Newspaper Page Text
Legal Notices.
‘ 1912.
P sold before the present court
for ('‘old city hall building." lo
• rhe northeast corner of South
Past Hunter streets, the said
laving been designated by the
r . .itnmissioners of roads and rev-
Fulton county as the court
... tlie city of Atlanta. Fulton
. rria, oh the first Tuesday in
, i'«l° at public outcry, within
> ours of sale, to the highest and
. r bidders, for cash, the whole,
' parts of the following described
1 t tract or parcel of land lying
. - in land lot ninety <9O >.
Tourteenth (14th) district of
~ unty, Georgia. commencing
nt ,ni the east side of Stew
. ..,, and where Lincoln ave-
L is with said Stewart avenue,
thence east along the north
. v ,,ln avenue three hundred and
Vl , 1335) feet, thence north one
nd sixty-two and flve T tenths
■ to a, ten (10) foot alley;
... .1 along the south side of said
--ewart avenue; thence south
, i-i side of Stewart avenue one
and sixty-two and five-tenths
to Lincoln avenue, the point
. rung' containing one and one
" , T'acres. Levied upon as the
,t John Powell to satisfy a fi.
■ from the city court of Atlanta
~ cf George Bros. vs. the said John
-hr tenant in possesion notified;
,':y pointed out by the plaintiff’s at-
- (TL.- same time and place the fol-
-i ribed property, to-wit; Com
iii the south side of Ware ave
.-rlv known as Church street,
"’q,. town of East Point, at the
' . .. . • corner of what was formerly
I ’fiews lot, which point is five hun
: ■ sixty-one (561) feet measured
rd Ware avenue from the center
tract of the Central of Georgia
mid seventy-five (To) feet west
‘‘ f t heretofore known as Conklin
< and running thence northwesterly
. Ware avenue seventy-five (751
. , n alley, sometimes known as the
road or Church street: thence
.',.*terlv along said alley three hun
'.-fl ninety-four (394) feet; thence
eighty-one (SI) feet to the lot
, a. ~f Matthews; thence northerly
~ . .aid Matthews lot three hundred
•nj""' tv-one (361) feet to the beginning
. :"ing the same property conveyed
I, \iarv T Smith by Mrs. Nancy H.
w i.\ deed dated February 29, 1892.
r ,' ; in book F-4. page 118. records of
rituntv. and being in land lots one
t and fifty-six (156) and one hun
, r, :. i fifty-seven (157). of the Four
-IP, ■ ij(tlii district of Fulton County,
(i, . . levied upon as the property of
ji . v,-o\ T. Smith to satisfy a fi. fa.
Is-ee-l w in the city court of Atlanta in
fao i ■ Mrs. Janet T. Fortson vs. the
f3k , y Mary T. Smith, a deed for the
,‘,‘i ■■ of levy and sale having been
ex" iitc-tl. filed and recorded as required the tenant in possession noti
,. Tie- property above described to be
...i.i the risk of the Railway Postal
Clerks' Investment association, who,
through and by its agent, Herbert S. Wil-
I, |,j,| off the same at sheriff’s sale
on the first Tuesday in July, 1912. and
failed and refused to comply- with the
ti-rms -fi sale after being requested so to
<io Notice of resale served on the said
bidder ;
Also, at the same time and piace, the
f..!l„ property, to-wit; All that tract
ur pat -el f land lying and being in the
tr,wr. city of College Park, being part
of 'atb 1 Im one hundred and sixty -two
i IF:', ir the Fourteenth (14th) district of
Fuh'ii <■' uni Georgia, and which is de
scr i i as follows: Beginning at a point
, i .-•.,•(»), side of Cambridge avenue
tv., and twenty (220) feet west
of tl . i east corner of block 99 (which
coH.rt also the southwest corner of
I',,- .c . ; ■ ai d Hemphill avenues, as per
College Park), said beginning
b- r;.: just one hundred and sixty
Hi" fu-'-l east of Maiden I,ane: thence
rum -miri: one hundred and ninety
H " i t to a ten (10) foot alley: thence
::;i ng the north side of said alley
eigi. feci to a point eighty (80> feet
ra.-< of Maiden Lane; thence north one
I:and ninety (190) feet to Cam
br.igo. thence east along south side Cam
bitilpo c venue eighty (80) feet to the be
gc.i ■ hit. Levied upon as the prop
i-i'G .<: L. (~ Bettis, deceased, now in
it..- :■■■.i g of .1. R. Carmichael, as the
’!• i: .-ator of the estate of said D G.
Het to satisfy a ti. fa. issued from the
"■;rt of Atlanta in favor of Mrs.
T Fortson vs. said J. R. Carmi-
• hi administrator aforesaid: a deed
■i <• purpose of levy and sale having
iitfi. executed, filed and recorded as re
aired b> law, and the tenant in posses
sbu. notified.
Also at the same time and place the
following described property, to wit: A
certain tract or parcel of land situated,
lying and being in the city of Atlanta,
part ot land lot fifty-three (53) of the
Fourteenth (14th) district of originally
Henry, now Fulton, county. Georgia, be
ing lot No. three (3) in the plat of the
property I). A. Beattie estate made for
-.V- beei-mber 4. 1900, commencing at a
l” 'nt on the west side of Frazer street
s:vy-nnn < 61) feet north of Fulton street
and running north thirty-two (32) feet;
thence west one hundred (100) feet;
thence south thirty-two (32) feet along
the east side of a ten (10) foot alley;
theni-f. east one hundred (100) feet to the
noin' of beginning. Property known as
ci' numbers 177 and 179 Frazer street,
levied upon as the property of E. L. Full
er to satisfy a fi. fa. Issued from the
suvi r:or court of Fulton county, In favor
of I :<we Investment Company versus said
I L Fuller, a deed for the purpose of
i vy and sale having been executed, filed
i o !■<■< ordod as required by law, the ten
isession notified.
- at the same time and place the
wing property, to wit: All that tract
'i ' I "f land situated, lying and being
‘/ Ji 'i J"i sixteen (16) of the Fourteenth
strict, and lot one (1) of the Sev-
' ■' 117th) district of originally Hen-
' " Fulton county, Georgia, and more
i". burly described as follows: Begin
'F ' He east side of Highland avenue
rinerl) Johnsons road) one hundred
" J'lncieen (119) feet south from the
t corner of Highland"and Bigham
• ■vu running thence east one hun
" '■(••’enty-five and three tenths
- fi 1 1 to a twelve (12) foot, alley;
" Hh :dong said alley fifty-six
thence west one hundred and
' u (157) feet to Highland avenue:
a northerly direction along
avenue sixty (60) feet to begin-
• nt being lot No, six (6) of the
\\orley subdivision for Bigham
sub' April, 1909, by Conn ft
at’..; recorded in the office of the
t the superior court, Fulton coun
, L ',a. in plat book 3, pages 128 and
' v,G, upon ag th e property of J. D.
' '. ' a and C. A. Fleming to satisfy a
from the city- court of At
lavor of Mrs. Emma Perlinski
1 i .1 D. Fleming and C. A.
