURUtransfer: we pack
and ship. Main 3657-J, A. 1319. 42 Mad;
Ison ave.
FOUND—The successful treatment
| skin, blood, chronic diseases and
! CER. Call and see Dr. Reynolds ’ om*
■ pany, 21 Inman building. Atlanta, Ga
| you can not call, write. K ~
. SCREENS—Wood fly screens, metal
' screens, hardwood floors, Venetian
metal weather strips furnished amwl;'.-
in the South. Write or phone W. H <m*
lawa.v, manager, 1403 Fourth h “
Bank building, Atlanta, Ga
[nothing but first-class work and
prompt service. When you are reaw
for this kind of work, phone I'■
Memorial bullding. a-b-J,
STILL ANOTHER big shipment of n*'«
wall papers. Prices right. All w'
guaranteed. Better be safe than
Barnett A- Gordon. 22 East Mitchell ’ ;
thirty seconds from Whitehall 4 _
breath in 36 to 48 hours. Red ■- m' ■
Ing in 15 to 20 days. Write foi P ; ’ r ;
,<irs. Collom Dropsv Remedy LontD"
512 Austell Building, Atlanta.
suited on all matters. Reading.-
and 50c. 17 East Mitchell street
GYPSY QUEEN can be consulted on
affairs of life. Corner Luckie ano
syth streets. •'*