: a deed for the purpose of levy been executed, filed and
i as required by law; the tenant
Mum notified.
in' umo time and place tljo foi
! i"’rty, to wit: AH that tract or
'"(1'1 lying and being in land
tuire.l and eleven (ill) of the
' 1 1 1th > district of Fulton coun
' described as follows: Com-
- at the southwest corner of Elm
' lunes avenue and extending
iue south side of Jones ave
■ (41) feet, more or less,
uh one hundred and twenty
more or less, to a division
nee east along said division
-uno 141) feet, more or less, to
(hence north along the west
ii street one hundred and twenty
; mure or less, to the beginning
' dwelling house on said lot
""n as 242 Jones avenue, levied
T’ property of J, tv. Harvll to
fa. issued from the city court
(n favor of Peter F. Clarke as
I-rod Stewart versus said J.
i deed for the purpose of levy
i avmg Deen executed, tiled and
required by law. the tenant
l il 1 . notified.
' | .-arne time and place the fol-
I'M'ty. io wit: All that tract or
alio lying and being in the citv
' and boing part of land lot 106.
;■"• "i.i'-emh district of Fulton
corgi,-i. described as follows:
■ n Hi- east side of Piedmont
' " l‘"int 305 feet south of the
.' "rner of Piedmont avenue and
' ■' 'hence south on the east
| '.m-nt avenue 60 feet; thence
' o ’t io a 10-foot ally; thence
along (be west side of said
thence west 1.75 feet to be
',’mi I »v ! ed on as the property
.'I.’ 1 " Keefer to satisfy a fi.
, j,:’ 1 '! 1 superior court of Ful-
'morgia, in favor of Jerome
Legal notices.
Moore versus the
Also at the same time and place the fol
described property, to wit: All
that tract or parcel of land lying and
being m land lot sixty-one (61) of the
Seventeenth' (17th) district of originally
Henry, now Fulton, county. Georgia, more
particularly described as follows: Begin
ning at a point on the south side of a
nfty (50) foot street known-as Smith ave
nue twenty (20) feet east of the west line
of said land lot, said beginning point be
ing at the southeast corner of Smith ave
nue and a forty (40) foot street and run
ning (hence east along the south side of
Smith avenue four hundred (400) feet:
thence south two hundred and forty (240)
feet, more or less, to the north line of
the property of Edna Bell Sims: thence
west along said line four hundred ( a ‘
feet to the above mentioned forty (40)
foot street; thence north along the. east
s ;, £ of said street two hundred and forty
(-40) feet, more or less, to point of be
ginning: said premises having thereon
four (4) houses. Also all that tract
or parcel of land lying and being
in land lot fifty-seven (57) of the
Seventeenth (17th) district of origi
nally Henry, now Fulton, county,
Georgia, being part of lot 16, in the sub
division of the Edwin Plaster estate, more
particularly described as follows: Begin
ning at the northwest corner of the
Boulevard and Center streets, and run
ning thence northeast along the west side
of the Boulevard two hundred and forty
(2401 feet: thence west two hundred and
twenty-six (226) feet to a stake; thence
south two hundred and twelve (212) feet
to the corner on Center street: thence
east along the north side of Center street
one hundred and fifty-three (153) feet to
the stake at the beginning point; con
taining one and nine-tenths (1.9) acres,
more or less, and having thereon four (4)
houses, levied upon as the property of
Emory S. Sims, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued
from the city court of Atlanta, in favor of
John G. Burckb.ardt versus the said
Emory S. Sims, a deed for the purpose of
levy and sale having been executed, filed
and recorded as i<-<:uired by law, tenant
in possession notified.
Also, at the same time and place, the
following described property, to-wit: All
that tract or parcel of land lying and
being in the city of Atlanta, being part
ci land lot 13. of the Fourteenth district
of originally Henry, now Fulton county,
Georgia, being lot 68, of the Asa G. Can
dler subdivision as per plat recorded in
pint book 2, page 90. Fulton county rec
ords, more particularly described as fol
low?: Beginning at a point on the south
side of Clay street (also known as Mani
gault street), forty (40) feet east of the
southeast corner of Clay and AVetherby
streets, running thence east along the
south side of Clay street forty (40) feet,
to lot No. 69 of said plat; thence south
along said lot one hundred and twenty
one (121) feet to a ten (10) foot alley:
thence west along the north side of said
alley forty (40) feet to lot No. 67: thence
north along said lot or.e hundred and
twenty-one (121) feet to point of begin
ning. Also all that tract or parcel of
land lying and being in the city of At
lanta. and in land lot 13. of the Four
teenth district of originally Henry, now
Fulton county, Georgia, being lot No. 67,
of the Asa G. Candler subdivision, as per
plat recorded in plat book 2. page 90,
of Fulton county records, more particu
larly described as follows: Beginning at
the southeast earner of Clay (also known
as street) and Wetherby street:
running thence along the south side of
Clay street forty (40) feet to lot 68, of
said plat; thence south along said lot
one hundred and twenty-one <121) feet,
to a ten <lOl foot, alley; thence west along
the north side of said alley forty (40) feet
to Wetherby street; thence north along
the east side of AVetherby street one
hundred and twenty-one (121) feet to the
beginning point Levied upon as the prop
erty of Kirkman Plumbing Company, G.
E. Kirkman and L. E. Kirkman, to satis
fy a ri fa Issued from the city court
of Atlanta, in favor of AV. T. Ashford vs.
said Kirkman Plumbing Company, G. B.
Kirkman and 1.. E. Kirkman, as makers,
and J. AV. Harvill and J. J. HarvHl as In
dorsers. a deed for the purpose of levy
and sale having been executed, filed and
recorded as required by law. the tenant
in possession notified.
Also"at~the same time and place, the
following described property, to-wit: All
that tract or parcel of land lying and be
ing in land lot No. 22, of the Fourteenth
114111'. district of originally Henry, now
Fulton county. Georgia, and described as
follows: Beginning on the south side of
Killian street, at a point one hundred
and forty (1.40) feet east of AA T aldo
street running thence east along the
spilth side of Killian street fifty (50) feet,
more or less, to a twenty (20) foot al
ley, thence southerly along the west side
of said allev ninety-one (91) feet, more
or less' thence westerly fifty (50) feet,
more or less; thence northerly ninety-one
(911 feet, to Killian street and point of
beginning, being part of lot No. 3, block
No 4 of the li. P. Grant plat, and known
as No 55 Killian street, according to the
present system of street numbers. Levied
upon as the property of At . F. Brandt and
G H Vaneev, Jr., to satisfy two execu
tions one of which is issued from the
superior court of Fulton county, Georgia,
in favor of Empire Investment Company
v? said AV. F. Brandt and said G. H. Yan
cey Jr , and one issued from the city
court of Atlanta in favor of Empire,ln
vestment Company vs. said G. H. Aan
cey, Jr., and W. F. Brandt, tenant in
possession notified.
Also at the same'time and place, the
following described property, to-wit: All
that tract or parcel of land situate, lying
and being in land lot 149. of the Seven
teenth district of Fulton county, Georgia,
and more particularly described as fol
lows: Commencing at a point on the
northeast corner of Hemphill avenue and
Fourteenth street, and fronting on sa(d
Hemphill avenue 210 feet, and extending
back of uniform width a distance of 681
feet Levied upon as the property of \A .
M Scott, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from
the city court, of Atlanta in favor of the
Georgia Brick Company vs. R. S. Morris,
as maker, and said AV. Al. Scott, as in
dorser. the tenant In possession notified.
Also at the same time and place, the fol
lowing described property, to-wit: All
that tract or parcel of land lying anil be
ing in tlie city of Atlanta. In land lot
one hundred and twelve (112). of the
Fourteenth district of originally- Henry,
now Fulton county, Georgia, more par
ticularly described as follows: Beginning
at the intersection of Howell Mill road
and Marietta street., at the northwest cor
ner, and running thence along the north
easterly side of Marietta street in a north
westerly direction five hundred and sev
enty five (575) feet, more or less, to the
south side of Exposition street; thence in
an easterly direction along the south side
of Exposition street three hundred and
sevntv-one '371) feet, more or less, to the
west side of Howell Mill road; thence
in an easterly direction along said How
ell Mill road two hundred and sixteen
(216) feet, to beginning point. Levied
upon as the property of Palmer Brick
Company to satisfy a fl. fa. issued from
the Fulton superior court in favor of A.
P Woodward, trustee, vs. said Palmer
Brick Company, the tenant in possession
Also at the same time and place, the fol
lowing described property, to-wit: All
that tract or parcel of land lying and be
ing in the citv of Atlanta and in land lot
one hundred 'and eleven (Hl), of the
Fourteenth (14th) district of Fulton coun
ty. Georgia: Commencing on the north
side of West Simpson street forty-three
(431 feet east front Griffin street; thence
east along the north side of Simpson
street fortv-three (43) feet: thence ex
tending back north same width as front
one hundred and twenty-two (122) feet:
being known as house No. 523 AA est Simp
son strbet. Levied upon as the property
of W. F. Booker to satisfy a fi. fa. is
sued from the city- court of Atlanta, in fa
vor of Mrs. J. B. Lovett vs. said W. F.
Booker, a deed for the purpose of levy and
sale having been executed, filed and re
corded as required by law. the tenant
in possession n--titled.
at the same time and place, the
following described personal property to
wit: An undivided one-fourth vested re
mainder interest in eighty < 80> shares of
stock of Lamar & Rankin Drug C ompany,
standing in the name of Henry J. Lamar
“estate,” by virtue of item “C the last
will and testament of Henry J. I-arnar,
this vested remainder interest being .sub
ject to the life estate of Mrs. Pannie L.
Rankin and to other restrictions and lim
itations as set out in the will of Henrj
.1. Lamar; also, an undivided one-fourth
vested remainder interest in seven (< i
shares of slock of "S. S, S. (Swifts
Svnhilitic Specific) standing in the name
of 'Henry J Lamar "estate" by virtue of
item of the last will and testament
of Henrv J. Lamer This vested remain
der Interest being subject to the life es
tate of Mrs. Fannie L Rankin ami to
other restrictions and limitations as set
out in 'he win of Henry J. Lamar, levied
upon as the property of Lamar Rankin
Legal Notices.
by virtue of a fi. fa. issued from the su
perior court of Fulton county in favor of
Massengale Advertising Agency versus
Lamar Rankin.
Also, at the same time and place, the
following personal property, to-wit: One
back bar counter, one novelty box, bottle
beer boxes, one ice box, four tables, fif
teen chairs, one cash register, one small
gas stove, lot cooking utensils, two elec
tric tans, one small showcase, one short
counter, beer glasses and all other glass
ware. the entire stock of merchandise
contained in the store room, together with
the plumbing, also the lease of the prem
ises transferred to the defendant by Louis
Bender, levied upon as the property’ of
from the superior court of Fulton county
\V. D. Meara to satisfy a fi. fa. issued
in favor of Gann & Garraux versus said
AV. D. Meara. This property being difficult
and expensive to transport, it will not be
brought to and exposed before the court
house door on the day of sale. Same cun
be examined by applying to No. 384 Ma
rietta street, Atlanta. Ga.
Also, at the 1 same time and place, the
following described property, to-wit:
One Bxl2 Chandler & Price press, one
12x18 Chandler & Price press, one 26-inch
Chandler & Price paper cutter, two pairs
of Bxl2 roller supporters, two pairs 12x18
roller supporters, one box of wood furni
ture, six triple cases, one dozen Hempie
quoins No, 1, one benzine can, about 75
feet brass rule, one and two-point; one
Boston staple bender, style A, 5,030 one
quarter-inch staples for same, one Ameri
can lead and rule cutter. No. 20. seven
pair of new cases, five-column job chases,
eight single column A B galleys, two
double column A B galleys, ten double
riveted zinc mailing galleys, two cap
news eases, one Horton mailer, 50 two
point brass dashes, about 300 pounds of
job type with quads for same, one lot of
lead slugs, levied upon as the property of
L. F. Shaffer, to satisfy a mortgage fi. fa.
issued from the superior court of Fulton
county in favor of J. T. and L. E. Arnall
versus said L. F. Shaffer. This property
being difficult and expensive to transport,
the same will not be brought to and ex
posed at the court house door er. the day
of sale. The same can be seen and ex
amined on the premises, 65K North Broad
street, Atlanta, Ga ; £t!ii_>’dl_floor).
Also, al the same time and place, the
following described personal property, to
wit: One Burrows adding machine, levied
upon as the- property of the defendant,
A. C. Minter, by’ virtue of a fi. fa. is
sued from the superior court of Fultcm
county, Georgia, in favor of Mrs. B. AV.
Stone versus the said A. C. Minter.
Also, at the same time and place, the
following property, to-wit: One dining
table, two bundles chairs, one box couch,
two boxes and contents, two bundles iron
bed rails, one crate pictures and folding
table, two bundles iron bed ends, one
waiter, one chiffonier, one sideboard, one
library table, one dresser, three rockers,
one music stand, two Morris chairs, one
crated mirror, one crated bookcase, one
roll rugs, two springs, one stepladder, one
kitchen table, four center tables, one hall
seat, one porch rocker, two mattresses,
three straight chairs, one biscuit board,
one ladies’ desk, two bookstands, one ped
estal, one bundle straight chairs, one
shirtwaist box, one carpet brush, one
screen, one carpet sweeper, one iron
board, three pillows, one sewing machine,
one bundle rugs, one crate table leaves,
one refrigerator, one barrel and contents,
one zinc bucket, one scrap basket, one
zinc tub. one small chest, one brass jar
dlnier, one piano, one piano stool, levied
upon as the property of H. Edward
Haynes to satisfy a distress warrant in
favor of J. W. Goldsmith versus said H.
Edward Haynes.
Also, at the same time and place, the
following described properly, to-wit: One
iron safe, two desks, two tables, one Un
derwood typewriter, one filing cabinet,
two sets cabinet maps, three chairs, one
billing register, one letter scale, one book
case, one dresser, one shaving stand, one
washstand, one iron bed and furnishings,
one table, one art square, five chairs, 60
gross empty' bottles, about 25,000 cartons,
one barrel of drugs, about 50 empty’
boxes, three cases prime. I advertising
matter, about 500 pounds wrapping paper,
800 posters. 10,000 advtrtisi'ig signs, one
pair piatforn: scales, two tab;e?, one cop
per k. ' tie, one Wright gas boiler, one lot
of bar; els. levied upon as the property of
T. P. Marshal', doing business as the
Baby Ease Company, by virtue of a fi. fa.
issued from the city court of Atlanta in
favor of The Peerless Pattern Company
versus the said T. I’. Marshall, doing busi
ness as the Baby Ease Company. This
property being difficult and expensive to
transport, will not l}e brought and exposed
for sale before the court house door, but
can be seen and inspected at No. 446
Edgewood avenue, Atlanta, Ga.
Also, at the same time and place, the
following described personal property, to
wit: Six glass showcases, three chairs,
four clocks, two tables, one desk, one
large mirror, two stools, one polishing
machine, one glass cabinet, one watch
rack, one heater, the interest of defendant
(D. T. Dunbar), amounting to about? 80
in one iron safe; also, a small stock of
jewelry, consisting of fobs, rings, pins
and silverware, and all other property
and goods of every character now' stored
or contained in No. 181 Auburn avenue,
city of Atlanta, levied upon by virtue of
a mortgage execution issued from the su
perior court of Fulton county, Georgia,
against D. T. Dunbar in favor of W. H.
("naiieellor versus the said D, T. Dunbar.
Also, at the same time and place, the
following described property. to-wit:
About 50,000 feet (estimated) of lumber,
consisting of framing, ceiling, flooring and
moulding, about 10,000 shingles, levied
upon as the property of E. S. Sims, doing
business as E. S. Sims Company, to sat
isfy a fl. fa. issued from the city court, of
Atlanta, in favor of Leatherbury & AVhite
versus said E. S. Sims, doing business as
E. S. Sims Company, this property being
difficult and expensive to transport it will
not be brought and exposed before the
court house door on the day of sale, the
same can be examined at the yards of
the said company. located at Brookwood,
Fulton county, Georgia, on the line of the
Southern Railway.
C. AV. MANGUM, Sheriff.
_____h F ; CE i VEß . s sale.
By virtue of a decree rendered in the
case of R. H. Hollingsworth vs, Sarah
A. Bradbupy ct al.. No. 18452. in Fulton
superior court, said decree rendered on the
18th day of June, 1912, and signed by his
honor. W. D. Ellis, judge of said court, I
will sell before the door of the court
house of Fulton county. Georgia, on the
first Tuesday in August. 1912, the follow
ing property, to-wit:
All that tract or parcel of land lying
and being in Fulton county, Georgia, be
ing part of land lot No. 13, in the Four
teenth district of said county, bounded as
follows: Commencing at a point on the
south side of Fair street, where Fair
street intersects the Soldiers Home car
line, and running about west along the
south side of Fair street 62% feet: thence
about south parallel -with said ear line, 200
feet; thence about east 62% feet, to said
Soldiers Home car line right-of-way;
thence north along the right-of-way of
said rar line 200 feet to beginning point,
being the house and lot occupied by Sarah
A. Bradbury at the date of her death,
and the same house and lot now in the
hands <>f the undersigned as receiver of
Sarah A. Bradbury.
This property will be sold within the le
gal hours of sale at said time and place
to the highest and best bidder for cash,
and the purchaser will obtain entire title
as directed In said decree.
This Ist day of July. 1912.
Receiver of Sarah A. Bradbury and of A.
Bradbury 7-6-3
To the Honorable Philip Cook, the Sec
retary of State of the State of Geor
This petition of the Inter-Southern In
surance Company represents as follows:
First--This company was duly Incorpo
rated under the general laws of the state
of Georgia by certificate issued by the
honorable secretary of state of the state of
Georgia, on the 19th day of September,
Second- Tills said company now desires
to change its name to Progressive Insur
ance Company.
A'our petitioner files with this petition
a certified abstract, of the minutes of the
said Inter-Southern Insurance Company,
showing that this application for amend
ment has been authorized by proper cor
porate action; it alleges and shows that
said action is authorized by the unani
mous vote of all of the directors of said
company, the said directors being the
same persons as were originally the in
corporators of said company, with the ex
ception of one person, who was elected
a director in the beginning, but has re
signed and his vacancy tilled, that said
company has not yet written any policies
of insurance and there are no policy
holders, and that said company being a
unit ml companj- flier*' is no capital stock.
Third—The authorization of this peti
tion was made at the corporate meeting
Legal Notices.
of said company, which was called for
this purpose.
Wherefore petitioner prays that its
name be changed from the Inter-Southern
insurance Company to the Progressive
insurance Company.
J. D. DABNEA', President.
Extract for the minutes of a meeting of
the board of directors of the Inter-South
ern Insurance Company held on July 2d.
The following resolution was then
unanimously adopted: "Resolved, That
the name ot the company be changed and
that president and secretary be author
ized for and on behalf of the company to
file such petition with the secretary of
state of Georgia as to effect such change
in name and make such change legal.
“Be it further resolved. That said offi
cer shall adopt, if possible, as the name
of the company the name 'Progressive
Insurance Company.' "
GEORGIA—FuIton County.
I, Edward Arnold, Secretary of the
Inter-Southern Insurance Company, here
by certify that the foregoing is a true
and correct copy of the extract from the
minutes of a meeting of the board of di
rectors of the Inter-Southern Insurance
Company, relative to action taken by said
board as to change of name of company,
and that said resolution, as shown, was
adopted by unanimous vote.
EDWARD ARNOLD, Secretary Inter-
Southern Insurance Company.
GEORGIA—FuIton County.
By virtue of an order of Fulton superior
court passed on the 25th day of June, 1912,
in the case of Mrs. S. J. Walker vs. Mrs.
Ada F. Noyes et. al., being ease No. 25625.
Fulton superior court, July term, 1912, the
undersigned as commissioners will sell
within the legal hours of sale on the first
Tuesday>in August, 1912, at the place of
public sale of Fulton county, Georgia, to
wit: before the court house on the corner
of Pryor and Hunter streets in the city of
Atlanta, the following described property,
to wit:
All that tract or parcel of land situate,
lying and being in the city of Atlanta, on
the north side of Mitchell street, between
Whitehall and Pryor streets, and being in
land lot seventy-seven (77) of the four
teenth (14th) district of said county, front
ing about seventy-one (71) feet on Mitch
ell street, of which twenty-five (25) feet
of frontage, or west side extends back a
uniform width a distance of severity-nine
(79) feet, and the remainder of said lands
extends back a depth of one hundred ana
eight (108) feet, and six (6) inches; said
lands being subject to an easement of an
alley way eight (8) feet wide and being
the same lands conveyed to B. F. Walker
by the two following deeds, to-wit:
(T) A certain deed made by A. W.
Mitchell, dated the 3d day of January,
1890, and recorded in the office of the clerk
of the superior court of Fulton county in
deed book P-3, folio 115.
(2) A certain deed made by Joseph F.
Gatins, dated the 15th day of March, 1890,
and recorded In the office of the clerk of
the superior court of Fulton county in
book Q-3. folio 168; it also being the same
lands shown on a plat attached to a deed
from F. S. and Jennie P. Powell to B. F.
Walker, recorded in office of the clerk of
the superior court of Fulton county. In
Book R-4. page 656.
Said sale will be for cash and at public
outcry and 10 per cent of the amount of
the bid shall be paid by the successful
bidder immediately upon the knocking
down to him of said property and the bal
ance of said purchase money shall be paid
immediately upon the consummation of
said sale. At 9:30 a. m., on Saturday,
August 10, 1912. at the court house In
Fulton county, said commissioners will
make a report of their actings and doings
in the premises to the judge of Fulton su
perior court then presiding'in the motion
division, at which time, or so soon there
after aa the parties at interest can be
heard, an order will be passed either con
firming or refusing to confirm such sale
so made by such commissioners. In the
event said sale be not confirmed, the 10
per cent paid by the successful bidder will
be returned immediately to said bidder.
In the event the said sale Is confirmed the
10 per cent so paid by the successful bid
der will be applied on the purchase price
and in the event the successful bidder,
upon the confirmation of said sale, fails
or neglects to pay the balance of the pur
chase price, the 10 per cent so paid will
be held by the commissioners to cover
the costs of a re-sale and to cover
any damages that may accrue by reason
of the fact that said successful bidder
failed and declined to consummate said
GEORGIA —Fulton County.
By virtue of the power contained in
the will of R. K. Giffen, deceased, I, Mrs.
Ella B. Giffen, executrix of the last will
and testament of said R. K. Giffen, de
ceased. will on the first Tuesday in Au
gust. 1912, before the court house door
of Fulton county, Georgia, during the
legal hours of sale, put up and expose for
sale to the highest bidder the one-third
undivided interest of K. K. Giffen, de
ceased, In the following described proper
ty, upon the following terms: $3,000
cash, and balance payable one year after
date, with interest at 7 per cent.
Tract No. 1. All that tract or parcel
of land situate, lying and being in the
southeast corner of land lot No. 5, of the
Seventeenth district of originally De-
Kalb, now Fulton county, Georgia, and
being more particularly described as fol
lows: Beginning at the southeast corner
ot land lot 5. in said district, and run
ning north along the east line of said
lot. the same being the boundary line
between DeKalb and Fulton counties,
1,200 feet to the land of Mr. Veach; thence
a little north of west, along the south
line of the Veach land 1,300 feet to the
land of Mrs. Minnie S. Bearse; thence
south along the east line of the land of
Mrs. Minnie S. Bearse 1,220 feet," to the
original south line of said land lot 5;
thence east along said south line 1,300
feet, to the beginning point.
Tract No. 2. All that tract or parcel
of land situate, lying and being in the
northeast corner of land lot 4, of the Sev
enteenth district of originally DeKalb,
now Fulton county, Georgia, and being
more particularly described as follows.:
Beginning at the northeast corner of said
lot 4, and running west along the north
line of said lot 1,300 feet, to the land of
Mrs. Minnie S. Bearse; thence south along
the east line of the land of Mrs. Minnie
S. Bearse 1,520 feet; thence east 1,300
feet to the original east line of said land
lot; thence north along the original east
line, the same being the boundary line
between DeKalb and Fulton counties,
1,520 feet to the beginning point, said
tracts of land No. 1 and No. 2, above de
scribed, containing 76.68 acres.
Tract No. 3. All that tract or parcel
of land situate, lying and being in the
southeast corner of land lot No. 4, of
the Seventeenth district of originally De-
Kalb, now Fulton county. Georgia, and
being more particularly described as fol
lows: Beginning at the southeast corner
of land lot 4, of said district, and run
ning north along the east line of said land
lot 4, the same being the boundary line
between DeKalb and Fulton counties, 1.520
feet to the south line of tract No. 2, here
inabove described; thence west along the
south line of said tract No. 2 950 feet,
to the land of Mrs. Minnie S. Bearse;
thence south along the east line of Mrs.
Minnie S. Bearse 1,520 feet to the original
south line of said land lot 4; thence east
along the south line of said lot 4. 950 feet,
to the beginning point; containing 33.14
Tract No. 4. A certain triangular
shaped tract of land containing five-sixths
of an acre, conveyed by Mrs. Minnie S.
Bearse to Mrs. Mary E. Buchanan (nee
Smith) by deed dated December 6, 1906.
and recorded in deed book 21.1, page 4,
on tho 10th day of December. 1906, in
tlie office of the clerk of the superior
court of Fulton county, Georgia, said tract
of land being a part of land lot No. 5 of
the Seventeenth district of originally De-
Kalb, now Fulton county, Georgia, to
which deed reference Is here made: said
tract of land fronting 420 feet on said
Cheshire Bridge road; the south line of
said tract extending back oast from said
road 177 feet to the west 11; •? of tract No.
1 above described, and the east line of
said tract extends from said south lino
northwardly along the west lino of said
tract No. 1 above described to said Chesh
ire Bridge road, to a point 80 feet, more or
less, south of the rock corher of Veach,
Beam and Smith, on the west side of
said Cheshire- Bridge road.
Executrix of the Last Will and Testament
of R K. Giffen, Deceased
J, CALEB CLARKE, Attorney 7-13-2
GEORGIA Fulton County.
To the Honorable Philip Cook, Secretary
of State for the State of Georgia:
The petition of G. T. Cash, residing at
Atlanta, Ga.; B. H. Bradley, residing ai
Atlanta, Ga.; N. A. Dodgen, residing at
Atlanta, Ga : C. H. Shaft, residing at At-
Legal Notices.
lanta, Ga.. and A. Murphy, residing at
Atlanta, Ga.. respectfully shows:
They desire for themselves, their asso
ciates and successors to be incorporated
under the name of "The American As
surance Companj’," for the purpose of
carrying on the business of industrial life,
accident and health insurance, the stipu
lated premium, advance assessments or
dues for which are to be regularly pay
able and collectable weekly or bi-weekly,
and the policies or benefit certificates for
which are to be for sums of not more
than five hundred dollars on a single life,
and which policies or benefit certificates
may provide a weekly benefit for disabil
ity caused by accidental injury or illness,
not greater than twenty dollars per week.
Said corporation is to have no capital
stock. The principal offices of said com
pany are to he located at Atlanta. Fulton
county, Georgia, but the privilege Is
prayed to establish branch offices and
transact business at other points in this
state anil elsewhere.
Petitioners do intend in good faith to
go forward without delay to organize said
company. They pray that they may be
incorporated, under the name aforemen
tioned, under tlie laws of Georgia, with
all the rights, powers and privileges ac
corded by said laws to an insurance com
pany organized upon the plan and for the
purpose herein above stated.
STATE OF GEORGIA- Fulton County.
A. L. Meeks vs, Laura Meeks —Superior
Court —September Term. 1912—T0 Laura
Meeks. Greeting By order of court, you
are hereby notified that on the 29th day
of June, 1912, A. L. Meeks filed suit
against you for divorce, returnable to the
September term, 1912, of said court. You
are hereby required to be and appear at
the September term, 1912. of said court,
to be held on the first Monday in Sep
tember, 1912, then and there to answer
the plaintiff's complaint. Witness the
Hon. J. T. J’endleton. judge of said court,
this June 29, 1912.
Wil! be sold before the court house door
in the city of Atlanta, the first Tuesday
in August, 1912, within the legal hours of
sale, the following property, to-wit:
Same being seized by myself as tax col
lector of Fulton county, as property of
parties named below, for their state and
county taxes for the years specified:
At the same time and place the follow
ing described property, to-wit:
Ail that tract or parcel of land lying and
being in land lot 50, of the Fourteenth
district of originally Fayette, now Ful
ton, county. Georgia, and more particu
larly described as follows: Beginning at
the northeast corner of said land lot and
running 'hence west 900 feet, more or
less, to land of T. O. Hathcock, thence
south 2,227 feet, more or less, to property
of the estate of W. C. Dollar, thence east
900 feet, more or less, to east line of said
land lot. and thence north along said land
lot line to beginning point, containing 50
acres, more or less, levied on as the prop
erty of J. W. Dollar, to satisfy a fl. fa. In
favor of the state and county' against said
lot and against said J. W. Dollar for state
and county tax for 1.910.
Also, at the same time and placed the
following described property, to-wit: All
that tract or parcel of land lying and
being in the city of East Point, Ga., in
land lot 131 of the Fourteenth district of
Fulton county, Georgia, and more partic
ularly described as follows: Beginning at
a point on the east side of Byard street,
200 feet east of the southeast corner of
Byard and Calhoun streets and running
thence south along the east side of Byard
street 50 feet, more or less, thence east
230 feet, more or less, thence north 50
feet, more or less, thence west 230 feet,
more or less, to beginning point, adjoining
Jones, levied upon as the property of P.
H. Head, to satisfy a fl. fa. in favor of the
state and county against said lot and
said P. 11. Head for his state and county
tax for 1910,
Also, at the same time and place, the
following described property, to-wit: A
certain city lot in the city of College
Park, in land lot 162 of the Fourteenth
district of Fulton county, Georgia, being
city block No. 99, part of lot No. 6. Be
ginning 95 feet east from the corner of
Maiden Lane and West Cambridge ave
nue. running east 60 feet to a line of E.
D. Barrett, thence south 160 feet, thence
west. 60 feet to line of Mary D. Agnew,
thence north along said line 160 feet to
the beginning point, being improved prop
erty in the city of College Park, adjoining
Barrett, levied on as the property of J. T.
Henley to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of the
state and county against said lot and
against said .1. T. Henley for state and
county taxes for the year 1910,
Also, at same time and place, the fol
lowing described property, to-wit: A cer
tain city lot In the city of College Park,
city lot 192, lot in land lot 163, of the
Fourteenth district of Fulton county,
Georgia, beginning 150 feet east of Low
street at DeFoor's east corner and run
ning east 100 feet to DeFoor’s land, thence
south 150 feet, thence 100 feet, to De-
Foor's land, thence north along DeFoor's
line to the beginning point, the same
being improved property in the citv of
College Park adjoining DeFoor, levied on
as the property of Alfred and Will ('.
Jarvis to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of the
state and county against said lot and
against said Alfred and Will C. Jarvis for
state and county taxes for the year 1910.
Also, at the same time and place, the
following described property, to-wit: AU
that tract or parcel of land lying and
being in the city of East Point, Ga..
in land lot 163 of the Fourteenth district
of Fulton county. Georgia, and more par
ticularly described as follows: Beginning
at a point on the north side of Vesta
avenue, 80 feet east of the northeast cor
ner of Lowe and Vesta avenues and run
ning thence easterly along the north side
of Vesta avenue 110 feet, more or less,
thence north 212 feet, more or less, thence
west 110 feet, more or less, thence south
212 feet, more or less, to beginning point,
adjoining Bell, levied on as the property
of N. F. and J. A. McCrory, to satisfy a
ti fa. in favor of the state and county
against, said lot and said N, F. and J. A.
McCrory for state and county tax for
Also, at the same time and place, the
following described property, to-wit: All
that tract of land lying and being in the
city of East Point, Ga., in land lot 163
of the Fourteenth district of Fulton
county, Georgia, and more particularly
described as follows: Beginning at a
point on the east side of Lowe avenue, 150
feet south of the southeast corner of
Lowe avenue and Center street anti run
ning thence south along the east side of
Lowe avenue 75 feet, more or less, thence
east 190 feet, more or less, thence north 75
feet, more or less, thence west 190 feet,
more or less, to beginning point, adjoin
ing Frazier, levied on as the property of
T. E. Matthews, to satisfy a fi. fa. in fa
vor of the state and county against said
lot and against said ’l’, l-l Matthews for
state and county tax for 1910.
Also, at same time ami place, the fol
lowlng described property, to-wlt: A cer
tain city lot in the city of Atlanta, Ward
3, land lot 43, in tho Fourteenth district
of Fulton county, Georgia, fronting 45
feet on the south side of Georgia avenue
to Pavilion, between Grant strict and
Cherokee avenue, ami running bad: 160
feet, more or less, In a southerly direc
tion, the house on said lot known as No.
429, on said street, according to street
numbers, the same being improved prop
erty in the city of Atlanta, adjoining
Hudgens, levied on as the property of
Mrs. Cattle Blount, to satisfy a (I. fa. in
favor of the state and county against
said let and against said Mrs. Cattie
Blount for state and county tax for the
year 1"1'(.
Also, at same time and place, the fol
lowing described property, to-wit: A cer
tain < ity lot in the city of Atlanta, Ward
4, lard lot 47. in the Fourteenth district
of Fulton county. Georgia, fronting 59
feet on the northwest corner of Morgan
and Arnold streets, and running back 100
feet, more or less, in a northwesterly di
rection. the house on said lot known as
No. 60-64 on said street, according to street
numbers, the same being improved prop
erty in the city of Atlanta, adjoining
parks, levied on as the property of" W. B.
Blount, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of the
state and county against said lot and
against said W B. Blount for state and
county tux for the venr I .>lO.
Also, at same time and place the follow
ing described property, to-wit: A cer
tain city lot in the city of Atlanta. Ward
I. land lot 77, in the Fourteenth district
of Fulton county. Georgia, fronting 50
feet on the east side of Madison avenue,
between Hunter ami llabarna streets,
Legal Notices.
and running back 200 feet, more or less,
in an easterly direction, the house on said
lot khown as No. 10-12, on said street,
according to street numbers, the same
being improved property in the city of
Atlanta, adjoining Roberts, levied on as
the property of J. C. Bridger, trustee, to
satisfy a fi, fa. in favor of the state and
county against said lot and against said
J. ('. Bridger, trustee, for state and coun
ty tax for the year 1910.
~Arfso, at same time and place/The foi
lowing described property, to-wit: A cer
tain city lot in the city of Atlanta. Ward
3. land lot 45, in the Fourteenth' district
of Fulton county, Georgia, fronting 50
feet on the northwest corner of Hunter |
and Oakland, and running back 100 feet,
more or less, in a northwesterly direction,
the house on said lot known as No. 406
on said street, according to street num
bers, the same being improved property
in the city ot' Atlanta, adjoining Medlock,
levied on as the property of Mrs. E. K.
Bridger, to satisfy a ti. fa. in favor of the
state and county against said lot ami
against said Mrs. E. K. Bridger, for state
and county tax for the year 1910.
Also at same time and place the follow
ing described property, to wit: A certain
city lot in the city of College Park in
Block 58, east half of lot No. 1, beginning
50 feet east of the southeast corner of
East Mercer avenue and Jackson streets,
running thence east 50 feet, thence south
1.42% feet, thence west 50 feet, thence
north 142% feet to beginning point, ad
joining the property of J. W. Taylor.
Levied on as tlie property of C. F. Merck
to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of the state
and county against said lot and against
said C. F. Merck for state and county
taxes for the year 1910.
Also at tlie same time and place the
following described property, to wit; All
that tract or parcel of land lying and be
ing in Fulton county, Georgia, and being
lots Nos. 201, 202. 203. 204, 205, 206, 207,
209, 210, 119. 1 18, 502, 503, 504, 506, 507.
516, 515, 514, 513, 510, 509, according to
plat of northwest Atlanta on file in the
clerk's office of Fulton county, Georgia,
book 3, pages 82 and 83, levied on as Hie
property of Mrs. O. L. Reed to satisfy a
ti. fa. in favor of the state and county
against said lot and said Mrs. O. L. Reed
for state and county taxes for year 1910.
Also at the same time and place the
following described property, to wit: All
that tract or parcel of land lying and be
ing in the city of East Point, Ga., in land
lot 158 of the Fourteenth district of Ful
ton countv Georgia, and more particu
larly described as follows: Beginning on
tlie northwest corner of East Point ave
nue and Center street and running thence
along the west side of East Point avenue
75 feet more or less; thence west 140 feet;
thence south 75 feet, _more or less;
thence east along the north side of
Center street 1.40 feet to beginning
point, adjoining Zellner. Levied on as
the property of J. W. Roberts to satisfy a
fi. fa. against said lot and against said
.1. W. Roberts for state and county taxes
for 1910.
Also at same time and place the fol
lowing described property, to wit: A cer
tain city lot in the city of Atlanta, Ward
3, land lot 41, In the Fourteenth district . f
Fulton county. Georgia, fronting 100 feet
on the south side of McDonough to
Railway street, between railroad and city
limits, and running back 450 feet, more or
less, in a southerly direction, the house
on said lot known as No. ... on said
street according to street numbers, tlie
same being property in the city of At
lanta adjoining Bryan. Levied on as the
property of J. R. Slater to satisfy a fl. fa.
In favor of the state and county against
said lot and against said J. R. Slater for
state and county taxes for the year 1910.
Also at the”same time and place the
following described property, to wit: A
certain city lot in the city of College
Park, described as follows: Being lot
29, in block 1. of the Rhodes subdivision,
fronting 50 feet on south side of Columbia
avenue, and running back 167 feet,
bounded on the west by the land of Hagar
Brooks, on the east by land of A. 8.
Rhodes, being a lot 50x167 feet, in the
cit'- of College Park. Levied on ns tho
property of Martha Speer to satisfy a fi.
fa. tn favor of the state and county
against said lot and against said Martha
Speer for state and county taxes for the
year 1910.
Also a? the same time and place the fol
lowing described property, io wit: A cer
tain citv lot In the city of College Park, lots
1 2 and 3. citv block 192. in land lot 163
in the Fourteenth district, beginning at
tlie southwest corner of Vesta avenue and
Connally street, and running thence
west along the south side of Vesta ave
nue 195 feet to (he East Point Land Com
panv; thence south 205 feet; thence east
195 feet to Connally street; thence north
along west side of Connally street to point
of beginning, the same being improved
propertv in the city of College Park, ad
joining'East Point Land Company, levied
on as the property of C. D. Wright to
satisfy a fl. fa. in favor of tho state and
county against said lot and against said
C. D. ’.Wright for state and county taxes
for the year_l9lo.
All tliat tract or parcel of land lying and
being in the city of East Point, in land
lot 156 of the Fourteenth district of Ful
ton county. Georgia, beginning on (he
west side of Cheney street, 147 feet south
of Chattahoochee avenue, ami running
thence south, along the west side of I
Chenev street, 75 feet to Cue club prop
erty- thence westerly 322 feet, more or
less-’thence northerly 75 feet, more or less;
thence easterlv 300 feet more or less, to
point of beginning. levied upon as the
property of L. N. Brown to satisfy a fl.
fa for state and county (ax for the year
1907 Sold for benefit of A. P. Herrington,
transferee. a p „. EWART
Tax Collector and ex-Officio Sheriff, Ful
ton County. Georgia.
MEXICO CITY, July 20.—An earth
quake at Guadalajara has clone heavy
damage, according to advices received
here today. The quake shook down a
number of buildings and one street in
the center of the city is filled with de
bris. No loss of life has been reported,
but hundreds are said to have been
made homeless.
In all 24 shocks were felt. The tele
graph office was badly damaged, delay
ing reports of the accident. The city
hospital was also damaged.
The shocks extended through twelve
hours. The city has been thrown into
a panic and thousands are fleeing.
Trains leaving the city are crowded
with refugees.
Thousands, fearing recurrence of the
disturbance, have left their homes and
taking part of their household goods
with them are camped outside the city
RICHMOND, VA., July 20.—T. Gar
nett Tabb, of the realty firm of Blair &
Tabb, broke all records at the Hermi
tage golf links when lie killed a spar
row on the wing. He was driving a
ball for the sixth hole when it collided
with an English sparrow, breaking the
bird’s back.
Mr. Tabb is having his feathered tro
phy stuffed and mounted today H<
had some trouble convincing his friends
of his wonderful feat until the caddy
came up ami swore it was not a tisli
story, like the one recently sent out of
New England to the effect that a ball
driven by a golfer killed a trout in a
nearby stream.
R. C. Hale, a prominent grocer of this
city, dropped dead today of heart fail
ure at his honm in Hill City, a suburb
of Chattanooga. lie leaves a wife and
(Seventh Sunday after Trinity, July 21.)
CATHEDRAL —Corner Washington and
Huntei; streets. Very Rev. C. T. A.
Pise, D. D., dean. 7:30 a. m., holy com
munion; 11 a. m., litany, sermon and holy
communion, 5 p. m.. evening prayer;
Sunday school, 9:45; other days, Tuesday.
4 p. m., evening prayer; Wednesday and
’■'riday, 10:30 a. m.; morning prayer and
litany: Thursday, St. James day; 7:30
a. m., holy communion; 10:30 a. m., morn
ing prayer.
ST. LUK E’S—Peachtree, between Currier
and Pine streets. Rev. C. B. Wilmer,
D. D , rector. 7:30 a. m., holy commu
nion: 11 a. m.. morning prayer and ser
mon by the Rev. R. R. Claiborne, of
Christ church, Montgomery, Ala., offi
ciating as "Locum tenens. No evening
service. Summer Sunday school at 10
a. m.
INCARNATION 212 Lee street, near
Gordon street, West End. 9:45 a. m..
Sunday school; 10 a. m., men’s Bible
class; It a. in., morning prayer and ser
mon; 8 p. m., evening prayer and ser
in onth e_lay reader officiating.
ALL SAINTS—Corner North avenue and
AVest Peachtree street. Rev. W. W.
Memmlnger rector. Holy communion.
7:30 a. m.; Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.;
morning prayer and sermon, 11 a. m.; no
evening prayer. Thursday. St. James'
diijq_holy communion. 10 a. nr
EPIPHANY—Corner Moreland and Eu
clid avenues, Inman Park. Rev. Rus
sell K. Smith rector. It a. nr. morning
prayer and sermon; no evening prayer;
Sunday school, 9:30.
Holy ('(IMPORTER —AtIanta avenue
and Pulliam street. Rev. John D. Wing.
Jr., rector. 7:30 a. nr. holy communion:
9:30 a. nr, Sunday school; 8 p. nr, prayer
and sermon. Rev. Russell K. Smith offi
HOLY TRINITY-Decatur. Rev. Vincent
C. Lacey, vicar. Sunday school at 9:45;
holy communion and sermon, 11 a. m.;
prayer and sermon, 8 p. nr
ST. PAULS—East Point. Rev. M. G‘
Ledford, vicar. Morning prayer and
sermon. 11 by the lay reader.
CHRIST CHURCH-Hapeville. Rev. M
G. Ledford vicar. Holy communion and
sermon, 11 a. nr
ST. TIMOTHYS—South Kirkwood. Rev.
Russell K. Smith vicar. Sunday school,
4 p. nr; evening prayer and sermon, 5.
and Kent streets. Sunday school, 9:3')
a. nr; evening prayer and sermon, 8
ST. JOHNS—College Park. Rev. C. K.
Weller priest. Sunday school, 9:45 a.
nr; holy communion, 7:30 am.; morning
prayer, litany and sermon, Ila. rn.
ST. JOHNS—Norcross. Rev. R. F. De-
Belle in charge. Sunday school, 4 p. tn.;
evening prayer and sermon, 5:30 by the
lay reader.
Gate City mills. Rev. C. K. Weller in
charge. Sunday school. 9 a. nr; evening
prayer and sermon, 7:30 p, m.
ST. PAULS (Colored) —Auburn avenue.
near Fort street. Rev. A. E. Day vicar.
Holy communion, 8.30 p nr; morning
prayer and sermon. 11 a. m.; evening
prayer, 5 p. nr; no Wednesday evening
service; Sunday school, 9:30.
FIRST —Services nt 11 a. m. and 8 p. nr
S. S. 9:30 a. m.
BI’CKHEAD- S, S. at 3:30 p. nr
HARRIS STREET—S. S„ 9:45 a. m.:
preaching. 11 a. nr; sacret concert,
8 p. rn.
BARNEI'T Preaching, fl a? m.
and 8 p, nr; S. S.. 9:30 a. m.
north avenue 11 a. m.
and 8 p. nr: S. S., 9:30 a. m.
OAIiLANDY7TY—Preach inUaTiT a 'nr
and 7:45 p. m. S. S. 9:30 a. rn.
a. m. Preaching 11 a. rn. and 8 p. nr
I’reach in gm iirning and night.
JACKSON HILL -Sermon 11 a. nr and
8 n. nr S. S, 9:30 a. m.
SOUTH SIDE- Preaching morning and
evening. S. 5._9:30 a. m.
at 11 a. m.
TRlNlTY—Services at 11 a. m. end 11 p. nr
S. S. 9:30 a. nr
I >ARK STREET - ITeaching at 11 a. nr
and 8 p. 111. S. S. 9:30 a. m.
ST. MARK—Preaching 11 a. m. No serv-
Ice at night. S. S. 9:45 a. m.
TEMPLE—-S. S. 9:30 a? mj ordination of
deacons 11 a. nr; preaching 7:45 p, nr
WEST END Preaching morning and
evening. S. S. 9:30 a. nr
GORDON'STREET'-Services 11 a. m. and
_ 8 s s - 9:80 ln -
EAST ATLANTA—Morning service at 6
o'clock. S. S. 9:30 a. m. Preaching
II a. nr and 8 p, nr
at St. Paul Methodist church.
CHRISTIAN College Park. Services, 10
a. m.
Lutheran)—Preaching 11 a. m. and 8
p. nr S. S. 9:30 a. m.
Another chanter in the feudal condi
tions prevailing In Lowndes county,
Alabama, was enacted today when Fed
eral Judge Jones issued an order in
structing the United States marshal t<j
detail two denudes or discreet agents to
protect Herman Hrabowski. a witness
before the Federal grand jury, to and
from his home at Benton. Ala., when
he comes here next week to testify.
His life has been threatened if he ap
pears before the Federal inquisitors.
Hrabowski is a constable in Lowndes
county and is one of the figures in the
tense factional feeling of that section,
which resulted in the assassination
here Tuesday night of Sloan Rowan, 'a
Benton merchant.
SAVANNAH, GA.. July 20.—Pro
ceedings have been instituted in the
superior court whereby it is sought to
have the purchase of $70,000 worth of
automobile tire apparatus by the city
declared Illegal and injunctions grant
ed restraining the mayor and aidermen
from fulfilling the terms of the con
tract forth ■ apparatus.
Injunctions are also asked to prevent
the Georgia Supply Company, of Sa
vannah. and the American LaFrance
Fire Engine Company from attempt
ing to collect any of the notes issued
by the city in connection with this pur
chase. It is also asked that the two
companies named be compelled to pay
back to the city any sums already paid
them on the purchases.
The suit is brought by T. B. Grocen
and George H. Richter.
GREENVILLE, S. C., July 20.—After
an all-night session the board of trus
tees of Chicora (Presbyterian) college
decided today by a vote of 15 to 9
against the removal of the college from
this city. The town of Laurens was
the opponent of Greenville.